Esprit Academy

"Dean Sovu! Sir, our base in the North-west has just gone silent! They managed to radio in a simple message before we went dark in the Majesty Ocean." The man directly spoke to the older man who ran all of Esprit in front of him. "Class S," he stated in disbelief. "Th-the monster seemed to have some sort of SE disrupting power... It's coming through the Ocean, heading towards Royalty... Possibly, Virtue."

He looked thoughtful, placing a finger on his chin in thought. "So its curse is to disrupt SE, huh? No wonder it got through the Western SE barrier so easily and quickly... " He drew in a breath and shook his head. "'Class S' you said?... Damn. Do we have any Adepts over there that can engage it before it reaches the mainland?" he inquired.

"We believe Corrin was in pursuit," the man answered.

"Hah! Of course he is. Good, if anyone can handle such a powerful monster, then it would be Corrin," Dean Sovu spoke. He thought for another moment. "We have no way of contact him, right?" Seeing the other man nod, and the room of various staff looking worried, he shook his head. "Wrong. Ms. Terria, bring me Cherish. Her Spirit Power is Sensory right? Get her, we must contact Corrin. Also, send for Charon." He watched the woman nod her head, and depart the room, to get Cherish, and to send for Charon. Cherish would arrive quicker. He snapped his fingers, "Oh, and just in case, bring Yuune." She popped her head in, and nodded once, before leaving again.

The young Cherish showed up first. A cute young woman, who was a First Year. Her SP was massive sensing, and she could spread her sensory power out far. Dean Sovu immediately got to questioning her. "Can you find Corrin? We must speak with him!" When she said she could try, he quickly said, "Try! He should be engaging a Class S monster in the West. Try to find them!"

Cherish frowned, and looked down, clutching her dress. She was shy, and a bit frightened. Frankly, she had been studying, and was alarmed when she was brought to the Dean's office. She didn't imagine she was needed for her power. "I.. O-okay... " closing her eyes, she nodded. "Y-yes! I can sense a very large, terrifying amount of power from the coast... I-is that the monster?!" she squeaked out, clearly terrified. She was shaking.

"Corrin! Can you sense him?" Dean Sovu questioned.

"I.. I think.. It's the Adept? I think I do, yes," Cherish replied, eyes still closed. "He.. he's very close to that monstrous power."

"So he is fighting it... and alive... good," Sovu replied, sighing a collective sigh with the various other staff who were around, still watching and listening in. "Can you speak to him?"

"N-no, sir. I can only sense," Cherish responded, opening her eyes, to look at him.

"Of course. That's why I brought Yuune, too," Sovu responded, nodding to the staff members. Ms. Terria's hands were on the shoulders of another young woman, a student of Year Three. "Come, Yuune," he said, waving his hand to her.

She walked calmly over, and stood beside the Dean, and the other girl, who was sitting in a seat.

"Can you speak with Corrin??" he asked, her, looking into her eyes.

"I... can. But only if I have something of his, to connect me to him.. Like 'a scent' for a dog," Yuune spoke up. She frowned, for a second, not quite liking referring to herself as a dog, but pushed that thought aside. It was an apt comparison.

Dean Sovu groaned, and turned to the various teachers and other members of staff crowding the corners of the room. Waving his hand, he asked, "Does anyone have anything of Corrin's?" Seeing no one respond, or respond with shakes of their heads and 'nos'. He growled in frustration. "Dammit Corrin, that loose cannon nomad! Ah! Would a twin work?" he asked, looking back at Yuune.

She blinked, contemplating it. "Their SE signatures should be similar... Yes. I believe so."

"Good. Seriously! GET CHARON IN HERE!" Dean Sovu shouted angrily, pointing away. "Where is she?!"

Dean Sovu


Ms. Terria










Charon noticed someone running up to her. She had her tablet on her, but someone was delivering a message to her in person? Blinking, she pulled out her tablet, and looked at it. It was on the fritz, sparking with the nearby DE making it malfunction. Or that's what appeared to be the problem with it, at any rate. "Tch, useless thing!" she hissed at it, when the boy raced over to her. He delivered his message, and her eyes widened. She was needed in the Dean's office? Apparently, it was something extremely urgent. Turning to the battle before her with Ophelia and Yasei, she stepped forward.

Calling it off, she shouted to the two, stepping between them. "We're done here! I have somewhere to go. Something far more important then your weird little rivalry came up. You can continue your fight at a later date. Yasei. Follow me. Come!" Her tone made it clear she was not joking around. School business -or rather military business had come up. It was of national security, that she was needed. With that, expecting him to follow, she took off running towards the school, and the Dean's office.

@SKUsagi @Kiroshiven @AvidElmV2 @Idea


*Wylla Isla*


Wylla could only watch on, from her place on the other side of the bars. She understood Ms. Chieko's reasoning for this lesson. As well as, understanding the 'little girl's' anger. She was no little girl, and should be treated with respect, for she was an old, strong teacher, who had a lot of wisdom to give. This other kid needed to learn that. She tried to voice it, get him to listen. "Come on, just apologize! Ms. Chieko is right here. You need to show respect. Her wisdom saves people, and that's the purpose to our lives as Adepts. If you don't show her respect, then you don't show respect to the people who would lose their lives without a teacher like Ms. Chieko!"

@Idea @Calm 





(ignore her right eye, and imagine an eye patch over it)

Inkt was intrigued with the short message she had sort of overheard. The fight before her would've been interesting, if it had gotten anywhere, but the staff member was called away. She stopped the duel, and told Yasei to follow her, when she rushed away. The black-haired girl was quite curious, and didn't want to be left in the dark. So she, too, followed quickly, glancing at the boy there, wondering if he was interested as well, and would also follow.

