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Active [Fae See- Strawtinlen River] River of Redemption II: Overshadowed Eclipse


One Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
I took creative liberties with the opening post.

Narrator post will be every monday in the evening time between 7pm-10pm MST (may be Tuesday mornings in translation for EU timezones).

two weeks without posting AND communication can, and will get you booted from the rp and written out. To avoid being booted please communicate. COMMUNICATION IS ENCOURAGED HEAVILY.

Advanced rules will be used.

Intended to run for two months at most. (Eight rounds)

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune : Cheshire Charmel - Change race to Fae Racial tree, change this asset —> anything and everything that relates to race, character is now part of the monster tree. They will be treated well by monster allies and shown contempt by Monster Enemies. —> to place him on Fae tree instead of Monster tree. Complete removal of Lich title

Elvario Elvario : Deliverance - Change race to Fae Racial tree, change this asset —> anything and everything that relates to race, character is now part of the monster tree. They will be treated well by monster allies and shown contempt by Monster Enemies. —> to place him on Fae tree instead of Monster tree. Complete removal of Luminous wraith title

NachoGod NachoGod : Qamar- Find information on her brother and potential Western Empire slavers who has him (I assume)

Tellussoil Tellussoil : Noelle - first priority: Deliver a job well done (and possibly gain/improve her reputation with the adventurers guild). Second priority: Unlock her affinity for water magic (gain magic element water), keep an eye on Qamar so she doesn't get lost again

Jay Cee Jay Cee : Alden- Alden's interested in any information about gaining strength/power or restoring youth through magical means (spells, objects, food, oaths, bonds,etc.)

Develius Develius : Flare -work towards gaining an audience with the spirit king

Karcen Karcen : Seraphina - help Flare, learn to trust some fae again

Lenamae Lenamae : Lena Storm-hallow -???

Rev IX Rev IX : Ryan Kyleith - obtain building materials (resource asset)

saxon saxon : Kasume Kagu - Treasure

SilverFeathers SilverFeathers : Ninelle Lifeblossom - change this asset —> anything and everything that relates to race, character is now part of the monster tree. They will be treated well by monster allies and shown contempt by Monster Enemies. —> to place her on the abomination tree as a fae/monster, remove Verdant Revenant title (And FAIL)

heartspan heartspan : Haru Shirobara - ???
[Verdant Revenant] title active - Ninelle's equipment will always be 1 or more grades weaker in effectiveness at narrator discretion. She will also not be permitted to stay indoors or to have prolonged contact with most other people. Her mere presence ages and rots the stuff around her.

[Lich]- Cheshire has been reanimated as a Lich, a magical undead once a magic user full of potential. Living characters around the lich have their vitality sapped from them, reducing it by one grade for those within 10 ft of the Lich.

[Luminous Wraith] - Deliverance has been reanimated as a Luminous Wraith, an ethereal undead form that channels pure, raw magic. His translucent body shimmers with arcane energy and the light within him flickers like a dying star.

While his form is ghostly, he has retained his connection to magic, casting spells that weave through the arcane plane. His existence is both fragile and dangerous, as his magic is now more unstable and volatile, yet he retains his ability to interact with the material plane same as before.

Deliverance's unstable magical form radiates waves of arcane energy that interfere with the natural world. This energy can disrupt nearby magic, causing spells to be more likely to misfire, enchantments to weaken, or even unravel entirely.

His ghostly presence also distorts the atmosphere, causing fluctuations in light and temperature, with cold drafts often accompanying him. For those around him, living near his arcane power creates a disorienting, almost haunting sensation, as if they are constantly on the verge of entering another plane of existence. The unpredictable surges of his magic can also induce headaches, dizziness, or hallucinations in others.


IMG_1713.png The moons of this world formed the eclipse up in the sky cascading a brown/light gray beam below, an eclipse that would last for three more days before returning to its usual cycle, with some newcomers joining the party everyone would find themselves outside of an old abandoned home overtaken by the growth of grass and vines stones out of place reflecting the light. Cheshire spoke loudly, it was a bigger group than last time so making sure everyone heard at the distance that had to be kept was a priority.

“I am going to go over a re-review of what we are doing! This is the second half of the ritual. After I explain please alert me of anything you might want in return for helping.”

He opened the book while Asher floated around flare eying their metal suit, Caspian took shelter next to Noelle, sitting on her shoulder while Echinacea eyed the newcomers from a safe distance with suspicion. Cheshire showed them the first picture trying to hold it up where they all could see.

“We are after elemental fungi, first is this mushroom. A type of Agaricus that grows in pure dark areas, the markings on it look akin to silver stars and a silver crescent moon. It’s uses besides this ritual involves potion making. If we are lucky we will find this in threes, but we only need two! It is called the Moonlit Agaricus! It is semi-bioluminescent.”

He told everyone turning the pages again. Making sure he was on the right page before stopping he lifted up the book again.

“This thing looks like a huge ice cub, it is a fungus related to the Lionsmane mushroom. It is ice cold to the touch but despite that seems to be relatively flexible in where it grows. Used for plenty of magic related things—it is called The Glacierous. We’ll be finding one at a time and need two.”

He then sighed.

“Okay I am going to go ahead and mention we’ll need two of all the fungi.”

He spoke skimming through the pages showing them another entry in the book.
“Next Fungi is related to the Turkey Tail Mushroom. It is very bright and glowy, it is called the Sunwall. Typically used for healing purposes it is essentially imbued with light magic and can burn your eyes out by looking at it.”

He then moved on to the next one. Holding up the book once more.

“This is called a Metalerelle related to the Chanterelle, it is a sharp spikey metal fungi that grows various types of common stones. This and the Sunwall are going to be the ones we are gonna need to be careful with the most when manhandling. Now that that’s out of the way. For the ritual we need these to make ink, once they are found and the Ink is made, myself Deliverance and Ninelle will need to mix it with some form of DNA. I assume a piece of hair because I don’t think we have the blood to add to it. Then we use it with some incantations.”

Cheshire closes the book.

“That is the job we are here to complete, if it bores you or you aren’t up for the task you may leave if you like. The point of the ritual is to complete a racial change and hopefully return the three of us to normal. Though I am unsure of how it will affect Ninelle since she missed the first half.”

Asher speaks to Flare and Seraphina. “I HAVEN’T SEEN ANOTHER IN MONTHS! My name is Asher, I think your metal suit is so cool!” He said energetically. IMG_1176.png
Caspian stays near Ninelle they laugh nervously stating. “Heh…so much heat…” almost as if they were trying to hide they murmur.

“Save me Noelle! Don’t let them Vaporize me!”

“Don’t be dramatic Caspian!” Asher told the other sprite. “It’s just…nice to meet someone else in a similar boat. Haven’t seen any fire elementalists since my home volcano!”

Echinacea mentions. “I wanna know how this many people came out to help. Not that I am complaining but we hardly managed to find four for the first part!”

She sighs.

“On the bright side, at least Deliverance’s girlfriend is awake now, she was out cold for a long while.”

Echinacea turns to Deliverance asking. “Have you been able to clue her in?”
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Haru Shirobara

Haru stood at the back of a group of strangers listening to a lich read from a rather thick tome beneath the brown/grey light of the eclipse. He leaned on his staff Lazily, the hood of his simple black robes hiding his face from being fully observed. He committed the ingredients to mind as he listened; carefully studying the drawings presented. He was eager to take part in a ritual like this. He sought out all magic, and something that could resurrect a lich, or warp a creatures natural existence was definitely worth learning. On top of this it was a great opportunity to meet other spell casters.

The entire reason he had traveled so far was making acquaintance with those who use magic and acquiring rare magics. Ever since he was reborn in this world he had worked to control magic and to surround himself with like minded folks. Earth didn't have magic and being born into a world with it was like a dream come true. Hell it almost made up for his tragic death at the hands of his childhood crush, almost but not really at all. Nevertheless, proof of other worlds, and reincarnation gave Haru the desire to learn as much as he could. This knowledge would be helpful in his next life much as his knowledge from earth was helpful. He only wished now that he had studied more back then. He would not be making that mistake again.

When he had picked up the ad for this job discarded in the street, and had decided to follow it, he had not expected all of this. He wished he had been blessed with a bit more luck as he seemed to have missed an important portion of the ritual; namely the very damn beginning. Truth be told though, he had thought that it was a trap set by bandits, a bullshit job to lure the unwary. Of course that would have given him a perfect opportunity to use his magic on some folks, and in a way that would preserve the good PR he was attempting to cultivate out in the world at large. Still this was good too. Once the lich was done speaking and the sprites began to mill about he Spoke up.

" Lich! I have two things I'd like from you in payment. First and least important of the two.....I want you to teach me this ritual when all is said and done." He shouted out as he stood up straight. " The second is a favor from you to be named at a later date! just like some devil! Give me those things and I will help you so long as you need with whatever task you need."

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune


| DarkKitsune DarkKitsune [Asher + Friends] | Karcen Karcen [Seraphina] |

Shortly after returning from their last mission in Hisuzuki, Flare and Seraphina decided to take a break from questing and to go on an old-fashioned sightseeing adventure. It was meant to be a change in pace, letting them explore and take in the sights this vast world had to offer them. It was the perfect opportunity for Flare to suggest a trip to the See and get further acquainted with their Fae roots. If fate was kind they might get to know a bit more about the Spirit King. And perhaps Sera might begin to better appreciate the general aesthetic of the See and gain better relations with some of its more benevolent inhabitants.

