Faymarsh Village


Flaming Ice Queen

A generic, north American town, situated next to a nice mountain range, with an expansive forest. Built on marshland and and a grave site or two...

This town is also where 3 ley lines cross, so the town is not all that it seems...
I sighed heavily, a baffled expression on my face.

I sat, bathing in the sunlight, wearing my nice flowing white top, and some light denim jeans, and turned the massive paper map I was holding 90 degrees, cocked my head and studied it a little, and repeated the movement.

We were completely lost, no doubt about it.

"Oh dear... Lilly, dear, would you go and get me some water? Here's some money to get yourself something nice too!", I handed the little girl the money, my thick, posh British accent ringing through the quiet town.

I got up, and looked around a little, muttering to myself.

"Okay, so the mountains are there.... That's there.... We're.... No, that can't be right...", I fumbled over the map, and sighed. I would have to ask someone for help...

Well, I supposed that was why we were here, to look for help. But for something so simple as a map...

I looked around, not really seeing anyone I would like to talk to, but, I didn't exactly get to pick and choose...

"Ummm... Excuse me? Can anyone help?", I sighed again. We were in a bit of a rush, and my pride had to take the backseat for a bit.

This Sunrise Detective agency was certainly difficult enough to find, and I hoped it would be worth it.


(If anyone wants to help out Genevieve, I was thinking perhaps @CactusJuice? I just want to meet Buffy lol, although if you don't want to, please state in the OOC, and we can work out who wants to do stuff!!! :D )

Kishimoto Haruta

In the brand new labs that he built a few years back, Kishimoto already had willing testers, he watched them from the observation room as they tested. No-one quite knew what they were testing for, but the tests were fun so they didn't seem like they mind. They all arrived at the next testing room and awaited to go ahead from him to start, "Alright, if you need to go to the bathroom after this next series of test, please let a test associate know... because in all likely hood whatever is going to come out of you is gonna be coal." He paused, "Only temporary so don't worry, if it persists for a week, though, start worrying and come see us... because that's... not suppose to happen. You may begin testing." He sat down on a chair in the observation room and sighed, "Half of them don't even know what they are testing for... do they?" He said to Misaki.



Mikuma lay on the sidewalk in front of a general store, her systems were in a low-power sleep mode. Though to most she seemed dead, mainly because the lack pulse and expansion and retraction of her chest because she had no need for breathing. Though everyone seemed to walk right past her like they as if they had somewhere more important to be than see what a 'dead' person was doing on the sidewalk.


Azriel walked along the sidewalk, most inconspicuously, to most she was a normal human being, she could hide everything about her that was supernatural like her halo and wings from the human eyes, though to others like vampires or witches, they could see them. She walked and looked at all the different stores before seeing a lost vampire, she had a tendency to ignore other supernatural beings so instead, she quietly observed her.

(Let the Spying Commence. @FrostFire, also if you want to perhaps "notice" my 'dead' Mikuma on the street here. That'd be awesome lol)

Misaki Haruta

The morning had been quite busy, and for Misaki quite entertaining. All morning she had been working with Kishimoto and the willing testers that had no clue what they were being tested for. She now stood in the observation room beside Kishimoto who had taken a seat. Her eyes fell on him when he asked her the question. A small chuckle passed her lips as she answered in an amused tone.

"Well what else is there to expect when you didn't inform them on what the test were for Kishi." She smiled down fondly at her husband. She finally took a seat in the chair beside him, leaning her head against his shoulder.

Jack walked down the street in his suit holding a briefcase in each hand. The smell of smoke and garlic wafted through the air around him. A large husky followed happily behind him. The dog was wagging its tail excitedly. It had a collar, but no leash. Jack never put a leash on Buffy unless he had to. He hated restraining his well-trained partner in any manner. Setting down his briefcases, Jack pulled a cigar out of his pockets and put it to his lips. Buffy sat down beside him. He fumbled around the inside of his jacket and pulled out a lighter. Lighting his cigar, he put the lighter away and patted his dog’s head. “Good boy.” He smiled warmly as he gave his dog praise. Then he picked up his bags and continued his trek. He really hoped this meeting went well. He’d never met another monster hunter before. Hopefully, they’d be able to make one another more efficient. His thoughts were interrupted by a woman with a British accent. The likely foreign woman seemed lost. It couldn’t hurt to help; it’s not like he was in a hurry. He walked over to them. “I’m new to the area myself, but maybe I can assist you?” He offered. Due to his constant travel, Jack was somewhat good at reading maps. Buffy waggled up behind him.

