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Fandom Fairy Tail: Legacy of the Twilight Prophet

Nil picked up her beverage and leaned back in the comfortable sofa. She looked at Eias with a considerate, kind expression as she listened to the words of the noble. She was sure that they were anxious of the upcoming trials and wanted to help them more than anything... so upon hearing her plea she nodded and began talking.
"In Ca-Elum - and in extension during its trials too - the 3 'M' is what always measured: mind, mettle and merit. In the eyes of the nobles the greatest champions are those who have a strong soul, will and body, one whose wits are quick, one whose mind is cunning and one who is honorable and deserves praise through his or her deeds."
She sipped her tea and smiled.
"I lack the merit part due to my weak constitution, but so do many other nobles lack the other two traits. This is why it is a great honor to be nominated to the Games by default and it is even a greater honor to compete against other worthy nobles. No dirty cheaters or tricky bastards shall be put against you: only those who were deemed worthy by the Lord and the council may fight for glory."

She put her cup down and looked at the girls.

"As you might have figured out the trials you have shall also focus on the three 'M's. Make no mistake, each of them will carry the remnants of all three, it is just one trial will lean heavily towards physical exercise while others for example shall test your wits and will instead."
Aeris nodded.
"We received one already, or well, it unveiled itself. It calls for someone whose knowledge is of the noble heritage and we thought of you as a prime example."
"You flatter me." Nil smiled, bowing her head towards Aeris "Your decision - as humbling as it is to me - was indeed a wise one. Chances are that I can indeed help you. May I see the card?"
Aeris handed over the piece of paper and after but moments of examination Nil nodded.
"Ahh, this is a famous one. "The Shattering Illusion" is a test which will test your merits, first and foremost. It shall put your constitution to the test."
Aeris remained silent as Nil continued.
"The test will - as the name indicates - nullify everything which is illusory or magical origin. Whilst you are in the main area where the trial takes place no amount of willpower of magical prowess shall enable you to summon the weakest spell in the world: you will be completely neutralized and will be forced to endure your own." she paused and her visage turned serious "I have to emphasize that this affects your wear as well: any enchantments you may decide to equip to your clothes and any magical properties they will have will be useless during this particular trial. No matter how hard you try everything shall revert into its normal function - including corsets."

She sipped her drink a bit then nodded.
"As I said every trial will continue to stick with you partially throughout the Chess Game, this is why tactics is important. The Shattering Illusion will linger with you in a dangerous way: unexpectedly you may find your spells and clothes neutralized for few minutes randomly in the labyrinth without any warning in advance. Should you wish to take this challenge as the first one know that you may not be able to rely on your magic very often."
Aeris furrowed her brows.
"This sounds very punishing."
"Perhaps at first it does and it is especially dangerous for those who live off of magical energies or use them frequently." Nil said, touching her corset "Then again, for teams who rely on agility and physical strength will find this particular challenge easy and a non-issue. I can not stress this enough: plan ahead, My Lord, My Lady. It will help you a great deal later on."
She could tell that Nil found sympathy for them. For one reason or another, she felt she could trust this noble with her advice and information. Whether it was her duty or not was up in the air, but she gave them ideas none the less. She explained the Chess game with a little more ease to the news. The "three M's" was a strange topic. Mind, merit, mettle. That was all that ran across her mind for the short period. Each trial would deal with a different M and she was surprised to hear the first one. The Shattered Illusion would take away all their magic for a short time, every now and then. Not only would her music and bubbles not work, but the magic protecting her from getting crushed would also fade. She felt in her gut she wouldn't want that to be the first trial to under go. Surly they would push it first however. It would make things more interesting after all.

"That is very informative. I assure you once we get all the information, we will be making a proper plan... There is only a few questions. If we were to show you the other letters, would you know the trials? What would you have us do if this were the first trial? And... is this part of the chess game? All of this knowledge hunting. Is it the mind portion?"
Nil looked at Eias as she listened to her and was nodding to her speech.
"Most likely yes, I would be able to share some basic knowledge about them." she said confidently "Though we are bound to learn only the trials that belong to our caste we are not prohibited from looking briefly into them. However, since I can only give you a brief overview of what your trial might actually hold I would say talking ot someone who knows better might be beneficiary."
Aeris nodded as she began ot search for the other papers for Nil to look into and whilst she was conduction the search the noble turned to the Muse once more.
"I can assure you this seeking of knowledge has nothing to do with the Game itself. it is merely a stepping stone, a helping hand if you will. There had been people who outright refused to gather intel to make the Game more challenging for themselves, a strange decision but a possible one nonetheless. Also, nobody says that The Shattering Illusion MUST be your first trial, My Lady. As it is written in the rules the couple must come up with the three pieces of the medallion which is hidden in the labyrinth. This means that it will involve you taking on all the challenges but in which order it is up to you. Note that due to the complexity of the game leaving this particular trial for last may be fitting for your team but not for others, for example. If you feel not confident enough to maintain your posture in a magic deprived area then you might want to consider leaving it later - but also know that whilst taking on this challenge later on you will have other trial's effects on you so choose wisely."

