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Community [Feb25 Event - Rosette Louvier x Yume!]


Roleplay Type(s)



Self Insert
Magic C, Telepathy F, Psychic Affinity F, Area of Effect F
A spell which fabricates a false memory and forces it into the minds of others, lasting for 1 post.

(You can play along, or have her snap out of it right away; whatever sounds more fun!)

Rosette was sprawled on the ground, distraught from the recent loss of her mother. Rosette didn't even want to think about how horrible it was when she'd died. She really, REALLY didn't want to think about it. After all, it was just WAY too painful, and she didn't like pain. She'd had so much of that, she was struggling to pull herself up off the ground.

But, just then, a glowing light appeared before her, and out of that light, a dazzling maiden who looked, by her estimation, to be queen of the world. Maybe the universe, even. The most absolutely beautiful lady alive, with no close second. Wait, maybe that's overdoing it... uh... perhaps not that beautiful, but she really was quite beautiful!

Into the lowest valleys of Rosette's despair - which she, again, reminded herself she did not want to think about - strode this beautiful lady, her fae nature casting a mysterious glow on the surrounding cobblestone.

"Please don't cry," the fae called out to her, softly. How did she know her name!? "I'm Yume, and someday soon, I'm going to become the benevolent queen of this world! And I've chosen you, Rosette, to serve me in my quest."

Queen of the world? How absurd! Surely this bold fae was just a lunatic!

"And as part of my benevolence, I have a gift for you. Come on out!" Yume called. Suddenly, a figure stepped forward from behind a nearby house. It couldn't be... but it was! It was Rosette's mother, looking motherly, and exactly like how Rosette remembered her mother should look like! And she was smiling! Rosette was so happy, as she hugged her mother, who she thought was gone, all that pain going away and healing. They were both smiling, and very very happy, and happier than they'd ever been before, ever. And all because of the sassy-looking fae girl named Yume!

"So?" Yume asked, beckoning for Rosette.

Rosette wiped the happy tears from her eyes and nodded, answering, "I'm your humble servant, Mistress Yume!" Rosette answered, without thinking too much about why she said it this way, or if it was out of character to say it that way, because after all she had just been very distressed and people often act strangely when they've been distressed!

What a happy memory it was! Easily one of Rosette's favorites!

"That should do it~" Yume giggled, replacing the wooden wand she'd been holding up with a candied apple as she peeked out from her hiding spot behind one of the festival booths. "Candy and a happy memory: the perfect ingredients for a fun time~!"

Stepping out into the open, Yume spun around once with her dress, stopping just in front of the red-haired maid with a shiny en-stickened apple of the same color. "There you are~" Yume exclaimed, handing her the candy. "You know, a queen isn't supposed to go shopping for her servants, but just this once, I'll make an exception, since you seem like a— ahem, like you've been so hardworking lately!" Don't call attention to it, don't call attention to it...

Yume placed a hand on Rosette's back as they walked together. "Say, Rosette. After all this time, I feel like I hardly know you as a person! Do you have any deeply personal hobbies? Thoughts? Opinions? Childhood memories? You know, the kind of thing that you wouldn't just share with any random person? I promise I won't laugh if it's embarrassing~"

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Rosette Louvier

A warm smile, warmer than a fresh baked cookie, warmer than the hottest summer day, warmer than a freshly spent cartridge case bloomed upon Rosette's lips. The target of this, the warmest of Rosette's smiles, a singular entity of such unsurpassed beauty that Rosette could scarcely gaze upon her directly. Yume, whose silver tresses sparkled like armor as it reflected the light of the lanterns placed here and there among the festival stalls. Yume, whose eyes like golden coins seemed to pierce into Rosette's very being. Yume, whose porcelain skin reminded Rosette of her grandmother's fine china. Yume, self proclaimed queen of the world. Yume, who had brought the dead to life. Yume, who stole a piece of Rosette's humble heart with each glittering glance. Yume gracefully presented a delicious looking candied apple to the young maid who took it eagerly. Rosette's ruby eyes flashing warmly as a subtle blush crept up upon her cheeks and tainted the tips of her ears.

" Really, you shouldn't have Your Royal Majesty." Rosette spoke warmly, her honey sweet voice piercing through the din of the festival. " This Rosette is happy just to be near you after all."

Rosette took a delicate bite of the apple savoring it's tartness. Tartness that seemed to dance lovingly with the candy coating it like a rose colored blanket. This was one of Rosette's favorite treats. A treat that was hard to share, rare to come across, but simply to die for. When she felt Yume place a hand tenderly on her back as they began their stroll among the festival's booths she turned an affectionate gaze toward the fae. She listened intently as the fae spoke, marveling at the beauty of Yume's voice. Then she turned to look at the stalls as she thought. Rosette had many thoughts and opinions that she didn't share with anyone though they were not embarrassing. She remembered the time she had fed her big sister Lilibeth a medicine for constipation right before her magic lessons thus causing Lilibeth to poop her pants mid spell. Yet, she knew that was not a story to share with such a noble and wonderful being.

Rosette continued to rack her brain. She desperately didn't want to disappoint Yume, but she just didn't have any story she felt worthy to share with her savior. Then at last it emerged. Her darkest secret. Her warm blush faded at the mere thought of the dark and evil book that she had stolen from Lilibeth. She suddenly stopped walking, the world seeming to fade just a bit as images flooded her mind. The tales of monsters who took a young maiden's innocence. That hid among the normal shop keepers. That walked among knights and even housed itself within family and close friends. The Tentacle Beast; Rosette's biggest secret and deepest fear. A shiver passed through her body as the color finished draining from her face.

