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Fandom Faerie Core - In Character Thread



Literal No One
Roleplay Type(s)
FC Arc 1.jpg

At this time, the view from Station Heights was quite pretty.

It was at this particular time of the day that the horizon turned into a golden hue, and the whole town below the terrace was illuminated in a way that was both pretty and calming at the same time, even as the people below continued to wrap up the day's work. There was also the hum of trains going to in fro from the station as well as they began their evening runs. One could see even more of them snaking their way across the various raised tracks that snaked around the town.

It was the Twilight hours. And it was this beautiful phenomenon that gave the town it's name. For Hoshino, this special place, Twilight Town was her home.

Far beyond the city limits. Far beyond the forest. Far beyond the green mountains and into the orange sunset beyond... the young girl attempted to ignore the dark aura that was looming a vast distance away.


EbonChevalier EbonChevalier Rithas Rithas Karyra Karyra LowD LowD

Turning away from the scenery, Hoshino looked back at the task at hand. Before the Central Station and its ornate and big clocktower, a cartful of supplies for the Mansion and this same girl stood, looking very small in comparison. In the cart, food that the locals had kindly donated to help feed the children there. There was also some supplies meant for repair of the old mansion itself. Specifically in order to patch up yet another series of leaks that were found after the last rainstorm.

Hoshino had sent for one of the children to go gather up the other kids whom had finished their chores around the town already to help with hauling today's considerable load back to the mansion. It was a long way to get over there. There was the need to not let the cart slide down recklessly into the Tram Common from Station Heights. There was also no way this cart with all the supplies would be able to fit the secret entrance in the Tram Common going through The Forest to the Mansion either. It was going to take some brawn in order to get that over.

Hoshino had been waiting for a while now, actually. She was starting to worry about the food a little. In a pinch she could probably just barely haul all the food back herself. But it was also very impolite to leave the rest of the cart and it's contents randomly parked in front of the station.

Was Karam done with his performances for today?
Was Cyra - ever chaotic, able to be located?
Did Akane notice Hoshino up here on Station Heights or did she go to hide?
Was Melio still engrossed in something in the Manor's library?

Not to mention the rest of them. There was a few of them in the orphanage but they were all kept very busy. The need to haul up these supplies had come on such short notice that Hoshino had to send out the only person she could get a hold of to try to rally them here.

"If this takes any longer the food is going to go bad... Where are you all?"

Hoshino looked around a little worriedly as she waited for someone to arrive...
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Was Karam done with his performances for today?
Karam's struggle hammer flew upward before slamming into a ball and popping it! Confetti rain on to plaza square as Karam caught his hammer and took a bow. The crowd erupted in cheers and Karam doffed his hat to accept munny.

"Thank you! Thank you! You're too kind!" A decent amount of weight loaded down his hat and when the last of his spectators left he looked in. "500 munny! Not bad!" He pocketed the cash and turned the head home when one of the young kids form the mansion ran up to him. "Hoshino needs help hauling the food away? I'll head there, you go get the others."
Karam then headed for the central station.
Minutes later he arrived.

"I'm here! Hopefully we should all be able to drag that thing back home."
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Ehb Ehb EbonChevalier EbonChevalier Others

Cyra had a busy day, she had intended to go work up the courage to try the steak challenge again but had found herself getting side-tracked by a continual barrage of events. First she had to go find a lost item for an old woman using her sleuth detective skills (She followed the tram line to the spot where the woman last claimed to have had it.) Then she had to go rescue a cat from a tree, which proceeded to claw her the entire way down, plus it came to her afterwards that it was a freakin' Cat and the worried owner could simply wait for it to go down itself. Her telling that to the owner didn't go down well, but they weren't the one with a claw mark on their face so frankly their opinion did not mean much to Cyra. After that she had to arbitrate between two men trying to barter fish, and by that she meant yelling at the same volume as them until they calmed down. Then she found a particularly weird looking moth that she followed around for a while, it glimmered in the fading sunlight as it floated with no purposeful direction through the streets. A fun ten minutes to watch before it disappeared behind a corner of a building. She had followed after it but the insect had already vanished. What she did find was the upwards view of the hills, the ground rising and rising in their escape from the city. Her back towards the sun, she could just about see the faint outline of station heights.

The word station heights tickled her brain as a thought without form began to solidify in her head. Her general scatter plot way of thinking was being overrun by a lifetime of patterns that form within the orphanage. Today....today was.....
Oh, right.
Collection day.

Cyra once again took in the long rising view that led up to station heights. Gears turning.



Her legs began to move.

A younger kid from the orphanage came into her view, waving her down to tell her something. She waved them away, "Big Sis Cyra has some duties!" Whatever the kid had wanted to tell her was probably something completely unrelated to what she needed to do.


Hoshino heard Cyra before she saw her. The unmistakeable sound of feet digging into the ground at a relentless pace. A small 'Whoa' as she tripped on something out of sight before a recovery that only quickened her pace.

"Hoshi! Crazy to see you here fir- oh jeez that's a large amount!" Cyra stared wide eyed at what had been brought in today. All of that needless cat saving must be paying off! Good thing she was here without having to been asked by anyone at all, Hoshino and her little twig arms wouldn't be capable for this!

