Esprit Academy

Yasei Ko

Yasei sobbed, warm tears pooling down his face as he stared down at his mothers grave. The rain, which had been pouring down all day, concealed his tears, although it wasn't like there was anything to hide them from. It was the day after his mothers funeral and no one save for him had come. They hadn't even bothered to inscribe her initials onto the gravestone which, in any other situation, would have made him quite suspicious, but now he couldn't bring himself to question anything. His mother, his only family, his only true family, had passed away and left him alone in this world chok full of those who cared not for him or her. The boy fell to his knee's, pounding his fist onto the blank stone to release someof his frustrations, but to no avail. He knew it was his own fault, her death. His blood had broken her body beyond anything her SE could do for her and now...


Eventually, his rage subsided and he now lay on the eyes, bawling like the lost child he was for it was true. Where was he to go now? No one would want him upon knowing what he was. He'd bee cast out onto the streets and live the rest of his life as an urchin... These thoughts rushed through his mind as the boy climbed to his feet to say his goodbyes before he left for what would be the final time. Just as he brought himself to his knees, a rotten hand shot out of the earth, wrapping around his throat with an iron grasp. It wrenched him downwards, his face inches away from the dirt as the soft ground began to shift and crumble, Yaesi's mothers decaying corpse, her head in particular, rising from her grave to meet Yaesi with a grotesque sneer and dead, clouded eye's. "Yoooou," she said coldly, her inhuman grip tightening around his throat, closing off his windpipe. The boy had to gasp to get snatches of air, but it wasn't enough... He felt himself begin to slip into unconscious, her grip loosening slightly as if the dead woman sensed this and wished the boy to stay awake for what she had to say. Breathing became easier, but not by much. "You did this to me... Ruined me..." Tears began to form in his eyes once more, his mouth moving to speak but he had nothing to say. She didn't wait for him to think of something to say, continuing their one sided conversation.


"Are you happy, monster? Do you enjoy seeing me like this? I bet brings a tear to your eye, seeing your magnificent work..."

"N-No, mother... I'd never-"

"LIES. I see straight through your act, beast... Don't play innocent! You belong here, in Hell, with the rest of the unwanted abominations... Take the fate you've been dealt."

As the woman said this, a second hand shot out of the ground and wrapped around the boys throat, crushing it under its might. The boy clawed at the hands momentarily, struggling to,free hinself, before dropping hs hands to his side. It was no use. Her words rang true and even if he didn't want to admit to it he knew this. In her steely eyes he saw himself in the worst way possible: Black, pointed horns, white hair, eyes full of killing intent... a true monster. And so, he barely put up a fight as the woman began to pull him into the earth with her, deeper and deeper -oh god, the heat, the pressure, those SCREAMS- until they passed through the threshold of the final resting place of the damned and-


Yasei awoke with a start and a scream, his voice echoing out in his room, a medium sized storage closet in a part of the academy closed off to the rest of the dorm rooms, renovated to hold their dirty little secret when there were no classes he needed to head to. It held a desk, bed, and a rack that originally held papers and paperclips, now adorned with his clothing and personal items, and that was it. What else did he need? There was a bathroom down the hall, although it wasn't like he ever used it. It was in the staff breakroom.


He wouldn't be able to stand the dirty looks.


Throwing his blanket off of his person, the boy quickly dressed in yesterdays wardrobe, not bothering to find a new outfit, and rushed to the door as he pulled on his shoes. He reached out to twist the knob, but, naturally, it was locked. They didn't trust him THAT much. 


"Charon, open up! C'mon, I know you're out there... I need some fresh air. This cage is stuffy."

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Kumi feeling the tension in the air clasped his hands together resounding in a sharp echo. 

"Now now, lets just be friends here see?" he said with a smile. But behind the nice facial features displayed was a dark, menacing look. 

He intertwined his fingers and gave them a stretch. Feeling the tension in the air, Kumi quickly decided that he should change the topic and fast. "You girls see any of the arena matches today?" he asked the girls hoping that they would have some connection through fighting. Ophelia looked like one not to be trifled with while he knew Inkt could handle herself in a fight. Unfortunately he had missed most of the matches due to him sparring with some of his classmates early in the day.

@Kiroshiven @Thalia_Neko 




(ignore her right eye, and imagine an eye patch over it)

Inkt looked towards the guy, and with a very soft look on her face, responded. "I am friends. We are friends. No worries." Thinking on it, she blinked. "Wait, are we friends?" she asked out to the two there. Inkt didn't actually have any 'friends'. Just acquaintances, and most didn't truly become anything more than that. Though in her mind 'acquaintances' equaled 'friends'. So, in truth, she did not fully understand what the word 'friend' truly meant. It was mostly due to her upbringing in a Dark Adept cult.




Charon Yiddis was indeed out beyond his room. She was busy tapping away at a computer, putting in some information. A serious look was plastered on her face like usual. The place was white, tiled, scrubbed clean. It was a lab of sorts, with various equipment here and there. People came and went, indicating she was not alone there. In fact, the lab was basically always busy with various scientific staff of Esprit Academy. Though their facilities weren't nearly as advanced as Souldew's, they were still more advanced then basically the rest of the world, so it was a pretty intriguing place. A place where all sorts of experiments, and various other things were crafted, created, worked on, speculated, solved, or not solved respectively. A true wonder really. Aside from Souldew, Esprit had some of the world's leading scientist Adepts working there.

Charon was no scientist, at least not really. Not like her parents were, but she still had some knowledge. And she was especially knowledgeable about Dark Adepts in particular. People she hunted religiously. Or when she was not at school. Which was most of the time now. Seeing as how she had been given a babysitting job four months ago. Even before then, she was a co-teacher for the Fourth Years's class and Dark Adept Policing. Though, she often didn't even attend those classes anymore, since it often conflicted with her schedule of babysitting.

Still, she understood why. She was to guard the Dark Adept that the school was letting wander mostly free. If anyone around could contain him, if he were to ever... go wild. Then it would be her. Made sense. Sighing, she heard him whining from within his room. Which he often complained was just some sort of closet. She had told him countless times that he needed to get over that delusion. Obviously, Esprit Academy would be far more accommodating. Especially, to one such as him, and set him up in a room meant for his kind within the lab. Sure, he was monitored. Sure his statistics, like his vitals were kept up on a screen beside her. Sure he was basically caged in there when people like Charon were off-hours. Or when he needed to be alone. But the place given him was more spacious than some closet. It was nicer to. It was nearly as clean as the labs were kept, though not as clean now that he was living in it. It was simple, sure, but it was furnished with furniture. A bed, a couple chairs, a table, his own personal fridge and some cabinets, and a dresser. Among a few other things one would need to live. He just always had some delusion he wasn't kept well. Maybe it stemmed from his nightmarish early life.

Who could say. Still, she checked the time. Time to clock in.

With a sigh, Charon scooted out from her space at a computer. She walked over, and typed in her pass, before hitting the button. A sizzling sound rang out, while a giant circular door unlocked, and went upwards. Withdrawing a key, she walked over to the other door therein, and unlocked it, twisting the knob and opening it. She faintly did notice for once, that that particular door handle did seem like the door handle to a closet. But he was not in a closet, for sure. He was kept firmly within the depths of the 'labs' of Esprit. Only released to go to classes.

"Yeah, yeah, here," the 5'7'' woman spoke, tossing him an apple, "Breakfast."


Yasei Ko

As the door fully opened, it would show that Yasei had already finished pulling on his shoes and was finishing off his outfit by draping his red scarf backwards over his shoulders, looping it so it stayed on his person and yet flowed behind him. He wore a plain grey hood with a black v neck shirt underneath, although his jacket was zipped up far enough that it was hardly visible, along with a pair of grey slacks and his colorful red scarf, so bright and vivid amongst all the bland colors it almost hurt to look at. He caught the apple thrown to him and bit into it, his eyes raising in mock delight. "Oh, wow. Breakfast. Takes me back to the good ol' days, when I was an unwanted step child. An apple a day keeps the foster son quiet and in his room, indeed." He,spoke in a less than interested tone, filled to the brim so much apathy it was surprising he didn't choke on his words when they came up. 


