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Fandom Fate of All Worlds Character Sign-Up



The Ultimate Wielder of the Dark Side



The only rule I have is no God-Modding , no matter how busted the character is in actuality.
Name: (Self Explanatory)
Fandom: ( Despite the Anime Pic above , it doesn't have to be from a Anime. It can be from a fanfic, another RP , a visual novel , a webcomic. As long as you have a reference of some kind of what fictional world it comes from... I do not care )
Personality: ( Doesn't have to be too specific . Three sentences bare minimum )
Bio: ( If it has a Wikia, you can just link it . I don't care )
Powers: ( Considering how powerful the entities in the World of Unlimited Imagination are, as long as you don't God-Mod, it can be as broken as possible )
Forms: (Self Explanatory)
(Picture,Description, Link, doesn't matter )
Leonardo Watch

Blood Blockade Battlefront

Aside from his eyes, Leo is a decidedly normal young man and can be somewhat of a coward, easily intimidated by the bizarre nature of Hellsalem's Lot. Though, he bears an adventurous and courageous side as well, growing less cowardly as he get's used to his new home. He tends to express his emotions openly, whether they be excitement at something new and enjoyable, fear of the insanity and dangers of Hellsalem's lot or annoyance at Zapp's negligent and irresponsible attitude. Guilt-stricken that he was not courageous enough to speak up and prevent his sister's sight from being taken away, Leo is determined to uncover the secrets of his All-Seeing Eyes and try to find a way to restore his sister's sight.

He is a very kind person, as he works very hard to earn money to support his sister but refuses to be paid by Libra more than he feels he deserves and takes a second job as a pizza delivery man to cover the fees. In addition, he quickly becomes friends with a mushroom monster in episode 6 despite the common prejudice humans have towards monsters from Hellsalem's Lot. He even offers to meet him at a specific time any day he can to buy him burgers as his friend had been conned and forced to pay quadruple the amount of money needed to pay for the soda since monsters weren't allowed into the burger establishment.

While he lacks the combat skills of his fellow Libra members, he is quite clever and quick to adapt to situations. Michella fondly calls him her "Tortoise Knight", because Leo never runs away even if he freezes up and cannot move, even if he is at a loss, and will endure until the moment he can take a step forward.

Despite having the powers of the All-seeing God's eyes, he refuses to abuse them for his own benefit. When an arrogant tourist beats Leo and takes his wallet, Leo refuses to use his eyes to attack the aggressor. Leo later tries to confront the aggressor with nothing more than an electrical katana which would not kill the man but only hurt him (despite having access to a large number of weapons that could've easily killed the man), demonstrating Leo's pacifistic nature and kind heart.

Leonardo Watch

Leonardo Watch



Question, character limit? Also, do you need other mods? I'd be down for doing it.
Not really. There isn't a character limit. And secondly, you are more than welcome to become a Mod for the RP. I'll need as much help as possible with this type of project.
Sorry if this isn't the beefiest. Will the actual RP start soon?

Name: Musashi Tomoe
Fandom: Getter Robo
Personality: Musashi is the most happy-go-lucky of the trio of mecha pilots called the Getter team. He's still tough when he needs to be, and most-likely to sacrifice himself for the greater good. He also tends to be stubborn, and insists on piloting the Getter, even when he lacked the requirements.
Bio: Musashi Tomoe (Manga)
Powers: Access to Getter energy, something with plenty of applications. He mostly pilots a giant robot and does Judo, though.
He pilots part of a larger robot, the titular Getter Robo

Name: Kuruto Dan(Aka. Kamen Rider Genm)
Fandom: Kamen Rider Ex-Aid
Personality: Dan Kuroto is a psychopathic, borderline-insane man who has a severe god complex. He calls himself the 'Game Master' or 'God Kuroto Dan' due to his justifiable confidence in his talents of creating powerful Gashats. He seems to take so much pride in his craft that he wouldn't let others create devices similar to his without his permission and validation. This most likely stems from his former position as CEO of Gemn Corp where he first made the Gashats and the Gamer Driver for medicinal use in curing the Bugster Virus.