"I think I saw Karam at central, he must have earned enough money to afford a ticket. Woop ah-wee. So he should be here soon enough.." There was a wipe of her forehead with her forearm. In fact, at closer inspection. Cyra was practically dripping in sweat. Strands of her fringe sticking to her clammy skin.

Had she ran all the way here?

"The strongest is here!"

She patted Hoshi on the back, the same way she had done when the two looked at a arduous task for as many years as they had been here together.

"J-Just...give me a moment....to..." She put her hands on her knees, taking a large breath. "Oh don't you worry, 'bout to carry so much...."

Ehb Ehb EbonChevalier EbonChevalier Rithas Rithas

Akane loved to sit on Sunset Hill. She saved pocket money and favors to get a trip to and from the train station, but thankfully she managed to save up for a proper train pass for the city. So today she was savoring the little bit of peace and quiet. The back of her mind itched to get back to the others as soon as possible, so she wrapped up her little picnic. She wondered how far a train could take a person.

She also wondered what train her parents took when they left.

It really hadn't been that long since they were gone, and Akane had honestly fallen into a rhythm already. But there wasn't much for a not-orphan to do, so she had to occupy her time while she waited. Arriving at the station platform to go back to town proper, she arrived just in time for another kid to run into her at full tilt. The crash was mildly alarming, but Akane and the kid recovered quickly.

"Hoshino needs help to... oh she told me about Collection Day being today and I forgot! Oh no!"

Sprinting onto the train just before it departed, she bounced at the door, both hoping it would make the train faster somehow, and to also see into the window pane for her stop. Being short and young just didn't have its perks sometimes. Eventually the train rolled into the station, and Akane was already running out before the attendant could greet her.


The biggest obstacle to her making it in a timely manner?

The main station was too far up the giant hill and the trams just ran at the foot of said hill. Akane looked at her stubby little legs. She wished she knew how to cast magic to skate all the way down the hill, but she was a long way from even casting Blizzard properly.

Akane sighed and started to lightly jog down the hill.

Even the slower pace had her out of breath by the time she met up with the others.

"I'm sorry-" Pant. "I forgot Collection day was today."

"Oh gosh is... do we have to carry all of that? Ugh, why doesn't the mansion have a proper dirt path?"

Akane walked up next to Hoshino and grabbed the older girl's sleeve. Finally the worried part of her mind seemed to ease. She looked over the supplies and noted the myriad methods to patch the roof.

EbonChevalier EbonChevalier Rithas Rithas Karyra Karyra LowD LowD

Hoshino looked between those whom had answered the call and it was...
It was a little sparse it seemed.

Karam had appeared from the station, he was reasonably athletic. There was also Cyra who was eager to be made use of as a pack animal, and finally Akane. Maybe perhaps if they waited a bit longer to see if other kids might show up, and they might have a chance of getting the supplies down from Station Heights without being run over by the cart?


It seemed like time was running out.
Above the children, the peripheral bells of the Main Station's Clock Tower chimed in a harmonious symphony. After the chime, the primary bells rung out the time. One, two, three...

Eighteen Gongs. So roughly six in the evening now. That was a little concerning. Hoshing's expression carried this minor expression of concern on her face as she looked at the three who were gathered around the cart.

"...I was hoping there would be more of us to take it down, but it looks like it's about six. The town will go into nightly lockdown in about an hour. But... okay! We can still make this work everyone!"

Hoshino pumped her fists encouragingly.

"So this is probably the one time we're not going to be able to ditch the cart and just haul the food over to the exit to the forest. You see, Fatuita was finally able to get us that extra wood from the tower to help repair the mansion's roof that's been leaking all month! ...I'm worried that if we leave it all out here overnight someone's just going to take it for themselves."

The fact that their donated wood could be taken was a very real possibility. Especially with the night patrols who were out after curfew.

"But alright I have an idea! So the biggest problem is that the cart is heavy and will start sliding off on it's own when we bring it down from Station Heights, but it should be safe once we make down to the entrance to the Tram Common. So here's the idea! You know how we can use those struggle bats to whack carts of supplies up to the stops near here? What if... we let the cart roll downhill and wack it in the right direction...?"

From there, Hoshino explained her rather daring plan.

There were two major points on the way down from the Station Heights where the cart would have to be steered sharply in the right direction. At those two points, Karam and Cyra would be stationed in the right spots to hit the cart in the right direction. Riding the cart would be Hoshino, who would be there to cast Stop to stop the cart right before the Tram Common. Once it stopped at the Tram common, they could roll the cart along normally.

"...We'll just need to have Akane warn the people in the street up ahead to keep clear. Once the cart is at the tram common, we can just park the supplies by the secret entrance and take the food back to the mansion before dark. Easy, right?"

It was a reckless plan, actually. It sounded like something that Cyra would come up with. But, understandably, it was getting pretty late at this point. The comical image of Hoshino surfboarding on top of this cart all the way down was a little amusing in one way. But the danger of that cart going out of control and crashing was also very poignant to imagine.

"Karam, you just need to take up the spot by the Skate Shop, and Cyra, you just need to hang out by that mailbox by the ramp. Just wack the cart down towards the right direction. What do you guys say?"

