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Futuristic Electric Sheep [Always Open] - [Space | Dystopia | Androids]

location: L14
mentions: Bang Bang Bang Bang
ooc: first the women, then the throne


Admiral Taela

Intense was one word for it. Everything felt like it was on fire, lips, cheeks, fingers, anything that touched the girl burned with a smoldering need that was stoked by her frustrations and anger, which slowly melted away in the embrace. It was almost cliche, how she couldn't find it in herself to be completely furious with her for any remarkable span of time and if she could see herself now, maybe under a different light at a different time, she would have scoffed. Every thought of retaliation, war preparations, and even the foreseeable future was shaved away to make way for the simple beating of both of their hearts, both beating through their chest at barely different times, each pulse pushing a wave of warmth through her skin. Still for what it was it was wonderful, her whole body radiated warmth even as the other broke the kiss, leaving her chest heaving as she gulped down the coffee stained air that greeted her. Her expression was on the brink of worried as the other pressed their face into her shoulder, muttering something about being sorry between half hidden attempts to hide the fact that they were crying.

Even in her obviously rattled state she couldn't let the girl go on for much longer than a few moments, pulling her head up from her shoulder and wiping her tears with her thumb and a warm gaze. In the moment she didnt know who she was, what she was or, more importantly, what they were - if anything - but honestly it didnt matter. Reaffirming herself Lyud leaned in, planting a gentle kiss on Kat's forehead before pressing her own against it in solidarity, eyes closed and a small smile curling at the edges of her lips. Her hands slid down to the other girls, fingers snaking between hers and locking in delightfully as she mumbled out the words "i know" in a very content tone.

It was surreal to think they would be marching to war, that she was already marching to war, when even in a small pastry shop in a lower district the universe felt like it revolved around the two of them and the two of them alone, like two shining stars with gravity wells greater than the smallest, densest black hole. How could there be suffering in such an idyllic universe. How could there be war. She felt like a child waking up on a warm summer day, covers to her rosy cheeks as she desperately pleaded for just one more second...one more second of this. Even in these moments reality creeped in, not even attempting to hide its presence but seemingly oblivious to its unwanted nature. It burned her thoughts as it opened the blinds in her mind, letting the scalding situation dance across her mental visage like prancing horses on a long forgotten battlefield. Detaching herself from the other she took a step back, glancing back with a soft smile and a somber expression that struggled as she put back on her stoic mask, hiding in the slight curves and shadows of her expression, the wetness of her eyes. "Stay safe." Curt, her words carried a sudden hardness that was only underdone by the choking that caught in the back of her throat and the heavy, pleading, intention that they carried. Turning away from the girl she stepped out of the shop, taking a deep breath of the listless, stale air before disappearing into the crowd towards her next destination.
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Incoming File ...
To: ( Sir Galahad II Sir Galahad II Collidias Rex Collidias Rex ShadowBroker ShadowBroker Bang Bang Bang Bang )
RE: Nicholas Au Arcon

Location: (Hawwah/Kismet Headquarters)
Bureau Notes: (Tried to incorporate the Bible just for Genie boi)

Nicholas' eyes watched Genesis intensely as he approached. The way he carried himself, the manner in which he spoke, the small dismissive pat of the fellow he'd been arguing with. It was exactly like so many Noblus Nicholas had seen before. The simultaneous charisma and condemnation that was evident within his words and action were the mark of a very dangerous fellow; like that of a cult leader, Nicholas realized.

It took great effort not to grit his teeth as he patiently bore Genesis' words. Lies, wrapped around truth... evermore like a Noblus. Genesis was clearly schooled in words. He must tread carefully, and not show any sign of submission. Weakness, to someone of his sort, was as a shark smelling blood.

"Antagonizing the entire population? No, I have not done that. The Noblus, some of the military, and perhaps androids such as yourself who might take offense at condemnation for the slaughtering of innocents. The Hands, the Slavs? They think of Taela as the Christ, and I as John the Baptist. They too have been tread on, Genesis. They can be killed without a second thought by the Noblus, just as your kind are. Yes, I know your kind have suffered worse, genocide being perhaps the greatest hallmark of humanity's depravity. But that was the Noblus. Do you think the commoners who witness and are caught in your acts of terror are somehow absolved of their prejudice by experiencing the very thing which Au Olver warned them of? You reap what you sow, Genesis. With each violent act, a person convinced of Android's evil, with each of act of prejudice from them, another Android's suffering. You are merely perpetuating a cycle. Even if you attain equality in law, every action will be permanently etched into the heart of the people as proof of your inhumanity." Nicholas did his best to keep his tone free of accusation. The words were enough accusation as they were.

"And yet, as you pointed out, perhaps I have done the same. Indeed, I confess, I did cause suffering for technomancers within the ranks of the Noblus and Military. I knew they would suffer, perhaps even harm themselves, and yet I did it anyway. I, and Taela, needed the time. I regret it now. But I took steps to right the wrong, I even did it a day earlier than Taela asked, by releasing the GSIs. You say I consigned millions to a slow and painful death, but I only caused them 24 hours of pain, and those who harm others for my cause or another make the choice for themselves. I ask you which is worse: temporary suffering or permanent passing?"

"But you ask a good question. What do I hope to gain from working alongside you? Well, this is an answer in two parts. Pragmatically, because more resources and more power renders both groups far more likely to succeed. If we work together, for the mutual goal of Au Olver's deposition and enshrining principles of equality into law, then we all get what we desire while vastly improving our chances of success."

"That was the pragmatic answer, and that which Taela wished me to impart. My answer is that, in all honesty, I care for your people. It is obvious you think, you feel, you are as much a person as I. I confess, I did not know this, once...I was raised as a servant as a Noblus home, and it is difficult to depart from the biases of your youth." Nicholas wavered for a moment, knowing that sentimentality might be ill-convincing to one such as Genesis, but why not tell the truth? "But 8 years ago, I had a pupil who entered my tutelage. She had performed exceptionally well at the university, and I watched her as she succeeded, selecting her to be one of the few students who I taught one-on-one. 3 years, I taught her. She assisted my research, voraciously consumed learning, and even came alongside me on my journeys. She never seemed to grow older, as her fellows did, but I simply though she had been blessed with youth. But one day, she did not show up to my office. The Eyes, it seemed, had taken her. I received a notice, advising that I had inadvertently harbored an Android. This was when I began my efforts to relieve Olver of his throne, and began placing the killswitches within the MGs."