It is shown that Kuroto actually cares for certain people as he'd develop a familial relationship with Poppy Pipopapo, the Bugster who took over his mother and nearly cried when she sacrificed herself.

His insanity makes him act vicious, constantly yelling like an twelve-year old playing Fortnite, but his actions are mostly tame.
( If it has a Wikia, you can just link it . I don't care )

Powers: ( Considering how powerful the entities in the World of Unlimited Imagination are, as long as you don't God-Mod, it can be as broken as possible )
Respawn -- As the sole user of the Mighty Action X Proto Gashat Origin, Kuroto had gain the ability to revive himself whenever he gets a 'Game Over', aka, when his Rider Form's Health bar does down to Zero and he 'dies'. At the moment, he has 99 Lives in which he could waste dying in various ways(Either by being too reckless, by getting a Game Over/depleting his lifebar in battle, overworking himself, etc.), and he is fairly easy to kill due to the Alpha state of the Gashat being used.
Bugster Physiology - As a Bugster, Kuroto could disperse himself into bits of Data and slip in tight crevices into a room, a Game's Database, or a Computer Console. However, he would encounter various firewalls and Anti-Viruses as actual Enemies he needs to fight unless the device belongs to an allied person or without a proper virus protection system.
Kamen Rider Genm Level 0(Proto-Origin Mighty Action X)
Kamen Rider Genm Level 0-X(Proto-Origin Mighty Action X + Dangerous Zombie)
(Picture,Description, Link, doesn't matter )
[class=background] background:url('https://i.imgur.com/glQUzwE.jpg'); background-size:cover; padding:5px; max-width:1070px; margin:auto;center; border:0pt solid white; [/class] [class=basics] width:200px; height:50px; font-size:12px; margin-left:100px; border:0px dashed dark gray; [/class] [class=mainbox] width:380px; height:500px; color:#222222; font-size:12px; margin:10px 5px 10px 10px; border:0px solid #727272; [/class] [class=box2] width: 620px; height: 160px; color:#222222; font-size:12px; margin-left:420px; margin-top:-190px; [/class] [class=credits] margin:auto;center; max-width:1070px; font:Heebo; font-size:9px; opacity:0.5; [/class]
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Briar Rose​
[div class=basics] 15 years old ///////////////// female
human ///////////// from sinoalice

[div class=mainbox]
Sleeping Beauty, Ibara-hime

"I don’t want to get out of bed.
I want to doze forever and ever."​


Briar Rose is slothful and soft-spoken, but perhaps lethargic to a fault as she sleeps whenever the opportunity arises. She outwardly appears to be a harmless and gentle girl, possessing good intentions more often than not. However, she is also easily irritable if woken up from her slumber by others, and she tends to be less approachable when this transpires. While she prefers to stay out of violence whenever she can, as chaos often disrupts her ability to rest, Briar Rose seems to have no qualms about taking the lives of others if it means attaining her goal of a peaceful world where she can sleep eternally, for dreams are much more desirable than reality. Evidently, she values sleep very highly—more than anything else, for that matter.

"In my dreams, I can go anywhere I want. Flowery fields and beautiful oceans.
Green mountains and blue skies! In the world of dreams, I am free."


The old sorceress placed a wicked curse upon the princess, for no reason other than that she was not invited to the festivities. “At the age of 15, you shall prick your finger upon a spindle and lose your life.”

Hence, the princess was doomed to suffer from the curse in 15 years. Another sorceress attending the celebration did declare, “She will sleep for one hundred years, but her life shall not be lost.” It was this act that spared the princess from certain death, yet…

“Why was I cursed for only one hundred years?” The princess tilted her head sweetly as she rose from her slumber. “If I could, I would sleep for another hundred years. No, a thousand more.”