Was it worth trying this crazy idea? There were a whole lot of ways things could go wrong.
Was an alternative way to get the cart and it's many supplies down worth discussing?
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Ehb Ehb EbonChevalier EbonChevalier Rithas Rithas Karyra Karyra

Melio was seen reading a book on Twilight Town's sand lot. With most of the kids seen playing around with their struggle bats or any other games. He sat under the shades of a tree, reading up on the story of the Guardian of the Light. His skateboard rested beside him.

He occasionally gazed at the kids while engrossed with his books. To which he noticed one of the orphanage kids running to him and reminding him of the day the townspeople hand them over supplies for the orphanage. "Eh? It's today? Ah alright, I'll be there." He said calmly as he closes his book and stood up. Picking up his board and sets it down on the road as he then skates his way to the Station.

. . .

He arrived a bit late, he could hear the bells of the Town's Clock Tower ringing harmoniously signaling that it is now six in the evening. Though he is just in time when Hoshino explained her plan on getting the cart to the Manor.

Stopping his skateboard right behind them, he kicks the board and carries it with his other arm. "Erm... I am surprised that it's you that came out with that crazy idea and not Big Sis Cyra." Melio let out, announcing his appearance from behind the group.

"But I will admit, time is of the essence here." He continued, thinking as he looked towards the downhill road that the cart would took with Hoshino's plan. Many things could go wrong with the plan. Considering they're just childrens and probably not have enough force to whack a cart to turn sharply. Especially with the woods that Fatuita had procured.

"Okay, I got it, well... You know I can do Aero right? I think, if I station myself right beside Karam, I could help to make it easier to turn. And immediately after that, I'll skate down and hopefully pass the cart and cast another Aero on the second spot." Melio suggested, surprisingly on board with this plan. "It's... It's all I could think off about how to make it less risky and still being fast."

Ehb Ehb LowD LowD (and the others)

"Oh geez," Akane said at Hoshino's plan.

"Hoshino, I can't outrun a speeding cart."
Akane pointed out. "And stop only halts the time of an object. Once the spell runs out, we'll need to all block it from returning to its previous speed."

But racking her brain for a better plan was interrupted by the curfew bell as well as Melio's arrival. On a skateboard. Akane had an idea to make her warning work out better.

"Melio, can I borrow your skateboard to warn people to stay clear of the streets? I'm not sure I can run ahead of the cart the whole way. Wait, then you can't go to the second spot in time..."

Akane looked down to her feet. There was no way she could do this in time to keep people from getting hit but also have them also able to turn the cart. She cursed her inability to cast blizzard properly. A splash of cold water wasn't going to do it. So weak. She gripped Hoshino's sleeve tighter. There was no way she should be trusted with such an essential part of the plan when she was too weak to even be able to help.

Ehb Ehb LowD LowD (and the others)

"Oh geez," Akane said at Hoshino's plan.

"Hoshino, I can't outrun a speeding cart." Akane pointed out. "And stop only halts the time of an object. Once the spell runs out, we'll need to all block it from returning to its previous speed."

But racking her brain for a better plan was interrupted by the curfew bell as well as Melio's arrival. On a skateboard. Akane had an idea to make her warning work out better.

"Melio, can I borrow your skateboard to warn people to stay clear of the streets? I'm not sure I can run ahead of the cart the whole way. Wait, then you can't go to the second spot in time..."

Akane looked down to her feet. There was no way she could do this in time to keep people from getting hit but also have them also able to turn the cart. She cursed her inability to cast blizzard properly. A splash of cold water wasn't going to do it. So weak. She gripped Hoshino's sleeve tighter. There was no way she should be trusted with such an essential part of the plan when she was too weak to even be able to help.
Hoping to cheer Akane up Karam when into big brother mode.

"Akane it's okay. I sure either me or Cyra can handle knocking the car back without Melio's Aero. Just focus on warning the people a head of us and we'll handle the rest."

He then got an idea.

"Since you can cast blizzard how about you slide down to warn people."

EbonChevalier EbonChevalier

At Karam's idea, Akane looked away. While she could appreciate that he was trying to help, she also knew that her own capabilities didn't measure up.

"I... I can... I can try. But-" Akane bit her lip. "I haven't exactly... gotten it to, um, stay. Ice."

Akane ducked behind Hoshino, afraid of being reprimanded for her weakness. While Karam wasn't the type, it also meant that the group was going to have far more issues because she wasn't measuring up to the others.
Ehb Ehb Karyra Karyra LowD LowD EbonChevalier EbonChevalier

She disliked the gongs of the bell, she hated the sound and she hated it even more that everyone always stood silent to listen to them every hour. What good was the tracking of time anymore.

The plan was desperate, idiotic, tempting the wroth of fate, quite possibly against the laws of physics and almost definitely crazy.
So crazy it...wouldn't work if she was to guess.

But Cyra was nothing but a optimist. And in plans leaning on the wild side she was often the expert, even if she gave an irritated glance at Melio for his audible mention of such a fact. As the others talked, she inspected the goods again. The girl supposed if they all timed it correctly it would be feasible. Well, at least her part anyway.

"Kipo, don't undersell yourself! You're the one who remembered the mechanics of Stop-er...-ra, that even slipped my mind!" She leaned against the cart, partly to look cool while giving sagely mature big-sis advice and also because she was still somewhat banjaxed from sprinting all the way up here. "And you should remember that fact Hoshi, after the dodgeball incident." Cyra never did find the baby tooth she lost that day....