Quests were not at the forefront of their minds as they traveled through an old rugged forest. The day was tall and the skies were clear and bright; the swirl of magical energies giving off a nice invigorating feeling. Though this would change suddenly as Flare felt a shift in the energies rapidly fluctuating in an unnatural manner, followed by an odd event happening right before their eyes.

"Huh... That's weird." Flare muttered as they stopped mid-stride to look at the sudden change in their surroundings, "Hey Sera... Is it me or did the sky get significantly darker all of a sudden?"

Looking up they'd find that the once clear blue skies were now casting an ominous dark brownish tint across the land. It was even dark enough for Flare's radiant fire to visibly give off a warm glow against the shaded lands. The sun was blocked out by an object in the far distance of the infinite sky - for an eclipse was currently in progress. This was the fire elemental's first time seeing one in person and it was both awe-inspiring as it was highly concerning.

"Please don't tell me something bad's about to happen..." Flare muttered cautiously, "I've been told eclipses like this tend to give off real bad mojo vibes. Hopefully I'm wrong about that..."

As they continued walking, they eventually came across what looked to be an old overgrown cobblestone house looking like it'd seen better days. Within its battered walls emitted a warm ambient glow of light. Though the more obvious realization was that there was a small crowd of people congregating outside. They didn't look like monsters, nor did they seem hostile at all. "What's happening over there?" Flare asked curiously, slowly inching their way closer, "Some sorta party going on in there or what? And why weren't we invited?" They couldn't help but be interested in what was going on. The fire elemental hesitated for a moment before talking to Sera. "Well... I guess we'll be crashing it as surprise guests. I don't think it'll hurt taking a quick peak."

Flare slowly approached the group before making their presence casually known. "Heyo," they called out, "What're we celebra-? Oh..." They'd paused upon taking in the general vibes of the place. This was not quite a party... more so a gathering of sorts. There was a small crowd of various people, accounting to over ten individuals in total. Many of which were of human or elven nature. A few looked like tiny fairies darting around the scene. Though amongst the many faces, there were three individuals that truly stood out from the rest.

One young man sported cackling orange splotches adorning his body with tattered and singed clothing. He looked as if it had came back from the dead or at the very least had a near-death experience not too long ago. There was a woman with crystalline bug-like wings who also gave an unusual vibe, with the lush green ground several feet from her looking old and dead. And then there was this ghostly translucent elf guy who seemed to distort the very atmosphere around him. He was made seemingly of raw untamed magic, phasing in and out of reality in a way that was eerily haunting. Even just looking at him from several meters away caused Flare to be disoriented by the flashing lights and trippy distortions he gave off.

And yet none of them looked or appeared hostile... at least yet.

"Well well, aint this an odd assortment of colorful fellas..." Flare muttered quietly to Sera, "I dunno what all this is about but-"

Their conversation would be interrupted as the young orange-cracked man began speaking to the crowd, causing Flare to perk up in attention. Might as well listen to him since they were here. From what they heard this is part of a ritual, the second part of it anyways. They're looking for elemental fungi, four different types to be precise: a dark one, an icy one, a bright one, and a spiky one respectively. From them they'd make a specialized ink combined with the raw essences from the individuals "Cheshire", "Ninelle" and "Deliverence" in order to revert them back to a new "racial change". Coincidently these three happened to be the particularly odd individuals Flare noted earlier.

One of the audience members even referred to one of them as a "Lich". Which was... interesting to say the least.

In short this was a glorified scavenger hunt so that the three could change their forms back to "normal". While sounding pretty inclusive to any wishing to help, Flare seemed to be on the fence regarding this. "Hmmm," Flare pondered to Sera. "Sounds like those three could use our help. Not sure what the first part of the ritual was... but I have a hunch it has to do with the eclipse." Given what the fire elemental stated earlier about these phenomenons, they couldn't help but be mildly wary of the situation. "I mean... they have a bunch of people helping out already, right? Max capacity and all that? I guess we can just... let em be while we-?"

Flare nearly jumped out of their suit as a small energetic little fairy popped in front of their face to greet them. "HOOO- don't sneak up on me like that!" Flaregasped as they clutched their chest with a heavy sigh. Taking a closer look, it appeared this fiery-looking fairy named Asher hadn't seen another one of their kind for quite awhile and complimented their suit. "Wha- Uh-? T-Thanks? Pleased to meet you too?" Flare stammered before realizing who he had to be, "And I'm... Wait- hold on. Are you also-?" Then a blue elemental fairy came to them, named Caspian, who looked to be made of ice as they woed their concerns for being too close to Flare's suit. All of this was happening so fast that the armored elemental was trying their best to process this sudden burst of new information. And that's when Asher confirmed his identity...

"So you're ALSO a fire elemental!" Flare said in a blend of disbelief and joy, "Well! Funny you mention that... you're the first one I've seen since like... ever! I'm also glad to finally meet someone like me that's not of monstrous origins... or so I've been told." They rose their helmet's face plate, revealing their fiery face before proceeding to introduce themselves. "Well then Asher, you can call me Flare. I don't come from a volcano like you and the others... I just uh, randomly popped into someone's furnace, where one thing led to another and uh badda-bing badda-boom here I am. The sword behind me is my friend Seraphina - the ghost and the sword are one and the same - say hi!"

With the introductions done, Flare finally would be able to ask, "So I take it you two are also taking part of this lil' scavenger hunt?" they asked curiously, pointing to both Asher and Caspian, "We two just... stumbled into this gathering by chance, though it sounds like this a pretty serious ritual. You sure it's safe and all that, right? No... doomsday level apocalypse to worry about for failing or anything?"

Clearly that one book they read about back at Fraust's about an Eclipse heralding the end of days got to them on a near spiritual level...
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Alden stood on the edge of the group, leaning slightly on a gnarled stick he had just found that he didn’t truly need but thought added a certain charm to his old man image. His sharp eyes scanned the abandoned home before them, its walls crumbling beneath the grip of unruly vines and grass that seemed to have declared sovereignty over the property. The eclipse hung in the sky like some grand cosmic drama, casting a strange, dusky glow over the gathering. “Well,” Alden muttered to himself, scratching his chin, “reckon I’ve seen stranger sights in my day, but not by much.”

The crowd around him was an odd assortment, a mix of peculiar figures that made Alden wonder if he had stumbled into a costume party he hadn’t been invited to. "Magical types, most like," he thought, shifting his weight and trying not to look too out of place. His rugged face crinkled into a smirk. “’Course, they probably think I'm the odd one, old bones like mine shufflin’ about with ‘em,” he whispered, then chuckled. “Fair enough.”

The man at the center - Cheshire - was yammering on about mushrooms and rituals, flipping through pages with the urgency of someone who enjoyed hearing himself talk. Alden tried to pay attention, but his interest flagged halfway through the explanation. He caught the gist of it: they were hunting fungi. Magical fungi. Alden wrinkled his nose. “Fancy way o’ sayin’ we’re rootin’ around in the dirt like hogs,” he mumbled, but the corner of his mouth twitched in amusement.

One of the newcomers, an elf with the air of someone who knew what he was doing, caught Alden’s attention. The elf made his request, something about payment for the job. Alden liked his straightforwardness. “Now that’s a good idea,” Alden murmured, stepping forward with a sly grin. “This ol’ man don’t need gold or trinkets,” he said aloud, his voice creaking like an old barn door. “All I need’s a bit o’ knowledge. Know any ways to turn back the clock? A trick er two to get young again?” He let out a low chuckle, the sound rough yet warm. “Could do wonders for these weary bones.”

Satisfied, Alden leaned back into the group, gripping his stick and chuckling softly to himself. Sure, he didn’t fully understand what this ritual was about, but if it involved poking around for mushrooms and maybe getting a lead on reversing time, it was good enough for him. “Ain’t the strangest thing I’ve done to get by,” he muttered under his breath.
Ryan Kylieth

Having finished the first part of this odd ritual, with an even odder goal, Ryan relaxed somewhat. First off, he and Noelle had more help in their fungi gathering duties. A lot of help. Maybe a little too much help...

But that wasn't neither here nor there. As his visible eye was fixated on Cheshire and his explanation, while his hands slowly worked on inspecting and cleaning pieces of his hand-canon, while also taking notes of details that he deemed worth an in-depth look later.

Once he had finished his own work, he pocketed his notes and charcoal under his poncho. And began reassembling the clean and polished gun. All of it without not even looking directly at his work.

"We should be fine. If anything, I'm sure someone would have already tried to stop us were this to be that dangerous" Ryan answered to the concerned words of Asher's new friend, with a clearly calm and lighthearted expression to match his tone.
Ninelle (#367967)
A faint voice spoke to her, one of warmth and power she could not yet comprehend. One that she faintly felt she had heard once before. But it was only some time later when the exhaustion of her revival faded that she could open her eyes again.

She saw it. Before she died. That all too familiar white light that took her life once before. Fleetingly, her thoughts turned to one person. And the expression on his face before his end would haunt her for the rest of time.
Ninelle awoke with a start, unable to move, her body trapped and suffocated in a pocket of soft cloth. There were a lot of voices, chattering and buzzing at the back of her mind. "Mushrooms...?" She murmured to herself incoherently, merely reciting the term she heard keep being repeated as she rested her head on the pocket's edge. From the brief moment she opened her eyes, she saw the sky was silver? Brown?

