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Kanamori no Mitsuko

Theme: Antenna- Michiko to Hatchin ost

Aaaand he was sulking again. Mitsuko crossed her arms over her chest, watched the man curiously rise to his feet and pass her without a word. Her gaze momentarily dipped to his leg, a stab of guilty conscience overtaking her as she sucked in her lips. Her treatment had probably been less than successful due to her outbursts. Even if she apologised it did not seem like he would respond, however. The brunette sidled up to the Seer and hovered behind a bit awkwardly. Truly, what a bothersome child. And he dared to claim she was the immature one between the two. Mitsuko shook her head and greeted the elderly pair. The four of them soon engaged in conversation over the kitchen table.

"So," She started, chopsticks resting on the table as she chewed behind her raised hand "-How did the two of you meet?". The elderly pair exchanged looks and then smiled, a rare occurrence for the husband that Mitsuko had not seen much of at all. It was a faint smile, just a turn of the corners of his mouth and slight wrinkling at the eyes but a smile nonetheless. Her husband was a farmer as she had come to understand during these past couple of days. A humble and quiet man who might as well have been a stranger to the elderly woman in his absence.

The old lady hugged the cup in her hands with her eyes as well as palms. "It is a long story but, essentially, he was the friend of a mutual one," The words sunk in slowly, her own reply drowning in the sand as it did. "I see." She finally mused in lack of anything else to say. Mitsuko quietly examined the rice bowl in front of her. So the lady had ended up giving it all up, just for someone else than expected. It made sense that they would find each other under such circumstances. Humans had a tendency to seek out other like-minded after all and licking each other's wounds was one way of bonding.

The brunette picked up her teacup and took a sip. Perhaps it was distasteful, perhaps it was just survival. Her grip tightened around the clay. Would things have turned out differently if she had done as the woman? It was a useless thought, as that reality would never come to be anymore. In return, the lady asked them questions about their own marriage. Ones she took in glee as she teased the Seer indirectly through her answers. 'Ah he's such a bashful young man, he even blushes at the sight of my shoulders'.

Once dinner was concluded Mitsuko returned to their shared room. A veil of lethargy over the body that slumped onto the futon. "Ahhhh- I'm tired," She put her arm over her eyes "-You sure did put me on the spot by saying that we're married when you won't even pretend and let me do all the work". Mitsuko rolled around on her stomach, "Nevertheless, I think we should speak about how to plan out this journey. You went to the city the other day, yes? How much money did you get for the hairpin?".

A love that would not die no matter what. She wondered how it would feel. Torturous according to the Seer but for the elderly pair it was something fond to them. Something that bound them irreversibly together. Was it the same for them? She pictured her mother and her father in her head and her fist clenched. It seemed so illogical, so unnecessarily vulnerable. And yet people still humoured it. Cherished it even. How come? Why was it that some people fall in love with those they should not? Even went as far as to get hurt for them and sacrifice all they had for them. "Haru- how did you fall in love with the former Empress?" Mitsuko trailed off the original subject and laid her head to rest on her curled arm "Feel free to not answer if you don't want to, I am merely curious".
Hateno Village (Night) - Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild OST

As Haru had settled himself at the table, and humbly accepting a cup of rice, the man's facial features had relaxed, or rather had been forced to relax as he remained a silent observer, deciding to replicate the elderly woman's husbands demeanor as to not draw attention to his rather irritated mood that still brewed within him. His lack of appetite however was something he was certainly struggling to overcome, not desiring to be rude to the elderly couple as he force himself to eat the rice in silence, mind filtering out the mindless chatter that filled the air. Of course, the only time that Haru had shown a reaction at all was at Mitsuko's underhanded tease, causing a tinge of color to flare upon the man's cheeks as if on que. The Seer had cleared his throat, forcing his expression not to turn into an angry scowl, but all the while his frigid fury was beginning to rise again within his chest, a horrid feeling indeed to stifle the angry retort he would have responded with. Nonetheless, as dinner had concluded, the man had politely thanked the couple for the meal and had followed Mitsuko back to their room, although the man could feel his anger truly beginning to spark despite him trying to suppress it.

Once the shoji had closed behind them, the Seer exhaled a sharp breath, the sound perhaps going unnoticed due to Mitsuko's words prompting him to cast a furious glare in her direction, hissing, "Remind me next time to leave you to die." A harsh response, but Haru's temper was flaring again much to his dismay, completely infuriated by Mitsuko's antics. He certainly didn't know why she got so easily under his skin, or how she kept pushing his buttons and making him snap, but he wasn't going to put much thought to it at this moment. Haru then moved from the shoji, hobbling steps returning him back to his now comfortable corner, settling himself upon the wooden floorboards as his legs felt all too appreciative of the relief, though her next words made him perk up. Ah, that was right, they should certainly begin to plan out their next moves. A thoughtful expression crossed his face then, his previous determination to perhaps ignore her having evaporated as he now was thinking of possible routes they could take. Getting to the western grasslands as fast as possible would be optimal, as he wasn't sure if their pursuers were closing in on their current location, and he would prefer to be in a location that wouldn't risk them being captured easily.

Absentmindedly, the man had reached toward where he had stored the pouch of money within his kimono only to find that it... wasn't there. Grunting, the Seer had once more taken to his feet, moving over to the closet where it seemed luckily enough the pouch of coins had fallen deep within the corner where he'd been previously curled up in, and once he'd secured the pouch, the man had limped over to Mitsuko, dropping the pouch of coins before her face as he spoke, his tone now slightly calmer than before, "That should be enough to last a week or two if we ration it out properly, perhaps it could last the trip there if we take the shorter route there," He stepped away from her, lost in thought as he settled upon the floor, a frown crossing his lips, his previous anger at this point in time being forgotten as he mumbled, "Though, the terrain might be a lot more dangerous to trek. But, going from village to village would only put us out in the open; especially if we have to consider that the imperial army might be patrolling around now. It has been over a week." The Seer cast a glance toward Mitsuko's limp arm, though looking away just as quickly, eyebrows furrowing as he considered the less comfortable option, and far more dangerous option of taking the abandoned trails to Byakko's lands. Uneven terrain with dangerous wildlife, and occasionally howling winds that would uproot trees and vegetation as a result of the winds being carried from Byakko's grasslands. It wasn't ideal, but it would perhaps be faster than going from village to village and risk being apprehended... but they did need to make sure they had enough supplies to be able to continue traveling. A dilemma indeed.

As Haru mused over the uncertain dilemma, his mind was drawn from his pondering by Mitsuko's question, causing surprise to filter over the Seer's face as he stared at Mitsuko. Eventually that resulted in the man raising an eyebrow at her, almost if silently wondering what in the world was going through her mind to make her ask such an unrelated question, not that he wasn't open to talking about Mai-Jing, after all the Seer didn't disguise that he was deeply in love with the former Empress. His facial expression relaxed as he turned his head away from Mitsuko, a tiny frown crossing his lips as he tried to recall the first day he'd seen Mai-Jing, their first encounter where it had all began. He could recall the sweltering summer sun, and the taste of blood on his tongue, a cut over his eye that had been opened due to the cutting sting of a whip, blinding his vision with blood, the shouting of an angry voice as he hadn't moved fast enough to scramble out of the way due to the fact that the royal carriage had been nearby and him being the stubborn fool he was had refused to bow or even so much as move to clear the rubble he'd been dragging home to repair some wood that had been rotted away.

The overseer's voice had been halted by the sound of the carriage's door opening, startled voices filtering through the air, a fluttering of brilliant, bright clothes that flashed before his eyes as her hurried footsteps approached, her soft voice ringing through his ears, "Are you alright?" She asked, prompting the boy to lift his head to stare at the beautiful woman gazing back at him, her hands reaching out, gentle and soft as her thin, small fingers brushed away some of the dirt smeared across his skin. She smelled of flowers, a fresh and lovely smell that masked the smell of the salt and blood that pressed down upon the salt farms. Unlike what he'd been expecting of the usual nobles that visited the Xing providence, she had smiled and didn't recoil at his skin, nor the blood that flowed from the new injury. She didn't look at him as if he were an insect crawling beneath her heel, or an annoyance that needed to be thrown away. In that single moment, all he could see was her.

The memory was bittersweet, causing the man's expression to seem to reflect some pain. "..She was the first to look at me, to touch me, and not find me disgusting." A single sentence that revealed enough, all that he deemed appropriate to share. Of course, that was the Mai-Jing he clung to, the Mai-Jing he idolized even after she was dead and gone. He chose to believe that version of her, the one that showed him nothing but kindness, a woman who smiled brightly at him with warmth in her eyes, a woman that had saved him from slavery. The twisted Mai-Jing that he'd seen in that forsaken future, that couldn't possibly be her. That was a trick of his mind, a mistake; it had to be, because he wasn't sure what he would do if it was the truth. If he was to know that she saw of him as nothing more than something to amuse herself with, that it was all an act... it would break his heart, his soul. He closed his eyes as he savored the memory of the woman with sun-kissed skin and a bright, warm smile upon her face, a woman who smelled of flowers.

"Why did you want to know anyways?" He now questioned her, opening his eyes to now look at Mitsuko, a tinge of bewilderment still lingering in his eyes. He certainly didn't know why she had even so much as asked the question to begin with, nor where her thought process was at. In all honesty, Haru couldn't figure Mitsuko out, but neither could he figure Mai-Jing out either, for the former Empress was not someone who expressed her thoughts. She always had responded to Haru in riddles it seemed, never allowing him to cross an invisible boundary that she'd placed between them. A boundary that he always yearned to cross, but never had due to wanting to please Mai-Jing, wanting her to love him as he loved her.

Kanamori no Mitsuko

Theme: Day 1- Honne (Brooklyn session)

Maybe death would have been the preferable option Mitsuko concluded in her silence. Watched the pangs of pain echoed louder than his words on the man's expression as images flickered in a review under closed lids. So many emotions at the disposal of pursed lips and hands that had once asked her to kill him. In contrast, she felt hollow. Any emotions left draining from her in the hand that released its fist. For some reason, she felt a bit agitated at the notion that it had been so 'easy' for him to fall in love. A gnawing trepidation plaguing her heartbeats that remained hidden under layers of bone and flesh and unmoving facial muscles.

How could they let themselves be tricked? How could they not see where it would lead? What about those around them? Had they ever thought what repercussions such foolish actions could have on their nearest? What about her? Mitsuko shut her eyes and turned away from the Seer, curled up between the duvets of trembling lips and the cold sheets that lapped her up in her icy apathy. Fools they were. To have succumbed to such selfish desires and neglected everything else. Let themselves be hurt and destroyed so completely. She thought back to the hill and the lone cross that rose out of it like a flag of white submission.

At least...at least don't just run away at the end of it, coward. The brunette stilled any angry twitching, drew a deep breath and modulated her voice. "No reason really," Maintained the flatness through the assertion and repeated it in her head as the images of the crying Seer from before surfaced amidst it. Hate and love were such superfluous sentiments. Absolutely impractical, absolutely unnecessary. Mitsuko clenched her jaws and drew the cover tighter around her. "We'll go off roads then but we might need to stock up on food here and there when the hunting goes bad." She did not know why she suddenly felt so tired, why the words felt so heavy to enunciate. It was all so redundant-

She missed the time when she did not know about them. When the emptiness was normal. She forced herself into the darkness beyond closed lids.

Mitsuko was early to rise the next morning, the first cry of the mockingbird the tune to her efforts to tighten the saddle. She grabbed the leather cinch in between her teeth and pulled. Let her hand thereafter fiddle the metal buckle needle into the hole to secure the grip. Mitsuko huffed and spat out the basic taste on her tongue. A bit oily and a bit like old dust and dirt racking a frown from the brunette as she brushed her tongue against the roof of her mouth.

The weather was hot, sunlight a blinding veneer that raised the exposure on every colour to wash the world out. To juxtapose this Mitsuko could feel the creeping tan that prickled the exposed skin of her neck and hands. The golden complexion that would soon grace her features no longer a possibility but an inevitability. The light sheen on her forehead came in perspiration and Mitsuko wiped it with her sleeve.

In the background hovered the old lady on the porch of the house. A picture of comfortable shade and aching looks for the brunette that approached. Mitsuko clasped her wrinkled hands tenderly "We were never here, okay?". The elderly woman smiled blithely and squeezed her hands back. The crinkled eyes dipped to the swords on the waist of the brunette and for a moment she spaced out. The frown growing deeper until she conceded in a head shake. "Be careful out there, the world is a large place with many narratives to tell," A pair of quivering fingers gently lifted some strands of hair out of her face and Mitsuko looked up. Felt the smile melt on her lips as she struggled to keep the ends turned up.

"Feel free to stop by anytime. If you just get tired or happen to pass by," The elderly gave her another palm hug then let go "We still have to roast those ginkgo nuts someday!". The young woman chuckled and returned to the horse. She gripped the saddle and put her foot in the stirrup but then suddenly stopped. Stood still for a moment as she reminisced about the past couple of days. The black kimono that lay folded nicely inside their now empty room, the peeled edamame pods that lay in wait for future dinners and the story of a noble girl and a farmer.

One frozen in time and one standing before her as proof of it. Her muscles tensed and her grip tightened until she swung herself up into place on the horse's back. Once again dressed in the drab wraps of a stolen farmer's outfit. Once again a stranger to the woman she left behind.

Mitsuko eased their way into the forest and then turned off the road to follow a smaller path. One that was rockier and littered with roots lingering across the earthen floor. She swayed gently in the saddle, the stallion lumbering on with long reins and extended neck. The plan was to take it easy during the sun hours of the day, then once the heat had subsided they would increase the pace. Everything to spare on their energy and cover as much distance as possible with as little breaks as possible.

Although they were two in this journeying party, Mitsuko had yet to speak to the Seer this morning. Only now prompted to do so when they had gotten underway. "Tell me when you need a break. We don't want your leg to get worse than it already is." Her voice resounded detached from her unturned head and straight back.
Temporal Spire - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky OST

To say that Mitsuko's reaction to his question didn't worry the Seer would be a lie. A frown crossed the man's lips as she would turn over, facing away from him and with it he knew he would get no answer as her response was one that he should have expected enough. The man would not press, would not interrogate for who was he to do so? It was better for him to keep her at arm's length anyways, regardless on whether he felt gratitude to her or not, or whatever confusing emotions that still plagued his mortal shell. Instead, Haru took heed to her words, responding verbally as she had turned away from him, "Very well." A sound enough plan to him; it was better for his mind to focus on their destination. So, with a shuffling of tired limbs and a last lingering, concerned glance over his shoulder toward his companion, the Seer would allow his body to slowly slip into unconsciousness, questions ringing within his mind and falling quiet as the darkness wrapped around him like a blanket, dropping him down into a dreamless sleep, something that he was grateful for more so now than ever.
With morning, Haru would wake after Mitsuko, unaware that his emotional draining the day prior would leave him quite so exhausted. Of course, that didn't mean the Seer when he did finally wake would drag his feet. No, instead even as his legs and feet were proving to still be quite difficult for him to navigate on, with his awkward gait appearing more pronounced than before as he forced himself to bear with the pain. Eventually he would grow used to it, grow used to moving about on aching feet again for his pampered three years at the palace had deprived him of experiencing much physical hardship. Through aching joints and limping steps, Haru would double check Mitsuko's work as to leave no trace of themselves behind, though his eyes did land on the beautiful black kimono. Ah, I guess that... makes sense. If they were to be journeying to far lands, such garments were better left behind to never be used - unless she were to reclaim her throne of course. His crimson gaze turned away from the kimono in question, a tinge of disappointment flaring in his chest that perhaps he'd never get to see Mitsuko in it again, a rare thought he would allow to pass by in the back of his mind without putting too much spotlight on it. After all, their journey needed to continue, and a prickle of unease had settled upon his skin, making the Seer's expression although hidden behind a pleasant mask as he spoke his goodbyes to the elders who had given them lodging and food, had seemed quite uncomfortable.

Eventually it would be time for Haru to make painful progress upon scrambling up on the horse, eyeing the spirited creature with distrust as he settled upon his usual spot behind Mitsuko, uneasiness coiling in his gut as he had settled upon the saddle, the usual pain flaring to life again though it was a sensation he was slowly beginning to grow used to. The swaying gait of the horse did cause Haru to clutch to Mitsuko again, however putting reasonable enough space between them as he did so, allowing the silence that was inevitably falling between them to lengthen. His mind was drifting, traveling to the night before, with Mitsuko's very odd reaction and her silence that still plagued her even now. Was she alright? The man shook his head, trying to dismiss the lingering feeling of concern before it grew. He didn't need to know if she didn't want to tell him, he wasn't her friend and this was a simple fact. Forcing himself to hold his tongue, the Seer was locked in his thoughts as they drifted to the surroundings. The forest felt comforting, even if he knew the path would inevitably become more and more dangerous the further they went in, he still appreciated the smells of the forest now more so than before, though he didn't much appreciate it earlier on due to his fractured mind.

