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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Retriance panted from the exertion as he forced his aching arms and back to continue moving. Rhythmic, dull pounding reverberated throughout the room, the only light the crackling fire stuffed into the furnace before him. Sparks spat from the metal in front of him as his hammer continued its barrage, shaping the hissing piece into the shape it was meant to be. For three days he had suffered at the anvil, and now his work was almost complete.

He'd never set out to be a blacksmith. He'd never set out to be a hero. He'd never wanted any of this. More and more, he longed for quiet and rest, for a peace he was cursed never to find. The war was over, but still the raging darkness boiled inside the hearts of his subjects, threatening to reignite the flames of annihilating hatred. Wishing would not stop this. He had to be strong. He had to finish his task.

Retriance paused, his breath steaming from his mouth despite the heat of the room. His muscles screamed in pain, but the gleam of the crown beneath his blurred vision gave proof of his efforts. With trembling hands, Retriance lifted the crown to eye level, not to admire but to find the flaws. The shards of crystals reflected the embers of the forge, piercing into his skull. It was perfect.

"The price was high," Retriance spoke to the crown, his voice barely above a broken whisper. "Almost too much to bear. Millions of souls for your pride and for your gratification. Into this crown I pour their strength, united and purified as one eternal spirit of valor and goodness. As a light, it shall shine. As a guide, it shall beckon. As a symbol, it shall be revered. May it ever be so."

His chant fell to silence. The spell was done. In his hands sat the completed Phoenix Crown, no longer reflecting a glow but shining in its own defiant light. Retriance allowed himself a smile. Finally, he could rest.

Present Day

"My Lord!"

The exclamation came from the high bishop Melius, who was known for his reluctance to remain grounded seemingly on a matter of principle. Lin honestly didn't mind the gasping and shouting so much as Melius' insistence on clutching at Lin's sleeve like he was a child.

"Melius, unhand the king!" came a gruff voice, and Melius' grip was released quite suddenly as Tyrone, Lin's right hand and general of the army, seized the wrist of the clergyman. "You're like to tear the sleeve right off his robe."

"My apologies, my lord," Melius said, flushing from embarrassment. "It's just..."

"I know," Lin said, turning his attention back to the reason for the outcry. "The light of the Phoenix is fading."

The Phoenix Crown fragment, known as the Arch Crystal and the keystone to the artifact, sat on a pedestal in the middle of the room. Normally, its brilliance would light up the entire shrine, the paintings on the walls coming to life with carefully designed etchings. But now, the light had grown dim, allowing shadows to penetrate deep into the sanctuary.

"The other kingdoms have already sent word," Lin continued. "The Arch Crystal is not the only piece failing."

"Could it be the work of the Demon?" Tyrone asked, his face and tone calm. However, one hand clutched at his waist where his sword would normally sit, a testament to how nervous the man truly was.

"It could just be a coincidence, my lord," Melius said, but it was clear the bishop held no confidence in his own words. "The Demon's always been impossible to predict throughout history. Surely, there must have been other times its activity increased."

"I will not commit to a causation or correlation without proof," Lin said, turning away from the Arch Crystal and walking to the door. "The world looks to Retriance. I cannot afford to offer a theory that has no ready solution. No, we must act in accordance to the direction our ancestors were given."

Lin turned his head back to his two advisors. "We need heroes, those who would stand in Retriance and his allies' stead. They must be chosen with great care, and must follow in the great hero's footsteps. They must travel the world and fight back the darkness. Send a proclamation to gather such altruists so that we may send them to restore the light of the Phoenix Crown."

"As you wish, King Kalva of Retriance," Tyrone and Melius said softly and in harmony, bowing to their leader with right hand over left breast. Lin nodded to himself as he strode from the room, trying to clear the stench of ash and smoke that had permeated the room of the Arch Crystal. The world's hope would soon be in the hands of those it had begotten. He could only pray it would be enough.