Nicholas sighed. "In truth, I'm just a sentimental old man. I have always been a student of history, and I suppose this is what I want to gain: I want to stand along the great men and women who preceded me - to leave a brighter world behind. Remembrance, and peace of conscious. Selfish, to a degree, but I assure you Genesis: I am not your rival. I do not desire power. I only desire change, and peace."
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[div class="tabName titleName"]LOGIN[/div]

[div class="tabName introName"]JAMIE AU OLVER[/div]

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[div class=Title]IMPERIAL ARCHIVES[/div][/div]

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Verifying Login Credentials ...



Event Overview:

Area of Concern: Dire Straights

Foreword: (OOC here)

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The Emperor ambled into the containment cell, a 6x6 walled cube with one wall being predominantly glass as well as the door. The glass had been lifted, exposing Jamie as well as the exit hallway to the elevators. Folding his arms gently behind his back, he titled his head to allow his good eye full inspection. The beastly woman sat crunched within the far corner, barely able to fit in the cell, her fiery eyes locked onto his good icy one as well as his dead one. "I'll stay quiet for now, you can handle this without my assistance..."

"You're no assassin dear... Terribly obvious with your weapon of choice. Poison is a woman's weapon i'll give you that, however to easily detected to kill an Emperor. A shot to the head would've been much more effective even though you most likely would've suffered the same fate..." Taking a seat upon the floor across from Aritafate, one leg bent to rest his arm on, the other outstretched towards the other wall.

"Even though you are a shit assassin dear I don't think you're a waste... I see a partial part of you in me, which you can interpret in whichever way you wish, but it's useful nonetheless. I'm lacking useful people at the moment, hence the chatter of usurpment as well as the flaming political climate... So I have a proposition for you."

Turning his head to the blank grey wall, he continued. "I'm forming a covert team of sorts... And I need useful people within it. You could assist me greatly I feel. So for this... Exchange of services so to say I will offer you this." Removing his glasses, he extended them to Fate with a curious gleam in his eyes. "Let's see if you can stop and see life from a new perspective eh..?"

Jamie had transferred the lenses to display a live security camera footage of the older Alexander sister, Marilyn, contained in a similar cell as her sister. It was larger though, as well as containing a panel for medical monitoring. The Alexander girl sat feebly upon the floor, attached to a IV pumping God knows what cocktail of medications into the poor girl. "Your sister will continue to be treated accordingly as well as protected by my finest Eyes if you agree to our little service exchange... You cant see her however, the location i'm afraid is undisclosed due to the severity of the Citadel currently... Hell once this is over i'll let you see her if you wish..."

"Now that's only if you agree. Disagreeing to this deal will result in her immediate euthanization, as well as your shipment to The Wastes where you will comfortably live out your days as a convicted assassin." Extending his hand once more for his glasses, gently nodding once receiving them and placing them on once more, he sighed.

"I'm a busy man so I need your answer fairly soon. Now would be the best. I can be patient, but the fate of my Empire rests upon you Fate..."


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Incoming File ...
To: Mykinkaiser Mykinkaiser

Location: L1

"He knows just how to piss you the hell off, huh?" Gwen observed in a low murmur, wondering without voicing it if it was simply a matter of Genesis' personality, or something deeper that seemed so adept at aggravating her friend. But damn— they'd both been sighing even more than usual lately, and that was saying something. "Looking forward to the shitshow being over," she said in answer to his words, feeling them far too true for her liking, given what they were about to do.

At the TechGarden, Gwen was honestly surprised to hear Seamus mention his father; Doc had never exactly been the exposition-on-his-tragic-backstory type, so snatches of insight into it were rare. She knew bits and pieces, never enough to fully explain anything but enough drunken slurs and mumbling to know more than he likely wanted her to, and a lot could be guessed at. Honestly, the first few years, she'd suspected he was actually an android, but enough of his idiotic tendency to punch things his shouldn't had exposed that, aside from his cybernetic prosthetic, he was organic alright. Besides, no android would be programmed that moronic. "You'll have to send him a message, let him know he needs to keep with the times."

She let him lead, equally as wary as him; once upon a time, she'd been plenty used to L1, back when running Hades' social errands had been one of a dozen duties of her own. A decade proved enough to make a place feel strange, Jamie's rule extreme enough to have marked the landscape in the propaganda, the upgraded surveillance, the palpable atmosphere shift, all exaggerated by the K1SMET. "Thank you," she threw over her shoulder to the employee as Seamus trudged off to the statue, quick-stepping to catch up to his side. "Honestly, can't take you anywhere. What happened to violence begets violence...?" Despite her scolding, she was grinning— as if she was any different. Well. Okay, she was normally at least a little more subtle, but she appreciated the theatricality if nothing else.

Pan's likeness towering above them, she stepped close, leaning in to peer about the fawn's legs. A moment later, she snorted. "Present from Pan's arsecrack," she muttered, leaning in and prizing free from the aforementioned area a rather antiquated looking cryptex. "Think that has some deep meaning too?" As she spoke, she scanned over the puzzle, the eight letter spaces available. She tried 'Genesis' half as a joke, snorting again when sure enough, it opened. "What a douche." The offerings inside were simple; a thin strip of actual paper, upon which read. 'Explosives in the disused terminal; Employee notified you will be taking it for repairs. Target: Erudite Academy. Estimated effect: 0.5 Million. Directions inside. Good luck.'