He bit into his apple once more as he pressed down his jacket with his free hand, before looking back up to her once more. "Y'know, when I said I wanted to talk a walk, I didn't think you'd ACTUALLY take me up on my offer," the boy said jokingly. He knew well enough that despite all the leeway he was given in his 'contract', if you could call it that, that he was not permitted, under any circunstances, to leave his room without a good reason. Unless his legs sudden turned into stone and only a good walk could return them to normal, the only time he'd be enjoying the sun on his skin would be when he was rushing to get to class on time or the small window in his room caught a glimpse of reflected sunlight. Speaking of classes... "So, I noticed that when I walk into my class rooms, people aren't jumping out of the windows and praying to their gods because the human-monster hybrid has come upon them. I'm guessing it's safe to say no one knows about me? Or are people actually NICE to technical Dark Adept's at this school?"

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Charon watched him for the moment it took him to finish getting ready. Her green eyes narrowed though, when he began speaking, his tone obviously as sour as the apple she had thrown him. It was her duty to basically watch over him at all times, though there were obvious times she could not do that. Others were left in place, when she was absent. Other scientists, or other staff. No one with quite her expertise, though. The only one around with her level of expertise, was her brother... Corrin. A prodigy, and renowned Adept. And he was around even less than she used to be. Now she was around the school basically all the time, but still, not always around the DE-infected kid next to her.

"You don't need to speak that way," Charon responded. "We know what happened to you, and we're trying to accommodate you. Surely you understand that?" Even though it was Charon's duty to 'take care of' Dark Adepts -which she had, mind you. She still treated Yasei with a certain level of respect, and she was even kinder than that. It was not like he was an 'unwanted stepchild' here at all. If it were like that, then he'd be thrown in some cell in some dark place within the Academy, locked in there, and the key thrown -no- melted away. "You know... we.. c-care about you, right?" Even through all that steel, and plastic, and fiberglass that they kept him in, she could often hear him during one of his nightmares.

With a sigh at his questioning of why he was currently released, she pointed at the time. It was morning time, but there were classes soon. "Um, this is class time. Regardless, we technically don't have to always have you 'locked away'. As long as I'm with you, you're technically fine." She shrugged, "If I escort you, we can roam around, whenever." Was he feeling resentment that he was forced to be in there? "I suppose I can escort you around more often, if you'd like. Anyway, right now, you got class."

Walking to the door that exited the labs, she once again typed in her pass on the keypad. It confirmed it was Charon, and the doors 'sisssssed' open, sliding aside. Not as advanced as Souldew... but still pretty wicked. She glanced back expectantly at the boy. "Yasei, I don't know. I guess not. We don't normally go around telling secrets like that. Whether they wonder why you have an escort or not, or why you're not in the dorms or not, is something I wouldn't know. Perhaps you know why? You're the one around them, and who speaks to them. You tell me." Charon then pointed to the open door.


Yasei Ko

The boy rolled his eyes at the womans comment, going on to finish off his apple before dropping the core into a trash bin as they passed it. Yasei had learned that not many people in this world were nice and the ones that were often didn't find themselves in his life. It wasn't unusual for him to wonder if he'd inhereited his mothers luck at times, but he knew that things could be much worse for him. For instance, his mother could have lived to strangle him to death at birth. One of the many -oh, wait... the ONLY- things to thank his blood for. Whether he liked it or not, it had saved his life.


"Hey, Charon. There's no need to tell me you care. My life has been rough and it's taught me plenty. Like when I've hit the jackpot and met someone decent or when I've hit rock bottom and met a scumbag." Yasei left it at this, allowing Charon to do with what he said as she would, as well as putting stress on his you to let her know he thought she was the only one that he thought truly cared. It'd been rough, the first few months with her as his escort. It still was, but now to a much lesser degree. In the last four months, she'd quickly grown to be one of his favorite staff members, simply due to the fact that she treated him like an actual human being. The rest either treated him like dirt or tried to hard to be nice. Which, before he'd come here, Yasei didn't think was actually possible. Charon proved to be the only genuine person he'd worked with and if he had to stick with her forever, he was fine with it.


"I'm not gonna lie," the boy said, responding to Charon's question, "In most of my classes, I usually just keep my head down. On my desk... I don't think I've learned squat about my power or how to control it since I got here. Class time is a great place to get in a nap. The lectures bore you right to sleep..." Yasei made his way past Charon and into Esprit's lab facilities, not much to the surprise of the other facultt members scurrying about. As the two walked through the labs on a course to the boys next class, he noticed everyone was keeping their heads down. They were deliberately trying not to look at the pair. It wasn't out of respect, no. Definetely not fear. No, it was out of disgust. Not for Charon, but Yaesi. To them, he was basically just DE in a human casing waiting to burst, and they'd be ready to end him the moment it happened. He flashed rows of teeth sharpened to a fine point at them in a playful grin, more out of defiance than wanting to strike fear into them. Still, he noticed a few twitch nervously as he did so, which was strange considering the level of power they had over him. It was common sense that Adept's who's spiritual energies become 'impure' through the assinilation of demon energy into their bodies were weaker than an Adept who'd retained their 'purity', so it was also common sense that Yaesi would forever be weaker than most Adept's.


Or... Would he be? It was a known unknown that baffled everyone here. He'd been born with the energy, so his natural spirit energy had technically been invaded by demon energy. But he also had the genetics of a monster. Did that balance out the scales and set him on the same level as a pure adept of his own skill level? Did it push him further under the capabilities of a Dark Adept? Or did he get an edge over them all, however small? Just another question he felt he'd never have an answer to. To he honest, it didn't quite matter to him. He could be the weakest in the entire school and it wouldn't make a difference. But being the weakest on the battlefield? That was an entirely different story...


"So, which class am I headed off to? I don't think I bothered to read my schedule this morning..."


(@Thalia_Neko Last post for the night. Not the best, my excuse is i'm dead tired. See you tomorrow.)




Charon tapped her foot, listening to him. He did often go on like this. He always had this dejected air about him, spouting words about his self-loathing. Did he eve realize it? That that type of thing was only harmful? She tried to voice her concern, in the middle of his words, "Yasei, you need to stop thinking so negatively. It only hinders you. Perhaps, like I've said before, you should visit the school's Guidance Counselor. Maybe later today?" She wondered if it was the DE within him speaking. Did that dark energy forever make him so self-loathsome? Even, someone like Charon did not know. Well, she preferred hunting Dark Adepts, than talking with them about their inner feelings, and what not. She was a Dark Adept hunter with a 'DE expert' on the side. Maybe her co-Teacher knew the answer to that question...

Also, it was sweet he thought of the blue-haired woman so closely. That she was like his second mother -or perhaps even his first mother, technically. In truth, while she did care, she was there for the opposite. She was not there to care. She was there to mete out punishment or for something worse. She was to strike with impunity if the need arose. Charon did care about Yasei, but she cared about the greater good more, and would attack if he gave her any reason to it. He thought she was being genuine, which again, was sweet. In fact, she was chosen as his guardian because she was Charon. The current best Dark Adept hunter the school had (aside from Corrin, who was currently absent). It was because of her strength, power, and expertise when dealing with Yasei's kind that she was picked for this job. Charon was not there for his sake. She was there for everyone else's sake. So in the end...

The opposite was the reality. She might've been the one deceiving him the most. How tragic.

Sighing, Charon shook her head, walking just behind him, her footfalls confident, boots thunking loudly on the tiled floors. "See, maybe if you'd listen in class, Yasei, instead of napping, you'd begin to learn. Studying will help you control your SE -and your DE- better," which honestly, was rather worrying. Dark Adepts that could control their DE was far worse than those who could not. "If you'd listen, and even made friends, you wouldn't be stuck with me following you around all day. If you'd... I don't know.. get out of this weird funk, and settle into school life, like a normal student, maybe they'd start accepting you. Why put your head down, when you could have it up, smiling warmly to your classmates? Why hide, when you could be outside in the warmth of the sun? Why hold yourself back, when pushing forward can only make yourself better?" Charon made a compelling argument, but would it be enough for Yasei? Probably not nearly enough. Though, in some way, the woman was proud of herself. It was a start, she felt like. Heh, if she stopped being so good at Dark Adept killing, then perhaps she'd have a second job as Counselor herself.