The waking world was filled only with bothersome things. She found such bliss within her dreams. She had no intention of wedding the unfamiliar man that had disturbed her slumber. Thus, the princess embarked upon a journey in pursuit of greater rest.

Briar Rose was among the many other fairy tale characters residing in the world of Library. The authors of their respective works have passed away already, but these characters remained dissatisfied with their tales in one aspect or another, and wished for change as a result. She was utterly disappointed that she was only cursed to sleep for 100 years. It simply wasn't enough; Briar Rose wanted to sleep forever. Her motives behind reviving her author were simple: she wanted him to tweak the tale of Sleeping Beauty so that she could sleep for an eternity. Simple, right? However, the only way to bring back her author was to murder every other character, and be the last one standing...

You can hear the laments.
You can hear the weeps.
You can hear the sneers.
You can hear the roars.

These are all the voices of Characters from countless stories. The cursed words of something inhuman.

Their desire is nothing but one.
「I will bring my Author back to life.」



[/div][div class=box2]
"I’m at my happiest when I’m asleep. And yet he chose to wake me up? That kind-of ticks me off. I guess princes aren’t too good at reading the mood."


((Due to the nature of SINoALICE's gameplay, there aren't any canon skills/abilities relating to her character as far as I am aware. The section below is largely improvised/based on her lore.))

Briar Rose can manipulate magical thorns. They are durable, study, and versatile. They can act as transportation when she would rather sleep instead of walk on her own two feet, or become part of her armor in battle. These thorns can take many different shapes to support her. Usually, they are seen as a cradle for her to sleep in, with thick arms and legs sprouting of it to walk and do things that Briar Rose would otherwise be too lazy to do. She can dematerialize them at will, though she usually keeps them around for protective measures. As a result of her below-average stamina, her lethargy results in Briar Rose mostly mounting on her thorns and maneuvering them from above to control her attacks when in combat. However, if she feels rested enough, she may consider fighting enemies personally.

Cradle Form:
Combat Form:
Armor Form:

Additionally, she is in possession of two main weapons: the Spear of Slumber, and the Greatsword of Slumber. The Spear of Slumber is essentially made up of two large, dagger-like weapons exclusively used when her thorns are in combat mode, while the Greatsword of Slumber is utilized when they are in armor form, and is personally held by Briar Rose should she choose to fight.

Spear of Slumber:
Greatsword of Slumber:

[/div][div class=credits]credits RI.a RI.a [/div]
Whelp.... Interesting. Extremely interesting. This one's going to bring a interesting element to the storyline. Accepted.
Anime: D.I.C.E
Personality: hothead and brave but a easy to piss off but has a soft spot
Bio: ((for the RP I will age him to 20)) jet is a member of DNA Integrated Cybernetic Enterprises more commonly called D.I.C.E he rides a vehicle called motoraptor it is a dinobreaker a motorcycle with the DNA if a raptor he lost his older brother in a test of a worm hole drive
Powers: His dinobreaker can come to him from any part of the world
Forms: is his human form the other is his guild armour
Extra:his armor can change the arms shape to almost any tool


Jet and his armor form as well as dinobreaker motoraptor in dino mode ((I do have a few OCs if this one is not allowed I also wish to point out that all I have put here is canon to the show so yes or no you deside
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Name: Sheev Palpatine
Fandom: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of thr Sith
Personality: Sheev is a man of taste and culture. He just likes to have fun, which usuaully involves shooting lightning at people. He just really loves being evil, and you have to respect him for that.
Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious, was a Force-sensitive Human male who served as the last Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic and the first Emperorof the Galactic Empire. A Dark Lord of the Sith in the Order of the Sith Lords, recorded by history as the most powerful who had ever lived, his entire life was the culmination of a thousand-year plan to overthrow the Republic and the Jedi Orderfrom within.