Nil gazed down at the table as Aeris pulled out the remaining two papers and she frowned.
"Web of Lies... I have heard tales of it. It is perhaps one of the most difficult ones from what I heard, it has to do something with mind for sure. Some claim distortions happen, others say it tricks your own brain to consider others enemies. The explanation for that can come from someone of the commoner caste, one who possesses high knowledge."
She smiled.
"Fortunately we have an ally like that. I can contact Matron Luula to either meet you later today in the forest or talk to you through a magical mirror briefly that I borrowed her yesterday. Whichever the choice you go with it can be arranged. However..."
She looked at the third one with a bleak expression.
"I have never even heard about The Midnight Hour. It wasn't mentioned anywhere... except perhaps..."
She began frowning again.
"If memory serves right there were three trials which were deemed so difficult that their knowledge and power was limited to those of the highest standing among nobility. Very few might actually possess the information you are looking for and unfortunately I am positive that The Midnight Hour is one of these three rare exceptions. If that is indeed the case though... it has to be very difficult."
Aeris looked at the noble.
"What do you propose we do, My Lady? Any ideas for us starters?"
"Well one thing is certain, and that is that this Chess Game will be one to be remembered. The more challenging trials compiled into it is a testament to this already but I am more curious about the third one. Unless you have someone who is very high standing among the nobles - The Duchess and Lord Latosius excluded - chances are that you will rush headlong into the third one with blindness. My counsel for the moment is to try and strategize about the one you already know about and to talk to Luu to explore the Web of Lies."
With the rest of the information, Eias finally came to the conclusion it was a group decision on which paths to go for first. The magic sapping one didn't seem fun however. If anything, they all benefited from it greatly. Enough so that getting rid of it would be a hindrance for the three of them. She also felt relaxed how the information gathering was not part of the game. In a city like this, she was fairly surprised to hear it. With all the cunning and tricky people here, the chess game was bound to have secret rules. So, for hearing nothing of the like, she could take it a little more slowly on the info gathering.

The calmed state didn't last long though. The other two trials were semi explained to them. The web of Lies and the Midnight hour also didn't seem fun. Especially the midnight hour since they knew nothing of it. Web of lies was an interesting trial. Knowing friend from foe was hard with tricks weighing people down. Between aeris and her, she was sure they could handle it. Being so close always helped. The Midnight hour was fairly scary though. Brought out for special occasions that no one knew about.

"I see..." She said slightly disappointed. "Well if that is the case, We should probably meet up with Luu soon. that way we can be prepared for at least 2 trials. This Midnight hour would probably take the longest to know about anyway. We might as well leave that for the rest." She turned to her companions. "Shall we go find Luu and talk to her about the web? That way we can know the inner workings for the trial and we can better prepare for the upcoming battles."
Nil listened to Eias and let out a little chuckle.
"Do not be so disheartened, My Lady." she said with conviction in her voice "I might sound a bit too gloomy when I say that these trials will be difficult but my intention is far from scaring you off: I merely want you to measure the difficult road ahead of you, to be prepared for the trials ahead. Certainly with effort and tenacity you will succeed - after all, you will not be alone."
She nodded as she heard her plea and stood up.
"Right away. I shall contact Luu through the methods I mentioned and will ask her to come with posthaste. Until she arrives please do relax a bit more and enjoy the comfort - I will be back as soon as possible."
And thus she walked out of the room, leaving the three of them alone.

