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Fat Gandalf's Bar & Lounge (OOC chat) - Chapter One

Heart and soul of purity and goodness?  More like the pancreas and colon of snarky behavior and bad attitude, showing such disrespect to your elders!
Ha ha ha!  *watches the volleys of mega-damage fire and lasers flash back and forth*  =)
*passes Dann the popcorn, offers some to Cap'n*
Don't know if you want to use this, but I found it in a pdf of the Rifter that I just got.  Thought it might come in handy. 

To determine whether a character's perception finds something, the player must roll a d20.  Add in IQ bonuses (use the ME bonus table, but use IQ instead) and any OCC and RCC bonuses.  Also, characters get a +1 to Perception t levels 3, 9, and 15.  The Game Master then compares the roll to the table below:


Roll needed: 4+  Hearing a loud noise, finding a brightly colored object against a white background.


Roll needed: 8+  Looking for somebody in a well-lit area; hearing a slight noise


Roll needed: 14+  Looing for something in poor light; hearing something over a noisy background.


Roll needed: 17+  Finding something in the dark; hearing a snake sliding over a carpet.
Thanks, but Perception information (including that which you posted) can already be found in Robotech: Shadow Chronicles (on page 156) minus the information I placed in the spoiler below.  =)

Add in IQ bonuses (use the ME bonus table, but use IQ instead) and any OCC and RCC bonuses.  Also, characters get a +1 to Perception t levels 3, 9, and 15.
Heya folks!  Time for another update.   Sometime back, when I asked, Sherwood requested to see our fumble charts.  Head to Shop Talk and look this up - House Rule: Fumble charts are active in-game (includes "Fails and Fumbles 1.0").  

Remember they apply to everyone in Broadsword (including the bad guys).  Enjoy!  =)
Heya folks!  May I get some feedback concerning my "Fails and Fumbles" chart in Shop Talk?  What do you think of it?  Do you think it's handy?

Also (insert silly/wicked grin here), I am hereby doing something with cheesecake in our game.  That's right; cheesecake is going to be a thing.  What kind of thing?  That's letting the cat out of the bag (MechaKitten sez, "Mew!"  GM sez, "Get back in there!").  

Everyone, you may thank our dear Psychie for inspiring me with the whole cheesecake thing.  =)
*Hits the Tease button.*  Well, it was either use Hitomi's bag or Herc opts for one of those European "man-purses"!  Whaddya say there, Cap'n?  Nice little "man-purse" or our big, brave Hercy?  8D

(Spoiler contains a great example!)



(Image credit:  Pinterest )
Then again, even this Game Master should watch out for a Cap'n-played character who looks kind of like this:

(Spoiler contains "this.")



(Image credit:  Keyword Suggestions )

See, Dannigan really means "Game-Master-That-Does-Not-Want-To-End-Up-Like-"Lieutenant Shan".  =)
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Cap'n (as Herc) sez, "... he moved to where Sergeant Booty was handing out moist towelettes..."

A minor correction - (Despite him acting like a sergeant) Booty is a corporal.  =)
Just a heads-up; I'll post in-game tomorrow.  Besides, posting is fun.  =)
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Heya folks!   This latest in-game post is a big one with...  well...

(Read that first then come in here, if you please?  =)  )

...lots of mission-related details.  Here is where you want to have your Player Character thinking caps on.  So, in or out of character, ask away.  Some OOC questions might have to be learned IC.  Once your team leaves Eglin base, the time to settle the big questions will be over and the time for action will have begun.  Have fun with it and I hope you're enjoying the story!  =)

Also, could I get some feedback from any of you concerning the "Fails and Fumbles" chart we're using in Shop Talk, please?  It's listed under "House Rule: Fumble charts are active in-game (includes "Fails and Fumbles 1.0)".  I gotta fat lotta nothin' so far.  =)

Honor and fun,

Dann =)
The Fumble Chart looks good.  I might like to see the progression of how badly you get nailed somewhat mixed up, instead of a clear line from 1-10, make it 5, 3, 9, 1 etc ..... like that, so a high roll doesn't necessarily mean you just dropped the hand grenade at your feet with the pin pulled.  Am I making sense at all?  Of course, since we don't have a dice roller here yet, it really doesn't make that much difference.  It's not like we can see the rolls you make on the chart to have any sense of dread as to the results of a '1'.  It is only after the fact that we find out, "Oh, crud!  I fumbled, and my 105mm cannon is now jammed!  Shit!"