Born in 82 BBY on the planet Naboo to the aristocratic House Palpatine, Palpatine discovered the Sith at a young age as a collector of dark side artifacts. In 65 BBY, he met Hego Damask, a Muun businessman who was in reality the Sith Lord Darth Plagueis. Under Plagueis's manipulation, Palpatine killed his father and pledged himself to his new Master's dark sideteachings as Darth Sidious. Palpatine lived a double life for many years, serving an untarnished career as Naboo's ambassadorin the Galactic Senate while learning from his master and training a young Zabrak as the Sith assassin Darth Maul. Plagueis and Sidious, both exceptionally skilled and powerful in the Force, were able to concealtheir identities from the Jedi for decades. As Plagueis privately searched for the key to eternal life, Sidious manipulated galactic politics, culminating in the blockade of Naboo by the Trade Federation. In the wake of the political crisis, the Galactic Senate voted to elect him as Supreme Chancellor, and around the same time, in accordance with Bane's Rule of Two, Palpatine murdered Plagueis and usurped the role of Sith Master.

As Chancellor of the Republic and Dark Lord of the Sith, Palpatine orchestrated the outbreak of the devastating Clone Wars ten years after the Naboo Crisis. He himself headed both the Galactic Republic and, secretly, the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The public leader of this splinter faction was former Jedi Master CountDooku, Sidious' second apprentice as Darth Tyranus in the wake of Maul's presumed death on Naboo. As billions perished in the war, the vast majority of Republic citizens rallied behind Chancellor Palpatine, giving him enough support to amend the Galactic Constitution in the name of security and transfer most of the Senate's executiveauthority to his own office. In 19 BBY, following Tyranus's demise, Palpatine revealed his identity as Darth Sidious to the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, telling that the dark side teachings that Plagueis had pursued could help Skywalker to save his wife, whom Skywalker had foreseen dying untimely. A failed attempt by the Jedi High Council to arrest Palpatine ensued, and Skywalker pledged himself to Sidious's teachings as Darth Vader. All members of the Jedi Order were accused of treasonand betrayed by their clone troopers to the point of virtual extermination. Without the Jedi to oppose him, Palpatine declared himself Emperor of the first Galactic Empire, bringing an end to the Republic that had stood for over 25,000 years.

As Emperor, Palpatine effectively wielded absolute control over the entire galaxy and virtually everyone who lived within it. During his tenure, he built one of the most powerful military forces the galaxy had ever seen and ruled unopposed for nearly two decades. Palpatine progressively abandoned his facade of being an enlightened leader and began to rule through terror symbolized by the Death Star, a superweapon that could annihilate entire planets. However, he later discovered that Vader was training Galen Marek, an exceptionally powerful Force adept as a secret apprentice "Starkiller." When Palpatine discovered Starkiller's existence in 3 BBY, he forced Vader to fake Starkiller's death and then request that Starkiller assemble the most influential traitors in the Empire in a rebellion in order to highlight and destroy them all. Palpatine's plan backfired when Starkiller, healed from his near-fatal injuries and espousing the teachings of the light side, vowed revenge against Palpatine and confronted him on the Death Star, ultimately sacrificing himself in an act that inspired the dissident senators to create the Alliance to Restore the Republic. As the Galactic Civil Warbroke out, Emperor Palpatine ironically fought against a rebellion that he started in secret. After the Empire suffered a devastating defeat in 0 BBY, in which the Alliance destroyed the Death Star, the Emperor steadily began to lose his absolute control over the galaxy.