"I can't even say any of my erm, elemental ability would help in any sort of way with this plan. Very much detract really, fire doesn't tend to go well with wood." Fire didn't go well with many things, was Cyra oft experience, her key element was a lot less friendly and forgiving to casual use then the others.

"Can't we just have Hoshi like, I dunno, bang a pot or something to warn people. Or have her sing, that should pierce their ears enough to look at and avoid the hurtling cart. And maybe we can use Kipo's very super useful water magic to wet the wheels in spots to make it easier to turn!"

Because every situation involving something with wheels was made sicker with drifting.

"Me and Karam whack whack, Melio can skate by in case of some sort of old granny andbeblamedifitgoeswrong, Hoshi alarm, Kipo with the assist. Wayooo~" She slapped the cart in some apparent solidifying of the plan. "Still not sure how we're meant to stop it fully. If only we had a pile of rocks...."

EbonChevalier EbonChevalier Rithas Rithas Karyra Karyra LowD LowD

Thankfully, Melio had arrived to offer some help, riding along on a skateboard. Which... did he ride that thing all the way up to station heights? Wouldn't it be a little hard going up? In any case, he offered to help with redirecting the cart at the important turns with his magic.

Hoshino helplessly watched, overwhelmed as everyone focused on a certain detail of a particular part of her plan. The problem in question was how Akane would be able to warn people ahead of the cart while staying ahead of the cart without being overtaken or, even worse, ran over by it. But uh, well, that really wasn't supposed be a problem actually...

Akane was under the impression she was going to be right in front of the cart as it was going down the hill.

But that was...

Karam suggested that Akane slide down the hill using Blizzard Magic.

That's a whole lot of magic to go all the way down to...

Akane downtroddedly informed them of her current low level skill with Blizzard Magic.

No. That isn't the problem here, everyone...!

And Finally, Cyra suggested Hoshino should make noise as the cart went down the hill to warn people.

Hoshino couldn't let this go any further.

"G-guys! Hold on a second! You're making it sound like I wanted Akane to be running right in front of the cart! That's dangerous! I wouldn't want her to do that!"

Hoshino was at this point exaggeratedly waving her arms to about the magnitude to which that little detail was starting to get to. But in any case, she really wanted to try to tie the discussion back in just a little bit. Probably, the best way to do it was to explain Akane's part in a bit more detail this time.

"Look, it takes about ten minutes to walk down from here to the Tram Common right? I was just thinking that we give Akane like enough time head-start to warn people and then roll the cart down after. Like fifteen minutes should be enough, right?"

It was more than enough, actually.

"So, let's go ahead and go over it again..."

Information: Reaction Sequences!​

Welcome to Faerie Core!

In this RP, the success of certain actions in the RP are decided by a coin flip. In this case, in order to get the cart full of supplies down to the mansion, the party has elected to perform this plan which will depend on the success of each person's part in that plan. This is known as a Reaction Sequence.

Here is the reaction sequence for this scenario:

1) Akane warns the people in the path of the cart.

2) Karam or Cyra strike the cart in the right direction.

3) Karam or Cyra strike the cart in the right direction.

For each of these actions, the player whose character is responsible for that action must make their post attempting to perform the action. Afterwards, they must roll a two sided die in Discord->Faerie_Core->Battle_Rolls that will determine if the action was successful. Remember that 1 = Success | 2 = Failure.

In the event that an action fails, it may change the direction of the sequence in a negative way.

BUT if another player intervenes, then the result of that action can be corrected. For example:

If Karam or Cyra fail to whack the cart. If Melio can get a post in order to use magic/whack the cart in the right direction and do ANOTHER ROLL, BEFORE the GM writes the negative result. If that roll is sucessful, they overturn the bad result, if they fail, it may require some creative thinking on those involved.

In battle_rolls, rolls should clearly communicate what action is being taken. For example, the above would look a bit like:

Akane attempts to warn the people in the path of the cart!
/roll 1d2
Karyra|Kipo/Akane Roll: [2] Result: 1

Karam attempts to hit the cart in the right direction!
/roll 1d2
EbonChevalier|Karam Roll: [2] Result: 2

Melio attempts to save the cart by casting Aero!
/roll 1d2
LD|Melio Roll: [2] Result: 1

So in this sequence of events it shows Akane Was able to warn the people. Karam was unable to hit the cart in the right direction. But it was corrected by Melio.
Again, note that each of these rolls had an IC Post POSTED before the rolls were taken!

So, in Summary, this is a System where failiures can occur, but vigilant and creative characters can change what would otherwise be a bad outcome!

Remember though, to be reasonable. Creative thinking will be rewarded. But posts that are obviously just players trying to beat the GM will have their attempts voided at GM discretion. For example, Akane who is supposed be all the way at the end of the cart's track, shouldn't be able to teleport all the way to the first turn the cart needs to make in order to strike it in the right direction.

The GM may also opt to request a player to 'flip a coin' in a post as a tool to make thing interesting.

"Alright everyone, got it? Since Melio has his skateboard, he can cover for us if anything starts to go wrong." Hoshino concluded.