Yet, it did little to ease the discomfort that flowed over his skin, causing Haru's eyes to shift upward toward the canopy above, as if he were expecting the worst to happen. A frown creased his expression, heartbeat slowing as the odd sensation strengthened... only for Mitsuko's voice to suddenly ring out nearly causing Haru's body to slip from the horse's saddle in his surprise, an increased in heartrate followed by the slight clenching of his fingers as his breath caught in his chest, all too obvious signs of surprise. Though, before he went on an angry retort, Mitsuko's tone had caused Haru to frown. She wasn't alright, that much was obvious. "...I will if I need to, but I'd much rather us cover as much ground as possible." He responded in a tone desperately trying to avoid showing concern, though curse his bleeding heart, the man's tone seemed to betray a bit of concern directed at his companion as he stared at her back, biting on his bottom lip as he hesitated, only for Haru to release an annoyed exhale, "Something is bothering you." It wasn't a question, he wasn't asking if she was alright because he knew the answer. She wasn't. And he wasn't about to try to gently handle her as if she were fragile, at least not unless the situation called for it.

"You don't have to tell me anything," He added after a few seconds of silence, "But I'd much rather you'd get whatever is bothering you off your chest now before it consumes you-" As he had spoken the last syllable, Haru's eyebrows furrowed as he looked past her, gazing at the path ahead as the uneasy sensation flowed stronger over his skin. "Wait." The single command was unusually sharp from his lips, though before them it seemed like the path was covered in a thick, heavy mist. The mist obscured everything before them, the vapor appearing almost solid. It was an unusual sight, extremely uncommon in fact because mist rarely settled if ever in the southern lands. But, to one with even a fraction of spiritual power like Haru had, the sight reeked of nothing but being sinister. His lips pressed in a tight, tense line as he said quietly, "..There's something very wrong here. We should-" Before he could make a suggestion to go back, the mist surged, flowing over the pathway and encircling around the mounted duo obscuring the pathway behind them until they were only within a small patch of uncovered ground.

Haru's expression soured, grumbling under his breath, "Or not..." The chill eradiating off from the mist was enough to sink into Haru's bones, chill him to the core though he did hear a rumbling within the earth, a whisper on the breeze echoing around them, echoing with nothing but malice, "Thou art unworthy." Annoyance sparked to life in his chest, though this voice wasn't the one he had identified as Byakko's; as the tiger of the western winds had not sought out to pester Haru since his failed tango with death. This new voice however was softer, though even as he tried to peer through the mist, he could see nothing. Whoever the sinister whisper belonged to, Haru could sense nothing but anger in the air, hatred if that even could be the proper word. It certainly made his skin prickle as whoever it was, whatever it was clearly didn't seem to look fondly upon the two. And we just started to move again, damn it, we don't have time for this! The irritated thought flowed through Haru's mind as he struggled to focus upon the mists, leaning closer to Mitsuko in reflex as the warmth coming off from her body was certainly more appealing than the mist that seemed to want to drag the warm of life from him.

A sound of clicking, as if great claws were clacking together, accompanied heavy breath from a massive maw that caused the mist to swirl in a flurry around them, causing Haru to close his eyes as he said in a more urgent tone to Mitsuko, "We need to move, not too fast but... don't worry about me, whatever is here is..." He trailed off as the voice echoed behind them, causing the hair on the back of Haru's neck to stand on end, "Flee if thou must. But, you cannot hide from mine sight, nor leave mine mists until you've proven thine worth. I'll be watching thine progress with great interest, do not bore me." The sounds of giant scales accompanied by heavy steps that caused the very ground and firmament begin to quake would soon follow as whatever they had stumbled upon had soon seemed to be retreating, though the aid of the dense mists certainly had concealed whoever it was that clearly decided to throw a detour in their journey, but whatever the creature was had clearly made its intentions known. They could not leave the mists until they had proven their worth, they could not hide from whatever was in there with them. It was an altogether unexpected, and yet irritating situation that the two had unexpectedly been dropped in.

Kanamori no Mitsuko

Theme: Serenity - Binding of Isaac ost

Mitsuko's eyebrows cocked unconsciously at the man's declaration that something was bothering her. Her, bothered? She was not bothered by anything. In fact, she felt as if she could see clearer than ever- Could think clearer than ever without the obstacles in the shape of sentiment that occupied her mind otherwise. A line of irritation furrowed into her forehead as he continued to lecture her about not letting it consume her and Mitsuko felt like laughing. Chuckles expelled through the nose in a sharp snort and via facial muscles that twitched in disbelief. Was this man truly saying this right now? Could he hear himself? After he had broken down not once...but twice in front of her? Three including the scene he had caused at the castle.

Her hand tightened around the reins, an imperceptible quiver in the fingers that pressed them into her palm. All because of a woman, because of her. Mitsuko could feel her body deflate upon the image of the former empress that flickered by along with his sorry crumbling state. Ready to be swept up and away by the slightest breeze on trembling shoulders and dew-laden eyes. The echo of a downpour, bequeathed by the heart's nascent petals.

Her clenched jaws faltered as she swallowed it down. Buried them once more under the lock of compressed lips and fixed larynx. This was dumb. It was all so dumb. The thought consumed brunette was ripped out of her pondering by the Seer's command to stop. Mitsuko pulled the reins towards her and halted the horse in its tracks as suddenly as the order had been delivered. Albeit not without shooting a dubious side glance and a light resistance in the display of a frown after. He sure was jittery today Mitsuko meant to conclude in her mind with a sigh when the sight ahead made her perk up.

Despite the earlier sunny weather, the road in front of them was now shrouded in a white veil. It pulsated forth between the tree stems like pus from an open wound. Oozed ominously across the ground towards them in a manner that prompted the immediate thought of 'we're going to be eaten by it' in the head of the brunette. The Seer stated that something was very wrong here, and for once, Mitsuko found herself inclined to agree. As the fog did not seem to be your usual 'bad luck weather' type but...something premeditated. A strange kind of sentience in the condensed breaths that meandered in thick tendrils upon tendrils out of nowhere.

A worrisome tingle raced down the back of her spine and she felt her body tense up in unison with the stallion beneath them. The horse growing increasingly restless in agitated snorts and taps on the spot as if it too, sensed something was off. The cinereous eyes narrowed and Mitsuko steered the horse to turn around when the mist came gushing. Swallowed them whole in a flinch and raised arm to shield her face before they could even think to escape. Mitsuko clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. Of course, it could not be a normal fog. That would be too easy, too convenient. It was not as if she had almost just died from an infected wound and dealt with the Seer's mental breakdown, not to mention how she had also fought a bunch of ruffians. Now she had to deal with this too?

The ground rumbled beneath them and a voice resounded through the vibrations, stating that they were unworthy. Mitsuko could not bridle the sneer this time, eased the horse by squeezing her thighs and lowering the reins. "Unworthy, you say? I don't know about you but hiding in some mist doesn't seem very 'worthy' to me," Perhaps it was the cumulation of all the stress, but the words came out a bit rough. Grated out of the grip of clasped jaws as she scoffed at the situation. The mist rippled through the tattered fabrics of her clothes and the ever-present warmth at her back snuggled closer, causing her to tense up further.

As her shoulders retracted up to her ears the voice returned, this time from behind to echo a challenge. Funny thing it was, to challenge them when it would not even show itself. In the midst of their predicament, the brunette found amusement. "This a friend of yours, Haru?" She jabbed, thinking it the work of another supernatural like the phoenix that had been drawn here by the Seer. After all, he had in one way or another- had contact with Byakko through his visions. What did it matter if another such beast was added to that list? Mitsuko shook her head and prodded the horse onwards with her heels "-If it is I don't think I like them very much".

It was quite like her to resort to humour as soon as something problematic appeared. If it was disconcerting or reassuring was up for debate, however, as they proceeded through the mist. It coiled around them like a blanket and lulled deceptively the thuds of the descending hooves. Mitsuko scanned through the cloud with shifty eyes, "Hold tight, we don't know what this thing might try". She was a little late to articulate her qualms, though, as when she reached down to tighten his grip on her waist, there was no hand there. She grasped in the air, frowned and then immediately whipped around in the saddle. The Seer was gone.

"Shit!" This supernatural creature was definitely going to get it now. She halted the horse and steered it to go back when something launched from below. It flashed by in just a trace of white in the corner of her eyes before she felt a hand on her ankle. The invisible fingers clasped into her flesh and prepared to yank when a blade came swooping down. A flare of silver and a resounding swish cut through the mist, all the way to the wrist of the hand. Wait! What if it's Haru?! Her mind suddenly screamed and she killed the momentum by quickly locking up her muscles. The blade stopped right in front of the wrist and hovered over its ghastly flesh when Mitsuko caught sight of its owner.

"You..." Her breath hitched in her throat and her eyes widened. Sidled up to the horse was a kneeling woman. Dishevelled in appearance with clothes barely hanging onto her frame and hair falling in strings over her hollowed face. Judging by the horrified expression on her face, it almost looked as if she had seen a ghost and perhaps she had as she suddenly began to wheeze.


In her free arm that was not latched onto Mitsuko, she held a young infant, wrapped in a blanket. The blanket was still with no sign of breaths coming from it but the woman continued to rock it gently back and forth in shrugs. Suddenly she cracked into a wide smile and laughed. "Haha, you killed us. Do you remember?" The woman gazed tenderly down at her calm as a grave baby. "Hahahah..." Her voice simmered out into a low snigger, soft like a cooing dove in contrast to her abhorrent claim. Mitsuko blinked speechlessly, lips parting then closing and parting anew. "-I don't...I didn't mean to-..." She stumbled over the words like a broken record and eventually got back on track in a shrill rasp "-You-You saw me so I had to-".

The mist twisted and converged in the background of the two to form the scene of a room- covered in blood and with a body lying on the floor. Hovering over the body was a young girl, half-naked and snivelling. Her whole body was trembling violently and the bloodied sword in her hand rattled in its loose hilt. A haunting sound that seemed to echo between the four walls to her teeth, mimicking it in a chatter. From the way the body was posed, on his stomach and also half-naked with a dozen slashes and stab wounds on his back and a jutting cut over his throat, it looked like they had tumbled for a while.

The girl had at first fought back with the dagger that was lying soiled in blood beside him before she had slipped out from underneath and grabbed his sword. Mitsuko watched the scene unfold in a slight shake of her head that was growing increasingly more intense for every second that passed. "No...stop don't-" The shoji doors opened and the chattering teeth slammed shut. Something like an eternity seemed to pass by between the exchanged looks of the woman with her child in the door opening and the bloodied girl before the inevitable. The woman screamed and the girl launched forward.

Every swing of the blade was mirrored on the ghastly apparition that clung to Mitsuko's foot. "You killed us." The woman calmly stated as her skin split open to reveal the pulsating red gore underneath. Mitsuko stared out into blank space, her pupils quivering. "No." She breathed and the fingers on her ankle dug into her skin with their nails. "Yes you did," "No..." "You killed me and my baby- this little one right here-" The woman raised the blanket that was now drenched in red and containing a mangled mess "-Look, this is my beautiful daughter". "No," Mitsuko did not budge in her seat. The woman snapped-


Mitsuko howled back, face immediately screwing up afterwards "No...you're wrong...if you hadn't screamed-". It was getting hard to breathe as if no matter how much she gasped for air, it would not stay down and everything just spun, spun and spun. Just a whole bunch of iron and guts and- the nausea surged from below and racked through her body up her throat until she stopped it with her teeth. A high pitched wail suddenly rang out into the air from the mangled mess in the woman’s arms and Mitsuko brought the blade down.

The woman folded onto the ground and the brunette drove her legs into the horse that set off in a gallop.

I had to, you saw me. You saw how ugly I am. I had to, I had to, I had to. People started to emerge from the mist. One after another, lamenting phantoms that claimed she had killed them. Mitsuko swung her sword through their smoke riddled forms and craned her neck frantically around after the Seer.
Haru's jaw clenched at Mitsuko's reply, anxiety flaring within his chest as she had the gall to actually talk back to the voice, though his crimson eyes were now searching desperately through the thick mist to attempt to see where exactly their less than friendly beast was hiding. This would only be temporary, the man's jaw clenching as he parted his lips to retort against Mitsuko's words, but allowed them to die upon his tongue just as quickly as he felt a sudden dragging at his body, the mist coiling and surging within his mouth, chilling his insides as he was soon ripped from his place in the saddle as if he wasn't clinging to Mitsuko tightly, dragged backward and deep into the sea of white as the chill increased with each passing second until his body collided upon the forest floor, rolling upon the damp grass and broken sticks that littered the forest floor, eventually resulting in the man's body finally stopping as he struggled to bring breath into his chilled lungs. "D-damn it." To say the least, the man was growing tired of being so weak, a flare of anger beginning to spark in the Seer's eyes as he slowly moved upon his hands and knees, grimacing at the light scraps that had been placed upon his pale skin.

Now that he was alone, he couldn't hear Mitsuko or see where the horse had been. In fact, all he could see was a thick veil of white. The grass underneath his feet wasn't even visible at this point, unable to see his own arm in front of his face as a tingle of panic crawled down his spine. "Mitsuko?" He called out into the mist, eyes desperately searching the empty expanse of white as he took tentative, painful steps forward. And yet, there was no answer to his call; and so he would call out again her name. Once more he could not see or hear her, only silence would greet him and left him uneasy. As he wandered aimlessly through the swirling mists, every few moments he would see a figure on the edge of his vision, prompting the Seer to freeze and look... only for nothing to be there. Unsettled, he kept limping through the mist, his feet occasionally catching on tree roots that he couldn't see, or thick undergrowth that caused him to stumble and fall a few times, curses leaving his lips. And yet, he continued his fruitless calling out for a companion that he couldn't see nor hear, taunted by figures he couldn't quite focus on, and eventually this led Haru to feel fear beginning to grow within him as his limping steps became hurried.

"Mitsuko! Mitsuko!" His mind was beginning to run in frenzied circles, wondering if she was alright. Considering he had no idea where he was, or even how to navigate through the mist, his mind was reacting with nothing but his overwhelming panic. Being alone was the one thing he didn't want, especially when he felt so vulnerable, taunting laughter ringing through the mist as he stumbled and crawled, only to pick himself up back again to continue desperately calling out her name... until he could smell blood through the mists. This made him stop in a hurried step, the white veil slowly beginning to part and show him a pathway, though it was a mere trick of his mind, all he could see was a trail of blood which made him follow as if in a trance, unable to stop himself, though part of him certainly wished that he would have.

Even if it was an illusion, what he saw had chilled him as he gazed dumbfounded at the body laying upon the forest floor. A mere mockery, a replica, but strikingly so in Mitsuko's likeliness. It caused Haru's knees to become weak as he felt his throat beginning to close up, hesitant steps approaching the body, the man falling to his knees before the limp body laying within a blood of its own blood. No. His mind immediately tried to deny what was before him as he hesitantly reached out to the mockery of Mitsuko, the misty body appearing to be solid enough to mimic flesh and bone. I failed? I failed...? Again? Haru's breath slowly quickened, stuttering within his chest as the awful sting of failure began to coil in his chest, "No, no.. I-" His fingers clenched, nails biting into the skin of his palms as he gritted his teeth, reaching out to the corpse as it felt heavy underneath his arms, deadweight, lifeless. Her skin felt cold, what would be blood was certainly not real, but it felt real. The crimson liquid flowing from injuries inflicted by what Haru could assume was claws; a beast perhaps. "Why?" He whispered that one question as the mist body sagged against him, the man holding the cold body as his panic settled deep within him.

He couldn't have failed to fulfill her desire to become empress; it was impossible. What was he to do if he were left alone? He didn't want to be alone; a selfish desire but one that had solidified and had made itself known due to his interactions with Mitsuko. If she were to die, what purpose would he have? This thought caused distress to flood his heart as his fingers clenched into the body before him, denial causing him to shake the dead body, ignoring the blood seeping upon his fingers and clothes, "Mitsuko! Hey! Answer me! T-this isn't funny!" You can't do this. Please. What am I supposed to do? His desperate shaking of the fake body would persist, his panic causing his words to stumble over themselves, desperately trying to make the replica awaken.

But nothing worked, his every effort falling upon deaf ears and being all too pathetic to the beast who was watching the wounded one attempt to awaken something that was nothing more than simply mist. It was a sight of perhaps human selfishness drawn out through desperation, the dragon coiled within the mists had seen it before in mortals. Nothing more than a fear of failure, a fear of being left alone, and this fear seemed particularly strong in the Seer that made the dragon glare in disgust. He didn't understand, nor would he attempt to. As far as it was concerned, the Phoenix had made the worst possible decision in joining the mortals in their imperfect realm, and now was this pathetic and wailing husk that was now cradling the misty body close to his own, rocking back and forth as his mind was attempting to adapt, eyes frenzied like that of a madman. A wretched, broken thing. That was the only description he could give for one who he had considered perhaps the most vibrant and lovely of the celestial beasts, now crippled by mortal emotion and sentiment. He didn't understand.