In 4 ABY, Palpatine gambled his chances in order to annihilate the Rebel Alliance once and for all, allowing Rebel spies to learn of the existence of a second Death Star and its secret location near Endor. As expected, the Alliance fell for the bait and dispatched its fleet to destroy the Emperor, Vader, and the incomplete Death Star. With the Alliance soon falling for his trap, Palpatine brought Luke Skywalker, the son of Darth Vader, before him in order to turn him over to the dark side and replace Vader with an apprentice who was younger and more powerful. After goading Skywalker to give into his frustrations with thoughts of the Alliance's defeat and the death of his friends, Palpatine eagerly watched as father and son fought one another. However, Skywalker refused to submit to the dark side and spared his father, prompting Palpatine to unleash all of his rage and hatred on Skywalker. Unwilling to stand by and watch his son die from the agonizing effects of Palpatine's Force lightning, Vader finally redeemed himself, throwing his astonished Master down the Death Star's shaft, a sacrifice that fulfilled the prophecy of the Chosen One and brought about the end of the Order of the Sith Lords.

Throughout the rest of the Galactic Civil War, the remnants of the Empire experienced a sharp decline while the Alliance reformed itself into the New Republic. However, Palpatine did not stay dead, and eventually used a rare and ancient Force technique to transfer his spirit into one of many clone bodies stored on the Deep Core world of Byss. In 10 ABY, Emperor Palpatine resurfaced in the galaxy in a bid to rebuild his Empire, temporarily converting Luke Skywalker to the dark side and installing him as his apprentice. Palpatine's efforts to live forever, however, were undermined by subversives within his own inner circle, including his Royal GuardCarnor Jax. With the last supplies of healthy clone bodies sabotaged and their genetic source material contaminated by his allies, Palpatine desperately tried to take over the body of Darth Vader's youngest grandchild, the infant Anakin Solo, in 11 ABY. Palpatine's spirit, however, was intercepted by the dying Jedi Knight Empatojayos Brand, who dragged the Sith Lord down into the depths of the Force forever, though his legacy continued to live for countless years.

Powers: Lightning!
Forms: He has spooky monster face and normal face.
Extra: He is the senate.

Name: Thavas

Fandom: Cardfight!! Vanguard

Personality: Thavas is primarily introspective and stoic. He however is able to open up to his subordinates and be friendly with them. He doesn't typically fight, but is fairly impressive when he chooses to do so.

Bio: He is the first aquaroid to hold an admiral-level rank in "Aqua Force". He holds the rank of Rear-Admiral. Known ostensibly as an aquaroid of the 554th generation, he is in fact an experimental model of the 555th generation, which is notoriously known as one of the "Lost Numbers". To cover up the fault of the officers related to the 555th generation's development, Thavas was described as a genius of the 554th generation and made an admiral-level officer. Though Thavas possesses power which surpasses the norms of aquaroids, he refused to fight on the front lines to prevent others from discovering his true identity. That is why he was branded as a coward. Many had despised his "cowardliness" until he revealed a portion of his true power on a certain occasion, which won him respect from others as well as exceptional trust from his subordinates.

The latest aquaroid is of the 621st generation. Among the many generations of aquaroids, there are some generations deleted from the official records due to failure in development. These generations are known as the "Lost Numbers". Among the Lost Numbers, the 555th generation is referred in many stories because aquaroids of this generation are known to possess power beyond expectation. The development project of the 555th generation was terminated only because the aquaroids of the 555th generation are too powerful that they were feared to become kindlings of rebellions.

Powers: He can convert part of his body to liquid but otherwise is just good with a sword. He can also presumably regenerate if his core, located in his chest, isn't destroyed. (He won't die unless the core is severely damaged or he loses enough mana.)

Forms: Storm Dominator - This is the form of "Thavas", who has summoned and hosted his own possibility in the future by "Stride Fusion". Thanks to the advice of "Lambros" in a crisis, Thavas got a glimpse of his own future and connected to the image of himself in the distant future, and caused "Stride Fusion". The amount of his mana is great enough that he can create "seas" by separating a portion of water content from his body and transmuting it into sea water. The fact that a single drop of his water content contains mana comparable to that of a modern aquaroid's whole body suggests how terrifying he is.

Extra: Card games oh boy

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