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Fandom Fight for Control [closed]

Reveille meant to speak first, once Ansiv came into sight, but it was Kylo who did, addressing her brother who looked quite irritated. Her brother was no idiot. When he wheeled around to look at them, and saw her – that flash of anger – Reveille knew well he’d started to piece things together. Staying a step ahead of him had always been a challenge, easier done when she wasn’t near him.

They could still read each other too well.

He was smart enough, at least, to avoid outing Colonel Garmuth. “Given how long it has been taking to finish things up here on Crait, I came to see what was taking so long, Supreme Leader. I thought this sort of thing would be beneath you.” It was his own way of wondering what would bring Kylo here.

“I mentioned an interest in the progress as well in discussions of our plans forward, General,” Reveille noted, “For which I need to speak with Colonel Garmuth, if you’re finished?” She did arch a brow.

“I am, though I’m curious what you’ll be able to find that I couldn’t,” for now. “He doesn’t seem to know what he’s doing.” He didn’t care if it was a bad idea to insult Garmuth’s intelligence right then, and he definitely felt the glare at the back of his neck, “I need to speak with you after you’re done with him, Admiral.”

“Of course,” she nodded, “Jinah, go have a walk around, would you?”

“Ma’am,” he agreed, and moved away, understanding he was there to also do the job she’d mentioned, of locating passages or things others might have missed, other imprints in the Force like he’d seen earlier that could help them.

“You,” her eyes fixed on the other woman, who wasn’t Phasma, “Name and rank, and reason for your presence, now.” Her eyes hardened immediately. She didn’t know her, and anyone around the General, or the Colonel, would be known to her. That meant she was a new addition to one of them, and one that she didn’t intend to trust so close to either, particularly not in any conversations.

Armitage didn’t bother with an introduction, though Colonel Garmuth did state, “Althea Storax, Lieutenant,” to make it clear he at least knew of her, though he was still confused by her presence near General Hux.

He finally set his datapad down, though. Dealing with Armitage was one thing. Dealing with Reveille was another – and though he knew they wouldn’t be going over the question of Kylo Ren right there, they would be going over his slow progress, and he couldn’t just brush that off with Kylo Ren right there.

At least he had a decent cover story for the ‘project’, a lie he knew Reveille wouldn’t call him on. Or Hux. Althea was another matter. She might not be smart enough to keep her damn mouth shut.
“I, too, was curious as to why we were taking so long on Crait.” Kylo was also curious to see if Armitage’s face could turn the same color as his hair. “Since it appears that our general is having issues in figuring out exactly what is going on.”

Lavinia bit her tongue to suppress an amused grin that threatened to cross her face. A benefit of someone of her rank was that no one expected her to talk, unless directed, so she was able to observe the passive aggressive comments they seem to throw at one another. Distrust in the First Order, or leaders clashing with differing plans?

Kylo eyed the miraluka as he was sent away on his own task. He doubted that Jinah would find anything of importance in the cave, anything that wasn’t already noted by him or others in the First Order. Besides, he did not wish to see Admiral Hux or the miraluka smug at finding something they didn’t in their survey of the outpost.

When Reveille surprised her by directing a question her way, Lavinia looked a bit startled. She figured that the woman wouldn’t even pay her any attention, as she was no one of importance on this mission. Which is why she may be interested in knowing who you are.

Colonel Garmuth answered half of Reveille’s question for her, which led Lavinia to wonder if he was trying to get in the admiral’s good graces. She certainly didn’t like the man, never had, and her mind started to compare him to a rodent.

Lavinia opened her mouth to answer the rest of Reveille’s question, but Kylo spoke up before she could utter a word. “I assigned her to the general. I figured with recent developments and the death of Captain Phasma, he could use some...assistance.” She felt a twinge of irritation that not only one, but two of her superiors, men at that, answered Reveille’s question directed at her.

“Now are we doing getting acquainted with one another?” Kylo did nothing to hide the disdain in his voice. “Now why, exactly, are we still on Crait?”
The tension in the air was palpable. The aggression between Armitage and Kylo was obvious as the General’s jaw twitched, a gesture Reveille could easily recognize by now as one that spoke to his rage. She was hardly done with Althea, but Kylo had apparently assigned her to Armitage.

That didn’t bode well, and Reveille made a note to have her records dug up and looked through as soon as she could. For that, she’d access what she could, and then pass it on to Terex. There was no one better at butchering First Order tech to find out even things hidden from her, such as Phasma’s history.

And she hadn’t liked Phasma.

She didn’t think she’d be liking Althea, any time soon, and so she flippantly said, “Of course. Why don’t you go do something useful, Lieutenant, and find me a cup of caf?” With Kylo there himself, she didn’t need to personally observe and stay at Armitage’s side.

She didn’t know if Kylo would feel petty enough to cancel the order, but she moved by it quickly enough in the hopes he wouldn’t care to go back on it, “Colonel, what is the situation here on Crait?”

Ansiv nodded, turning so he was more or less facing them all, hands moving behind his back, “When we arrived on Crait, we were able to partially decrypt some of what was sent out – standard transmissions requesting aid. No responses have been found as of yet. However, in the decryption process, it seems someone wasn’t careful in the process, or else we have a mole.” Either were possible.

Either helped his case, “A second layer of encryptions came over the original decryptions, which has been making it take longer. I briefly stepped off the project itself to see if I could locate whether it was a trigger tripped or if someone went in and added another layer of protection, but I’ve determined that can wait. I do apologize for shifting my focus, Supreme Leader,” he only gave Kylo the briefest of glances, “I have been working through multiple programs now to try and remove that second layer of decryption, but all that we’ve been able to find has been outgoing transmissions. I do not believe anything remains regarding information of old rebel bases or where the Resistance went, but I will make sure we go through everything before we turn to that conclusion.”

Armitage knew Garmuth was lying, but he didn’t need Kylo to know that. Still, that twitch manifested again, and he glared at the Colonel all the same. “So we don’t even know if we have a mole, or if you have someone incompetent in the Security Bureau.”

“Irrelevant for now, there’s been no files located from the past?”

“No. Only outgoing transmissions.” Garmuth stated again.

Reveille frowned at that. The Rebel Alliance didn’t seem that competent. Nor did the Resistance. Perhaps there was something left to be found here, after all. “Are there any maps?”

“No, ma’am, there are no blueprints of this location.”

“Do you mind if I take a look at your current work?”

“No,” he shook his head, and Reveille stepped by him, taking up his datapad and scrolling through the code as BB-9E instead beeped its protest of her moving the code. She ignored the protesting droid.
If she had any doubts in the thought of the shared acrimony between Armitage and Kylo, they were well placated now. The tension in the air was so thick, Lavinia swore she could’ve cut it with a knife. If the two leaders couldn’t play nice, then the Order could crumble from within. Mutinies and coups loved weak leadership.

She was pulled away from the spectacle, men acting like men, with Reveille’s demand. Jaw clenched, Lavinia wanted to say that the admiral wasn’t her commanding officer. That she was specifically assigned to Armitage Hux. But she didn’t wish to draw any unnecessary attention to herself, so she obeyed.

Kylo said nothing of Reveille’s command. He didn’t even acknowledge it. As far as he was concern, General Hux was within his eyesight, so his assigned babysitter was unnecessary at the moment.

And he was concerned more with Colonel Garmuth’s apparent ineptitude. This was his area of expertise, was it not? Then why did it take so damn long to do a job he’s done many times before?