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[COLOR= rgb(255, 215, 0)]Yasei Ko[/COLOR]

Yasei hardly even got the chances to attack, let alone get close enough to, when Charon coughed aloud. A bit of his sanity returned to him, enough to tell him that he was releasing too much of his energy. Too much monster in such a short amount of time. But he was too riled up, to antsy to stop it all. The best he could do was slow it down and hope it'd be enough. This girl quite litterally brought out the worst in him... The boy came to a screeching halt a few feet away from Ophelia, lashing out at her with his claws, even though it was painfully obvious his attacks wouldn't reach her. It was easy to see that he was fighting with himself instead of his opponent, struggling to keep himself still and in control.


If Kumi were to delve deeper into the recesses of Yasei's mind, he would find something truly mortifying. The boy infront of him wasn't who he appeared to be it seemed, a monstorous persona lurking just beneath his skin. Something unexplicable, hellbent on destruction and embodying nothing more than hate. This beast was surronded in nothing but a thin layer of something human, something struggling to keep the beast in, keep itself  in. Despite it's actions, however, this seemed to be an act of self-preservation rather than one of selflessness.


The boy's attention was quickly averted to Charin as the woman spoke out to him, signalling the end to the bout. Yasei's head whipped back around to Ophelia, the feral boy taking a few cautious steps back before turning and bolting towards the end of the arena, vaulting over it before proceeding to chase down Charon, who had already begun to leave. In the process, he bumped into both Inkt and Kumi, only snarling in return. Upon finally reaching Charon, the boy began to slowly piece is psyche back together, although he anxiously toyed with his fingers as the two walked to their destination, with Inkt, and whoever else decided to follow, in tow.

The intercoms resounded through the entirety of Esprit. Ms. Terria's voice could be heard over the intercom.

"Attention, students, and all staff. A gigantic, S class monster was seen to the West, moving through the Majesty Ocean. Currently, Corrin appears to be in pursuit, and engaged with the monster. However, due to this unprecedented threat. We have decided that everyone should be told. Appropriate precautions will begin to take place. Do not panic, but caution yourselves. This may get ugly... Huh? S-sorry, sir.

Hm? Haha. That will be all. -OH! Chieko. We could use you in the Dean's office! That's all, now! Buh-bye!"

The voice ringing out was gone, but now everyone was privy to the current situation. Even, Royal City received the news, so appropriate defenses could be set up in the city, as well.


@SKUsagi @Kiroshiven @AvidElmV2 @Idea
(Chieko´s POV)

Satisfied, I snapped my fingers. Everything in the pocket dimension except for us ourselves disappeared. I floated over the boy, in a vain attempt to tower over him as I grinned in self-satisfaction and then addressed him.

"See? That wasn´t so hard, was it? And you better remember it from now on, I spent a year trying to drill that into your head, I don´t plan on going for a round two. It´s not s...The word you used before. It´s MISS CHIEKO. Proper respect is important. But enough, we have both wasted enough time on this nonsense. All three of us, I mean, my apologies miss Wylla. " I sighed. If only students truly followed the student rolemodels, things would be so different. But they were children. Just the thought of that gave me shivers, but it was the honest truth: the students were but children, children who would need to have fun or the deprivation of it could lead them to seek it beyond the reasonable. Needs worked that way, unfortunately.

I snapped my fingers again, and the area imploded, vanishing in an instant and leaving us exactly as we were before I triggered my ability. Afterall, our bodies didn´t move an inch in this dimension. This dimension couldn´t be less responsive to what happened in the other one. That was the great trick in my control of the pocket dimension, the fact that I acknowledged it was separated from our reality and reality acknowledged it back. The damage, when there was any, were mainly psychological too, so there was no evidence, no collateral damage, and it could help one get somewhat closer to real combat, without even entering it once. Part of my course, a large part of it, relied on that fact.

Suddenly, the intercoms turned up announcing some unprecedented monster. Other monsters of that class did exist, but they were typically more stationary or slow. In other words, this was a curious new phenomenon. Still, this was likely like most monsters: enough hits and it dies. Of course, I wouldn´t jump to conclusions either, especially since I had been called, I had to put on the most professional attitude I could. I turned to the students.

"Ms. Wylla, do guide the students in the evacuation, if one occurs. Make sure to get everyone organized ahead of time. Monsters prey on the weak first, since they can cause more destruction that way." I told her, merely glaring at the other one.

I rushed to the office, and followed the procedures to get in. Panting, I practically fell on my knees as the distance wasn´t very good for someone of my current size to sprint through.


@Thalia_Neko @Calm



Charon arrived to the office of the dean, just about the same time Chieko did. The two nearly bumped into each other. The blue-haired woman stopped to respectfully allow the small girl to enter first, and get her own interactions, and greetings out of the way, before stepping in just behind her. She heard the Dean saying, "Oh, Miss Chieko, yes, thank you for coming!" As soon as she entered, she was bombarded by staff members.

The situation was quickly rambled off to the two of them, with Charon ushered over to Yuune. It was quickly explained that the girl needed Charon's SE signature to tune into her twin brother's. For a moment, it was strange, but Yuune embraced her in a hug, and sniffed her (that part was probably not necessary, right?).

For the next moment, Yuune remained embraced to Charon, who was beginning to feel self-conscious, from the awkwardly long hug, but then Yunne broke away. She opened her eyes, and smiled. "Got him! Phew, that was difficult, your signatures are similar, but not nearly as so, like I had figured. Anyway, it worked. Cherish?" she asked, stepping up to the girl sitting in the chair. She placed her hand on Cherish's shoulder. Using her for long-range sensing, Yuune would be able to telepathically communicate with Corrin. That was the idea anyway.

Then, Yunne, shook her head, and 'tuned' in. "Corrin?" she inquired nicely. "C-can you hear me?"