"I am worried." Eon finally said after the long minutes of silence, finally raising her tone "The tasks ahead of you are vicious... I only hope you girls know what you are doing..."
Aeris smiled.
"I have my unwavering faith placed in Eias, I know that together we will achieve everything." she said, looking at her friend with determination "Worry not, we will find the perfect strategy. We can leave The Shattering Illusion to the last if you so desire, Eias. I am not against it but this has to be a team decision and so we shall find out about it together. However..."
She looked at Eon.
"If the trial regards this then my connection to you will also falter. Will you be all right, Eon?"
The spirit frowned.
"I can self-sustain my presence here as long as you are in. I have my reserves." she said "This means, though, that I can not accompany you in the trials. No matter how determined I would be without my powers I will be useless to you, not to mention a burden for the both of you to protect. I shall have to leave this up to you, I think."
The room fell silent as Aeris looked on her friend.
"Are you feeling all right about this, Eias?" she asked, worry in her tone "If there is anything on your mind please do share with us."
Eias looked up as the others went on about their thoughts. Seeing how Nil left quickly to contact Luu was much needed. All the frightening thoughts of what they could encounter was a terrible thing. She needed to calm down and understand that things wouldn't be as bad as she thought. It was easier said than done however. She kept silent as Eon talked about her conditions and how she couldn't participate now even if she wanted to.
"I understand... it wouldn't be the healthiest of ideas for you.." She said, contemplating what would happen now. She faintly remembered they needed three people to participate in order for the game to work properly. The real question was who would be the third now. Maybe they would simply get appointed a team member now. She slowly came back to reality as Aeris spoke to her directly.
"I am fine.. Just a little shook. Wtih Eon out, we need to find a trusted person to help. We also need to figure this Midnight Hour trial before the game happens. I feel that is going to be the biggest, and hardest, trial to overcome. As much as I like magic, it may need to go second depending. Either way, while luu is on her way, do we know anyone of high nobility? I was thinking Meryl since she is close to the Lord. That could also mean she can't tell us anything.. that and I don't think Eon wants to see her at the moment."
Eon frowned and then looked at Eias.
"Worry not about getting a partner. As far as I know the number is not exactly limited" she said with a strange confidence before she blushed "Meryl... and I spoke about it a while back... she mentioned that years ago the rule was ammended: it is more of a guideline than anything. Smaller couples may enter to navigate better in the labyrinth whilst the bigger trios or even quads are allowed in as well to compete. If you feel comfortable with the two of you then it should not be an issue..."
Aeris saw the disturbed look on Eon's face when she mentioned her sister and could not help but feel bad for the little spirit. Still, she felt relieved that at least this problem was out of the window and regarded Eias as she continued her stream of consciousness.
"The trials do sound difficult but something tells me that with proper mental preparation we will be able to triumph." she said with as much courage in her voice as she could muster "We are more than a team, Eias: we are friends. Close... friends..." she felt blush creeping over her cheeks. This was the moment... but she just could not act. The words did not come, at least not the ones she thought she would say "Our bond is special: I am certain that when we synchronize there is nothing we can not overcome!"

She folded her arms together listening to the idea of high nobility.
"Meryl would make sense. She may be friendly with the Lord but she is also a council member, even if but nominally... I really can not place her as being here in Ca-Elum for so long... though it would explain the long absences..."
She sighed.
"But talking with her might be difficult at this point. She must be very busy and that would cause-"
"There is no need beating around the bush." Eon intervened, a bit angrily "I know why you refrain from talking to her and it is because of me, is it not?"
She frowned but felt sadness.
"We have had a fight, yes. All sisters do. But you will not protect me if you just avoid her entirely. If she is the solution to your problems then we should definitely seek her out. If she knows valuable information then after talking with Matron Luula it would be the best to seek for her and ask her about the trial."
Aeris stared at her.
The spirit looked back, her eyes beady but stern. She grabbed the hand of Aeris and darted her eyes between her and er beloved Mother.
"I want you - both of you - to come out from that damn Game, you hear me? Not only alive but also as victors! I want you to grab any opportunities to win and I want none of you to be held back by anything or anyone!"
Eias softly smiled as Aeris brought up how close they were. Things would be getting much more serious between them in the near future. She could feel it building up in Aeris. She did seem to have trouble speaking for a moment though. Like a word was at the tip of her tongue but she couldn't get it out. It was nice to know that the limits were just a formal thing. If any number of people could participate in a group, then that was quite the feat. It was a balancing game in all honesty as well. The more people, the more fire power, but the more people to keep track of. The less, the less chance for mistakes but a greater sense of bondage.

Aeris brought up a good point of Meryl being busy, but for whatever reason, Eon spoke out agaisnt it. If that was Aeris really trying to keep Eon from Meryl for her sake, then she couldn't blame her. With Eon's permission Though, this changed things. Eias simply nodded in understanding her request.
"I am fairly certain that we all are going to do our best to win this. There isn't room for large mistakes. So, hearing that you're fine with seeing Meryl... that will help a lot I am sure. Thank you." She said with a pleasant smile.
Eon's expression softened as she looked at Eias with a faint smile, correcting her posture on the sofa, playing with her ribbon as she did so.
"You girls have many things to worry about - let me be the last thing you need to look out for." she said, winking "If anything, this might be an opportunity to clear up the case with Meryl and gain as much edge as possible."
Just as she finished her speech hurrying footsteps were heard in the corridor.
"Matron Luula should arrive in a half an hour." the voice of Nil spoke with clarity and hope "However, she emphasized that you should meet in the forest like yesterday. Drawing attention to herself is the last thing she wants to do when traveling here in disguise."
Aeris furrowed her brows.
"Disguise? I did not know it was prohibited from traveling from one part of the city to another."
"It is not... normally." Nil said quietly "Due to the attacks on the lower city - and during the ball which was thus abruptly interrupted - the guards rarely allow a free pass to people and thus Luu has to come in on a... special route. Lord Latosius ordered a blockade to be formed while Lady Blaemaux and her troops survey the areas for suspicious activities. As disturbing these attacks may be they want to ensure that they do not interrupt the Games. Bound by tradition, this is the main way for the Duchess to communicate with the nobility and she does not want this rare chance to be in vain."
Eon frowned.
"Why can not she just come out normally? It is not as if she is imprisoned there or anything."
Nil smiled.
"This matter... is perhaps best discussed with the advisors of the council I am afraid." she said "But I can ensure you the Duchess does more than just sitting idle... even if it causes her to leave very rarely from her room."