“I think determining whether or not another layer was added from within would be important, Colonel.” He knew there was more that Garmuth failed to tell him, but that would be dealt with later. The main obsession was the decryption. “So we know if there’s a mole we need to snuff out, or if we need to reconsider our security division.”

He did not hide his insult to Garmuth. A man of his experience should be able to do this task in his sleep, and yet they lingered on Crait while the Resistance gained that much of an advantage. If they hadn’t held on to the iota of hope they had for this last piece of decryption revealing valuable intel on the Resistance, then Kylo would’ve just said for them to forget about it and redraw their next action.

The acoustics in the cave allowed for their voices to travel. Lavinia, in her caf-fetching assignment, did not miss out on a single word spoken between the officers. She was impressed with herself that no one had been able to solve her decryption key, and she was eager to watch what they will do once they figure out that the time they spent on the decryption was useless. That they were at a dead end with what the Resistance would do next.

In her mind, she managed to outsmart them all.

With the First Order presence still in the cave, there was a small set up for caf and other required nutrients for the officers still scoping out and analyzing the outpost. Her eyes glanced over to the miraluka, who utilized his powerful Force abilities to “see” any hidden pathways the officers, and Kylo, would normally overlook. Stay away from him. Being near not only one, but two Force sensitives tested Lavinia’s ability to stay calm under pressure, and she couldn’t wait until they got out of that cave. Armitage may be decent at reading people, but at least he couldn't read minds.

Kylo glanced at Lavinia when she returned, cup of caf in hand. He spared her not another thought as he shifted his focus back on Reveille. “This is undoubtedly a waste of our time.” Knowing that they had no more potential leads on the Resistance until one of their informants come forward irked him greatly. Slashing one of the old computers with his lightsaber sounded like a better and better idea with each passing moment. “It’s probably nothing more than another cry for help, disguised as an attempt to slow us down.”
There was something familiar about the code. Reveille couldn’t place it as she went through it, line by line, not touching it. Yet, she recognized something to it, and it nagged at her so much that she finally just pulled her own datapad out and placed a call as Althea returned with her caf. “Thank you,” at least she was good for something. She took the caf from her, “And it may be just that, but we’d be fools to just assume.”

Armitage shook his head, “I thought you were the one insisting we leave Crait.”

“Yes, and I still would – we can transfer everything over to the files on our ships and move on from here, but our Supreme Leader believes we’re overlooking something here.”

“Is that why you brought…that thing?” Colonel Garmuth wasn’t a fan of Jinah. Or any of the strange pets that Reveille brought, and he flinched when Lieutenant-Admiral Kos’tel’lanni appeared above Reveille’s datapad right after he’d said it.

Reveille ignored the comment, for the moment, “Admiral, what is it?” in the background on Kos’tel’lanni’s side, an upbeat pop song was playing in the background, though from her stance, Reveille would bet she was in the Bridge, or a communications room. She wouldn’t ask, she didn’t need to know why. Rani and Kos’tel’lanni were horrible influences.

“I need you to take a look at a code. There’s something familiar about it but I can’t place it,” and Kos’tel’lanni loved nothing more than a puzzle.

“Of course,” and with a quick file transfer, Kos’tel’lanni was soon holding up the code on her own side. An amused hum came from the other woman, that did nothing at all to amuse Reveille or make her feel any better, though Armitage drew closer, curious. He was not huge into coding. Phasma had taken to it, and he knew Kos’tel’lanni had done much the same, both of them equally intrigued by technology and making use of their curiosity and energy to rise through the ranks.

It was taking quite a bit of willpower for Garmuth to remain silent on this, and his agitation was obvious on his face as it grew more and more red with each passing second. To think some savage creature would have a better idea than him! What was this mockery? But he held his tongue, in part because he knew either Kylo Ren or Reveille would have no problems dispatching him.

He was a loose end to Reveille.

And Kylo was just…volatile.

“You remember the messages beacons around Csilla?” Kos’tel’lanni asked, and Reveille nodded – the realization striking her as she did. “Exactly so. It has been quite messed up, but it is an easy fix. Erase that last line on your side.”

Reveille didn’t even question the instructions, erased the last line, and watched as the entire code seemed to flash – becoming blank, before restoring itself to the mess it was before Garmuth and others played with it. The last line remained absent. “I would need more time than I have to solve it here, but I am sure Colonel Garmuth can figure it out. He needs to input his solution for the first line, in the last line that is no longer there, and continue from there.”

“Thank you, Kos’tel’lanni. I’ll be sure to tell him,” she disconnected the call and gave him a withering look, more than aware of his opinion on Kos’tel’lanni. “Fix this. Now.” She set his datapad aside and shoved her own back into its place. “Do not make me give Kos’tel’lanni your job. It is too far beneath her.”

The sour look on his face said it all, and Armitage couldn’t help the slightly smug one on his own face. “Well, at least she’s good for something.”

‘Armitage I will fucking slap you.’ Reveille just took a deep breath. “Supreme Leader, may I take a few moments to speak with General Hux, alone? It seems this is back on track, and Jinah will soon have a report on this location.”
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Lavinia remained silent as Reveille thanked her (which, admittedly, surprised her). She took a step back so that she was no longer in their inner circle, but remained a few paces behind Armitage. Unless they specifically asked for her input, she would not offer any advice or help in their current conundrum.

“Colonel, I’d advise you to watch your mouth.” Kylo may not have agreed with Reveille’s decision to bring along Jinah, but even he detested the way Garmuth spoke about the miraluka. Kylo was already irritated, and every word that spilled from the colonel’s mouth sought to fan the flame. If someone else managed to solve the decryption, then Kylo may find the perfect excuse to dispose of the man.

Both Kylo and Lavinia watched the Chiss intently. Kylo, for the information she may be able to provide them. Lavinia, for her curiosity of the figure she knew nothing about. An informant, perhaps? As far as she knew, the First Order did not employ non-humans.

She raised an eyebrow as Kos’tel’lanni figured out, in no time at all, the major issue behind the decryption. She wanted to learn more about this Chiss woman, and if she would pose a threat to Lavinia in the future.

If Kylo felt any particular way about Kos’tel’lanni’s ability to quickly point out the main issue, he made no show of it. He hoped that Garmuth would finally showcase some competence and do his job correctly this time. “Prove to us that you are an invaluable member of the First Order.” A threat as good as any.

His eyes flickered to the admiral once she spoke her request. Kylo considered her for a second, and had half a thought to deny her request out of pettiness. Two Huxes together would be a nightmare. “Don’t make it long.” His anger simmered under the surface. The volatility of his mind threatened to snap, like it is prone to do so under moments that tested his patience.

Lavinia stayed back, serving as nothing more than a spectator at the moment. She felt utterly useless, and yet the brief time on Crait provided valuable insight into the inner workings of the First Order. Besides, she now knew they had no plans next for the Resistance, for they were at a dead end. But, she asked herself, what was next in the First Order’s plan?
Garmuth certainly intended to get this fixed. He’d dealt with looping codes like these before, and he was irritated it hadn’t been noticed earlier. Of course, he’d been pulled off the case. If he hadn’t, perhaps he would have caught on before…, “Of course, Supreme Leader,” he swallowed down his fear and set to work quickly, “BB-9E, repeat the first line,” and from there, he intended to work in tangent with the droid telling him the first line, and the next, while he couldn’t see it.