But despite barely stirring, it seemed someone had sensed her awakening. A gentle force plucked her out of her prison, a strange hand-shaped void that felt so cold yet so familiar.

Suddenly, she found herself sitting on a palm-shaped sea of stars, so beautiful yet so cold. Just sitting here, something pulled at the magic that made up her core, warping and yanking it around, threatening to drive her mad. But the familiarity of the shape, the texture, and the movements held her gaze, even as she was forced to hold her head with both hands to keep herself together.

"Deli...?" She called out softly, both with anticipation and caution.

The sound of her own voice was startlingly unfamiliar. Dry and hoarse, reminiscent of fallen bark scratching against rotten leaves, yet somehow simultaneously smooth and fluid in its drawling, as if her voice was only barely held afloat by some sinister force. There was a sense of inhuman hollowness to it, as if a mockery of her current 'living' presence. She couldn't help but move a ruined hand to her throat cautiously in shock and surprise.

Vines, moss and leaves covered her body. Grew from it, actually. It was only now she realized she wasn't subconsciously using her nature magic. This was her body.

Strangely enough, she didn't recoil. Maybe it was because she had woken up once as a half-machine, with gears and internal whirring that constantly tore at her insides, that this was much less unsettling. Instead she merely had a numb fascination. She moved to examine her arm, loosely held together by both verdant and decaying vines, winding and somehow wiring all the way down through her flesh to her hands.
Character used Downtime to increase assets.



From: AI and Edits
Active titles: Mandatory Title: [Luminous Wraith]
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | SilverFeathers SilverFeathers | heartspan heartspan | Develius Develius | Jay Cee Jay Cee
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

It seemed the eclipse they'd been plotting for was already happening. It meant their time was running short. In turn, it meant he didn't hate the many newcomers as much as he otherwise would have. Although he didn't exactly like it either. So many people, so many voices, so many behaviours that kept triggering some [Monster] tendencies.

“DNA...” He had heard that term before, but not in this life. In a past life... “What is that again?” He didn't recall. If anything, he wouldn't be surprised if the thing wasn't even known in this world altogether. It was a biological thing that was relatively modern... right? Or was it a chemistry thing? Either way, he was pretty sure it was modern and scientific discovery above what this world seemed to have.

He glared at the one asking for undefined favours. You'd have to be really dense to agree to such a thing. Then again, he wasn't the one asked, so he was able to push the thought of just orbing the man out of existence out of his mind.

Upon more newcomers entering, he figured it'd best to speak up. “You might want to keep your distance from me. Or him.” He'd point at Cheshire. “Now that you've been warned. If our aura's end up causing you harm, it'll be your own foolish mistake.” That was him at his nicest right now, as the [Monster] was really growing stronger again lately.

On that note, he really wondered why so many Humans showed up in the See. Where they that eager to get squashed like a bug by some bored Fae? He shook his head. Those were bad thoughts to have in his current state. He decided to head out. It'd be easier to keep distance like that and he'd have a lot less people to worry getting mad at.

Sighing, he stared at the eclipse. Perhaps it'd be pretty, weren't it for these circumstances. This was probably going to be the biggest amount of people he'd 'teamed up' with, wasn't it? Other than his classes, but even in those, he mostly just did his thing solo. He sighed, trying to figure out how to calm his mind from... from... from...

Did he just feel SOMETHING MOVE?!? He didn't know how quickly to reach for his pocket and had to hold back a lot in order to carefully try to scoop out the fairy rather than digging at her in his enthusiasm. Upon seeing her move and then hearing her speak, his face turned into a slight smile. As painful as it was to see her in such a state, he couldn't help feel relieved that she was at least conscious again.

“You... I...” He tried starting a sentence, but failed to follow it up. Instead, he could only do the next best thing that was on his mind. As she inspected herself, he'd bring up his hand where he silently and gently pushed his forehead against her. He didn't know exactly why he did so himself, but with her being so small, it felt the only way to get closer to her than they already were. Which was the only thing he could think of doing, right now, in this situation.

Having calmed down, at least a bit, he knew what to say next. “Don't worry. I'm working with some people that get this nightmare fixed. It won't be long.” He promised her now knowing it was doomed from the get-go. “I'm glad you're awake.” He'd add, just in case he failed to make that clear, as he felt like he should really do that... Perhaps, in his mind, he feared she might just fall back into a coma at any point now.
Languages common, Terran

" hmm yeah guess its an eclipse, haven't seen one of those in awhile... i think" Seraphina said having become more open with things though having never stated to flare exactly what had happened to her she assumed by now the elemental had figured things out. Seraphina didn't really seem all that bugged by the eclipse they happened it was all part of orbits and rotations it wasn't magical. Well it might be magical this world had magic but to her it was just a thing. " They happen it's no big deal"

As they came to the group Seraphina was mostly quiet not really having much to say she still had a slight distrust of those of the fae see. She didn't know why she was clinging to that one betrayal so much, but she felt like this was a pattern that she had been betrayed before. She was in a smaller form or her illusion was as she took the form of an even smaller child so that the illusion could sit on flare's shoulder. It had no benefits and she could just be floating and nothing would change, but well she did it anyways. Her hair however, still moved and flowed around like she was in a slowly moving water.

The group was here to hunt down mushrooms and help some people change their races... you could do that? Could she do that? could she be free of being a sword? No it didn't seem she could her body was long burned away her ashes in the very blade that was now her immobile body. She was stuck like this as a sword an unfeeling object only able to interact via illusions. Well that was expected otherwise she might have tried to find a way to no longer be a sword. Still what would she even do after that? She was a sword she would always be a sword she just had to live with that.

Seraphina was brought back to reality by flare getting excited by a fellow fire elemental, though that one didn't seem to need a suit like flare did. Some people just got lucky with their manifestations. Sera did not trust the fae even though apparently flare was technically one. They seemed friendly, but so had glim and she had been leading them to their deaths. she would put up with it for now after all the elf they had been around last mission had been fine. These people weren't the army there was a difference.

" Hello yes i am the sword " Sera said the illusion moving off Flare's shoulder and growing to her normal small size. The sword body might be taller then her ghostly body or it might not she had never measured. Her feet or well the image of her feet never touched the ground instead the illusion was floating there hair still swaying in unseen currents. She looked about as the old looking man talked about getting young again, people get a few decades on them and think they are ancient. Seraphina was pretty sure her age was far beyond those here given her nature as just a sword. Well it didn't matter.

when the lightning ghost looking guy told everyone to stay away Seraphina almost took that as a challenge, Her ghostly image floated close to him making use of the range she now had " i'll trade you nightmares if you like " She teased there was no way anyone would chose to be an object like her having to stay a bit away from others seemed minor compared to that. Thanks to the image just being an illusion magic and aura's couldn't hurt what wasn't actually there.

Noelle Nichi
With: Cheshire DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Deliverance Elvario Elvario | Ryan Rev IX Rev IX | Haru heartspan heartspan | Flare Develius Develius | Alden Jay Cee Jay Cee | Ninelle SilverFeathers SilverFeathers | Seraphina Karcen Karcen

"Common" ~ <"Beastial">


The first part of the ritual went smoothly. It was fascinating to see. Best of all. Noelle could have the surplus flowers left from the first part.
Now it was time for part two. The world is coloured in an eerie brown/reddish hue due to the ongoing eclipse. More people joined them for this part of the ritual as they gathered near the ruined house.

Ever since the eclipse started Noelle felt a bit uneasy. It was known that the moon influenced the sea. And so the moon is said that her residents also feel her influence. Especially during significant moments like an eclipse, her influence is the strongest. And even though she hasn’t been to her home waters in a long time. Noelle was still a mermaid of the northern seas. Not to mention that eclipses have a reputation for bringing forth magical events.

Noelle listened from a safe distance to Cheshire’s explanation of the next part. They were to find four pairs of mushrooms of various elements after which ink would be made from them containing the DNA of Cheshire, Deliverance and Ninelle. Although she was sure Aedrianna might like to get some alchemic mushrooms, The mermaid herself didn’t find the thought of them appealing to have herself. So for this part, she will not request to have the excess materials.

There were quite a few interesting new faces that joined them. An elderly human, an elf and what looks like a furnace golem with a bit out-of-place sword for their aesthetics. Lastly, Deliverance's little pocket girlfriend was also awake now. Sadly she had missed the first part of the ritual.
Noelle was people-watching when the little water sprite came over to her and hid behind her. Pleading the mermaid to protect her from evaporation at the hands of the fiery people of the group. "Don’t worry Caspian. I won’t let you evaporate" she said, friendly to the little sprite. She had to admit the furnace golem was emitting quite a lot of heat. No wonder that Asher takes a liking to the thing. And Ryan also seems to have an interest in the metal thing.
Noelle wouldn’t know how to protect the water sprite from such heat besides just keeping their distance from it. If she knew how to use water magic it might be a lot easier, but alas she hasn’t gotten the opportunity to unlock it.

