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Fandom Fade To Black: A Tevinter Tale (Dragon Age)


Junior Member
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Avelor Laenia Character Sheet

With a sharp gasp of metaphorical air, the white-haired Avelor woke with a start. His metaphysical self sat up, his elven ears twitched, and his brow crinkled in thought. Dreamers didn't stumble into the Fade. In fact, he typically pranced or pirouetted through the twisted landscapes of the veil. At a whim, he could swan-dive, cannonball, or drop kick his way into the Fade and land like a cat, poised and alert.

But this trip was different: his usual stroll through the Veil was wrought with altering paths and demons alike. For once, Avelor was not the driver on this particular ethereal venture. It was as if he lost his footing in the Veil and tumbled into the Beyond. His consciousness was a swirling blur as he dipped in and out of the Fade, only to find himself disoriented and lost within the once familiar realm. Its usual nebulous rock formations floated by. He could even peer the Black City in the distance, but the golden city was rarely used as a point of reference. The Fade's unstable and shifting nature meant Dreamers navigated on instinct alone. He had never ventured this far into the Fade; there was never a need to. So what brought him here now?

He closed his eyes as his memories seemed to be just beyond his grasp. A flash of white flaming hair and a wicked smile conjured the name: Rathana Parthenius. According to rumors, the shape-shifting general was a denizen of the Fade. Nothing else seemed to explain her bizarre existence nor her meteoric rise to power. And Avelor's thirst for status could only be quenched by realizing her, or its, secrets. His glimmering form stood up and he made his way down a craggy flight of steps.

He remembered why he ventured into that pocket of the Veil: there was a presence that wreaked of Rathana. But it was only a glimmer of a hunch that pushed him to follow his intuition. The path the figure took was arduous and unorthodox. Most dreamers selected the path of least resistance or bypassed the Veil all together. The Veil was simply the buffer between Thedas and the Fade. However, he deduced that his mark was looking for a particular entrance or tear. And when they found it, their scent disappeared. It was as if the mere presence of his target stayed the demons and spirits. The instant it left the veil to enter the Fade, a flood of unease and instability racked the very ground he stood on. Demons and spirits that typically ignored or feared him, now rampantly closed the distance. Feeling an unfamiliar lurch of uncertainty and fear, he ran, his robes billowing behind him. He hopped over and slid under obstacles before falling unintentionally into the Maker's former realm.

At the step's landing, the unease that plagued Avelor failed to dissipate. This side of the fade's textures and landscapes greatly differed from what he was used to folding and shaping. He had less of a handle here, but his abilities were still present. Raising his hand, he pulled a large slab across the abyss and created a make-shift bridge to another floating boulder. His mark's energy was vague but present once more. He traversed the ethereal expanse via creating paths for himself, only pausing and redirecting if the scent grew weaker.

Then after a final crossing onto a hilly rock-mass, the massive presence could be felt, its glow could even seen through the mountain between Avelor and his target. Without a doubt, it was General Rathana. He scaled the mountainside with ease. Upon reaching its apex, Avelor took a moment, finding his most potent barrier spells and blood magics, and priming them in case of combat. With a deep and unnecessary breath, he peered over the peak.
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'The General'


Few, if any, knew exactly who or what the General truly was. Some rumoured her a beast, an abomination beyond all others; the only explanation for her ever changing shapes and faces. Those unable to comprehend how one entity could hold so much power simply assumed she was more than one person. Like the Antivan Crows themselves, she could have been a network of working individuals that confused and conquered the whole nation of Tevinter - instilling fear and respect into the heart of many. What she truly was had for long remained a well guarded mystery, inspiring the wildest of tavern and ball tales. Perhaps that was all about to change soon.

Hidden in the furthest, deepest of depths of the Beyond, the General awaited something. Having spent nearly a half of her life venturing the land of the Dreamers, Rathana Parthenius, head of the Parthenius House, could navigate the Fade with very little effort. Drawn into the realm of spirits from a young age, she was well versed in dealings with demons; almost able to observe their presence through the Veil in the 'real' world, if not at least sense it. The creatures would vex her for attention almost constantly and she had found herself spending more and more time in their presence recently, hoping they had an answer and held a solution to her problems. Though many curious souls, in particular her rivals, had tried to follow in her footsteps and trace her paths in the Fade, she seemed to be able to always lose them. Over the years she had become so practiced at it that she almost started wishing for a challenger, who would be a worthy match for her. If only to keep herself entertained whilst she spent her days waiting for the demons to arrive.