Charon blinked, placed a finger to her lip, and glanced to her side, thinking about it, while they continued to walk along. Her attention was caught when he started basically snarling at others around, along their path. Charon sighed quickly, again. "No wonder they look at you funny, if that's how you treat them. What if I opened your door each day, scowling, with my own fangs out, giving you a few bad, choice words, and throwing a rotten apple core at you? What would you think about me, then? How would that make you feel?"

Wow, again. God she was good. Maybe this whole Counselor job could work after all... If she had a beard she scratch it in acute contemplation.

If Charon could tell what the boy was currently thinking at that moment about DE, then she would refute him, fiercely. Actually, the introduction of DE had the opposite effect, and made one greatly stronger. The addition of DE would cause SE to flair out of control, and the two would mix, and sometimes fuse. When that happened a very powerful Dark Adept would be born. Even those individuals gave Charon a hard time to deal with. That scenario was rare, though, and most Dark Adepts simply had both SE and DE fighting for dominance within them, making them volatile, powerful, and crazy. So, at least the boy in front of her seemed to retain most of his sanity. His SE and DE also hadn't fused, meaning that his human-half was at least mostly in control at this point - a good sign. Probably, why he was allowed to go to classes, instead of being imprisoned or killed with extreme prejudice.

Whatever, the case, he was wrong. Totally wrong. The DE in his body actually made Yasei strong. Much stronger than most. Or at least he could eventually get that way if he ever opted to listen in class, and/or do any training. -It was this power that drew so many Adepts to the darkness. Allowed so many Adepts to become corrupted, and tainted with DE. It was a temptation that Charon knew all too well. Very often on her jobs would Dark Adepts tempt her with the power of DE. Most spoke of it like some sort of drug. Insatiable they were. Incomprehensible they'd get by the time their battle would draw its end. Even though DE brought strength with it, it also tore at the psyche, warping the mind. Though, the power was a draw for Charon, she very much liked her mind to remain in the right. Plus, she was far too straight-laced to really ever be wild enough to get tainted by DE.

They reached the end of the hall, and again, Charon put in her code, opening the door, and stepping through. Beyond was a long, extended flight of circling stairs. Which together, they began to ascend. Once at the top, after several minutes of extended stair-time, Charon ONCE MORE put in her code, opening that door. Beyond that, was the school proper, leading out into a hall in the north of Esprit Academy. One used primarily by staff, and teachers. It did lead into the rest of the school, though. Where Yasei attended classes. Standing between the stairs and the nice hall, holding the door open for him, she felt it was the time to answer his question. "You have normal math this morning," she stated. Despite, this school being one for powerful, fighting people with powers, made to defend the world against threats such as monsters and 'the darkness', the students still had to take normal classes that normal non-Adept students took back in their respective cities. You couldn't be a competent Adept being a complete idiot. "Heh. You're right about that class, though. Extremely boooooooring!" She emphasized her last word, sticking her tongue out, and pretending to pass out. With a laugh, she jostled his hair, and let him lead the way once more, as by now, he knew the path there.

(hehe goodnite, this post took me awhile, but it was a fun type, and boy do I love Charon! XD)

Yasei Ko

Yasei scoffed lightly, brushing a strand of hair out of his face. He'd heard this speech a million times and understood the reasoning behind it. Thing was, he was just a naturally negative person. He expected the worst and grew,suspicious when it never came. He was always on his guard, looking for the terrible in people and most of the time he found it. Liers and cheats beware. The human lie detector knows all. Chuckling internally, the boy felt it was a bit of a stretch, but it was good for a laugh.


Contrary to what Charon was thinking, when Yaesi mentioned Charon caring about his well being, he wasn't saying that he cared about her himself. It was hard to care for anyone, he thought to himself, when the first time you saw them a small part was wondering what their insides looked like on the outside instead if what their name was or how they got their hair to be such a nice color. She was a decent person, yes, but she was just that. Decent. There certainly was a connectio between them, albeit a very distant one. During his time at the school Yasei hadn't opened up to anyone here and he preferred to keep it that. 


"You say that like you think I'll have control over myself anytime soon. I doubt it'll be as easy as learning to control my SE. Hate is a powerful emotion and that's all I am... Hate in a very handsome package." Looking up to Charon, the boy studied her features for a micro reaction after he said this, his mind drifting back to his first true encounter with a fully trained Adept. It was a fuzzy memory of snarling and biting and he often played the scenario out in his head multiple times, wondering if there'd been any way he could have overpowered the man and escaped. It was all in good fun, though. Still, no matter what angle he looked at it from, he would have been beaten. Especially in his weakened state. He wasn't exactly treated like a king and even the dogs were fed more than him. Malnourishment, sickness. So many odds stacked against him. Had he been in top condition, the boy thought, his expression suddenly turning grim and sinister for a brief moment, the Adept wouldn't have made it in time and the entire family would have been cut to ribbons. Luckily, that wasn't the case. Had it been. he'd have been killed on the spot.


By the time the two got outside , the boys mind had already been purged of thoughts of what the scene would look like and how the flesh would taste -smoky, he bet, with a touch of salt- and he was taking in deep breathes of fresh air and reveling in the suns rays. "Aaaah... This feels nice. And I wasn't snarling, by the way. Just being nice and greeting my jailors- I mean captors- I mean... 'friends'." The boy gave a wide smile that seemed devoid of any good intentions when it came to dealjng the staff in the lab, showing that he obviously hadn't meant what he said. Stepping out past Charon, the boy began to walk down the path towards his class, winding in and out of hallways. He was taking the longer scenic route, wanting to take as much time studying the campus grounds as possible. Eventually, he neared his destination and sighed with disappointment. This really hadn't been long enough. He stepped out of the current building he was in, making sure to hold open the door for Charon like a proper gentleman -although he did this with a blank smile- and made his way over to the next, much larger building...


Before stopping in the middle of the stone path, staring out at a peculiar group if students... peculiar because one in particular strangely resembled a dragon. Pivoting on his heel, the boy made a detour towards the group, not bothering to heed any of Charon's complaints. He stood over behind a girl with black hair and an eyepatch over her right eye, observing her with his apathetic gaze before finally speaking, although the words coming out of his mouth weren't to be expected...


"Wow. You're that Angel of Death girl. I've heard about you. You're, uh... Just as cute as I imagined? Digging the patch."




Charon would've liked to see any progress from him, anything indicating any of her words had sunk in. Nothing. Well, it was wishful thinking. He wasn't going to change overnight. Which was obvious by the fact he had been more or less the same since four months ago when she had met him. Well, he was slightly more agreeable to her now. But he still had this overall same sort of attitude. She didn't actually believe he'd get immediate control of his SE, DE, or himself after a few lessons in school. No one picked up anything that quickly. Which was why there were four years to get it down. (Most of the time anyway, which they'd soon run into an exception).

Charon frowned, when they both walked outside, onto the campus's grounds. He hadn't responded to her friendly joke. Oh well, just missed opportunity to bond between the two. No big deal. He mentioned how those scientists back there were 'jailers', or actually 'friends'. She sighed, "I don't expect everyone to be your friend. Especially people like them. Their job is to be subjective. Find some student who you can relate with, then see if you taunt me every time when I speak about finding 'friends'. Or even just a friend."

Following him, Charon noticed he began to take a winding path to his math class. Her face soured, but she said nothing. Personally, Charon hated math in school, so it was hard to deny him his current feelings. Besides, she was not his teacher, just his handler. Or wait, was she his teacher? Absentmindedly, the blue-haired lady wondered, when he led her out and about. Finally, running into some students. A dragon-looking one, that Charon recognized as Ophelia, another odd case in the school. She was allowed to roam, after careful studying, simply because despite her appearance, there was no traces of DE within her. Any prejudice against her stemmed merely from her appearance. It was dreadful, but Charon sympathized, having no ill will personally against Ophelia. If she wasn't a Dark Adept, then there was no reason for Charon to be against her or wary of her.

Then, there was a boy, who she did not recognize, but the woman gave him a nod. Then, she noticed a third odd case within the school. Someone who was actually not too different from Yasei, actually. A girl, who was held back twice. She had practically no control over her SE or her SP, instead being forced to be docile in order to contain herself. Charon remembered a time, when the girl -Inkt- was kept in a similar situation that Yasei right now found himself in.