" I..I don't think we should talk about this anymore.." She stated, her formerly warm voice now distant sounding and filled with hidden anxiety.

Tau Tau



A big stupid smile creeped up on Yume's face as those magical words tickled both her ears, and her ego. "Your Royal Majesty." Ah, that felt right. She really ought to make herself a crown or something to truly sell it. "Likewise," Yume replied. "This is a very nice place, it's lucky we were paired together!"

Yume was hopeful she'd get some juicy tidbits of information. That was the point of a date, after all, wasn't it? To snatch up as much personal information about the other person as possible? Unfortunately, rather than a bit of fun facts, the cute maid just... broke. Was that her doing!? Oh crap...

"U-uhh..." Yume stammered as she noticed Rosette's face grow cold and distant. "Uhm...!?" What had she done!? Hadn't she just injected a pleasant little memory? It wasn't supposed to break her! "S-Sure, yes, you don't have to if you don't want." Bummer.

And also very worrying. Yume and Rosette continued to wander past the colorful sights, ignoring the booths of festival games, the candies for sale, the street performers. Maybe she just wasn't comfortable talking in front of all these fake people? Sure, yeah, that must be it! Yume eventually led her to a balcony, overlooking a small lake. Fireworks lit up the night sky with the occasional 'boom!', blossoming into an array of colors. This was relatively secluded from the crowds, compared to the streets. It was nice!

"Well, Rosette, I just wanted you to know, it makes me very happy, the way you treat me like a queen," she spoke in a hurry. "And if, say, you change your mind about that in the next - I don't know, 4 seconds? - I just hope you remember how pleasant it was, being here together this way!" Yume grinned, nervously awaiting the fateful moment of realization.
Rosette allowed the beautiful fae to continue to lead her along and as she walked her color began to return. Along with it, piece by piece, her memories returned. Intermixed among them were the false memories, and urgings that had been forced upon her. To Rosette it seemed rather a cruel joke to pretend to save someone's dead mother, even if she wasn't really dead. Rosette just could not resolve the two images. On one hand Yume was quite kind and cute, but on the other she was very cruel. When at last the two found themselves on a balcony overlooking a small lake beneath a shower of thunderous fireworks Rosette was faced with a problem. She looked up at the cascading sparks of color blooming in the night sky. She listened to Yume as she spoke; clearly anticipating the sudden rejection she so richly deserved.

Yume had broken the 13th of Rosette's unforgivable sins; attacking Rosette while she is off duty. After all, before being whisked away, she had been training with her mother. A request Rosette had made outside of her normal mandatory training regimen. However, as she thought, a case could be made that she was in fact on duty. She had been whisked away by some magic to take part in some wizard's romantic comedy live action... thingy. Definitely an on duty occasion, and if so, the attack could be handwaved away.

She took another small bite of the candied apple as she watched the fireworks quietly. Maybe this little self proclaimed queen of the world was really just a frightened little lady. Maybe Yume just needed a friend even if it would only be temporary. Maybe Rosette should let the fae girl's sinfulness slide...just this one time. Taking care of scared little ladies was certainly a job for a very capable, exceedingly kind, and wondrously cute maid like herself.

She turned to face Yume and with a warm elegant smile gave the Fae a deep curtsy.

" My whatever could you mean, Your Royal Highness." Rosette declared in full grandeur " This humble Rosette is here to cater to your every need."

However when she rose her face slide into a cold Mask, her eyes unforgiving as they looked at the girl.

" However, I humbly request you cease your attacks on this maid." she continued in a tone devoid of any warmth or kindness " After all, your duty as queen is to take care of your people .... is it not?"

" Now as a punishment for your bad behavior you must take a bite from my candied apple."
She went on, her tone unchanged " An indirect kiss is your punishment you understand, Your Royal Highness."

when she presented the candied apple she made sure the part closest to Yume was the portion she had already bitten.

Tau Tau



Yume felt the grip of her spell begin to fade. She expected a lot: thankfulness? Sorrow? A sense of longing? Something. Instead, Rosette was just kinda... standing there. Menacingly Cutely. All she could do was wait, as the cogs turned in Rosette's noggin, and hope that they'd turn the right way.

"Eh...?" She tilted her head as Rosette kept up the act. At least, until she finished up that little curtsy. Ah, there it was. Menacingly...

"Oohhh, I see," Yume answered, more to herself than the maid. "I mean, I wouldn't call it an attack exactly..." she murmured, as the apple was pressed up to her face. "Indirect kiss...?" she stared into the bite mark blankly, lost in her thoughts for a few seconds.

"Well, if this maid returns to using her name, I suppose I can accept my punishment," Yume finally answered, lunging forward and snapping a bite off of the apple, with a quick, "Nom." After chewing and swallowing, Yume commented, "You taste like a candied apple." She licked her lips a few times.

"Did you like it, at least?" Yume asked, staring out at the reflection of the fireworks in the lake. "I was going more for surprising gift than attack..." she explained, eyes shifting to meet Rosette's for a moment. "You know... mood lighting, gift candies, happy memories? I can't make them last any longer than a little bit, though."
As Yume looked out at the lake Rosette took another dainty bite from the apple watching Yume intently as the fae spoke. The girl was more a mystery than even just a few heart beats ago. Rosette was almost at a loss for how she should proceed, but ever the honest angel she could not hold herself back from speaking openly.