He’d work from the last line, and piece it all together from there, as he’d done in the past. He’d ignore the throbbing anger at the back of his mind, and the headache it threatened to produced.

He’d especially ignore Jinah as the miraluka returned to the area, seemingly lost as he glanced around, noting Kylo Ren’s presence, but Reveille was gone, and so was Armitage. He presumed that meant they left together, but all the same, he shifted his head towards Kylo. He didn’t need to look at him, of course – but as he’d been told so many times, humans liked the illusion of facing someone, of being able to look at his blindfold as if it were eyes, “Supreme Leader, where is Admiral Hux?”

Of course he ‘saw’ the other woman he knew now as Althea Storax. Her energy was a mess, but he could hardly blame her. Though, what was strange was the striking imprint of something like…joy? He couldn’t fathom why right then, given how hectic and angry Garmuth seemed, and how Kylo was fuming.


Admiral Hux did not stay in the base, but walked back to her ship with her brother in silence. At the ship, she found Schaeffer once again in the doorway, “Out,” she ordered, loud enough for Rani to hear, as well. Rani peered out, “Both of you, out. Keep anyone else but Jinah out.”

“Even Kylo?”

“Stall him,” they wouldn’t actually be able to stop him, but being slow of putting in the code to open the door would help, or asking questions.

The pair hopped out, and the door shut right behind them, letting Reveille and Armitage have some privacy, though Reveille still walked back to her room and opened it for them, before it would close behind her brother. She let out a deep sigh before all but collapsing onto her bed. She took a long drink from the caf then.

“What in the void were you having Colonel Garmuth researching?” Armitage asked, eyes slipping to take in the bruise that was starting to show above her white collar. He didn’t need to ask why that was there. Given the placement and the way it seemed to be threatening to line her neck, he knew.

“It’s better if—”

“Kylo Ren. An investigation into Kylo Ren. And you went to speak with him, alone, and apparently pissed him off.” When she arched a brow at that, he made a show of rolling his eyes, before pulling on his own collar. “It shows. Trust me. The collars aren’t high enough.”

“Fuck me.” She set the caf down and went to the attached bathroom to look in the mirror, pulling at her own collar to see it, face scrunching in irritation. “And of course all my foundation is back on my destroyer.” She was familiar with hiding wounds when she couldn’t treat them, or when they were too minor to bother treating, like bruises.

“You’re avoiding the question. Investigating Kylo Ren is a death sentence if you don’t do it right.”

“I’m still alive, aren’t I?” She pushed away from the counter before the mirror, and went back to the bed, back to her caf. She weighed the option of telling her brother, “Long story short, Kylo killed Snoke, and I have more than enough evidence to have him executed for treason.”

Armitage’s eyes widened. “What?! Why are we wasting—”

“Armi…he killed Snoke.” She said it gently this time, “What we’ve always wanted to do. There might be some hope that without Snoke bearing down on him, he can be used to turn the First Order around and in the right direction.”

Armitage couldn’t help but laugh, bitterly, at that idea. “Nonsense. Ridiculous nonsense,” like so much other nonsense, and he was more than frustrated with it, “you want to trust the monster that strangled you? That would kill both of us with a flick of his wrist?”

“I’d like to give it a try, and if it fails, I’ll have the means to kill him soon enough,” she shrugged, as if it were nothing, “Patience. Trust me on this one. I trusted you on Brendol, and even on how we’d deal with Cardinal finding out….”
Kylo regretted allowing the Hux siblings to go off on their own momentarily. There’s only so much Reveille would want to discuss to Armitage without Kylo in the same room. The general was cold, calculating, and did his best to remain a step ahead of his enemies. Once he learns of what Kylo did, who’s to say he wouldn’t use it for his own advantage?

He should’ve killed the man in the throne room while he could.

Kylo turned to the miraluka as he made his way to the area. In his anger and frustration, largely directed at Garmuth, he’s forgotten that the miraluka was with them. “She is with General Hux, off discussing what they thought should be private.”

Lavinia would admit, she felt awkward at that moment. There was no task assigned to her, there wasn’t anything she could do in the cave, and two force sensitives stood only a few feet away from her. Can we please leave this planet yet? It wasn’t as if anything of importance was left behind. And if there were...well, she wouldn’t know. She wasn’t even aware of the old Rebel Alliance outpost until the Resistance led them there.

“Did you find anything of importance?” Kylo’s words contained a hint of sarcasm, as he made it repeatedly clear that he didn’t care for Jinah to join them. It was unnecessary. ‘Much like your Stormtroopers,’ some would say.

“Or is the outpost empty, just as we previously thought?” He looked back at Garmuth to see if the man managed to make any leeway into finishing the decryptions. He hoped that the man would mess up again with this decryption, so that Kylo would find reason to off him. He once more glanced at the miraluka, awaiting his answer.
Idly, Jinah wondered if Kylo was ever not in a mood of rage. Perhaps this was just who he was? Nothing needed to piss him off, he was just constantly angry? That’s what he heard of the Dark Side of the Force – that anger fueled it. If Kylo was aiming for that, it might be to his benefit to remain steeped in anger.

It seemed a poor way to live, though.

“There is an area that seems covered, but I believe leads out of this base, Supreme Leader. There is a significant impression of energy there, as well,” he did not know it was the path the rebels had used to escape, or that Rey purposefully closed it back up. He only knew it was a path, with a significant impression in the Force. He didn’t know if there would be anything to see there, but it seemed it had been used recently enough.

That at least meant it needed to be looked at. “I cannot clear it, though I suppose you could. I can show you the way if you would like, Supreme Leader, or I can go find Admiral Hux and we can garner troops to handle it.” Either way, it seemed a step that needed to be taken.

Jinah’s powers in the Force only went so far. Basically, just to sight – but he wasn’t inclined to correct others on his capabilities. After all, his sight did tell him a bit about emotional states, and Force impressions. The former, people tended to consider invasive.

Garmuth answered, “This still takes time, Supreme Leader.” His tone was biting, even if he was doing his utmost to keep it even. “Give me an hour to work through the code.” He could only type so fast and absorb information. He still had to translate it over in his head and put that into the datapad.


Armitage didn’t like the thought of leaving it to her. She hadn’t been dealing with Kylo as long as him. She hadn’t dealt with Snoke. She didn’t play this game, she had been off keeping her head down and doing other things for the Order, while he dealt with this. Yet, he knew she could.

He knew he should trust her.

He was more worried than he would want to admit to anyone, but she likely felt the same way. No, she did. ‘Does.’ Dealing with the fallout of the teachings from the Cadets was always difficult. Trust was difficult. Care. There was some frequency needed to remember these things existed, a frequency that hadn’t been in existence since he became absorbed with Starkiller, and she with other projects.

Snoke’s death brought them together again, and he found that nagging paranoia that he knew he should ignore – that she was only there to steal his position out from under his feet, that she spoke of using Kylo not for their mutual benefit, but to get rid of him.

It wasn’t true. Probably.

He leaned back against the desk, one hand pressing on the top of it. “You’ll let me know if you cannot handle it?”

Reveille nodded. “I’m not trying to die.”

He scoffed, as if her actions put that in question. They did. “How are things in the Core?”

“Quiet enough that I could leave Kos’tel’lanni to handle it. I will be meeting with Governor Tarkin soon,” she’d get that arranged when Crait was handled. “Our next large target is Spira. Kos’tel’lanni is cleaning up smaller planets without much protection right now. We took Chandrila and Coruscant first, and have been working out from there.”