"Huh?..." a male voice sounded through the room. Where it came from? Hard to say. Was it in all of their heads? Was it coming from Yuune, herself? From Cherish? Hard to really tell.

"Ah! Good! Corrin! Thank goodness!" Yuune breathed out. "For a moment, I thought it didn't work. We have Cherish here to thank for the long-distance connection. A-anyway! I'm Yuune."

"Ah.. erm.. Okay.. Bit busy here, what the hell is this?" he growled out, clearly getting impatient.

"RIGHT! Sorry! I'm here with Dean Sovu, Charon, Chieko, and.. some others, hehe, sorry guys, can't name you all."

"Oh, what? You're with.. all.. Okay, now I understand. Unconventional, anyway- -What's up?"

"Erm," Yuune glanced at Sovu, who nodded. "That.. was my question to you. How's it going there, on your end? Heard you were fighting a large S class monster..."


"... Ah, y-yep! S-sorry. Like I said, busy. What? Yes, th-that's what I'm do -AH!"


"No, I'm fine. Yes! I'm fighting it! What do you want?!"

"Erm.. Let us know how it's going?"

"You want me to describe the fight I'm doing? Pfft, you're out of your mind girl."

Charon placed her hand on Cherish's other shoulder, causing the girl to squeak. "CORRIN! Enough! It's not Yuune, its Sovu's idea! We're just desperate here! Stop being a prick!"

"Charon?! Ah.. r-right. Sorry. Just.. Just hard to fight, and speak to you guys. L-let me try. Right now.. Okay, uh. W-where to begin.. I'm gunna rattle stuff of quick. Pay attention! Hold on!..."


"Right! The monster.. its huge, the biggest I've seen. Has this weird curse.. where it drains, nullifies, saps -whatever you want to call it- SE in an area around it. Makes fighting it far more difficult than you'd expect. It's S-class for sure. Possibly... SS, if I'm being honest. Its curse is a real pain in the ass..."

"SS?" Sovu questioned. That wasn't actually a classification.

"It's the toughest monster I've fought. Not the hardest, just the toughest. Breaking through its hide is tough. Anyway, I've managed to slow it down. No one else has shown up yet. We're still in the water. But I do see land! AH! Gr, damn beast! Fine. I'm fine. Just got nicked. Okay.. Hold on..."

'Static'... for awhile.

Yuune frowned, turning to them. "I.. I don't hear him anymore. Sir.. That doesn't mean.. Just.. Iduno. The 'connection' cut out." She shrugged. Even, Charon beside her looked concerned. She turned and spoke.

"If Corrin says its a tough monster..."

"Stop, Charon, he's fine," Sovu droned, frowning. "Okay. He said no one else had shown up yet... But that doesn't mean they won't. We sent some agents out to meet them, right?" He noticed Ms. Terria nod. "Good, then can we contact them? Chieko. What do you think he meant by 'SS' class?" He asked her, perhaps she had some information that could help this situation.. if they could even get it to Corrin, or make use of it from here. The Adept had made it sound like he was slowing it down, but possibly would not be able to stop it from reaching the mainland. Which was a nightmare scenario.




(ignore her right eye, and imagine an eye patch over it)

Inkt glanced at the boy that had gone quite ravenous in nature. She frowned on her cute face, running after him. She was beside him, so she reached out and placed her hand on his shoulder. "H-hey.." she began. "Y-you okay?" she needed him to calm down. Not just for his sake, but for hers as well. They followed behind Charon, but she wondered if even her small amount of words got to him. They arrived at the Dean's office, and together, stood out in the hall way, listening in -the door was open. She was very much intrigued by what was going on there. Even watching other Adepts use their powers, and how the adult Adepts worked in a crisis scenario was fascinating. Still, she was worried about the boy, and turned her attention to him. "Hey?" she tried again.

*Wylla Isla*


Wylla was astounded by what she heard on the intercoms. She had wanted to do something! Act! Anything! Yet.. she knew those thoughts were pointless. They would only get in the way of actual progression. Leave this up to the people who could handle it. Receiving her orders from Miss Chieko, she nodded, still a tad wary about the smallish woman. That scene in her SP had been quite intimidating (to use a nicer term). She was a pretty good student herself, so she didn't think she'd ever receive such harshness, but one couldn't be too sure. Especially, from one such as Miss Chieko, who seemed to be a tad volatile. Something, Wylla was just now learning, but she quickly accepted.

"Yes, ma'am," she stated, ready for the action required. In the back of her mind, she still wanted to help, still wanted to fight, but knew this was currently her place... Probably.

@SKUsagi @AvidElmV2 @Idea @Calm

Shino Tetsuya



Ah, here he was. After the long and tiring trip from Souldew to Esprit, he was finally here! As a black car SAT parked in front of the large gates, Shino couldn't help but feel a little anxious. Back home, at Souldew, he flew under the radar, only showing his power when needed. But here, he could start over, have mountain heaps of friends! This was going to be the best time ever!

Shino stepped out, two white cylinder cases on his back and his belongings in a white duffel in his hand. His Butler wanted to carry them, but Shino insisted he carry it himself. After all, he did do a lot of work already. So he happily walked out, waving to the guards, or whoever came across him. After all, everyone deserves a little happiness, and he was able and willing to provide it.

He eventually (by getting lost a few times), came upon a door, the aura it gave assured Shino that the was in fact the Headmaster's office. But as he approached, he could hear trouble brewing inside. Was this the best time? No, he had to go in, that was what he had to do! With a couple seconds of internal pump up, a couple rehearsals of his greeting, and an excessive breathing moment, and he was ready. With determination flowing from him, he took a step forward and knocked on the door.




(ignore her right eye, and imagine an eye patch over it)

Inkt was with Yasei, just outside the Dean's office, listening in as best she could, with the door open, when a man showed up. He came up, promptly seemed to ignore her and Yasei, and went up to the door. She regarded him intrigued by him. He seemed somewhat disoriented, wearing some pretty fancy threads. "H-hi," she meekly murmured to him, standing behind him.