The sight caused the dragon nothing more than rage, its massive body dissipating into the mists as now his attention turned to the Phoenix's companion in this life. The woman to Seiryu's eyes was slicing at nothing but thin air, her horse charging and seeking the now wretched Seer who was reeling over a fake death. Taking note of her progress through the mists, though certainly nowhere near Haru's location, the celestial beast had moved through the mists toward her, only for the massive creature to allow his tail to slam forward from the mists, the brilliant blue scales sparkling in the very faint sunlight he permitted to shine through the veil. Of course, being a celestial beast, his tail certainly did take up the whole pathway, although majority of his bulk was still obscured within the mists, but the dragon was indeed quite massive. He would speak, voice rumbling through the mists, "Both thee and thine companion are struggling. What hope doth either of thee harbor if the mind cannot be conquered? Weak and wanting. 'Tis disappointing." Seiryu's tone rumbled and dripped with nothing but his undisguised disappointment, though even if he mentioned Haru, the beast had no intentions to allow Mitsuko to come near the Seer. After all, he was still keeping an eye on the poor broken mockery of one of his own, a celestial beast losing his composure over a frail mortal.

Kanamori no Mitsuko

Theme: Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni OST - Matsuri

It was a trick of the mind, an illusion orchestrated by the damn mist. Mitsuko knew this and repeated it in her head like a chant, her breath hitching in her throat on each swing of the blade. The disembodied voice was mocking her. Using these memories against her to discredit her. To make her doubt. A flush of heat washed over her cheeks and the quickening rhythm of her heartbeats reverberated in loud throbs from the thundering hooves to her head. It was as if she was melting into the horse's lunging steps. Became one with the impenetrable wind that whipped her face and breathed sparks in ruffled hair. The tension that churned beneath in steeled muscles was familiar. Comfortable somehow as Mitsuko found herself distanced from the phantoms and the thoughts they invoked in her conscience.

It started to make sense. The threads untangled and she grabbed the ends to stretch them out. Damn thing, damn supernatural. This was its plan, was it not? To make them so distraught, they would forget and neglect what they had originally come for. Mitsuko sheathed her blade and gathered the reins in her hand. Through the overlay of white, a blue light suddenly glimmered. Flashed through it in a swipe that connected with the ground in a loud slam and a flood wave of mist that gushed towards her. The woman immediately pulled the brakes in reins pulled taut and the horse planted its hooves into the foundation beneath. The soil tore up from the force of the momentum that continued forward through locked legs and ploughed a brake track up to the now still figure.

Mitsuko clamoured onto the neck of the horse, having almost been launched out of the saddle herself from the sudden suspended motion. She grunted, limbs stiff from the adrenaline and uncoordinated in their attempt to straighten up from the disrupted harmony of the gallops rocking. The brunette was given little time to ponder over how a huge scaly tail had been hurled into her path, though, as the same voice from before made itself known again. A low rumble that could be likened to thunder in her clouded surroundings. "Both thee and thine companion are struggling. What hope doth either of thee harbor if the mind cannot be conquered? Weak and wanting. 'Tis disappointing." Indeed like thunder in how it grated a flare of a scowl from her face and scoff from clenched jaws. "And who are you to judge?" She retorted while the stallion bobbed its head nervously and tap-danced on the spot. The only reason it had not run away yet being the brunette's legs that prodded it forward and the hand that steered it in an iron grip.

The air seemed to drop several degrees in temperature, a sudden chill present in the breeze that anticipated the continuation of the apprehensive exchange. Mitsuko shifted warily in the saddle and squared her shoulders in a deep inhale. The silence that returned her words shot tingles up her arms and spine and penetrated her skin in a static buzz. One that blotted out everything else in a staring contest between the brunette and her hidden adversary.

Her thoughts wandered to the Seer, crumbling into a sobbing mess by the second and she clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth in a return to life. What had he been shown during this conflict? Would he be in a state to continue their journey afterwards? The way her face scrunched up was in sharp contrast to the earlier panic and a realisation settled in the downwards slopes of her brows. What a fool she had been. What a hypocrite. Mitsuko released a snort in the middle of it all, aimed at no one really and the dismissive kind that only served to fill the silence. Just like her.

Could she blame the creature for pointing out the truth? She bridled the bitter words by chewing tooth rails onto her lips. Guided them away as she recited the chant once more. "If you need to harass someone then harass me and not my companion. It's my responsibility as the leader." Her demand resounded like the dying murmur of a passing storm. Solemn and as cold as her stony expression. The Seer's trembling features haunted her under closed lids and spurred her pulse to beat faster through bulging veins. Mitsuko made no further attempts for her sword but stayed her hand on the reins that had lowered to hide in the mane. The word responsibility triggered a twitch from her, however, as ashen eyes stared off into the distance.

The brunette threw a glare at the tail in front, "-Though I would prefer if you did not hide behind illusions and mists to do so. If it is a fight you desire then I'll gladly give you it". She angled her limp arm away from the creature's view. A feeble attempt at an illusion of her own as she was faced with something more than 'swordsman actors' and castle guards.
The beast watched the mortal come to a stop; a retort following to the beast's words of disappointment in both performances. If both of them struggled so intensely now; what hope would they have to face Byakko? Though, the blue-scaled beast was growing slightly more amused with the mortal's boldness. A brave front was displayed shortly after her challenge, causing the air to tremble a deep exhale as if the dragon was attempting to prevent itself from laughing. A mere ant this woman was, something to be crushed. Something the beast desired to do more so than before in this moment, if he just moved his tail just the slightest bit, it would be a simple matter to crush the woman. But, Byakko had forced him to restrain himself, due to the broken husk that supposedly was the brilliant Phoenix, acknowledging an age old promise... how foolish.

Her next words made the dragon echo, "Leader?" The sound of shifting scales dragging across the earth filled the dense mist, ringing from all sides as the monster was now circling the woman, the flash of glowing blue eyes occasionally reflecting from the dense white, eyes as large as moons or so it seemed. "A leader of what? Of thine own sins? Thine own lies? Or doth thy mean a leader of a broken empire on a bloody throne?" The voice grew more hostile, more bloodthirsty as the shifting of the beast's body had stopped, "A bloody throne built on mine own brother, mine own sister's lifeblood. O how cruel, how filthy man are, if only I could wash away these parasites!" A loud sound filled the air; bone chilling as the dragon's jaws snapped together, echoing in the mists.

The frenzy that the beast had whipped himself into would swiftly die, as he reeled in the urge to crush the mortal underneath a clawed paw currently twitching as if desiring to. The body of the beast slowly began to show itself, allowing the mists to slowly disperse if only to provide the mere insect before him a glimpse of divinity. The dragon's bulk was currently coiled neatly around the area where Mitsuko currently perched upon the jittery stallion, blue scales glittering brilliantly in the sunlight as the dragon's head was arched high above the mortal, glowing eyes showing nothing but hatred as it glared down at her. Though the beast was beautiful in its own right, as blue as the oceans he could command, the sheer size of the monster was enough to put one in awe.

"Do not hasten to thine own death, mortal, and watch thine tongue, for you speak to Seiryu." The voice echoed far clearer now that the mist had dispersed, though the jaw of the dragon didn't move aside from his lips curling back to reveal rows of giant, sharp teeth, "Thou art nothing more than a insect under heel. I hath no desire to waste mine own energy on crushing thee. Nay, mine interest lies in thy companion alone. A fight I desire with mine sister, not thee." The dragon's head tilted toward the dense mists, shifting through them to linger upon Haru's progress, only being met with disappointment as the Seer was still clinging to the mist body, causing a heavy sigh to rumble the earth underneath the dragon's body, the disappointment clearly showing within the glowing azure eyes as they narrowed.

"But, thy companion is nothing more than a husk. Barely even a shade of mine own sister. It disgusts me." The dragon slowly moved, scales scrapping against the earth, leaving deep trenches as the beast hissed, "'Tis better to let it die than continue this false life she clings to." The words were sinister, though Seiryu certainly meant it. Haru was merely a broken version of a once vibrant soul that burned so brightly with purpose and grace, even now to the dragon's sight the soul that encompassed the mortal husk was black as pitch, becoming more and more foul, reeking of hatred, of sorrow. It was no longer the brilliant fires that would light the celestial realm, but was mere ashes that persisted to remain. His beloved sister, the brilliant incarnation of fire was suffering, damaged due to mortal desire, he wanted to end her suffering, to no longer subject her to the pain... and this was reflected in the suddenly violent aura that was flowing off from the azure beast.

Seiryu knew he was not alone in this horrid yet just judgement. Genbu, although remaining neutral had agreed with Seiryu's anger and rage, knowing what needed to be done was to free their sister's near irreparable soul now before it was too late. Byakko, however, clung to foolish sentiment in trying to uphold the Phoenix's wishes by remaining in a passive stance. It irritated him, for what did a wish matter to the fallen soul that burned and flickered before his eyes? She had suffered enough; he couldn't bear to allow her to continue.

Mitsuko's words had echoed in the beast's mind and once more the divinity had turned its head toward her, "Responsibility... as thou hath boldly claimed. Answer me this, what purpose do you have to cling to my suffering sister? When she had pleaded for death, thou didst not permit her to die. And yet in doing so, her soul becomes more and more corrupted with filth." The dragon lowered its head slightly closer, close enough that the dragon's breath could be felt, "Soon she will lose herself to her own madness, a beast without thought, without soul... only destruction will she seek. What sort of responsibility will thee take if her soul fully darkens, little murderer? Or art thou too selfish to let thy companion die? Wilt thou feast upon her flesh like countless other mortals before thee? To clamor for power even at the cost of her demise?"

The dragon fell silent then, staring searchingly at the woman before him, only for a scaly lid to close upon the glowing azure eyes, "Thou art unworthy of her companionship, but I shall entertain thy answers. Do not lie; for I and mine siblings have seen all. Pray tell, why should I spare her life in this moment? Why should I allow you to continue to hold onto mine beloved sister?" Seiryu would weigh Mitsuko's words heavily, though he only certainly saw Haru as his long fallen sister, the dragon still loved the Phoenix dearly, even if her current mortal form was within the weak and sniveling body of a man that probably couldn't put up a reasonable fight even if he tried. Haru's mortal body disgusted him, and it sickened him more to view Haru's darkened soul, a soul too aligned to the darkness, dangerously so.

Kanamori no Mitsuko

Theme: Peace be with you - Binding of Isaac OST

How infuriating it was. To have her self-assured act be made into a parody in a single snap of its jaws and shock wave that teased her locks. Because pretend as she may, Mitsuko was not a fool. Not entirely so at least and not enough to neglect their obvious difference in size that was only reinforced as the dragon began to move. An elaborate act of scales dragging across the ground in mist tunnels that inevitably went full circle around her. Much to the electrified behaviour of the stallion that refused to stay grounded for more than a few seconds as if lightning had struck down and to her own tensed posture. A fight was, despite her challenge, out of the question if she intended to survive their encounter. The creature could simply whip her away with his tail and it would be over. Not to mention doing so would leave the Seer at its disposal. So what could she do? Did she just have to listen to his drivel? The brunette shook her head gently as if to disperse the thick of her worries. Think, Mitsuko. Think.

"A leader of what? Of thine own sins? Thine own lies? Or doth thy mean a leader of a broken empire on a bloody throne?" The knowledge of her disadvantage did little to discourage the discordant sound that rang out inside her chest though as heartstrings were uncomfortably pulled. The glare momentarily intensified and her lips twitched, any smart retorts pushed back to the bottom of the well as she swallowed. Mitsuko was at its mercy and the dragon knew this, made an effort to even point it out in the reveal of a towering snarl. The sharpened pearl ropes of teeth that could be glimpsed from underneath curled lips sent a shiver down her spine. Forced her to defy every instinct in her body that willed her from the spot and instead focus on the dragon's brief glance away.

The quick mention of her 'companion' perked her brows and judging by the way the dragon had looked away- could it be that she was close to Haru? Once again Mitsuko clicked her tongue, once again she had to take their differences in strength into consideration. Was it possible for her to slip past the dragon and grab the Seer in the passing? What good would it do if they could not get out of the mist, though? She wanted to scream, to deny the accusations in a shout. A false life, like the one she had been leading up until this point? One where every decision was made for her, and she just simply floated along? Only able to break the surface in gasps and fight against the down currents in flailing arms so as to not drown. Could she have stopped it sooner? Could she have said no?

The cicadas buzzing grew louder and louder in her head. Imagination shoji doors slammed shut in a gust of wind that blew out her mukuro candle in the darkness. Mitsuko grabbed at her pounding head and grunted at the dragon's admonishing nickname of 'little murderer' for her. The woman and her child from earlier flashed by in the shadows of her palm and Mitsuko flinched. Then what should she have done? Let them live and be punished? Be dragged back into the dark closet and endure days on end without food or water only to be mocked with an insufficient plum. Blue and purple, like her mother- like the tallies etched into her shoulders and thighs.

The brunette drew a sharp breath from her palm. "I've never claimed to be perfect," She squeezed out in a strangulated voice after a few bated seconds of silence. "Even so I have no intentions of doing the phoenix or my companion harm-" Continued in a staccato that was steadied in her clenched fist. Perhaps she was a leader of her own lies, of her own sins. Probably she was every bit of the dirty description he had assigned her. An unworthy human gazing up at the only thing it could not tarry, the only constant pureness in life- the blue skies. Embodied in the dragon's scales and piercing eyes. "It's true that I'm clinging to the Seer for my own selfish reasons," The hairpin transferred a gentle warmth down to her scalp through its nest of cedar strands and her expression thawed. Fist unclenching to gently touch the carved surface of it in unsteady fingers. Much like she used to cherish the dagger in the secrecy of her loneliness.

"I want to make something right for once- do the right thing. Maybe that's a lie too, maybe I just don't want to be alone." Mitsuko trailed off and wavered in a trembling inhale. "But if there's one thing I know for sure it is that both Haru and the phoenix deserve better. They still have hope, if you kill the phoenix now- your sister, you will be sinking down to my level as a murderer”. A murderer, that was what she was. Even so she had pledged to protect the boy, to listen to him. How much was a pledge from a killer worth though? For how long would he need her? And what then? The brunette straightened in her seat. “If…If I see that they’re both beyond saving then,” Her voice lowered to a bleak and monotone disposition, matched by the heavy lines around her squinting eyes “-Then I’ll personally release them and offer my own life as compensation”.

The cicadas fizzled out in a low murmur inside her head, as if pleased by the conclusion she had come to. The cinereous eyes rose to meet the dragon’s “Perhaps that isn’t worth much to you, perhaps you don’t need someone to take the burden of hurting someone close to you. But that’s what I’m offering. The phoenix deserves to know that at least someone close to her did not betray her in the end”. Was it contradictory to what she had claimed earlier, that she did not wish either of them harm? Yes. Was it the right thing to do? She did not know. Had she ever known what to do though? Had she ever been sure? Maybe she was the coward. Willing to run away now when she was faced with the consequences of her own actions. Mitsuko wondered what her mother would have thought about this, what her father thought. What Hayate would say if he knew. Was this what she should have done for him that night? She did not know. She did not know.
Aria of the Soul - Persona 5 OST
Hopeful Dynamis - FFXIV OST [when it gets to the hairpin part with Seiryu]

Seiryu's position didn't change as he listened to the beginning of what he presumed would be useless excuses to leave the unworthy being's mouth. However, what he received was unexpected... if only for a few seconds. This surprise filtered within the glowing blue eyes of the beast as it was silent, as she had claimed she desired not to bring harm to the phoenix. A lie, he wanted to believe the mortal was lying to him, lying so that she'd not die. To lie to save her own life, that was what he expected of the mortals within this realm. However, instead his attention was drawn immediately to her hand as she would touch the glowing hairpin, noticing it for the first time, glowing with his dearest sister's gentle power. It was certainly weak in strength, nothing compared to six thousand years prior when the phoenix was at the very height of her power, but he could feel the tenderness within the weak warmth the hairpin gave off. The dragon's eyes only seemed transfixed upon the hairpin as she proceeded to speak, although listening, he clearly was no longer giving her his full attention, staring at what was gentle and loving flickering flames. Sister, had thee predicted this beforehand? Perhaps she had, perhaps she did not. He knew not of his sister's mind, especially since being separated from the divine beast for so very long.

Of course, his attention would swiftly be fully returned to the mortal as she would claim he would stoop to her level if he were to slaughter the husk then and there. A snort of disgust left the dragon's nostrils at her claim. It would be just and divine judgement toward a rabid beast, it would be cruel of him to allow her to continue to suffer, to continue to be put at the mercy of these creatures she had claimed centuries ago to love so dearly. Was her love for mankind greater than her love for her siblings? Did she not care how her actions were causing the divine beasts themselves to grieve endlessly at her suffering? These questions he wanted to ask her more than anything, but she was far too maddened in her frenzy, an ever present blackened soul in the depths of his mist.
If only I'd stopped thy foolish decision. If only... The glowing blue eyes closed as the mortal continued to prattle, continuing to ring with useless words that could easily be discarded if she'd not offer her own life in compensation if Haru needed to be disposed of. This caused the dragon's eyes to snap open as he stared down at this foolish mortal, claiming she would be capable of slaughtering a maddened beast. She who was weak, who knew not of what his sister's true form was. An ignorant and foolish insect was she, to even try and take the burden of a butcher.

He didn't understand.