Embers Title.jpg

Lionel yawned as the ship containing Retriance's chosen few pulled up to the dock, sailors still scrambling over its deck. It looked like it had seen better days but it was serviceable enough, if nothing as large as the massive merchant frigates that frequented the ports. At the very least, it looked fast, which was probably a blessing for the passengers on board.

Stretching, the Nektra fighter rose to his feet as the ramp was extended. He took what he hoped was an inviting posture, and tried to smile in a non-bloodlusty way. It made his face hurt.

"Ho there, my good fellows!" Lionel called out. "And welcome to Ravalai, jewel of Telani! I won't comment on what jewel, but it's some kind of jewel I'm sure!"

He had decided that he hated them.

For that entire ride he was driven to the rail more often than not to puke up his day's lunch; dizziness assailing him as he clung to the rail. There were multiple times when he cursed his idiotic ideas. For thinking it was a good idea to have gotten on this ship, for thinking that he could at all be a 'hero' when he couldn't even handle something as silly as sea sickness. Someone had given him medicine to help combat it, but it seemed to work less for him than it did for others.

Talk about terrible first impressions.

Crouching beneath the rail was one Lorna Marruk, a young man that possessed delicate features. He usually wore makeup but had elected not to after that first day, after finding out quite suddenly that he got severely sea sick. His usually tan skin was stricken a few shades paler, cold sweat gleamed on his forehead like tiny dewdrops. Raven dark hair was tied up, though messier than usual as he had frequently taken to fiddling with it to distract from the illness. He rested his forehead against the warm wood and closed his eyes -- a mistake, he grimaced as the world rolled and he snapped his eyes back open.

It was ridiculous, the embarrassment turning his mind into a hotspot of negativity. Really, why didn't the ocean just go ahead and swallow him whole if it was going to torment him like this? He hoped no one was watching him, oh wouldn't that just be the worst? His breaths came in and out, in and out, as he tried to get his breathing under control. Bit by bit it helped, though he continued to feel nauseous as he squinted against the bright light towards the Nektra.

He took in a calming breath and struggled to his feet. He was determined to keep whatever little dignity he had left as he hesitantly shuffled forward.
197122_iXQ0foKj.pngVelahari Feavi
: DarKnight36 DarKnight36
Mentioned: Shy2Infinity Shy2Infinity

This was hell. Velahari had spent her entire life travelling, from one corner of the realm to another, but only a small fraction of it had been spent on a boat. Her parents knew so many short cuts or had tricks that made the passing merchants give them a ride. She loved the smell of everything, the way the world looked as they moved along, it was a side of the world she didn't get to enjoy too much. But with each lurch of the ship on the waves sent her stomach tumbling. Her knees buckled, hands clinging to the edge of the ship to steady herself. Not that it helped much as Velahari spent much of this trip bent over the side, losing her breakfast, lunch, and whatever ghosts remained in her stomach. At least the fishes would eat well that night. And the turtles. And maybe a confused beast. Velahari felt awful, she looked the part as well when she would finally turn back and since to the deck. Eyes closed and forehead pressed against her staff, the Soithra would do her best to distract her mind.

The various uses for elm bark was helpful enough. Then the proper care of her staff, etc, etc. The tips of her ears would grow warm in the sun, and honestly, sitting in that manner was rather helpful. Each lurch still sent her stomach awry, but she could it ignore. It was until it finally, finally came to an end. Velahari would only notice that those lurches turned to gentle bobbing when the bustle of dock workers finally reached the deck once the ramp was extended. The young woman would shoot up to her feet, grabbing her rucksack in one smooth motion, and unlike some other ill struck passenger, she had no dignity to hold onto. Rushing past any trying to make it to and on the ramp and the man speaking to hurry down the ramp.

As her feet hit the dock, Velhari would drop to her knees, her hands following seconds later. "Oh sweet, lovely solid ground!" The woman would exclaim. Many people might have expected the woman to then kiss the dock, but Velahari did have some standards and after a few moments of regaining her land legs, she would rise. "I...do not like boats."