Yet today something felt different - where the General was always able to lose a tracker quickly, be it a persistent pride demon or another weak apprentice, the energy that followed her felt interesting. It was determined, curious and if it didn't quench her boredom, it may have even interested her. Knowing that she would be waiting here a while longer yet, Rathana did not put any effort into concealing her tracks. Almost like a bread crumb trail, she had left behind a scarce path to follow consisting of glowing, purple sparks that led to her isolated island.

The small patch of land was a somewhat peaceful recluse in the chaos that roamed this part of the Fade. A striking silence filled the space, so different from the tortured cries of the souls tormented everywhere else. Peering over the peak one could observe the amber light that shone on a particular spot from somewhere above them. Sickly green water bounced back and forth off the foot of the peak, where the General stood. Before the irregular, blurry figure obscured by the light, was a broken mirror. The giant frame towered above the humanoid shape as it stared into it intently, perhaps awaiting for it to repair itself and reveal The General's reflection. Though time was difficult to gauge in the Beyond, the suspension felt like an eternity before the figure rose its eyes and looked straight through the mirror at Avelor.

"I see yet another aspiring climber tried to follow me here. Well done, I am... somewhat impressed." A voice spreading through the area like a thousand whispers spoke to the mage, yet the figure's lips remained still - what was there of lips on the figure's face anyway. The voice was quite unpleasant when it spoke, sounding split, as if it couldn't focus - the words were clearly distinguishable, but one could only wonder if more than one entity was trying to speak through. It echoed off everything and nothing, audible for seconds after it seemed to disappear - penetrating into one's mind and invading it aggressively.
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The audacity that spewed from the purple cur's mouth. Avelor stood up straight, clearly irked by her words. He gave a chuckling retort, "Another aspiring climber? No General Parthenius. I am the Dreamer. The one the Chantry alludes to and will revere. Do not take me lightly" He vehemently spat the last few words. His eyes ablaze with disdain as he stared down at her past his nose.

Little could compete with Avelor's ruthless ambition, but his ego and pride superseded it. His upper lip curled into a snarl as his shimmering figure burst into a flash of light, only to have him materialize in a similar manner behind the General, staring at her luminescent eyes through the cracked mirror. What was it? Was that the secret to her power?

Avelor kept his eyes forward, refusing to glance down at his trembling fists. He'd only seen the general in the courts, felt her presence from a distance, but the sheer proximity had him feeling hazy, almost light-headed. Was it the General or the mirror that seemingly pulled at his spirit? He watched the back of her arrogant head. He could strike her down here. He could feel the blood magic primed and ready at his fingertips. All he had to do was say yes to the life-hungry demons and the power of the Fade would be at his command. She wouldn't even have the time to wipe that smug look off her face.

"What are you doing here General? What is this artifact? Are the Altus aware of your transgressions?" Though Avelor was not positive about her heresy or treason, something did not seem or sit right with him. His breath grew heavy at the way Rathana stood brimming with confidence and absolution. He reached back and gripped his staff for comfort. He was ready to fight if need be. This was not his side of the Fade but he knew he could hold his own. He was the council's Fade expert and consultant. I am a Dreamer. I am the Dreamer.
Where the figure was planted, it stood, unmoving when approached. The General appeared as a skinny figure with poorly visible features - the surface of her was covered in shifting, mauve flames that danced on the surface of her dreaming body. If this was her true form then one could almost pity her for struggling to retain her matter in one piece, constantly battling to remain whole and not splitting into thousands of pieces. As Avelor appeared behind the General, she only adjusted her gaze not bothering to turn around - the two blinding lights of her sockets looking at where Avelor's eyes would be in the reflection of the glass. That is, if the mirror had been whole. In its current state, it looked as if the figure was staring ahead and simply through it. Perhaps the missing pieces were only visible to Rathana?

"Shall I be afraid? Facing the one and only Dreamer, designated by the Imperial Senate itself. Ah, there's nothing like a motivated Altus. And you are nothing like a true Altus should be, Somniari." With clear amusement, the split voice echoed again and became even more intrusive, attempting to penetrate inside the Dreamer's mind. It seemed that the General had done her fair share of research too, more than aware of the upcoming social climber.

"How must it feel to devote your whole life to being the best only to realise that you are nothing at all, Somniari?" Avoiding any answers, too amused by their conversation, the General tried to delay the arrival of the guests she could sense now. Without any signs, she suppressed the opening of the portal to allow herself a few more moments of play. It came as a cost, though could very easily come across as a threat; the General's shape finally split just as her voice did, the light that made up her figure separating her into several identical figures now stood around the mirror and Avelor.