"Ok" Lilly said with a smile, her voice didn't seem to have any specific accent and it was quiet and 'sweet' in a sense. The sort that would be classified as stereotypically 'cute'. She made her way to the nearest shop clutching the money tightly, the teal dress she was wearing fluttering a little around her legs as she walked. She seemed to be a little a little absent minded, like she was deep in thought. She was preparing herself. Though it would only be a short conversation she still needed to try and push aside her nerves. Lilly entered the shop and headed for the fridge full of chilled drinks. By now she seemed back to normal, like nothing was bothering her at all. She picked up two bottles of water. They were nice and cold on her bare skin after having been outside in the scalding sun for most of the day. She approached the counter, there wasn't anyone waiting to be served when she arrived. She placed the bottles of water down and waited for the man behind the till to scan them. Lilly paid him for the drinks, thanking him with a glowing smile before leaving the shop. She started to make her way back to Genevieve, she was much more aware of her surroundings on her return journey as she didn't have to converse with anyone. But then she noticed someone lying on the floor not too far from her. Lilly thought they were sleeping at first, but as she observed them they seemed lifeless. No movement at all. Not even the slightest twitch, or sign of them breathing. Lilly hurried over to them and knelt beside them. Nothing. Were they ok? Fearing the worst Lilly shook the girl gently trying to get her to come to. "Hello?" she whispered softly. "Are you ok?"

@FrostFire @Kumii

(Forgot to add these when I originally posted, so I'm adding them in now

Her Dress looks like this:


But with this colour scheme:

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I turned around, and beamed at the man approaching me. "Oh, thank heavens! I'm terribly sor- Oh! A husky!", my face lit up even more in delight, as I bent down, hand outstretched to the beautiful dog. "Hello, boy!", I snapped out of it, and straightened again. 

"Err... Sorry. I get a little carried away... Anyway! I'm looking for... The, umm... 'Sunrise Detective Agency', do you know where I can find it?", I looked around me, turning in a full circle. I would wait here for Lilly to return, before I went anywhere. I didn't want her to get lost. Perhaps I would go to a cafe, and send her a telepathic link, so she knew where I was? Hmm... Only if she didn't appear in the next 10 minutes. I hated using my powers, and much prefered being like this, like a human.

Jack smiled. “It’s no problem at a-” Realizing she’d shifted her focus to Buffy, he stopped. Jack didn’t mind; his furry companion often got more attention than him. Jack had to admit he certainly was cuter. When she apologized, he just chuckled. Then she mentioned the Sunrise Detection Agency, and he frowned. Why would this pretty, young, and innocent looking woman need their help? He hoped it wasn’t too serious. Hopefully she just had a small haunting, cheating boyfriend, or something similarly minor. “I’m actually heading there right now. We could show you the way if you’d like.” He gestured to himself and his partner. Buffy walked up and sniffed the new woman curiously. Jack blushed slightly. "Buffy stop that!" He scolded. Buffy whimpered and backed away. "I'm sorry about him. He really likes people." Jack gave a nervous smile. It was strange. Buffy usually ignored other people until given commands.

A relieved expression crossed my face, thank god.

"Well, I really like dogs! I've had plenty in my time... Although, perhaps he can smell foxes on me? I was at a fox pen in these jeans recently...", I laughed. I had always loved dogs so much, and I was delighted that this one- Buffy- seemed to like me!

"Umm... I'm actually waiting for my daughter... She went to get us both some water. The heat here is so very different from England!", I smiled, and sat down again.

"Would you mind waiting with me? Anyway, I've heard that the owner of the company hates being woken up, and considering the name, I would presume she works nights...", I tilted my head back, enjoying the sunlight.

"Ah, isn't it lovely? It's always so dreary and miserable in England. We hardly ever get weather like this!". I looked around again. I wondered were Lilly was? Perhaps I should go and look for her?