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- interactions.
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- mood.
- outfit.
Normal traveling wear

When Rue had heard they would be disembarking soon, she had eagerly packed her bags. She was more than ready to be off this swaying death trap. While sea sickness was something she was lucky to experience little of, the sea had always been her enemy. She was tired of it. The ocean was a merciless beast, and she hated it. The entire trip she had spent below deck, desperately trying to distract herself from the churning waters that made her heart race with fear. In her fear, she had made a few too many water breathing potions that she had never put to use.

When they had initially boarded the ship, Rue had continuously and nervously asked if there were any other way to get to their destination. Alas, this was their only option. So she swallowed her overwhelming fear, and did her best to keep her wits about her.

She shot Lionel a nervous smile as she hurried past him, eager to be on solid ground. The earth was less likely to open up and swallow you whole. Favi, who was perched on her shoulder, chirped excitedly as she made her way off of the ship. He too preferred land to sea, though for him the town meant delicious treats, and he was eager to eat as much as he could. As she passed Lionel, she murmured "I would...really like to never do this again. If we can avoid it."
Rue Reykrost
coded by incandescent
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Rattlesnap had spent the majority of his stay on the boat between the cellar and the pantry. They said that anyone could take what they liked from the kitchen and he intended to. That said, he was pretty certain they had meant, "here take this food we prepared for you, on the house!" rather than "Here, our pantries are yours to raid!" but knickin' ain't knickin' if it's on a technicality. That's what he learnt back in the day, anyways. And besides...if they weren't gonna use the ingredients properly, no use lettin' some of the delectable inside go to waste. And so with a knapsack full of food, the one eyed Pontra scurried up from the cellar as soon as he'd felt the boat come to a halt.

Nothin' quite like it, taking in the seaside breeze as a ship finally docked at its destination. Reminded him of the good old days. Only difference then was none of the passengers back then looked as pale as a full moon. "Ain't you three a sight fer sore eyes..." the old Pontra shook his head, munching on an apple, he pulled from the knapsack. "Brats in Telani've got no sea legs!" he gave a hearty laugh. "Hope the lotta you gots sterner stomach 'n that when we gets to scrappin' with who knows what beasties'll be sniffin' our way! Harharhar!"

Shy2Infinity Shy2Infinity FireMaiden FireMaiden Radish__ Radish__
Alethea Hartwell
the Faithra
Ravalai docks

Lorna & Velahari
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FireMaiden FireMaiden
Alethea sat perched on a wooden crate, booted feet swinging gently back and forth as she stared out over the endless expanse of blue. It was just as she remembered the trips she had taken with her father when she was a child. Luckily despite only having been on a boat once or twice in her life, it did not take her long to gain her sea legs. The same, however, could not be said for her travelling companions.

She gave the ones hunched over the railing a sympathetic look, the sea breeze tousling her white locks about her face. She knew from past experience that the open sea could get a bit cold, so she had her mottled cloak wrapped around her shoulders; it also helped keep the salt water off of her wings, it made them itch once it dried. Seated there with her cloak about her, she looked for all intents and purposes, a child traveling alone. She had received a few skeptic glances from the crew when she had mentioned she was a Ranger but it wasn't anything she hadn't already experienced before.

As the boat pulled up to the dock, she hopped down from the crate and swung her pack across her shoulder, checking that her bow and quiver were secured before heading towards the ramp. A few travelers beat her there, among them the ones the ocean did not agree with. As her boots met the dock, she padded on silent feet over to the ill-feeling passengers.

As she drew up beside them, she gave them both a soft pat on the back, to provide a small bit of comfort as well as gain their attention as she rummaged briefly in her pack. "It's not much, but chewing on mint can help with nausea." She said, giving them a gentle smile as she extended some small green herbs out to the both of them.
coded by natasha.
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It had been a quiet journey, aside from the chorus of ill passengers singing gospel to the waves. She had made some small talk with those members of their little brigade not stricken by the motions of the tide, when the mood had struck to approach her, but the crew itself had, by and large, given her a wide berth, and Theophania had enjoyed the time alone with her thoughts it had afforded. Winds knew she wouldn't likely have such luxuries soon.