"Do it. I encourage you to, if you know where to aim. Strike me." Sounding somewhat like a plea, the set of images stood still as the General had before. All looking expectantly at Avelor.
Her taunting words echoed in his head, exacerbated by his abilities at question. He glanced around, readying his staff, as the meta-physical world seemed to change and shift into something he'd never experienced before. An overbearing ambiance embraced his psyche causing him to grit his teeth and steel his mind. The invading presence was hers. Or was it that mirrors?

Rathana's voice no longer emanated from the warped figure. She spoke directly into him. He let out an anguished cry as the demons and spirits happily withdrew his blood in exchange for their fade-linked powers. A summoned barrier held Rathana's probing mind at bay. "That's enough Rathana. You will answer to the courts of Altus". With great difficulty, he refused to answer her biting questions. But the words sunk in.

Then Rathana's image distorted and phased into replicas surround Avelor, leaving him to twist and turn, unsure of where to face or who to strike. Avelor's pointed ears were now visible past his disheveled hair. His eyes frantically darted to and fro as his staff brimmed with a blood-imbued bolt. Was it wise to strike the general? Despite the legends and stories that could be heard across the table at local inns or taverns.. they did not do her justice. Was it because of the fade and her artifact? Her powers were god-like and her presence was becoming unbearable. She knew it. And now he knew it too.

He swallowed hard. He could summon him... But that was only the last resort of last resorts. No, now was not the time.

His barrier began to crack at the incessant energies Rathana and her copies exuded. It continued to buckle until the barrier effectively drained Avelor, bringing him to his hands and knees, his staff clattering beside him. He looked up at one of her projections. Blood streaked from all facial orifices. He coughed and blood splattered onto the floor beneath him.

"I... concede... General Parthenius" His limbs buckled as he mustered all his strength just to keep from collapsing.

It seemed to the General that, like in every other case, ambition had outgrown capabilities yet again. How truly disappointing to have allowed herself be followed, only to be met with failure so quickly. Alas, as quickly as her interest had grown, it plateaued and flopped right after. Perhaps another few centuries would provide her with a challenger worth her time. All she could ever do, was wait.
The General's voice split again, vibrating as she sighed and eased her intrusiveness; the pent up energy that had accumulated around them so quickly, dissipating softly. The

"I see you communicate with them as well. Though evidently you allow them to feed freely, tsk, tsk." Where for a moment she simply showed boredom, a chuckle rose up the creature's throat as she heard herself be threatened so pathetically. "You think the Altus is going to bother with me? Oh, dear boy. Not even the Archon or the Divine can do anything, I am the only thing keeping this Maker-forsaken land from being consumed by the Qunari. That includes your life as well, I wouldn't forget that so quickly out of pure ambition. Whatever they may have promised you for me, it will not be worth it." As the General spoke her words, the Eluvian before them lit up with a blinding, blue light - uncharacteristic of the colours around them. The ancient mirror seemed to function despite the broken pieces and one could only wonder as to what kind of dark magic could manipulate it so.

With another deep sigh, The General moved its feet and all of its split images came to face Avelor directly - blinding sockets of its face leveling with the elven mage. "Ar lasa mala revas." Whether the mage was taunting him by speaking Elven was yet to be seen, but whenever she did so, her voice seemed softer and more united. Struggling to remain whole, the magister seemed to be in a difficult battle with her own image as the fragments of her otherworldly existence attempted to split further. Could this be a weakness to exploit or simply another visage put on to confuse others? As she spoke the elven words, the General rose up from her spot and directed all of her attention to the mirror - no longer attempting to penetrate inside the Dreamer's head and setting him completely free; though perhaps in his current, weakened state, she was about to feed him to whatever came through that mirror. As suspicious and mysterious the General was, she seemed to have no interest in torturing the boy further - completely dismissing the powerful blood that oozed out of him. She simply considered it... useless.

As the portal before them opened, the General and all of her split images grouped together. The presence that arrived through the Eluvian was a promise of relief and as the monstrosity crossed into this part of the Beyond, it revealed itself as a Fear Demon. Surprisingly, not a Pride or Desire Demon, but that of Fear - how curious. Timely arriving with three Terrors and Fearlings accompanying it, its presence was overwhelming as it gripped at any possible insecurities of those around it, almost reaching inside them and pulling at their stomachs. Opening its wide mouth to sense the energy filling this secluded part of the Fade, it immediately turned its head towards the Dreamer - what a delicious snack he would provide in his current, weakened state. How rare indeed.