Within, it could be heard the adults conversing. Sovu was saying quickly, "Can you connect back to Corrin? No?! Well do it anyways!" He was clearly extremely on edge, even going so far as to pace, sigh, and run a hand through his hair. As stated, the door was open, so the boy could see in, as well as everyone within, could see out. At the knock, Dean Sovu glanced up and over. He had a strange look on his face. "Who?" he asked, seeing the confusion in the rest of his staff. "Come in. I'll ask once, what are you doing here? Who are you?" This was really not the time.



Shino Tetsuya 



In his brief (not so brief) pump up, he neglected to see the other two, he assumed other student. Good, his first friends! Don't mess up..." Hi! Pleasure to meet you two! My name's Shino Tetsuya; I transferred from Souldew to Esprit today! What's your names?" he greeted, spinning around to face them, along with some hand movements to animate his words. Everything needed to be bright! Happy! Like a white light! He gave a bright smile, trying his best to make them smile too. The girl was scary sure, but she was pretty! Plus, from how she stood, he could tell she was a swordsman, probably in use of a single edged sword. And the boy, man did he look scary! He had no idea how he faught, but that didn't matter, they'd all be very good friends! He smiled once more, just because, and rolled his weight around, doing yet another spin. His icy blue eyes glittered and his snow white hair waved in the air, the attractive youth's anticipation of their names increasing. But then it all came under fire. "O-one moment please."

As the door opened, the negativity of the whole room deemed to rush out toward him, at him. Did nobody remember his arrival was today? How mean! Nevertheless, he poked his head through the door way, a smile on his face. "Hello! Pleasure to meet you all! I'm the transfer student? The one from Souldew? Sorry if I'm.. 45 seconds late! I got lost......" Shino said, giving a small bow and another smile. These people were too sad. But he'd make them all happy!

 @Thalia_Neko @AvidElmV2



(ignore her right eye, and imagine an eye patch over it)

@AvidElmV2 @Idea @Kuroko

Inkt watched the cacophony of white, happiness, and wild antics happening before her, merely staring with her large red eyes. He was amusing to say the least, and she felt she could get along well with him. Which, was not something she normally could say, in regards to other students. Not to mention, he was a transfer, so he hadn't yet heard or seen the rumors about her unfold in front of him. This was her impression. Her First Impression. Time to make a good one. She was about to open her mouth to respond, but was cut off, from the adults in the Dean's Office, immediately, taking his attention away. Feeling slightly dejected, but understanding completely, considering the situation, Inkt simply stated, in a very soft, airy tone, "I'm Inkt."

The Dean listened to this boy for a mere moment, staring in annoyance, but then he raised his eyebrow, remembering. "Ah! Ms. Terria, was that today?" She did not even have to look, merely nodding, and responding. "Yessir, it was." He groaned, looking downward, stating, "Damn. Okay, just wait, we'll get to you eventually, we're currently dealing with something right now. Just.. just wait." He turned to the two girls. "Yuune, Cherish. Have you reconnected with Corrin, yet?!"

Yuune turned to him, shaking her head. "No, sir. Cherish says she can't feel his presence anymore."

Charon and Sovu glanced between each other. It was clear that Sovu was worried, but more pissed off. Charon, from the looks of her, was nearly devastated. It looked like she wanted to say something, but refrained from doing so.


Meanwhile, a long distance away. Miles, upon miles, some were conversing. A being, sat atop a giant, opulent, yet dangerously carved throne. With stairs, and monuments leading up to him. Various decorations about the room, gleaming, in the sinister half-light that hung about that hall. He had a smug look plastered upon his face, and he looked frightening.

Another male, was down at the base of those black stairs, kneeling, but speaking freely with the other.

The one in the throne spoke up, with an extremely deep voice, resounding out through the entire hall. It had a sort of grating sound, but somehow, was smooth, at the same time, making ears twitch, but feel a certain sense of satisfaction upon listening to it. It was paradoxical, in that way; his deep, throaty, scratching voice. "So, he is fighting it, then?"

"Yessir, it does indeed seem like Corrin has been fighting the monster, for several minutes now, actually. It also seemed like he spoke with Sovu, and those at Esprit."

"Hm. Really? Well, aren't they resourceful. Doesn't the monster's curse cancel out SE?"

"Indeed, it does master. They must have some sort of long-range sensor-type. With probably.. a powerful telekinetic, as well. If we're to guess."

"Yes. So it would seem. No matter. Let them hope."

"It.. appears... like Corrin may die to the monster. From our latest reports."

The being leaned forward, placing his hand onto his chin, and stroking it thoughtfully. "Is that so? Well now.. Unexpected." He drew in a breath, and shook his head. "Well, that, too. Could be fortunate. Though, if he survives.. Those fools at Esprit won't be ready for what comes next. Hahaha! Either way. We win, in some manner."

The other nodded, and bowed. "Yes, sir. It seems like that is the case."

"Very good. Haha.. I cannot wait to see the aftermath. It will be quite the show! Hahahaha!"

Like a cliche, the other began to follow suit, laughing along with his master, in his scraggly, squeaky voice; his laugh mimicking those same sounds, he used in his voice.

Shino Tetsuya 



After listening to his superior completely forget about him, he felt a twinge of sadness, but only for a fraction of a second. They were busy, with something important by the looks of it. No matter, he'd make them all laugh eventually. Maybe they were playing an intense game of Uno! "Okay! Good luck!" he cheered, closing the door. Okay! Now onto friends!


"I'm so so so so so sorry! I had to talk to them! But they were super scary. I couldn't even hear what you said! So now I can talk to you! So friends, what are your names?" He asked giving each of them a broad smile. After all, he neglected them earlier, so he needed to boost their happiness! Shino hopped once, continuing to beam down at her.