Theophania slung her sword over her shoulder as the ship pulled in to dock, rising from where she'd been sat against the rail on the side of the deck. "Doing well, good hunter?" she called to Lorna as she passed, taking note of the green in his cheeks. He had been one of those afflicted by the sea's most capricious of curses, the poor man. He seemed to have a harder time recovering than the others, but it wasn't a much further walk to land, and he would survive.
Most of the journey had been an absolute thrill for Myril. The lurching, the swaying, the sounds of the boat creaking as it crashed against the waves and sprinkles of sea water touched her grinning cheeks. It was only the constant barfing and the smell of sick that made her uneasy, but she had found that the bow of the ship had been largely sea-sick free, thus only the most brave or sea worthy would venture up there. As the boat had approached the dock she could hear and smell the sounds of a bustling town. Though Myril was excited, this was perhaps the part that made her the most nervous - docks were not particularly gentle for the blind as burly fishermen did not care who they knocked around - so she waited for most of the others to exit the ship before feeling a hulking presence beside her. She reached out to the persons arm, pale fingers brushing against a cloak of cotton, armor and then landing on a hand of...scales.

"Ah, Shaista," Myril chirped, having been introduced to most of her crewmates throughout the journey, "Do you mind assisting me through the dock, dear? I don't fancy a plunge into the water today."

obscured_light obscured_light
A youthful warrior leaned excitedly into the wooden railing, her gaze cast port-ward as the ship struggled through choppy waters to ease into place. Locals gathered 'round the pier with interest, watching crewmates run the mooring lines down to the dock, working in unison to secure the exhausted vessel after her long journey at sea. Tules however, did not even wait for the gangplank to drop before she had already gotten a running start, bounding off the banister and taking brief flight over civilized shore. Her dark ponytail reflected gleaming sunlight as it trailed in a long wave behind her, swishing playfully at her side when her boots connected with sturdy board several meters below.

Standing confidently with her hands at her hips, she closed her eyes and took in a crisp lungful of landlubber air for the first time in what felt like ages. Screwing around in the storage hold and rolling dice with sailors topside was fun and all, but it was time for the real adventure to start, finally. With a hearty exhale, she joined the rest of the crew as they reached the bottom of the boarding ramp.

Tules gave Lorna a couple heavy slaps on the back during his way down onto the pier, practically trying to smack the sea sickness out of him. "Haha, your spine looks awful! Straighten up a little, you're on solid ground now!" She stomped in place a few times as if to emphasize her point, her feet meeting the moist plank with dull thuds. Casually leaning against the ship, she continued, "Oh, she looks worse than you actually." Tules pointed at Velahari. "You two related? I hear blowing chunks runs in the family."

That was according to her gramps, on her father's side of the family. Sorry lot couldn't stand on deck for longer than half an hour before they started adding fresh paint to the side of the hull, she was lucky not to have inherited their weak stomachs. Her eyes met with Lionel as they surveyed the crowd, she pushed off the ship to match his greeting.

"Yo, good tidings brother!" Tules said with a warm wave. "You our guide?"
Toddrick couldnt sit still the entire voyage. He wandered around the ship, admiring its engineering, and sometimes, bombarding random sailors with questions about life on the ship. How do they change directions? What do they do if there's no wind to push the sails? How do they go to the toilet? Some entertained his questions while most of them, annoyed and busy as they were, pushed him aside.

He looked around the rest of the ship, observing the passengers as they walked around (or vomitted at the side). They're all heroes, he thought to himself as he feels like he doesnt belong. The call to Retriance's service was for his father, Guthred. Toddrick is there as a proxy as his father has aged well beyond his adventuring years. Sure, he's a damn fine blacksmith, but he's never been on an adventure before. He's never been outside his village before. Perhaps he's well beyond his league right now. It's not yet too late to back out since-

"No",he muttered to himself, clutching the eagle crest that he fashioned into a necklace as he tried to calm his mind. Not until I find answers.