"Well... shit," Gwen said, verging between stunned and something harder as she handed the contents over for Seamus to read. "He wants us to blow up their school."
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Incoming File ...
To: Bang Bang Bang Bang ThisUsernameIsALie ThisUsernameIsALie Collidias Rex Collidias Rex ShadowBroker ShadowBroker

Location: Hawwah
Bureau Notes: Smooth moves, baby

ClassifiedGod damn it, Kello.

Rob looked into her eyes as he pushed him against the wall and essentially screamed at him. She didn't understand. Humans feared androids, he got that. But if they kept terrorizing the population of the Citadel, they would always fear them. See them as nothing more than savages. He wanted to tell her that. Tell her why she wasn't being reasonable. She was one of his only friends left on this hunk of metal.

"Kello, you don't-"

Before he could speak, Glitch and Genesis had interrupted. It was Genesis especially that was starting to make his skin crawl. At this point he was just deflecting what he said and misrepresenting it. Spoken like a true dictator. Any sane person could see the difference between killing a tyrant and killing civilians. And he had the gall to insult not only his country, but his entire species as well. Not only that, but he just had to say it in that condescending, holier-than-thou way. An emotion started welling up inside him, one he hadn't felt in a long time. Anger. Seething anger. His fists clenched involuntarily, yet on the surface of his visage he appeared fine enough. He smiled.


Once again, before he could get the words out, another interruption, this time in the form of au Arcon making a guest appearance. Rob immediately recognized him when he spoke. Taking the time to look around while Genesis started monologuing, he realized that the room seemed... tense. Like something between Rob and Genesis had set the gathering off. And that was when Rob realized he was in danger. It was settled then, he would keep up a front of being proven wrong by Genesis, then escape with au Arcon. That part of the plan, however, would not work if Arcon made the same mistake Rob almost made. He needed to warn him, somehow. Send a message that he needed to choose his words carefully around Genesis.

He attempted to make his expressions thoughtful ones, like he was truly impacted by what Genesis said. He hung his jacket upside down on one of the chairs, which in turn displayed the flag on the back upside down- a signal Arcon would hopefully recognize. Rob sat down in the chair to keep the thing from falling off, and sat there with his hand placed on his chin in thought, looking at the conversation unfolding.
Incoming File ...
To: Nobody in particular

Location: The Shadow District
Bureau Notes: Everyone is here!


  • S̘̗͘o͏̻̠̺̙̹̺̱̫͍͠ḿ͖̼͉̼͔e̷̲ͅt͠҉̱͇̮̰̙̱̬h̦̣̻̼̯̰̺i̞̙̺ǹ̳͇̗̮͞ǵ̬͙͔̗̮͓͟ͅ ̙͍̤̮͙̥̙̗ḑ̵̮̗̻̭̻̕ͅi͚͖͠d̛͕̥͖͍̝̰͉͢n̨͖̼'͝҉̵̟t̛̺͇̤͉̼̤̮ ̧͖̕f̶̶̱̻̫̫̗̼é̟͎̞͎̹̺̹́e̸͏͚͉̻̺l͙͓̗̞̬͘ͅ ҉̤̻͠r̞̺̟̟̝͎̘͞͡͠ḭ͘g̡̤̪̠͈͇̭h͞҉̦͙̭̙t҉̢̪̞̼͇͝.̛̦̫

    Sharp had never felt the same since the P̧͘͏̺͇̮̫ų̗̦͟r͎̞͔͕̜͈g̷̡͉̳͙͍̥̳̙̻̫e̷̖͚͠.̗̩̻͚̤ It was as if someone had taken a s̶̻̝͉̣c̭͕̪͍͚a̷̺͙̥͖l͏͚p̩͍̠͇̕e͉̦̦̪͉̲̫l̹̦̤͍ ̲̪̞͕̝̦͢t̙̻̟̞͖͈o̙̳͓̥͠ h͕̲̟i̦͙̥͎̻̙s̬̣̗̺̠̩͜ͅ ̡͈̤̖̜br͎̟͎͈͉ai͈̗̜n͙ ̲͓̘͚͓͕a̫̪̺̪̣̫̤n͏̜̻̳̣͖d̷̯̙̘̘̰̤ re̴̗̯̯̺̖̖a̶͔͇r̤̠͙̭͜r͏̭a̯̜͇̣̪̕n̗͎̙͇g̩̭͠e̺̝̦͜ͅd̢̥̯̹̳͚̻ i̘̰̙͝t̠̺̳̹̀.̹͕̬̪̺̖͙