" That wasn't much of a gift considering my mother is alive and well. To make me feel as if she had passed away, and then to manipulate me into liking you because you brought her back from the dead. That is most certainly an attack." Rosette replied evenly.

" I would have liked you more if you had just been sweet to me." She continued. " Gift candies, and new, good memories would have been my preferred method for undergoing this strange wizard's love game."

Rosette suddenly snatched Yume up in a hug from behind. Resting her face in the girls long silver hair, her candied apple discarded on the ground so as to not dirty up Yume's dress.

" I thought you were scared, so I thought to be your strength while we are here." Rosette said " But, now I know you are just an awkward princess. Let this Rosette take care of her awkward princess."

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"She didn't stay dead!" Yume pointed out. "Besides, if it helps, I'll happily do it for real, once I rule the world. If you ever need it. Not saying you will, just, you know... in case you ever did..."

Once Rosette casually discarded the apple onto the ground, Yume raised an eyebrow in protest. "For someone that wants to be gifted candy, you sure don't treat it very we— ehgck" she was cut short by the sudden attack.

Yume wasn't sure quite what to expect from this maid, but this definitely wasn't it. Did that mean she liked the fantasy? But then, she was coddling her more like one would a child than a respected queen. While it wasn't unpleasant in the slightest, it did feel a tad bit patronizing, being demoted from Universe Queen to Princess. Then again, Princess was still pretty good, all things considered. It kinda implied, "queen eventually."

"You do realize I could be like a bajillion years old, right?" Yume gently reminded Rosette. "Besides, you're cuddling me like 5 minutes after meeting me, and I'm the awkward one?" When Rosette did finally try to pull away, Yume reached over and pulled Rosette back into her hair. "Nope. You started it, so now you have to commit to your princess," she snarked.

"This is pretty nice," Yume hummed in contentment. After a while, she'd relaxed from her pensive gaze into the colorful water, and Rosette's embrace. It was actually a pretty comfy deviation from the chaos of the outside world. "It's a shame you'll forget it," she added nonchalantly. "Oh, speaking of which, I'm about ready by now!"

Yume reached for a small holster to pull out a smooth, wooden wand with glowing runes near the tip. "Since my idea was no good, you can pick your memory this time." Waiting for a response, Yume gently started poking Rosette's shoulder with the smooth tip of the wand. "What kind of memory does this Rosette want~?"
Rosette hugged Yume warmly, smiling to herself as the girl tried to awkwardly win over the humble little maid. Then even though she didn't try to pull away Yume held her even more tightly to herself. Rosette didn't mind though, comfort was also a maid's job, and Yume seemed sorely in need of it. Rather she clung to her even more warmly.

" I'll take responsibility, and hug you as long as you need." Rosette replied in a voice so soft that it was almost a whisper. " Besides, there is nothing awkward when it comes to hugs."

It did not take long for Yume to once more try to erect the wall that Rosette was only just now tearing down, and had only just noticed. When she felt the wand being pushed into her shoulder repeatedly her smile grew somewhat sad, though Yume couldn't see it. While tightening her embrace she reached up with one hand to take hold of the hand Yume used to hold the wand.

" I don't want another fake memory, Yume. I want to make a real memory with you, many of them in fact. If you don't want me to forget them, then just make them unforgettable." She replied sweetly though her voice also carried a bit of sadness " Besides, how could I ever forget such a strange day, and such a lovely future queen."

Yume had been so nonchalant with the comment that Rosette had almost missed it. To Rosette it would be a shame to forget such strange things and such interesting company. However, as she took in the Fae's scent she thought maybe there was just a bit more to it than she was thinking in that very moment. Still she would not find out anything if she was forced into a new nightmare, and one of her own creation at that.

" Let's see if they have gold fish scooping in the festival. I always beat my big sister at it when we were kids." She continued, trying to keep her sadness and the fear of her mind being twisted again out of her voice. " I have a special technique after all. I bet This Rosette can beat you too, Your Royal Highness......Yume."

Tau Tau



"There's nothing awkward about giving you memories, either," Yume blatantly lied. Nah, it was awkward as heck. She just wanted a clever response. It was buyable, right? No way Rosette could've known she didn't just go around doing this on the regular, surely...

"You'd be surprised how effective people are at forgetting things..." Yume answered ominously. "I've only met a few very special exceptions, and they've all been a bit, uhm..." Yume whirled her finger around her ear. "You look like you're way too uhm... put together."

It was a clearly sour topic, which brought that sour look to Yume's lips. Another volley of fireworks and cheers from the fake mirage crowd snapped her out of it. "Sorry, yes, we should make the most of this and have some fun! I think I saw a place with fish this way..."

It took a couple of minutes, but eventually Rosette and Yume arrived at a stall. "How does this work? Do we have to pay them or...?"

"Ah, would you fine young ladies like to give it a try?" a man in a colorful yukata laughed heartily, ignoring the rest of the world like they didn't exist. He handed each girl a small poi, before taking hold of an hourglass. "3... 2... 1... Go!" he shouted, flipping it over.

... What was this game? Yume had never played it in her life. A paddle, and a trough full of goldfish? Thankfully, the trusty mirage-world helped her out a bit by providing lots of examples, in the form of fake people playing nearby. "Ooohhh, okay...!" she nodded, understanding the gist pretty quickly.

