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Fantasy [Extinction Event; Ancient Whispers] Remastered CS


Prizzy Kriyze

Multiple Stab Wounds
You're special. Yeah, you know. You always have been.

Maybe you noticed when you outperformed every other athlete on the field in everything without breaking a sweat, save those with exceptional cybernetic enhancements. Or maybe, later in life, you figured that the likelihood of you never once having been sick was a statistical anomaly. Perhaps it struck you in the shower, when you realized you'd never lost an argument like so many others seemed to complain about. By lord, you were no fantastical super human or legendary hero, but nobody else ever really seemed to compare.

You have always been competent, ruthless, and exceptional at what you do, but have you ever once stopped to wonder why that is? Why your voice is law? Why your skin barely bruises? Certainly, no one else ever has. Why, in spite of all this, do you feel like you're a shackled, chained, and sick animal, only a quiet whisper of your true self?

This doubt is not natural to you, but the thoughts were spurred when the something contacted you. The beckon was clear as day, but only to you. Maybe it was displayed on your TV amidst the static, or maybe in a strange envelope pushed under your door by some unseen force - perhaps even whispered to you in your dreams last night.

"The cycle ends. It is time for Divinity to be gathered whole once more. Retake what is yours, and do not waver."

The shackles have been cast off. You can feel the others. You may not like it, but you know what you have to do.​


This is only a list of the required parts of your character sheets. How you wish to code or display them is up to you, but make sure you touch on all the following parts. Before posting your character in the Character Sheet section it should be sent to me in a DM for review, where we can discuss what kind of powers your aspect might grant you and what you'd like to achieve in the roleplay.

(Image and description. Over time, as your powers quickly mature, your appearance will start changing to fit the tone. What once was human will soon look fantastical.)


(The Divines are all exceptional individuals, and their standings reflect that. Typically, they are drawn to positions of power or violence, but exceptions exist. They are Corporate Directors, Politicians, Gang Leaders, Secret Agents, Religious Leaders, Celebrities, Socialites, Special Forces Commanders, Judges, etc. This part of the CS deserves extra thought, as the nature of both your character and your eventual powers should thematically inspire what profession they've been in.)

(A Divine is no less than 20 years old, but there is no upper limit. Consider, however, that if they're past the age of 30 to 40, people around them might have noticed that they don't seem to age - unless, of course, you'd be rich enough to afford rejuvenation treatment.)

(Take creative freedoms, but consider that your character is likely to feel superior to others, and to feel disconnected with the rest of mankind.)

(The history of any carrier is as varied as any human's, but clearly shaped by the presence of Divinity in their lives.)

(Regardless of what the Divinity has made of your psyche and mortal form, you are a human at heart - a human with friends, family, and dreams. What is your character's deepest ambition?)

(A theme of powers that your character embodies either through history or symbolism. It should be a single word with a wide meaning to allow for as wide a range of interesting powers as possible. Keep in mind that abilities that have definite qualities (i.e. "always works", "always hits", or are otherwise difficult to write against) are discouraged unless particularly interesting. Remember that all Divines grow in physical might and speed over time, and that they're all capable of sensing other carriers as long as they aren't supernaturally disguised or hidden.)

(Leave empty, for now.)


Reginald Burkhardt
  • Age:

    Hair Style:

    Hair Color:
    Eye Color:

    Skin Color:
    Black Suit Attire,
    sometimes with white lab coat

    5'10" (177.8 cm)/145 lbs (65.77 kg)

The meaning of the universe is just within my grasp... I must not dally... I have to know.
Reginald Burkhardt

I'll add more when I find them

Kyros Echnaton.png
Kyros Echnaton
“Darkness covers all, the world is silent
For the creator rests in her horizon.”