As they began to dock, he greeted the 6 foot tall Nektra calling everyone's attention. "So where are we going now?", he asked.

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His legs shook with every uneven step he took. And as much as he wished he could have been like the elf that had rushed past him in a hurry, he struggled to get one foot in front of the other. The fan he kept on his wrist flapped in front of his face rapidly, desperate to cool him off. When he'd almost reached the plank, his head jerked to the side to realize that someone was talking and to him -- another mistake to make when the world swayed around him again. Giving some kind of mumbled incoherent mess of words he quickened his steps and was quick to hurry down the ramp. When his legs finally met even ground, his body abruptly slumped as he rested his hands against his legs. His breaths came short and shaky as he finally allowed himself to let go of some of his ridiculous dignity and just breathe.

As he was continuing to thank the bloody heavens that he was on ground once again, a long with a couple of others, he felt a gentle pat on the back. He wearily lifted his head to find the culprit. He was expecting to have to lower his head a little bit, since he was so often taller than others, but the Faithra in front of him... He dwarfed her by a significant amount. His gaze was inquisitive as she rummaged around in her bag and then procured small green leaves out to them. Even if she hadn't told them, his brain would have easily supplied that they were mint. Taking them gratefully he muttered under his breath, "Thank you for your kindness..."

However, just as he began chewing on a minty leaf, a hearty slap on his back very nearly sent him into a coughing fit; so unlike the one the Faithra had given. His fan flipped out once again, covering the lower half of his face as it turned a healthy shade of red.

His gaze followed the woman's line of sight as she pointed out Velahari. "I would certainly hope that my family would tell me about a secret relative." Perhaps that'd make for a good story in fiction, and while he knew that he didn't know some family members, he was certain he'd be told if he was related to a Soithra.
"More of you than I thought," Lionel grumbled to himself, scratching the back of his head in some confusion. Seasickness wasn't something he was familiar with, being quite comfortable anywhere. He squinted, trying to understand how the afflicted would feel. He didn't succeed. "Er, well, anyway, the mayor's wanting to see-"

Alethea had caught Lionel's attention and he abruptly cut off, staring at her for a few seconds before continuing. "Mayor. Wants to see you." He glanced at the others. "Any more of you on board?"

- location.
- interactions.
FireMaiden FireMaiden PiePillager PiePillager Shy2Infinity Shy2Infinity
- mood.
- outfit.
Normal traveling wear

Rue gave Rattlesnap a somewhat pained smile. "Well, I can kill a monster if it tries to swallow me whole. The same can't be said for the ocean. Plus I don't need sea legs, I'm perfectly happy with my plain old land legs," she responded shakily, carefully making her way down the ramp. Once her feet were on the much more solid dock she looked physically relieved. She shook out her hands, taking a deep breath, and moved towards Velahari, placing a gentle hand on her back. "I do hope you're feeling better, both of you. This trip seemed to be quite the nightmare for you two."

She turned when she heard Lionel speak again, waiting patiently, or mostly patiently, for the others to start making their way away from the docks. As much as she was relieved to be off of the boat, she would be happier to have her feet firmly planted on the ground. Favi scurried down to the ground, darting between Rue and Velahari's legs.
Rue Reykrost
coded by incandescent

Rue gave Rattlesnap a somewhat pained smile. "Well, I can kill a monster if it tries to swallow me whole. The same can't be said for the ocean. Plus I don't need sea legs, I'm perfectly happy with my plain old land legs," she responded shakily, carefully making her way down the ramp. Once her feet were on the much more solid dock she looked physically relieved. She shook out her hands, taking a deep breath, and moved towards Velahari, placing a gentle hand on her back. "I do hope you're feeling better, both of you. This trip seemed to be quite the nightmare for you two."