(ignore her right eye, and imagine an eye patch over it)


Inkt saw the interaction between this new guy and the staff within the office not go exactly as he had anticipated, by the looks of it. They continued to ignore him, for the most part, trying to 'reestablish a connection with Corrin'. Whatever that really meant, she only barely could follow along. It had been announced there was some sort of monster attack on the intercoms, but for the most part, most of the information was not given out. If they even had it themselves. Which, possibly, was why they were so frantic.

Regardless, here came the taller boy, coming out to speak with her and Yasei again. Staring up at him with those red eyes of hers (a side effect of her SP), she nodded to him. To repeat, she spoke simply, "I'm Inkt! N-nice to meet you!" She paused, about to comment on the fact that he thought they were super scary, but then finding something else to mention. "Ah? W-we're friends! W-what!" A light red tinge crossed her face. That was so forward. Truthfully, Inkt didn't have any formal 'friends' yet. She tried to be nice, but her latent infamy got in the way, all too often.

[COLOR= rgb(255, 215, 0)]Yasei Ko[/COLOR]

Yasei jerked his body around, feeling something fall onto his shoulder. He harshly swatted the red eyed girls wrist with a strength that didn't belong to a First Year. He stared at her with an ominous, blank look in his eyes, until a wave of feeling returned to him. His cheeks burned hot white with shame -or maybe something else?-  and he promptly turned away from the girl, jogging to catch up to Charon. When the group of three finally made it to the headmasters quarters, Charon leaving the two students outside as she made her way inside to confront the Dean. Inkt yet again tried to speak to and soothe the boy, who seemed to be sulking by the doorframe, leaned against the wall. He only shurgged her off in response, throwing his jackets hood over his head.


It wasn't too long after this that another man, presumably a new student, showed up, barging into the Dean's office. He'd expected the student to be scolded for having ran in with no good reason, but soon enough he came back out, greeting them once again. Taking a moment to survey the boy in question with his amber orbs, Yasei was surprised to find himself viewing Shino as attractive. There was no doubt about it. His chisled features and innocent nature were endearing, but Yasei found them both appalling. Still, Inkt had taken a liking to him and suddenly that strange, red tint was back. What did that mean? Better yet, why did he have this gnawing feeling in his gut, like he'd seen something he'd wanted and just couldn't have? He was becoming self-concious of his flaws. Some new, some old, some he'd never once thought about. His hair was too messy, eyes too cold and distant, horns too big. Too big, too big... Reaching up to the horns partially hidden by his hoodie, the boy began to twist and yank on them through the fabric despite the pain the pain it caused him, as if he tried hard enough he could take them off and throw then away like a chewed up piece of gum. "Go away... We don't want to be your friends," Yasei said, snarled, really, in response to Shino, making his way to Inkt's side. He pressed up against the girl in an almost possesive manner, completely oblivious to the fact.


Shino Tetsuya 



"Of course! Friendship is always welcome! You seem Like a wonderful person! Haha!" Shino remarked, his features lighting up as he continued to smile, overexcited. He dusted off his white sleeves, despite the fact that they were clean. He felt he had to move, but feared that if he spun again, he'd get dizzy. Dizzy is bad.


His smile widened when heard the boy talk, only to falter slightly once he actually heard what he said. "W-why not? Shouldn't everyone be friends? Was it something I said?" He asked, tilting his head slightly, like that of a confused puppy.




(ignore her right eye, and imagine an eye patch over it)


Inkt, still hearing the commotion within the Dean's office, acting as white noise in the background, considered the two boys before her. The white-haired, taller boy was energetic, bringing a life to the area around him. Something that the dark-haired girl liked quite a lot, it caused her to feel fluttery inside, and to smile outwardly. She wanted to be like that, in truth. The other, was someone who exuded darkness, why, she did not know. He was cool in her eye, and she enjoyed him, too, for the small time she had known him. In her mind, she was friends with Yasei, already. Despite, only having known him for what.. an hour?

The new boy, though, expressed wanting to be friends. Something that Inkt was totally ready for. Why not? The more friends the better, right? In a total turn around, Yasei pressed right up against her, which made her heart beat louder. Or seem to. 'Possessing' her, he rebuked the other boy, stating that they both did not want to be friends with him. "Ah...?" Inkt squeaked out, turning her red eye to look at Yasei, who was right up against her. "B-but.. I think it would be nice.. to be friends.." she murmured. Why was she so timid right now? Oh, right. When she was flustered, confused, or out of her element, she often reverted to a more timid nature. Inkt desperately wanted to be a ball of energetic joy like the boy before her. It just did not present itself as an option too often. Some cheers came from within the room behind them, it seemed (thanks to eavesdropping), that they had managed to reconnect a 'line' to the Adept named Corrin, and were beginning to converse with him, while this was going on outside between the three students.
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[COLOR= rgb(255, 215, 0)]Yasei Ko[/COLOR]

Yasei shook his head fiercely, dismissing Inkt's suggestion. "No, no, no..." His hands were still wrapped around his horns, although he'd lost the nerve to continue pulling and twisting them. His scalp was on fire and the pain invaded his mind as a wave of aching sickness that clouded his thoughts. Finally opening his own, the boy felt his cheeks go hot as his gaze locked onto Inkt's, staring into her red eye silently, simply endulging himself in the feeling of being so close to the girl. He carefully studied her features, making sure not to miss a single bump or curve. God, was she beautiful. He hadn't lied when he said she was cute, but she didn't seem to be his type. Then again, when did he ever really have a type? This brought up an even more important question... Was this love that he was feeling? That she was feeling? No, it couldn't be. He could never be close enough to feel love, or so he thought. This was more like... an intimate happiness. One he'd never felt in his life, let alone shared with another. And wasn't that the best kind?