The dragon's eyes squinted at the mortal, once more attempting to detect deception in her words, but much to his frustration and surprise, there was none. Eventually as she had stopped speaking, a low growl had caused the earth to tremble and shake. He didn't want to accept this, not from filth like this mortal. There was no conceivable way that this filthy creature would be willing to subject herself to the beast's judgement after slaughtering their sister. What foolish sentiment that this mortal would claim that she desired for the phoenix to know she would finally not be betrayed by a mortal? A gust of breath left between his clenched teeth,
"Lies." He stubbornly was trying to close his eyes to the truth, Seiryu didn't want to acknowledge this mortal's words as truth, that she truly had his sister's best interest at heart. Agitation caused the dragon's tail to slam in frustration against the earth, displacing earth into the air as his attention shifted once more to the blessed hairpin in the mortal's hair. Seiryu's anger flared, but it seemed as if his momentary tantrum had ceased for the beast's eyes seemed to glow slightly brighter as the dragon seemed to be tugging at the hairpin with his mind, causing the hairpin to forcibly be removed in a rather harsh fashion from Mitsuko's head as the dragon clearly didn't seem fond of her, nor did he have any intention to be gentle, even so much as going through the effort to turn the hairpin just enough to put a firm hit to the mortal's head, certainly not enough to seriously injure, but it seemed to show the dragon's frustration enough.

As the hairpin levitated before Seiryu's eyes, the dragon's face seemed to show a bit of emotion as the pin glowed slightly brightly as the beast lowered his snout to the golden edge of the hairpin. The phoenix upon the pin glowed brightly at the celestial beast's touch, the warmth spilling forth and chasing away the chill of the mists that hung in the air, a soft whisper, a truly lovely voice upon a warm breeze following as the dragon's breath caught in his throat. The voice was merely a whisper, a fragment of his sister's true voice, a voice he'd not heard in so very, very long. Unlike the voice that was wracked in sorrow that Haru was quite familiar with, the woman's voice that echoed was gentle, loving, filled with warmth and affection as it softly whispered, "Be well, dearest. Be well, I shall protect thee, now and forevermore... May happiness... joy... light... path... fear... not... be... always..." These words, although fragmented toward the end had echoed with such clarity from the hairpin in the clearing that Seiryu was in true disbelief as the hairpin abruptly dropped to the forest floor. Why? A tense clenching of the dragon's jaw and rage sparked once more in the glowing eyes as they settled on Mitsuko again. Why do thee yet again choose a mortal? Why?! Art thou a fool? Another growl of frustration left the dragon's maw as he moved the warm hairpin, once more levitating the blessed object as the voice from it fell silent once more, no longer amplified by the dragon's touch to reveal the soft words the phoenix would endlessly repeat in the blessing for this... disgusting insect.

"Thou truly art undeserving, utterly filthy." The words were scathing, angry as the dragon made a point of now flinging Haru's gift at Mitsuko in a rough display of frustration, yet once more taking care not to cause her serious injury, for whether he liked it or not, this woman seemed to have snagged his sister's attention and held her protection. As much as he wanted to disregard his sister's foolish actions and kill the woman right now, and even if he'd claimed he would go against her wishes before... in this moment he couldn't. "...But, if thee speak with truth, then I shalt hold thee to thy promise. I'll refrain from slaughtering thee, if only for... her wishes." A reluctant grumble, clearly not very happy but it seemed as if the blessed hairpin had been the only factor forcing Seiryu to back off from killing Mitsuko now. He certainly seemed ready to do so earlier.

A grunt left the dragon's maw, his body unfurling as the very air seemed to hum, power flowing from the giant beast's body in waves as he reached through the mists to the cowering husk, though upon approaching the husk had stirred, haunted crimson eyes wildly looking about as he clutched the mist body closer to himself as if prepared to defend it. The sight nearly would make the dragon roll his eyes in frustration, if his sister's words were not still echoing within the beast's mind, peering at the mortal for a few long moments, at the blackened soul filling the mortal shell and almost overflowing. As long as there is a small piece of thee left... The thought was of little comfort, but the phoenix's voice seemed so very pure, so soft within that very moment, truly the phoenix he'd known was still in this pathetic, trembling husk. As much as he didn't desire to take the risk... he would entrust the phoenix to this foolish mortal's care, if only a little longer. Peering at the husk closely, the dragon observed the weakness in the soul and snorted with disgust. Nearly snuffed out. Did this mortal practically burn through all of his spiritual energy? What an absolute fool, and yet what else could he do? The phoenix was a mere mortal now, and did as mortals would do. Ignorant of the costs, and blind to consequence of the past, repeating mistakes that should have been learned from. "Come." The dragon's voice echoed through the mists, and without Haru even uttering a single word in response, the dragon simply seemed to pluck Haru from his spot, dragging the mortal through the mists without him being able to process the action before the man was sent hurdling through the dense wall of mist into the clearing Seiryu had designated for him to land, watching as Haru would tumble upon the upturned grass and earth, wheezing as the breath was knocked from his lungs, coughing and wheezing, obviously disorientated.

"Little one, thy companion is hale and hearty, as thee can see." Seiryu spoke, grumbling the words as to prevent Haru from panicking as the Seer seemed just upon the verge of not comprehending what in the world was going on, grass and dirt speckling his already torn clothing with pieces of leaves having lodged and tore at the pathetic bit of fabric that quite frankly was hanging off from the man's head, his verdant hair in a disarray as the crimson, haunted eyes turned to Mitsuko, disbelief flooding his expression as he hesitated for a few seconds, processing what he actually was seeing. The Seer's legs didn't seem to want to cooperate as relief was keeping him on the ground, sucking in a shaking breath as his body trembled, causing Seiryu to look.. very displeased. A tinge of envy seemed to creep into the dragon's eyes as its gaze shifted between Haru transfixed on the filthy mortal as he said shakily, "You're... alive?" This disbelief that had been spoken was quick to fade as Haru's mind fully caught up to the situation as the Seer's head whipped around to now look upon the massive dragon, no doubt the source of his woes. As much as the Seer was indeed a bit terrified at facing the beast, like any normal man would be... more than that, his anger was exploding.

Haru certainly had enough of his mind being toyed with, enough of having his fears dancing before his eyes. Upon shaky hands and knees, the man would rise to his feet, rage contorting his features as he snarled, "You bastard! What the hell is wrong with you?!" He jabbed an angry finger in the dragon's direction, crimson eyes burning with an angry fire, life filling the small frame of the man, "I should skin you alive, maybe then you'll have more fucking sense than to toy with people's minds! Did you think that was funny?!" Seiryu was silent, almost surprised as Haru limped forward, causing the dragon to lower its head to peer closer at the mortal in bewilderment as if not truly believing what it was hearing. This husk... this husk was talking to him with such disrespect? And then, the Seer had the nerve to hiss, aiming a firm punch to the dragon's snout, although this caused the dragon to snort in surprise, eyes widening as Haru proceeded to spout off a sea of insults, punctuated with angry jabs that quite frankly did little to the massive dragon, but nonetheless the beast remained utterly silent and still as it withstood the angry reprimand from the quite mentally taxed Seer, eyes widening as it seemed truly taken off guard at the phoenix's rage, little sparks of the very beast flaring within the husk's ruby eyes. Did he truly upset his sister this much?

A wheezing breath left the Seer soon though, his anger filled tirade having come to an end as he put a hand to his head, feeling an ever familiar headache beginning to take place. Mitsuko was one person to get under his skin to get him this angry, but Seiryu's actions after showing him such a disturbing and realistic version of Mitsuko actually dead... that was one thing he couldn't take, not right now. Catching his breath, the Seer glared up at the massive blue beast, "Why did you do this to begin with? Who put you up to this?" The questions were reasonable enough to ask, though considering the dragon had been taken off guard, the great beast took a few seconds longer to respond, now looking away from Haru as if suddenly uncomfortable, "Both thee and thou companion are... weak, so Byakko hath taken it upon me to guide thee to his domain. I thought it deserving of a trial to test thine mind but..." This prompted Haru to think for a few seconds. Meaning you did this on your own. The angry thought had made the Seer roll his eyes as he turned toward Mitsuko and the stallion, not meeting her gaze was he was still burning with rage, not in the best mood at this moment in time as he settled himself behind Mitsuko, not yet clinging to her though it was clear he was trembling, whether that was from pain, rage, or fear... it wasn't clear. Perhaps it was all three?

Raising his head, his eyes met the dragon's which was still hovering quite closer to the ground, "Well? If you were supposed to guide us, then do so. Or else don't waste anymore of our time." The words were snippy, clearly quite angry indeed which caused Seiryu to flinch, looking away from Haru as the giant body of the beast seemed to flicker and fade from sight, disappearing once more into the mists slowly, as if truly retreating from a vicious scolding as the mist slowly began to clear before them, revealing a path lined with faint droplets of water, glistening and glowing in the sunlight that now streamed between the canopy of leaves overhead. Seiryu had complied... even if the beast had been too stunned to think of a response in turn to possibly refuse, causing Haru to sag heavily now against Mitsuko's back, his arms tightly wrapping around her middle as his forehead pressed into her back, exhaustion and relief fully being allowed to crash down upon him.

He would not elaborate, nor explain his actions. Even if he were to be asked later, he would without a doubt make up an excuse. But for now, he wanted to be comforted that the warmth had not yet left Mitsuko's body, and she was indeed still breathing, still alive. His fingers clenched within her clothes, knuckles turning white, yet he did not cry. He wasn't sure he would have any tears left to be able to do so, and he was growing tired of crying so much, something that he'd been doing quite frequently as of late. "...Go. We've wasted enough time here." The words were muffled, and surprisingly quiet compared to his rage filled words earlier, and the way he was clinging to her was unlike him. But, Haru didn't care right now. He needed to process that she was still alive, that he didn't fail her, that she was still within reach. He wasn't alone, not yet.
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Kanamori no Mitsuko

Theme: Cinnamon girl - Lana del Rey

How absurd it all had turned out to be. How absurd her life was. When had the pages between reality and fantasy started to blur? When she had first stepped foot into the castle? Or when she had first heard of the tales of the majestic beasts that supposedly ruled the lands? Spun from the lips of a young boy to culminate in this fairy tale presented to her. All inked words refracted into its underlying blue shade and manifested anew as the picture of their descriptions. The alive pages waving like the ocean in front of her in breaths that undulated underneath glimmering scales. Rising and falling in azure to the etherized air delivered from his nostrils in snorts.

She wondered what their followers would think if they had the chance to exchange places with her. Would they still worship such an untrue legend? Still, place their trust in it and attribute their tragedies to the will of the gods? Would it have been easier if she had done so? Mitsuko met its mockery in a steadfast gaze and allowed herself to be taunted as invisible hands yanked the hairpin out of her hair. The cedar locks immediately spilt down her back and shoulders in a waterfall of brown silk. Then the hairpin spun in the air and dunked its metal end down onto her head and she flinched. The scenic drapes of her strands swayed to the motion, revealing a scowl and glare half behind the screen curtain before it settled again.

It would have absolutely not been easier, the brunette concluded in a huff. Ready to chew the dragon out when her parted lips quivered in their place. He may have called her an insect, deemed her unworthy and a filthy murderer. Even so, his expression was gentle as he regarded the hairpin. A strange mixture of nostalgic twinkles in ocean eyes and hurt in the wrinkles of time upon its frowning snout. Once more Mitsuko found her heartstring being pulled. The melody of a whistling kettle subdued under shut lids and a mouth stretched thin as the notes resounded in the twitches of her forehead.

Apparently, even mythical beings possessed human emotions. No matter how much they would demean one for being human. The brunette collected herself once more and received the hairpin in a swift catch with her hand. At least he was courteous enough to give it back, even if it was a bit dirty from being dropped to the ground. Mitsuko scoffed and blew the dust off, polished it against her clothes gingerly. If he hadn't been so violent about it, she might have felt more sympathy for his cause. Wait what? Sympathy for the one who was the cause of all their current problems? Not to mention...the things he had shown her. The things she had thought she had forgotten but that she could not forget. Because what was it if not the truth? Her gaze stirred, barely so and under half-lidded shade. Tired, she was tired of feeling.

The dragon momentarily turned away from her to then fling a silhouette her way from its maws. A body emerged tumbling out of the mist, tearing up grass and dirt in its rolling rampage until he stilled. Dishevelled from the sudden entrance and body caving in on itself in trembling limbs, he looked up and the sight wrenched a relieved sigh from the brunette. He was okay albeit a bit roughed up. The cinereous gaze scanned his frame in shifty eyes for any signs of scrapes or new wounds. Made a pass over his bad leg as well while she was on it. Mitsuko's facial muscles softened in the absence of any injuries that required urgent care, an imperceptible nod the concluding gesture to their reunion. They would have time to catch up later, a sentiment that was shared by the Seer as he instead went off on the dragon. Much to the shock of the latter that found himself retreating at the barrage of questions and reprimands. A familiar sight for the Empress that smiled off to the side when a thought struck her mind.

What exactly had he seen back in the mist? Mitsuko could feel the blood drain from her face, a rigidness settling in muscles that crumpled in the cold. Did he know? The brunette shot a wary glance the Seer's way then the dragon's. Judging by how preoccupied the man was with scolding the dragon, she would guess that the latter hadn't revealed anything to him. Mitsuko's grip around the hairpin tightened then exhaled the pressure out in a sigh. Fingers slow to release it as she let it slide into her pocket and braced for the body that heaved itself behind her. Warm and soft that made her seem all the stiffer and colder in comparison. Would he still cling to her like he did if he knew? The brunette breathed out against his arms, relinquished herself to the uncommon embrace and the silence that took the mists’ place. The trees blotted into vision again, the colours more vivid than before as the sun reflected off the dewy surfaces of leaves and grass. They lapped it up, confirmed the return to reality and life but rejected Mitsuko that fell in between the cracks. Ashen and bleak as she clicked her tongue at the horse to move forward.

Forward from where she was still stuck.

They lumbered on, the sun midway in its journey across the sky when Mitsuko pulled the horse to the side by some rocks and under some trees. The brunette shifted in the saddle and dropped to the ground after swinging her leg over the front of the neck. Her feet steadied themselves in a thud and bent knees and she hauled the reins over the stallion’s head to tie it to the nearest tree. “Let’s take a break here, get some water in and refill the waterskins.” If she wasn’t mistaken, she thought she could hear the low murmur of rippling water. Mitsuko grabbed the waterskin from the saddle and locked it in between her forearm and upper arm and squeezed. Screwed off the cap with her teeth and spit it out before clunking it down. It washed cold and refreshing down her throat and served as a second wake up in the heat that tended to make one feel drowsy. She dried her mouth with her sleeve then extended the waterskin to the Seer. “Want some?” An innocuous question enough but perhaps eerily carefree in tone in regard to what they had just been through.
Mixed Nuts - HIGE DANdism [SPY x FAMILY opening]

Haru's silence persisted, the sway of the horse doing very little to cause the Seer to react in fear like he usually would do. Instead, the Seer had closed his eyes, allowing himself to keep repeating in his mind that Mitsuko was still alive and well. He didn't know what he would have done if she left him alone, if she had perished. The thought, although perhaps reminding him all too much of when Mai-Jing had died, remembering quite well the former empress with the killing wound through her chest, her blood he couldn't stop... his fingers in response to the memory had clenched within Mitsuko's clothing a bit tighter, taking in a deep breath to calm himself. Whatever the mist had shown him was not real, and besides didn't he already commit himself to keeping this woman alive and well? He wouldn't fail, not another person. Even if he found her annoying, she was the only companion he had in the world right now, and perhaps it was pitiful, but he didn't want to be on his own. Loneliness was something he couldn't take again, not for some time.

Eventually, the two would stop and with it, his thoughts all surrounding that Mitsuko was alive and well would stop as she had shifted in his arms, prompting the Seer to immediately let go, startled that he'd been holding onto her so tightly without truly noticing. A tinge of embarrassment settled within his chest as he reprimanded himself, You're not a child Haru. Stop acting like one. Indeed, he was acting like his younger brother had when he was a child, clinging to him tightly like a security blanket. It was unbecoming of him, and he was certain she wouldn't appreciate the action either. Crimson eyes looked away from her as she had slipped from the stallion's saddle, his eyes listlessly looking at their surroundings for the first time since they had left the clearing. He had no clue where they were, though from the dew drops glistening like little pearls upon the grass, it was clear that they were going in the right direction. Glancing over to the ground, he grimaced as he slipped from the saddle as well, his body feeling battered and bruised, though perhaps from Seiryu's rather rough handling of him, it was only now when he was somewhat more alert that he could feel his body protesting with tiny stabs of pain, as well as his leg which protested at the sudden weight the man had put upon it, buckling underneath him as he staggered to regain his balance, making his way underneath a nearby tree for support, a grunt leaving past clenched teeth. The stifling heat also didn't seem to help his current state with feeling miserable, but there was nothing more that they could do about it. It wouldn't make sense to waste precious energy on complaining over something that certainly wouldn't change.