General Information


Twenty Eight

Six Feet

High Saint of the Temple of Sol

White hair, pale skin and grey eyes. As if to offset the albinism, Kyros dresses extravagantly in black, red and gold to add a few colors to his palette. His frame is slender but powerful, as it is often accentuated by rigid elaborate suits and jackets; the quality of which betrays the money and resources he has on hand. He strides with confidence and authority, elegantly weaving through the room or commanding attention as he sees fit. The mask he shows the world is one of theatrical emotions and convincing lies, and when he is with people of little consequence, his trusted few, or by himself, his apathy shines through.

Biography & Personality
Even if Echnaton was a chosen name originally, the family had made it their own and given it the respect it was due by coercion and manipulation. A few hundred years ago, its progenitor established the Temple of Sol: a religion drawing inspiration from ancient Egyptian teachings and modern messages of love, life, and the nurture thereof. After a rigorous marketing campaign it took hold in several small, undeveloped countries, and further provided their miseries by siphoning every single dollar out of their pockets and into the family's vaults. The greed spurred its early leaders to spread further, prey on the weak and vulnerable by offering a community, and creating a hierarchy within the organization itself. Of course, the Echnatons were at its center, the patron saints of the entire religion - said to be closer to the Sun God than any other. The central members of the Temple of Sol resemble a cult, and its members can be driven to fanatic frenzy at only a command from their masters.

It's old, old money by now. Kyros was raised in the lap of luxury, conditioned and educated with centuries of social manipulation. His early childhood was little more than indoctrination into the family. His position above the men and women who worshiped the ground he walked on, and the core tenets of the Temple were driven into him. Unfortunately, before he had the opportunity to fully integrate, someone had finally had enough, and the entire family was executed for heresy on a routine visit to one of their branches in a smaller megacity. Everyone except Kyros, who was deemed too young to travel at the time. The rest of his upbringing was in the hands of his church, with priests and important religious figures as stand-ins for his mother, father and many siblings.

And he was, in fact, divine. The masses following him found themselves riled at his speeches, his educators marveled at his mental aptitude, and the inner circle of Temple of Sol leaders were impressed by how aptly he organized to maximize profits. These days, cups with the Temple's logo on it are nearly just as plentiful as "I love Jesus" t-shirts throughout Nutopia. Still, Kyros wants more. He just knows fate has picked him, and he's patiently awaiting the day he can commandeer his army of followers into the glorious light of the sun, to fight for a cause he has not yet understood.

Kyros is calm and calculative, a schemer at heart. The value of those around him is only a measure of how much they can do to further his own goals. Thanks to the worship he's experienced from a very young age and the Soul's powerful effects on his body and mind, he has a very realized God complex. He knows that he can get whatever he wants, and it leaves him disinterested in anything that doesn't feel like a challenge. This has lead him to obsessively chase a perceived state of physical and mental perfection that always seems just out of reach. Little excites or fazes him, but he finds comfort and pride in his control and power. So much so, any perceived slight against his position is met with disproportional consequences, as his pettiness is just as great as his ego.

Total domination. Kyros wishes to spread his influence to every corner of the world, have every major leader in his pocket, and control everything - or destroy everything, should the world not bend knee.

The Sun
Sol is a fickle mistress, giving and taking life as she sees fit. Rays of light scorch or nurture life at her behest, and the entire world revolves around her. Without her light, we are lost. Without her warmth, we will freeze. Without her grace, we are nothing.



Height: 5’ 10”
Weight: 150 lbs.
Hair: Black, Long
Eyes: Grey

Elizabeth Mallory

Chairwoman on the Board of Directors for the Noctis Cosmetics Company. She started out as a model for the company, but after years of success she slowly made her way up the corporate ladder.


If anyone truly knew Elizabeth, they’d describe her as being as fake as the cosmetics she sells. Kind, sweet, and caring on the outside, inside she is a storm of selfishness and ferality. With her prolonged life it has become harder for her to keep up appearances.