She paused for a moment, turning to the trio now fully. Her eyes were weary and it was obvious that she had to use some of her healing magic to rejuvenate her body in the past minutes but she smiled regardless.
"I believe you have other matters to attend to, let me not make this any more complicated for you." she said, turning to Eias "Lady Eias, what do you propose we do? You wish to wait here in my humble abode or you wish to venture out in the forest already? Or perhaps... you have something else you need my assistance with first? New ideas in your mind? Hesitate not to ask, I am here, at your service."
Eias nearly forgot about the blockade that was happening at this time. It was low on the list of things she had to worry about. It felt that ever since they came to this city, things have gotten even more crazy than they had been. Would the place turn out the same if they had never come. She just hopped they could take care of the creatures that roam the streets. It was a dangerous time indeed.
"Well, I hope she has a safe travel. Safe as much as it can be." She wondered where this secret path was that allowed Luu to get here. Surly the Lord would have blockade the secret entrances around as well. Who knows what attacks could happen if they were left unchecked.
"Half an hour? Hmm... Well. I do prefer the outside a lot. Roaming in the trees would take some of the edge off my mind. Some peace and quiet before things pick up again." She turned to Nil as she asked if there was anything else she could do for them.
"I am fine. You have helped up plenty now. I can't speak for the others but I don't have any other questions at the moment. Thank you though. you have been a big help."
Nil listened to Eias with a smile and nodded at her request.
"Understood, my Lady. You should go out and walk very gently and slowly in the greenery. I am certain that couple of other nobles now grace the gardens with their presence so you should not be alone either. As for Luu... she will find her way, worry not. The Lord himself gave me permission to use the route in case of emergency, it should work both ways flawlessly."
When Eias mentioned her help she merely shook her head.
"You have done a greater service for me than I could ever do for you." she smiled "Not only did you look out for my little daughter but you also saved her life. For that... I shall forever be in your debt."

She walked over to the door and opened them with grace. True to her words a couple of nobles were already lingering outside, doing their everyday activities and relaxing in the great weather. Taking a deep breath as she was able to Nil embraced the caressing wind as she turned to her guests.
"I can not accompany you i am afraid but I think my presence would be burdensome in the first place." she said, bowing to the three of them. Aeris walked up to her and smiled.
"If there is anything we can do for you do not hesitate to ask." she said "We would be glad to help you."
Nil chuckled.
"You flatter me too much. Do your best on the Games, will you?"
Aeris nodded, turning to her friend.
"Well, My Lady. The choice is yours where we should go. Directly to the forest or should we linger a bit more?"
Eias' mind was put to some ease when Nil spoke of the passage ways. Still, trouble was everywhere and passageways were still dangerous. Eias was going to be on high alert for the while even if they were in a peaceful meadow. Once they walked back outside, Eias felt the wind blowing on her face which reminded her of the pleasant nature that surrounded them. Even if it was magically enhanced, she pretended it wasn't just to get that moment of bill before them.
"There is no need for debt. I was doing what I thought was right. Simple as that. You have no need to repay us and your help already was a great help. I am sad to see you unable to join but I understand. I am sure the other nobles will be pleasant to pass by. thank you very much, until next time."
Eias smiled and nodded to the woman before she began stepping out into the gardens once again.
"I think some nice walking would be in order. A longer path to the meeting area. Something so we can think about what we have so far and be in a safe place while doing it.
Aeris nodded, waving good-bye to the welcoming noble as they began making their way through the garden. Once again the lush greenery captivated her attention, making her amazed and astounded by the sheer variety of flowers around them. She felt happiness filling her as the little group walked among the few nobles now lingering about. Some waved at them, others just whispered at them but they greeted the trio regardless.
"It appears the nobles know that we are the ones who will participate soon already." she contemplated "Whether it is good or a bad thing is up in the air I suppose."
"They treat you with respect. That is a good thing." Eon said "Whatever support they offer, be moral or otherwise, is welcome."
"That is true." Aeris nodded as they walked towards a shady area.

Flower beds surrounded the place where they tread now. It reserved the coolness of the morning due to the lack of sunlight touching this particular area but they enjoyed the cool breeze regardless - and the cacophony of colors around them.
"The more I think about the illusion trial the more I think it can not be the deadliest." Aeris mused "It is an endurance test for sure... especially with the magic losing part. Though honestly I can not say much about it until we know what the other two are exactly."
She suddenly stopped in her tracks and turned to Eias.
"Eias, I want to be honest with me. It is very important." she spoke up, her eyes turning stern "I remember the struggles we had in Magnolia. It was not a pleasant thing but we both agreed that suffering for beauty is but a necessity. However, I know that your burdens in this area are probably bigger than mine. I am fine - more or less - for an extended period in my clothing normally but are you too?"
She paused momentarily.
"The other trials are likely to target our mind and spirit so this is the one which will test the bodily resolve we have. I do not want to see you hurt or overburdened - if you feel that we will be able to defeat the mental challenges easier than the bodily ones... you have to tell me."
Eias sat in the shaded area as the other nobles walked by. She raised her hand in a friendly gesture as they walked past them.
"Yeah, it would seem they know who we are now. I've heard the game is big but the news spreads very fast." Eias laid down on the grass as she soaked up the heat that beat down into her face. She closed her eyes to keep a peaceful mind as Aeris spoke of what is to come.