Of course, Haru was a bit grateful that Mitsuko had decided to stop when she did, now that his body was revealing to him how much pain it was in, the break was a welcome change. Though, the man had raised an eyebrow at Mitsuko as she had soon offered the waterskin to him after she had drank from him. His first response was the typical one he would usually always go with; venomously refuse. After all, why should he drink from the same thing she had? As unclean as she was, the him from before the events at the palace would be angrily shouting at her how improper it was for her to do such a thing, and that she should mind her own business, or he would go off and find water himself. However, Haru was tired, emotionally and physically at this moment in time. What would be the point in throwing a fit over something so utterly minor? There was no point. The man grunted in response, taking the waterskin wordlessly from her and tipping the skin back, the relief of water touching his dry throat was something he welcomed, his mind completely dismissing the fact Mitsuko's lips had been upon the waterskin before him; unusual certainly with how usually uptight the man would be, but right now he was far too tired to care about something so foolish as an 'indirect kiss'; something that he'd heard frequently around the palace from giggling maids that served the imperial family.

The thought of the palace however only served to sour his mood ever so slightly, causing the man to abruptly push the waterskin back toward Mitsuko, his expression tightening as his mind filtered through the events that led them there. Some part of him felt... responsible, especially due to Seiryu showing up out of nowhere. Now that he thought about it, hadn't Mitsuko seen something in the mist as well? Crimson eyes shifted to Mitsuko, almost quizzically, however he decided against it. No need to sour the mood between them, after all survival was their priority at this moment in time, but nonetheless the Seer had collapsed underneath the tree, his shoulders sagging as he gingerly forced his bad leg in a better position so that it wouldn't pain him too much, obviously lost in thought for a few long moments. Eventually, it resulted in the Seer seeming to say something, "...orry." The word was spoken so quietly that it was very difficult to catch, though Haru was merely apologizing over what he thought he needed to. Mitsuko had been dragged into perhaps something far beyond her, would she had been better off if she'd not crossed paths with him? It wasn't as if he really cared about her or anything, but what if Seiryu had chosen to kill Mitsuko? What would Haru had done in such an event? Nothing, absolutely nothing was the answer.

The answer was a harsh one, one that caused a bitter taste to settle in Haru's mouth. However, he shook the thought away, pushing it to the very back of his mind as he forced himself to speak louder, covering up his previous very quiet apology so that she'd not question the reason why, "If the waterskins need to be refilled, better to do it quickly. I don't like the idea of staying in one place for too long." Even if Haru was grateful for the break, something was making him feel uneasy. Perhaps it was the fake misty version of Mitsuko's dead body still lingering in his mind, but the man was on edge, wanting nothing more than to get to their destination as fast as they possibly could, regardless on if his body felt like it was breaking. I hate being so weak. The bitter thought rang out in his mind, perhaps if he'd been stronger and not so frail, maybe they could be able to cover more ground? He closed his eyes, feeling a headache beginning to start within his head again, exhaustion making him lean his head back against the tree, although he seemed quite troubled, pressing him for answers now would without a doubt result in the Seer's temper flaring. After what they probably both experienced, Haru wasn't too willing to speak upon the matter just yet, especially with his very quiet apology.

Kanamori no Mitsuko


Mitsuko watched the boy intently, eyes following the same pattern as the waterskin when it grazed the rosy lips. Prodded them apart and spilt through to assemble in his throat, a flush creeping up from the depths of his collar to spread heat over the ice sculpted contours of his neck and frame the bobbing Adam’s head as he swallowed. One, two, three she counted and averted her gaze at the third- suddenly self-aware of her staring. What am I even doing? The realisation pulled at her facial muscles in a display of a frown, knitted brows quickly covered by her sleeve as she wiped her forehead deliberately until the scowl was under control. She took the waterskin back, making no differentiation of the slight force that Haru applied as he handed it back- gaze steeled ahead to meander towards the murmur of water instead. Even as she did, she could still hear the gravel that crunched under his foot as he stepped away. The soft footfalls disrupted by a thud as exhausted limbs collapsed against the tree and put sounds to the pain in a barely perceptible sigh that could’ve just as likely been an exhale. How uncomfortable. The brunette faced away from the boy with a click of her tongue.

“...orry” The words baulked against Mitsuko’s turned away back in a wince. Was the wind playing a trick on her ears? It whistled through the leaves in a mellow tone, one that she could surely see herself conjure up whispers of to roll off the greenery. Ah- it was such a foreign word to hear. One that she so rarely deigned to use herself and that which she hadn’t heard directed towards herself since…well never that she could recall. Her grip on the waterskin tightened, unmistakably so in the pale breathlessness that spread from whitening knuckles to her set jaw.

How many times had she not wished to hear this word before? When she was still naïve and young and thought that there must’ve been at least a flicker of love behind the cruel actions of her father. A love that made him raise his hand at her mother, that stripped her of everything but the hunger gouging at her insides and fanned her violence with needles and pain and the self-preservation that betrayed her eyes every morning as they bolted open.

In the end she stopped thinking about love and with that she also stopped considering his acts cruel. Such sentiments were useless in that house and therefore the word ‘Sorry’ also became as such. The waterskin relaxed once again in her grip, the imprints of the lid a dull ache against her palm. “Yeah, I’ll fix it now.” Gone was the anger, replaced by a monotony that schooled her expression once more as she turned to face the Seer. Mitsuko grabbed the other waterskin from the saddle and cradled it in her arm against her chest as she made her way to the river some distance away.

Through some unassuming thickets and past some trees later she was crouching down by the riverbed. The cold water washing indiscriminately over her hand as she dipped the neck of the waterskin below the surface. It was quiet, she remarked at the rippled reflection of her in the river. The face that stared back at her was only a little more than a stranger- her otherwise pallid cheeks dusted in white powder now possessing a rosy tinge that spoke of life, brown eyes bright in the absence of the ashy kohl that sharpened her haughty gaze into slits and unstained fine lips subdued in their raspberry tone.

She looked-

Mitsuko rammed the water bottle into her unlikely twin, a low growl reverberating at the back of her throat and eyes flashing as she did.


The dragon was right
. How could she reclaim the throne like this? How could she justify saying that she would take the burden when…when she could not even carry her own?

Mitsuko returned to the little glade where the Seer had remained in his languid state. Not much had changed, except perhaps the air with which the brunette carried herself with. Something restrained in her movements, a calmness that was disembodied from the sounds of her feet grinding dirt under their sandals and wind sifting through the stripy loose strands of her hair as she fastened the waterskins to the saddle. The woman took the saddle-girth in between her teeth and pulled at the strap until it was tight again upon which she guided the clasp into its notch. She sat up in the saddle with ease and steered the horse towards the tree.

“You ready?”

The sun had set, and the only traces left of the heatstroke that had reigned during the day was in red raw skin and damp clothes that now stuck to the body in a chilly second layer of perspiration. They had managed to progress quite a bit despite their misfortunes earlier that day. Of course, it was hard to determine exactly how far along they were as they did not follow any roads and relied on landmarks to nudge them in the correct direction. A precarious way to travel for sure but one that had ensured them privacy so far (if you disregard the dragon encounter). Perhaps a little too much privacy one could argue, judging by the disquieting silence that had seized the pair in their rhythmic swaying upon the horseback. In a way it could be seen as a natural development of the partnership. A sort of reprieve from the emotional distress that tended to pull their bond taut and thin and the lackadaisical arguments that usually chased away all moments of seriousness afterwards.

- A pause in their play of velvet curtains momentarily dragging shut to intersperse with a short stasima: “the heroes continued their journey, one in purpose but further away than ever at heart”- before the next episode would take over at the unravelling of a new stage.

A restless breeze darted up the loose ends of the hakama’s legs and smoothed over the delineated shoulder blades sticking out through the slick kimono. If she thought it cold it did not show, a couple of unruly prickles along the base of her neck all the discomfort that was on display. A low drumming droned in over the land and it bounced between the stems of the thinning trees in increasing intensity until it broke out into a field and at a distance- a town. It was located at the bottom of the valley, perched in between the lulling green hills that surrounded it from all sides. Though in the dark it looked more like an assembly of the kind of blurry lights that one would see in the rain. Glowing sunspots on the iris in yellow, red and orange that wavered before them and that carried a joyful buzz of voices and music in the wind over their heads.

It seems that they had arrived in time for a festival.

Mitsuko gathered the reins in her hand and held them to her chest, a little twitch of the corner of her lips the only visible reaction as she glanced back at the Seer and then prodded the horse forward again with her thighs. Come to think of it- weren’t they supposed to hold a festival in the capital after the visit of the Engan diplomats? The brown eyes narrowed at the thought, and she expelled a snort in the motion of a leering curl of the lip. How distant those days seemed now.

Haru barely responded in turn, lacking the energy to take notice of the spark of anger that had ignited within his companion, though it too would fade like everything else, hidden behind a facade that he would not make any verbal response to as the sensation within his heart of bitterness only served to increase in the tense silence that had followed, accompanied by Mitsuko's short response and the fading sounds of her footsteps upon the forest floor. Only when she had gone, had the Seer's crimson eyes flickered open to gaze at the sunlight spilling in through the forest canopy above, filtered by the soft green of leaves and the uncomfortable warmth that came with the harsh sensation of springtime heat. A grunt left him as he turned his head, gingerly placing a hand upon his hip, the unfortunate hip being connected to his bad leg which only served to only tremble at the light sensation of touch and the pressure of the earth below. Perhaps if he were able to elevate it, then the pain would lessen... but he didn't have that luxury right now.

Expression pinching with pain, he struggled to bend his leg experimentally, to loosen the tight joints especially after being forced to ride horseback which he was very much unaccustomed to doing, attempting to get all of the tension in his leg out before he would stop from the effort, his chest heaving with quiet sounds of pain, letting go of the stressed leg as he heard Mitsuko's approaching footsteps, his gaze settling with a heaviness upon the approaching woman, though his eyebrows had furrowed slightly in the slightest change within her. Granted, he perhaps was imagining things, wasn't he? There was nothing obviously different about his traveling companion, no sign of pain or damage, nor did anything seem truly wrong. A tinge of a frown touched the man's lips for a mere second, lost in questions rattling about his mind, only for Mitsuko to silence such questions with a simple enough question of her own: "You ready?"

A snort left him then, eyes turning down to the earth underneath him as he struggled to move, surging to his feet as his bad leg trembled underneath his weight once more, causing the man to shuffle awkwardly in Mitsuko's direction as he grumbled, "I've been ready. Let's go."

The rocking of the horse underneath him was driving Haru mad, prickles of pain flaring in his hip and sending fire down his bad leg, his inner thighs being rubbed raw by the motion of the beast as he was leaning mostly upon Mitsuko for support, even if the man was trying to keep a firm barrier between the two as the midday heat had been unrelenting in its cruelty, causing the already thick heat to be unbearable, body heat prompting a stickiness of sweat that made Haru very much uncomfortable. A grunt left his lips as he tried to readjust his position, though finding it impossible without feeling he was about to fall, the man had quickly settled on clinging pitifully to the woman before him, keeping the prolonged silence that had settled being unbroken.

It wasn't until Haru could hear the distant din of music on the breeze had the young man finally would look at their surroundings with a focused eye, bewilderment settling within his expression as his lips parted in a question, "Where..?" They shouldn't be near any villages right now, at least concerning them being discovered, or even in regards to heading to the direction of the grasslands where Byakko lay in wait. He'd not noticed that the sun was dying in the sky at this point, having been locked in his own thoughts and emotions as a frown had crossed his face as he gazed upon the small village, tension settling within his limbs again as his eyes narrowed at the one who was supposed to be the one guiding the horse, "Hey, we really shouldn't be going near anymore villages right now." A firm and almost irritated tone, spiked with a tingle of nervousness as the man felt Mitsuko encourage the stallion forward anyway, the slightest twitch of the corner of Mitsuko's lips that he spotted being the only indication of her intent, which made the Seer heave a quiet sigh, his eyes closing as a headache threatened to flare to life within his mind. Well, it seemed like a detour was in order... as much as he'd rather just go straight to their destination.

As the two approached on their steed, the scent of festival food and the brilliant colorations of bright banners and glowing, paper lanterns were practically everywhere the eye could see. Despite the man very much not wanting to be there; Haru couldn't help himself but to look at the fresh meat sizzling on display, his stomach twisting in distinct hunger, though he was quick to stamp down on the sensation of desiring to eat, they shouldn't be spending money recklessly, especially after he went through so much to try and get them the rather modest sum of coin they had now, though part of him reasoned that he could try and bring in more funds here if they were passing through. It wouldn't hurt them, now would it? Convincing himself, the man released a quiet sigh as he grumbled under his breath, though the words themselves were far too difficult to hear over the shouts of village merchants and the sounds of cheerful conversations within the streets, though there were only brief glances in the two's direction, though it wasn't prolonged due to the energy of the atmosphere.

"...We can stay if only for a little bit." He grumbled that sentence, a usual grumpy sign of him giving up considering it wasn't like Mitsuko was giving him much of a choice in the matter considering they were already beginning to move through the crowded dirt streets of the small village, though seeing the happiness painted as clear as day upon both young and old faces alike; it sent a sensation of warmth to settle in his heart as a small smile had finally managed to wrestle its way upon his face. If he were to be questioned, he would blame it on the festive atmosphere, but in truth it was relief that the people could find joy still in the little things of life. It was odd for him to feel such a way, but the emotion was quite strong and it served to resonate not only within him, but his other self, the crazed beast that was at bay for now.

Kanamori no Mitsuko

Theme: Japanese festival ambiance

Even as they had agreed on trying to avoid settlements to avoid detection it did little to stop the staccato beat that nursed them forward in the stride of hooves. The latter soon drowned out by a dissonant chorus of footfalls as they turned onto a busy dirt street. Houses and shacks alike pierced the monotonous horizon of grass to tower along their sides and above from the balconies overlooking the street hung garlands of lanterns- man-made stars that formed constellations of family festivities and homemade meals against the aromatic black night. As colourful as the surroundings were, a waving picture of banners, food, and lights, so were the people. The crowd that ushered forward in rivers never stopping for obstacles, merely swirled around them as they lumbered through it on horseback, the final component that tied the scene together in their diversity. Some hade opted to dress up, fine silk and linen brushing past through the crowd in motives of flowers while others fostered a more laid-back style- drab blotches swishing past in rags and robes that spoke of a more destitute living. What didn’t change, however, were the expression each wore. Smiles and laughter mirroring on their faces alike as if the differences in clothing, statuses and circumstances mattered naught under the lowered sky that washed them in amber.

It was…pretty. Almost enough so for her to forget their own circumstances in the midst of it. "...We can stay if only for a little bit." The Seer startled Mitsuko out of her daydreaming, an incredulous look on her face as she glanced back at the aforementioned as if suspicious of his sudden change of mind. Nevertheless, she relented and steered their equipage to the nearest stable where she dismounted and tied the horse to a pole. “We should make sure to not lose each other in the crowd.” The brunette started absentmindedly as she gathered a heap of hay in her embrace and tossed it to the stallion who dug in enthusiastically. Mitsuko grabbed the hilt of her sword and suddenly brandished the blade in a quick flick of her wrist. The process of making a cut in her sleeve was an awkward one. One that was finalised in the clutch of her teeth as she ripped the ribbon of fabric off its anchor. She walked up to the Seer and presented him the strip in her palm as the sword slid back into its sheathe with a satisfying click. “Tie it around our wrists” Her brown gaze flickered up to meet his eyes then fled out into the crowd.

She wondered if the capital was currently a similar picture to this one. The people and lights reflected off her irises in a lively drive-by, a contrast to the muted expression she wore in glazed eyes. Her attention eventually drifted to the dagger in her waistband, fingers holding the ribbon twitching as she did. At least one of us is safe. The icy indifference melted into a lacklustre smile and her eyes twinkled glassy under the veil of lashes pointing down at her feet. In that way she hadn’t failed yet. In that way- did everything else perhaps not matter. “Is there anything specific you’d like to do?” Mitsuko turned to the boy fully perhaps for the first time since their dragon encounter. The youth wise beyond his years and the pillar of logic and discipline between the two. He had surely been right to protest this little excursion and it was probably an unneccessary risk to take. But taking risks was Mitsuko's life and hell would freeze over before she would stop.

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The festive atmosphere truly was intoxicating, the happiness slowly beginning to sink into Haru's troubled heart, digging into the darkened crevices and open wounds to soothe and make him forget, if only for a brief moment in time of the countless burdens that had been placed on the poor man's shoulders. However, it was not lost on him the rather questioning look that he had received from Mitsuko as he had relented to linger in the festival grounds, causing the man's mood to sour as his eyes narrowed slightly in response, "What?" The question was obviously barbed, defensive almost.

Luckily enough, it seemed like the topic itself would be dropped as Mitsuko had guided the horse to a stable, prompting Haru once more with pain filled movements to awkwardly slide from the saddle, his bad leg once more reminding him of the abuse he was putting it through, getting the man grunt as he steadied himself. Perhaps he shouldn't have allowed them to stop after all, was this even worth it? Regret now settled in the man's chest as he allowed his mind to temporarily fixate upon the futures around them, countless dizzying images of unimportant people; however it seemed like their futures would remain unknown to his mind's eye, causing the man to suppress a curse from leaving his lips.