Noelle’s attention was drawn by the elf and the old man as they requested their form of payment for the job. The old man wants knowledge on how to turn back the years for his old bones. A noble quest if it would be possible. Noelle liked the man. He seemed friendly enough. The elf on the other hand not so much. First of all how he disrespectfully addressed Cheshire calling him “Lich”. And second, the tone in which he spoke his requests. To know the full details and workings of the ritual they were performing and added to that another reward to be determined later. Noelle glared at the elf. <"Rude stupid pointy-eared asshole"> She insulted the elf in beastial assuming he could not understand it.
"T̷̼̄h̶̤̄ẹ̸̊ ̴̢͆w̸͈̓ā̸̫t̷̛̲ê̵̩r̷̩͗ ̸̞̿ḯ̷̳s̴͈͑ ̷̧̿s̴͎͝ö̸̪́ ̷̙̃n̴͙͛i̴̟͋c̶̬͑e̸̱͛.̶̨̈ ̵̹̅m̵̦̈́ḁ̶͋ŷ̸̧ḇ̶̌ë̷́͜ ̸̗͑ḧ̶̫́ĕ̴͉ ̴͕͛w̵͕͒o̵͓͑u̴͕̓l̴̻̿d̶̻͝ ̸̖̚l̷̫͒ì̷̘k̸̳̈́e̵͓͛ ̷͔̃ạ̸̈́ ̴̨͛ṉ̴̉i̸̮̒c̴͕̓e̷̹͛,̷̰̈́ ̸͈̿"̸͚̋l̵̲̾ö̴̡n̷̡̏g̴̟̅"̴̹̚ ̸̧̋ṡ̵͍w̴̼͗i̴̥͝m̵͇͘ ̷̧͠ḓ̶̆ọ̶͐ṅ̵̘'̸̫̑t̸̮͌ ̸̧̍y̸͔̚ǫ̶͝ǘ̶͉ ̸͖̓t̴͈͋h̶̳̏ị̷̀ṇ̷͘k̶̮̆?̷̹̊" She heard whispering in the back of her mind. Noelle shook her head. "That was weird…" she thought not knowing what that weird sudden voice was she heard. She gave the elf one last piercing glare before she turned and walked over to the elderly man.

"Good day mister. My name is Noelle. Thank you for joining in helping Mister Chester and Deliberance to perform their race-changing ritual." She said politely as she bowed before the man out of respect for her elders. "If you require assistance in travelling or so feel free to ask. These lands can be perilous for a person like yourself and it is but the right thing to support the ones with many years of experience." She offered to help the old man if he needed it during the quest. Partially due to his old age. And partially due to him being a human deep within a country that does not like his kind the most.
Cheshire told everyone before addressing their words.

“With the amount of people here, I think it’ll be best we pair off into groups!”

He looked at Haru and shouted

“Once we’ve collected the fungi and met back up I’ll explain what the first half of the ritual was and try my best to teach you the second half as we continue! Knowledge is a very noble pursuit! And a favor for later should be no problem as long as it doesn’t involve harming or killing people!”

Cheshire also answered Deliverance’s questions scratching the back of his neck nervously.

“Right! Forgot not everyone…right DNA is our biological and genetic makeup. It is our blood, our hair our skin our nails our everything. It is the reason we are what we are. And why we look like we do. And why some are born with certain medical conditions and others a weaker resistance to illness.”

He sighs. “And Deliverance has a point, being within 10ft of me will sap some of your life force,—“ he pointed to the dead grass beneath him. “There are also some negative effects when going within that range of Ninelle and Deliverance here. For your safety keep a respectful distance! I will heal my team from a distance as I have the range to do so!”

“How are you holding up Ninelle?” Cheshire asked. “You were out for the first half of it—I hope you are awakening well. No issues right? I’ll keep Deliverance and Ninelle on the same team as me so I can keep an eye on her and so she doesn’t get lost. She is quite small”

Cheshire took in Alden’s request, then thumbed through the book he had on various rituals he stopped. And set the book down on the crunchy dead grass beneath his feet. And gently ripped it out as precisely as possible. He folded it up and walked over to the stone structure leaving the paper on a rock. He shouted at Alden.

“I was able to find a ritual for you! Looks like you might need some extra Metalelles if we can find any and wait til the eclipse is over! But there is a ritual that can rewind age a few years…!” He was suddenly very grateful he didn’t memorize the ritual and left the book behind. Cheshire returned to his spot so that Alden could grab the paper without issue.

Asher floated around Flare excitedly. “Yes! Yes! Though not many fire sprites are found outside of volcanos—GAH as much as I love the forest it’s nice to see another fire friend! I would offer for you to visit the volcano to meet more some time but the reason I ended up in the forest, to begin with, is because I got lost and made friends so…eh what can I do! What a way to be born though! From an oven? Sounds on par for the course fire sprites like myself are born from molten lava on occasion, I wonder if it's a mana thing…”

He shook his head. “We can jump down that rabbit hole later!” IMG_1176.png
He turns to Seraphina. “Pleasure to meet ya! Can I call you Sera? You must have quite the story! I’ve never seen a construct able to do that..or a construct that wasn’t a giant bulky rouge of metal in the area at least. Your illusion looks…ghosty, are you the soul? Did you die and get stuck in the sword? Wouldn’t be the craziest thing we do have some undeads in the party… sorry if the questions are too personal! Woa-“

As Seraphina neared Deliverance’s space her illusion would disorient and fizzle.

” Okay Sera let’s not get too close to the cursed people! C’mon, let’s move a bit farther away yeah? His energy messes with magic”

Asher gold Seraphina and Flare weakly tried to pull them away from Deliverance. Asher nodded at Ryan’s words.

“He’s got a point over there! The ritual isn’t dangerous as far as my friends and I have been aware—we’ve been monitoring it since it started. We were told it was to change the race of the three up there, Cheshire, Deliverance and Ninelle who apparently died in the war. Got revived and turned into monsters. The ritual effected them and nothing else during the first half. No end of the world or anything like that!”

“Thank you Noelle! I owe you a bunch!” The water sprite answered.

She watched as Noelle spoke of Haru wih a raised eyebrow. “Uhhh…. ‘Rude stupid pointy ear asshole’? Are you okay Noelle?”

Echinacea just kinda stared at Noelle. “Please calm down with the language, he was rude that can be agreed upon but there wasn’t much he could exactly do else besides call Cheshire a Lich! It’s true technically, currently and will be until the end of the ritual likely. If he doesn’t know Cheshire’s name I think it’s fair? Kinda like how we call deer, deer when they aren’t named!”

Cheshire caught wind—hardly of how the three were talking. Cheshire figured he should try to obtain some sort of heightened sense later at this point but everyone was speaking loudly anyway.

“Why are we cursing at each other?” He asked with a sigh.

“Alright! Teams! Ninelle and Deliverance will be with me, So will you and you” he pointed at Flare and Seraphina. “Asher seems to have taken to you two quite a bit and there seems to be some reliance between you two there.”

He points at Lena. “You seem to be remarkably silent but you’ll join as well.”

He told Echinacea and Caspian. “You two hang around Ryan, he is fairly introverted and would do better in a smaller group I believe. “

He points at Alden and Hasume. “You two will group up with—“ he then points to Noelle and Haru. “Those two. I’m sure you can ensure they get along splendidly! This will be a good bonding exercise for you both!”

Cheshire only recently ‘adopted’ Peat and he was already sounding like a dad dear gods. This sounded like two siblings being stuck in their ‘get along sweater’.

“Noelle, I have faith in your healing abilities with the group.”

After the teams were sorted. The group would walk into the abandoned home the light of the eclipse illuminated the mess within. There was a basement that went beneath the home and the floor they were currently on. The roof could’ve been a living area at some point as indicated by the staircase. But rot and nature already claimed and destroyed it.

“Now! We split up. Which area do our teams want to to go?”

There were three options. The right half of the house, the left half of the house, and the basement.

Tellussoil Tellussoil Elvario Elvario Develius Develius Karcen Karcen Jay Cee Jay Cee Lenamae Lenamae heartspan heartspan saxon saxon SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Rev IX Rev IX
Last edited:
language key: " common", <" beastial">

Of the three so called "victims" in need of the ritual, Haru did not miss the ill look he received from one of them. He was some kind of strange ghost or something, Haru was not certain. Although, considering the situation he rather felt the fellow justified in his stiff attitude. Therefore, Haru simply returned the man's glare with a small but empty smile. The entire event caused Haru to take better stock of the people in the group. He studied each one for a moment as he listened to them. From the old man to the sword ghost he did his best to commit them to memory and their names as they came up were added to his mental image of them.

This seemed to be where the trouble began. As he awaited the Lich's response to his deal he was confronted with yet another glare. He had not seen a mermaid in human form for a good long time. Not since his days in the orphanage. Yet right here was one was glaring at him furiously with her lovely sapphire eyes. Before he could even really process what was going on she called him a pointy eared asshole, on top of rude and stupid. She spoke in the beast tongue, clearly thinking he couldn't understand her, and the entire thing left him fully stunned.

He turned to look directly at her only to catch another full on wicked glare. It was as if he had cheated on her and yet he had never met her in the entirety of his life. He pulled his hood off in astonishment as he watched the mermaid stalk her way over to the old man. Haru was certain that she would lay into the guy, and his eyes widened as he wondered what the ancient fellow could have possibly done to offend the girl in the short amount of time they had been gathered. Then to his complete surprise she was totally sweet, like some delightful granddaughter, even offering him a polite bow. Haru's mouth sagged open for just a moment as his brain sought frantically to process what the hell had just happened to him.

His attention was brought back to the matter at hand as the lich once more began to speak. Separating into teams seemed a good idea to Haru, and as the lich agreed to his payment Haru was fully onboard. He listened intently for any further information and wondered which of these strangers would end up his teammates. Then the most embarrassing things began to unfold. The water sprite boldly proclaimed his asshole status and in short order the entire event he had planned to completely ignore was full on revealed to the group. Had he not been a man trained to keep his emotions from showing he would have blushed like a polished apple. Nevertheless he sighed inwardly. A sigh the nearly grew into a groan as the groups were decided upon.