And as it turned out, she was a lot better than the average, fake, background character. Lightly waving the poi in the air, she got a feel for how sturdy it was (more like wasn't), and chose a nearby fish to focus on, like a hawk zoning in on her prey. Wait for it... wait for it... waaaaait for it......... and then, with a motion equal parts swift and elegant, Yume snatched the fish and scooped it right into her bowl.

"Ahahaha, I got one!" she declared proudly, holding the bowl up like a trophy. "I am the Goldfish Queen!"
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Rosette dutifully followed along after Yume. Thankful to have diverted her from tampering with her mind again. Yet, where she reasoned she should be mad, she instead felt pity. Yume was a girl sorely in need of the comforts of a dutiful and loyal maid. A maid who could cater to the needs of her heart as well as the normal duties associated with maids. Rosette vowed to be just such a maid, for so long as the two were together.

It took them a while to find the scoping stall, but it was a marvel to Rosette how magic could so perfectly replicate this level of reality. As she was given a poi and watched Yume scooping her goldfish, Rosette briefly wondered if Lilibeth would one day be able to cast such marvelous magic. Her thoughts coming to an abrupt end as Yume presented her bowl as if it were a grand trophy.

" Well, you were Goldfish Queen!" Rosette declared boldly as she prepared for her assault. " That was until this Rosette came along!"

She poised herself tools in hand over the trough like an elegant predator awaiting it's time to pounce.

" Rosette! elegant bomber! swift water strike!" Rosette shouted gleefully as she plunged her poi into the water with all the elegance of a fat-ass bear trying to pluck a dainty fish from the river.

However, as could be surmised from her gleeful battle cry; Rosette was all show and no go. She captured a perfectly destroyed poi and nothing more than this. She stood stunned as even the mirage-stand operator laughed at her. She slowly turned to look a Yume, her eyes blinking momentarily before she began to giggle in full amusement.

" Ahahahahah, I failed so hard it surprised me." she tittered at her new friend " I thought the magic of this place would back up my bold declarations but it left me out to dry, ahahahaha."

Rosette was giggling so hard she had forgotten her worries, and was just simply enjoying herself to the fullest. A few tears had gathered at the corners of her eyes and she was quick to wipe them away. Truthfully she had not been to any kind of festival in such a long time that she had forgotten how fun they could be.

" Well, Goldfish Queen, you get the next choice of games to play." She continued once she had caught her breath from giggling so much. " Seems goldfish scooping is a skill that degrades over time."

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Yume watched with anticipation, ready to potentially catch another fish as Rosette revealed her true power level. Except that it turned out her power level was too much for mere fish. The splash from the thrust struck the side of Yume's face with a fine mist, as she stood there in a different kind of awe.

"Rosette is surprisingly violent..." she spoke, matter-of-factly, before the shock wore off, and turned into more of a smirk. "I'd more say it left us both more wet than dry," Yume shrugged, shaking off a bit of the water. "I get it, though. If I had to be polite all the time, I'd wanna slap a fish too."

Once she'd got enough teasing in, Yume knew just how to answer. Where to go next? "Shooting gallery!" she declared, pumping her fist in the air, before dragging Rosette along. It didn't take long to find one, which she rejected immediately. "We need one with good prizes!" she insisted, eventually arriving at one that satisfied her.

"There! That cute bear is perfect! I'll win it for you, and then you two can share your primal, fish-smashing urges!" Yume smiled. It wasn't entirely clear if she was being insulting, or if that was just the natural state of her face. "Gimme!

Yume was quickly armed with the toy gun, and settled in to take the shot. Like before, her precision really shown through, as she had excellent control of the gun, and the barrel was aimed near-perfectly. It looked like all was well... until it actually game to firing it. As Yume's finger began to squeeze the trigger, her face turned back more and more, anticipating the sudden force of the gun. Just from a glance, it was obvious Yume had no experience actually firing a gun, toy or otherwise.


Her whole body jolted from the laughably mundane force, sending the button to the counter with a little 'ping' sound. "Mnnn... well, no one gets it on their first try, right? Again!"

Ping. Plink. Bing.

Every time was the same: Yume would line it up almost perfectly, and then psyche herself out of it at the last moment, firing so far off course, the stand guy was throwing her a worried look, as if he might take a shot to the chest. After about 5 tries, by sheer dumb luck, she managed to knock down a soda 3 items away from her target.

"Congrats, miss! You won a—"

"Shush, Mr. Fake!" Yume grumbled as she snatched the soda out of his hand and handed the gun to Rosette. "Your turn! We'll get you the bear, no matter how many tries it takes!"

Fingering the opener on the top of the can, Yume began to pull, but her head turned away, treating the can in much the same way she had the gun.
Rosette took the toy rifle from Yume, and as the Fae turned away from her soda in fear, Rosette took the opportunity to steal a peck on the cheek. She leaned in quick like a viper, and before her gesture could be processed...Chu! a single sweet kiss had been planted. Then just as quickly she moved up to the counter.

" This Rosette will provide Her Royal Highness with that adorable drunkard penguin." Rosette declared warmly.

She shouldered the little rifle easily, it's weight nothing even close to her own rifle back home. It only took a moment of study to find her target's sweet spot and then....plink. The little rifle's mock recoil didn't even seem to exist within Rosette's skilled hands.


" We have another winner, young miss, you have won..... as very cute bear." the mirage-booth worker stated while taking careful pains not to look directly at Yume as he lay the bear on the counter near Rosette.