"I do think we could over come the mentally fit trials. We have done well so far with problems on a mental scale, so what makes these any different. As for the bodily ones, I don't know how well I would do. Every now and then, I get this crushing feeling and I dread it. I think I would handle it at first but wouldn't make it far without the gems help." She opened her eyes slightly and tilted her head to Aeris.
"Are you okay in the mentally fit trial? I could understand you haven't some troubles with it as opposed to the bodily fit."
No problem!... was what Eon expected to hear as a reply to Eias' question from her mistress... but it did not come. The tiny spirit stared at Aeris as she looked at the laying Muse. Minutes which felt like hours crawled by as the wind gently brushed past them. Aeris just stood there, her arms folded together, her eyes unusually stern and vigilant. It took her a rather long time before she could reply.
"That I conceal everything well does not mean that I do not fight." she said, averting the question. She looked at the sky longingly "I may have a constitution which allows me to pass the trial regarding the illusion, I have endured much and I continue to do so just like you. However..."
She looked back down.
"The Web of Lies... even its name entails that emotions will play part in it. I am not good at controlling them. I am not good at feeling them, to understand them. Were it a logical game of some sort I would be able to overcome it without an issue... in the current state, however, I am uncertain. Not to even mention the final challenge..."
Eon felt surprised. Aeris was secretive usually but now she was very honest.
"Aeris..." she began.
"I will not jeopardize the mission in any aspect." she claimed with a resolute nod "Only with your help I am confident enough to embark upon that trial, Eias. Whatever may befall to us... I wish to be by your side. No matter what will happen."

She refused to the temptation to sit down, turning around in her elegant wear to see the rustling of leaves in the wind. They knew what their purpose was, then knew what their life was meant to be for. They were part of a tree, a lifegiving part of it... they knew what they had to do and they knew everything about their existence.
She... did not. Now, more than ever, when they were to plunge into the unknown... she felt uncertain. Her stoic expression did not allow to show that but her heart told her so.
"What am I supposed to do?" was the question echoing in her mind when her gaze met with Eias'.
"I do not want to see you in danger, Eias. But this is the only way for us to get stronger. I... will adapt to everything if need be, no matter the price. This is why I am willing to embark on a journey where we delve into the abyss at your command. I only hope that amidst the darkness we can shine brighter..."
Eias met the stern face of Aeris instantly. She could tell she spoke poorly and now there was a fire in Aeris. She bit her lip as Aeris kept keeping eye contact away from her. Her friend was obviously a little ticked off by how she reacted. Had Eias been thinking selfishly this whole time? A shiver ran down her spine just thinking about it. She was so scared of what could befall her that she didn't even think about how Aeris felt. She too must be scared of what is going to happen. Hearing now clear as day of how the web of lies was an emotional trial, she could tell how freaked out her friend really was. She knew Aeris had trouble with all of that.

When Aeris finally looked to Eias, there were no eyes to meet. She cast hit down upon her face. She was emberassed and saddened by her own reactions.
"I'm sorry..." she said with a small whimper. "I wasn't thinking clearly. I am scared. I was just thinking of myself and I am sorry." With a light exhale, she tried to get comfortable again.
"Let's hear what the rest of the trials were and then make a game plan. One we can all get behind. They are going to be dangerous no matter what."
Watching Eias shifting uncomfortably on the grass made the stern expression of Aeris mellow into something that resembled... kindness and compassion.
"Now, hey..." she said, crouching and eventually sitting down next to her friend in the shade, gently touching her chin and pulling her towards her "It is all right, no need to be sorry for anything. You are our Matriarch, you have a lot of responsibilities on your shoulders. I did not want to bother you with mine due to respect, knowing that both of us fought our own respective battles. I merely thought of being truthful here and now could benefit both of us, knowing who feels weaker and where."
She blinked, kissing Eias briefly then nudging herself closer to the Muse.
"You taught me what feelings were and how to use them.Your very presence gave me the epiphany to understand some of them. And it is your guidance I wish to rely on when it comes to it. But that is the same for me: whatever you need to be done... I will be here for you."