Evil always came in three's; that was the saying his mother taught him in his first life. Hearing that Noelle the mermaid was to be his teammate was surely the third evil. He leaned his forehead on his staff for a moment as he drew up his courage and then he walked directly over to her and the old man she was standing with. The closer he got the more embarrassing the whole thing seemed to his mind. Here he was hated by someone who only looked more cute the closer he got. Hated by a cute girl, and for what? For some perceived rudeness to her boyfriend? Once he was close enough, he gave the elderly man a slight bow as a way of interjecting himself into their company before turning to address Noelle.

<" Look, Noelle-san, You're super cute, but even so... I think it a bit unfair to be so rude to a stranger, you know."> he stated directly, his beastial fluent <" I understand he's your boyfriend... so... water under the bridge?">

Haru held his hand out for a peaceful handshake.

" I'd also like to suggest we take the basement as our team's target area." he continued, switching back to common.

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Tellussoil Tellussoil Jay Cee Jay Cee Elvario Elvario
Ninelle (#367967)
"Even now, your smile is as beautiful as ever," Ninelle chuckled softly, still a bit dazed, perhaps even more so by his rare show of emotion. It... really was beautiful. There was nothing more comforting to see at this moment, assuring herself that she had woken up in the safe company of the man she loved, despite not knowing where she was, what was happening, nor what she had become.

As her world shifted in his hands, she smiled. She wanted to place her forehead against his, like she used to, but paused as she saw and felt the weighty antler-like protrusions on the top of her head. Instead, she placed her one remaining flesh hand on his new void-like skin, before kissing it gently. It was a little embarrassing, especially in the midst of what seemed like such a crowd, but words could not describe the happiness and relief that they could still see each other again.

Listening and processing quietly, Ninelle couldn't quite understand what he meant by 'nightmare', and what needed 'fixing'. She was grateful, of course, for him continuing on and thinking of her whilst doing so... but more than anything, she was slowly being consumed by another emotion. Curling up silently, she held her face in her hands.

"But we died... didn't we? You died." She whispered, her voice cracking, overwhelmed.

Guilt. So much guilt. He never should've been there in the first place. But he went there, for her. To protect her when she should've been the one protecting him.

"I'm so sorry Deli."

The weight of this sin would scar her forever.

What was the use of being called a 'hero' when she couldn't protect the one she cared for most?

As a voice suddenly addressed her by name, she flinched, bringing her hands down to address the stranger. His appearance was as fascinating as her and Deli's new ones, with strange, fiery lava-like patterns covering his otherwise human skin. Even from afar, she could vaguely sense the remnants of magic that radiated from his form. Rather than Deli's which served to make her mana go haywire, his sought to drain and sap her strength. How fascinating.

"I'm... fine." She began carefully, recovering herself. "Thank you for checking up on me. I... haven't quite gathered what is happening yet, but I'll help where I can." She smiled and nodded, looking up at the abandoned building as they entered.


From: AI and Edits
Active titles: Mandatory Title: [Luminous Wraith]
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Ninelle SilverFeathers SilverFeathers | Seraphina Karcen Karcen
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

He wasn't sure whether to feel embarrassed, happy, confused or... actually, he was sure he felt all of that at hearing the first of Ninelle's full sentences after waking up again. Sadly enough, in his current form, he could neither feel nor enjoy much of the contact they had. Yet even so, the gesture alone made his heart feel a bit lighter already.

“We died. We returned as we are. We worked effortlessly relaying information and trying to help out even as we were. Then you fell into a coma. I got 'thanked' and sent off with eyes staring me away. Meanwhile, those who fled got resurrected normally and are now celebrated as heroes. We, along with the one you saw, the golden orange man, who organised all this, were fighting even after death to help, yet were cast out as monsters. Those that fled the scene are celebrated as heroes. Even the one that first killed us.” She'd feel him tremble in anger more and more as he kept speaking, until he took a few deep breaths.

“Either way, we're working on a ritual to at least return to our normal states. It shouldn't be long now.” He'd managed to calm himself down and tried giving her a comforting smile.

He shook his head when she apologised. “Don't. Hearing you say that only makes it more and more difficult not to let my resentment grow out of control and turn me into a true monster.”

“Right, that's the one I meant.” He'd add upon Cheshire's approach. “Oh, we also should stay away from others, otherwise we might hurt them if they get too close to us.” He figured it was best to warn her.

On the topic of coming too close, he glared at the ghost illusion. His aura making it disorient and fizzle. “You may not get harmed, but it seems your magic is still affected.” He'd simple state. “Trade me nightmares?” He had no clue what she meant.

It seemed like they'd be pairing into groups. He sighed. Seeing how he'd likely ruin the mushrooms as well, due to his aura, he'd be mostly useless regardless of where he'd end up. “I...” He started, checking himself. “I'm not sure if I still have such things in solid enough state to use. Or if it'd still be my genetic make-up... Although I guess we'll just have to try?” He felt like it was a tough thing to ask for, ethereal as he was.

Deliverance stared at Cheshire, confused. “You don't need to keep an eye on her. I've got her.” He answered. “So long as you're in my sight, neither of us will get lost.” He'd reassure him.

As for teams, he was surprised they'd add in Flare and Seraphina. Then he wasn't. The spirit in a metal suit and actual sword seemed least like to get hurt by their aura's, should they get too close.

Upon being asked where to go, he shrugged. “I'm afraid neither me nor Ninelle can pick the mushrooms ourselves. The only place I might be of some use is the basement, a I could cast some magic to create enough light to help search.” That was all he could come up with that the moment.
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan decided to quiet down, as the meeting got busy. A natural result of such a large group, really. Regardless, Cheshire took the lead and opted to split the group into small teams. Which worked well enough for the smith. That said... "Hnn. And here I thought I was getting good at hiding that..." He sighed, mildly disappointed in himself.

The hit to his social skills confidence aside, it was time to work. "We're going to the basement, you two." Ryan instructed, with a mild, yet resolute tone.

Heading into the dark, Ryan walked without the slightest level of concern, or light. His [Darkvision] and [360 Degree Vision] guiding him without much issue. It was then that something dawned on him. "Wait... How well do you two do in the dark?" he inquired, while already apprasing the pile of debris and rubble in a corner.


| DarkKitsune DarkKitsune (Cheshire, Asher & Friends) | Karcen Karcen [Seraphina] | SilverFeathers SilverFeathers (Ninelle) | Elvario Elvario (Deliverence) | Rev IX Rev IX (Ryan) |

Flare was utterly encapsulated by the lore that Asher was sputtering out. While not much in the grand scheme, it was fascinating enough to hear that Asher and his kind were born in volcanoes and that the sprite himself got to be here after being lost in a forest. Still the tiny sprite compared to the large mass that was Flare seemed to bring about various questions in terms of how fire elementals are born. Even Flare themself didn't truly their origins wholeheartedly. How did they come into existence? Like human babies were born from their mothers' wombs after biological procreation. That was easy to follow, even for someone who is incapable of committing such rituals. Flare understood magic and mana were involved in the creation of elementals thanks to Fraust's long-winded explanations, but even he didn't get the whole picture. For it was as if Flare had spontaneously poofed into existence. And not in some volcano or forest fire or whatever but an artificial metal oven. Why there and not in a more natural sphere like the rest?

Was it out of pure chance? Or were they destined to be born there? Were they truly destined to meet Fraust, Seraphina, Asher, and all the other friends and folks they've met over the past few months of existing? It was a deep question that no doubt permeated why Flare sought after the Spirit King. To have him answer why they are what they are. For if there was anyone who'd likely have that answer, it was him.

Oh boy this was getting rather philosophical. Thank the gods Asher would save this conversation for another day. "Y-Yeah! I agree... later for sure!" they agreed whole-heartedly, their expression still warranted a heavy amount of itching interest. Almost as if they were keeping Asher to their word.

Watching Sera approach Deliverance as their essence glitched when they got close, Flare grasped her sword as if trying to urge them to return. "Hey hey, Sera! Get back!" Flare panicked briefly as even they caught the brief interference of his unusual aura. Their flames rapidly flared and dimmed as they did, though from their perspective they'd also see bits of static clouding their vision. Once it ended they'd give a brief sigh of relief. Asher also coaxed Sera to return, explaining how this was the ghostly man's passive side effect. "Then we'll be sure to give him, er, them... a wide berth." the fire elemental replied sternly as they felt through their chest, making sure they were still in one piece, "Believe me, I don't feel great around him already, no offense of course."

Upon asking if this ritual wasn't going to cause an apocalypse, a red-haired man with an eyepatch assured them that such a scenario seemed highly unlikely. "I mean I trust y'all know what you're doing," Flare admitted with a nod of tentative approval, "I'm just uh... well making sure that you're all sure, you know? If you're sure, I'm sure, haha..." And according to Asher, both Ninelle and Cheshire had the same, if not similar, effect as him. On top of the pie that was their predicament was their backstory how they supposedly DIED in the war. "The war...?" Flare inquired curiously, recalling the time they and Sera were fighting off the bugs, "You mean... the one with the big bugs and stuff? Because well, funny you mention that... Sera and I also happened to be fighting bugs like a week or so ago. Heard of M’lynra Village? Eastern See border? Yeah, pretty much all of our Fae superiors in the battle died... leaving us and the rest of our party scrambling to finish the job. We did finish it successfully, but... needless to say casualties were high and their leadership was VERY unorganized to say the least. Secrets were kept from us the party and uh... well you can imagine it wasn't a great overall introduction to the world of Fae and all. Especially for my friend, like she can tell you alllllll about her takes that for sure. Ain't that right Sera?"