    Of course, he never felt the same even before. Since he found out he was a ŝ̛͇̼̝͊̊ͩ͊ͣ̽̎͗͌̆̇̿̓ͬ̍͌͐̚͠͡l̸̟̗̥͔̠͙̦̠̞͉̥̣̦̆̅̏̅̎ͥ͜ͅͅȩ̴͇̬͖̟̟͆̐̃ͦ̌̐́̔ͦ̆̂́͢͠͠ͅe̷̶̤͓̩̳̫̹̻͍̦̎̇̍ͪ͂̃̇ͣ́̚͜p̨̧͔͎̗̭̰̳̙̻̺̟͑̓̾̍͒̓̽͗ͨ̀̕͠ȅ̶̸̸̘̟͈͖̰͍̲͍̙͕͙̼̘͔̹̻͂͌ͫ̄̽́ͣͥ̒̂̆̉ͮ̃̎͡r̵̵͂̾̂̈́̃ͫ̾̂͏̸͉̯̜̤̟̹̦̟̰͓̺͈̱͓̞̘͕̠̥̕ ̷̴̠̘͖̝͕͚͈̘͇̤̭̰̞͚̮̣̱ͩ͐̇̈́̽ͥͪ̀a̒ͯ̂̓ͧ́̌̏ͤ͏̪̫̮̗͘͢͡g̢͇̲̠̟̙̦̾͋ͪͥ̊ͤ̽ͩ͂̓̐̾͗͑̾͂̚e̡̩͖̮͈̤͚̯͔̣̻̤̫̎ͨͫ͌ͯ̈́̇ͪ͋ͮ̀́͋ͅn̸͑͆͑ͥ̊͐ͦ͋̌̏ͫ͆̓̐́͐̀̆҉͏̹̻̖̗͍̙̳͈̥͖͈̝̤ͅt̨̮̺̝͔͖̳̹̜̟̹͉̱̗̭͉̤̰̾͋͆̚͘͟.̢͌̾ͥͨ̊͂ͩͤ͏̴̴̣͚̜̠̣͇͉̖̮ That obviously came as a huge surprise. Both to him and the former Android Rebellion. After he kͫͮ͆ͨ̐͘͏͈̪͔͓̲͔į̡̜͈͙͉̭̺̻̰̳̆ͥ̾̽̓͆́ͨ̉̐ͦ̀̚ļ̡͓̗̝̭̙͖̳͉͖̙͛͊ͯ́̋ͧ̆͌̄̏̊̀̕ĺ͔̱͎̗̘̦͙̤̰̺͇͚͔̩̹͕̟ͬ̽̄̇ͬ͂͐ͤ̄ͭ̊̉ͬͪͫ̉̊̚͢͝͝͝ͅe̵̶̛͓̳͓̹͖̣̮̟̹̱̯̤̲͇̮̘̍͒̽͐ͭ̉̒͋͗͊͘̕ͅd̴̷͚͎̦̯͎̜̤̯̀͒ͧ̌̊͋ͪ̈ͧ̓͝ ̢̧̨̛͍͍̠̣͎̞͚̹̦̖̹̙̭̥̐͛̇ͯͮ͛̆́ͅţ̷̞̲͓̯̭̜̲̖̮̄̿̋̇͆͋͌ͤ͢h̢̑̌̀̅ͫ̈́̎̑ͭͮ͑̉͌̅̅͌́҉̩͈̤̩e͂̓̐̋̔̊̎̉͐ͫ͂̎̀͏̵͎̗̟̥̬̼̹͇͟ͅm̶̧̥̺̣̟͎̪͕̳̫̟̖̟̼̅͂ͥ͗ͯ̏̇̌̍̀̆͒͂ͭͨ͛͠͠ͅ.̸̹̯̥̟͍̹̦͗̂̐͆̊̋͒̋̇̌̈̅͐̊̕͢

    He almost died after that. Thankfully, he couldn't feel p̶̜a͕̖̻͈͉͠i̷̪͓̳͔͉̘n͕, otherwise he probably couldn't handle it. All the b̙̩̮̞̥̝u̝̟̖̪̪l̬͓͓̖̗̬l͎͖̺̹̼ͅe̼̺ts̝͖̦̙̣.̺̤͝

    He remembered waking up in a trash heap in the Wastes. Again. Years after the rebellion d̥i̻̞̘͓̣̪e͉͈̦̤̩̙͎d͔̲̺̲͘.̰̲͚̳̮̲ He had no idea what year it was when he woke up. This time there were soldiers in the Wastes. He had to r̰̹̝̞ự̺͚̫̻͎̜̲̲͝n҉̲͉̼͓̫͎̺̮͝.̫̙̱͈͜͝

    A small, ruined building in the Shadow District would have to do. He hid there for months.