The black haired was brought back from his dreamy thoughts by Shino, who had begun to wonder why the boy didn't want the three of them to be friends. His gaze narrowed down into an intense glare, his anger manifesting itself in his eyes. Happiness was sonething to give and share, yes... Then there were those that tried to take happiness away from the people that truly needed it. Hoard it for themselves and never let it go... Yasei had a hunch -no, a hunch implied you thought something was true. This, he KNEW- that this boy was one of those people. "It's everything you are..." Yasei said this through gritted teeth, although he spoke it low enough that Shino couldn't hear, although Inkt would be able to hear him perfectly.




(ignore her right eye, and imagine an eye patch over it)


Inkt appeared quite nervous, standing this close to Yasei. The girl herself, didn't understand its meaning, but when he stared down into her eye, his breath on her face, she felt herself growing hot. His intense gaze, and subtle movements made her feel self-conscious. Modestly squirming, she barely brushed up against him, and let out a soft little whimper, every curve, and bump felt by Yasei in the sudden movement.. It was like she was trapped. What exactly was going on here? The girl only knew battle, and rage, and all things bad. She didn't understand such an intimate moment. Right in front of the other boy, too. When, Yasei spoke, she tilted her head, still peering up at him with her red eye. Repeating what he said, it was phrased as a question, but though her voice was soft, it wasn't a whisper to mask what Yasei wanted to keep to himself. Meaning, Shino would more than likely hear her. If he was smart, he'd understand it was repeating what Yasei had said. "'It's everything you are...'"

Shino Tetsuya


Confusion filled Shino's mind as he was given the reason for their broken friendship. They couldn't be friends because happiness was all he was? So, he still hasn't made a friend yet? The simplicity of it pained him slightly, but he still carried a smile. It didn't matter how sad he was, as long as everyone else is happy as can be.


"S-so, we can't be friends... Okay! I'm fine! Just wanted to greet you both and make you happy! It's fine, really! Just keep on doing... Whatever that is! I'll just wait here for the Headmaster! Hurray!" Shino said, spinning while smiling. He was fine now, the usual Shino was back in control! He side stepped to lean on the wall next to the door, humming a cheery tune quietly. He'd let those two do whatever that was, and the boy would be happier because he wasn't right there talking to him! Inkt didn't look like the type to be bothered by Shino being there. 




(ignore her right eye, and imagine an eye patch over it)

Inkt immediately felt bad. She knew Yasei's words were hurtful to someone so cheerful, who was just trying to be kind, generous, compassionate, and loving. It also hurt her inwardly, to see the man feign happiness, and acceptance, when he was so obviously disappointed. Going against what Yasei said, which possibly was a horrible thing. Please don't hate me, Yasei! She pleaded in her mind. For she did like the boy, who had strange darkness within him. Darkness that both drew her in, and reminded her she had to remain light.

"Shino, you can be our friend. Or mine, at least, if.." She glanced at the boy right beside her. "If Yasei disagrees. I'll be your friend. Please? I don't have many... Only.. Yasei.. Um.." she looked down. "Not many."

"Corrin?!" The shouted voice, from within the room behind them could be heard.

"Yes. Yes. I'm here, again. What the hell happened there?"

"What happened here? What happened there! Your signal was lost! W-we f-feared the worst."

"What? Absurd! 'Fearing the worst'! AHAHAHahaha, yeah, no. I'm good. Still, fighting. Say, no one's showed up yet to help, but that's probably fine. It seems I may be able to beat this thing."

"What?! Are you sure?! Corrin! You can kill that monster?!" Considering, the Dean's tone, even he seemed shocked to hear such a claim. Static met his questions. "Corrin! Corrin!? Dammit! Get him back!"

@Kuroko @AvidElmV2 @Idea @Kiroshiven @Calm @SKUsagi

(mentioning everyone, for an activity check :) )

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[COLOR= rgb(255, 215, 0)]Yasei Ko[/COLOR]


Yasei frowned as Inkt called out to Shino, biting the inside of his cheek to avoid barking out at her. He felt the need to scold her for attempting to bring the boy back but felt that would only drive a wedge between the two. He was new to this whole 'friend' thing and so was she, but she seemed to have more experience with it than either of them, so maybe it was best to hand her the wheel and hope for the best... For now, at least. "...I'm not your friend. But I'm not just gonna abandon Inkt because I don't trust you. So... Welcome to the friendship train. Woot woot." Peering off to the side, Yasei to continue on with a warning to Shino, but he was cut off when the Dean exploded from inside his room. Figuratively, of course. Stepping away from Inkt, the boy made his way over to the door and cautiously pushed it open, not bothering to announce himself. He took a few careless steps inside, his gaze moving from one shocked face to another as they all took a moment to realize that this wasn't some hysteria induced hallucination. Soon enough, the faculty members took on a rainbow of new expressions, some he'd never seen. There was hate and disgust. Fear and shock. But most of all there was confusion.


Of all the people in the school to barge into the Dean's office, it was HIM. But why?


The boy seemed to be searching for something almost as he strolled towards the distraught Charon without a care in the world, his hood draped over his head. It was a reckless act, even more so for himself, and it took more courage than anyone who knew could muster. Still, he managed to seem cool and reserved despite the looks he received, his features remaining stone hard even as he placed a calming hand on the blue haired woman's shoulder. "You alright? Seems like this stuff is racking your nerves..."

Shino Tetsuya



Shino looked up in happiness, eyes lighting up. He couldn't believe his ears; even the guy wanted to be friends, even though he walked into the room. He could get him later, more over...