Was the phoenix denying him foresight once more? How could he see others with such clarity, but with him and now Mitsuko it remained unreliable and only major events only deemed to settle before him now. Perhaps if he'd dig deeper, then he could be assured that the two would be alright, but was he willing the grab hold of the crazed beast inside of him? That was obvious, he wasn't.

Movement caught his eye as well as Mitsuko's voice breaking through his concentration. Her words were sensible... for once, causing the man to raise an eyebrow to quirk upward at her in response, though he wouldn't say any sarcastic or biting quips as it seemed like her caution for once did make him have a tiny bit more faith in her to actually properly think. Her solution however made an all too obvious frown to cross his face. Really? He was to be tied to the likes of her?

A sharp exhale left his lips as he shook his head at her, though wordlessly taking the the strip of cloth she had provided, "I suppose this is better than nothing." Haru's hands had deftly began to tie one of his hands to hers, primarily doing so around the wrist and keeping a bit of distance between so that their hands wouldn't be forced to touch, a small barrier once again that he was placing as his eyes shifted to meet her own.

Her eyes reflected the world vibrantly, but her expression did not. Another slight change in his companion, causing concern to swell in his chest. But, perhaps he should know better than to ask, to risk prodding when it didn't concern him. It would be a waste of time and effort anyways; and he wasn't close to her whatsoever. As far as he was concerned, they were still strangers, although sharing a feeble common interest, allies of convenience and nothing more. Her question had made the crimson eyes of the man narrow slightly, the brilliant rubies almost ominous in the light of the lanterns, but he broke eye contact as he turned his attention back toward the crowded streets, "I'm... honestly not sure."

For the first time there was hesitation in his tone, a furrowing to his eyebrows as he gazed at the populated streets. Haru never had experienced a festival, at least in the sense of normalcy. He always was settled at Mai-Jing's side as the former empress would address the palace and foreign dignitaries, a silent spectator at her side, mute, serene and composed. They were never permitted to mingle with the common folk, deeming them to be wild and unpredictable, so the man had been sheltered from the world, forbidden to see the normal comings and goings of the common people, separated to be a caged bird at a monstrous woman's side.

Even as a slave, Haru could only see the brilliant sight of colorful fire flaring above the capital, a place he thought he would never reach, only knowing then the pain of slavery and the blinding, stinging salt he would be forced to farm for everyday. The memories surging to his mind was making him uncomfortable, his soft lips pressing in a tense line, forcing the bad memories to subside. "Getting some food first would be nice." He finally decided, his mind filtering through the many festive dishes that had been on display, causing his stomach to clench in agreement.

Of course, this initial choice was halted as he took a hesitant step toward the main street, a flare of scenery blinding his mind's eye, a distorted cry echoing in the confusing vision that had overridden the others that he normally could easily ignore. It was a mere pause in movement, barely noticable if not for the sudden distance in the man's eyes, only for him to turn his head rapidly, his eyes shifting through the small openings within the buildings. Where?

As if pulled by an invisible string, Haru had begun walking forward, his pace being unnaturally hurried, numb to the pain of his bad leg as the flash of the vision before his eyes was his only guide forward. He barely was acknowledging Mitsuko at this moment, his mind having forgotten about the tether between the two as his head whipped too and fro and eventually his eyes landed on a huddled shape, though it wasn't distinguishable in the darkness within the alleyways, his mind already seemed to confirm that this little soul was what had suddenly grabbed his attention.

The body of the little girl was wrapped in what was a finely crafted kimono, dirtied and torn at the hem, a leg splayed awkwardly before her, puffy and swollen, the dark waves of the small child's hair were tattered and in a disarray, and the evidence of a small straw doll having been scattered upon the earth. The sight made Haru's heart clench, throat tightening as he almost could see the sight of his little brother in the small girl's place. Although this seemed evidence of perhaps a cruel act of bullying, there was no sign of the perpetrators anywhere, probably having rushed off long ago to leave the poor girl on her own.

Kanamori no Mitsuko

Theme: Flute

His displeasure at the notion of physical closeness was all too obvious, little wrinkles pronouncing it out loud as fingers worked the fabric. The boy tended to frown at her more often than not, perhaps enough so to call it a habit. Or maybe instinct was more accurate? Her gaze dipped to their joint wrists, the flash of pearls peeking out from under his sleeve once again becoming the object of her attention. He still had it. Well of course he did, Mitsuko wanted to say as her lips pulled taut. Was there any reason as for why he wouldn’t still own it? She glanced up at the Seer through the woodwork of lashes to baulk at his crimson eyes. Colour reciprocated on sucked in cheeks as she quickly shirked away. Yeah, yeah there was.

The crowd became her refuge once again as she feigned interest, a forgotten memory suddenly surfacing from the abyss of her mind as she did. This wouldn’t be the first time she attended a festival, she remembered as her expression placated back into tranquillity to the tune of a flute. It conjured up the image in her head as clearly as if it had been yesterday she experienced it. Each breath and oscillation adding to the illusion in a faint waft of smelting iron and pine. The brunette locked the scene in under lidded eyes for a few seconds before she released it and gazed back out into the crowd. Scent dissipating at the tip of her exhale.

What use was it in thinking of days past and gone? Surely, he would have forgotten it as well if she had. Or perhaps…she formulated the root of the anxiety that bunched around her eyes- perhaps he remembered it differently. His face haunted her sight. The pain and anger and sadness or was it frustration and regret? Don’t. Mitsuko drew a sharp inhale as if to chase the picture away with the sober night air. Don’t think. And it worked, the palpitations pulsing under her skin fading away along with it when the strip suddenly yanked at her wrist. She stirred from her thoughts and looked up, just in time for the cloth to exert another pull that had her stumbling forward and at the Seer’s heels when he darted into the crowd.

Ugh- what are you?” Her low growl went unanswered towards his weaving back and her hand hesitantly reached to grab his in the commotion when the cloth dangled in between. As if to remind her of its purpose upon which Mitsuko let it fall. Not content perse to shuffle after him as she scoffed when she accidentally bumped into a few shoulders here and there as she tried to keep up but also not daring enough to do anything “Haru!”. Her eyes pinned themselves to his neck and the locks of green that teased her of the face on the other side that had completely forgotten about her. A bitter taste on the back of her tongue as she pressed it to the roof to click it. Whatever. Mitsuko whipped her gaze away from his hovering form and looked at the lights above instead. Said lights soon disappearing from her field of vision as they suddenly filed into a dark alleyway.

The Seer halted in his tracks and she almost crashed into him before she dodged to the side huffing.

“I thought we were getting food” Mitsuko made no effort to hide the annoyed tinge in her voice as she straightened from hunching over her knees. A moment of silence passed as she followed the direction of his gaze to find a little girl at the other end of it. All dishevelled and messed up. The brunette crinkled her nose at the sight, granted it only a flicker of acknowledgment in the look that passed over the bloated leg before she turned to face the crowd passing by at the end of the alley.

“Why are we here?”
A dumb question that she already knew the answer to.

"Shut it." A barbed, cold tone was his only acknowledgement to Mitsuko's words, the flash of crimson eyes turning to meet Mitsuko's face for a mere fraction of a second. Part of him felt a tinge of guilt at suddenly darting off like he had, but this was something he couldn't ignore, as despite his passing visions that he frequently ignored, he couldn't ignore this poor soul in the dark. Yes, it was minor, yes he should just pretend that he'd not seen... but then would he be any better than the numerous people who would ignore the downtrodden, the hopeless? That would be cruel, callous and irresponsible. Stepping closer to the young girl, he hesitated only to loosen the bit of fabric connecting himself still to Mitsuko, finding it annoying in his approach. From the very little he'd seen of her brief response, and the lack of concern that his companion was showing, he wouldn't want to burden her with having to approach the small soul who now was staring wide-eyed and fearful at the two of them.

Hah, burden... the thought sent a fresh flare of rage in his soul as he slowed his steps and a pleasant, soft smile had eased away the angry tension within his features, a warmth spilling through as the crimson of his eyes glowed with soft affection in regards to the little sniffling girl before him. "Hello, are you alright?" His voice, usually harsh with Mitsuko or having been broken in sobs in the interactions prior was warm and friendly, a soft light that had returned to his eyes, and the crinkling of smile lines near his eyes. Haru's eyes dropped to her swollen leg, an exaggerated gasp leaving his lips, something that he did frequently with those very much younger than him, if only to put the individual at ease, "Oh my, you're hurt! Do you mind if I help you?" A slip of concern had managed to coat his soft voice as he awaited the small girl's response, though she still was staring wide eyed at Haru, it seemed the genuine emotions he was displaying was enough to reduce the girl to mere sniffles, the smallest of nods being the only sign that she'd acknowledged his offer of assistance which made a bit of relief flood through the man.

Gently, thin pale fingers had lightly assessed the small girl's swollen leg, though realizing quickly with relief that it wasn't broken. This caused the man to allow a sigh to leave him, though not allowing the gentle facade to leave him as he was swift to notice the girl wincing at the light touches, idle questions beginning to flow with ease from his lips. What was her name? A timid response of "Waka" was the reply, causing Haru's expression to soften as he responded in a soft tone, "What a pretty name!" Next came her age as he was shifting through images of the future, attempting to locate any signs the little soul reuniting with her parents and to his relief as he grabbed hold of the thread of fate for the little one, it seemed as if her future was secure at least as the result of this small interaction, though he barely managed to catch the age; her being only the tender and soft age of six. Ah, how that reminded him of his little brother when he had been that age, a faded memory threatening to come to mind though he was quick to sink it. Now was not the time for nostalgia.

His fingers had finally rested upon the center of the injury, saying gently, "Now, I need you to bear with me Waka. You're a strong, big girl right?" Another warm smile flitted across his face as the girl made a show of now nodding her head firmly, tears no longer lingering within the watery big eyes staring back at him. Good. Haru's gaze dropped down to the leg, tentatively reaching for the little strength remaining in his body. It was foolish, truly, to the eyes of the world for why Haru would be going to such lengths for one little soul such as this, but he would do what he could. A soft, pleasant glow flared to life from his palm, though weak and flickering, the light of his crimson eyes seemed to radiate the warmth of spiritual power as he guided the flow into the girl's sprained ankle, soothing and chasing away the bite of agony. It wouldn't be enough to heal it, but at the very least it would take away most of the pain until her body could do the rest, Haru was almost drained of spiritual energy after all.

As the glow flickered and died out, the girl was now staring incredulously at the green-haired man before him, though his skin seemed to be a bit sickly in shade, his gentleness did not fade as he raised a thin finger to his own lips, a playful shushing motion, "This is our little secret, right?" The girl mimicked the motion, her smile causing Haru to release a soft laugh, "Good, good!" His crimson eyes shifted to the ragged hair of the girl, lips pursing as he shook his head playfully, ignoring the nausea that was now coiling in his stomach, "But this is no good, you can't go out looking like this." It wouldn't be too long until Haru's deft hands once more would set to work after Waka was all too eager to agree to now what she perceived as a "magic man", the man's hands remaining steady as he smoothed over frazzled and ruined locks, settling it into once more a pretty ponytail, wrapped securely in the fabric bow that matched the ragged kimono. He couldn't say he could do much about the ruined kimono, but at the very least the little one looked far more presentable.

"Now, let's get you home, okay?" The words were spoken only after he had gently helped the little girl to her feet as he stood to his own, though realizing she was still favoring her other leg rather than the clearly sprained one, he huffed as he with ease had scooped the girl up to settle upon his shoulders, the familiar weight being nostalgic once more as the girl squealed with delight sending more fuzzy feelings of joy through his heart, "Wow, you're really strong Mr. Magic Man!" Haru blinked a few times, only to snort as laughter shook his frame at the nickname now given to him, "Well, thank you for the compliment." In all honesty, the little girl was so light, it barely even bothered him despite his bad leg protesting, it wasn't more than he could stand.

At this point, he barely was acknowledging Mitsuko, though his ruby eyes finally settled upon her as he had begun to walk, though it truly didn't seem as if he was looking at her, rather looking through her as he was once more pulling at the threads of fate to remember where he was to encounter the little one's parents. Once confirming so, he had begun to walk, his pace slow and careful as to both not lose Mitsuko in the crowd and to keep Waka securely on his shoulders as the little girl was now grinning from ear to ear, exclaiming with enthusiasm that she could see everything as Haru would laugh in return, joy sparking once more to chase away the shadows in his eyes. This brief walk of course would come to an end as he spotted a frantic woman in the distance, one that matched the one in his brief vision causing the man to change pace, hurrying a bit as the girl atop his shoulders exclaimed with happiness, "Mama!"

Wide, wet eyes would turn and with it came the mother rushing over, as Haru would gently and carefully hand the little girl over to the loving embrace of her mother. Blubbering words and countless words of gratitude would spill from the woman's lips as she held her daughter tight to her, which in response Haru had shook his head and respond with the simple line of it was the least he could do. Nonetheless, the sight of the woman and her child reunited was enough to make the man smile again as he watched the two disperse into the crowd, her mother carrying her now securely as the girl had turned and once more did the shushing motion which made Haru's eyes widen only to chuckle despite himself. How cute.

His mind wandered for a second, pondering if his life had been different, if Mai-Jing had become his. He wondered if their children, if they would have been blessed with any would have looked like their mother, would they be as energetic as the little girl he'd saved? The thought caused an empty feeling to surge in his chest as he closed his eyes, the joy within his face fading. That was a life that wasn't meant to be, not for him. All that was left for him in regards to Mai-Jing was the memory of a monster, the truth he wanted to hide from. The thought had caused his throat to feel as if it were closing, like the air was being sucked from his lungs. Yes, that was right, that life was never a possibility. He was to die, and start this cursed cycle all over again, always being rebirthed again and again, to meet a new dawn and to once more be scorned. That was the phoenix's - his fate. All because...

He stamped down on the thought, forcing the longing to cease and ebb away. There was no need to spare anymore time on what could have been. He was a dead man walking, his fate was sealed anyways. And yet... it wouldn't hurt to dream every one in awhile, even if it caused him pain.

Kanamori no Mitsuko

Theme: Flute

“Shut it”

What do you think will happen when you leave, and the bullying ensues? When she realises that your help was only a temporary reprieve and that the rest of the world doesn’t care? Poverty is a social construction and can be alleviated through various methods but cruelty? Cruelty is something that’s inherent in mankind. Something that will prevail through all kinds of policies and propositions because all one need is a good excuse. Any excuse that is good enough to blind you temporarily to the nature of your actions or even worse- justify them. The Seer must have known that as someone hailing from a slave providence in all but name. So why did he still pretend that he did not? Why did he pretend to be better than her? Had he not fought other children for the smallest of scraps of food- knowing that acquiring them would result in someone else’s starvation that day? Had he not seen the violence enforced by the very same people that ought to protect them- experienced it first hand upon that dysfunctional husk of his?

Her nostrils flared at the hot breath that surged into her lungs. It pulled at her chest to rise in compensation for the heat on her cheeks and Mitsuko could have sworn that the disease had spread to her head for the brief second that her eyes met his. Laid siege on it in a dizzying effect that was expelled in an indignant snort the moment after as if burnt by the oxygen that supplied her life. Or perhaps allergic, as the effect mirrored off on the sudden display of affection in front of her in ants crawling up her spine till she could no longer stand put. You are a fool. She thought as she turned her back to the pair. A naïve fool who I can’t understand. That night when she had embraced him just the same and whispered such sweet nothings could not compare to this. No, it could not because that had served a purpose. It had been necessary to stabilise the Seer for the sake of the continuation of their journey. This, however, was nothing but a self-serving act to soothe one’s conscience.

The brunette glanced back at the figures over her shoulder, little fireflies lighting up at the touch of his fingers against the redness until both subsided in smiles upon lips. A picture of a sword sheath descending over her head flickered by in closed eyes and she flinched. Clasped it down on her limp arm and the goosebumps along with it ás they darted up her forehearm despite there being no breeze to provide a chill in the stagnant alley. Not everyone had been lucky enough to have their own Mr. Magic Man.

The real question being: would anything have changed if they did though?

Mitsuko watched the Seer wordlessly as he hoisted the girl up on his shoulders, the chummy atmosphere enough to make her purse her lips. The brown eyes flickered up their joint posteriors as they took the lead into the reintegration with the crowd, and she sighed. The amber lights danced off the slopes of their shoulders and she wondered if it was the dust stirred up from the ground that made for the halo she seemed to imagine hovering above them -Or if it was merely a trick of the mind, eyes overcompensating for walking in his shadow as their tied wrists had her nipping away at their heels. In any way-

Why did it feel like she had become the third wheel in this mess?

And why was she the one in the wrong for actually wanting to stick to their plans for once?