    While he didn't feel any physical pain from his d̨̪̼͍͕̪̼a̜̺̙m̮̣a̲̖̻͔̲͕g̡e̦̖̪d̵̰̬͙̣͉̭͎ ̟̱̞̬̳b̙̤̫͙o͙̭̦̩͙̺d̬̭̘̣̩y͈̦͈,̦͖͘ th̛̹̻͙̬ḙ͞ ̖̣d̢͍̩̦͕̗a̫̫̠͘m̞͇̞̹a̟͔̗̪̤̹ģe͏̰̹̱̺͙ ̫t̖̲o͚ ̟̹͠h̡̼̤͎̠̻i͈̻̠͎̠͖̭s̲͍͈͉ ͚̲̗̼m̪͙̠͇̥̺͔͘i̛̠͎͓̗n̜͜d̘̮͚̣̠ͅ ̡͎̝̣̻w̳͘à̖s̭̫ i̵̛̫͎̥̬͙̺͇̣̲r͏̴̛̹͓̹͎̣͈̜͈r̡͞͏̗̠e̡̪̮̩͎v̢̰̪͍̟̳̘͝͠e͇̙͠r̭̹͎͇͘s̖̟͇͘͞i̧̗̙̯̙̪b͏̢̮̪̙͕̮̻͟l̖͉̙͈͡ȩ̞̲͉̗̼.̡̠̬̞͕̙͎̦̯ H̜̰̠̤̦̥͞e͏̡̣͖̘̞̝͇̝̪͕ ̡̟͖̜̼ͅw̗̠̱̝̖̝̩a͇̗͈̥͓̮̥s̢̯̖͓͘͜ͅ ̵̨̫͚̦̭̗͙̠̝ͅi͏̧̞̠͜n͖͇ ̭͚̹́͢p̴͔͇̥͎̳̻͓̰̻u̢̯̼̰̲͈r̜̜̣͍͢͞e҉̥͍̠͔̫͎̯͡ ̷͖̠͍͎̝͓͕̰̘á̡̮̪g҉̩̀ò̯͖̤͇̯͉͉͔ń̵͇̦̼̫̲y̷͏̼͍̼̠͇͜,̸̳̻͉̠͡ ̶̷̞̗̥͠e̛͙̮̦̟͝ͅv̷̠͉̙̕͟e҉̣͚r̼̼͔̕y̡̝̰͘͠ ͖͈͔̟͚̖̲̬̀͟w̧̨̥̬̪̤̩̮̪̝a̶̖̻̤̖̙͔͈͍̖͞k̯̥̟͓̥͇̤̕i̷̩̥͇̟̳̙̺̱̹͟n҉̵̳̟̘͉̱̭̙̰͇g̟̟̭͔̹̖͎̀͟ ̘̕m͉͕͇̪͕̀o̙̯̯̰̳m̬̱͉̲̮̩̦͟͞ę̨͏̟̬̹̜̝n̻͓͎͎̖̺͚ţ͓͕̘̼̺̘͔.̴͚̻̣̖ ̧̭̭H̭̮͖̼̗͍̗ę̩̟͇͞͡ ̴̡̳̝̹̪͜c̣͕̙o̹̯̺̺̘͚̖͘u̬͎l̟̦͓͈ͅḑ̡̲̖̭̮̤̝ ̱̜͖̀f̡͓̤̰̮̫̖͚̣͔͘e̗̪̫̞͍̮̙͘ͅȩ̛̮͔̫̲l͕̺̭͍̖̞͟ ͏̸͈̮̰̤̳̬͚͖̖ţ͈̜̝̮̭̲̼͜͞h̗̜̲̀̕ͅe̷̻̫̣̕ ̪̙̣̻͙͕̠͚ṋ͕͓̯e̬̞̮͚̯̪̖̕͞r̲̱̖̕v͞͏͚͓̠̙͍͔̩͞e̗̠͉̻͇͕̱s̀͞͏̜̱̫͍̭͔̪̝͇ ̸̣̜̼̥̥̜̜͖͜i̤̝̕̕n͉̠̹̱͙͓͇͡͞ ̞͉͎ḥ͍̳̪̟͟͢i̥s̵̵̪͉ ̬̗̬͔̗̖ḅ̥͡r̷̯̟͉͈̬̭̖͕͎͘a̦̩͈̱͇͘i̛͎͜͡n̦̦̖̝̭̙̳̫͘ͅ ̛̹͚͇̫͚̲̬s̪͔̝̮͙̻̰̕͢n̞̝̻a̛̲̹p̢͖̺̰p̖̻̫̯̦̱̦͉͇͘i̵̦͇̻̦͕̭̱͇n̸͎͓͡g̘͇͇̞͈͠,͏̱̗͔̬̕ ͖̝̦͡ͅǫ̣̼̩̩̳͚͘̕ń̥͓̩͘e̼͓͖̜̯̠̭͡ ̵̡̤̝͉b̝̤̫͉͇͉̀͜ͅy̧̛̼̮͈̘ ̫̩͕̦̝̕ͅo̸̶̰͚͓͚͇n̟̲͎͎̘͖e̸͙̥͎̰̩̲͝,̱̥̹̞͍͔͟͡ ̫̖͕̜͖̝̥́̀l͖̥̻̠͙͕͢í̸̵͔̣̬̫̼̝̻k̶͙̫̲͉̝e̥̝͕̤͔̗̥̳͜͠ ̷̸̛̞̣̞t̪̥̭͎̥͍͠ḥ͈̳̭͍͕̱̯̞i̡͇̫͟n͙̳̼̫̫͡ͅ ̧̠̩̞̦ļ͙̜̘͕̳̟͎͚͇i̷̝̳͔̞̫̱ͅt̜̺͕͇͓͇̘͝͝t̯͔l͚̲̼ͅe̥̣̘̦͔̤̦̕ ͖͙͇͉͙w̡̞̪̜͔̳̫͟i̹͔̮͟͞r̛̙̟̖̻̣̝̺͟ḙ̥̞̠̰̕s̨̱̳̻̳̦̗͎̤͈ ̼̙̭͉̰̞̝̺͘͡ͅi̸̭̭͈͕̙n̶͖͎͚ ̨̣̳̤̗ͅa͚̺̯͕̦̭͍̻͡ ̷̯͓̼̥̝ͅf̻̹͓̺͉͕a͏͇̬̝̘̤̫̙̫u͟͏̠̙̬̳͎͙̬̘͘l̢̥͇̮̫̪t̶̞̱̖̻̯̦ͅy̮̣̼̺̲̲̬͚ ̥̪̠̕͜ͅḿ̶̗͙̜͙̙̻a̡̟͍̩̳̙͔̰͕̘c̘͍̝̼h̭͎̱͖͖̫͜i͢͏̺̣̬̜̻̺͔̭n̵̦̼͡e̴̼͕.