Eventually the whole party would be split into groups of three. For Flare and Seraphina it appeared their group mates were... all three of the... cursed fellows. Two magic folks... three "undead" cursed users... the fire elemental groaned quietly at this turn of events. They knew they should've left when they had the chance. "Oh, well juuuuuust our luck..." Flare whispered to Sera quietly. Just by wandering in here uninvited they get pulled with the THREE MOST IMPORTANT PEOPLE here. It was bad enough being ten feet with ONE cursed individual. But against three? Does that mean the aura disruption effect gets multiplied thrice? This had to be some kinda sick joke. But hey, at least they permitted Asher to be with them so it shouldn't be too bad, right?

"Well...!" Flare submitted as they clapped their metallic hands with a harsh clang in the most eager-mannered expression they struggled to muster up, "Nice to be grouped up with the three cursed stooges here - alongside a new potential best frieeeeeeend - but, uh, not to worry! This is... fine. Yup. Perfectly fine. So as long as you three just... keep your lil' ten feet from us three and we three will try - emphasis on TRY - to do the same while we collect the mushrooms to help y'all get back to normal. Sound good?" What the hell was a stooge anyways? And why did they specifically mention three of em?

Once all teams were accounted for they'd approach the abandoned house and begin figuring out where to split up. Apparently both Deliverance and Ninelle are unable to collect the mushrooms thanks to their unique physiology, with the former suggesting he could at least cast light should they enter the basement. Flare, the fire elemental, stares at him unbelievably as their glowing fire lights up a good chunk of the darkness within. Or was that just their natural [Dark Vision F] giving off that effect and that truthfully the eclipse wasn't casting your average, everyday darkness but rather... "advanced darkness".

"I mean... I can do that too." Flare muttered as they raised their arms out to expose their glowing essence. They then overheard Ryan and his party suggest on going into the basement and they began to ponder their decision. "Well Mister Eyepatch and his party seem to call dibs on the basement. And frankly I don't feel too confident about traversing up to the roof given the unstableness of this place. Then I guess... we just search this floor then? What do ya think fellas?"
Languages common, Terran

The illusion held up a hand as it's form fizzled and broke up in and out. " It's like a T.V. with a weak signal " She said the voice coming out broken and distorted by the field.

Seraphina didn't feel anything , the illusion wasn't real, Seraphin hadn't felt anything for a long time. She could still remember the first and last thing she had felt, that she was sure she had felt, the fire that had burned her to ash. Compared to feeling the pain of being burned to ash yet alive feeling nothing was the better option. The wraith causing her illusion to fizzle didn't seem to get it despite what Flare had said.

The fire spirit had asked her a ton of question what had remained half heard and mostly ignored, by choice. The illusion vanished then repapered whole by flare and the tiny spark of fire. The illusion looked to Asher who was so very excited to meet them and had asked questions not even flare had. Seraphina both wanted to and didn't want to answer them. She had been thinking about telling Flare explaining things to her and well her lies. Seraphina had been more loose lipped about her past lately as she thought it over. Maybe this was the best chance to explain things?

" I don't want to get into details, but i didn't really get a choice. I am the sword it is my body and ... my tomb " Seraphina had to pause before admitting that . Not wanting to go on the illusion vanished and now was on flare's shoulder trying to move onto the next topic. The next topic being the mission before the last with fae see with the witch and glim. The thought of it brought pain to seraphina, but the illusion hid that and she still had no idea why it affected her so.

" Yeah that I really don't like the See right now i do not like getting betrayed " Sera confirmed what Flare had said. She had only said that she didn't like being betrayed, but who liked it? " That was one hell of an introduction to the country and fay creatures and how they act " She explained not having ever actually counted Where she got this elementals aren't fae idea was a mystery but till now she had no reason to talk about it.

They did get stuck with the cursed people that the ritual was for and well asher as well so positive maybe? it didn't matter they were doing a job now it seemed and besides Seraphina did kind of want to help the people change their race or whatever. Seraphina did want one thing if the lead of this ritual was going to be granting wishes, but for now she would keep quiet about that. Flare did have a plan it seemed and it was good enough for what they needed though Seraphina was only worried about them getting close to flare she was pretty sure she couldn't feel any kind of pain so she wasn't worried. " i am good with the ground floor i'd hate to see you fall through the roof and take me with you " Seraphina teased not thinking a fall like that would hurt her elemental friend in her suit.

Noelle Nichi
With: Cheshire DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Deliverance Elvario Elvario | Ryan Rev IX Rev IX | Haru heartspan heartspan | Flare Develius Develius | Alden Jay Cee Jay Cee | Ninelle SilverFeathers SilverFeathers | Seraphina Karcen Karcen

"Common" ~ <"Beastial">


<"Well he is rude. And the whole point of this fetch quest is to make Cheshire not a lich anymore… besides I don't like his tone"> Noelle said crossing her arms when Echidnacea and Caspian grilled her on her insulting Haru. The fact the sprites seemed to understand beastial going over her head for the moment.
Noelle diverted her attention away from Haru and the sprites towards the rest of the group. She noticed the furnace golem that Asher was such a fan of. Her opinion of constructs was not the best. Even Though Flare was not a construct, but that was not something she had figured out yet. Noelle could tolerate the golem. They have clear directives that should not involve having to unnecessarily hurt anyone. That was when she noticed the little ghost resting on the thing’s shoulder. The ghost looked cute.

Noelle was brought back to reality when Haru started talking to her in beastial. Calling her rude and cute <"Well sorry if I look rude. But it is a bit inconsiderate to call Mister Cheshire a lich while he’s trying so hard to change it!"> she retorted before realising what just happened. <"wait… YOU SPEAK BEASTIAL!?!?"> she exclaimed, surprised. Many emotions went through her. On the one hand, there was someone who could speak the same language as her. On the other hand, embarrassed because she just started insulting a man who she thought could not understand her.
Luckily Haru seems to be a chill guy. Rather want to bury the hatchet and not cause a scene. He called Cheshire Noelle’s boyfriend and held out his hand for her to shake. <"b-b-boyfriend!?"> said out loud the mermaid’s head turned redder than a beet at the notion that the lich might be her boyfriend. <"No no no you got it all wrong! Chestnut is not my boyfriend. We only met at the beginning of this quest. He is our employer for this after all. I don’t have a boyfriend. He is nice and all but.. But.. it can never work that is all!. I have no time to be in love as an adventurer as I am always traveling. I totally do not have a crush on anyone. No way!!!"> she said frantically flailing her heart beating fast "Ḩ̸͌ơ̶̯ẅ̵̫ ̴̚͜a̵̰̔d̸̢̈o̴̖̓r̶̖͐a̶̮͊b̵̡̌l̴̠̓e̸͖͗!̵̨̈ ̵̪͆Ẅ̶̳́h̶͎͌y̷̠͒ ̸͓͘l̷̚͜i̵̢͋e̸͕̋ ̷̭́ṱ̵͝ǒ̸̭ ̵͕̋y̸̨͛o̴̹͐ŭ̵̟r̸̯̋s̷͚̍e̵̦̐l̵̮̃f̸͖̾?̷̝̂ ̴̢̍Y̷̘̅o̵̟͛u̶̟̇ ̷̖̈́k̷̛͉n̴̼͗ȯ̴̯w̷̳̐ ̵̻̀y̸͇̋o̷͕͆ǘ̴͙ ̴̫̍c̶̺͛a̵̢̐n̸̰͘ ̴̫̍c̶̮͐a̷̩͘p̷͚̈t̴̮͌ü̶͔ṟ̸͆e̴͇͗ ̴̯͐h̸͙̆i̷̻͒ś̷̭ ̶̹̀h̴̼͋e̷̪͗a̷̝̐ṛ̷̇t̶͕͗ ̴͇͠a̷̟͑ṫ̴̲ ̵̦͝ȁ̸̱n̸̺͛ÿ̶̢́ ̵̦͝t̵̟́i̸̲͐m̷̩̒ẻ̸̺.̵̙̉ ̴͇̂O̴̖̍ŕ̷͇ ̸̩͐ë̴͙ĺ̵̼s̴̡̆e̷̹̊ ̷̉͜t̷̬͝h̸͜͝i̶̜͌s̸̥͐ ̷̲͂h̷̖͗à̵̳n̷͓̿d̷̰̏s̸̯̕o̴̱̎m̷̥͐e̶̩͐ ̸̩͠g̸̙̐ṵ̶͛y̴̞̆ ̶̨́b̶̭̀ȩ̶̛f̶̧͝ó̶͎r̷͈̋ẹ̵̋ ̸̥̈ỵ̴̾õ̴̝u̷̬͗.̴̛̘.̵̹̐.̶̥͆ ̴̼̅s̵̡͋u̸͇̔c̸͕̉h̶̲̑ ̸͈̋â̵̗ ̴̣̋p̸̥̔r̵̬̒ē̴̩c̴͙͑i̴̻͆o̸̖͑u̸͙͐s̶̱̀ ̵͕̔t̴̰́h̷̩̐ḭ̶́n̴͍͂ǵ̸̗ ̵͈͌ÿ̸̮́ŏ̷͙u̸̘͑ ̷̹̿a̶̧͛r̵̢̀e̵̛͉.̷̫̇" the voice in her head teasingly said to her. Which made the girl even more flustered.