Armitage nodded. This was all good news. News that almost made him relax. “Without Chandrila, the scum won’t have many places to run.”


Armitage allowed his brows to raise, before, again, they furrowed. “Lando Calrissian,” he hadn’t thought much of him, “He is still head over there, and he is a Rebel hero,” he spoke with disgust.

“There is also Yavin-4, though both seem too obvious. I intend to send agents out to both when they’re done here. I have one on Bespin.”


“I like him,” she smirked, “even if we have a few…moral differences.”

“He’s a traitor.”

“He’s a good traitor.”

Armitage scoffed again, but shook his head. He tried to relax with the thought that at least Reveille wasn’t keeping secrets. She hadn’t hidden that she worked with Terex still. Or that she was trying to handle the Kylo situation. She would hide much more if she was trying to destroy him…the tension left his shoulders. “I hate him.”

“Is there anyone you don’t hate?”

“I dislike most people. I hate Terex. I hate Kylo.”


“I tolerate you.”

Reveille laughed, and it did bring a bit of a smile to Armitage’s lips, “We should return. Kylo has never liked to be kept waiting.”

“So you’ve told me, while lounging in that beautiful robe of yours. I wonder whatever you were keeping him waiting for.” The tease was light and airy as she moved to the door, but it soured Hux’s expression to know the implications. She hardly let him live that one down.

“I was about to change!”

“Mhmm! There’s still a betting pool on you two, you know.”

“I’m all too aware of it.”

“Who knows, maybe it would fix everything.”

“I will shove you out an airlock.” That was, naturally, what passed his lips as the door out of the ship opened and Rani just gave him the strangest look as they both walked out with composed expressions. Neither addressed the look, and both quickly fell back into lockstep and pretended as if they hadn’t been joking about Officer betting pools and stress relieving methods.
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Kylo Ren knew immediately the area of which Jinah spoke. It was how the Resistance managed to escape the First Order. It was the place where he saw Rey, before she severed what remained of their Force connection. He knew that once Rey sealed up the exit, they all escaped in the Millennial Falcon.

“There is no need to.” He recalled holding the golden dice that belonged in his father’s ship, only for them to be revealed as an illusion. Just like the battle with Luke Skywalker. “It was how the remaining Resistance managed to escape.”

Only Lavinia seemed interested in what Jinah had to say. She did not know how the Resistance managed to escape the First Order, only that they had done it somehow. They were fortunate that there was a back way out of the cave, and thanks to the distraction of Luke Skywalker, they swiftly escaped to keep the Resistance alive. And with General Organa leading them, she believed they will prove formidable once again.

In his distracted thoughts, Kylo momentarily forgot that Garmuth was still there. “You better make it thirty.” He just wanted to leave the planet, and if he had to resort to making threats, then so be it.

Lavinia walked a few feet away, stimulating the blood circulation in her legs from standing still. She looked around the old base, noting the dust that covered most of the machines, although dust no longer covered some, hinting as the recent use by the Resistance. If she didn’t know about this outpost, then how many others existed? How long would she have to wait until she received a sign from them and their status?

The lieutenant's movement took his focus away from the colonel. He so blindly chose her to keep an eye on the general for him, that he didn't even bother to learn who she was. What she did in the First Order. They would talk soon enough, when he demanded her to update him on the general. She seemed like the type that was quick to obey orders and never hesitate. Those were the soldiers he appreciated. They would never dare talk back to him, not like the other three who just occupied the area did.
“Ah, that would make sense,” Jinah gave a nod. He had not noted any other path that would have been feasible, if one had ever existed at all. “There is nothing else to report,” that had been all he found there, after all. Crait was fairly clean, and he considered going to find Reveille – he knew she would have gone back to the ship, but as he turned to do so, he recognized her energy through the crowd.

She wouldn’t be long.

He opted to stay there as Garmuth was threatened again. ‘Good riddance.’ He didn’t like most of the older members of the First Order, but as he was reminded – they would all die. They were older. The younger generation would come up, and there was at least more hope in them.

Reveille and Armitage were soon in sight of the group that remained, and Reveille’s attention refocused on the one who got her caf. “What do you make of Lieutenant Storax?”

Armitage just shrugged, “Ren literally just commanded her to follow me around maybe an hour ago? I don’t even think he knows what he’s doing.”

‘You don’t ever think he knows what he’s doing.’ “All right.” Reveille would make sure everything would come up in regards to Althea Storax, and until then, she’d be wary in the other woman’s presence. She stepped briefly ahead of Armitage, and let him take a step to the side, seeming to find it easier to step over to the lieutenant.

“Anything interesting happen?” He was half-expecting to hear that Kylo electrocuted someone, but he kept his voice low.

“Thank you, Supreme Leader, for the moment,” Reveille addressed Kylo, before looking to Jinah, “What did you find?”

“Nothing of note,” he would not undercut what Kylo had said, after all, “There was a back exit that the rebels used to escape. It was sealed back up. Other than that, this base is fairly unimpressive.”
Unsurprisingly, Kylo was unsatisfied with Jinah’s final answer. There wasn’t anything he could do about that though, except wait. And he did not have the best patience. But much like how he had to wait until they gained a lead on the whereabouts of Luke Skywalker, bringing them to a trading outpost on Jakku, he now had to wait for a lead on the Resistance.

And now he only answered to himself. There was no one that could tell him no. Although Admiral Hux may prove a challenge...

He said nothing to Reveille, only offering her the slightest nod in recognition of her statement. “And if the decryption comes up empty, then we have no leads as to where the Resistance may be. We can only rely on our informants to provide us with the next clue.” Their informants, like Bazine Netal, were scattered throughout the galaxy. Hopefully they wouldn’t have to wait long before their next move.

Lavinia’s posture straightened when the Hux siblings came into view. A part of her was thankful that they finally returned. An extra moment alone with Kylo and Jinah, with the lovely addition of Garmuth lingering in the background, and she was sure someone would be able to read her true self. That was how the Force works, right?

“Nothing of interest.” Her voice was also kept low, even if she didn’t have anything great to tell him. “The Supreme Leader further threatened Colonel Garmuth to hurry with the decryptions, but that’s it.” She wanted to ask him about his private meeting with Reveille, but she knew that would be a foolish decision. It was private for a reason, and Lavinia didn’t want to risk experiencing his anger.
Admiral Reveille was not so concerned about the location of the Resistance. It would be good to learn, and soon – but her focus remained back on the Core. On getting the Supremacy out of here, on putting the soldiers back to work, and getting more agents out there, rather than rotting in here with the thankless task of decrypting. “There is plenty of work to be done until information comes up,” Reveille noted.

She caught a look from Garmuth, half-scowl, half plea. He didn’t want to be left behind, and so Reveille moved to take a seat nearby.

If nothing else, she did still feel that she owed him a bit for digging up that information, and falling so low in front of Kylo Ren himself. He played his role as he needed to, she’d have to make sure he got out of this. Perhaps her father would have thought it better to just kill him, and perhaps she should, but she wasn’t that worried.

Unlike the others, she wouldn’t waste her breath speaking to Garmuth. She understood better; it’d only slow him down to be addressed.

She did hear Armitage and Althea, though, and she did decide to take out her pad again to pull up the files on Althea Storax. She needed something to do.