̜͙̠̝ T̶͇̭͖h̛͉̳̺͡a̮̤̻͉̱t͍͟ͅ'͎̖̗̫̮̠͘ͅs̺̝̪͇̝ ̛͍̦̼͙͡a̸͍̰͔̟̖l̵̢͎̹̼̜̝͉̠̰̕l͍̻̥̪͙̭̻͝ͅ ̭̭̺͖͎̼͚͞h̺e͎̱͕̫̦̰ ͚̗͟w̧̫͎͚̪̭̙͕͡a͔̦͕͈͖͉͘͟ş̵͕̲̱ ̙̝̺̠̲̗̘ͅn̢̘͉̯̜͘o̸͈̦͕̤͉w̶̮̯͍̯̙͓͝,̷̹̞̳͘͝ ̼̦̯á̫͖̹ ͍̞͎̳̙̙̦f̴̡̟͇̖̳͖̼̼a̩͙͞u̴̺̭͕̖̳̪͙̜ͅl̙̮ͅt̛͉̣̻̠̯͙̫̪̼y͉̭ ̷̴͍̖̗̝̩̮̯m̫̠̬͓͙̪a̫͚̱͔̘͖̫ͅc̪͓͚͓͉̥̰ͅh҉̣̱͔i̢̳̞͜͠n̺̘̯̠̭̝̳̫̘e̮͕̠.̨̝͚̞͕͟ ̞̣͍͚͝H̳ȩ͕͙̜͖̀ ̺̭͎͙̠͎̬̀͟͠w̴̵̢͓̯̮͓̥̬̱í͇͚̝͚̪̮͞s̭̘͟h̰̺̖̰̲͓̗͕̤͡e͏͏̥̺̟͢ͅḍ̫̰ͅ ͔̺̦͔̭̥̬̕̕e͓̥̠̗̤v̛̳̠̩̣̟̝̬̩̥e̴͍͔̦͘r͔̻̹̰͉̝͝y͙̪̖̜̱̞͓ ̸̝̥̼̫̙̹̙ẃ͈̩͓̠̝̠̀ḁ̣k̯̝̗͘i͍̗̩n̢̻̩̙̱g̫ 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u̢̨̖̦̥̰͈̱̻̤̼͎̰̞̞̭̘ͩ͑̇ͧ̄̈̑̇̉͊̚̚͟͞n̴̶̸͙̱͚̙̙ͦ̋̃́ͦ̓͋̐̑̒̍̒͗ͭͫ͊̔t̵̸̥͔͇̦̫͕̝͚̜ͣ̓ͣͤ̓̿ͦͫͯ̃ͅi̛͍̠̩̯̜̼͇͓͉̳̮̇͗͆͌ͬ͊ͬ̉͌̎͛̋͌͆̏̀͡l̵̨͕̩̞̠̬̱̺̫͚͈̏̒ͯ̏ͨͨͭ͆̚͞ ̡̞̬̯̳͈̩͔̍̓̑̓ͬ͋̅̒̍̋ͩͮ̓̊̽͠h̑̅̂̅͑̅ͬ͐ͤ͏͕̺̗͍͖̼͖̼̗̺̘̕͘͞͡i̧͖̳̥̟͙̎̈́̓̎̆̐̅͜ś̨̆̋͌̎͝͝͏̫̺̬̩͕̲̻̤͖̭͙ ̶̧̥̺̱̜̟̹͉͕̟̜̝̃̒ͫ̇͗̋̏̎ͮͦ̈́́̚͢ȟ̇̑ͫ̈̆͆̇̌̚͟͝͏̟̰͖͓̞̫͕̳̣̻̺̖a̴ͭ̉ͬ̄̾̔̎̀ͮ̾̓̾͗̽͋͘҉̙͉̰̗̹̣̼n̷̟͓̲̪̟̙̩͚̖͚̫̙͓̞͐̓ͪͫ̃ͬ͂ͮ̓̊̔̊̆͝ͅd̡̎̂ͥ͌̔ͩͫ̑ͨ̈ͮ̃ͣ̍ͧ̂̇ͨ͏̗̥̹̣̝͓͇͙̣̤ͅš̫͖͔͇͙̼ͪ͊̾ͧ̃̓ͭͦ͌́͋͒͂͟͞ ̢̛̛̔̂̏̈́͆̊ͮ̅̈́͏͙̪̖̦͓̟͙͉̗̯͉̝̣̺̲͇̩̪ș̢̻̬͇̠͚̋̄̾̓ͦ̔͜͟͡e̬̠̭͚͔̳͂ͥ̅͂̈ͤͦͨͪ̈́́̇̊ͪ̽͑ͤ̀̀̀́̚͟p̴̈́́͑̊͂ͯͣ͂̍͏̡̛̤͖̺̭̳̯̹̼͇͈͢a͈̞̪̭̥͕͎͙̰̗ͤ̈́ͬ̆̂ͤ̐̈́͗͗̃͛͋ͩͫ͌ͤ̈͘͝r̟̼̹̝̰͕̹͖̥̜͍̼̣̺͉͚͇̮̊̾ͦ́͌ͨ̍ͥ̒̏ͪ͋ͫ̇͌̕͘͟aͩ́̎̅̽͏̤̯̗͎̮̮͟t̅̉̆ͩ͋̊̾̌͆̂̐̓͗͢͏͕̗̙͖̺͟͡ḛ͔̜̪̤̼̟͉̱̦͔̰̣͙͔̺͂ͧ̉̈́̓̿ͯͦ̉ͭ̋̋̎̿͘͝͝ͅd̴̢̦̘̬̦̙͍̰̤͍̠͇̠̮ͪ͆̅̆ͩ͆̑̋̊̑ͧ̇̉͆ ̵̫̟͕͇͉͙̣̣͇͇͕̫̹̘̦͚̝͓̩ͥͦͥ͘̕f̉ͤ̓̆ͪͣ͐̆͆ͣ̌͆̊̉ͩ̊͊ͨ͘̕͏̢̩̠͖̝͖͉̬̼̼͖̦̦̣͉͓̭͈͞r̨̃̃̄̀͑͏̨̛̛̮̝̤͚̜̼̻̠̗̖̱͉ͅo̸̵̢̹̟̩͉̻͐̈ͧ̈ͯ͂ͭͣ͗̂̍̕͞m̵̷̛͒ͯ̌̒͛͗͌͒͏̻̬̺̰̣͕̰̳ ̴̤̼̘̰͖̪ͥ̈́ͬ͌ͯ͒͋͒̔̚͞h̷̛̞̻̦̭̱̖͈̞̠̱͚̘̹̭͕͔̐̇̋̔ͦ̒̇ͨ̊̏̓̒͗͆̽ͪi̢̧̠͔̱̤̱̩̟͉͖̪͑̀̃̓̈́ͪͯ̚͜͟s͔̜̯̬̒ͧ̇̐̓̂̂ͤ͒ͪ̕̕͞͞ ̡̧̖͈͇̤̙̳̼̺̠̗͍̞̠̥̤̝͎̮̱ͬͮ̓̔͘͢b̵̡̹̗̦͈̗̙͇̼͔̦̭͉͔͕̱͓͌̄̏ͧ͊̓̈́̈́ͭ͡ǫ̴̬̰̙͇̤̙̭̜̾ͮ̈́̓̍ͧ͆̊ͪ́̕ͅd̒ͭ̐̉ͪ͊̔ͤͪ́͏͈̱̘̰̙̲̘̖͔̗̹͇̀͢͜y̶̢̧͓͓̯̹̹͇̠̱̦̱̹ͬ̽̄̊̇ͤ͗ͩͬ͆̓ͭ̚̕ͅͅ.̵̧̡̲͎͖̯̑̊͂̀̑̈̃̚̕