"Okay, Noelle. Calm down. We got a job to do" After a moment of chaos the mermaid took a deep breath and regained her composure. "s-sure. Let bygones be bygones" she said, grabbing Haru’s hand and shaking it. Her head tilted down to hide she still had a bit of blush on her cheeks.

After that, it was time to divide into groups. Cheshire, Deliverance with Ninelle and the furnace golem with her little ghost friend and Asher were going to be group one. Noelle, Haru and the old man were in group two. And Ryan with the other two sprites were group three.
"Y-yes I will make sure everyone stays safe," She said in response to Cheshire having faith in her healing magic. Her eyes were diverted. Clearly trying to not look directly at the lich as a light blush crept on her cheeks again.

As for who was going to search where. Haru suggested going to the basement. Although an interesting choice. The thought of going down there into the dark where lord knows what kind of creepy things might live did not appeal much to Noelle. Luckily she didn’t have to protest the suggestion as Ryan already decided he was going down into the abyss. "Seems Ryan beat us to the punch… shall we look on the left side of the house instead then?" She suggested. Anything to not have to see Cheshire anymore for the time being.
heartspan heartspan Tellussoil Tellussoil Jay Cee Jay Cee

On the left side of the house, the three would find that the remains of the room were engulfed in darkness, with weak light from the eclipse beaming through the cracks in the wall giving just enough light for the group to navigate the room as in this part of the room the roof seemed more stable then the holes that persisted in the roof in the other half of the building. The fourth member of their team seemingly has disappeared presumably giving up on the task. On their left are two large piles of debris. On their right, there was one pile that cast a small shadow behind it. Vines, moss, and mold blanketed the stones in green. Next to the piles of debris in the back without needing to look much they would notice a singular Glacierous mushroom that clung to the cold side of the wall.

Frost covered the fungus, and being just within five feet of the mushroom would produce a chill down the character's spines. This posed a minor challenge to obtain the fungus. They needed a heat source that was hot enough to counter it but not strong enough to burn it.

IMG_1179.png Rev IX Rev IX

Within the depths of the basement, the storage was in disarray. A lamp flickered with a dim light from the ceiling that looked like it would fall at any second. As piles of broken and smelly crates and barrels lay scattered in piles in the top left, and bottom right corner of the basement. With one notably laying just fifteen feet diagonally from the entrance of the basement. Vague three small silver lights emanated from it. Three small Moonlit Agaricaus had grown in the darkness on the pile of debris.

“Oh look! We found-“

Caspian was shushed by Echinacea. The pink sprite shoved her hand over their mouth. She looked at the pile of debris in the far back of the basement. A groan sounding followed by whispers of movement could be heard. But soon slipped away, This would serve as a warning that it was best to collect the Moontlits quietly or risk awakening a potential threat that loomed beneath the barrels.

IMG_1337.png Elvario Elvario SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Develius Develius Karcen Karcen

Light beamed directly from the scene of the eclipse through the large whole in the wall. There were considerably large piles of debris here and there but nothing quite as big as it was in the left side corner in front of the group, Flare and presumably Seraphina would notice a cluster of Sunwall on this huge pile of debris.

The Sunwall illuminated a light brighter then Flare themself. The light was also bright enough to outshine deliverance; to which Cheshire mentioned.

“Alright! Look away, I think the book downplayed how bright that is…”

The challenge here would be to discover a way to collect the Cluster of Sunwall without suffering a blinding effect from the fungus.

language key: " common", <" beastial">

As Noelle stumbled through her spiel on how it was impossible for her to be anything but single, her crush was clearly revealed, though Haru would take care not to tease her over it. It had also served to take her mind off of the shock of his speaking in beastial. The less questions about himself the better he supposed. He felt it was kind of a shame to lose out to a Lich but such was life and he was glad enough that he could even express feelings like this after the way he entered this strange world. It had taken Haru a long time to overcome Hikari's betrayal and even longer to be able to feel affection and have crushes on people again.

He was so engrossed in his own thoughts that he wasn't able to answer Noelle right away when she mentioned going to the left and that the basement was no longer an option. He blinked at her a few times as his mind worked to bring things back into place for him.

" Oh, ah... sure, I don't mind that at all...l-left side it is then." He stumbled through a brief reply, a slight blush creeping across his cheeks as he spoke. " Shall we then?"

Fueled by embarrassment at his own stupidity, he didn't wait for a reply before striding toward the house. Inwardly he sighed heavily, before shutting away his thoughts as best he could. He needed to focus on the task at hand, not overthink the entirety of life. When he finally entered the building he would quickly note as many details as he could before making his way toward the left side that Noelle had wanted to search.

He had assumed the team had followed along and so he began to search about for any of the mushrooms. Thankfully it didn't take long to find their first one. A single Glacierous clung to the wall, coated in frost, and just waiting to be picked. Yet as he got closer a chill ran down his spine.

" Noelle, if you want to pick that I can stave of that chill easy enough with a bit of fire magic." He commented as he began to draw up his mana

He knew the names of his other companions but since he hadn't waited to put faces to the names he was reluctant to call upon them for aid. He was also conscious of the fact that he might be standing there foolishly alone. He hadn't confirmed that his team had followed along, and they could be searching elsewhere. He had been so desperate to avoid any further embarrassing moments that he had shut out everything but the task of mushroom hunting. Nevertheless, he stood and stepped back a bit. a tiny ball of fire coming into being above the palm of his left hand. He quickly adjusted the size and heat output to carefully get rid of the chill while not damaging the delicate mushroom.

Then at last he turned to see if anyone was even nearby. Inwardly he cringed a bit as anxiety began to claw into him. If there was one thing he truly hated it was the moments in life where one looked their most foolish and ignorant. Any and every embarrassing time, he hated them all, and so be braced himself for it as he turned to look at his companions. These type of moments were costly at court, and though he had done his best to become immune to these type of things, it had clearly not worked. He was every bit the awkward boy he had been back in Tokyo all those years ago. His experiences as a court mage had only dimmed the awkwardness by a single degree, or even less really.

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Tellussoil Tellussoil Jay Cee Jay Cee
Ryan Kylieth

After a few moments of careful brushing and rummaging, Ryan emerged victorious with three mushrooms to his name. "Hm. Talk about a nice start..." he said as he pocketed the last of his findings.

But much like his sprite companions, he went dead silent when something else manifested somewhere out of sight.

Without as much as a peep, Ryan readied his hand cannon. With it ready on one hand, he slowly stood up and quietly walked to the opposite corner of the room. All while giving the area a quick [Multilayered Scan], not only looking for mushrooms, but also the source of the noise.


Multilayered Scan - Supersense E (Tremorsense, X-Ray Vision), Appraisal E, Darkvision, 360 Degree Vision - Character inspects his surroundings through various methods reinforced by their superb senses - Grade E - 1 post cooldown
Ninelle (#367967)
"Okay. I'll try not to." Ninelle nodded gently at Deli's warning, clenching her fists slightly as she tried to restrain the many confusing emotions that plagued her right now. Vague fragments of memories passed by, fleeting, filled with violence and hardship, then despair. Her head hurt at the thought, but her memories prior the transformation seemed easier and less painful to recall.

Eris. His words made her recall that light priestess, although she didn't want to return to the topic and make him angry. She forgave her for killing her once. But as much as she wanted to understand... she didn't think she could bear to do that a second time. Not to mention, the only person left she loved was a victim of hers too.

"I see... it feels a bit strange to wake up in another new form, yet prepare myself to shift back immediately, for once." She smiled a little wistfully at the memories, feeling a bit disconnected from herself, recalling the times she was so desperate to change back when first turned into a half-mechanoid fae.

Still, at the armoured fire elemental's sudden story time, Ninelle smiled softly, "Good on you for making it out alive," she praised Flare briefly, though her gaze couldn't help but flit back to Deli cautiously, fearful of dwelling on the topic too much. "And genuinely thank you for helping us. We'll watch your backs," her tone was sincere, a bit awed by just how many people had come to help.

"I can understand that. Can't say there's a nation I'm really fond of at all, really." Ninelle empathized with Seraphina, the odd, teleporting ghost-like apparition, as she thought back to both the nations she called home, before the topic moved back to the task at hand.

Turning back to Deliverance, her decaying wings stretched and fluttered slightly as she looked up at him, "If we're as dangerous as you say, let's just stay by the door. Better than getting in the way."

Though, as soon as they walked through the door, a blinding light pierced the eye, emanating from the pile of torn debris in the corner. Though resistant (Resilience F [Blind]), the flashbang almost made her think she was about to die again, to the same light that always engulfed her, but the minute colour differences and the feel of Deli's void-like hand managed to comfort the sudden adrenaline rush. After unwrapping herself around his thumb, she realized just how blinding those mushrooms were, for everyone, and grabbed her Ire Bracer to cast her familiar spells.

Her magic felt unfamiliar, but she pushed forward anyway, summoning a metallic vine to sprout from the wall beside her to try and grab the mushrooms whilst covering them.

"Do we have something like a basket I can put these in?"
  • Metal Coil D
    • Magic D, Magic Range E (100ft), Metal Affinity F
    • Sprouts a single large metal vine from the wall beside her to pluck the blinding mushrooms.