Growing up in a particularly wealthy household with parents who worked most of the time, there were two constants throughout Elizabeth's childhood: Caretakers for when her parents were gone and inflicting pain on others. The two often overlapped, with her caretakers being her favorite victims, but it wasn’t until she was twelve that she made one bleed and truly discovered her calling. Her parents would often take her side when she acted innocent so she learned she could get away with her cruelty by putting up a facade, most of the time. After some trouble in school she learned to further distance herself from the “accidents” she caused by choosing people she rarely interacted with.

By the time she was twenty, she had a routine down. It was much easier to lure people to her, and she had a place to be alone with her own apartment. Her “accidents” quickly evolved into murders. It was easier than she thought. After all, people went missing all the time, and nobody cared. If she was careful who she chose and where and when, she could get away with it no problem. And her success in the modeling industry gave her access to a whole new caste of victims. With her increase in fatality so too did her bloodlust increase. The length in time between victims shortened. She found when she drank or bathed in the blood of the victims, she felt stronger, more confident.

For fifty years she slowly made her way up the corporate ladder until she landed a seat on the board of executives, thanks to her extensive knowledge of the product and modeling. Claiming she uses rejuvenation treatments, she is unsure of what keeps her so young.

To experience true love. Love that wasn't overpowered by her bloodlust.

Blood - Our bodies an hourglass, our blood the sand. Drops like red rubies, determining our fate. All of it shall be mine.


  • Name: Arden Garsch
    Nickname/Alias: Huntsman
    Age: 36
    Gender: Male
    Height: 6'0
    Weight: 180
    Profession: An underground crime lord spurred on entirely by his own desires.





code by RI.a
With a small build, chubby cheeks, and the child-like innocence in his eyes, Levi seems to be much younger than he actually is. His brown hair is lazily tied into a ponytail, and his blueish green eyes are always vacantly staring into the distance.

Levi Empedocles

Psychology Major


An absolute airhead with extreme trust issues. With a privileged upbringing, Levi is very entitled, but this trait rarely shows since his charm makes others follow his every whim. He has also a superiority complex. Levi is unable to hate anyone, any negative feelings means disregarding them as a lesser being.

The only time he is wholeheartedly nice is when he is focused on crafting. Crafting is the only harbor where he can take a rest from the messy outside world.

Born with a sliver spoon in his mouth, Levi grew up completely spoiled with riches. But with his parents rarely coming home, his caretakers completely disgruntled by the brat, Levi longed for connection. Living in a mansion didn't allow for him to make friends, and even if he did meet anyone, his entitlement drove them away.

One day, Levi realized everyone became infatuated with him. He didn't undergo any personality change, so Levi thought he must be doing something right. He doubled down in his annoying behavior, and everyone loved him even more. Thus Levi slowly became completely unbearable.

One thing that Levi noticed was everyone around him seem happier once they loved him. The butler stopped arguing with the chef, the driver smiled more often, and the maids always hummed a cheerful tune while cleaning. Yet the world outside was full of pain and strife. Levi wondered if love can make the world a better place? To find the answer, Levi studied for the first time in his life.

Levi learned everything exceptionally quickly, except for how human minds worked. He became obsessed on finding the answer, and perhaps a solution to fix the mind of those who lack love. This is the reason he choose to study psychology. Levi always felt he lacked a part of something, which hinders his abilities to understand humans, and his gut told him he is closed to finding the answer. Or maybe that feeling is an indication for something bigger, something much bigger than he ever could've imagined.

To fix the broken minds of humans, and create a utopia where there is no strife, only love.

Eros, Ludus, Storge, Pragma, Mania, Agape, Love comes in all different shapes and sizes. Love is the force that unites things, that brings them together. Love mixes and blends and combines. Love can make us greater, or lead to our ultimate downfall.

(Leave empty, for now.)

Ambition There is nothing Mira would not do to protect her brother. Their fates were intermingled, she was certain, but Roman had never put much stock in it. His gentle words superseded his disbelief; Bellamira trusted that he believed her, because she had to, but he doubted her like everyone else. He’d spent half of his life so far taking care of her when she was unable. He deserved to live the rest of it, after her demise, even if she fixated on the idea of his death. He deserved to be correct in his doubt. It came with the understanding that her own death was inevitable. It would be worth it to die, she thought, if she could only set up her brother to survive and succeed: to pay him back for all of his wasted energy. The time he could never get back from her. He would survive if fate would allow her to make it so.