Armitage was not surprised to hear that Ren was threatening people. When didn’t Ren threaten people? Still, his business here was done. He knew now what Reveille was doing, and what Garmuth had been distracted with. “It seems there’s no further reason for us to be here,” he noted.

He could not help with decryptions, and honestly, lingering any longer with Kylo was far from appealing.

He raised his voice, “You seem to have things handled here, Supreme Leader,” it still pained him to say it, but he let his gaze shift to Reveille. She had things handled here – she had figured out the code. Well, Kos’tel’lanni did, but Kos’tel’lanni was as much an extension of her as Phasma had been for him, “I’ll leave you to this and see if any of our informants have checked in yet,” that was the next step in regards to the Resistance.

Reveille, it seemed, was taking point on the other parts of the war.

He was doomed to deal with Kylo and his obsession with the Resistance instead – though right now he’d take that as luck to leave Crait behind.

Reveille lifted her hand up in a lazy salute, two fingers brushing by her ear, not at all the First Order gesture, but one he recognized all the same from back when they were Cadets. He didn’t return it, but was warmed by it all the same.
With Armitage and Althea taking their leave, Kylo thought that they would do the same. Garmuth didn’t need company while he worked on the decryption, and yet Reveille took a seat with no intention of standing back up soon. He raised an eyebrow as she pulled out her datapad.

He paid no mind to Armitage’s parting words. The sooner he was out of Kylo’s sights, the better. Instead he was focused on the other Hux, the one who made it clear that she wasn’t leaving anytime soon. “Do we have any reason to linger here any longer?”

He casually strolled towards her. “Or is there something far more interesting on your datapad than us departing from this planet?” Kylo wouldn’t hesitate to repeat what he did earlier to her other datapad, even if she did possess another datapad or two somewhere else. At least he felt better.

If her staying was for Garmuth...well, while he certainly didn’t hold the colonel to high standards, he didn’t want to wait around until the man was done with his task.


Lavinia noted the interaction between Reveille and Armitage. Simple, casual, and familiar. With their similar last names, physical features, and positions within the First Order, there was no mistaking the siblings. She wondered how close they were. A weakness to one another?

That was something she would figure out in time. Giving one last glance to Reveille, a woman who’s gaze felt as if she could pierce Lavinia’s facade, she turned on her heel and followed Armitage. She was more than happy to put distance between herself and Kylo Ren. And that miraluka.

“What’s next, general?” She knew he had focused most of his energy on Starkiller Base, Kylo’s obsession with finding Luke Skywalker, and ensuring that the Resistance was no longer a threat for him. But with all of that gone, they needed a new direction.
Althea Storax’s file came up just as Kylo stepped forward, wanting to know why they were staying there. She looked up, recognizing the potential threat to her datapad without it being said, “Do you need me to accompany you, Supreme Leader?” She had not been under the impression it was necessary for her to follow him around any further.

She had also thought he might intend to stay to see to it that things finally gone.

“I had thought to stay until the process was done, in case we came across another hiccup. My ultimate goal is to see to it that we are finished with Crait as a whole, as soon as possible.”

‘Ah right…my ship.’ He could call for any ship he wanted, right? Or just take one.

“I am sure I have it handled, Admiral,” Garmuth spoke up. He was for any plan that removed Kylo Ren from the area, and Reveille rose, understanding that she shouldn’t protest much if Kylo wanted to leave.

That was the best way to remove Garmuth from being under threat, “I suppose it may be better to return and start to prepare for moving the Supremacy to the Core.” She could read the file on the trip back. Or in several hours when she might finally have some peace, back in the Core. So, grudgingly, she tucked it back.


“Exactly what I said,” he answered Althea’s question, “I will check if any informants have checked in. It’s unlikely,” but he should stay up on things, and if one had a report, it was something he could throw at Kylo.

Maybe just once the man would go off on some solo mission and get himself killed. ‘He’s not solo anymore.’ Armitage did not allow the flicker of humor to touch his gaze as they finally left the base, and approached the command shuttle.

He saw Reveille’s ship again, and Schaeffer occupying the doorway. He never understood why he’d developed that habit, but then, they all came out of the Cadet program with their quirks. And that desire to put a dart in each other’s head. He still had to fight that, even now.

Schaeffer had been nothing but loyal.

In theory.

“Assuming they have no information, I suspect we’ll soon be focusing our efforts on finishing up the conquest of the Core and moving out from there. Eventually, every planet will fall to our control. Then it won’t really matter where the Resistance is hiding,” they would be powerless at that point.

Never mind the fact that the First Order had operated outside of the galaxy in the Unknown Regions, and came back hitting harder than ever.

The Resistance didn’t work like that.
If he wanted, he was sure he could’ve taken her ship back to the Supremacy. The Force would’ve allowed him to be persuasive with the two who piloted it if they already didn’t fear him enough to do so. But that would’ve turned into a headache later on, when Reveille made it back on the ship.

He was about to protest her decision to stay until it was done. With further confirmation that nothing remained for them, the decryption could be done elsewhere. But Garmuth announced his decision before Kylo had the chance to intervene. “And find out if that second layer was a result of a mole in the First Order.”

If there was a mole, he would be sure to crush them before any further damage could be inflicted on the First Order. And if this mole could lead them to the Resistance, that would be perfect.

“Good, let’s go oversee preparation.” There was nothing more for him on Crait. He would be glad to leave the planet behind, and with it, the memory of the battle with Luke, and the escape of Leia Organa and Rey. The untrained girl from Jakku who continued to make a mockery of him.

“Soon the Resistance will be too powerless to stop us.”


Lavinia made a mental note to try and gain information on the informants later. Their names, where they generally stayed, and if they’re loyal to the First Order or to the money that lined their pockets.

“Surely the Core would fall to us fairly easily.” As she recalled from her childhood in the Core, many still clung onto the remnants and false promises of the Galactic Empire. But to fully have them under the control of the First Order would start the domino effect of subsequent planets falling to the domination of the Order. And those that may have initially resisted felt their full power at the destruction of the Hosnian system.

The Resistance would be truly fucked if the First Order succeeded, and Lavinia had no way to contact them and warn them about the plans. “That much wealth and resources would prove anyone fools who tries to challenge us.”
Jinah followed after the duo, a couple of steps behind, as Kylo seemed to now be encouraged to go along with the plan Reveille had in mind from the start: get off Crait, and get the Supremacy to the Core. He wondered briefly why now that idea seemed to be working. ‘Why couldn’t this get done without our intervention?’ It would have been so much better to stay in the Core.

Jinah wouldn’t ask, of course.

He just knew there was a reason that Reveille was Admiral, and it generally involved the fact that things got done once she finally got involved in something. “Yes, they will,” Reveille parroted her agreement to Kylo’s statement.

After all, what else was there to say on it? That was their goal.

Schaeffer was waiting in his usual place, though again at the sight of Kylo Ren, he ducked out of sight and back into the ship, calling to Rani that it was time to go. “Back to the Supremacy, or the Finalizer?” Rani did pause in the doorway to ask.

She’d prefer the Finalizer, she knew that ship. The Supremacy was a mess of unfamiliar corridors and people who didn’t like aliens. Not that the Finalizer was much different, but there were some friendly faces there. Usually Mitaka. Mitaka was adorable.

“The Supremacy, but we’ll be taking it back to the Core soon. You can return to your station when we do.”