From: AI and Edits
Active titles: Mandatory Title: [Luminous Wraith]
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Ninelle SilverFeathers SilverFeathers | Flare Develius Develius | Seranphina Karcen Karcen
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

He noticed Flare flare up as the sword's illusion approached him. “It's just interrupting the illusion.” He'd conclude, wondering why in the world the fire elemental seemed to bother so much. “None taken.” He'd reply to the 'no offence' part. Which was a bit of a lie. He was doing his best to stop the [monster] in him from fantasising how fun it would be to throw Flare into a lake and see them fizzle out. Distracting himself from such thoughts was conscious and tough effort. Something he ever so slightly disliked seeing go unappreciated.

Sighing at hearing Flare speak up and call them 'cursed stooges' he was about to head outside to just wait things out. “Trust me, if I had been capable of doing this without needing to involve others, I'd have done so. As much as I am grateful for your aid, I am not happy with the current situation either. After all, I am well aware that being an obstacle to those who aid me is counterproductive.” Honestly, Flare's words had irked him. Or well, the [monster] bit, but he tried biting his tongue as much as he could to stay polite about it. This whole situation was terribly annoying and troublesome.

He sighed when Flare mentioned them being a source of light. “Indeed.” He'd just reply. He withheld from adding 'thanks for reminding me I'm useless in my own quest' to that bit. “It seems my only use is not getting in the way.” He sighed. Looking at the ceiling. Gods this was annoying. “Search whatever suits you.” He'd reply, knowing it wasn't his to decide with how little he could do to help.

He looked at the sword's illusion. “A T.V...” He mumbled. “It's been long since I heard such devices mentioned. Are you from a world outside of this one?” He asked, as he was pretty sure there were no T.V.'s here. He'd barely been able to watch them even in his own world, but he did recall the screens that showed things from all around the world for entertainment or news.

Oddly enough, it seemed he had something to bond over with the sword and fire elemental, as Seraphina added to being betrayed. “I see... Whilst it seems you at least weren't cast out as monsters, I do understand the feeling of betrayal itself is already an annoyance.” He wasn't sure what else to say.

Being a [Luminous Wraith] he didn't really seem to be bothered all that much by how bright the light from the mushrooms was, even though they did blind him. It was more-so that the blinding itself didn't feel all that much of an issue. Even so, he'd not really be able to pick them. He debated using his Light Magic to dim their brightness, but he feared he'd just destroyed the mushrooms with his magic backfiring due to his current condition.

Thankfully, through it all, Ninelle was able to keep him calmed down. Feeling her presence on his hand, especially now that she was moving again, made it infinitely easier to keep biting his tongue and swallowing down the monstrous comments and sneers that kept trying to come out. If anything, just so that he'd not disturb her with them.

Upon Ninelle telling him it was strange to shift back, he smiled a bit. “Should all go well, this phase will be no more than a bad dream.” He promised her. He'd do what he can to live up to that promise.

He'd allow Ninelle to decide where to go, as she seemed to have an actual idea on how to help out. It was a tad bit confrontational, with her immediately being of use whilst he had been useless for so long. Yet, in the end, he was just glad she wouldn't have to suffer through the same feeling of uselessness as him. He figured the least he could do was to remain her casting platform.


| DarkKitsune DarkKitsune [Cheshire and Asher] | Karcen Karcen [Seraphina] | SilverFeathers SilverFeathers [Ninelle] | Elvario Elvario [Deliverance] | Rev IX Rev IX [Ryan] |

Supposedly the flickering in Seraphina's figure wasn't the ghosts' blight hurting her directly. Rather it merely was disrupting her magical spell, causing it to malfunction. In other words to them it was more annoying rather then harmful to them. "But you said they'd harm folks within 10 feet?" the fire elemental asked, wondering if it still applied to them. Perhaps this life draining event was a risk to mortal blood instead of energy based beings like Flare and Sera. Still, they weren't completely trusting in them. Besides, if they had to fire out their magic at a possible enemy, should they ever cross one, then it may backfire and cause harm to either themselves or their teammates. And Flare didn't want to hold themselves accountable for collateral. "Eh whatever-" they muttered defeatedly. The fire elemental still kept to the agreement to try and keep ten feet from them whenever they could just to be on the safe side.

"Just lemme know if they start hurting you..." Flare whispered to Seraphina like a worried parent.

Hearing Deliverance lament their situation as if they were being scolded, Flare sighed as they attempted to quell his worries. "Hey!" they barked towards briefly before beginning to talk to him politely, raising their hands at them to ensure they themselves were calm, "Don't get my words twisted. I'm not mad at you three for what you are. I wasn't there for that and I'll take your words for it. I'm just... annoyed that I happen to be in THIS position specifically." Why couldn't they just be with the normal folk?

Meanwhile Ninelle would quaintly thank the fire elemental for helping them, compared to Deliverance's dry sense of self-deprecation. "Thanks." Flare nodded at her with a humble thumbs up.

Cheshire was the quietest of the bunch thus far, not saying too much aside from what they're needing to find. He'd only speak up once they found one of the mushrooms cluttering against the debris wall. Thing was, these mushrooms were SUPER bright. Those must be the Sunwall specimens. In fact they were so bright they even dwarfed both the fire elemental and the deadpan ghost's natural glow substantially. If Flare represented themselves as a glowing campfire or burning furnace, these mushrooms shined with the power of a star or a ray of blinding light from the heavens.

"D-Damn this thing is bright!" they groaned uncomfortably as they rose their arms out to shield their eyes. It was almost too overbearing for Flare... and that was saying a lot!

Only Ninelle was able to resist getting blinded as she used her powers to produce a metal vine in order to grab them. Upon asking if anyone had a basket, it took Flare a moment to figure out a solution. And it involved their cooperation. "Y-Yeah, one sec." they grunted as both of their metal gauntlets clutched the side of their helmet and pulled upwards with an audible grunt...

Given their body was still mostly comprised within the suit, having their head exposed out like this wasn't going to harm Flare too badly. In fact, Fraust had recently modified their suit to form a sort of invisible [Barrier F] as a means to protect their raw form from the elements. As long as they don't take too much damage, it should hold their essence in place for a decent amount of time before needing to recharge and forcing Flare back into their suit. It was a temporary fix to a long standing goal... a goal they'll present to the Spirit King to receive a more permanent solution.

Now helmetless, it was now more evident how Flare was struggling against the overwhelming brightness of the sunwall cluster. Nevertheless the fire elemental pressed on before reaching out with her metal helmet. "Put em in here!" they called out to Ninelle as flames flickered from their head like wisps of short wavy hair.
Last edited:

Noelle Nichi
With: | Haru heartspan heartspan | Alden Jay Cee Jay Cee

"Common" ~ <"Beastial">


Haru seems to agree with Noelle’s plan to investigate the left side of the house. "Okay! Let’s go then" she said, not beating around the bush. She did notice the blush on Haru’s face. But she passed it off as not important at the moment. They had mushrooms to find.
She followed Haru into the house and to the left parts of it. It was dark in the empty rooms. The only light is the eerie light of the eclipse seeping inside through cracks and windows. But it was enough for her to see her way around. "Shroom shroom shroom… here to find some shrooms!" she said under her breath looking around—past corners and on rubble stone. Searching for the mushrooms Cheshire desired.

Luckily it didn’t take that long to find a mushroom. In the top left room, there was a single glacerious on the wall. "Oh neat. That was fast!" she said cheerfully. But then came the challenge. Even from the door opening of the room, Noelle could feel the chill emitting from the fungi. Not that she wasn’t entirely strange to the cold. The Northern seas weren’t exactly the warmest waters all year round and she also had her adventures with Aedrianna in the snow-covered Paizu mountains. But still, the cold this thing was giving off was able to run a chill down her spine.

Noelle had started pondering how to go to the shroom when Haru spoke to her. He offered to stave off the cold with his fire magic while she went to collect the mushroom. "You can do fire magic!? That is cool… or is it hot?" she said. She was about to get lost in thought wondering if it was the right thing to call fire magic cool. It was fire after all. It was used to counteract the cool. But anyway, she knew to keep her head in the game and focussed on the task at hand "anyway. If you can do that that would be great"
After Haru cast his magic, Noelle slowly approached the shroom. Making sure Haru had enough time to make sure she stayed warm. When she reached the glacierous she stopped for a moment. Now she got this far she realised they hadn’t thought of something important. How was she going to carry this thing? Even with Haru’s fire magic keeping her warm she doubts it would protect her from the chill of directly touching the frozen shroom. And she didn’t have gloves to protect her hands. She tried and touched the shroom with a finger and immediately pulled it back. " too cold… but i must pick it… difficult?..." She tried to think of a way to pick up the shroom without directly touching it.

"Oh! I got an idea" Noelle reached for her shoulders and let the top part of her kimono slide down a little bit revealing her bare shoulders. Then she wiggled her arms so that the sleeves of her dress fell over her hands. "Now I can get it" With her sleeves covering her hands Noelle picked up the glacerious mushroom. Even through the fabric, Noelle felt the chill of the shroom. But not so much that she would suffer frostbite from it.
"I got it Haru!!" she chimed as she skipped back to her teammate. "Thanks for the magic help" she said, giving the fire mage a wholesome smile. Although she had slid her kimono off her shoulders it wasn’t slid so low that it would show her chest, although it wasn’t far from it. "so… Let’s continue! The sooner we find these mushrooms the sooner Cheshire can do his ritual!" She said before walking down the hallway to go look into one of the other rooms on the left side of the house.

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