elizabeth thompkins





18     ❀      female        ❀      heterosexual           









elizabeth marie jade Thompkins


















kacey rohl



kacey rohl



waitress at rosie's





liz has a very soft, caring face; which is the total opposite of her personality. her huge, sparkling blue eyes, pale skin and button nose give the false impression that liz is an innocent girl with kind intentions. she has fair red-brown hair which stretches all the way down her back. she has a very thin figure which again portrays her as being fragile, which she is far from. she has narrow shoulders and a thin waist but she isn't very full around her chest. she often wears a lot of makeup to give the illusion that she's older as she's always been told she has a baby-face.










noticeable marks:

liz has a large pale brown birthmark on the inside of her left thigh that goes from half way down her thigh to her knee.





- lemonade

- dancing

- shopping

- sunshine

- movies



- regret

- beer/alcohol

- high expectations

- losing

- meat



manipulative - lizzy can and will get whatever she desires. it doesn't matter if it's money or clothes or just her own way with things. she will get it. she knows how to play people and how to act around people when she wants them to give her things. she has to have things how she wants them, and for such a lifestyle, you have to adapt.

fastidious - it is beyond hard to please lizzy. growing up without wanting anything, lizzy isn't impressed by little things, and if you want to please her, you have to give her the world. she often doesn't see when she has a good thing going on, and she looses out on good things because she feels like she has to push for more and more.

competitive - lizzy was the head cheerleader, and now school's over, she has no where to vent her competitiveness. she would get very into her sport and would make sure that she and all her squad was perfect and without fault. she has to be the best and she cannot stand losing.



loyal - lizzy might make it hard for people to be friends and stick around with her, but if you see deep down, she's not a bad person. she's in a world where she feels like she has to be on top, and just because she's clawed her way up there doesn't mean she's a complete bitch. lizzy will not be two faced or tell secrets, if she says something to you, she means it, and she isn't the type to gossip or hurt people intentionally.

brave - lizzy stands her ground full time, and not just her own. if she feels that someone is being really unjustly upset, then she will stand up for them. although some might see her as a bitch, she isn't a bully, and she would defend a victim to her last breath.

loving - lizzy loves her family and her close friends with all of her heart. she concentrates her love on a very small group of people, and she doesn't express it very well, but it's there and if she could show it more, she would. she just doesn't know how.


a phrase they live by:

"so much to do, so little done, such things to be" - elizabeth taylor


something they love:

lizzy loves acting. she adores it, and though people think she's just a drama queen, she has a real passion for acting.



- dancing

- acting

- cheerleading



- lizzy fears never finding a career. she doesn't want to be lost in marriage and family; she wants to be an actress first. she wants to see the world.

- liz worries that without her parents money, she'll fall flat. she's never had to fend for herself and she thinks without a constant cash flow, she'll be poverty stricken.

- liz has a huge fear of the dark; it's a big weakness.



- to move to california and become a star, but she's not naive, she knows she has to be equipped with her wits, she knows that moving to hollywood doesn't make your life.




liz was born into a family more perfect than anyone could ever have imagined. her father, john, had been a glittering example of bravery in the war and had become mayor. he was so popular, along with his wife abigail, who everyone adored. they lived in a manor in the middle of town and always had a constant flow of cash, friends and parties. they were at the top of the social ladder, and no one could stop them. lizzy remembered her brother, edward, learning to play guitar and piano and football and golf. lizzy was taught piano, too, and ballet among other dance styles. they lived the dream.


even after her father retired as mayor, their family was still beyond rich and popular. they still held regular gatherings at the manor and as lizzy and ed grew up, their parents grew more and more distant. when they were children, they had been mostly looked after by nannys and teachers, but their parents had still popped in on them to play with them or listen to their stories. now that they could look after themselves, ed and lizzy only saw their parents at their parties. the family wasn't perfect, nor had it ever been; as so many had been made to believe. the thompkins' were there for show. they were fake. so, lizzy rebelled against that, in her own way. she followed what her parents expected her to be. a dancer, an academic; the perfect young woman. but, she also stole money from them and spent it all on clothes and makeup and gifts for her friends. so, they cut her off. during senior year, lizzy had to get a job, so she decided to work at rosie's. she hadn't realised, but buying all those clothes had become an addiction of sorts, and she needed a constant fix.


working at rosie's was humiliating to say the least. she always bumped into people from school and hated doing the dirty work. once her parents cut her off, rosie made it clear she wasn't going to follow their rules anymore. she wasn't going to graduate and get married and have children straight away. she wanted to be something; be someone. so she went to acting classes and did more theatre at school, and once she graduated, she told them that she wanted to move to hollywood. they made a deal with her; spend a year in westtown, and if she didn't find a husband or a potential husband, she could go to hollywood. it was a stupid deal, lizzy knew, but if she got through the year, she could say i told you so, and what was more satisfying than that?



edward peter roosevelt thompkins - brother

johnathon edward malcolm thompkins - father

abigail lydia emily thompkins - mother


how long have they been apart of the blades?:

she was one of the original members; since she was twelve.


how long have she lived in westtown?:

all her life.
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