Charon stood by, not really speaking, letting Yasei socialize. Maybe he could finally find friends here? These students had some in common with him, after all.




(ignore her right eye, and imagine an eye patch over it)

Inkt glanced to her side, hearing someone else approach. Blinking, she was called 'cute', and a light pink came to her cheeks. Softly, she brushed some of her black hair aside. "Th-thank you. I prefer simply 'Inkt'. That nickname is a relic of the past. Um.." she peered around the boy, looking at the taller woman behind him. "I'm afraid we haven't met before. Though I'm happy we are now." Extending her hand first out of the small group of students, she introduced herself, "I'm Inkt, though.. Haha, I just said that." Her speech pattern was gentle, and in a quiet tone, though it was friendly, and welcoming. Clearly, she had to cultivate such a way of speech; it was not easy for her. It was nearly formal, but specifically sounded more childish, like she was not really used to common social interactions.

@AvidElmV2 @Kiroshiven @SKUsagi

 Nao Fujimoto

Nao heard someone calling out to some "pretty boy" but it was certainly not him. The bones covering part of his skull would never be described as pretty by anyone within this school. He clutched his sword tighter as he felt someone approach. Don't act brash, remember, you're outnumbered. Taking a deep breath, Nao turned as the woman said that he had a funny way to dress. What was funny about a long white coat? It was comfortable and was able to hide the hole that would form in his chest as he absorbed SE.

"And what, pray tell, is funny about how I dress?" Nao's words were flat and dull, matching the lack of fire in his eyes as he observed this person. She felt odd to him, like she was there, but at the same time wasn't. Was this someone's SP? He didn't remember anyone in the school having this power so it was either a new student or he was imagining things. "Is there a reason you've decided to acquire my attention? Or is this merely a waste of my time?"

Nao wanted nothing more than to slice this girl in half with his demonic claws, well, if he could absorb enough SE to change forms. Smirking, Nao slowly spread out his SE to its maximum range of ten feet. He felt very little in terms of SE coming in, but he would be able to maintain this. Thankfully his SE actually had no color, it was a blessing because it didn't let people know. However, if his sinking suspicion that this girl wasn't ACTUALLY in front of him was true, then he could rid himself of her without revealing himself.



Ophelia giggled as the third year tried to calm them down, but she was already calm again. She had gone through painstaking levels of training to learn not to maul things immediately, she wouldn't break just because of a bad vibe. "Well Inky, I think you and I will be able to get along anyway." Ophelia smiled, flashing her fangs but also showing off her human cuteness.

Then a chill ran down her spine as something ominous approached. Once again her instinct to lash out tried to emerge. Her eyes changed drastically. Her pupils dilated and became more reptilian. She could feel her body aching to lash out. It hurt to stay in control. What was it about these people that drove her like this?

Breathing heavily the girl kept herself planted on the ground. Dribbles of blood fell from her fingers as she clenched them tighter and tighter. The audible sound of stone breaking could be heard as her  claws buried themselves with stone. "I-I need some air." She manged to force out before pushing off the ground well into the air, a roar escaping her lips as she flew to the top ofthe barrier protecting the academy. The force of her leap created a gale of wind behind her and left small craters in the ground there.

"What was that feeling?" She huffed as cold sweat rolled down her cheeks. "Why did I feel such a desire to.....kill?" The last word was hard for Ophelia to swallow. She wanted to fit in with everyone, but that fire inside of her, that.....instinct was beyond what she usually faced. The only time she remembered feeling like that was, around monsters, the DE infected creatueres that she'd been slaughtering since she could remember. But those two weren't monsters, were they?

Ophelia finally cooled off enough to calmly fly back doen. Her feathered wings had a bit of frost on them but that was fine. Focusing on the movement of her SE Ophelia managed to thaw herself out and stay warm despite the atmosphere. "Sorry about that." She forced a laugh as she landed a few feet away feom the four. Keeping her distance from that boy and Inky might be her only option when the two of them were present at the same time.

@Thalia_Neko @SKUsagi @AvidElmV2
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Yasei Ko

Yasei lazily grabbed Inkt's hand and shook it, yawning. Was this what it was like to make friends? He had expected something a bit less... anticlimatic. Maybe his expectations were a bit high, but it wasn't like he was asking for fireworks everytime he met someone new. Well... He wasn't saying he DIDN'T. But he also wasn't asking for them. That brought up another question. Why was the girl blushing? Was it something he'd said...? The boy recounted his steps. Greeting, friendly compliment, comment on their appearance and attire. He didn't feel like he'd said anything wrong. Why do that then? "Uh huh. I guess it's not a name anyone would want. My names Yaesi by the way," the body said, throwing a glance to Charon. "Yeah, you may not have seen me around before. I'm a... Foreigner. Well, I'm not. My 'dad' was, though. He went back home after he was... done... with my mom. Unexpected one night stands. Gotta hate them, right?" The boy said this with an unexpected venom that seemed to be aimed towards both of his parents, his 'father' in particular.


It was around this time that the dragonic girl he'd noticed earlier jetted into the air, setting off every alarm in his body he knew possible. Just like her, he was aching to chase after her and tear her to pieces, but... why? He'd never met this girl in his life and she didn't seem to be an immediate danger to anyone. If that was the case, then Charon would have been on her the moment she saw her. Still... Something just didn't click when it came to her. Especially his sense of morality. His eyes took on a dead look, locking on to her, even as she bolted towards the top of the dome shaped barrier that protected Esprit, and Royal City, from monstrous outside forces. He remained silent during this period as he waited for the girl to come back down, silent save for his erratic breathing. As she landed on the ground and apologized for her sudden outburst, the boy twitched nervously. He still hadn't let go of Inkt's hand, his grip only tightening. "Oh... that's okay. Why not come over and introduce yourself?"




Charon was standing nearby. Though, she was a Fourth Year teacher, and basically none of these students she really recognize her, it was pretty obvious by her attire, and her poise that she was Esprit staff. Standing there sternly, gave off a certain 'don't mess with me' haze about her. The woman was generally kind, and agreeable, if not a bit stuffy, and unyielding. Though, the students there would not know that, aside from Yasei, who she had been refining a relationship with over the past four months. So, the other students, despite her approach-ability, probably would be wary of her, thinking she was more the opposite, and too callous to talk to.

Thus, the blue-haired woman stood by, letting Yasei have his freedom, keeping a close watch on them. When Ophelia began to overreact, flying up really high above, to the point that she sparked a bit off the barrier that surrounded the school, Charon observed very carefully. This particular student, seemingly looking like a Dark Adept, was not one, so Charon was not expecting to have to restrain her, but if she were to do anything nasty, and out of order, then the woman definitely would have to act.

Young Inkt



(ignore her right eye, and imagine an eye patch over it)

Inkt listened to him, noting his name was Yasei, to which she quickly replied, "Nice to meet you, Yasei," only to find her mouth shut by his remaining words. Words that were spiteful in nature, and did little to hide their animosity. Just hearing those words spoken, made Inkt shiver, remembering something from her own past. If Yasei had ill-will for his parents, then that was another thing he had in common with the black-haired girl.

In her mind, she was transported back to her time with the Grip of Control. A vicious, callous group of Dark Adepts. The cult she had been born into. Both her mother and father were avid followers, that from the moment Inkt was born, she could feel the DE radiating off of them. It made the little baby girl feel uncomfortable to even be in her mother's arms.


From an extremely young age -too young- she was forced to fight. Working towards the ultimate goal of being a powerful Dark Adept in the ranks of the Grip. Fists, kicks, stones, and even other persons's Spirit Powers bombarded the young dark-haired girl. She fell back, scraped, bruised, cut -bleeding. Coughing, she struggled on the ground.

"GET UP!" Someone shouted, right at the youngster's face. "GET UP! FIGHT! You'll never become stronger with that attitude! Get up!" He kicked the child while she lay on the ground.

"AH!" Young Inkt screamed out, rolling on the ground.

"Ugh! Worthless! Throw her back in the pin," the man commanded, spitting on the child, before turning away to go 'train' some other 'recruits'.

Inkt found herself flung into 'the pin'. A gated 'room' where others her age, were kept. Treated like animals. Scraps of food flung to them rarely. The place stank of blood, human waste and filth. Flies buzzed constantly, landing on open wounds. It was a place out of hell. And it was Inkt's home.