An unusually warm gust of wind swept through the garden, feeling refreshing and very delicate at the same time. Eon closed her eyes and felt the warmth embracing her, conjuring a tiny smile on her expression whilst Aeris enjoyed it in the same way. The wind almost seemed to whisper gentle things to her, things that she wanted to made felt, things that she... wanted to convey. Emotions which were her own... and feelings that she was not certain about now coursed through her mind and soul, thinking of various dreams which both intimidated and captivated her. With a slight turn of her head she glanced at Eias once more.
"I wonder..." she whispered "Could you imagine us being like this... forever? Together, I mean..."
Another gust of wind blew which lifted the dark locks of Aeris in a beautiful fashion, the delicate strays of her hair floating in the air for but a moment with such reflection from the sun that everything else paled in comparison. It was but one fleeting moment and she could not even notice it - for she was captivated with Eias' own beauty shining through everything. She felt no blush on her expression... only her heart started to thump faster and faster.
Eias was taken off guard when her chin was cupped. She looked up as the soothing voice of Aeris came out. Before a word could be spoken, she was kissed gently. Still flabbergasted, she just looked at Aeris with a sense of wonder. What was going on in her head? The nature around them seemed to envelop her causing wonder is wind moments to bring out Aeris inner beauty. Be it the magic of the forest or by pure chance, Eias forgot all about her woes for the fleeting seconds.

"I do." She whispered back gently. She had a hard time releasing the words from her lungs but she managed to get that out. That was all she needed. She always felt like they would be together forever. She just wished it would end up like she wanted. There would be compromises though. Aeris may not be ready for all that. She may be comfortable in a house of their own and read all day, but Eias was also about traveling. The future was a scary thought. In this moment, it was fine. Things fell in place as they should. "I will always be there for you."
Something began fluttering in her heart when Aeris heard the gentle words of her friend. Her eyes were gleaming with excitement, though she did her best to contain herself. She had come a long way from just being the stoic, cold self as she always was but she still retained the silent nature of hers to show off the supposed maturity and composure she had. She was glad that Eias could not read her mind... she would have seen nothing but chaos in there right now. A cacophony of feelings, thoughts and worries were racing through her head, trying to construct and reconstruct themselves with each passing moment with no avail. She was... enamored with the girl and just smiled timidly with a slight blush.

Eon silently observed the two and was... curious, perhaps that was the word her feelings could have been described. She looked at her mistress, those burning red eyes now gleaming with joy... something she had not seen in a very long time, not to this degree. She remembered a scene where Meryl, the little baby Aeris and she were walking in the city. The little girl constantly looked at the pairs in the city with confusion, not understanding what exactly they were doing.
"Why they harass each other, Meryl?" she kept asking.
"They are hugging, Aery." the spirit smiled "They are in love."
"What... is that?"
"Something that perhaps you too will understand one day."

The little Aeris back then furrowed her brows.
"Why can't I... speak about it? I... can not even repeat the word you said! My tongue...it... just won't move!"
"You are ill fit to feel such things, that is why.
" Eon replied then "You... are not suited for kind emotions by nature. By default."
Aeris' eyes filled with despair but Meryl then comforted the little one.
"Worry not, we will help you understand it better. One day you will find someone you adore, I know it!"

The vision faded from her mind as she saw Aeris shift uneasily next to Eias. The girl's long black hair now was rocking back and forth as she sat beside her friend with an uneasy expression on her face. It appeared that something was really on her mind... something that she wanted to tell her friend more than anything.
"I... will be here for you too." she said with an ever-increasing blush on her puffy cheeks, her eyes were almost pleading to say something. "My... my chest bursts with... feelings just by thinking about you. My rational mind becomes nothing more than a shrine to your beauty when I think about you. I..."
She wanted to say it. She wanted it more than anything. So long had she longed to understand it... so long had she desired to finally utter the words. But once again, the lash of unimaginable torment bound her tongue. A torrent of vile, darkening shadow clawed at her heart, causing her to actually fall to the ground with a groan as she felt the thrusting, searing pain within her. She had to struggle to keep awake as the agonizing pain clawed at her very mind. She felt the world becoming hazy around her, the vision she so clearly had was now blurred, the words she wanted to utter were... jumbled. Eon wanted to intervene, as all the times before. But something told her that this time she had to stand idle. She had to watch.
Aeris felt the pain receding as her mind managed to focus again.
"What good are thoughts if the only thing they wish to convey they can't..." she cursed in herself weakly, managing to push herself into a sitting position "I... I can not reciprocate the one feeling you so badly desire! Even during that night I was but captivated by you and feebly returning anything I could! I don't understand... I don't understand why..."
She burrowed her face in her gloved hands.
"Of all the people why did you need to come across me?"
Eias kept a soft hearted smile as she watched Aeris move closer. She could see what was on Aeris mind as it was on hers too. What wasn't good was seeing her having so much trouble telling her that. It had been a problem ever since they knew they had feelings for one another. It was a shame that Aeris had this curse upon her. Deep down, Eias knew there was a darker reason for it. She had seen the strange chains and such in Aeris dream and true feelings. There was something stopping her along the way.

