
Self Insert
Magic C, Telepathy F, Psychic Affinity F, Area of Effect F
A spell which fabricates a false memory and forces it into the minds of others, lasting for 1 post.
(You can play along, or have her snap out of it right away; whatever sounds more fun!)
Rosette was sprawled on the ground, distraught from the recent loss of her mother. Rosette didn't even want to think about how horrible it was when she'd died. She really, REALLY didn't want to think about it. After all, it was just WAY too painful, and she didn't like pain. She'd had so much of that, she was struggling to pull herself up off the ground.
But, just then, a glowing light appeared before her, and out of that light, a dazzling maiden who looked, by her estimation, to be queen of the world. Maybe the universe, even. The most absolutely beautiful lady alive, with no close second. Wait, maybe that's overdoing it... uh... perhaps not that beautiful, but she really was quite beautiful!
Into the lowest valleys of Rosette's despair - which she, again, reminded herself she did not want to think about - strode this beautiful lady, her fae nature casting a mysterious glow on the surrounding cobblestone.
"Please don't cry," the fae called out to her, softly. How did she know her name!? "I'm Yume, and someday soon, I'm going to become the benevolent queen of this world! And I've chosen you, Rosette, to serve me in my quest."
Queen of the world? How absurd! Surely this bold fae was just a lunatic!
"And as part of my benevolence, I have a gift for you. Come on out!" Yume called. Suddenly, a figure stepped forward from behind a nearby house. It couldn't be... but it was! It was Rosette's mother, looking motherly, and exactly like how Rosette remembered her mother should look like! And she was smiling! Rosette was so happy, as she hugged her mother, who she thought was gone, all that pain going away and healing. They were both smiling, and very very happy, and happier than they'd ever been before, ever. And all because of the sassy-looking fae girl named Yume!
"So?" Yume asked, beckoning for Rosette.
Rosette wiped the happy tears from her eyes and nodded, answering, "I'm your humble servant, Mistress Yume!" Rosette answered, without thinking too much about why she said it this way, or if it was out of character to say it that way, because after all she had just been very distressed and people often act strangely when they've been distressed!
What a happy memory it was! Easily one of Rosette's favorites!
But, just then, a glowing light appeared before her, and out of that light, a dazzling maiden who looked, by her estimation, to be queen of the world. Maybe the universe, even. The most absolutely beautiful lady alive, with no close second. Wait, maybe that's overdoing it... uh... perhaps not that beautiful, but she really was quite beautiful!
Into the lowest valleys of Rosette's despair - which she, again, reminded herself she did not want to think about - strode this beautiful lady, her fae nature casting a mysterious glow on the surrounding cobblestone.
"Please don't cry," the fae called out to her, softly. How did she know her name!? "I'm Yume, and someday soon, I'm going to become the benevolent queen of this world! And I've chosen you, Rosette, to serve me in my quest."
Queen of the world? How absurd! Surely this bold fae was just a lunatic!
"And as part of my benevolence, I have a gift for you. Come on out!" Yume called. Suddenly, a figure stepped forward from behind a nearby house. It couldn't be... but it was! It was Rosette's mother, looking motherly, and exactly like how Rosette remembered her mother should look like! And she was smiling! Rosette was so happy, as she hugged her mother, who she thought was gone, all that pain going away and healing. They were both smiling, and very very happy, and happier than they'd ever been before, ever. And all because of the sassy-looking fae girl named Yume!
"So?" Yume asked, beckoning for Rosette.
Rosette wiped the happy tears from her eyes and nodded, answering, "I'm your humble servant, Mistress Yume!" Rosette answered, without thinking too much about why she said it this way, or if it was out of character to say it that way, because after all she had just been very distressed and people often act strangely when they've been distressed!
What a happy memory it was! Easily one of Rosette's favorites!
"That should do it~" Yume giggled, replacing the wooden wand she'd been holding up with a candied apple as she peeked out from her hiding spot behind one of the festival booths. "Candy and a happy memory: the perfect ingredients for a fun time~!"
Stepping out into the open, Yume spun around once with her dress, stopping just in front of the red-haired maid with a shiny en-stickened apple of the same color. "There you are~" Yume exclaimed, handing her the candy. "You know, a queen isn't supposed to go shopping for her servants, but just this once, I'll make an exception, since you seem like a— ahem, like you've been so hardworking lately!" Don't call attention to it, don't call attention to it...
Yume placed a hand on Rosette's back as they walked together. "Say, Rosette. After all this time, I feel like I hardly know you as a person! Do you have any deeply personal hobbies? Thoughts? Opinions? Childhood memories? You know, the kind of thing that you wouldn't just share with any random person? I promise I won't laugh if it's embarrassing~"
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