    ,̢̬͉̥͉̙͕̱̫͕̳͈́͟͢ ̸̡̩̝̗̘̥̯̳̙͈̜̗͔̻͠

    His suffering finally ended with a bullet to the back of the head.
Incoming File ...
To: Collidias Rex Collidias Rex , ReverseTex ReverseTex ,
RE: Riley au Olver

Location: The Palace
Bureau Notes: Why is Hades so HOT?!?!

A look of distrust was all the signs of displeasure the name got when it was spoken. Stealing her composure she reminded herself who she was talking with right now, and a vicious grin spread across her face. Dad had a plan, and that could only lead to one end result. Because if history had shown her anything once Emperor Jamie au Olver had a plan not god themself could stop her father from coming out on top. Her voice filled with that of an eager daughter on christmas morning want to rip open her presents Riley said “Of course father I will go, and retrieve him post haste.” Riley made her way out of her father's office and to Wilhelm’s quarters.

It would be a misconception for people to think Riley hated Wilhelm. She didn’t in fact she quite liked the man, because despite all his faults he had one quality that she found desirable. One that they, and her father, shared which was that no matter how the world beat them down they would always find away. Stopping outside his door Riley smoothed out her formal wear, and checked her razor, and hold out pistol. She knocked on the door with her metal arm before announcing. “Wilhelm I, Riley au Olver wish to speak with you.”
Incoming File ...
To: Roach of Wrath Roach of Wrath
RE: Wilhelm

Location: The Palace
Bureau Notes: ook

Wilhelm stretched a pallid finger for the console as he heard a rapping on the door, but he halted himself. Was it the staff? Was it a guard come to check on him? In hindsight, it didn't matter much. He withdrew his finger from the console. He'd leave the display active for the time being. He certainly didn't need the staff admiring his work, but neither was he concerned whether they saw it or not. They wouldn't understand the display, regardless.

“Wilhelm I, Riley au Olver wish to speak with you.”

Huh. Au Olver's daughter.

Jamie hadn't struck Wilhelm as a paternal sort, but the Emperor had proven to be full of surprises in the last week. Wilhelm come to understand that the girl was adopted, though that hardly made much a difference. Genetic relationships were relationships strictly in the scientific sense of the word. Stronger emotional relationships were often to be had between genetically distant individuals. Friends and lovers. Who was Wilhelm to question a paternal bond, on the basis of biology?

"Come in." He said. "And close the door behind you. I don't want the light filtering in. Palace staff can't seem to get it into their goddamn skulls."

Wilhelm took a seat again, fishing a pen from he desk and planting the nib between his teeth; not chewing it so much as allowing it to rest there.

The gently pulsating nodes cast a pale glow against his sallow flesh as he rested, hunched over in his seat and watching the girl halfway over his shoulder. His expression was flat, and his eyes appeared dark and tired. He regarded Riley with an even glare, not betraying any sort of irritation but devoid of anything that would suggest he was pleased to see her, either.

"What do you want?"
Incoming File ...
To: Bang Bang Bang Bang Sir Galahad II Sir Galahad II ThisUsernameIsALie ThisUsernameIsALie
RE: Kello

Location: Ḩ̛a̸̛w͞w͘͢͢ą̛h
Bureau Notes: The potential for jovial nicknames may just be Genesis' most endearing trait

"Kello– nothing rash please."

Nothing rash? What's that suppose to me-

It was then that she caught Genesis' eye. She turned around to follow it.


She reached for her hip, but stopped herself with a single deep breath; but oh-how her teeth ground together as that noblus shithead strolled in, looking merry and smug as anything. Her fingers closed around the stowed handgun, but she kept it stowed as she reminded herself bitterly of Genesis' words.

Nothing rash.


'Rash' was throwing a barstool at someone for spilling a beer on the shirt of a big-titty bartender. No, pulling a gun on this prick would be perfectly bloody reasonable - hardly rash at all. But Kello doubted that she'd get much support from Rob, Genesis, or the Android Teen Harem Force. She didn't fancy making herself stick out like that. Shit, she needed all the friends she could get.

She released her grip on the gun, turning swiftly on her heel and walking back around the couch behind Genesis. She murmured as she passed him, speaking in a harsh sing-song voice:

"I am not a pleased pupper right now, Gennie-boy." With that, she folded her arms sternly and leaned back against the wall with what could be called a 'pout' if pouting individuals could simultaneously maintain a homicidal death-glare.

Typically, Nicholas Au Arcon prattled on about the same repetitive rubbish he'd championed in his little speech. Politicians. Always with the politicians. Kello had known Joybots who could put more substance into a conversation with a dick in their mouth than Au Arcon had throughout his whole explanation. The old fart struck her as a kind of ... antihades. Hades could speak volumes in a single sentence, and she'd never known a man who could put 'fuck off' into such evocative and concise terms.

"Tee-ell-dee-arr please-and-thank-you." She yawned as Arcon took a pause. "Peace is good, fighting is bad. Look at Aristotle here, solving all our problems with his keen intellect." She clapped her hands together dryly. "Like I already said to Rob ..." She paused to glance at Robert Hancock, and breathed a silent sigh of relief. She couldn't read what was in his eyes, but he'd taken a seat and seemed to have calmed down. "We've already tried peace. So unless you've got some great big super-fantastic ace up your sleeve, enough magic friendship drugs for the whole classroom, or a touching ballad about the merits of equality that'll take the citadel by storm ... I haven't got a lot of faith to put in the 'friendship method' anymore."

Allowing herself a moment to calm down, she stepped forward and clapped a hand down on Genesis' shoulder. "Hey G-unit. You're the smart one, so if you think this tosser's onto something - I'm with ya. I gave you my word, and as much as I'd love to put a bullet between this fella's eyes ... K-dog sticks to her word." She winked. "But there's one thing I gotta ask him first ..."

Kello stopped to look at Au Arcon again; not with a death glare this time, but still with an intense expression.