She turned when she heard Lionel speak again, waiting patiently, or mostly patiently, for the others to start making their way away from the docks. As much as she was relieved to be off of the boat, she would be happier to have her feet firmly planted on the ground. Favi scurried down to the ground, darting between Rue and Velahari's legs.
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Lars dropped silently from the last bit of rope leading up to the crows' nest. He was exhausted from his long journey to get to the boat on time in the first place and had only spoken with the sailors stationed to watch up at the top when they came to and fro. Most of the rest of the journey, he had slept with a roaring snore. Luckily, he had awoken just in time to sleepily rub his eyes and move in with the others gathering around a large Nektra, who seemed to be in charge. His little village had been so secluded, most of the others were races he had only heard stories of.

'Minerva herself could not have birthed all these,' he thought.

Many did not seem to take too kindly to sailing along the open ocean. Their reactions were amusing to him and brought a small smile to his lips. He was looking forward to getting to know them and discovering more about the world that had seemed almost like a dream before.
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"Aye, fer now," Pontra folded his arms and nodded at the bright-eyed Methra. "But who's to say a life o' adventure won't lead ya to needin' ta acquire both. ...At least once in a while," he shrugged.

"More of you than I thought," Lionel grumbled to himself, scratching the back of his head in some confusion. Seasickness wasn't something he was familiar with, being quite comfortable anywhere. He squinted, trying to understand how the afflicted would feel. He didn't succeed. "Er, well, anyway, the mayor's wanting to see-"

Alethea had caught Lionel's attention and he abruptly cut off, staring at her for a few seconds before continuing. "Mayor. Wants to see you." He glanced at the others. "Any more of you on board?"
Meeting with the mayor, eh? One supposes there's a first time for everything. Judging from past experience, mayors are usually ones who'd wanted he and his mates' heads on a platter...and more often 'n not without good reason! But that was the past and the present....well it was looking to be a nice change of pace.

"Yeah, there's a few stragglers. Hopefully, they ain't heavin' their lunch out off the side o' the hull," Rattlesnap laughed, finally finishing his apple, leaving only the core behind. As he spoke, one of those stragglers had begun to approach. " 'Though fer all I knows, stonemen might not have stomachs to heave from."

Radish__ Radish__ DarKnight36 DarKnight36 Sky_Breaker_08 Sky_Breaker_08
"W-well, let's not hope to be swallowed alive by any monster", Todd chuckled nervously as he chimmed in at Rue and Rattlesnap's conversation. He's seen the effects of a monster's stomach acid on steel plate armor and he'd rather not experience that firsthand.
Radish__ Radish__ PiePillager PiePillager

"The mayor huh...", Todd pondered out loud while waiting for everyone else.. To summon this many adventurers at such a short notice... something's definately up.
DarKnight36 DarKnight36
Knas Arda
Interactions: DarKnight36 DarKnight36 Radish__ Radish__ PiePillager PiePillager Sky_Breaker_08 Sky_Breaker_08 Alias Alias
Mood: Excited

Quick nearly frantic steps could be heard coming from the stairwell that lead to the hull of the ship and quickly two ears perked up before the rest of the Meftra came stumbling on deck. "Oh gods I've overslept!" He cried to himself, partially muffled by the pen in his mouth. He nearly stumbled over due to the slight rocking of the vessel in water, not to mention he was frantically shoving a book into his satchel.

The voyage over wasn't too bad for Knas, this wasn't his first time on a ship he'd been on plenty docked ones back home but this was his first voyage. Needless to say he didn't have his sea legs yet, as seen as how he's currently fighting for balance while moving towards the dock. And pretty soon he was down the ramp on on dry land once again with the sparkle of adventure in his eyes.

"Knas Arda reporting for duty," He announced to the rest with a goofy smile on his face. It was clear he was excited to finally be out of his hometown and finally see the world.
Rue's eyes brightened at Todd's comment, and she quickly turned to face him. "If avoiding being eaten is what you want, I can help! Maybe. I've been researching a potion that will make you grow spines all over your body! Of course it is in theory and has never been tested. There could be some side affects. But it's better than being eaten right?" she said excitedly, stepping closer to him. Her eyes were shining with excitement. "Or! I could use my magic to wrap you in a thorny cocoon! Wouldn't that be simply magnificent! You'd have to wear some protective gear, of course, but again it's better than being eaten!"