Hoshino turned to Akane who was sheltering behind her. Leaning over to meet her at eye level, Hoshino attempted to encourage her.

"It's important that we don't hurt any of the townspeople with out cart. All you gotta do it walk down to the Tram Common and warn people of a big load coming is all. You're super important to the plan, just like the train conductors at the station! You can do it Akane!"

In any case, everyone went to their starting positions. Akane departs to warn the people down the street with Karam and Cyra heading on down to the turns. Hoshino, the edge of incline that would begin the cart's journey looked up to count down the time on the Clocktower while Melio stood at the side, skateboard in hand.

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Ehb Ehb Rithas Rithas

Kipo giggled at Cyra mentioning the dodgeball incident.

Hoshino then explained about how she was actually supposed to warn people. That was much more manageable. Walk down, tell people to keep clear, and then at the end try and keep people clear. Hoshi was right, it really was like conducting trains. But they were people.

Akane took a deep breath and started down the hill.

(Akane rolls! Akane rolled a 2!)

While she made a good start, her confidence wore out midway down. Her warnings became quiet, and she became more skittish. She even lost track of the time and ended up taking just a little too long. She hadn't really finished yet, and she only had those extra two minutes to warm the second half of the people in the way. So it looked like she was going to be running the rest of the way, anyway.

EbonChevalier EbonChevalier Rithas Rithas LowD LowD

Hoshino was eying the hands of the clocktower. Fifteen minutes was supposed be enough time for Akane to make her way down to the tram common and warn everyone to get out of the way. Little did Hoshino know, Akane was not able to warn literally everyone. That issue would not show up until a little later though, as it was only towards the end where Akane was unable to warn some of the people.

"..Okay Melio. That's fifteen. Can you give me a little help with the cart to get it going?"

The cart was pushed forward, little by little. It soon catches itself into the incline leading down. Once gravity took a hold of it, no more pushing would be needed. As Hoshino felt it going faster, she threw herself onto the top of the cart. She was now riding it. But without wheels she was about as in control of the cart as the cargo it was carrying.

Rolling further and further, the Cart began to pick up speed. With Melio riding just nearby. The young man found that just on gravity alone, the cart was still gaining speed away from him! He needed to exert a couple of kicks to keep up with speed! As he and Hoshino rode down, they were catching glimpses of awestruck and bemused townspeople enjoying the spectacle that was speeding past them.

"We're getting close to that first turn! I sure hope this works!"
Hoshino yelled out. She began to grip her place atop the cart a little harder. Being extra sure that she wouldn't get herself knocked off.

The cart approached the first turn! Hoshino believed Cyra or Karam was there to do what the needed to do and hit the cart in the right direction!
Ehb Ehb Karyra Karyra LowD LowD EbonChevalier EbonChevalier

Cyra grinned at Hoshino trying to say her plan again. "Well I knew that! It's just that fifteen minutes is a long time, people might go forget and begin to drift in. Ah, probably not. The large cart should be a rather obvious thing to get out of the way of."



She could see the cart coming towards her. Melio skating by trying to look smooth, and Hoshino rather uncharacteristically clinging to something that was rapidly gaining pace. Today she was not the one people would call 'wild.' She tapped her struggled bat against the ground.

Time to be strong.

She took a breath, relaxed her shoulders, watched the cart come into her space, swung on her heels and with momentum the bat raced towards the side of the cart to slide it sideways.

It was a literal swing and a-!?

Ehb Ehb Karyra Karyra Rithas Rithas LowD LowD EbonChevalier EbonChevalier

Ruka was running towards Station Heights as fast as she can, fueled with her own adrenaline. She definitely remembered Hoshino's request on hauling back the donated food, and the long awaited supplies of wood that they sorely needed to perform repairs on the mansion's leaking roof. As for the unlucky girl, she was caught up with a major... accident in a restaurant as a kitchen helper. She had to help out with some impromptu cleanups on broken dishes, and drinking glasses. Fortunately this time, it was not her fault, and she was one of the casualties in that major accident.

"Come on come on come on! I'll be late! Come on!"

She cursed herself out loud, while evading clueless or surprised pedestrians. Some even were concerned with her, yelling at her telling not to run so fast, or simply just staring at her blankly. Ruka eventually arrived at one of the main streets of the Station Heights. She realized that the large cart was already in motion, and was fast approaching the turn she was in. Ruka definitely noticed that Cyra managed to make the large cart turn with her Struggle Bat. But that did not mean she would just stand there, and watching the whole event unfold itself.

Ruka did a few steps backwards, adopted a running pose like an athlete, and...


... She charged towards the turning cart as fast as possible. Before she ran past Cyra, she shouted at the bunch of kids.


The feisty girl then leaped towards the large cart with all of her might, and did a dropkick to the side of the cart. She hoped by doing so, the cart would turn more. Whether that will help their cause, or otherwise, remains to be seen.
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EbonChevalier EbonChevalier Rithas Rithas LowD LowD Emiya Shin Emiya Shin

Hoshino felt a jolt as Cyra managed to whack the cart in the right direction. All right! Hoshino was totally expecting this to immediately fail spectaclarly but it seemed like the brawniest kid in the Mansion was indeed living up to her name. This was actually working! They were already half-way successful!