He stepped forward and hugged inkt, quite awkward in the height difference, apologizing. "I'm so sorry ibahd to make you say sorry! I'll be your friend! Don't be sad! I'll never do it again! But I'm so happy you want to be friends! We'll be the bestest of the bestest of Best Friends!...Is bestest a word? Whatever. This is amazing!" Getting past the apology, he stuck an arm out to the imaginary horizon, as to illustrate how far they'd go. This was truly the best day ever! TWO friends, in such a short time! If everyone was like this, he could be friends with the whole school! Hurah for friendship!

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(ignore her right eye, and imagine an eye patch over it)

Inkt turned to Yasei, hearing his words. She felt bad inwardly. Had she done something wrong? Had she hurt his feelings? She must've since he instantly left her side, and walked into the Dean's office out of the blue.

"Eep!" The black-haired girl squeaked, when the taller guy suddenly scooped her up into a hug. Blinking, she looked up at him, then felt him release her. He seemed to be overjoyed. That brought a smile to her face. Even, after Yasei had just made her frown. Boy, this whole friendship deal could be tough. Such a back-and-forth. She nodded to him, and affirmed what he said, "Yup!"

Back inside the Dean's office...

Like everyone else, who looked at the other student that managed to interrupt the proceedings, Charon was also looking over. It was Yasei! How dare he just... Just come in like that! Then he walked up to her, and placed his hand on her shoulder. He seemed to be genuinely comforting her. That.. That was nice. Her mood changed and she gave him a small smile. "I feel fine, Yasei, thanks." She shook her head, swaying that blue hair of hers. "No.. Just some trouble, but it's not bothering me. Okay? You can head back out into the hall now.. We'll be through here soon."

She wasn't trying to talk down to him. Like he was a child who didn't understand, or anything. That's just how it seemed to come out at the moment. Especially, when she was feeling good, due to his comforting tone.  

"I think I beat... i-it..."

"Corrin?!" The Dean shouted in shocked tone. He glanced around the room. Eyes finding Charon's, who also looked surprised. "Did anyone catch that? H-he.. He beat it?!" Turning back to the two girls, he shouted, "CORRIN! CORRIN! What did you just say?!" Nothing. 'Static' again. The girls said they couldn't hear him anymore. Sovu growled and stamped his foot down, "Dammit! What was that last bit? He beat it?.. How?!"

@Kuroko @AvidElmV2 @Calm @SKUsagi
"ONE... TWO..." John was... rather pissed off. Especially since he... lost a while back. At the advancement test specifically. Ever since, he'd been training his abilities when he wasn't in class, and studying when he was. He told himself time after time, that he would never fail again. His dorm was... a rather messy room, filled with papers, and designs for his "creations". Even his bed was ridden with loose papers, and dirt from the outside. 

Currently, he was training several of his "golems", the stone creatures he could create. Right now, in his dorm, was a... tube made of rock, with a canister in the back, which looked awfully similar to a cannon... Then the golems began to load a small boulder inside... Suddenly, John waved his hands over the cannon, and the golems began to run from it... A hiss of air could be heard, as the canister tightened, causing the air to shoot the boulder across the campus. It also ripped a wall in John's dorm! What a nice effect! 

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(chieko´s POV)

The recordings were no short of frightening. A monster that sapped away SE was scary enough, but in an area? And huge? It would be impossible to determine if it could only sap it from people or not until we tried. And however we did test those things with would probably end up as lunch. The only tactic that I could think of would be trying a bunch of different approaches at one and hope to find a weakness to invest on with a reserve force. But this was an..unusually high rating for a first glance. Unique, even. I feared the monster might surpass the classification of SS.

"To put it simple, if you take that thing head on, you´re dead. If you´re lucky, that´s only counting your body. With need to hit it fast, hard and somewhere that it only notices when it is too late. Trying to drag things out or face it directly or even too slowly all of that will assure the victory of the monster. From the information we were given, raw blows won´t work either, it´s too big, and it´s unsure what kind of powers might or not be effective or to what extent the monster can absorb them. For all I know my pocket dimension could be shattered or even consumed by it. There´s no way to tell or test it. Though, it does appear to be low on offensive power, for the standards of a monster of those proportions that is. With limited DE, it seems to have some focus on defensive, if the info´s right. I recommend setting up traps along the way, traps not ambushes. It might slow it down, and depending on how it inevitably escapes from those, we may be clued in to a potential weak spot or at least, a more concrete understanding of it´s real power. To be called an SS class... We´re usually quite modest when it comes to classifying them, never assume they are stronger, in the record that is. If they prove otherwise, then we up the rank."

I took a chair and sat. This was gonna be a long day yet. Staying positive wouldn´t help. And it wasn´t in my hands anyway. The person I was reporting to was in charge. Still, I felt an ounce of an obligation to add something as I crossed my arms.

"Oh, and one more thing: That guy talking to us? If the monster is as though as he made it sound, then in the small chance he comes back alive, arrest him. If he lives, the monster LET HIM live."


(chika´s POV)

After a couple boring encounters, I thought my day would end up on that old tragedy of Hades, a wondering around without purpose, I heard that yearned noise of shrieks and screaming. Something was getting out and scaring people it seemed. Some were even evacuating somewhere, it seemed. Maybe I should go too? I had no idea what was happening, really, and when the announcement suddenly came, I was at as much of a loss as anyone else. And pretty angry, they couldn´t just spoil my plans like this! Who´d vouche for him? What could I do if not act out the plan like I was supposed to, instead of roaming around practically in circles , wondering about what was happening, what the consequences would be, what what what....

FWOOOSH, the shard of stone shot in my direction, blasting into my side and thrusting me to the ground.

"Ow!" I complained , rubbing the part. It practically took my out of my prior thoughts, and I would something less than pleasant to that person latter if this wasn´t a clone body. But the pain was still there, and I was still on the ground, the parts facing the ground covered in dirt and the ones facing up striken with dust from the fragment wall. "Who did that?! Come on out RIGHT NOW!"