If it weren’t for the fact that she had the common decency to not glare at the kid, one of the few times she did, she would have been more vocal in her dislike. Instead the brunette had to settle for a blank stare as needles began to prickle away at the skin between her brows at the happy ending. The mother who cradled her child while thanking the “gods” for bringing the little girl back to her enough to make her scoff. A sentiment that tugged Mitsuko to sneak a peek at the Seer before disengaging once more. Why was she so annoyed by this? The crowd soldiered on to the sound of the drums, much like the blood in veins to a beating heart. It struck against her head in a disorienting manner, her own heartbeat resounding even louder and more panicked in comparison. She grabbed at her face, lips curdling back the nausea that rose in waves. The smell of roasting meat intensified, and the voices tangled into each other until all that she could hear was a cacophony of laughter that skewered her with their scorn. It surrounded her, impaled her from all angles and chased the air out of her lungs and drained all blood from her face until…until- The mangled body of the mother from her nightmares and the bloodied blanket branded themselves upon her iris in a stomach-churning smell of burnt flesh.


How could I forget?

The brunette was abruptly yanked out of her misery by the blur of a shadow that appeared in front of her face.


The shadow slammed into her face, materialising in the collision as that of clay- cold to the touch against her quickly reddening nose and forehead that had taken the brunt of the hit. “Masks for the firework show later! Anyone without one will be captured by the spirits and eaten! HUAHWUAHWAH!” A disembodied voice bellowed from the other side of the mask and let out a roaring laughter. Mitsuko struggled to resist the urge to cover her ears when the holes for the eyes on the mask cleared. Her hand shot up immediately to finger over the carved shapes before she spun around to chase the man- alas he had disappeared as fast as he had arrived. She muttered under her breath and removed the mask to inspect it in her hand.

“You have to be kidding me…” The mask in her hand was that one of a man – or perhaps an elderly one- with exaggerated facial features. Mouth puckered and skewed to the side, nose big and bulbous and eyes and forehead lined by deep furrows. There was no mistaking the mask as that one of the character Hyottoko. Known as a comical figure in many plays and a harbinger of good fortune to households who had recently experienced loss. The way her lips parted to curve downwards was unmistakeable. “He couldn’t even give me a mask of the female version of this clown?” Mitsuko scoffed and shook it violently in the air before settling down again. Whatever, it wasn’t like they were planning on staying long enough to see the fireworks. With that said...her attention drifted subconsciously to the Seer to see what he had received.

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The forceful rip from his daydreams to reality had made Haru completely unaware to the change in Mitsuko, for the man still was standing like a statue, gazing ahead in the midst of his own thoughts - that was until the abrupt interruption of the rather loud man and the press of a mask that had been suddenly shoved against the startled Seer's chest, his fingers as if on instinct clasping around the clay mask in bewilderment as the words of the individual had barely registered in the young man's now frazzled mind. Of course, the sudden disappearance of the man to the rather startled Seer had caused his expression to truly be taken off guard for a mere second as his confusion finally had dispersed, settling upon Mitsuko as she had spoken, though seeing the frown and the complaint accompanying it, he released a sigh in return, a slackening of his shoulders being his response as he rolled his eyes, his face voice of a smile.

"I'd say it suits you." His tone was dry, though not particularly harsh or meant to be a true dig. In fact, the Seer wasn't in too foul of a mood yet to warrant him truly sinking into a rage fueled tirade. No, instead the Seer's eyes dropped to the mask that had been suddenly shoved upon him, only for distaste to immediately settle upon the delicate features of his face, bitterness flaring in his eyes at the hawkish appearance of the mask in his hand. An ever familiar Tengu mask, a glaringly ugly red in the coloration, the expression being fierce and rage-filled with the ever distinctive long nose, mimicking a bird's long beak. A depiction of a half-man, half-bird demigod, hailing from the mountains; to frighten evil spirits and bring good luck... hah, he had enough of birds. Why the hell did it seem like he couldn't get away from a reminder of birds?!

The thought sent bile rising in his throat, even so much as recalling the vision of the twisted phoenix that he would perhaps have to deal with alone in the back of his mind; a dreaded thought. Unbeknownst to him, the man had whispered, his mood suddenly changing from the cheerful high that it had been just moments before, "I'm growing tired of being reminded of birds." At the very least, any other mask would be better than this. Was fate constantly determined to remind him of what he already knew of his lives? Remind him that he couldn't escape no matter how much he tried? If so, it was a cruel jest at best, and an even crueler reminder that he was anything but human, even if this body was mortal, he could never achieve full mortality anyways as the self from too many years ago had longed so desperately to live among humans. He was cursed to live forever, even if he would no longer remember this life.

With a resigned huff, the Seer had settled the mask upon his face, obscuring his soft features from view as the angry-faced mask glowered into the surroundings, the glint of Haru's crimson eyes catching the surrounding lantern lights as he glanced over to Mitsuko again, almost expectantly. It didn't seem as if the Seer would mention anything of his rash actions earlier, but for now obscuring their faces would be the best course of action to limit the chances of being outright discovered... though now that he was finally truly taking notice of their surroundings, there were now people sporting masks, although certainly not the whole crowd of course. Had he been so wrapped up in helping that poor soul earlier to notice?

Kanamori no Mitsuko

Theme: Weyes Blood- it's not just me it's everybody

It suited her? The furrow between her brows grew deeper as she regarded the mask, unsure whether to take it as a compliment or an insult. Because on one hand it could mean that he thought she brought good fortune with her (highly unlikely) and on the other…well that she was a clown and an ugly wrinkly old man (more likely). The kind of insignificant dilemmas that one would only have time to ponder over at a time like this- or any time as in her case. Mitsuko fitted the mask to her face with a sigh and a half as she relented. Her whole life seemed to consist of dilemmas, ones that she never managed to solve in the right way because it would always come back to bite her in the end.

Hyottoko…She mused over the mask and its belonging legend. Utterly ironic in how it could be applied to her. While it wasn’t her who had received the good fortune for her past choices someone had. In that regard, she was perhaps the perfect fit for it. Her life and actions always serving someone else, for someone else, rather than the hand that carried them out. Or maybe that just made her a doormat. The brunette sneered at the notion, eyes lighting up with a little self-derisive twinkle in the cutouts of the mask. The kind of twinkles that was different from stars above in that they were uniquely hers and only for the Seer to perceive in their standstill in the middle of the crowd.

Mitsuko scanned the Seer’s mask and absentmindedly raised her hand to caress the Phoenix hairpin that grazed her brown locks. “Serves you right.” She asserted amusedly at his lamentations and chuckled. The sound lifting something off her shoulders as she reached for his shoulder and gave it a pat as if it was the most natural thing in the world to do. The audacity to do so perhaps the habitual common ground for most of her behaviour and attitudes she displayed towards Haru.

“Let’s get some food.” The brunette slinked past the Seer and took the lead this time. Trailed away from the crowd to the sideline where several makeshift stalls lined up in front of them at their disposal. Her fingers traced the fake mouth of the mask then pointed at one of the three coloured dango sticks. The seller obliged with a hearty smile and an exchange of coins and food later she was munching away at her probably only piece of dinner tonight. Her hand suddenly stilled in its ravenous state, and she turned her head towards her company before extending the stick towards him “Want some?”.

The brown gaze drifted over his shoulder to a pair of people further away that shuffled amongst each other while raising their voices. Suddenly one of them took off, seemingly shielding something under their arm as they made a speedy line towards the Seer. Her hand moved faster than her mind as a collision seemed unavoidable and she pushed the Seer aside. Splayed out a leg for the man while sidestepping him and watched the latter trip and fall to the ground with a resounding thud. The purse that he had been shielding in his arms was tossed in front of him and quickly fished up by the brunette before he could comprehend his situation. An elderly man came running, or rather jogging, after him. Huffing as he stopped in front of the youths “Thank you! This rascal…he is known for doing things like these". His out of breath state did little to rouse the brunette’s sympathy and she threw the coin purse his way before he could even mention the question of a reward.

An unruly arm snaked itself around the young man’s shoulders as Mitsuko steered them away “You must’ve been mistaken old man, he tripped on a rock”. The elderly swivelled with his head as he traced a line between his thief and denied saviour as she dragged the Seer away.

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Dark Rebirth (Dio's Theme) - Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

Mitsuko's response had made the Seer finally crack a bitter smile, retorting back just as swift, "Says you, clown." Granted, Haru's eyes had flashed up to the Phoenix hairpin he had gifted her in the village prior, the soft glow still being visible to his eyes, granting him a reprieve from the feeling of irritation that was growing within him. At least, not all things were outright horrid due to the Phoenix, he supposed. After all, it could be used for good intentions, as long as he still walked this earth. The tension within his chest had loosened at the thought, though annoyance sparked at the all too friendly pat to his shoulder given to him by the woman as he huffed, annoyance sparkling in the rubies peering behind the eye holes in the mask.

Although Haru was certainly grateful to Mitsuko for... some things, it wasn't as if he desired to be touched by her unnecessarily, evident in the way he brushed off the shoulder as if he'd been touched by something unclean. Perhaps some things just couldn't die, now could it? The careful barrier he was stubbornly insistent on putting between them shouldn't be breached by any means unless it was absolutely necessary, as he still didn't particularly harbor fond feelings for his companion whatsoever. But, truly did he expect anything different from the woman? She did everything at her own pace, disregarding his comfort zone frequently and he was to follow and nag at her relentlessly, only for it to fall on deaf ears. A sigh left his lips then, expression pinching with displeasure under the mask as Mitsuko was the one to pull ahead, their connected tether being the one to lead him forward as the unpleasant emotions surging within him settled and festered as she had realigned them on their original goal: food.

The mention of filling his empty stomach was enough to make the organ clench with the sharp edge of hunger, hurrying his steps to keep in pace with Mitsuko as the sight of the stand, the appealing sight of dango making the Seer's mouth water, albeit the man was merely a silent body next to Mitsuko as she had procured the food item, her offer to give him some would have made the man begin to respond to her if only his eyes hadn't been caught by a shape in the distance, something so insignificant truly to any other. A feminine shape from what he could see in the thick, white kimono, mimicking a shiromuku - a wedding dress, although at the same time not quite either. Regardless of such, the figure's face was obscured, hidden behind a Kitsune mask, the woman's long dark hair tinged a dark, soft brown, yet textured very much strangely, short in stature and the dark eyes peering from behind the eyeholes of the mask was pinning him to the spot.

His chest clenched as he felt the breath being suddenly ripped from his lungs, the ominous chill going down his spine as well as the hopeful and yet gut-wrenching fear that suddenly had slammed into him had rendered the usually observant man robbed of any of his senses. As his eyes locked with the odd figure, he could see her cock her head to one side, slender pale fingers as pale as death had raised a harisen, the paper fan decorated with soft pink flowers, the prominent being a jasmine as the wind seemed to quicken, perhaps a trick of the mind as the unmistakable scent of jasmine mixed in with a distinct floral scent had assaulted the man's nose, sweet and intoxicating, and scarily familiar as the other hand of the woman raised, the tip of her fingers settling upon the edge of the fox mask as she tilted it slowly up, an innocent enough action, slender fragile fingers revealing more ominously pale skin and the painted plump lips, a tongue lightly poking out over the lovely red as she had slowly began forming syllables, mouthed so carefully, hungrily: "H-A-R-U"

Haru suddenly felt himself being shoved, breaking him out of the dangerous trance he'd been in as a startled sound left his lips, "Wha-" His head turned down to the man that had suddenly seemed to materialize out of nowhere, his mind struggling to catch up to the situation as he had been so utterly far away from what was occurring as the elderly man soon followed up, causing Haru's expression to become more so bewildered under the mask until he realized Mitsuko had been the one to shove him out of the way form being slammed into. Ah.. Crimson eyes shifted to his companion as she had suddenly snaked an arm around his shoulders, prompting a protest to finally leave his lips, "H-hey!" His head swiveled to look over his shoulder, not particularly fixated upon the elderly man or the younger, but where he had seen the odd woman.

She was gone.

There was nothing there, no evidence of the woman's existence, vanished like she wasn't even there to begin with. Sweat peaked upon the sides of the Seer's face as he was forced to look away due to Mitsuko still guiding the way, his stumbling steps being corrected as he still felt the sensation within him as if he couldn't breathe properly. His teeth gritted then, the pressure of Mitsuko's arm finally causing Haru to abruptly shove it away as soon as they had turned the corner, far away from sight and the all too odd woman he'd seen, "Will you cut it out?!" His voice came a bit harsh, jittery as he stepped away from her, clearly not in the mood to be touched more so now. Goosebumps were upon the man's skin, a rigidness to his posture although his face couldn't be seen due to the mask obscuring his features.

Sucking in a breath to try to calm himself, he was quick to regain his composure as he grunted, pointing to the dango Mitsuko still was holding onto, "Give me some." It was a quick evasion, trying to once more reclaim some normalcy, a careful flow to their interactions and to try and be "normal". The Seer clearly wasn't well though, whether it was the fear that was still coiling in his gut, or perhaps a remnant of the nausea of trying to use his spiritual power, his posture clearly didn't seem to be the usual haughty or confident self. There was a tension in his shoulders, his movements being stiff as he plucked a sphere off from the stick and promptly tilted up the mask, pushing the dango into his mouth as he was trying his best to dispel the sight of the woman from his mind.

He didn't understand, why did it feel like something had stirred with him? Something... utterly wrong. Or was it perhaps the Phoenix that had stirred, an aching within his soul that felt too familiar to kickstart the irrational fear that was disturbing his usual calm. Whoever that woman was... it felt like she had tugged at him, stirring up old sensations that he was desperately trying to forget, perhaps she was an evil spirit? The thought was foolish, but if she was then that was the last thing either of them needed right now.

Kanamori no Mitsuko

Theme: Beabadoobee- The perfect pair

It had been an unnecessary move of her to help the man. No, she hadn’t helped him the thief had merely accidentally stumbled over her foot. That was it. She had only done it to protect the Seer because the Seer was needed for their confrontation in the west. The corner of her lip twitched at the reminder, eyes set on a fix point in the midst of the bobbing heads of the crowd. A child. It was as if she had been entranced under the blinding lights and the lulling melodies of the festival that now seemed so faraway in their turn of the corner. So entranced, in fact, that the shove that was delivered in the moment after came as a surprise and made the brunette stir from her sleep walking state in fluttering lashes. The Seer’s voice cut a shrill sound in her ears, nervosity dancing off it in a falsetto. Oh, right. The wrinkles descended at once over her obscured façade, a scoff and half turn on the heel later enough to express her displeasure in its stead.

Why was he so grumpy? Her hand moved involuntary to hand him the dango, the lips receiving it a blur of pink in the periphery of her sight. He wasn’t like this with the kid so why with her? Did she smell? Mitsuko angled her nose down into the collar of her kimono. Could be worse, was the conclusion in a light wrinkling of her nose. It was as if she had forgotten her previous woes, or perhaps an attempt to do so at the very least. A normalcy she tried to enforce in the hand that moved to hold the back of her neck. “I didn’t know you had enough powers left in the reserves to heal.” Oops, it slipped before she had a chance to hinder it. The brunette grunted inwardly at her lack of tact that had never been as evident as now. Though, if he had powers to heal why didn’t he fix her arm for her? Her gaze dropped to the hand that hung limply down her side. I sense favouritism here.

Mitsuko sniffled under the mask and feigned interest for a row of pinwheels toys. Gave the wings of one a light push with her finger and then leaned forward. She lifted her mask and blew a breath that filtered through the colourful paper in accelerating spinning. Oh well, she had already slipped part of it- might as well say the rest. “Do you think your help back there changed anything for the kid?” She verbalised her thoughts with disinterest. A kind of cool callousness that could only be attained with experience and through the mindful effort of turning a blind eye for years “What about the next time? What if she expects you to come save her again when you’re no longer here? And the one after that and the one coming after both?”. Mitsuko glanced up at the Seer from her folded over position over the pinwheels "Don't you think it cruel?".

Zant at Lakebed - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess OST [When Mai-Jing interaction happens]

The taste of sweet rice upon his tongue was a mere distraction, the small morsel of the dango he had plucked being little to settle his nerves, nor the twisting sensation in his stomach. However, the sensation would become worse as Mitsuko would speak, an eyebrow quirking up in response to her question. "Heal? Is that what you thought I did?" His eyebrows furrowed in response as he shook his head immediately, though seeing her cast her gaze down to her arm which hung limp at her side, in turn causing Haru to snort in bitterness, "I only took away the pain, that's all." That was all he was capable of doing now, to numb the pain, a brief comfort to soothe the edge of a harsh ache. If only he could heal, but he had the feeling if he tried he would die prematurely. A tempting thought certainly, but one that he was sure would ruin the agreement, his pledge to Mitsuko in getting her to become empress.

However, her next questions made the man's expression tense, a feeling of disbelief rising in his chest. What was she saying? That he could ignore the plight of those he could aid; out of it not serving any obvious purpose? His hands clenched into tight fists, nails digging into his palms as disgust finally bloomed to life at the lack of compassion, of sympathy that she was displaying. Did she have no heart? No pulse within her veins? Although, he knew not of her life prior to them crossing paths, if it was a harsh one then perhaps she would have wanted to spare those around her the same pain, the same fate like he was desperate to do? Reason chided in the back of his mind though that it was to be expected, the two were distant and absolutely different from one another, both in regards to how they viewed their own lives and now in the way they deem interacting with others. It shouldn't be a surprise, it shouldn't be a shock... but it was.