"Thanks Cyraa!" Hoshino said as she turned back to thank Cyra's quickly shrinking frame as the cart rolled on. Hoshino also saw something else a white flash that was making it's way right for the cart.

It was Ruka! She made it in time and she was going to help out too? Yay! The girl made a dramatic jump right at the cart.... and sailed clear behind the cart. Ruka's true trajectory was headed straight for a much smaller vendor's cart on the side of the street. That very cart still had stuff on it!

"Ruka!? Oh NO.... Don't!"

Hoshino yelled out the girl's name as Ruka's body instantaneously splattered a produce cart of various fruits on the side of the street. Watermelon bits squashed. Apples were made airborne. Oranges were very uneconomically squeezed onto the sidewalk. It was ultra-instant chaos. That was a whole lot of fruit that just got smashed. Hoshino immediately worried about the possibility of needing to pay back the stand owner for his product they had just pounded and splattered on the side of the street.

Though she was immediately worried about Ruka, Hoshino knew and trusted Cyra had seen what had happened too. The protective Cyra was sure to go check up on Ruka's status and help her apologize to the fruit vendor. For now, Hoshino had to continue her own mission of riding this cart along to make sure no more accidents happened. There was just one more turn! Since Cyra took the first needed hit to drive the cart, that meant Karam was at the next junction waiting!
Ehb Ehb Rithas Rithas EbonChevalier EbonChevalier Karyra Karyra

Melio puts his book inside the cart and snuggly fit it so it won't fall when it's tumbling down the downhill road when the plan is set. He watches as the other kids moved out and assumed their position on each of their assigned posts. Melio stood beside the cart with his skateboard ready. And when the time comes...

"Alright, here goes nothing Big Sis." Melio answered, moving to the back of the cart and pushes as much as he could, just enough to get the cart to start rolling down. To which he immediately moved aside and overtaken the cart when it's still going slow. Getting his foot on the board and immediately skates downhill. Ahead from the cart, he looked behind and sees that it picked up speed! "Oh no!" He quickly kicks the ground to pick up speed so that he stays ahead from the cart.

On the first junction, Melio quickly turned in front of Cyra! "Incoming!" He yelled out as he darts off the downhill road. Confident that Cyra had this in her bag. He skated ahead and goes down the second downhill road. Though, it became apparent to him that Kipo had only done enough to keep the first half clear. As the second half had some obstacles standing between them. "Make way! Big cart rolling through!" Melio let out loudly while skating side to side avoiding the people still standing around but it seemed that it's already too late for him to warn people.

He continues to the second post and immediately skids his skateboard to a halt in front of Karam and rolled aside. "You and me together!" Melio shouted out as he looked at the incoming cart. His hand glowing green as he immediately shouts "AERO!", casting a powerful gust of wind that should be intended to push the cart to the intended direction!!!

Ehb Ehb LowD LowD

Akane heard the commotion behind her and knew time was up. The first hit went well -despite Ruka seemingly missing the cart and plunging into a vegtable stand- and she could Melio prepare to cast to get it righted and on its way...

She also saw how the spell didn't have the power behind it to change the direction of the cart.

Akane took a deep breath and started to pool her magic together. Maybe if she clumped a whole bunch together she might be able to get Blizzard to work and get the cart moving the right way. Gathering all her magic and preparing to fire it was nerve wracking. Karam was still there, just in case, but if she could really help and did nothing at all, then what had she really done.

"Blizzard!" Akane yelled, letting her mana turn to ice.

Please work...
Ehb Ehb LowD LowD Karyra Karyra Ready for the wined up Karam had his struggle up and out. “Thunder and Wind! Here comes a storm!” Karam added his might to the winds power and hit the cart in its intended direction! But alas! Melio’s wind failed it sending it in the wrong direction! “Please let this work!”Karam hope his strike would sit it right.

EbonChevalier EbonChevalier Rithas Rithas LowD LowD Karyra Karyra Emiya Shin Emiya Shin

Wind and Cold hit the cart in an attempt to make it change course. But for those two attacks all they did was inch the cart's rider Hoshino closer and closer to instantly catching a cold. The cart on the other hand was still going strong exactly they way it had been going. Not even budging a single inch from the efforts of Melio and Akane's magic! Fatuita probably would've voiced her disappointment immediately if she was there...

But she wasn't! It was Hoshino alone riding this cart. If things continued as they were, Hoshino and the cart were about to smash into the side of a building!

It was all up to Karam to make a huge comeback! Instead of hitting the cart with magic like the other two, Hoshino peeking over the cart could see he was going to try to make the cart turn using the brute strength of his arms and struggle hammer! He was looking like he was going to hit at the cart like he was going to hit a ball out on the sandlot - with a big windup and a big swing!

Hoshino felt like there were equal chances of him either shifting the cart into the right direciton as intended, or literally smashing the cart apart somehow. She instinctively held on tighter as she and the cart came closer... closer... close enough that it almost looked like the cart was just going to hit Karam!


With a groan the cart speeded on in the right direction! Now going down the last relatively straight leg of the way down to the Tram Common.

"We did it!" Hoshino exclaimed in a voice full of exhilaration. "We're really going to- uh?!"

But that relief was short lived.