(Let's just say that Lilly and Mikuma are round the corner, out of sight.... X3 )
Jack relaxed a bit. Buffy probably had mistaken her for a kitsune, but this woman was obviously no monster. She loved dogs, was standing in the sunlight, and seemed very friendly. He looked at Buffy “Vypusk.” He gave the command ‘release’ in Russian. Buffy wagged his tail and went back to sniffing the new woman. It surprised him that she had a daughter; she seemed kind of young to have one. Then another thought crossed his mind. If she was a mother, then where was the father? Maybe that’s why she needed a detective. “I suppose I’m really not in any rush.” He put his briefcases down and sat next to her. He doubted the owner would mind if he came now, but, again, he was in no hurry. Jack looked up at the sky. It had been a long time since he’d sat down and really enjoyed it. He removed the cigar from his mouth and blew out a puff of smoke.  “...yeah, it really is.” He said as he admired the sky. Buffy seemed annoyed that he was being ignored. He rubbed his head against the woman’s hand.

I giggled at the cute little husky.

"Aww! Y'know, Buffy, I used to have a husky like you! She isn't around anymore, sadly. She's in doggy heaven.", I smiled down at the cute dog, and gave him a nice rub. "Thank you for waiting with me! I wonder where Lilly is...", she was a competent girl, and she was probably fine, and just wandering around a little. I absentmindedly kept rubbing Buffy, loving having a nice doggy around me. Oh!

"Umm... Lilly can be quite shy, and, unfortunately, she can be quite scared of dogs... She had a bad experience when she was younger...", I winced a little, and smiled reassuringly down at Buffy.

"Don't worry! I know you would never hurt her, you're such a nice dog!", I rubbed Buffy's face more, loving the attention from him.


Kishimoto Haruta

"Right.. Oh.. almost forgot." He turned on the mic again and spoke into it, "These facilities are made of asbestos by the way... keeps the rats out, so let us know if you feel a shortness of breath, a persistent dry cough or your heart stopping... because that's not part of the test... that's asbestos." He turned to Misaki who had just leaned her head on his shoulder, "I know, but it'll hard to find someone capable enough to test this prototype if they know. And if they know, it'll ruin the chance they actually try and have fun. After all, I didn't design this prototype for the military, it'll be for us, for fun." He said with a sigh, though sometimes he didn't even why he didn't test the prototype himself. Oh yeah, there was the small, ever so minuscule chance that the machine may or not explode.



Mikuma heard the voice and her systems powered up, Internal Systems Powering Up.. a voice said that could only be heard by Mikuma. Running system diagnostics... Visual receptors... nominal. Processor... nominal. Acuators... nominal. System check complete. Restoring power to vital functions... Power restored... system operating at 67 percent. She opened her eyes slowly ad saw the girl over her, Voice systems functional. Native language, English. Downloading language database... "Where.. where am I?" She asked the girl in a soft, weak tone, Power to Voice software minimal.


(Legend = Italics is a voice only she can hear.)

[SIZE= 20px]Azriel[/SIZE]

Azriel watched them intently before getting distracted by a butterfly that happened to flyby her, "Oooo~ Butterfly!" She said, as she walked out and exposed her position.. she wasn't very good at hiding... or focusing. She realized and froze, "Um... hi..." She said aloud to the two as she smiled awkwardly.

@FrostFire @CactusJuice
Lilly jumped as the girl spoke. She didn't know what she was expecting to happen, but she was taken by surprise anyway. Her hair was directly catching the sun, making it glow with a beutiful, deep red aura. "umm... you're in... Fay... marsh village?" Lilly said uncertainly as she tried to remember the name of this place. Her mind had blanked for a moment. "a-are you ok?" she asked worriedly, the girl sounded very weak, and until a moment ago she could have easily been mistaken for someone who had died. Although, it was a relief that she'd woken up. 


Misaki Haruta


Another soft chuckle passed his lips when he just remembered to announce that the room was made of asbestos. Did he almost forget to warn them about that. She moved her head up from his shoulder as she laid her chin on it. A soft smile on her lips looking into his eyes.

"I know you didn't make the prototype for the military and I suppose they wouldn't be so willing knowing the fact that the machine could possibly blow up. I'm glad you didn't decide to test it on yourself. I would be very sad and lonely if I lost you Kishi." She said the last part in a soft tone of voice before giving a quick and soft kiss to his lips. Her forehead laying against his. Despite how long the two have been married, she was still very much in love with him.