“Yes!” Rani didn’t even bother to hide her enthusiasm, punching a fist into the air, before scrambling back to the cockpit and letting Reveille step up into the ship once more.


It was no surprise the Core fell quickly – they wanted to believe the First Order would make good on the promises of the Galactic Empire. They wanted to believe they would truly be favored once again, and not have to answer for it. They were fools, but Armitage had no qualms taking advantage of it as he resumed his seat in the command shuttle, calling up, “Back to the Supremacy.”

The pilots had stayed, after all.

The Stormtroopers, almost like ghosts with how out of the way they’d been, followed on and found their places once again.

“They are not the only ones with wealth, and some in the Core will still hold out. The Resistance and those aligned with them were never that wealthy to pose such a threat, but there remain Imperial remnants that oppose us,” the General noted, “We’ll be dealing with them soon, but they will impact our strategies in dealing with Tepasi and Spira in the Core.”

The fact that his sister planned to meet with Governor Tarkin said enough for him to know those two worlds would cause problems if they couldn’t get Tarkin to fall in line.

There were few people richer than Tarkin’s ally, the Tagge family. And the Tagge family likely had the ability to wage a war on their own. That they weren’t did mean there seemed room to talk, but if those talks went south – they’d have an enemy far worse than the Resistance. “You’re from Coruscant – what rumors did you ever hear of Senator Matija Tarkin?” He knew for one, that every Tarkin preferred to be called ‘Governor’.

Their loyalty was always to their world, and their sector, first. Their play in the Senate was just that – play. Like a cat with a mouse.
Kylo observed the seemingly unprofessional behavior of Reveille’s crew, though he opted to not say anything of the matter. They managed to pilot the ship to the planet with no issues, so surely they can manage a return trip just as well.

His Stormtroopers returned to the bench they sat on during their initial trip while Kylo remained standing. They needed to finish securing the Core Worlds next, and while most of them were eager to return to the former glory of the Empire, others would prove more difficult. Though with Chandrila under their control, the other planets would soon hopefully realize that they’re powerless against the First Order.

“The Resistance...they still have some allies in the Core.” Kylo looked over to the admiral. “That may be one possibility of where they could’ve gone.” If that’s their next destination, then they could ensure that the First Order had eyes in every corner.

Kylo Ren would not rest until he personally saw the end of the Resistance, and now as the Supreme Leader, he held more power than before to see his actions through.


Lavinia quickly noted the planets Armitage mentioned. If the Resistance still held allies on the Core planets, then maybe that’s where they sought temporary refuge. With the First Order’s grasp on several of the Core planets, it would be bold for them to be so close to the enemy, but maybe that’s why it was perfect.

Maybe the First Order wouldn’t expect it.

She returned to her seat on the bench without sparing the decision much thought. “Matija Tarkin?” Lavinia hummed as she shuffled through her memories of all the gossip she encountered on her home planet. Many powerful names have been thrown around amongst the bored wives of the elite.

“I remember not caring much for the matriarch of the family.” The woman was proud, cunning, and stubborn in every way. She thought more about Matija and anything she heard about the Tarkin. “I want to say that many thought he was sly, a bit untrustful, though with no reason to back up that claim. But of course this was all gossip.”
Reveille shook her head at Kylo’s deduction, remaining standing as well. Jinah only leaned back on the wall for some sense of stability as the ship launched from the ground almost too quickly. “It is not impossible but it is improbable that the Resistance has chosen to go into the Core. It is more likely they are in the Outer Rim. They have more allies there, such as Lando Calrissian, and our presence is not as strong. The old Rebel Alliance utilized planets that did not have much population of sentients at all, like Felucia. Given their current status, I believe they’ll be going to a backwater planet such as that.”

They would send out individuals to places like Bespin, or Yavin-4, to gather allies and buy supplies, but their base of operations would be tucked away. “Given, I would be pleased if they turned up at Spira or even Tepasi, but I do not see it as likely, Supreme Leader. The Resistance is not so foolish as I'd like them to be.”

Besides the First Order presence, there were more First Order sympathizers, as well, among the general population. Finn, Poe, Rose, Rey, and Leia would all have their faces plastered everywhere. Even Temmen Wexley of Black Squadron wouldn’t escape being up and visible.

“I already have an agent on Bespin. I’m certain at some point at least, Lando will be contacted. Once we have cleared from Crait, I will set another on Yavin-4 – Kes Dameron still lives there, I believe.” She would not advise they take action against Kes. Better to watch.

At some point, his son would check in. If Kes hadn’t already run – in which case, she’d just have her agent track him down.


Armitage didn’t consider the choice of Althea’s seat much this time around. She had sat there last time, it was expected that she would pick it again, given he had not chosen to protest it. The name Matija was one that she was familiar with, but apparently not greatly. She had heard of the matriarch, Theodora, and hadn’t liked her.

‘Because she’s powerful, or…?’ He didn’t ask. He’d heard enough rants from Reveille when she was in one of her moods.

Gossip was still something. Gossip and rumors usually existed because of some truth – or because someone truly disliked Tarkin, which could be advantageous. If he was viewed as untrustworthy, it likely meant his allies didn’t extend so far beyond his inner circle. “It does not differ much from what I have heard. It seems the Tarkins tend to remain the same.”

Dangerous, in a word.

The ship shuddered on leaving the atmosphere, but otherwise, the trip was smooth. “It seems we have reason to believe that the old Imperials who have refused to see things our way may become more of a threat than the Resistance. Whether or not our Supreme Leader chooses to see that is another matter.” The man’s obsessions knew no bounds or logic. He was probably still stuck on that scavenger girl and getting revenge.

She was also, apparently, a loose end now. ‘He let her go….’ He should have asked for more details from Reveille. He realized that now – the Scavenger had been there, and he’s so wanted to believe that Kylo got his ass kicked by her. It seemed that wasn’t true. Somehow Kylo did end up passed out…or he played at it…probably the latter. And he let the Scavenger go.

Why did he have to deal with that mess of a man? Why?
Kylo knew that Reveille was right. The Core planets would be too risky right then for the Resistance. Lando Calrissian still held power on Bespin, and no doubt they will seek his help to regain footing. He had nearly forgotten that his father’s old friend was still alive.

And Kes Dameron. Another name he hadn’t heard in a long time. If Poe Dameron was so foolish as to visit his father, then that could aid them. “See to it that we do.” Kylo won’t be so foolish as to let the pilot escape so easily next time they had him.

He had to admit defeat in pursuing the Resistance at this time. They were at a dead end, and any attempt to hunt them down would be a waste of resources and manpower. Establish a few agents in likely places, and wait. Fix the ship, gain control of the Core worlds, and wait.

Kylo hated waiting.

“So that leads us with relocating to the Core planets in the meantime.”


Lavinia braced herself against the bench as the ship passed through the atmosphere, still not quite used to the movement. To her, all of the elite families who once held a position of power in the Empire were the same. Power hungry, untrustworthy, dangerous. And she was more than happy to include her own family in that group.

“Do you think the Resistance will try and team up with the old Imperials, if it meant going against us?” She certainly hadn’t heard of any sort of plan, but it had been several months since she last saw anyone of the Resistance.

Regardless of the Resistance’s plans, if General Hux saw the old Imperials as a potential threat, then that would be something worth noting. “If there is a potential threat, then surely we need to try and make the Supreme Leader see that.” Just please don’t ask me to tell him.
‘Yes, as I said before, it is the best course.’ Reveille did not say that, and she wondered how long she might have to deal with Kylo seeming to order her to do what she was already planning on doing. ‘See to it that we do.’ Her internal voice mocked.