Towards the end of the street, she was seeing a whole bunch of people whom had NOT cleared the way. That's right! Akane had casted magic on the cart at the last turn. That meant.... that meant she hadn't warned everyone down the path yet! Oh no!

Hoshino sees some people noticing the cart and beginning to scramble, while others were still lost in their own routines. She hoisted herself ujp from her safe prone position gripping the cart to stand up taller. Hoping her voice would project more ahead.

"Everyone! Watch out! There's a cart coming down there....!"

But was it enough to warn everyone to get out of the way?

Ehb Ehb Karyra Karyra Rithas Rithas LowD LowD EbonChevalier EbonChevalier

Ruka was pretty confident. She really thought that she could help out the group, by launching a dropkick to the moving cart. But little did she know that she will miss her target. By the time Hoshino tried to warn the spunky girl, it was already too late.


Ruka screamed her heart out, as she tried to curl herself into a ball mid air, trying to protect herself from the inevitable accident that she was about to experience. With a loud, resounding crash, the brash girl struck the fruit cart, right at its contents. When the dust had settled, only ruined fruits, an aching body, and lastly a bruised pride remained. Ruka was reeling in pain from the crash, but she could hear the commotions that has resulted from the accident.

The spunky girl was planning to feign unconsciousness, until she heard Hoshino's cry further below the street. It was faint, but that was enough for her to stand up. While still mostly fueled with adrenaline, Ruka decided to check out how the cart had traveled.

"I'm sorry, but I need to go! Which is right now!"

And those were the words that she left to the owner of the fruit cart, before once again chasing that large cart with donated food and wood. Ruka definitely saw Hoshino was trying to warn people while standing on top of the barreling cart, like some heroine from children storybooks. Despite her prominent stature, it seemed that not many people heed Hoshino's warning. Ruka realized that she has to do something, no matter how bleak the current situation is.


She yelled as loud as she could, trying to spread the warning by Hoshino. Heck, Ruka did that while still running after the cart!

EbonChevalier EbonChevalier Rithas Rithas LowD LowD Karyra Karyra Emiya Shin Emiya Shin

Together with Ruka, Hoshino was able to warn the other townspeople to make way for the cart as it made it's final fast and violent run down into the Tram Common. Violent and fast as it was, once coming upon flat ground, the cart slowed down, enough that Hoshino hopped off the cart and let it ease to a stop before the shops facing the entrance.

They had managed to make the cart down in one piece. Precious cargo of food donations and materials to repair the mansion intact.

Hoshino walked up to an exhausted Ruka, as did the others, finally catching up with he cart. Looking between all of them, Hoshino looked pumped. The rush of such a crazy idea managing to work.

"We really, really did it guys! That was so amazing! All of you were! Sure there was some hiccups but we all managed to cover each other in the end. That is what real teamwork looks like!"

Pretty much everyone in the Tram Common and even back up the street was looking the children gathered by the cart. This expressions a grab-bag of awe and bemusement. Most generally accepting of the children's' antics, given that in the end no one was hurt.

But the children did have something to be proud of. There really was no way that any single one of them would've been able to get the cart down safely in the time that they had just performed working together. Hoshino's plan was to park the cart near the secret entrance, but for the food, the kids at the Mansion were likley going to be able to enjoy it this very night. But for the time being, it seemed like a quick break was in order already, given the excitement and the energy it took to get this all done. They still needed to manually roll the cart over to the other end of the Tram Common.

Hoshino's attention turned towards Ruka - the girl whom had attempted to perform a high flying kick and ended up in a fruit cart. Somehow, despite that massive setback, she had managed to pick herself back up and chase after the cart again. Enough chase to warn the rest of the townspeople towards the end of the track.

"Hey... is Ruka okay?" Hoshino said, looking a little worried. "Come to think of it. What did the owner of the Fruit Stand say about us breaking his stand. We... did apologize for that, right?"

Well... the truth was that no one really did talk to the owner of that stand. As evidence by the peice of watermelon stuck into Ruka's clothing that finally broke free and smacked with a splat onto the pavement of the street.

The truth was that it looked a whole lot like Ruka had done a smash and run against that owner.

That same person finally reached the children, pointing an accusatory finger at the white haired girl.

"Hey! You SMASHED my Fruit Stand! That stuff cost real munny you know!"

Cause and effect.
The owner looked rather upset. Given what happened, he was righteously so.
He looked at Ruka, and to the other children around her. He immediately found all of them responsible.

"You kids had best have some Munny laying around for all that fruit you pulverized! Else I'm takin' that cart of yours AND it's contents for collateral!"

"Wait!" Hoshino interjected. "But that cart has out food and supplies we need to fix the Mansion!"

"Sure is nice livin' in a Mansion, huh? Shouldn't be a problem missing some wood. MY CART also had it's contents destroyed. So it's only fair I get some of yours now!"