Body shaking, and throbbing in pain, the young girl had no SE to even take the brunt of attacks thrown her way. That was fine, though, the Grip assumed she'd eventually gain the appropriate amount of SE to fight anyhow. So, training began without even waiting on it to grow. Besides, "the pain will help toughen your body up", they would say.

Inkt curled up in a corner. How could her parents allow this? How could they be apart of this?...


Inkt gasped, brought back to reality when Ophelia flew back down. Trying to supress sudden images, and memories that she did not want to rethink about, she looked over at Ophelia, and back to Yasei. "Her name is Ophelia," she announced for the dragon-girl. "I only just met her, too. She's pretty cool," the girl stated. While others seemed scared of Ophelia, by the Adept's looks alone, Inkt was used to those looks. Frankly, she thought the girl was pretty nifty. Though, she was being quiet and calm, her tone was noticably different, changed, clouded by visions of her painful past.

@AvidElmV2 @Kiroshiven @SKUsagi
Lyell Shannon:

Lyell rolled over in his bed, his hand slamming around his nightstand. Nothing. It took him nearly a minute to register, his alarm clock was gone. He slowly lifted his head from the cloud that was his pillow, the most inviting, warm object in the world... He opened an eye, looking over at his nightstand, not bothering to register the obvious cracks he'd made. It was barren.

His head shot up, and he looked around, trying to find the cause. His room was trashed... Then, it came back to him. Last night, after classes, he was training...

Lyell huffed, a thin layer of sweat covering his forehead. He had been practicing the same exact routine on a remarkably durable dummy since classes ended, just short of an hour ago. To be fair, it was a rather weak attack, meant to waste time rather than doing damage. But it was still getting to his head. After a while, he'd begun breaking down, kicking the dirt, threatening folks that walked by... By the end of the hour, he'd had enough. He grabbed the dummy by its neck, snapping the wood with sheer force. He was about to throw he severed head, when a hand grabbed his shoulder, firm, but gentle. Bad timing. He swung around, bringing his hand back in anger, ready to break whomever had bothered him, in more ways than one. He froze when he saw the teacher.

Over an hour later, after an extensive talk with the teacher he'd nearly assaulted. he stormed out of the classroom, ready to assault anyone who got in his way. "Detention! Detention!" He exclaimed, in disbelief. "I'm a good student! He got in my fucki-" He stopped to shove someone out of his way, glaring them down. He huffed, and walked down the hall, stopping at his door. He opened the door, nearly taking it off its hinges. For the rest of the night, it sounded like there was a riot in his room.

"Shit..." He muttered, as he picked up his alarm clock, in tatters, destroyed. He threw a loose shirt on, and a pair of sweatpants, before opening his door and looking down the hall, at the clock. His eyes widened, and he slammed his door, diving for his books. He grabbed the stack, untouched by his rampage, and ran out of his room, leaving the door open behind him. His face was calm, but on the inside, he was panicking. He turned a corner, gasping to see 2 girls standing in the hall. The first he'd instantly recognized as Chieko, a second year teacher. One he didn't necessarily have a nice history with... As for the other girl, He knew everyone in his year, and made a point of avoiding all of them... He would've recognized her if she was in his year, for sure. And she definitely didn't look like a first year.. So, second, he assumed.

He skid to a stop, leaning back to aid in his efforts. Maybe a little too much... He fell on his back, and slid to the feet of the girls, his eyes slammed shut, his books spread across the floor. He opened an eye and looked up to the girls, his eyes sheepish, and embarrassed.

@Idea @Thalia_Neko
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*Wylla Isla*


Wylla felt the tug on her blue dressy outfit, and glanced downward, spotting the girl; an oddity this was. The girl was a woman who was considerably older, but much much shorter and younger (looking). Something had happened to her a long time ago that had caused her to 'deage' and appear like a small child. Something that Wylla (probably) didn't know. The blonde laughed lightly, seeing her own mistake. Sheepishly, she tried to explain the situation. "W-well... I.." was reminiscing about Eros... she thought sadly inwardly. Keeping the same cheery-demeanor at the forefront though, as to not arouse any suspicion, she continued, "Was going to go see the Advancement Test. However, in my own stupidity, missed it. I know, dumb of me. Whoops. Then, somewhere a short time ago, I ran into another student -oh what was his name..." she shrugged, having not caught it, nor being able to recall it. "Anyway, this student was in severe pain from some sort of leg injury by the looks of it." She pointed down the hall. "I sent him away with a nurse, towards the infirmary," she answered finally. Hoping all that would suffice, so the teacher would not be angry with her, or write her up or something. She knew Chieko, since she was a Second Year, and had her class. They were on friendly terms, considering Wylla was pretty dutiful, but you never know, maybe Chieko would be angry at spotting some skipping going on.


Lyell Shannon:

Lyell rolled over in his bed, his hand slamming around his nightstand. Nothing. It took him nearly a minute to register, his alarm clock was gone. He slowly lifted his head from the cloud that was his pillow, the most inviting, warm object in the world... He opened an eye, looking over at his nightstand, not bothering to register the obvious cracks he'd made. It was barren.

His head shot up, and he looked around, trying to find the cause. His room was trashed... Then, it came back to him. Last night, after classes, he was training...

Lyell huffed, a thin layer of sweat covering his forehead. He had been practicing the same exact routine on a remarkably durable dummy since classes ended, just short of an hour ago. To be fair, it was a rather weak attack, meant to waste time rather than doing damage. But it was still getting to his head. After a while, he'd begun breaking down, kicking the dirt, threatening folks that walked by... By the end of the hour, he'd had enough. He grabbed the dummy by its neck, snapping the wood with sheer force. He was about to throw he severed head, when a hand grabbed his shoulder, firm, but gentle. Bad timing. He swung around, bringing his hand back in anger, ready to break whomever had bothered him, in more ways than one. He froze when he saw the teacher.

Over an hour later, after an extensive talk with the teacher he'd nearly assaulted. he stormed out of the classroom, ready to assault anyone who got in his way. "Detention! Detention!" He exclaimed, in disbelief. "I'm a good student! He got in my fucki-" He stopped to shove someone out of his way, glaring them down. He huffed, and walked down the hall, stopping at his door. He opened the door, nearly taking it off its hinges. For the rest of the night, it sounded like there was a riot in his room.

"Shit..." He muttered, as he picked up his alarm clock, in tatters, destroyed. He threw a loose shirt on, and a pair of sweatpants, before opening his door and looking down the hall, at the clock. His eyes widened, and he slammed his door, diving for his books. He grabbed the stack, untouched by his rampage, and ran out of his room, leaving the door open behind him. His face was calm, but on the inside, he was panicking. He turned a corner, gasping to see 2 girls standing in the hall. The first he'd instantly recognized as Chieko, a second year teacher. One he didn't necessarily have a nice history with... As for the other girl, He knew everyone in his year, and made a point of avoiding all of them... He would've recognized her if she was in his year, for sure. And she definitely didn't look like a first year.. So, second, he assumed.

He skid to a stop, leaning back to aid in his efforts. Maybe a little too much... He fell on his back, and slid to the feet of the girls, his eyes slammed shut, his books spread across the floor. He opened an eye and looked up to the girls, his eyes sheepish, and embarrassed.

@Idea @Thalia_Neko

(Chieko´s POV)

I sighed in annoyance at what I was hearing and even raised an eyebrow at it, wrapping back my letter so the student wouldn´t take a "peek". So, Wyllla my most diligent student had managed to miss the advancement test and was talking about it like a kindergardener? "Dumb me, whoops"? Something was fishy about this, for sure. As usual when I suspected something, the first thing I did was check with my SE that there were no nearby monsters. This had nothing to do with my power, but it was a tactic that came from years of experience with monsters. You eventually start detecting nearby DE if you´re paying enough attention. Though, of course, I wasn´t sure how many actually had this type of skill. After all, when it came to monsters I was a veteran among veterans. I suspected the school boards ,directors and other really high-ups in the academies were populated in large part by people who could do something similar. But then again, this was a guess which, like my first guess of everytime that there might be nearby monsters or corrupted adepts, could turn out to be wrong. Like this time.