" I'll take two more shots please." Rosette replied, her tone no longer sweet but rather cold and filled with killing intent.

The fake booth operator was quick to comply, setting her ammo on the counter close at hand. Rosette reloaded the little toy gun before taking careful aim once again. In much the same way that it had been clear that Yume was unaccustomed to the rifle, it was also clear that Rosette was very well practiced with it.


" Wow, the little lady is on a hot streak." the mirage-man stated as he set her newly won Drunky the Penguin plush on the counter next to the bear.

" You know, I used to read Drunky the Penguin books as a kid." Rosette commented as she loaded the rifle, her voice having regained her normal honey sweet tone.

Once loaded up, Rosette turned to face Yume with another warm and sweet smile.

" He was my favorite." she continued as she held out a hand to Yume. " Do you want me to teach you how to shoot this?"

Tau Tau



Memory Sink
Stealth D, Telepathy F, Area of Effect F
Memories of Yume struggle to stick like normal. Where strong minds prevail, the average person may forget her in the time it takes her to get a cup of water.

(This is Yume's signature 'curse.' Because Rosette's an E-grade character, she can resist this)

"Eep!" Yume squeaked as she felt a peck on her cheeks, the shock of the gesture causing her to suddenly rip open the can of soda, the force launching a splash of it onto the stall owner.

... His furious reaction was so realistic! Yume simply blushed and offered a guilty wink, hoping to cute her way out of things. It worked, though she wasn't sure if that was part of the mirage magic or not.


Yume took a sip just in time to splurt it back out as Rosette casually scored the bear, and went on to start clearing the poor guy for everything he had.. "Wow... Rosette is kinda terrifying," she echoed the line from before, turning to the penguin and setting her soda down to pick up the plush toy. "So soft...!" she gave it a squeeze.

"You know... where I come from, giving this to a child would probably get someone arrested," she added, letting that tasteful tension hang in the air for a just moment, before resolving it, "I love it~! Penguins are adorable!"

Her golden eyes lingered on Rosette's hand for a moment, considering whether to let her pride take a hit for the sake of a potentially magical (and helpful) moment. In the end, it wasn't even a decision. She could be humble when she wanted to be!

"Sure!" Yume replied, about to take Rosette's hand, before pulling back a moment as something occurred to her. "Wait a sec', I think I saw some nice gloves that might help! Be right back, I'll only be a minute!"

Yume ran off down the street. True to her word, she returned about a minute later, wearing a thin pair of gloves on her hands and still holding Drunky the Penguin. "Okay! Teach me to blast my enemies to smithereens!" she cheered, setting the plushie down and holding out her, now gloved, hand.
Was Yume....just a child?? Not a bajillion year old eldritch being as Rosette had assumed her to be??? She watched as Yume dashed off, and realized in that moment that Yume was mainly just an adorable lil brat.

" B..but wait....how will gloves help!?!" Rosette shouted after the quickly retreating figure.

Then just as Yume disappeared from view, swallowed up by the crowd created by the mirage magic, Rosette's mind fell silent. Powering down for three to four heartbeats. Inside Rosette's brain all activity ceased except for that which was needed to keep her alive. Then just as suddenly things began to come flooding back. Piece by piece her mind reconstructed itself causing Rosette to lean heavily against the stand. She rubbed her temples wondering if something was wrong with her. She grew rather frightened, wondering if perhaps her health was in a very serious state of decline. Maybe the magic of this place was having an adverse affect on her? Could a person be...allergic to magic!?! Was Rosette in fact allergic to it?!?

It was in the very moment, when Rosette was just about to hit her peak of internal panic, that Yume decided to reappear. This was also the very moment that Rosette realized what had happened. For just a few moments she could not remember the strange little girl wanting to be taught to blast her enemies. Then bit by bit memories of Yume returned, yet never the full thing. Scenes made out of context with each other were all that she had. Bits of conversation. Images that lacked the story for why they existed. In short a huge mess. In short a huge mess directly caused by a certain little brat whose name would from that point forward be etched forever in Rosette's mind.

This was the moment Rosette hatched a plan of her own. Just as her big sister Lilibeth would often do to her, Rosette would now attempt to teach this little one a life lesson. Without changing the strange and fearful expression that had climbed onto her face she visibly recoiled from Yume.

" W..who are you?!? Why am I here? D..did you bring me here?" she rambled in her best panic stricken voice. " S..stay away from me!!"

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To some extent, Yume knew it was a risk to leave people alone for even a minute, but she didn't want to seem clingy, and she really wanted those gloves. Surely, if she was fast enough, Rosette would be just fine. And yet, it turned out Rosette was not only not fine, but very not fine. If she was being honest with herself, Yume wasn't either.

Throughout the entire date, Yume had mostly treated everything like a joke, but now appeared genuinely serious: an inner maturity which she'd neglected to show until now. She hugged the soft penguin and sighed. "You'll be okay, Rosette," she spoke softly, hoping not to spook the maid any more than she already was. "It's just... part of the process, with me."

Yume wanted to kick herself. Way to completely ruin the evening just for some stupid gloves! And curse these delicate, squishy fae-fingers too! Stepping forward, Yume set the soft penguin on the shooting range counter, sliding it in Rosette's direction. "Someone told me you really like this character. You ought to have it. I think it would just leave me feeling sad if I kept it."