Without skipping a beat, she quickly set her large bag on the ground and began rummaging through it. She pulled out a bunch of ingredients, muttering to herself as she sorted through them, and then grinned.

"Look! I even have almost all of the ingredients! All I need is a couple more things! You'll test it out for me won't you?"

interaction: Alias Alias
"Wait, were we supposed to salute?", Todd mimics Knas and salutes Lionell as well. He tried to stand in attention but got distracted when Rue pulled out her potion making ingredients. "Woah, you're an herbalist? I'm not, but I dabble in potion making from time to time! I'd love to test out your potions, in exchange you gotta share some of your knowledge! Actually, here-I didn't bring my potions gear with me but-", Todd sets his leather bag on the ground and pulls out his notebook. "Here are some potion ideas I've had in the past. The healing potions work, but my strengthening potion kinda works but knocks people out for 3 days straight", he flips through the pages as he shares the materials and preparations he used. Most of his ingredients are herbs and minerals found in clythran mines.

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Theophania squatted by the pair of excited academics, gingerly picking up a bundle of herbs she couldn't identify.

"Perhaps you should wait until we're off the street, yes?" she advised, handing them back to her.
"Of course," Shaista said, her low voice barely above a whisper, as she gently placed a leathery hand on top of Myril's to guide her.

Having barely said anything the whole trip, she was surprised Myril had asked her of all people. There had been questions of course but they had been met with brief answers. She also hadn't been one of the ones almost heaving up their breakfast on the way over. Shaista had been still the whole way, almost like their statue friend.

As the others began their depart from the ship, Shaista waited as the excitable ones got off first. There was an excited fluttering in her chest but she steeled herself and led Myril down only when she felt the others wouldn't bump into them by accident. Talks of stragglers and the mayor reached their ears as they approached.

"A meeting already," Shaista grumbled with a deep rumbling in her throat. She also dropped her hand in case Myril wanted to let go.

egglover egglover
"No need, I'm not your boss," Lionel said, waving off Knas's & Todd's salutes. "And yeah, it's good to be enthusiastic but the mayor said to bring you as soon as you got in. Oh, the name's Lionel by the way. I'm going to be your guide around Telani." The Nektra sighed. "Honestly, I would rather take you to the inn to rest up after the boat ride, but we'll have to wait until after. Of course, you guys are heroes right? So maybe you'll be just fine!"

Lionel laughed heartily, and beckoned the group to follow. He led them away from the docks, past the warehouse workers still busy moving cargo to and from carts, ships and buildings. Five small towers rose to the west, probably for food storage, and a gate could be soon standing open in that direction. Lionel took the group east instead, stepping onto a decently paved road. The pale stones felt cool to the touch despite the afternoon sun, which Lionel explained was due to the water affinity of the Lamra who had constructed the path.

Lionel pointed out a small inn as they passed another road leading to the north. A fountain splashed behind a few other buildings, which included a barracks. Only a few soldiers could be seen, and Lionel pointed out that most of them would be helping guard the shipments that came from Laziir, the Clythra kingdom to the west.

At the end of the road sat the mayor's house, a two-story building that looked a little too rich for the surrounding buildings. It was older too, but had been well cared for, vines cut back and bushes trimmed. The front door opened as Lionel got close, and what one could only assume as the mayor stepped forward.

He was short and balding, but sported a short-trimmed brown beard and a practiced smile. The man spread his hands as the group entered his courtyard, his loose fitting robes catching the sunlight and changing the hues from green to blue and back again as the fabric shifted.

"Welcome to Ravalai!" the mayor called out. "Welcome heroes! I am the leader of this humble town, Bronson! Some of you look a little worse for wear, but when I heard you would be arriving today, I knew I had to see you right away. I see you've met Lionel, he's quite a local legend himself. I intend to have him join you in helping our little area here, we've got some problems, indeed we do. But I'm sure you'll set those all right shortly!"

Bronson bowed, just deep enough not to be rude but Lionel rolled his eyes anyway. Mayor Bronson was not a humble man.