The kids had gone to great lengths to get that cart down the hill, even as reckless as it was.
Could the children find a way to calm him down? The man was positively livid.
Ehb Ehb LowD LowD Rithas Rithas Karyra Karyra Emiya Shin Emiya Shin Karam immediately rushed in to try and salvage the situation. “Listen I know your angry but we were just trying to get our food home. Just let us go home and I swear I’ll be here tomorrow to help fix your stand. And I swear I’ll work off the munny we owe you for the fruit. Plus interest.” He’d do as he promised he just hoped this guy accepted it.
Ehb Ehb EbonChevalier EbonChevalier LowD LowD Karyra Karyra Emiya Shin Emiya Shin

She nailed her part of the task, obviously. Watching the Cart turn away from her, she gave Hoshi an thumbs up as her and the cart rolled farther away. Melio turned direction so close to her that she had to take a step back, "Hey watch it!" She called out before she was left to herself. Looking around, she realised that she should have brought a skateboard herself. Her already sore legs would have to do another run at this rate. At least this one was downhill.

Cyra could only watch with increasing intrigue on the events that conspired far in front of her. An failed Aero by Melio, another obvious outcome. Ruka coming out from nowhere with a dropkick, sailing past the cart into a fruit cart. Ouch, that looked like it hurt. Cyra thought about helping but Ruka was already up and going before Cyra even got there. More yelling and screaming about getting oblivious people to get away. A baby rolled onto the street unsupervised, oh where are the parents? Cyra nearly tripped, again. Karam got it to go the right direction.

It was frantic to be precise. But it seemed that they had achieved what they had wanted to do with the cart.
That is, until that fruit stall owner came demanding reimbursement and threatening to take their supplies.

By the time Cyra had gotten physically next to where everyone else was, Karam was already trying to calm him down and telling the angry man that he would personally pay him back. A healthy compromise perhaps.


Called out Cyra's voice, an eyebrow raised at the shop owner. Cyra did not agree with that.

"What are you talking about? Threatening this and that. Gee, I wonder if the optics on trying to steal stuff from an orphanage looks good on you and your 'business' you dumbo. And frankly the fact that your 'stall' could be knocked over by a small ten year old child is worrying on the structural safety of the thing and people should be - like - Made aware of the dangers of being near your stall when a slightly brisk breeze is around. I'll even go and help with Karam on helping fix your stand thats fair enough gotta make it sturdy but don't you go and try to threaten us over some watermelons that were literally on clearance sale OH YEAH I SAW THAT DEAL ON MY WAY UP-"
Cyra pointed a finger. "So IF YOU want to go and PUBLICLY attempt to take stuff for our orphanage that we need to not freeze at night with a hungry belly then I BET YOU GO SHOULD HAVE A LOOK AT YOURSELF YOU BALDING LOSER"

EbonChevalier EbonChevalier Rithas Rithas LowD LowD Karyra Karyra Emiya Shin Emiya Shin

Hoshino karate chipped Cyra over the the latter's forehead.

"Cyra...! Don't go around making things more complicated!"

Meanwhile, the shopbuilder looked a little affected at what Cyra had said to him.

"...You don't have to go calling me bald." He said, slightly dejectedly, before looking between Ruka and Karam. "You're the boy who does all of those tricks down here, aren't ya? You're covering for your spiritial sister here, huh? I like that."

Hoshino sighed a little in relief. She was almost certain that Cyra's outburst would anger the shop owner even more, and undo what Karam was trying to accomplish in calming him down.

"We can talk out the details later, kid." The shop owner said to Karam. "I... I don't mean to get really mad. I just thought when I saw that girl smash up all of my product and run off, that you were all going to leave me high and dry."

Hoshino Nudged at Ruka. Pushing her towards the shop owner a little.

"Ruka's gonna offer to help out your store too. Seems unfair to Karam if he's the only one doing it. To start off, Ruka and Karam can help you clean up all of that fruit and stuff that got smushed up, Mister. We're really sorry about causing you trouble."

Just like that, Ruka and Karam suddenly were now the newest employees of the random fruitstand on the way leading up to Station Heights. There was a bit of hesitancy towards this. That meant that Karam and Ruka wouldn't be able to go around quite as freely anymore doing random help like Hoshino normally needed them to do. It was sort of like getting a real job. That was a big step in growing up. While not necessarily scary for Karam who was used it, it might've been a bit worrying for Ruka. Suddenly becoming tied down. This development might've almost felt like it was happening too fast, even.

Whether true or not, there was also this feeling that Hoshino was depriving herself and the Manor of some of the older children who were otherwise needed for the errands that they had to do around town. Of that apparent fact, Hoshino was quite aware of.

"This is a good chance for you to see what it's like being a grown up, Ruka. We're not going to be playing around in the mansion forever. Someday we'll have to work in the town just like everyone else and stuff." Hoshino smiled encouragingly. "'Kay?"

It still felt a bit like she was being punished. But... it was hard to argue that it was okay to smash up someone's cart of product with no consequence. But, did Hoshino need to bring up something scary like growing up?

"Cyra, Melio, Akane. Let's go ahead and roll the cart over and just get the food back to the Mansion in time for supper. And oh..." Hoshino turned back to Karam and Ruka. "We'll be sure to save some for you guys, whenever you're done helping him."

There was this feeling...
That this setup of Ruka and Karam working for that shop owner would have long term consequences. It wasn't necessarily bad. Like what Hoshino said. That was a real job that they were being offered, on the pretext of needing to pay him back for his destroyed product first.

Karam had already made his intentions clear with his offer. But was Ruka okay with that? And were the others okay with Hoshino having put Ruka into that position too?

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