Turning off to the side, Yume pondered how long they had left in this world. This was meant to be a speed-date, right? Sooner or later, it would've ended up this way anyway. She'd just hoped she wouldn't have to see Rosette's face after all that affection and familiarity had been erased from her mind.

Not wanting such a nice meeting to end on a sour note, Yume dug deep within herself, forcing herself to smile. "Have a good night, Rosette," she spoke, actually sounding like a polite young lady for a change, as she turned and began wandering off into the street.
Rosette felt her heart break 10,000 times over as she bore witness to Yume's sorrow. Maybe this had been a huge mistake. No, It had definitely been a huge mistake. Before she could even do anything Yume was already walking away and it was as if with each step a piece of Rosette was disappearing as well. Over time she had grown fond of the little brat. Even though they had been forced together by some strange magic, even though she had played such a cruel prank to start, even though they had not known each other for long, Rosette didn't wish for any of this.

When at last the full weight of her mistake took hold of her Rosette burst into tears. They ran down her cheeks like a river, carrying with it her hopes of fixing things. If she didn't hurry her mind would go blank again and then what would she do!?! She took off at full speed, hastily wiping her flooding eyes as she ran. She needed to apologize, she needed to fix what she had broken even if it was impossible.

" Yume!!!" She shouted in a voice so stained with sorrow that the mirages she ran past turned away to hide themselves form her sadness. " Yume!! Come Back!! Please!!"

Without warning Rosette fell headlong to the ground. In her rush to catch the beautiful little fae she had tripped and now lay sprawled on the ground. Her knees ached from where they had collided with the ground scraped open by the all too realistic ground. She felt gravel impacted into her scratched and bruised hands. Her lungs ached with her effort and with the huge sobs she hadn't even realized had been escaping her all this time.

" I'm Sorry!!! I'm so very, very sorry!!" She half shouted and half sobbed. " Please!!"

She tried her best to rise, but she knew she would never be able to reach the fae before her magic took effect. The entire time she had plotted this, she had figured Yume had been conscious of the use of her abilities, but Yume's reaction had told her otherwise. She didn't know how long they had left in this world, but she was desperate for it to not end like this. She did her best to will herself to rise despite the pain. She had to win, she had to keep going, she had to mend Yume's heart from the damage she had caused it.

Tau Tau



Yume wandered fast through the streets, not really sure where she was going. Maybe she'd bonk into some invisible wall at some point? Push past the simulation? She simply knew she didn't want to see that fearful face anymore. Blank and confused stares were common enough, but that was just awful! Unlike anything she'd ever seen before!

How could she blame her, anyway? Rosette had been yanked from whatever mansion she worked in, to a world of illusions, then her mind had been twisted twice in the span of a single hour. Anyone with a reasonable head on their shoulders would freak out like that! Heck, Yume herself was feeling a bit strange about just the first part.

Slowing down, Yume started to second-guess herself. Maybe she should try to find the maid and see if she was okay. Just a little... peeking in, from a safe and respectable distance. But then, she'd been pretty clear she wanted nothing to do with her. So... just find a nice spot and wait it out, she supposed. With any luck, Rosette's second date would be able to heal the wounds this disaster of a first one had caused.

With each moment the two were apart, Yume's face seemed to blur over, and the memories they made drifted off, to become more distant. After a minute, the shape of her clothes came into question, after a few, the color of her eyes, and after that, the sound of her voice. Were Rosette any less strong-willed, they would've vanished completely, but they lingered on in her mind, out of what seemed to be sheer desire to remember.

Yume sat on a bench, in a little park, lying at the edge of the festival. It was relatively quiet, the chatter of the crowd becoming distant whispers. Once Rosette collapsed on the path ahead, Yume tilted her head, throwing the maid a curious look of pity. Was she just running around in a panic, searching desperately for an exit? It sure looked that way. As if the end of this date couldn't get any more tragic...

"Come sit with me?" Yume called out to her, patting the spot on the bench next to her. "If you're trying to get out, we only need to wait a few more minutes. I'm pretty sure this night was supposed to be a gift for us, even if I've messed it up." Raising a sleeve to her eyes, Yume wiped away a few tears. When she next spoke, her words with soft and shaky, "I don't even know why I'm here. I tried to ignore it, but it feels like a cruel joke, meeting such a wonderful girl who won't even remember me."

After a long sigh, Yume continued, "You probably don't remember, but when we first started, one of the things you asked me for was a new, authentic memory. And... and that's something I just can't give you..."
Rosette's memories of Yume slipped away like sand through her finger tips. With each passing moment more and more of Yume slipped away from her grasp. She stood in a sea of faces she didn't recognize, in a world that wasn't her own, and it felt like a nightmare. The one person she desired to see was no where to be found. Her body ached, her heart ached, and her tears seemed to have no end. Each memory that vanished left a scar filled only with pain, but no recollection of how that pain came to be. However, just like when holding a handful of sand, some grains always remain in your palm. So long as you don't willingly rid yourself of them, they stay lodge firmly in place.

Rosette clung to those last few grains. With every fiber of her being she burned them into herself. Willing her mind to rebel against the magic that sought to rob her of something precious to her. Hurting Rosette was to be expected she supposed, it was the price of service. Yet, this magic sought to hurt Yume just as firmly as it did Rosette. That was unforgivable, a violation of her self proclaimed gospel, and so she rebelled against it. Now, standing once more, she clawed for each lost memory and then as if in answer to an unspoken prayer she heard Yume's voice. Her body moved without thinking, trudging sorrowfully toward where Yume now sat.