I had thought I commented on this before, but I guess it was a "I will comment and lost my train of thought" - thing.  Sorry, bud. 
My question is, how would the 'Weapon Malfunction' fumbles work in unarmed combat? Are we talking a strain or sprain of the limb, or would the attack end up as becoming an opening for a counterattack by the defender?

Captain Hesperus
-Sherwood.  No worries!  I have thought I've done something only to find out that I hadn't.  I guess it's part of coming with an overactive imagination. =)

As for mixing up the numbers, I'll pass. I think I have gamed this way for so long that I'm comfortable with it.  Neat idea, though.  

-Cap'n.  An excellent question! Questions like those are exactly what I'm looking for when I ask for feedback.  Thanks!  

The answer is the former.  In my mind, fumbles harm the one who has fumbled.  For example, I have seen fighters in Real Life screw up so badly as to take themselves out of the fight.  So in the case of your example, I think a sprain,  strain, hyperextension, or even a broken bone might be the result. 
Heya folks!  Depending on how my day goes, I will try to post again either tonight or tomorrow at the latest.  I hope each of you have a happy day!  =)
Cap'n wrote (as Herc):  "Steele seemed more and more like Caligula of ancient Rome."  

Wow!  Here is a comparison I have never made in all the decades I've had General George Steel in my head. 

And yet, as Steel's creator, I find the comparison accurate in more than one way.  I am enlightened.

Bravo, Cap'n.  =)
I've dealt with Steele in a past game, many years ago.  He's that bad.
That's just it.  He's not.  

I don't mean to say Steel and Caligula are truly similar; I only mean to say that they definitely share a few traits in common.

Steel is a renegade through-and-through.  He gets the job done whatever the cost to himself or his troops.  For example, remember that it was Steel's order to send the Slayers into this base after Bravo Squad; he wasn't about to let the Zentraedi have his people.  Those Eglin tankers were going to get rescued no matter what it took.

That said, look how badly he treated you guys at the Assembly; he got his results regardless of how you felt about him as a person or leader.  He could not care less about his image; just do as he says.  That's one big reason he made it all the way to Brigadier General; he was able to accomplish the impossible where everyone else had failed (especially during the First Robotech War here in Broadsword).   The problem was (and is), he was never concerned with cost.  The ends always justified the means.  

So, if you were a UEG Prime Minister or what have you, and you needed something done badly, you always considered calling someone like General Steel because he'd get it done come hell or high water.  Imagine a General Patton who truly didn't give a damn about anything but results.  That's Steel.

I continue to admire Colonel Sharp for working with a guy like General Steel all this time.  They have an understanding few warriors share.  

Sherwood and Killfire did indeed deal with Steel on a regular basis many years ago - even as the Game Master, I did not envy them their having to do so.  

(I'll have an in-game post up soon before bed.)  =)
Sherwood (as Mario) sez, "If it is booby-trapped, Toph should be able to sense it once she makes her dive into the guts of that thing." 

Neat observation there, Sherwood!  I can't tell you whether it's accurate in this case or not, but I like the way you're thinking.  =)
Sherwood (as Mario) sez, "If it is booby-trapped, Toph should be able to sense it once she makes her dive into the guts of that thing." 

Neat observation there, Sherwood!  I can't tell you whether it's accurate in this case or not, but I like the way you're thinking.  =)

It seems like a valid hypothesis.  Lets see if the theory is correct.

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