Of course, she didn’t make any of those comments aloud, and she swallowed back on parroting his own words in another fashion.

“Yes, but there is much to do in the Core for all of us, and I can certainly assist in helping you to locate what may need to be done. My lieutenant-admiral will have an orderly list when I return to the Core, and I would have no qualms sharing it with you so that you may delegate tasks appropriately and in an informed manner.”

Though Reveille already knew her next steps and she’d make that clear when they were presented with the information for moving forward. “Speaking of, I will need to see the damage read-outs on the Supremacy when we return. I need to know what to request to bring it to the Core.”

How many tug-ships were actually needed, and which ones. She was certain two at a minimum were needed, but more could be required, depending on the damage as it was now. It had been repaired a bit. “With your permission, Supreme Leader, I could see to it that the ships are here within a couple of hours.”

That would give them time to pack up from Crait once Garmuth was done, and get on their way to the Core.


That was not something that Armitage could predict. He was not sure if Leia could set aside her grudges to work with a Tarkin, or support someone who generally did not hold similar political views, all for a common goal. It was hard enough to think he would have to deal with Tarkin when he’d heard enough of the man from Carise Sindian and through some holovids. “With or without the Resistance, the old Imperails remain a threat if they seek to depose our rule. If the parties align, they’re just broadcasting their hypocrisy.”

Hux had thought, once, that Tarkin could become a powerful ally. ‘But perhaps he is too power hungry.’ If he wanted the same esteem and position as Wilhuff, he wouldn’t get it. Not so easily, anyways.

Well, unless the Tarkins had some strange sway over Force sensitives as Wilhuff was rumored to have over Vader. Then Hux might even be happy to allow Matija into the Order. If he could distract Kylo with old relics of Vader or stories of him, that would be useful.

At her final comment, he arched an eyebrow. “Yes, it would be good if the Supreme Leader saw it, but it is unlikely he will. Unless you want to try and persuade him?” Armitage would prefer that someone just distract Kylo with rumors and let him take a few Troopers with him to random, backwater planets to beat the bushes for the Resistance.

It was likely something he’d need to discuss with Reveille if only so she didn’t muck up the plan. Kylo Ren was more used to operating on the field and taking skirmish groups. It might not be impossible to convince him to continue that activity even under the title ‘Supreme Leader’.

“The Supreme Leader sees our threat as the Resistance. He is not wrong, they remain a threat, but at the moment they are not worth our time or resources. They’ll pop their heads up again. The cockroaches always do….” And then they could crush them, once and for all, but there was no need to go out after them when they could making their job harder.

The ship slowed, reaching the Supremacy once more, and soon found its place in the hangar. Armitage rose as he felt the familiar rock of the vessel that signaled it stopping, “We’ll be going to the communications room next.” That was usually where new information from informants reached first.
Kylo briefly wondered about Reveille, about whether she shared the same grandiose dream he knew General Hux had of inheriting his title. He had no doubt that she was just as conniving and cunning as her brother, and he momentarily entertained the idea of probing her mind just to see what kind of thoughts she harbored. If she was just as much as a threat to his title as Armitage.

Another time perhaps.

“That will be appreciated.” Though his tone did not convey his gratitude. “With our recent blow, restructuring of tasks is certain to be in order.” When the Supremacy was sliced in half, they suffered numerous losses, and now with a dead end trail on the Resistance, he knew they needed to focus on domination and expansion until new information arrived. And with that, many of the officers will need to be delegated with new tasks.

He wasn’t even sure if the damages have been fully accessed yet. That was something he personally didn’t bother with, but that’s what the engineers and their droids were for. “I will contact engineering when we get back.” Rather, he will order someone to fetch what was needed. “I trust you will do what is necessary in order to ensure we are back to full power.”


Armitage’s inane question of if she wanted to persuade the Supreme Leader resulted in an unladylike snort from the woman. Immediately her hand clapped over her mouth as she realized her error, and she slowly placed it back on the bench. “I apologize, sir. But if the Supreme Leader won’t listen to you, then he won’t listen to a mere lieutenant.” Even if said lieutenant was assigned by him to the general. She really didn’t want to find out.

Lavinia raised an eyebrow at the cockroach comparison. “But like any other pest, if you’re not quick to exterminate the threat completely, they’ll just keep on growing.” She wasn’t sure of how much she believed her own words. All she could do was hope.

Once the ship settled, Lavinia rose from the bench and followed Armitage with no hesitation. “Do we have any hope of already receiving information from our informants?” Over the few months she spent on the Supremacy, Lavinia learned some of the names and locations of those spying for the First Order, and while some were sent to the Resistance, there were many she still didn’t know about. She didn’t learn about Bazine Netal’s location until it was too late. And then there were others who were always on the movie and could never be tracked.
‘No, Kylo, I will not do what is necessary to restore the First Order. It isn’t as if all of my hopes and dreams are with this organization or anything.’ Did Kylo speak to everyone like this? Stars, no wonder her brother detested him. It was grating. Did he think she didn’t care? Did he think she would rather do anything else than help the First Order get back on its feet?

If nothing else, she at least her childhood to thank for teaching her how to perfect her mask. Her father used to get under her skin like no other, but she learned not to give him the satisfaction of knowing it.

It seemed she’d have to use those skills now.

She wasn’t exactly going to get away with slapping Ren. Or asking him why he let her and General Hux maintain their positions if he doubted their loyalties to the Order. “Of course, Supreme Leader. It does not benefit me in the least to have us in a weakened state.” He wouldn’t get the hint, would he?

Probably not. ‘Just…deal with it.’ She might need to pay her brother another visit when the evening actually hit. After dinner. Ask him how in the stars he dealt with this. ‘Not well.’ He did get thrown around. At least she was avoiding that, so far, just choked. The ship started to settle, and Reveille turned to the door as it opened, Jinah following behind.

Reveille didn’t so much as glance back to ask where the Bridge was. She wasn’t on the Supremacy often but the ships all had a similar design pattern. She knew where to find the Bridge, and so where she needed to be to get information on the damage.

She wasn’t used to waiting or taking orders from others, either, so it didn’t seem to cross her mind to wait for Kylo to find what he needed from engineering. He knew where she was going – he could meet up with her there.

It was much as how it had slipped her mind to consider him in her calculations on Crait, presuming he could do as he liked and she could have been left to help Garmuth, or finally talk with him a bit about the situation before them and her plans, so he wouldn’t presume any action.

Where she was, she rarely had to deal with Snoke personally, after all. She was getting used to oversights.


Just a hint of a smirk touched Armitage’s lips at the snort that came from Althea, that glimmer of humor as she seemed to understand he wasn’t being serious in his suggestion. Even if Kylo Ren had sent her, Armitage didn’t truly believe he cared much about her opinion. Ren didn’t care about anyone’s opinion.

Besides, he knew who he’d send if he didn’t feel up to going himself. Ironically enough, it was another mere lieutenant, “Perhaps you and Lieutenant Mitaka should have a chat. He seems to be capable of not getting himself killed by the Supreme Leader regardless of why he has to go speak with him,” Hux did wonder if Mitaka found some way to bribe him. Or had some other secret.

Whatever the case, his talent was known.