Immediately drawn to the figure, the Fearlings and Terrors moved towards the weakened mage before being stopped in their tracks by an invasive voice: "Not him." If the mage didn't have any reasons to hate the General, he did now - some would have even said, he owed her. A death at the hand of a Fear Demon would certainly not be a pleasant one. Interesting.
The sudden release of tension had Avelor's forehead crashing to the ground as his elbows gave out. His shoulders shook as he took sharp shuddering breaths. It wasn't the oxygen he desperately inhaled for: it was simply a meditative technique to assuade one's mind in or out of the Fade. He shut his eyes, desperately trying to calm his nerves. Demons fed on weakness and fear. But for all his breathing, the facts didn't change: death metaphorically brushed by him; death quite literally stood a few feet from him.

"I see you communicate with them as well. Though evidently you allow them to feed freely, tsk, tsk."

He slowly pushed himself to his knees and sat on his haunches. He wiped his bloody face with the back of his hand. He didn't appreciate its tone, but curiosity overtook his vindictiveness. He'd watch and learn. For him, the efficacy of creating such a forbidden bond with demons was how he could garner such power without extensive training. Avelor had a knack for magic, but was still largely inexperienced. There were many powers and factions vying for dominance within the Emperium. As for who was actually keeping the invaders at bay: the judge was still out.

"Ar lasa mala revas." Soft words, harsh lips.

Avelor wasn't fluent in Elvish, but he knew the phrase. What exactly was he free from? Or was her provoking expression more telling than subtle. He glared back at the prospect of being toyed with. Though, were the general's eyes even on him? Its unstable form and hazy eyes made it difficult to know exactly where its focus was.

His eyes widened as a crackling portal formed before the General. Her forms congregated and seemingly stabilized. A black ghastly head peered from the portal, opening its mouth to shriek its arrival. The large insect-like legs that sprouted from its back ticked and twitched with anticipation as it stepped out from its the gateway. Avelor swallowed hard as he picked up his staff and sprang to his feet. He stood straight, but kept his body turned to the side, knees slightly bent. He was going to give these demons hell before they took him. Any sign of movement and he would fight.

"Not him." Rathana commanded in a concise and slightly garbled tone.

Avelor's delicate features snapped towards the distorted general. If not for me, then what were these demons summoned here for? And by who? Did the general consort with demons? He stifled the urge to question Rathana. His knuckles whitened around his staff as he watched anxiously.
It was said that a death in the Fade equalled an eternity of loss in the real world; a tranquil state replaced one's mind, if it ever became consumed in the Beyond. Avelor it seemed, had escaped this ratched fate barely by a breath - all thanks to the Magister before him.

"If you want to know the true cost of power, then watch carefully little lamb." What was currently a greater danger to the Dreamer's sanity was questionable; was it the Fear demons before him or the aftermath of escaping the Fade? Having revealed all his weaknesses to the General herself, he would surely have a poor chance of mounting an attack on her in the real world. Did any physical power stand a chance against such a creature? Even the Fear demons seemed to heed her words and commands. Having lost interest in penetrating inside the climber's mind, the General freed him of her magic, allowing him to recover. He'd need to pay attention very carefully now.

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Noticing the nervousness that the Dreamer exhibited, Rathana laughed. Oh, how little he knew, how little did they prepare him for when they sent him here. "You are nothing but a sacrificial lamb thrown into the fire itself." Suddenly, their surroundings started changing - the mirror disappearing and turning into a glowing, swirling portal that was now open to anything and anyone. With a rise of her hands, the General ripped the metaphysical domicile she had created apart - patches of the ground they seemed to be stood on rising in the air and disappearing into nothing but ash. What became uncovered was the inside of a tower study with typical Tevene features - heraldry of the Imperium swinging from the ceilings as the air current picked up speed around the General and with it, a sudden influx of limbs and distorted faces all merged into one. Had they been here all along? Was this even the Fade still?

The energy of the open portal changed when the demons entered, the Fear and all its underlings apparently the bringers of it all. With its spider like limbs, the creature easily latched onto the lavitating mess and joined it eagerly; there was something different about it however, that did not become apparent initially. Where the mess of limbs and distorted images were all similar to each other, all trying to desperately grab a bite of the General's entity, this one changed - as it struggled against its binders, the creature that seemed so eager to consume the Dreamer a moment ago, was a clear, bright image of a human woman that fought through the demons to grab at the figure it surrounded. Was the General a cursed human soul or was she a demon, a walking abomination?