Bellamira Orison 5'8" & 112lbs | Socialite | 29 Years Old

Long black hair, braided into itself, thick eyeshadow and mascara leaking down her face. Bella’s taste is extraordinarily expensive. She has a love for platform boots and facial piercings; the sparkling of her silver tongue and teeth infectious in the light. Her blue eyes are always bloodshot. She often slurs her words, but those closest would remember her differently, sober and lucid and gloomy. It’s been several years since Bella has last stayed well through the day. The woman is no less alluring when inebriated.

Aspect: Oracle
There was always a chance Mira would “freak out” in public.
She called it ‘seeing light’ for as long as she could remember. Sometimes, the dread closed in, imposing, threatening, grabbing at her throat and plunging her into darkness. Sometimes, it was more subtle, the intense urge to get the fuck away from wherever she was or to ditch an item or person as soon as possible. None of these things are easy to comprehend from the outside.

Her trance-like speech, though, grabbed attention like nothing else. Mira is divine; her eyes pools of depressed consciousness and half-clarity, tears dripping down her face like a mother in mourning for the universe she created. It was poetry; Oftentimes, it was knowledgeable, though not always correct.
It was bearing down on her. It wasn’t something she had wanted, but it was a gift in a way, something bestowed upon her like a cancer eating through her body. It was too much to be relied on for advice. It was too much to choke on words of death and destruction.
At the least, it wouldn’t be long, she was certain.


Bellamira has sashayed through life with a justified sense of hedonism.

In the most distant recesses of her mind, she could remember struggling. As a child she faced constant rejection - she and her brother Roman never had the chance for an ordinary upbringing with ordinary parents, instead passed between a seemingly unending stream of relatives both close and distant throughout their childhood. Although Roman was mild-mannered and polite, Mira was decidedly “hard to handle” and few put up with her for more than four or five months. The only exception was their great-Aunt Mildred – the pair’s first guardian – but she was killed in a home invasion when they were nine, and the children had been quietly ushered away before anyone could ask them too many questions. She hadn't believed Mira when she said they should all go back to her son’s house for the night. Nobody ever did.

The core of the problem was that Bellamira could always perceive the seemingly inevitable rejection from the first moment she was introduced to new people. Therapists called it anxiety, but the visions of suffering and loss seemed so real to her - and they always came to pass. It forced her mind to focus on endings instead of beginnings. The isolation grew as the pair were shuffled from setting to setting. She slipped into obsessions about the horrific acts people commit against each other, war atrocities, crime. While Roman tried to keep the peace and stay in school, Mira spent their little money on alcohol and pot, sleeping through the days and getting too inebriated at night (when nobody was awake to disturb her) to suffer from the acute knowledge of her (seemingly imminent) demise. The girl had predicted deaths before. Her own seemed completely unavoidable. What was the point of long-term goals?

They were kicked out for the last time when they were sixteen or so – it was hard to remember that far back. Roman got a job. He never spoke to her about any sort of necessity for her to do so; Mira’s brother had been the one at her bedside while she held her head cradled against her knees, body covered in sweat and quivering like a newborn deer, and he understood that nobody was going to hire her as strung out as she always was. Not even in the shadier circles he'd come to find himself in: Bellamira herself knew better than to pry into dangerous affairs.