With her question, Armitage just shrugged, “The Resistance has a habit of appearing where we are. It was not long ago Black Squadron showed up at Ikkrukk where we had operations underway.” That was not more than a couple of days ago. Colonel Barrut and her Fortitude were now as good as gone, and Ikkrukk lost to them, but no matter. It would be reclaimed. “From that we’ve been able to understand that Black Squadron is still moving about out there, trying to gather allies for General Organa, though they’ve not made so much noise since then.”

And even that noise hadn’t come in soon enough for any of them to do anything about it. By the time Colonel Barrut reported, it was all over.

He led the way to the communications room, not pausing to address anyone even if other officers did pause, offering brief “Sir”s along the way, stopping in case he had any order to give. It was the one bit of satisfaction in his life – he knew they fled before Kylo. His influence in the military and among its personnel was obvious.

The communications room was one of those strangely quiet rooms. People had on headsets that blocked out much noise in order for them to better hear, or focus, on what was occurring on the other end. He didn’t waste much time, walking straight ahead to a darker woman who sat at a terminal. “Major Kanna,” he addressed, clipped tone not at all seeming to startle her despite how intent her gaze was on her terminal. “Any news on the Resistance?”

The woman’s lips only briefly pursed together, before she answered, “Negative, General Hux,” without so much as shifting her gaze to look at him.
If Kylo caught on to Reveille’s tone, he did not show it. He was aware of how others perceived him, and he was aware of their exact thoughts at times. But he didn’t care. All he cared about was power. About controlling the galaxy and creating a legacy like Darth Vader. And he would strike down anyone who threatened that goal.

“No, it does not.” He recognized the slight sarcasm in Reveille, and his own counter provided a threat. Should the First Order continued to fail, he would personally see to it that some positions were refilled. Although loath to admit, the Huxes, especially General Hux, possessed certain skills that Kylo Ren needed in order to succeed. But if they didn’t know that, then he could still make idle threats.

Kylo didn’t immediately follow Reveille to the Bridge when he disembarked. Instead he turned towards the nearest officer, who showed a flicker of fear at the Supreme Leader’s attention directed toward him. “Send a message to engineering to have the damage readouts of the Supremacy sent directly to me and Admiral Hux.” With a nod, the officer delved into his task and Kylo continued on

Everyone paused as Kylo neared them in the corridors, but he looked at no one. Spoke to no one. Unfortunately he needed to reconvene with Admiral Hux in order to establish the next set of orders and what to do once at the Core. A few glanced his way when he entered the Bridge, but most knew to remain focused on their screens unless ordered otherwise.

At least he didn’t have to deal with two Huxes again.


Lavinia struggled to recollect Lieutenant Mitaka. It wasn’t a name she was familiar with, but the Supremacy employed many officers. Perhaps he was someone she simply hadn’t run into yet. Whoever he was, he appeared to be someone who dealt with Kylo Ren often, and for that Lavinia felt a sliver of sympathy for the man.

She knew vague details of what happened on Ikkrukk through chatter amongst the officers. Hearing that the Black Squadron was still out there was new to her and brought great relief. Poe Dameron knew how to lead, and with their victories against the First Order, it showed. “We’ll just have to catch them when they finally slip up.”

Although familiar with the path to the communications room, Lavinia followed directly behind General Hux with an occasional glance to the other officers they passed. Once did she acknowledge another officer with a slight nod of the head, Lieutenant Lusica Stynnix, someone she engaged with a few times for work related business.

Her eyes quickly traveled around the room in hopes something of interest popped out at her, but unless she focused on one screen, Lavinia knew she wouldn’t immediately spot anything exciting. The news Major Kanna provided didn’t surprise her, yet she still felt a sense of relief. No news was good news.

“It seems they are laying low for now, or at least being smart in their rebuilding.” She would have to check her own private datapad when she retired to her room for the evening to see if they sent her any update. It may be too risky at the moment though. With the First Order searching for them, their message could get intercepted easily, and it would be over for Lavinia.
Reveille did notice that she had gained some ground, and Jinah recognized it as well in the way the rage seemed to leave her – not completely, it still hovered, but there was a relaxation all the same. Kylo Ren clearly got to her. She was able to hide it before others, apparently, but his sight gave him that much of an advantage. Seeing Reveille meant seeing her as her energy, shaped around the form physical form. The energy was in the air around her, but less.

He didn’t speak to it, tempted as he was.

This was not her ship.

This was not where they would go unquestioned, and he still felt the looks and animosity stemming from others. Times like these, he almost wished he was Rani and got to stay in the ship.

It was supposedly a punishment for Rani punching out an officer, but he didn’t think it much punishment. The officer had deserved it.

The energy in the Bridge was rather startled, “Admiral Hux,” one man managed to stutter out, surprised to see her, “We weren’t expecting you.”

“That was foolish.” Reveille stated it without much concern. It was. She showed up on the Supremacy, of course she was going to show up in the Bridge at some point. “Bring up the schematics of the Supremacy and call the Exigency.” Her flagship – there’d be no question who would pick up on the other side of that call.

Kos’tel’lanni would be able to issue the necessary orders once they had the information on the Supremacy. “Of course, Admiral.” The officer turned to do just that, and as Kylo was entering the room, the schematics and layout of the Supremacy were already filling the room as a hologram, the damage obvious in glaring red sections on the image that Reveille’s eyes went over it with scrutiny.

Rather than respond to Kylo’s arrival, the Officers seemed to prefer to keep their heads down. And hope they weren’t in trouble for answering Reveille’s demands. “It’s not as bad as I thought,” Reveille murmured, more to herself than to the Supreme Leader. “I suppose it depends on how well this has been tended to,” she gestured to a wing, “but otherwise this shouldn’t require more than two tug-ships.”


Armitage could only roll his eyes at the statement that was made about the Resistance lying low, or being smart in their rebuilding. “I doubt it,” he could never believe someone like Poe Dameron could ever be smart. He destroyed nearly the entirety of the Resistance Fleet to take out one dreadnaught.

As if Armitage didn’t have others.

He wasted his fleet on destroying Starkiller just as well. “More likely they’re just sleeping.” He snorted at the idea, though he supposed with so few, it was possible they all slept at the same time and not in intelligent shifts. No, they would show up on his radar again – and sooner than he’d like. “Continue monitoring the situation.”

He paused, then, to consider. The informants weren’t quite like their agents – freelance more than anything, and so Armitage couldn’t claim to know them personally. “Do we have anyone who might blend into Yavin-4?” His sister mentioned having Terex already on Bespin. How that asshole did it…, “Or Eriadu?”

Still with an unmoving gaze, Kanna gave a sharp nod, “Easier on Eriadu – game and bounty hunters aren’t uncommon there. I could send Swift—”

“No,” Hux denied that one immediately. That was, perhaps, the only one he knew. One he kept around even if he humored the thought of killing the man more often than not. “Tarkin would know him.” And know his connections. Best not to tempt the fates that way. “Where is Swift now?”

“Canto Bight,” she said.

“Leave him there,” he said, shaking his head. “Someone else.”

“I could request Velum move to Eriadu, and perhaps,” she frowned a moment, biting the inside of her cheek, “Jeen to Yavin-4?”

“Jeen?” Armitage couldn’t quite recall that one so well.

“Yes, had family in the Rebel Alliance, seems they’d fit in among veterans.”

“Aah,” Hux did nod his approval, “Yes, move Jeen there, then.”

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