It was made even more apparent once she dropped to the floor clutching her chest. Eias sprang to life, placing hands upon Aeris in hopes of helping her. She didn't know what to do but her friend was hurting. She reached for her flute, the one thing that seemed to quench this pain. Before she could bring it to her lips, it seemed the episode passed. Aeris was sitting and silently sobbing in her hand.
"Fate is strange. Who knows why. What I do know is that It wasn't just meeting you. It was interacting with you. Everything is organic, no love at first sight. I fell for you because I know you closely. I know what you want to say and it is okay. I know you have trouble with it. I don't blame you. We will work though it together some day." She said as she hugged the side of Aeris.
Aeris felt the nearness of Eias somehow comforting her. The small tide of tears ebbed quickly, she was able to wipe them away with some decisive moves, leaving only her eyes slightly red to betray her true feelings about the matter. Though her words were kind she knew exactly that it was not something she could easily accept... to handle these thoughts later was to hinder the happiness of her friend... something she desired not. But regardless of her thoughts she embraced and welcomed the hug and let out a weary chuckle.
"Thank you... for being who you are." she said silently, the warm wind drying up the remnants of those droplets on her face "You... always knew how to handle someone with care... even me..."

She returned her friend's gesture and smiled as she did it. The failure of her telling her feelings still stung but now she had to put these adversities aside. She had to be at the side of Eias just as she was on hers, slacking was completely out of the question - and her mind.
"I... think we may start walking towards the foresty labyrinth once I feel... good enough." she said, trying to conceal her trembling voice as her composure returned to her "I... need only a moment to regain my thoughts."
She said, standing up, looking at Eon. The fire spirit said nothing but stepped to her worriedly. Much to the girl's surprise even Eon just hugged her briefly, trying to put an encouraging smile on her tiny expression. Aeris chuckled as she patted the head of her companion.
"What has gotten into you Eon? Why is all this cuddling?"
The spirit glanced at Eias briefly before returning her gaze to her mistress.
"I... have learned... to care about those I thought to be my wrongdoers. That's all."
Aeris was baffled and turned to Eias.
"I assume it is your doing, huh?" she smiled "You tamed the unquenchable flame of passion too, Lady Eias. You truly ARE a bringer of miracles."
Eias stayed down as they mingled for the time being. Aeris looked exhausted from her troubles. It wasn't that strange either. Mental exhaustion seemed to be a big part on Aeris where as Eias had the physical trouble. Either way, she let her friend take her time getting ready to move on to the questioning in the labyrinth. She held and arm up just in case Aeris were to fall over again but it seemed she was fine for now. It was even more so when Eon came up to hug her.
"oh, I didn't tame her. She has always had a passion for caring. She just needed a little push on how to show it properly." she responded with a smile. It was refreshing to see Eon so caring towards Aeris now, Even if it seemed a little out of character at times.

Eias took an extra moment to stand back up but soon followed after. She stood up and brushed the stray leaves and grass away.
"I suppose we should head out once you're ready. I am sure Luu is waiting for us any second now. Besides, once we have this second bit of information, perhaps we could find a clue to the third!"
Aeris looked at Eias and the little spirit loitering around and felt some of her energy returning to her. She was proud and happy to know such people and was more than glad to proceed with their knowledge collecting run. She finally felt her composure returning as it should be and exhaled her worries - now ready to proceed with whatever they needed to do.
"Let us depart then, My Ladies." she said confidently "We have a Matron to question."

The walk in the shade-veiled forest was a delightful one for Aeris. Without the pestering of the rays of the sun she felt much more alive in this cool environment. It felt as if she had been energized by the walk and the comfort Eias' presence had always been granting her... in fact, she felt more alive than ever. Some way, somehow, her friend was almost a beacon of hope who shone brighter than anything she had known. The radiance of Eias, the unknown, interesting emotions and secrets she had had drawn Aeris in, tangling the seeker of knowledge into a web of amazement - or so she tried to rationalize it. In truth, however... she just enjoyed the company of the Muse.
"The silence of this place makes me believe that we will have a good avenue for a secret meeting." Eon mused, walking absentmindedly by the girls.
"That would be more than ideal." Aeris nodded "The last thing we want is to run into some trouble or obstacles."
In that very moment - just for a fleeting second - she felt a sudden dread wash over her. Almost as if someone was watching them... but then it immediately faded as well. She didn't even bother to turn her head around as nothing was to be sensed around them. It was strange... mostly because the gaze that she presumably felt was even familiar to her. Keeping silent about this occurrence though they pushed onward, walking into the glade where they had met the Matron yesterday.

The small and seclusive part of the forest was as welcoming as ever. When the girls entered the artificially lit place they felt a familiar, caressing wind blowing around them. Aeris had to strain her eyes to see everything properly, the sudden change from sunlight to actually night time was not something she was prepared to face just yet. Still, as they entered the perpetually dark glade she noticed the cowled figure sitting on the bench.
"So you have come." the voice of Luula echoed in the eternal twilight, removing her cloak as they stepped closer "I wish we could have met under more... calm circumstances but alas, these are the times we live in. I was able to avoid most danger to travel here and now I am at your service."
At the mentioning of danger Aeris' face darkened.
"The lich presence in downtown has gotten worse?"
"I am reluctant to leave the little ones alone for an extended period of time... but Nil told me how urgent this meeting is and that she would personally pay attention to the children whilst I am away." she sighed "I fear for their safety - both theirs and Nil's."
"Wait, you mean Lady Nil has headed there right now?" Eon exclaimed in a more panicked tone than she wanted to.
"Correct." Luula blinked "I am surprised that she didn't tell you this but... it is just like her. Shouldering responsibilities all by herself. She knows the special routes all by herself and she should already be there if she found no opposition. Still... those dreadful monsters linger there without much trace, barely anyone can spot them before ill things befall to them. Lady Blaemaux's and Lord Latosius' guards have fended them off until now but who knows how long that can last..."