At the centre of it all, the creature that was Rathana looked like a measly, small, human woman. More than aware that she had stayed in this form for too long, the Magister eagerly gave into the ritual, lighting up the incantation circle to strengthen her binding to the physical world. No need to become a true abomination or a tranquil now, was there. Alas, perhaps if she wouldn't be reunited with her soul, then maybe she would be granted a more powerful vessel - this one could barely do any fighting as it was, nevermind any other worldly pleasures. The General had appeared as this form for the past two months and had quickly grown tired and irritated in this skin; it was too small, too fragile and too confined. Yes, that was a good description indeed. It almost felt claustrophobic.

Alas, it turned out not to be her day - the only one and bright creature among the chaos losing its strength just as it was a breath away from touching the vessel. What pushed it out of the way was something a lot darker and more powerful, quickly fusing with the Parthenius' image and distorting it as it struggled to decide on what shape to take - she was now, if only for a moment, at her most vulnerable.

It was doubtful that anyone had ever bared witness to this ritual before. If there was any chance of ever striking the General down, it was now.
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Avelor's eyes widened as he tried to comprehend the sudden shift in the Fade. He had moved and shaped objects before, but he never fathomed shattering whole land masses. The ground ripped apart and Avelor desperately clung to the edges as the piece of Fade he kneeled on began to rise.

And suddenly, he was on the warm rugs of a candle-lit study. The decor was clearly of Tevinter influence. They were not void of magics just yet. He watched a torrent of air swirl around the general's figure. Clawing hands and wanton spirits swam around what appeared to be the luminescent figure of a human. The human was void of any purple flames or dark auras. His brow furrowed as he tried to make sense of what he was seeing.

And then he realized, that was Rathana. A Rathana void of any interfering elements or spirits. Whoever sat in the middle of the circle looked like someone in need. Possibly someone who was possessed by who he came to know as: Rathana Parthenius. His jaw tightened as his practical side argued for striking her down then and there. His compassion argued otherwise. He let out a heavy sigh before walking through the swirl that surrounded Rathana. He reached down and took her slender wrist and pulled her into him The sheer energy of the circle caused him to stumble back and collapse with her her in his arms, outside of the circle. Perhaps he should have just ended her there and then. Perhaps he had just sealed his fate.
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Perhaps that was all Rathana Parthenius ever was: a damned, pitiful, cursed soul destined to outlive an eternity in silent suffering and constant struggle. And it wasn't about to get any easier for her; when she allowed Avelor to follow her here, when she decided it would be useful for such an ambitious young mind to witness the true cost of power, she never expected for it to cost her something of her own.

She had awaited centuries for her missing soul to reappear, countlessly undergoing the same ritual just to lure it out with her presence. Where it had been fractured and ripped away from her so brutally and so long ago, it had only managed to appear a handful of times - she could see it now, staring at her desperately as it attempted to reach out and it would only take one touch for them to be reunited. It had finally managed to nurse itself and mount up enough energy to appear - with her eyes wide open, she stared at it and could almost feel the relief washing over her accursed mind. Letting herself believe it would all be better now, all resolved, she closed her eyes with a sigh and awaited - just a few more seconds, her other half was strong enough to come back to her.

Alas, the damned presence she had indulged in conversation disturbed all her plans. What Rathana ended up feeling a moment after was not the relaxing, soothing sensation of being reunited with her old self - rather a forceful yank of her wrist that landed her in the Dreamer's arms and away from the only one thing she had desired for the past few centuries. To be whole again.

At her most vulnerable, all she could do was release a shrieking cry of despair, turning her weak body to see her true form being swallowed up by the darkness. It disappeared as quickly as it appeared, lamenting its tragic faith as it became overpowered by the evil around it.

"Nooooo!" Too weak and exhausted, the General had no more energy left in its weak vessel. On the verge of dissipating altogether, she managed to desperately crawl back towards the Circle and just barely touch her hand to the outlined incantations. What became attracted to it was something far worse than either of them could have anticipated.

"Help me back in... Or I will perish." Her voice trembling with emotion more crushing than she had ever experienced before, she had no choice, but to beg the one, who had prevented her healing for help. His fast-acquired debt could easily be repaid now; she had saved him from the Fear Demon and he could help her remain in this retched world for a while longer. Already, Rathana's measly vessel started perishing with everything around them - the tips of her limb slowly lifting off her and turning into ash like everything else.

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