She listened desperately to everything Yume said, her mouth refusing to work as she collapsed on the bench next to the little Fae girl. Her breaths came in ragged tear choked pulls even as Yume tried wipe away some of her tears. Then without warning she snatched Yume up in her embrace, and held her as tightly as she could. She buried her face in Yume's shoulder as she sobbed.

" I..I thought I lost you f..for forever!!" she moaned into Yume's neck. " I'm so sorry.....Yume. I..didn't mean t..to h..hurt you!!"

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Yume wasn’t sure what she was expecting, but it sure wasn’t this. It warmed her heart to see Rosette approach her with sorrowful— and more incredibly, familiar —eyes, and to feel Rosette wrap her arms around her again. More importantly, to hear her name… Yume. So she really did remember.

"Did you remember this whole time?" Yume asked, incredulously. "Rosette can be very cruel…" she added, continuing the theme for a third time. Despite the lecturing, Yume leaned her head onto Rosette’s and returned the hug.

"It’s okay, I’m…" she paused to think about it a second, choosing her words more precisely, "…well, I am upset, but not with you."

Raising a hand, Yume began to gently play with the back of Rosette’s hair. "You know, the whole reason I want to be a queen is because I’m tired of being a forgotten memory. Everyone knows their queen. People think you’re crazy if you don’t. And here I’m the complete opposite: you have to be a little crazy if you do."

Sighing, Yume stretched her legs out and paused for a moment, to listen to the crickets chirping in the grass. It really was a nice, serene moment. After a long pause, she finally spoke, "I wasn’t planning on telling anyone about this part of me, but… I guess now, you have to know the sad truth for the next few minutes…"

Looking over into Rosette’s eyes, Yume forced a smile and spoke softly, "I’m sorry it had to end like this, but I had fun. Don’t worry: I’m used to my curse, and you haven’t even known me for an hour. You might feel a little empty for a bit, but after a few minutes, your life will go on like normal."

After a few moments, Yume said something a bit odd: "Sorry I wasn’t more of a jerk. It’s a lot easier, forgetting, when you don’t want to remember. I’m usually pretty good at that, but… you’re not an easy person to offend."
Rosette clung to Yume as if the entire world would vanish if she let go. Her tears just kept appearing, slipping from between her tightly shut eye lids as she listened to the tiny lecture Yume gave her. Then just as the sun comes out from behind the cloudy sky in winter Yume returned Rosette's embrace. This simple gesture was the only thing that stopped the endless parade of tear drops from cascading down Rosette's milky white cheeks. She quietly listened to Yume as she spoke, etching every word into her heart.

When at last their embrace had found it's ending, Rosette wiped the last of the tears from her eyes. Listening quietly as Yume opened herself up to the young maid. Her words were deeply saddening, but as Rosette listened to them her mind began to turn. The cogs hard at work twisting and turning the situation around and around. Looking at each angle, uncovering each obstacle, every possibility that Rosette could conceive of was laid bare to the maid. Their eyes locked after a time, and though no smile came to her sweet lips, her gaze carried with it a deep affection.

Rosette took in Yume's forced smile, the deep loneliness hidden in every word the girl spoke, and the acceptance of her fate that seemed to wrap itself within Yume's strange little apology. When Yume had said all that she seemed incline to say Rosette broke their eye contact. She leaned back on the bench gazing up into the fake night sky seeming to be in deep thought. However, she knew what she wanted to say, just not how to say it. After a few passing heartbeats her honey sweet voice broke the silence that had settled over the pair.

" It doesn't matter that we only knew each other a short time." she began, speaking from her heart as best she could. " It only matters that the feelings were sincere. That said... I will not forget you, Yume. Even if a thousand years go by. You see, a part of you has burned itself into my heart. So while it may only be your face, or your voice, or your name, or a vague longing that has no source... I will remember you."

Rosette stood then, turning to face Yume she held out her hand again.

" That means you need to burn every one of our moments into your heart. That way when we meet again you can fill in the gaps that your curse and the passing of time will have created. You can hold onto my memories for me, and if you see I am missing something you can give it back to me...just like when we first met and you implanted those fakes....but this time they will be real." Rosette continued " And if you can do it for me, you can do it for others too. If the power doesn't last long you can just do it again and again until our memories are locked in for good. You don't need to be the queen of the world to not be forgotten...You just need to be good at remembering things...that's it...Just be good at remembering things and making memories. So come on, take my hand, and let's finish this date by making memories so good that even your curse can't get rid of them!"

Tau Tau



It hurt so much, listening to it. Rosette's words were pure poetry, but the sad truth was, Yume didn't believe them; most of them, anyway. But she also didn't have the heart to kill Rosette's enthusiasm. Instead, she just nodded and smiled.

"I never forget the people I like," Yume answered. "That much, I can promise." Her silence on the rest spoke louder than any words she could've used, but nevertheless, Yume took Rosette's hand and yanked herself up, draping herself over her shoulder playfully. "Someone still needs to teach her princess how to shoot a gun~" she teased with a soft chuckle.