The thought disturbed him as he looked at her, this woman that he had pledged that he would make empress before his life would expire. His silence stretched on for a period, an icy cold filling the atmosphere between them until he took in a slight breath and finally spoke, his voice far too distant and cold, akin to when he conducted himself within the temple when he was dealing with those he deemed unfit, unclean. "Cruel, you say?" He shook his head at her, "You disappoint me, truly. But I doubt this isn't the first time, and it certainly won't be the last." A slender hand touched the bit of feeble fabric still binding them together, the once warm crimson eyes peering from behind the mask now frigid, his voice softer now, quieter as to not allow any potential eavesdroppers the pleasure of listening in, "Tell me, do you expect for me to willingly allow you to become empress if you have no shred of compassion in your heart for the downtrodden? As important as it is to be strong, you must have love for your fellow man; for not only must you show strength, but the people will flock to a leader that is able to comfort and soothe them in times of strife, of sorrow."

"Not only that, no matter how small of an action of kindness it may be, sometimes the hope it brings is all someone has left."
His voice seemed to be raw then, an anger that was boiling in the surface. That was right: Hope. Hope had sometimes been the only thing that the man had to survive on in the pits of despair when he'd been a slave, a hope for a better tomorrow, a hope that he would be able to continue on. If he didn't have that, the boy perhaps would have died in the salty Xing providence, willingly throwing himself to death all those years ago. "If this is a show of who you really are, I suggest you fix it and quickly. Otherwise give up this facade of trying to become empress, since it'll be a waste of both my time and yours." Yes, this was all a big waste of time, prolonging the death he desired. The fabric piece binding them had loosened further underneath his prodding, slender fingers finally releasing the thin fabric from around his wrist, freeing him from being tethered to her.

"...Your claim was weak to begin with. Why should I remain at your side?" He whispered, the iciness of his voice remaining as sharp as a blade as he turned on his heel away from her, a slow exhale leaving him. This was tiring truly, recalling when she had said that she needed him to become empress. What a joke. He saw through whatever little facade she had shown him long ago, though he knew not why she wanted to even become such again if her conviction was so laughably weak. Did she even understand what was required of her? He'd be damned if he would allow a monster on the throne, especially after Mai-Jing... His eyes closed at the name, a familiar pain flaring in his chest as he stepped away from Mitsuko, not desiring to linger at the woman's side in the anger that sparked within his chest. Yes, why should he remain at the side of someone who bumbled through everything to leap at only violence and self-serving actions? Yes, she had protected him, but truly was it even genuine? Doubt surged in his heart at that, annoying following through. It didn't matter now did it?

The slender form of the Seer had slipped further away from the woman, his steps leading him into the crowd from which they came. Yes, this was foolish too, he shouldn't be doing such a thing, especially considering he normally would be the one to be so very strict in regards to safety and being careful. But at this moment, he didn't care. Perhaps it was anger fueling him? Or was it the disgust of being at her side that repelled him? Regardless, the man's shape was quick to disappear in the midst of the many bodies still providing life for the festival, becoming yet another body that was seeking some solace until his anger burned out. Yet, the man didn't realize that in doing so, he had provided an opening for the stranger that was still lingering, still watching him.

The white clad shape slipped into the crowd, the harisen within her grip having long since snapped, perhaps out of a fit of rage and slipped from her grasp, landing with a clatter upon the dirt floor, which finally prompted Haru to stiffen as he felt a distinct chill go down his spine, only for something cold, something odd to grab onto his hand and tug with inhuman strength. His anger had shifted, turning into bewilderment and tangled into tendrils of fear as he stumbled over his feet, the world being a spinning blur of colors and shapes as he was abruptly drawn into the dark alleyways between the darkened houses of the village, unable to see the world around him as whoever had grasped hold of him couldn't even be seen... at least not until the cold hand had let go of his own, the Seer being pushed abruptly against the unyielding wooden wall behind him, his breathing quickened in fear though it was reasonably so. After all, the kitsune mask he'd seen earlier was now present before his very eyes, the smell of flowers choking him as the small woman's dark eyes peered up at him, expectantly.

Swallowing past a lump in his throat, he forced down the all too bewildering fear as he struggled to speak, "Who are..?" Before he could finish his sentence, the small woman shook her head, pale fingers coming up to the sides of her mask as she pulled the mask upward, inch by inch, taunting him before his eyes until his heart stopped in his chest. The odd texture of the woman's face was that of clay, truly as white as death as if no blood lingered in her veins, her eyes wide and dark, void of the whites of her eyes and yet the deepest brown that only he could remember, as well as the peculiar red line starting from the top of her head to the middle of her forehead that wasn't there before. Emotions settled one after another within his chest as he struggled to breathe. Confusion, elation, fear, all the emotions found for dominance within the man's head as he whispered, "I-It can't be... M-M.."

Mai-jing. His heart confirmed it, leaping within his chest and falling rapidly as he could feel tears beginning to spring to his eyes. There was something very wrong about this, all of his instincts were telling him so. After all, she should be dead. She should be rotting. There was no way the empress he loved so dearly had suddenly risen from her grave. Maybe he was hallucinating? Did he desire to see Mai-Jing so much that she now was appearing before him? He sucked in a sharp breath as he now was searching for words to even begin, where should he start? "Mai-Jing I-" Before he could muster a sentence, the cold hands of the woman had slipped upward, resting upon the sides of his neck, lingering on his pulse as her soft lips parted, "Haru... why?"

"Why did you leave me? Why?"
Haru's throat closed, tears beginning to slip down his face despite himself, "I-I didn't want to! Believe me I would never-" He was cut off again, her serene expression that he always used to love so much had twitched, ever so slightly it wasn't obvious to his eyes however, barely even being able to be detected, "Then why were you with her? The murderer?" Her hands slipped higher to lift the Tengu mask obscuring Haru's now pale face, his tears causing her to shake her head at him, disappointment making Haru desire to disappear before her, "I-It's not what you think! I thought you were... were.. dead." He swallowed thickly as his hands raised, a surge of emotion soaring high in his chest as his arms wrapped around the small woman, unable to control himself, the mask as a result clattering to the dirt floor as Mai-Jing had went still out of surprise in his tight hug as he wept, "I-I thought I wouldn't be able to s-see you again! I'm sorry that I failed! I'm so sorry!"

His face buried into the white kimono, his words unable to stop, emotions long buried surging past sobbing lips as if terrified he wouldn't be able to say them quick enough, "I always loved you Mai-Jing! Always!" Love. Love. Love. Love. The word echoed maddeningly within his mind, the Phoenix's voice which had been dormant had surged forward as he struggled to regain his composure, but failed. Unbeknownst to him, however, there was a vicious smile on Mai-Jing's face, a hungry light in the monster's eyes as she slowly allowed her hands to grasp at the back, cooing in the voice that made Haru's heart always leap, "I always knew you did." Haru stiffened at that, her voice lightening to a chuckle, "Did you think that you hid it well, Haru?" His face reddened, heat causing the Seer to abruptly loosen his grip as the former empress's hands had shifted up to his tear streaked cheeks, the dark eyes drawing him in as she wiped the tears away from his face, "I've always loved you as well."

Her lie, her sweet lie had made the Seer's heart stop, a sharp intake of breath settling within as all thoughts had faded. The smell of death suddenly become more so prominent underneath the floral smell he'd always loved on the phantom before him as she pressed closer, her lips inching closer and closer as his mind struggled to remind him that there was something horribly wrong about this. And yet, his body would not obey, being a still as a statue as cold, and oddly soft lips had come into contact with his own, prompting the Seer to feel his knees weaken as the woman's hands surged up to entangle in the green locks of the stunned man, locking his lips to her own. Crimson eyes were soon to close, ignoring the instinct of desiring to run, after all... why shouldn't he enjoy this while it lasted? Yes, his dearest Mai-Jing said that she loved him. Him! How long had he desired to kiss her? It was an ache that he never thought he would be able to soothe, though his lips remained unmoving underneath the phantom's own, the floral smell coming off from her was blinding him to everything else as heat surged within his body; desire.

He'd tried so very long to ignore desire, to ignore temptation. Three years of being a pious and serene guardian had left him hungry, though he knew not how depraved the desire was until his dearest monster had locked lips with his own. She was bold, the soft press of her lips prompting soft groans as she forced the soft lips of the Seer to part, a greedy tongue meeting his own, filling his taste buds with the odd taste of earth. Her breath was hot, mingling with his own as he felt himself drowning, the iciness of her hands settling upon his kimono, slipping past slender bare shoulders and digging into his back, the fingernails dragging deep, causing pain to barely register in the man's mind as blood swelled from the inflicted wounds of the phantom before him. "Mnh... ah..." A slight painfilled response was the only one he could give, but the Phoenix he could feel was quickening within his blood, alarm beginning to surge upward despite him desiring to ignore it. Run. Run.

Haru grunted as he felt himself being pushed harder against the wooden wall behind him, his arms snaking around the woman's middle as lips pressed hungrily, desperately against each other, tongues parting and connecting in a frenzied dance as he was slowly losing all sense of self as Mai-Jing had finally broken the connection, lips disconnecting in a soft pop, the harsh breathing from Haru being the only sound lingering between them as he gazed upon her face. Hunger. There was hunger, though not in the sense of sexual hunger, no... the way she was looking at him was as if he were food. "M-Mai-Jin-" Before he could finish speaking her name, the woman's jaw parted wide as teeth sunk deep into a shoulder, causing pain to immediately flare through his senses, her fingernails still hooking into his back, digging in deeper as the Phoenix's whisper taunted: Traitors. Run. Run.

Choked cries left the Seer's lips as his hands immediately moved, shoving the woman away as he could feel the warmth of his blood beginning to flow from the fresh wound upon his shoulder, thin fingers pressing in stunned fear against the injury, feeling precious skin having been ripped away in the sudden tear of unnaturally sharp teeth away from flesh, his eyes staring horrified at the monster splayed upon the ground, her long dark hair in a disarray, blood smearing her lips and a small bit of flesh hanging from the clay lips as her tongue drew it into her mouth, chewing... swallowing. Delight was quick to follow in the gaze of the monster as his expression twisted into further horror, six thousand years of execution beginning to flood into his mind as Mai-Jing slowly rose to her feet, "Haru?" She called, "What's wrong?" Her hand reached out, a twisted smile crossing her face, no longer the gentle expression that she always wore, "Come here, come back to me."

The memories surged more, the future that he would have had, the very same monster although had been alive in the vision of a future that could have been, how she delighted ripping him apart slowly, feasting upon his flesh. It was all a lie. It had to be. This couldn't be real! These thoughts fought violently against the truth before his eyes as his body was backing away, no longer feeling the familiar tug he would feel every time Mai-Jing would call his name. No, self-preservation was winning the battle against mere emotion, the cornered expression in his eyes finally winning out as he saw Mai-Jing's expression melt into shock, "Haru? Don't run!" She stepped toward him, and he in turn took another step back, his fingers still clenched tightly against the wound still seeping the warmth of his blood, his teeth gritting as anguish soared in his chest. She was like all the others... right? Like every single lover before... it couldn't be! Not his Mai-Jing!

"Haru? Haru?!" She kept calling his name, his head shaking as he continued to back away from her, breathing quickened as he whimpered, feeling an all consuming despair. Why? Why couldn't he just have one moment of normalcy? His teeth gritted as he turned heel then and darted out of the alleyway, his breathing uneven, ragged and peaked with fear. He heard her scream behind him, a wail so inhuman that sent waves of fear through his body as he stumbled over his feet, pushing past alarmed people in the crowd he was struggling to get through, hearing her rapid footfall in pursuit.

Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run.... Die. Die. Die. Die.

The Phoenix's voice chanted in his mind, assaulting him with images of his previous deaths, causing tears of panic to swell in his eyes. As if he didn't know already! As if he didn't know... His lungs burned for air, his bad leg flaring with pain with each hurried step as he was desperately looking about for escape. He knew not which direction he was actually running to, nor which one he'd come, but all he knew was human instinct was driving him now to run while he still could. Before she caught up, before he would be... devoured.

Kanamori no Mitsuko

Theme: Beabadoobee- The perfect pair

Well fuck. That wasn’t how she had expected this to go. The situation had gotten out of hand, a new time record for angering the Seer made in the process of it as she baulked against his claims. "Now hold on a second-" This was not fair, her hand twitched in its instinct to reach out. Grab him, stop him in his fiddling on the ribbon that had held them together so far. The ribbon itself more like shackles right now in that neither could escape the outburst. It was not fair.

"Tell me, do you expect for me to willingly allow you to become empress if you have no shred of compassion in your heart for the downtrodden?" The words cut into her like blades, no- needles. Needles that pricked her conscience and its dance partner of pride in the heels to spin up a whirlwind of emotions that threatened to overtake her. "If this is a show of who you really are, I suggest you fix it and quickly. Otherwise give up this facade of trying to become empress, since it'll be a waste of both my time and yours." Hold on. She had to hold on. Her hand grabbed the ribbon, all too late, however, as it immediately fell slack into the grip between trembling fingers.

Haru left. And Mitsuko didn't say a single word to stop him in his tracks. How could she? He had, after all, done nothing but spoken the truth. A truth that echoed against her tin can shell and rang out empty handed. No whirlwind, no dance- only a bated breath and a curse that drowned into the warm air circulating back at her behind the mask.


What now? The brunette didn't even need the silence of her unsaid words to alert her of what a dumb thing she had done because she was doing it even better herself. "FUCK!" The woman ripped the mask of her face and hurled it at the ground to the barely restrained shock and worry of her spectators. The scrunched up brown gaze raked through them in nystagmatic eyes. No, not worry, but fear- fear and a touch of distaste that stripped her bare in her sandals. Suddenly Mitsuko regretted having thrown the mask and she catapulted to the ground to pick up the pieces of the little pride she had left. The brunette scrambled the mask onto her face once more and rose to her feet with a snarl "What the fuck you looking at?".

A joint shudder went through the little audience that had congregated around her and the clot dissolved itself in surprising speed to the ringing heartbeats in her ears. Her skin was searing hot along the areas that the clay mask brushed against and she wanted to rake her nails against it. Scratch the invisible itch that spread throughout her body, blooming from the transient boundary between cloth and inked skin along thigh and shoulders.

Mitsuko grabbed a hold of her own wrist and sunk her nails into it in a desperate attempt to soothe the impulse. The skin flared white, then red under the pressure. It swelled up and bubbled underneath the pale surface until it became too taut and burst. White and red replaced by a familiar crimson that surged through the tears. The wet sensation startled the brunette out of her catatonic state and she blinked owlishly at the crimson streaks. As if transfixed by the instincts that had drove her to self-inflicted destruction rather than comfort.

"Haha" She couldn't comprehend why but laughter came first to her in her newly roused state. The brunette grunted and held her head over the mask. No, she relented in her thoughts with a gentle shake. She knew why. She knew exactly why, so much so that she didn't even bother putting words to it. "Why do I even bother?" She faltered in her frenzy, a wave of exhaustion settling in its stead as she wiped her arm with the ribbon.

The gentle murmur of rustling coins inside her sleeve alleviated her mind of the mess and instead prompted her to coax the coin purse into view from where it hung off her wrist. The idea formed in her head in the same breath as it was broadcasted through the crowd:


This was a bad idea. Most definitely a bad idea. That didn't stop Mitsuko from stumbling out the pub with three bottles under her arm around 10 minutes later though. "AHHH THIS IS WHAT I NEEDED!" She exclaimed into the night air to a few startled looks and drew a bounteous draft of the bottle squeezed in her palm. The remaining bottles tinkled in their choke hold against her bosom for every step that she took. One might even be impressed by how drunk she had managed to become in such a short time period as she had if it weren't for one fact: this was the most disastrous moment to do so. Besides being hunted and branded as traitors, stalked by the supernatural and in constant arguments over their differences the gods now saw it fit for them to punish her themselves. Namely by dropping the Seer back into her lap.

In one moment she had been marching animatedly on the street and in the next something barreled into her and sent her flying backwards.

Fuck. Mitsuko fumbled to get the bottles in her arms out of harm's way and landed flat on her back in what she perceived as a thwack. The air was knocked out of her lungs in twofold- once by the fall and then once by the weight that dropped onto her chest. The brunette groaned in her muddled state, a strangled rant of curses and coughs following in the moment after as she tried to heave herself up on her forearm. Her hazy gaze lolled from side to side and then dipped. And it stilled. Landed on the bundle of green hair that was buried in her bosom- the perpetrator of the murder of her bottles that laid strewn around them in shards.

"Literally kill me now."

Couldn't it have been anyone else? Literally, anyone else would have been better than him. Her focus shifted between blurry and sharp in its inspection of the young man. It brushed from his hair to his shoulder and settled on sharp- a row of bloodied teeth marks grazed the exposed skin. The sight sparked a frown to ignite between knitted brows and she drilled her eyes wide open then squinted them suspiciously as if she couldn't believe them. The next thought was dedicated towards the one and only bottle that she had managed to save- the one that was hovering above the Seer in her hand. It shook in Mitsuko's fingers and she considered for a brief moment to hide it away when she realised what her situation must look like.

But the intention died in her throat, swallowed down along with the trembles that were quelled by her stiffened grip on the bottle neck.

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