They shared a studio for a few years. Without the external pressure of chronically disappointed guardians, Mira got better. She began to paint, to exercise, and even to sing. She took up shooting with Roman on the weekends. He’d been at the hobby since his time as a youth ranger, but she surpassed his skill in months. She felt safer outside once he gifted her a pistol on their birthday. Most things were easy when she really tried. It became hard to relate to the idea of struggling even if she could remember it, as Mira found that most of her problems disappeared overnight when she came of gambling age, and bought her first in a series of many dozen winning scratch tickets. She'd noticed the trend before, how her gut feeling seemed to predetermine the future in ways seemingly impossible. Luck, one might call it. She kept meeting the right people at the right times, and they kept paying attention whenever she opened her mouth. Becoming a socialite within Roman’s criminal circles became easy, too, with the funds to present herself.

It became a sort of game. The world was full of beautiful and lovely things: if she was destined to die young then surely she was meant to see as many of them as possible before that time. Doubt was fading in the rear-view mirror, but every so often it reared its ugly head. She came to wonder why her brother had taken care of her throughout the difficult years, when getting out of bed seemed an insurmountable task. It was difficult in success to remember why her brother had supported her in her failure, and when she had asked Roman why he had abided her uselessness for so long he’d only replied that it was “hard to live without a soul”. She didn't understand what to make of that.

So it remained in stasis. Gala-gothic aesthetic and a two-bedroom apartment with full amenities carried Roman as he moved from a simple drug runner to a sort of street surgeon. Mira’s reputation intermingled with his; the pair were known to others as eccentrics good at ‘what they do’. What they did, within the actual mob, always seemed up for contention. She was an artist, an aristocrat; he was an urchin and surgeon. The pair became a sort of dilemma. There was a price to collaboration with Roman - the price of closeness to his sister among others - but he was good, and she was better, quick hands and a quick shot in times of crisis.

Something about their situation, though, seemed to drive Roman mad. The distance between them grew greater in his success. Some objections so fundamental that simply perceiving their truth would threaten to break them apart. She heard him up at night, hardwood creaking under heavy footsteps, murmuring and considering with words that (like the contents of her visions) she felt too much fear to examine. The gunshot that echoed through her dreams prevented her from questioning him too deeply. It was inevitable, but that did not mean she wanted to spur its course.

The way it happened.. she had not expected it. He didn’t kick her out, but he stopped coming home. She expected him to come back. She waited for weeks, then months, living in a two-bedroom apartment and reserving a woefully empty bedroom. She turned away patients with the promise that he was coming back. Without an eviction notice, it was easy to pretend. At some point, though, that delusion fell apart. Her home became precious in a way it had not been before: a gift she no longer expected and a museum of the past simeltaneously. She could pay her way, by then, but still the apartment became more of a refuge than an object offensive to her pride; it was a proof, she knew, of what love remained between them. Codependence, but not closeness. Love, but not trust. Obligation.

When his debtors came to collect, Mira took the heat. There was no choice: she hadn't a clue where he went and did not pursue him for the fact she was unneeded. It was clear, then, that Roman would not be back. Her life became more difficult under the hands of the syndicate. They had lost a good part of their investment in the pair already; if anything, her existence became supervised and at times uncomfortable. Years later, when he finally left the address of a PO box for return mail on a letter, she rarely bothered to write him back. It was in a nowhere town he didn’t live in, anyway. Such limited communication caused more problems for her than it was worth.

She had no delusions of power. It seemed that the compassionate thing to do would be to die quietly, she thought, and to avoid inflicting this anxiety on anybody else. But her brother did not need to die in the same way. He deserved better; if she was doomed than he was the cause to which she would be a martyr. To make a place for him with her death would put her at peace, somehow.

Last edited:

by thy mercy.

Roman Orison





Roman's face and figure have grown into a long, aquiline kind of grace in his later years. It casts a tall shadow, the 6'2 stature and the still, collected ease that weights it, the broad and arrogant yoke of his shoulders that warps crowded hallways away and around him. He has all the heavy steadfastness of a rock in the tide, a large, cool presence that soothes where it should intimidate. Part nature, part intent, and he's always been told he has a lovely smile - its brilliance softens his stark colouring, the cropped black hair and pale features, the scar, the sharp and yellow directness of his gaze. Perhaps he should've almost been frightening, in another life; in this one, though, there remains only the sense that the edges are smooth, and the touch is kind. The port, not the storm.