Buffy seemed to love the attention he was getting just as much as the woman did. His ears flattened, and his tail began wagging faster. Jack watched the two of them and smiled. This is one of the reasons he brought Buffy with him. The dog was probably better with people then he was. He chuckled at the thought. However, he found himself frowning once again. "That's...unfortunate to say the least. I hope she doesn't find us too frightening." Jack tended to have that effect on people. If they weren't put off by the smell of garlic and smoke, he seemed to have an aura about him that made people uneasy. He guessed it was a byproduct of mercilessly hunting down so many foul creatures. Perhaps they had tainted him a bit. He thought about their problem for a bit. "...I mean I guess I could just give you directions, and we could g-". He stopped as he watched a woman chase a butterfly out from wherever she had been. Freezing, she seemed to have just realized they were there. Had she really not seen them? He raised an eyebrow questioningly, but only responded with "Well, hello there." He put the cigar to his lips.

@Kumii @FrostFire

Kishimoto Haruta

He chuckled, "Yea.. I wouldn't be too happy if I died as well." He kissed her back, he knew she loved him. He turned his chair and waved his hand, "Computer, show me the projected finish date of the Spider Sub." Projected finish date. 4 weeks. He groaned, "Too long. Divert all unused resources to production." The date went from 4 to 1 and a half weeks, which wasn't much better but acceptable. "Honey, follow me. Computer, monitor the testers, you are authorized to run it as you see fit." He got up and put his clipboard down and walked to the door.


[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 205)]Mikuma[/COLOR]

Mikuma's eye turned from the blue color to a noticeable red, Power level critical. Before she could get out a set of words to respond... Critical failure, entering low-power mode. She re-entered her low-power mode. Her eyes began flashing slowly, Attempting system reboot... Reboot successful. "I need.. power.." She said, in the same tone as before, her eyes still flashing red. Visual receptors failing. "I'm losing.. my eyesight..." Visual receptor fail. Shutting down. Operating on sensor mapping. Power at 45 percent viability.



Azriel looked at Jack, who hasn't seem to notice what she really was. She excelled at hiding her true form, although Genevieve could probably tell almost immediately. She cleared her throated, "Yes, hi. I was just passing by and saw you two and couldn't help but intervene." She tried to pass it off like it never happened.

@FrostFire @CactusJuice

(Damn, it hard making a single post for three separate characters..)
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Misaki Ayzawa


A smile painted her lips when he kissed her back. She moved back to sit up straight in her chair when he turned his chair and begun to speak to the computer. She leaned back a bit as she watched the monitor, her smile hadn't faded as she listened in silence to him speak. He really did seem to enjoy his work, but he was also pretty impatient. She glanced over at him when he told her to follow him. 

"OK love." She got up and followed him to the door. She wandered where they were going since him telling her to follow him was very vague.

Lizzie Goodman swung her legs over the side of the bed and reached for her alarm. 

Three o' clock in the afternoon? she thought, That's early. Really early.

Liz was not accustomed to waking until at least after six, but she had this feeling that she should be awake. Call it her detective's intuition, or, to use the sophisticated technical term, hinky. She searched her dressers for a clean pair of jeans and headed downstairs to her shop.

The shop looked exactly like what you'd expect, with filing cabinets lining the walls, a desk, a couple of chairs, and an old computer. The one thing that looked out of the ordinary was that all the windows were covered in thick black paper. Liz had put it up herself a couple of years ago to help protect the anonymity of her clients. From the outside, it was impossible to know whether or not the place was open except for the hours engraved on the door:

"Open Sunset - Sunrise Every Night."

There was a call button to the right of the doorknob, in case you wanted to check.

Lizzie scanned the lower level. Everything was where she left it in the early morning, down to the pencil shavings in the wastebasket. She sighed, then started up the stairs. Still, she could not shake that hinky feeling.

Is someone looking for me? Maybe I'd better clean up the office, just in case.

She sat down at her desk and looked over what she had been researching the night before, sweeping bits of eraser away from the intercom.

Right, she thought, I was trying to track down that book on vampire societies, Of Kin and Kine. Funny how I can find just about anything but that book. It was supposed to have been written by the last of the Old Ones.

Liz leaned back in her chair, stretching.

I'd probably better move these articles out of the way. If it's one of my more normal clients, though I use that term very loosely, understand, they might think I'm a kook. 

She stuffed the papers into a drawer.

And they'd be totally right.
I raised my eyebrow, amused at the Flugel who had been watching me.

"Well... I think I had better try and find Lilly... Are you coming, Ummm....", I realised that I had not introduced myself to him.