If nothing that serious was going on, then Wylla likely had done something she was either ashamed about or she felt guilty about. I risked prying into something I shouldn´t, if I even succeeded, if I investigated further. I supposed an indirect warning would likely do the trick to reach my goals.

"I suppose that´s fine. It´s not like you even have mandatory classes today- we did give you permission to leave to watch the match after all. Plus, knowing you, I am sure you wouldn´t do anything that would bring you to low standards." I decided to leave it hanging like that, especially because I had something even more important to address now- the hurt student. "What kind of boo- I mean, what kind of injuries did the have? Was it just a cut of some sort or was there anything different, say, anything black? Did you see him use his aura before taking him to the infirmary, were there any gaps? Was there any kind of weird smell, like..."

I heard the sound of quick steps and quickly moved aside when I saw the student that might have crashed into me, a student from last year. Considering who it was, I couldn´t help but make a small pun after I saw him hit the ground.

"I see you´re still plummeting mr Lyell. Haven´t changed much from last year, have we?" I would have reached out a hand to the boy to help him up, but with my height... I turned to Wylla. "Miss Wylla, do me a favor and give him a hand up. And picking up his stuff. I bet he smashed the alarm clock again. Lucky he was that today there are no mandatory classes. I doubt my third year colleague would take it much better than I did back when he was a second year."

I turned to the boy that had fallen.

@Thalia_Neko @Rho
*Wylla Isla*


Wylla was the fairly observant type, so she noticed Chieko move something about, that she assumed, by the small flash of white, she had spotted, was some sort of paper. A test? A note? Letter? Assignment? Or perhaps, she could just have been totally off in her guessing. Anyway, it was none of her business, so she didn't mention it at all.

There was a short, awkward pause from the 'little girl' at her waist. Frowning momentarily, Wylla knew from interacting with Chieko before, that the 'little girl' was prone to acting a bit odd. She also prided herself on being this famous, important lady, that Wylla found sort of annoying, but was ultimately fine with it. As a Isla, she understood pride. Her family being one of the most prideful in all of Royal City. Wylla herself, had quite the ego-streak, but she knew when to act humbly. Especially, after that day with Eros...

Anyway, she nodded, when Chieko finally broke whatever it was she was doing, probably some sort of sensing thing, and began to converse with Wylla once again. Yep, that was true; classes more or less were postponed the day of an Advancement Test. Personally, Wylla found it a tad silly. Though, she understood the necessity to observe such tests. If someone were to succeed, which she had heard this challenger, had not, but if they were, then there could be valuable information for a growing Adept to learn during the test. Some things could not be taught within the classroom after all. Yet, Wylla had missed the test, so she would not know if there was anything she could have gained from observing it or not.

Though, the last part of what she said left her puzzled. Wylla did have high standards for herself, and she did do something sorta like that, that Chieko mentioned. Was there a way the teacher knew? Was that what she had just spent a short moment 'scanning' on, or thinking about? No, there was no way she knew. It had happened days and days ago, outside beyond the barrier of the school. No one could know. Right?

Feeling slightly worried, she realized, she was not observant as she thought she was. Even though, she thought she was the observant type. At Chieko's questions, she thought back to him. "Anything black? Um... No? His aura? His SE? No, it seemed low. Gaps? I don't even... Smell? Well.. now that you mention it..." She sniffed the air, and frowned. "Sweat?"

Suddenly, out of nowhere, came some boy sliding on his back to her feet. Blinking, down at him, Wylla snickered. "Guess the floor is a tad too polished? The cleaning staff at Esprit sure are impressive, Chieko," she teased, and praised, knocking her boot against his leg lightly. "Of course!" she responded, at the 'little girl's' request. Bending gently at her knees, offering her hand, and helping the clumsy boy to his feet. Then, following through, politely, Wylla bent at her knees again, delicately grasping at his books and papers, thoughtfully picking them up for him.

@Rho @Idea
Lyell Shannon:

Lyell's mind was racing, like horses on game night. Why were these two... Was one of them hurt? He looked to the nurse's office, eyeing the illuminated sign. He blinked a few times, and looked back to Chieko and the other girl. He couldn't help but stifle a short laugh at the teacher's witty response. She wasn't faulted in her words... That was blatantly obvious. But, it wasn't that he wasn't smart... He spent half his time reading. Problem was, he wasn't a good student... He never listened, no matter how hard he tried to tell himself it was important. He only made it to his 3rd year because of high test scores... But that wasn't that bad. He was more worried about this year than any other. He didn't have teachers like Chieko. This was the year it all changed. The year everything got serious... The year he had no place in.

"Hey, you loved me, don't deny it. Shortie." He said, with a faint smile, as he was helped to his feet. "And, for your information-" He was cut off by his own brain, registering her words at a remarkably slow pace. "I don't have any mandatory classes..?" He asked quietly, his brows raising a bit. He sighed, and slammed against the wall, rubbing his temples. "I... Forgot." He muttered, as he shook his head. "Rough night." He explained to the two, as he collected his things from the girl. "Thanks... Wylla? Right?" He questioned, as he mentally got himself together and attempted to make a decision on what to spend the rest of his day on.

@Thalia_Neko @Idea


Ophelia listened to the boy, but could tell he too was feeling something. It was clear to see behind his eyes that he wanted to fight her as much as she wanted to fight him. "I think I'll stay right here." Ophelia forced a smile onto her face as she looked to the teacher. Then her eyes lit up with an idea. "Actually," Ophelia looked to the teacher. "Would you mind watching over a match?" She walked over to Charon and whispered into her ear. "I'm having a bit of a problem with my "instincts" do you mind letting us fight?" Ophelia knew she was probably asking a lot, but right at that moment it was taking every ounce of her control to not attack the boy. It was just something about him and Inkt being so close to her that was driving her thoughts mad. She wanted so badly to rend them both to pieces and then roar into the night sky before hunting more monsters.

@Thalia_Neko @SKUsagi @AvidElmV2
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Charon was not expecting anything like that, when the student brazenly walked up to her, and then selfishly, and directly requested a supervised match between her and Yasei. Ugh. Stupid kids... She thought in annoyance. Though she was not all that much older than they were, and her studies had been not too long ago. Still, Yasei was her responsibility, as well as the control of any DE, though Ophelia, she knew had none. This question made her frown and glare in thought. If they were going to fight anyway, she might as well be the ref of it.

"Yasei's training is more than.. lacking," she noted aloud. She was not trying to hurt Yasei's feelings, only note that a match with him for someone so developed in their SE and SP control, would be easy pickings. Hardly a 'match.

With a sigh, and against better judgment, Charon agreed, with a nod. She was trying to let Yasei have a little more leeway in his 'leash'. "Follow me," she said to the group, walking away, and leading them down towards some outdoor arenas, made specifically for this type of thing.

Stepping up in front of one, she said, "Here," sternly. The ring in front of her was of modest size, though no where near the size of the one used for Advancement Tests. It was maintained well, but it was not as nice as some of the better arenas Esprit had. It was more for random bits of training, than an actual match. Still, it would suffice. "Okay, this is an official 'match'." She began, still wondering how 'matchy' it would be with Yasei's lackluster control of anything.

"I, Charon Yiddis, will be the supervisor, ref, watcher, judge. Whatever else you want to call me for this particular fight." She motioned for them to enter the ring. "The match is only between Ophelia and Yasei. No outside interference, except from me, when I deem it necessary to do so... Uh, I mean, if I deem it necessary. I want a nice, respectful, clean fight. Nothing dirty. If it seems your opponent needs a rest, or is even done, back off. I won't tell you again." Charon was definitely quite strict in these scenarios. She had often seen these things go sideways. Poorly regulated fights were an issue in Adept Academies, and although sparring and training was encouraged. Outright matches needed strict supervision, just in case. "Okay. Fighters, take position. Get ready..." She lowered her hand like she was chopping a block. "Engage!"

@Kiroshiven @AvidElmV2 @SKUsagi

Yasei Ko

Yasei hardly listened to Inkt any further, Ophelia having gained all of his attention. He was having a hard time keeping himself still, every part of his body screaming out to be set in motion. Each wanting to work together to kill, maim, and obliterate their target. This was something the boy faced each day and one of the main reasons he sometimes refused to even go to class -he'd faked every sickness under the sun at this point- but this was something far more intense. Somehow and someway, he knew the girl felt this way to, as if they were natural opposites that wanted to -no, NEEDED- end eachother. When the girl refused to come closer, Yasei practically growled under his breathe, releasing Inkt's hand as he primed to charge forwards and strike. Who cared if Charon was here to watch the events unfold? All he needed was one nick, a good slice, the smallest dribble, to know what her blood tasted like...