"I hope you don't mind that I add a party member or two to your group," Bronson continued. "Not that I don't trust you, mind, just that on Telani we have our own etiquettes, our own way of doing things that the fabled king of Retriance may not be aware of." Bronson smiled again, the gesture even emptier than the first time. "I have a task for you immediately, but please, before we get to that, if there's anything I can answer for you, I'm more than happy to share my knowledge!"

Bronson's chuckle rolled out of him like a wave hitting a beach.
197122_iXQ0foKj.pngVelahari Feavi
: SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles Radish__ Radish__ DarKnight36 DarKnight36
Mentioned: PiePillager PiePillager Alias Alias

As her comment went unacknowledged, not that she minded too much Velahari's gaze would drift to the city infront of them. Their destination lay somewhere along those streets, and she was excited. What lay in store for them? What would they be asked to do first? Would they all be eaten by some creature in the first hour? Who knows! But she was ready to find out. Velahari was most certainly lost in thought when someone, another one of their little group, spoke. She'd glance to see who it was, cheeks puffing some. Who needed sealegs when you could walk most everywhere? Her attention was once again stolen by another, a young woman this time who was offering her and another passenger some mint. "Thank you, but it passed as soon as we stopped," Velahari smiled. Her legs and the ground below were steady once again, so she had returned to normal. Even if her face remained a bit pale. The young woman was also starting to feel rather hungry again, but with the assumption they might be eating soon, Velahari refrained from grabbing a snack from her pack.

Food would be pushed back as Rue approached, patting her on the back. "Much better. I'm not sure what it is, maybe the rocking?" Velahari said, rocking back and forth on her heels, while careful to avoid the little critter running around below them. The sound that came from Velahari when she spotted Rue as they were boarding the shop for this journey was something else. She was sure the others thought she was possessed or something, but what do you expect! Seeing one of your only friends in the entire world boarding the same ship as you! Velahari was absolutely thrilled to bits about it. Only...a shame she couldn't say much in order to catch up, but they'd have their chances.

That sentiment would extend as someone approached Rue asking if she were an alchemist which sparked excitement Velahari wouldn't quench. Well, not until she spotted Lionel beckoning them to follow. "Oh, come on! We don't want to be left behind!" She urged the two, waiting a moment for them to prepare to follow before hurrying after their guide. As they all walked, Velahari would dip around their group, looking at everything she could, taking special note of what Lionel pointed out. There was so much to look at, so much to see! She wanted to run off and explore but before she realized, they had reached the mayor's home. It was out of place here, even Velahari could see that, which raised many questions but it wasn't her space to say anything. She would listen quietly to him explain. "Who's joining us? What are we doing? Are we getting lunch first?"
"Isn't this dude kinda fake as hell?" Tules loudly whispered within total earshot of Bronson as she leaned in toward the rest of her group. "Had a mayor in my town who looked just like this guy, he was a huge prick."
The mayor's house. Fancy place. Lot more time and money poured into it than most other architecture in the town. 'Course it wasn't the most extravagant Rattlesnap had seen either, but for this place...certainly stood out. He wondered if it was something of a staple of the town, or if the mayor was just that into himself. And after their brief introduction to the mayor in question...

....Yeah, sod really was just that into himself. Not that Rattlersnap was gonna grill him over it or anything, he was hired for a job after all. And with jobs came coin.

"Isn't this dude kinda fake as hell?" Tules loudly whispered within total earshot of Bronson as she leaned in toward the rest of her group. "Had a mayor in my town who looked just like this guy, he was a huge prick."

Tules felt an elbow to her ribs. "Ya wanna stow it, eh lass?" Rattlesnap reprimanded in a whisper. "Ain't 'specially wise to upset the nice mayor askin' us to save his village fer a hefty sum, is it?" Speaking of said mayor...while the befreckled Soithra asked the most pertinent questions, there was one more Rattlesnap felt he ought to add. "I just wanna know what's liable to kill us out there!"

DarKnight36 DarKnight36
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