The Matron sighed.
"Alas, I am not here to lament, nor to bombard you with my worries. Apparently there is a challenge in the upcoming Chess Game which you think I can help you with. I will lend you my aid as I am able, that I vow."
She looked at Eias, her expression guarded but friendly with a faint smile.
"Take a seat, my ladies. I am certain that those wear of yours is not something you wish to have whilst standing for too long. Share this seat with me and explain the situation."
Eias walked calmly down the pathways for some time. The easy nature of the forest was still as peaceful as ever. Just before they went to the secret grove, they stopped to inspect the area. As they believed, it was secluded and empty save for them. It was only reinforced by Aeris and Eon commenting. she took one more glance around, missing Aeris reaction, yet saw nothing out of the ordinary.
"Well, let's get going then." She said as they made their way into the area that they had met eairlyier.

As they entered, it went from day to night time. A gentle breeze flew past their faces as the dark sky cooled the air more. It was still strange to see magic on this scale change thing so drastically. Soon after they entered, they heard the echoing voice of Luu. In the distance, Luu came towards them. She spoke of may things. How Nil asked her to come, the rising danger of the liches, Nil going into the city while those things were out and about. It jerked Eias' soul a bit thinking about it. They needed to find a way to fix this as soon as possible.
"First, if there is anything we can do to help, just ask. We want to protect people as well." She announced as she sat down on the ground.
"For right now we are trying to find some information on the chess game. Nil already told us about one of the trials, we were hoping you knew anything on the other two." She said, gesturing to Aeris to had the cards to Luu
Luula watched in silence as Eias explained her intent and nodded. She understood that the girl had the people in her mind like she did but she also understood that something greater hinged upon their shoulders as well, something that she did not want to question or to understand just yet. Instead, she turned her attention towards Aeris who immediately presented the paper to the Matron. Putting her hands on it she sighed and nodded.
"So it will be the Web of Lies. Interesting." Luula's voice was feeble at the start but she regained her composure relatively quickly, looking at the trio with a somber expression. "You have probably already guessed that this trial will have to do something with your mind. And it indeed does, this particular game element was put explicitly into the Chess Game to cull the weak-willed people."
Aeris gulped but said nothing.
"It is a bit difficult to explain everything about the trial for it is very complex. First and foremost it will be built upon various ways of deception, some kind of alterations of reality which you might not expect to happen."
"Like illusions? Disguises?" the crmson-eyed girl inquired but Luula shook her head.
"Nay. It will be way more subtle than that. Your emotions might shift completely from happy to sorrowful. Your clear vision might be clouded with doubts and fears. Your friends suddenly may seem very suspicious to you. Your truth may... seem very wrong."

There was a pause before the Matron continued.
"The tests will be based on your emotional state." she said calmly "The greatest difficulty here is to know the limits of deception the trial might have upon you: sometimes only parts of the information you would speak would be true, other times entire sentences would be lies. Sometimes your eyes might deceive you and make you see things you would never wanted to see. It is all mind-games."
She nodded.
"How you might overcome it, you ask yourselves? How you challenge such a trial?" her eyes narrowed for a moment "You will need to know the LIMITS of your friendship, of your emotional bond. You need to know the other perfectly, their habits, their behavior pattern, everything that might help you see that things are awry. When one would be assaulted with dark, deceitful visions the other would need to guide them further, when one falters due to horrific ideas the other needs to pick her ally up and move onward regardless."
Aeris remained silent. It was Eon who spoke up this time.
"So they need to be in complete harmony to overcome this, right?"
"More or less. It is a test aimed not only at the mind but also on the true nature of one's relationship. It is a sacred tenet and valuable thing to have if one wishes to be viewed as the best married couple around."

Luula glanced at the "Midnight Hour" paper briefly but she just scratched her head.
"This other one I can tell you little about, I am afraid." she said, sighing "It is a knowledge privy only to the elite leaders of the nobles like Lady Blaemaux or Lady Meryl. What I know are but morsels and whispers of how it is... but you may not like the answer."
She looked at the group.
"It is said that the Midnight Hour... tests your soul to the utmost. That it is so fearsome that many just surrendered when they reached this part. That the horror it inflicted upon them was more than they could handle. While the other trials had their good sides this one was braved by so few that I can offer you little solace: this one is something that must not be taken lightly - a difficult one among difficult ones."

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