When the girl suggested to Charon that the two had a private bout, Yasei couldn't be happier. He practically dragged Charon

along to her destination, despite not knowing where it was, stopping every now and then to correct himself when she pulled off to another direction, a look of sinister excitement now sparking to life in his eyes as a vile smile that didn't seem to belong to him crept onto his face. Hopping into the outdoor arena once the group arrived, Yasei paced back and forth, ignoring Charon's words for the most part, only tuning in occasionally as he searched for the only word in her speech he wanted to hear: fight. Go, strike, attack, begin. Whatever it was, they all meant the same to him. Eventually, as he sensed her announcement of the rules coming to an end, the boy found a place on the arena's mat to stand still on, focusing once more on Ophelia. His smile was still present and seemed to only grow wider and wider as he waited. Yasei impaitently inched forwards, in the form of drunken stumbles by the looks of it, before breaking off into a deranged madman's sprint as Charon announced the start of the match. He laughed wildly throughout the run, mumbling incoherent sentences to himself that didn't seem to go anywhere, just trailing off into grunts and moans. He didn't seem to hold any stance, or at least any stance that could benefit him, and as he came within striking distance of the girl, he began to throw his arms seemingly wildly at any apparent soft spots on the girls body, although anyone paying attention could see he was actually attempting to rake across her with his finger nails. Nails which had started to grow... longer? Charon would begin to sense a small amount of DE seeping from the boy, although not enough to warrant an immediate shut down of the bout. 

(Chieko´s POV)

I laughed a little at Wylla´s joke, nodding.

"Yes, remarkable indeed. Just last week they managed to go into a closet and cleaned up every bit of "trash" they found. Turns out they destroyed a student´s fundraising project through a haunted house. And the way they "organized" my deck? Heh, couldn´t find anything on it! " I replied, only then giving my little remark to the boy. As he got up, he retorted by stating I did "love" him and I would have laughed except.... My teeth clenched. Around my body began to form a golden glow, brighter by the moment, in particular around my hands which were starting to tremble. "Shortie, huh? Shortie ... Rrrrr....."

In spite of my limitations, a lot of students didn´t have my kind of reflexes, speed or anything that close. Maybe the third year did- I didn´t know, and I wasn´t aiming at killing anyway. And given he was carrying things and unprepared for what was coming, it was little short of inevitable for him to be caught in my bubble now, as in a snap the short pitch black sphere formed in front of me and expanded in all directions until it had surrounded at least the tree of us. I didn't want Wylla tattle tailing either. I had just remembered a very good reason why I liked reading that letter over and over sometimes. Cause, in many others, I didn´t get what they were giving me in it.

"I can see the new teachers didn´t teach you anymore respect either, did they now? Don´t worry- rudeness and disrespect are minor offenses, so this won´t hurt...a lot."

The world around us changed from the standard black gue of my pocket dimension into a rock room , dark with only a few lights with no distinct source. A set of saws and chains appeared, alongside fireballs, or rather fire heads ,the heads of angry foxes with sharp teeth and sharper growls. Bars grew between Wylla and us two, my business was with the boy alone.

"Don´t resist and this will be over quick. Don´t worry, there will be no physical harm, that´s something I can set in my dimension. But still, maybe this time, you´ll recall what you were warned about regarding the shortie." I stated, taking a step forward.

@Thalia_Neko @Rho

(Chika´s POV)

Emotionless? I think this guy redefined "stoic". He was boring to as much as look at, at least if you could see his face. Yeah, he´s back was much better, actually reminded you of looking for a person who can smile without needing you to sew strings into the lips for it. He seemed serious enough, as I first expected, but a bit too harsh and angry. Seriously, couldn´t the school have some "I´m a good lackey" jackets so I wouldn´t go over all this trouble? What a waste.

"The funny part about the way you dress, pretty boy, is the dark clothing and the demonic horn. I can´t even guess how much you must have spent to glue that for cosplaying. Oh, my apologies, is it perhaps related to your ability? I´m sorry, I didn´t meant to be offensive, I just find it a tad...fascinating, I guess?" I allowed myself a giggle or two. "Now, that´s a good question, but I don´t like wasting time, you know? But my reason is a secret too. For now, we can say, my reason is I saw someone alone and I wanna talk to that person. Because that person is interesting."

Should I play that card now? His interested seemed like it was never high in the first place and at this rate it could drop twice as fast. I needed a good hook. Yes, it would fit and it might even be my only option in this situation. If I wanted someone who could cause problems, I had to be willing to take the risk of over-eagerness. I just needed to display I wasn´t gonna sell the hook´s release cheap and I would probably get my goals accomplished, or this segment of them anyway.

"Plus, I know this person who, well, I mean, anyway the point is their SE feels very similar to yours. At least in how it feels. So, I though, hey if they have a similar feel, maybe they´re worth befriending! I know it´s been four months, but... I guess I still feel kinda new to everything here? Company can´t hurt, can it?"

Lyell Shannon:

Lyell cocked his head a bit, and he looked to Chieko, confused. "Hey, Mrs. Chieko, you alright?" He asked, his eyebrows raised a bit. Sometimes he couldn't help but wonder how his mind moved so slowly while socializing, but so quickly while alone.. But this was one of those times. This exact thing happened early last year... Except it was in class. That was... Not fun, for either of them. Especially because he had no proof that she'd beaten the shit out of him. It was bad.. He spent the whole week afterward training for this exact situation to happen again. Only, he didn't remember a lick of it. It was over a year ago.. Probably only by a few days, but the idea still stands.

Lyell held his hands up in defense, his face still blank. "We don't need to do this... Again..." He'd said quietly, backing up a few steps. But it was too late. Within a few seconds, they were in a dimly lit rock room, almost like a cave. Familiar.

"C'mon Shortie... I'm not just gonna let you have your way with me. You know me." He said, as he began stretching out his arms. "Just don't get mad when you lose... I know you have a... Temper." He said, treating the event like a sparing practice, rather than a fight. They had to be around even now... He hoped.

@Idea @Thalia_Neko
*Wylla Isla*


Wylla nodded to the boy, "Wylla, right," she repeated, giving him a curt nod. Her eyes flitted from him to the 'little girl' to her side. He was calling her shortie... and she clearly did not like that. The blonde didn't even really get a chance to respond to Chieko's silly retort revolved around some fundraising shenanigans, and the fact her desk was disorganized. "Hey! Chieko! -"

The young woman called, reaching forward, seeing the Spirit Power manifest. Suddenly, the light shifted, and all three were transported. To where...? Wylla didn't know. Blinking surprised green eyes, she looked all around her in that dark place. This was Chieko's SP, huh? Something she had only really alluded to in lessons. The Second Year had no idea this is what it would be like coming here. It was dark, creepy, and frankly scary. It had chains, and firey fox heads, illuminating some areas eerily.

Strange was a word that couldn't even be used to describe the place they were in. It was unknown. It was chaotic, yet had order. If this was Chieko's power, did she have complete control over... this... pocket dimension -for lack of a better way to describe it-? Wylla flexed her hands, and observed her person. She seemed in tact. She begun to wonder if her SE could be used to combat this. Could be used to stop being transported here. Probably, but Chieko was a teacher, so she was a lot stronger, and thus Wylla was pulled within.

Suddenly, bars came up, blocking the two off from her, and she stepped forward, shouting, "Hey!" clasping her hands around the bars. Listening to the boy's stupid words, she shook the bars. "Stop it! Stop antagonizing her! -Chieko! C'mon! He's a student! Take us out of here!" She growled in desperate annoyance, slapping the bars, and stepping away from them. She didn't expect her teacher to go too far, but who could know? This guy seemed familiar with this. He also seemed incredibly arrogant. He even threatened Chieko, which caused Wylla to stare at him in disbelief. With that sort of attitude on display, it was clear he was no where near the teacher's Adept level.





