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Realistic or Modern Fight For This Love

She shook her head. “I’m good. I was gonna go take a walk around down by the beach this morning. Have fun babe.” She smiled and kissed him quickly then got up and went to start getting herself sorted for the day.
James frowned and waited for him to come out then went through his warmup with him, getting some water with Jon and frowned seeing the guy that carmen had been with yesterday come in. “Wow. Sure know how to pick good places huh?” He chuckled a little then frowned more seeing his knuckles were all bloodied. They hadn’t been like that last night at the restaurant.
Jon glances over at the guy and frowns a little. He sighs and goes back to punching the bag, a little harder now. He sighs and runs a hand through his hair.
Arlo stepped over to them after a while and smirked some standing taller than Jon. “I hear you’re my opponent tomorrow for the tournament.... so let me steal that title from you like I stole your pussy.” He spat at him.
Jon clenches his jaw and glares at him. “You better watch your fucking mouth!” He snaps at him, ready to swing. He wasn’t gonna let him talk about her so degrading.
James got in between them trying to get Jon to stop listening while Arlo continued egging him on until eventually James managed to get him far away from the guy. “Let’s go find another gym.” He muttered and motioned for Jon to go get his bags. He was starting to see that the happy woman that FaceTimed him and Connie once a week had to be much more faking than they’d thought.
Jon frowns and sighs softly. He grabs his stuff and quickly leave with him. He was fuming and he couldn’t wait to get the guy in the ring.
Carmen frowned when Arlo got back home and she was nursing the fresh wounds from last night. “Good gym session?” She asked him quietly.

Tori smiled when she went to meet them for lunch and sat down next to Jon happily “Hey, sorry I got lost on the way.” She smiled at Jon and pecked his cheek.
Arlo shrugs a little and sits on the couch. “Until your little friend wanted to start stuff.” He grumbles.

Jon smiles and kisses her cheek softly. “Glad you found us.” He murmurd softly and holds her close. “Call me next time though. Don’t want you wondering around.”
She smiled shaking her head some. “I’m okay, I used to live in New York. You ready for tomorrow night?” She asked him quietly and reached into her bag pulling out a bottle of water and watching him.

Carmen frowned watching him some. “He’s my ex husband Arlo what the hell did you say to him? He doesn’t start anything. What did you provoke him with?”
Jon smiles a little at her and nods. “Yeah I am. Can’t wait to knock that dick on his ass.” He grumbles and crosses his arms.

Arlo glares at her. “I think you better watch that tone.” He snaps at her and watches her.
She glared at him. She hadn’t yet lost all of her fight and when it was the idea of Jon being dragged into the mess her life had become she felt extremely protective.

Tori smiled and placed his hand on her bump where she felt the baby kicking her.
Arlo glares a time her. “I’d fix that look if I were you.” He warns her.

Jon smiles and rubs her belly softly. “Gonna come out a fighter.” He chuckles softly.
She smiled and nodded watching him. “Just like their daddy.” She murmured gently to him.

Carmen grit her teeth and stepped up to him. “Go on then. You put me in the hospital then. You do that and then you watch me press charges against your ass whether you still got friends on the force or not.” She spat. “Stay away from Jon outside the ring. That man has been through enough and I don’t need to be ruining his life again.”
Jon smiles and kisses her head softly. He wraps an arm around her shoulders.

Arlo glares at her and stands up. He grabs her harshly and slams her against the wall. “Who do you think you’re taking to bitch!” He screams at her and slaps her.
She grit her teeth and spat blood out onto the floor. “He’s gonna beat your ass in the ring anyway so why should I bo-“ She was cut off when she got a fist to the side of her head and it knocked her out, bleeding from the gash in her back where he’d shoved her into a picture frame.

Tori sat quietly with them until James got a phone call and he excused himself from dinner putting cash on the table and left.
Jon frowns and watches James. “What’s wrong?” He calls after him but doesn’t get a response. He stands up and watches him rush off. “What the hell?”
She frowned some and gently pulled on his hand. “Leave him to it he usually has good reason for walking off like that.” She murmured and thanked the waitress that brought her another water. “So... when this baby gets here... do you think we should be moved in together? And if so... yours or mine?” She asked him tryin to take his mind off things.
Jon frowns and sits back down. He sighs and wraps an arm around her. “I don’t know.” He murmurs and looks down. He was hoping Connie was okay.
She nodded and just watched him, smiling when she felt them moving and she helped him placed his hand over where she could feel a little foot or a hand pushing against her tummy.
Jon glances at her and rubs her stomach softly for a minute before pulling away. He pulls his phone out and texts James to get some answers. He soon pays their bill and heads out with her.
James got back to the hotel a lot later that evening, assuring Jon everything was alright and left them to have a peaceful night while he went back to his room and rang Connie to let her know it might be a good idea to come to Miami right now. That Carmen was in a really bad way. He managed to keep Jon in the dark about it all through the next day, just glad to see him enjoying a bit of time with Tori before the match and by the time it got to the tournament he was in his game headspace enough he didn’t ask James too many questions. “Right. You go out there. You treat him like any other guy you’ve fought against.” He muttered and got him hyped up enough until taking him out to the ring. One scan of the crowd would tell him that Carmen wasn’t there.
Jon nods a little and gets in the ring. He wasn’t too focused on the crowd. He couldn’t afford to be distracted. He was ready to take this guy down. He had been waiting since he met him to give him a beat down.
Tori was at the hotel on James suggestion as being pregnant those crowds weren’t the best environment but he had other motives too. The fight lasted longer than he’d been expecting but before it took too much time up Jon knocked him down and was officially declared the winner of that round and would be moving onto the first round of the finals. “Jon... you need to come with me.” He told him quietly taking his phone away so he couldn’t call Tori.

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