"Oh! How rude of me.... I'm Genevieve, but everyone calls me Gen!", I smiled at the man (Jack), darting a glance or two at the Flugel. Well, to him she probably just looked crazy...

@CactusJuice @Kumii
Lilly gently put the bottles of water and the change on the floor beside her and gently tried to pick up the girl. She couldn't do it, she wasn't strong enough. She didn't know what to do. She could go and get Gen but that would mean leaving the girl out in the open. She was confused by what the girl meant by saying 'I need power'. Starting to panic a little Lilly tried to come up with some sort of solution but she just kept coming up blank. Lilly took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. It helped... but only a little. She hated not being able to help.

Jack smiled. "That is a lovely name, Ms Genevieve. My name is Jack." He gave a slight bow. "And I'd be happy to accompany you if you don't think we'll scare your daughter too much." He noticed Gen kept glancing at the other pretty woman who'd shown up. Perhaps, they know each other he thought, or perhaps Gen just liked women. It didn't really matter to him; he just wanted to get this sorted out. He pointed at the butterfly chaser. "Will the intervener also be accompanying us?" Buffy approached the new woman and began sniffing her curiously. The dog had likely never smelt a Flugel before.

@FrostFire @Kumii
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[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Kishimoto Haruta[/COLOR]

Kishimoto walked with Misaki to the observation balcony that overlooked the entire town, "This.. is a view ain't it?" He walked over to the telescope an looked through it, scanning the roads, stores and everything else before landing on a little girl and another girl. The little looked panicked, "Hmm... what see--" He looked at the girl lying on the ground, "Wait.. is that..." He said, "No.. can't be.." He said.



Mikuma looked at the girl, Beginning scan.. "Is... there a port... nearby?" She asked the panicked girl, Scan complete, threat level, green. Body classification, young girl. She tried to get up, her arms moving slowly because they weren't getting much power to them, she eventually got up and remained on her knees, "I need... to get to a.. port please." She said again.



Azriel watched the dog as he approached her and sniffed her, "Do all animals do this?" She asked, her icy wings moving back a bit as the dog sniffed her, "This makes me feel.. weird. When Buffy accidentally touched her wing she let a out a soft muffled moan then quickly covered her mouth, her eyes widened, "You didn't hear that.. did you?" a deep red blush formed on her cheeks.

@CactusJuice @FrostFire

(See what you did CactusJuice. Buffy made her moan publicly.)

Misaki Haruta


Misaki followed Kishimoto out onto the observation balcony. She placed her hands on the railing of the balcony as she looked out at the city in front of them. A soft smile on her lips.

"Yeah. The view is nice from here." She said in a soft tone of voice, her gaze hadn't left the beautiful view until he said 'No it can't be' 

"What's wrong Kishi?" She asked in a concerned tone looking over at her husband.

I raised my eyebrow in amusement. "Perhaps she had better stay here and.... Um.... Calm down. Lilly will be fine! Once she get's to know him, you won't get her off! ...Probably...", I grinned, and began walking in the direction Lilly had gone, using a minuscule amount of power to locate her. I rounded the corner, and found her, next to a kneeling woman.

"Lilly! W-what are you doing?!? She looks drunk, or drugged... Let's go, honey...", my motherly instincts were kicking in, and something was very wrong with the girl on the sidewalk...

I grabbed the money and waters on the floor with one hand, and held Lilly's with the other. I wanted to be as far away from the woman on the floor, but I couldn't figure out what I found so unnatural about her... But I didn't like it.

"Jack? Do you know which direction?"

@CactusJuice @Geozaki @Kumii
Jack just stared at the Flugal for a moment. He had heard it made her feel weird, but he didn't realize quite what that meant. His face flushed red. "I...uh...yeah, I didn't hear anything." Picking up his suit cases, he whipped around. "Well I best be off. Buffy sledovat'!" He gave the command follow in Russian; he waved, and they quickly followed Gen. Then he saw Mikuma. She looked like she was struggling to stand. There was obviously something wrong with her, so he ran over to them. Putting his suitcases down and kneeling, he examined the girl looking for any obvious wounds. "What happened, miss? Are you ok?" He asked in a concerned tone. He was so focused on the injured looking girl; he didn't hear Gen's question. Buffy followed him closely and began sniffing her. He was encountering a lot of new and interesting smells today. 

@FrostFire @Geozaki @Kumii
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