(ignore her right eye, and imagine an eye patch over it)

Inkt's hand found her side, when the boy finally released it. Instantly, something happened between him and Ophelia. She could feel the air sparking with the tension of SE and darkness. It threatened her, too, and she gripped the blade's handle at her side tightly. Her heart was usually at a steady beat, but it was beginning to pick up. She closed her red eyes a moment, and breathed in, meditating on the spot. Even as everyone left her, at the confirmation for a duel by the teacher. Something Inkt missed in her meditation-session.

When she opened her eyes, she only just barely noticed everyone walking away, and down a nearby path. Intrigued, and not wanting to be unsocial, she quickly bounced in their direction, catching up in no time. She came up to stand beside the taller blue-haired woman at her side. Blinking red eyes, she observed the arena, and watched Ophelia and Yasei take their places near the center. This arena wasn't big, but it wasn't small either. It was a good size for a duel such as this.

Inkt found herself focusing intently, even when the woman beside her called for the match to start, she only barely heard her words. Instead, she let out a little "eep!" when suddenly Yasei launched into a feral run and attack. The dark-haired girl watched the match begin, and take off. Even she could feel the beginning of DE to manifest. Inkt had been around that feeling too much to not recognize it. In a way, it was fascinating to once again feel it in front of her; coming from the boy she had just been talking to. Her red eyes focused right on him, and her heart began its speedier beating once more.





Instantly, as Charon began the battle, Yasei took no time in rushing at his opponent. A stupid move if any had seen one. He was untrained, lazy, and weak. He paid no heed to his lessons, and was careless from even the get-go. Meanwhile, Ophelia was a new student as well, sorta in her own way. But she also had much more control, which was why she was allowed to be a student. The dragon girl had also spent some time killing monsters. Something, as far as Charon was aware, had never once happened with Yasei. If this was a serious life or death fight, Ophelia should sweep the floor with him.

Though, he had DE, and she only had SE. Who could really say, how this would all go down, though if Ophelia was extremely well trained, she'd overcome him easily, but she was still a student, so that wasn't the case.

Charon's eyes narrowed, feeling the DE beginning to seep off of Yasei. She coughed loudly to the boy, letting him know that she felt the DE, and that he should cool it. If he paid attention to her, she'd be surprised. If he didn't... well then this fight would be over much sooner than expected; basically as soon as Charon would step in. If Yasei continued to release DE like this, they'd find her stepping in extremely quickly.

@SKUsagi @Kiroshiven @Idea @Rho @AvidElmV2
(Chieko´s POV)

Chieko, Chieko, Chieko... I growled. I knew it. Not even a "miss". Even the honor student, Wylla, with that proud distinct family of hers, even she couldn´t help but treat me Like an equal. A long time ago, I would have cried, falling into disgrace like this... But today, all I did was growl. Growl and clench my fists. I bet this kind of sentiment and conflict was what the monster was after when he cursed me, wasn´t it? Probably. Too bad for him I ended up leaving to teach. Still, the darn thing was likely rolling in whatever after life monster had (if they had one at all, even I had things I didn´t know about monsters) laughing at this situation. First one student calls me shorty and the other one loses all sense of formality... I´d show , I´d show them! I could hurt them as I pleased here, they wouldn´t actually get injured as long as I didn´t permit it. The only time someone had got hurt like that was when I took a monster with too much DE into the dimension and couldn´t handle keeping it fully in check. But my partners at the time dealt with the rest.  Of course, though, that kind of edge the monster had, the students lacked.

I first made sure to have no weakspots. A heavy coffer appeared and I scrambled the letter into it, then sealed it with several locks and set the thing afloat beyond reach. Next I snapped my fingers, shutting down the impact of the student´s SE in this pocket dimension. While this didn´t affect the power itself in any way, his tendrils wouldn´t have any impact upon the constructs of the pocket dimension, including each and everyone of the present in it. And of course, the chains that I next imagined. From the nothing appeared gas columns, like formless snakes or grey tendrils that quickly fwooshed in the student´s direction. Should any of them come close enough, that column would wrap itself on the student and form chains, which seeing the weakened effects of the student´s own tendrils, he would not be able to escape from. I snapped my fingers again, altering the effect of gravity, allowing me to float and tripling it on the student. From there it was likely a matter of time until the chains bound his arms and legs and started pulling each in it´s own direction until that Lyell gave me a proper apology. With the preparations made, I allowed myself to speak.

"You see now? Once you´re in this place, you don´t get out so easy. It tends to have a fee, for some is service be it as alleys, conversation holders, you know... though most still end up paying with their body and mind. I suggest a respectful and heartfelt apology for your misconduct. "

@Calm @Thalia_Neko
Lyell Shannon

Lyell let out a low groan, as he collapsed to a knee from the incereased pressure on his legs. "Agh..! That's... Cheating!" He exclaimed, obviously struggling with the extra weight. How could she do that?! Last time it was at least close to fair, despite the fact that the fight was one-sided due to their skill and strength levels... And now she was bringing extra limbs into the situation too?? He eyed the tentacles coming out of the ground, as he struggled to stand straight, eventually getting to his feet, with a slouch. He took a few steps back from the tendrils as they closed in, trying to get into a fighting stance so he could fend them off for a few extra seconds. Naturally, it didn't work. He let out a worn out groan as the tentacles began wrapping around his arms and legs, pulling him closer to her as he struggled to release his arms. 

"Y-Yeah, okay, I get it... I'm sorry. Just... Can this be over? I'm not really a fan..." He'd muttered, a little embarrassed for whatever reason. Maybe it was because he was being a little cocky earlier, maybe it was because he didn't think she would actually do something like this, maybe it was because he'd had a fetish for tentacles as long as he could remember due to a cartoon he'd found online when he was 13, who knew. Let's just say he was happy he'd worn a long top that day...

@Thalia_Neko @Idea
 (Sorry everyone, Finals had me distracted)

Kumi silently watched the battle with interest.In his mind he mentally assessed everyone; their strengths, their weaknesses... Every bit of information.

"Hmmm..." he murmured to himself, most people attacked and defended physically or with their powers which left Kumi himself defenseless in the physical realm. It seemed that he would need to train physically to have a chance if his mental attack would fail. His eyes widened in pleasure with his sanity slowly fleeting from his mind.

"Fight... More..." he whispered quietly, "Show me what you can do...." he murmured. Sometimes Kumi thought that his classmates were too weak, this school needed more fighters. 

 @Kiroshiven @Idea @Rho @AvidElmV2  @Thalia_Neko
(Chieko´s POV)

As soon as the chains came in contact with the boy, the smoke dissipated, leaving behind cold metal chains, each attached to one of his limbs. Slowly, but without halt, they began to pulling. I didn´t turn off the extra gravity either, just in case. Still, I was expecting him to at least put a bit of a fight. What were those third year instructors even doing? Or the rest of the second years, for that matter? I was perfectly aware I was powerful, but still, he could probably have dodged at least one smoke tube! I sighed, unsure if I should be disappointed, relieved or just ignoring the fact altogether in favor of the anger the student had awoken in me. And I was having such a wonderful day too!

"Cheating?! What makes you think there should be any fairness in this?" I inquired, pouting a little, but soon shaking my head and inflating my chest (or what was left of it´s former glory... ) in an attempt to regain a dignified pose. "Nothing in life is fair. Adept powers are unique, so some will be much stronger than others. Advancement tests exists because some are gifted and others aren´t. Monsters will never play fair, and often they will aim at the defenseless first. Innocent or otherwise. People will play each other, people will drag anyone through the mud and even kill for their personal gain. I´m not a teacher of moral, but here is a lesson in life itself, fairness is something that you have to create yourself. People? They don´t care as much as they say they do. They lack respect. I...I... I know that from experience...Anyway, you picked a fight with someone out of league, out there, this could have meant you wouldn´t see another tomorrow, understand?"

I shook my head at his apologies, but did make the chains slow down a bit. At least he tried apologizing, we were making progress, but he didn´t show any respect yet. In particular, there were a couple words missing from what I wanted to hear. Just calling me the way I should be called... I shook for a moment, before realizing what I was doing and regain composure.

"Say it like you mean it , mr. I believe my suggestion was for a respectful and heartfelt apology." I insisted in a growl.

@Thalia_Neko @Calm

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