I tried pulling myself up in rage, but the ribs rang in pain, and both my hands covered them. In short, I slipped back to the ground. I did catch a glimpse of that person, though, and if they didn´t at least come here to help a lady up, I would make his life a living hell!

(chieko´s POV)

The recordings were no short of frightening. A monster that sapped away SE was scary enough, but in an area? And huge? It would be impossible to determine if it could only sap it from people or not until we tried. And however we did test those things with would probably end up as lunch. The only tactic that I could think of would be trying a bunch of different approaches at one and hope to find a weakness to invest on with a reserve force. But this was an..unusually high rating for a first glance. Unique, even. I feared the monster might surpass the classification of SS.

"To put it simple, if you take that thing head on, you´re dead. If you´re lucky, that´s only counting your body. With need to hit it fast, hard and somewhere that it only notices when it is too late. Trying to drag things out or face it directly or even too slowly all of that will assure the victory of the monster. From the information we were given, raw blows won´t work either, it´s too big, and it´s unsure what kind of powers might or not be effective or to what extent the monster can absorb them. For all I know my pocket dimension could be shattered or even consumed by it. There´s no way to tell or test it. Though, it does appear to be low on offensive power, for the standards of a monster of those proportions that is. With limited DE, it seems to have some focus on defensive, if the info´s right. I recommend setting up traps along the way, traps not ambushes. It might slow it down, and depending on how it inevitably escapes from those, we may be clued in to a potential weak spot or at least, a more concrete understanding of it´s real power. To be called an SS class... We´re usually quite modest when it comes to classifying them, never assume they are stronger, in the record that is. If they prove otherwise, then we up the rank."

I took a chair and sat. This was gonna be a long day yet. Staying positive wouldn´t help. And it wasn´t in my hands anyway. The person I was reporting to was in charge. Still, I felt an ounce of an obligation to add something as I crossed my arms.

"Oh, and one more thing: That guy talking to us? If the monster is as though as he made it sound, then in the small chance he comes back alive, arrest him. If he lives, the monster LET HIM live."


(chika´s POV)

After a couple boring encounters, I thought my day would end up on that old tragedy of Hades, a wondering around without purpose, I heard that yearned noise of shrieks and screaming. Something was getting out and scaring people it seemed. Some were even evacuating somewhere, it seemed. Maybe I should go too? I had no idea what was happening, really, and when the announcement suddenly came, I was at as much of a loss as anyone else. And pretty angry, they couldn´t just spoil my plans like this! Who´d vouche for him? What could I do if not act out the plan like I was supposed to, instead of roaming around practically in circles , wondering about what was happening, what the consequences would be, what what what....

FWOOOSH, the shard of stone shot in my direction, blasting into my side and thrusting me to the ground.

"Ow!" I complained , rubbing the part. It practically took my out of my prior thoughts, and I would something less than pleasant to that person latter if this wasn´t a clone body. But the pain was still there, and I was still on the ground, the parts facing the ground covered in dirt and the ones facing up striken with dust from the fragment wall. "Who did that?! Come on out RIGHT NOW!"

I tried pulling myself up in rage, but the ribs rang in pain, and both my hands covered them. In short, I slipped back to the ground. I did catch a glimpse of that person, though, and if they didn´t at least come here to help a lady up, I would make his life a living hell!


( @Idea Oh dear... I have a short post... :(  )

John beamed in pride at his latest creation... He was able to compress air using his ability now! And put to good use! He commanded his Golems to load another shot, excited. "Test number one... Com-" Very soon, he heard a scream... Or rather a cry of rage. Well... Looks like he messed up! He looked out the hole in his wall now, seeing a girl in pain. He had to help her... Even if he was busy. He didn't want to be expelled! So, he dismissed his Golems, keeping the cannon in shape. A small ladder of earth began to form, and John climbed down from his room, rushing towards the wounded student. 

Running towards the student, he pushed past several people, before kneeling down to inspect the hurt person... He hoped she didn't have a temper! "A-Are you alright? I didn't mean to shoot at you!"
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Charon listened to the woman's explanation for the monster, and how she saw it; obviously an opinion garnered from years and years of extensive monster research. It all made sense, what she had to say. Not to mention its curse sounding extremely horrific. That was honestly what had scared the blue-haired lady the most. Corrin had a vast amount of SE, probably the most she had ever seen. He'd claim he had the most in the entirety of the world, but that was hard to quantify exactly and was probably just her brother boasting.

So, if there was anyone qualified to fight the monster, it was Corrin. He could probably take some of his SE being drained. He was a world-class monster hunter, too, though he primarily focused on Dark Adepts like she did. No one, and I mean no one there, doubted Corrin's abilities. As Sovu said, "He's our best field agent".

Traps sounded like a logical idea, and she nodded, snapping her fingers to a few of the other staff, telling them 'go, get that done'. Those people nodded and raced off, to do just that. Set up some traps along its presumed path. That is... if Corrin was lying or not being entirely truthful and he actually hadn't managed to beat it.

However, her words pissed Charon off. "Right! We're modest, but if Corrin says its 'SS' then that has to mean it is! My brother doesn't just say stupid shit like that! Sure, he can be a right ass, and an overzealous hothead, but he's no idiot." She shook her head, looking at the small girl with a level of shocked disbelief. "What?! Arrest my brother?! We can't do that! Corrin is... Corrins.. Tell her Sovu!"

Sovu sighed, and ran a hand through his well-groomed hair. "Sure, Corrins our best. But... What Chieko says... A lot -"

"-Yeah I know, a lot of it makes sense," Charon interrupted.

"Right...~ Well, I don't want to think about arresting Corrin either, but how.. How could even he beat some monster like that? We got to think rationally here..."

@SKUsagi @AvidElmV2 @Idea @Arty

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