The voice and hands as steady as God. Roman's arrogance is almost fascinating to watch, so consuming and inscrutable and total as it is, and even still so oddly difficult to pinpoint. To pin down just what it is about this man, his slow, easy smile and placid words, the mocking humour, how his eyes burn when he holds the fragile pulse of another life between his fingers.

As a child, Roman used to study what it was to be good. How to be well-behaved, undemanding - he did his best to fulfil it. It was born partly out of necessity, to be the balm to his little sister's aggravations, to make Bellamira's excuses after the screaming and tears were done. To patch up her scrapes. Tidy her room. Their guardians often remarked upon how mature he was for his age. He never resented her for it - llooking after her was all he ever wanted.

He doesn't speak of some of the things he did in the name of that end. A star pupil forced to leave school at 16, leave the scholarships and little after-school clubs for the only job that gave him enough cash in hand for them to pay rent, and it was a wilderness that he found himself willingly lost in. He had always been practical. Practical to a fault, even, and he simply shelved thoughts of university and a career with little pain. It was easy when he could come back to their studio, to Mira, and see the light in her eyes slowly begin to shine again.

Gang associations began to suit him, ironically enough. It suited his unshakeable calm, the growingly apparent lack of remorse. He was treated as something of a curiosity, at first, and it was a curiosity healthily laced with suspicion despite the inconsequence of his role; his cards remained close to his chest, and his motives were murky. He didn't want them to know Mira's name, her face. He didn't want to drag her in when he was only just beginning to paddle. But, of course, Roman still knew how to be good. Tolerance slowly turned to trust - his higher-ups saw an ambition in him that they knew they could put to good use, and the slow introduction of his precious, jealously watched-over sister within the fold appeared to be the final missing piece within his puzzle. It took only two bloody, back-alley altercations for his unusual talent to become of note, the delirious slurring of the other runner as he pulled him back to the safehouse, how Roman 'came through the light' to save him. He soon found a battered copy of Grey's Anatomy slammed on the table before him, a hand waved vaguely to the point of 'study'. He was too distinct as a runner, anyway - too tall, too bright in the eye - and they'd decided it was time to invest.

Their investment found his own feet soon enough. A back-alley doctor for all those who feared the facial recognition in the great city hospitals, and for those who simply could not afford them - and he was exceptional. His little sister had settled into their circle, by then, and for a time, Roman was almost content. But the decay had already begun. As he paced alone in his practice in the dead hours of morning, he knew it was by his grace alone - his mercy - that these people lived or died. He dreamed of it, this terrible, nameless power, the lifeblood that stained his hands, his shirt. It felt like madness, a shapeless ambition to be greater. For them all to see the good he could do. He began to disappear. He bought a new apartment without telling Mira, applied for graduate schemes at the largest district hospital to be found, and invested in enough forged paperwork to succeed. The Orisons' goodbyes were bitter. He was made senior doctor at a ridiculously young age, little did the hospital know. Fortunately, he'd forged that too. Dr. Roman Halpine still supposedly had a sister, though terribly ill and living far from here, unable to travel to visit; it was because he now also had colleagues, a reputation and a successful, old-money fiancée, and he wove this story for them amongst the rewritten tale of the upbringing that he perhaps once could've had.

Sainthood, for lack of a better word. Roman knows he's been given a gift, and he needs more. He wants the very city to have felt his touch.
Somewhere in there is still a fierce, protective love for Bellamira, full of teeth and long, wretched nights spent drying her tears, cutting her fruit, holding her when it all became too much. He knows that he'll be watching over her forever, in a way. Maybe once he would've said his ambition was only to see her smile. These days, reality has made him settle for simply keeping her safe in their distance.

The Angel | Cosmic fire and screaming glory, righteous, unknowable, terrible. Merciful. Repent - grovel upon the sickened dirt from which you came - and pray that salvation may yet know you.


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