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Fantasy Festival of Roses Applications



derek hale deserved better
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Hello all! So excited to have your interest! There will be a due date for character apps, however I'd first like to see if we even get enough interest to fill out the characters. Please remember, this will not be first come first serve, so if you see an app for the role you wanted, please feel free to also submit for that role. In your apps, please include all of the following;

AGE (20-25)
FACECLAIM (Real People Only)
PERSONALITY (1+ Paragraphs or 5 Traits w/ explanations)
GIFT (Power they hold w/ explanation)

That is all that is required, if I feel I've missed anything I'll let you know, happy creating!​
♡ Work in Progress ♡​

Gales of

Guide me through the storm

the youngest
of Phora

On the wings of a small, simple melody
Words take flight and soar,
they carry me

Lawful Good

Neutral Good

Chaotic Good

Lawful Neutral

Chaotic Neutral

Lawful Evil

Neutral Evil

Chaotic Evil

Still the winds howl,
they call and their voices lead me home

  • text

code made by


Last edited:

Age: 22
Kingdom: Cidal
Role: Eldest Prince, but middle child of the royal heirs
Sexuality: Hetero-romantic Asexual
Face Claim: Eddie Redmayne


Unlike his mother, Felix's nature is very gentle. When around strangers, the prince is quiet and laid back, although not unpleasant to be around. Some members of the court have even described him as a bit "melancholy". Felix takes his duties as a prince seriously, even if it is only to appease his mother, however slightly. The people of the kingdom of Cidal have noticed the care he puts into his work, and they regard him highly for it. As far as royals go, Felix could be so much worse. He could be his mother.

Felix is known to treat others with the utmost respect, including castle servants. When around the people he loves and trusts the most, he is far more talkative. When with his siblings, who he loves fiercely, he often cracks jokes and can have a hard time realizing when its time to shut up and let the others get back to their personal business. But when new people are around, or his royal duties come up, he goes right back to being the quiet but responsible prince.


((TW: Child abuse))

Felix is the second born to Queen Ivanna of Cidal, and the heir apparent. Although, he absolutely dreads the day he will be forced to wear the crown. He hadn't always felt that way about his future though. There was a time once when being the future king seemed exciting, and seemed like a real chance to help people.

Then his mother ruined it all.

When he was seven, Felix went on his first hunting trip with his father and his advisors. On the trip, a buck had been shot, but not killed. The king thought that Felix should do the honors of putting the animal out of its misery, and be his first successful "kill". But when Felix tried to put the hunting knife to the bucks throat he instead proceeded to vomit and cry over the helpless animal until one of the other men on the trip had to do it instead. Taking the life of anything, even an animal, was too much for Felix.

Upon returning to the castle, his mother took him behind closed doors and gave him a thrashing. Literally. She beat Felix almost senseless while berating him for his weakness the whole time. How could a spineless coward, someone who couldn't kill something as lowly as a deer, ever be a proper king? He couldn't, according to his mother. After that night, Felix was no longer excited for what his future held.

And it only got worse from there.

Ivanna's abuse continued throughout the years. The thing about being verbally abused, is that if it happens enough, one starts to believe the horrible things said to and about them. Even though Felix is an adult now, years of his mother's words have erased any confidence he would have had in himself. He isspinless coward, he is a disgrace to the family, he would be the downfall of the kingdom when it came time for him to be king. And although Felix dreads the crown, he takes his responsibilities as a royal heir seriously. Not only to avoid the wrath of his mother, but because he feels like there is nothing else he can do.

If given the chance, Felix would run away. Many sleepless night's have been spent fantasizing about exploring the world, and uncovering the mysteries and secrets to be found beyond the walls of his castle. But, the Festival of Roses is set to begin, and Felix's greatest fear's are starting to come into fruition. The crown is looming closer, and rumors are flying about his father's death possibly being at the hand's of his own mother. Will whomever Felix meet's at the Festival meet the same fate as the king? Will Felix?


Felix's own shard of Cidal's gem is affixed in a ring that was given to him by his father when he came of age. The power that blossomed within him allowed him to pull water particles from the air and freeze them. Essentially, to create ice at will. The ice can be formed to take whatever shape he wills it, but rather than use the ice to fashion weapons as his mother would have liked, Felix tends to make ice sculptures for he and his sibling's enjoyment.

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