Yume continued hanging on to Rosette for a while as they hurried back to the festival. "You know, I've been wondering... why is Rosette so skilled with a gun, anyway? You must be the maid of someone very intense! Do they treat you well, at least?"
When Yume took her hand Rosette's smile could not be suppressed. It grew broad and beautiful. With eyes shimmering, this smile reflected her hidden inner joy. She could not help herself, she wanted to share her happiness with Yume. Only just a short while ago she feared she might never see the bratty little sweetheart again, and now this very same sweetie had hoisted herself up and was clinging to Rosette playfully. It was, to Rosette, a small miracle or a bit of good fortune that had descended upon her. a slight blush crept onto her cheeks and suffused the tips of her ears.

" Yes, it would be rather lamentable were you to be deprived of this Rosette's special training." She replied playfully

Her sadness was finally being over written, replaced by the joy of reunion, and yet a misgiving still clung to Rosette's heart. Perhaps Yume had been too vague in her reply, too quick to cling to her shoulders, or silent a few heartbeats too long for Rosette's taste. Whatever it was, a pang of misgiving clung to her heart. Nevertheless, Rosette buried that feeling deep beneath a layer of gladness. If her heart was to be broken she would rather it be a cruel surprise than to have it ruin every moment between then and now. She held onto her little princess as they made their way through the crowd of pretend people.

" I don't serve anyone currently." Rosette replied to Yume's inquiry. " My family all serve as butlers, or maids whether in an offical capacity or travelling as I do. We all train to fight or do some magic, depending on what serves our individual nature best. For me it was the rifle, for my mother knives and poison. You see a proper maid goes where she is needed and does what needs to be done. Whether it means taking a life or saving a life a competant maid can do either."

Rosette let out a sudden embarrassed giggle realizing she had been going on and on when she was certain Yume had only been slightly curious.

" I'm sorry Yume, I could have been more concise." She apologized " I just am quite proud of the Louvier family's heritage and training. I can do the full tea service and I can shoot well thanks to our family's training."

Tau Tau



Yume nodded. Special training definitely wasn't the word she would've used, but learning to use a gun wouldn't be too exhausting, surely. "Let's go!" she cheered, following along.

...but she really wasn't prepared for the rest of Rosette's response. The Second Continent really was a totally different world from home. It should've been obvious, but hearing Rosette's words really solidified that fact for her. Mages with holy nukes? Made sense. Maids carrying guns and—

"Eh...!?" Yume blinked, her stare going blank with shock. Did Rosette just say her mom was a maid who carried poison knives everywhere!? She could only imagine her father to be a butler who casually drags a cannon around. Perhaps Rosette had a baby sister who carried around a cyanide pill in case of capture!?

"Rosette is way scarier than she looks," Yume commented, a hint of playful teasing in her tone... but despite the playfulness, she meant it, one-hundred-percent!

"N-no, that's okay! I spent so long talking about myself, I wanted to hear about you," she nodded, offering a reassuring grin. "It must be nice, having a family to be proud of. Louvier... very fancy sounding~! Ya know, it's probably good I'm not really your mistress, or everyone would think you just made me up to sound cool," Yume giggled. This felt like an appropriate time to share her own family name, but uhh...

"Oh, there it is!" Yume moved on from that topic, pulling Rosette back to the range. A couple of the people nearby even asked Rosette if she was okay, which kinda spooked Yume out, if she was being honest. This place was too darn realistic, at times. "Teach me the way of the gun!" Yume declared, opening her arms wide. "Oh, and if you want, I could teach you magic after, maybe."

"Your brain looks plenty big enough for it. Spacious, and so full of knowledge~"
Rosette gave a small apologetic bow to the faux people who shared their concern for her. The realism of the place was really beyond her comprehension. To be able to wield such power really was fascinating. Yume, Lilibeth, and her grandmother might all be capable of such grand spell casting. It was a world beyond her ability that much she was certain of. Yet she was not envious or desirous of such power. She was content with what she was capable of, and proud of her abilities there in. When Yume offered to try to teach her, even going so far as to speak into her mind, Rosette replied only with a warm smile and a small shake of the head in friendly opposition to the idea.

Rosette then took the rifle and demonstrated how to properly shoulder it before handing it to Yume.

" I appreciate your offer, Yume." Rosette stated in friendly tone " But, this Rosette prefers the gun to magic. Now, take up the rifle as I just demonstrated. I will continue my lesson from there."

She gave Yume a very warm smile before continuing in a somewhat more stern voice.

" From now on Yume will be this Rosette's baby sister." She declared rather unabashedly " Therefore she should learn her big sisters techniques as best she can."

Tau Tau



Watching Rosette demonstrate how to gun, Yume couldn’t help but be a bit disappointed at the lack of interest in magic. A little disappointed, but not surprised.

Shouldering the gun, Yume waited for Rosette to adjust her stance a bit. She wasn’t sure how she was holding it wrong, but it definitely didn’t look as steady as it had for Rosette.

"Wait a minute, baby sister? I’m probably twice your age!" Yume answered, indignantly puffing some air into her cheek. "I am a grown woman, darn it!" she protested, flailing her free arm.

…well, she was probably a grown woman. Thinking about it, Yume did just kinda… show up this way about a year ago, so for all she knew, this actually was what a fae baby looked like, and Rosette was being more observant than snarky. Either way, she wasn’t letting her get away with that little comment!

After calming down, Yume offered a more lighthearted jab, "Besides, I’m not nearly scary enough for you to adopt me! I’ve only killed three people! U-Uhm… in self defense, of course. And they were kinda already dead, so…" That felt so awkward to say while holding a gun, even if it was a toy.

"A-anyway, what now, young whippersnapper?"

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