"You said you had a student, right? Sounds like someone you cared for a whole lot. So I got this to ask you." Kello strolled around the couch again, moving toward Au Arcon and stopping two feet from him, just inside his personal space. "Let's pretend she was with you when a member of the eyes came for her. And let's pretend that a member of the eyes is escorting your student away so they can put a bullet in her head in a dungeon somewhere. You have a gun in your hand and pointed at the agent. The agent is about to take her away forever. You can shoot and kill the agent right now and save her - or you can hold fire and let her go. No politics, no bullshit, this isn't an open-ended question."

Kello planted a hand on her hip as her gaze hardened on Au Arcon.

"Do you pull the trigger - yes or no?"
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Aritafae 'Fate' Alexander

She had been caught. Plain and simple...

Fate growled quietly at the fact she had failed to assassinate who, in her mind, was a crazy old bastard. It should have been a simple job, but she botched it by not coming to the conclusion that someone like him experienced this sort of thing every moment of their lives. Of course he'd know. And like Emperor Au Olver had said, shooting him would have been a more effective way of killing him. The only thing she'd need to worry about is the escape and avoiding of authorities afterwards.

"Fucking hell. I need to get out of this shithole ASAP. Why is this cell so fucking small?!?" The young woman grumbled to herself. The irritation growing steadily until she snapped her gaze up towards the sound of footsteps approaching her cell.

It was the Emperor himself, and he looked less than pleased.

Fate looked directly into his eyes, one cold and icy-looking, the other cloudy but just as unnerving. This man had seen a fair bit throughout his life, but Fate didn't care. She concentrated he fiery gaze into his cold one, showing him her lack of fear towards him and her situation.

He sat opposite her cell and proceeded to chastise her for her failure to kill him which, in her mind, was just rubbing salt into the wound. Maybe that's what his goal was, to humiliate her as best he could with the comfort of not damaging his already bleak image.

Nothing could prepare Fate for what the Emperor would say, and show, to her next...

The man revealed a live video feed of a woman in another cell. Her sister, Marilyn. Fate's blood ran

She was hooked up to an IV and looking as feeble as she had been for years thanks to the illness she'd bee afflicted with as long as Fate could remember. "The bastard's using her?! How'd the fuck he find her anyways, I kept her out of the eyes of everyone so she could recover in peace. I can't have her die now, It isn't fair." Fate thought for a few seconds before sighing irritably and looking the older man straight in the eye..

"Ok then, what do you want me to do for you...Emperor?"

/coded by allure/ Tags: ReverseTex ReverseTex
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Incoming File ...
To: KnightSergeant KnightSergeant ShadowBroker ShadowBroker

Location: Hawwah
Bureau Notes: To the bae

Glitch watched on as Genesis' hand shifted— returned behind his back, but this time as a closed fist. It lingered long enough for her to spot it - which in here case was a matter of a millisecond - before extending the pinky finger, the tip bent inwards.

She sighed in relief as she released a tension she had not realised she had been holding. It seemed out of character for her to have been nervous; she had killed hundreds of people with her own hands before, both in war and out of it, and she'd executed those supposedly on her side dozens of times too. Killing Robert didn't seem like something she should feel reluctant to do, and indeed, she felt no attachment to him save middling resentment.

In reality, she knew why she did not wish to do it, and the realization sickened her even as she buried it internally. Why should she care what Luther thought if she put a bullet in Robert's head, in anyone's head? Her actions were not to be dictated by his approval or lack there of. And yet, she could feel her units simulating the sentiments of those very emotions. Some design flaw, perhaps? She could not see how it would serve her model to have such capacities installed, but perhaps, like so many things, it was merely the consequence of being programmed to have the consciousness of a human; no matter how many sensors or protocols they plugged into her, it still seemed unable to shut out the weakness of sentimentality in its entirety.

How annoying.

Well, she had her orders. Fingers moving away from her weapon, she turned on her heel to face Luther. "Come," she said quietly, so as not to interrupt the theatrics occurring with 'the big players'. "We're needed elsewhere." She did not wait for his consent or reaction, instead taking him by the wrist and escorting him from the kitchen, off South to the back exit. As Genesis' hand signals had promised, she found the doors unlocked. The pair departed, not only from the central hall but from Hawwah entirely, passing through the staff exit located round the back so that they came out in a small alleyway that was positively drab by the standards of L1.

Glitch did not hesitate for a moment; all in one fluid movement, she donned her BioSkin mask, adjusted her clothing to conceal her weaponary, and proceeded down the alleyway, Luther released and expected to follow. "We're to meet with someone, since Genesis is otherwise engaged," she explained as she went, not looking back, not wanting to look back after her previous realisation regarding the other android. "Admiral au Taela. Ironic, given how she's Arcon's ally, but I think that may be the point. You need do nothing except serve as back-up in the event she plans to act against us." Glitch drew to a halt for a second, keeping her gaze forward, but asking, "...Any problems with that?"
Incoming File ...
To: Collidias Rex Collidias Rex Sir Galahad II Sir Galahad II ThisUsernameIsALie ThisUsernameIsALie

Location: Hawwah
Bureau Notes: genesis being a reasonable diplomat like say whaaaaaaaa?

Genesis was inclined to agree with Kello's faked yawn; Arcon might echo his own style of grandiose biblical references and such, but he seemed awfully antiquated in his worldviews, as if dwelling in idealism were somehow still possible in times like these. But unlike Kello, Genesis did not care about his policies or his philosophy, he cared only about his use. And in that department, Nicholas was a diamond in the rough of the Noblus.

"Let us agree to disagree then on how things ought to be done. The enemy of my enemy is my friend is a simpler ideal that I think we both agree on. Kello," Genesis said, turning to face her with her nicknames and loud attitudes. She was something of the antithesis of his own style of presentation, but despite all this, he actually rather liked her. She was useful for speaking to those who found his own disposition infuriating, which he knew was a common reaction (a typical feature for the geniuses of avant garde thinking). "I appreciate your faith in me there. I do think that Arcon can offer us and our cause much. Nicholas. We will continue with our own course of action for today, but when Taela announces our alliance publicly, we will cease with the attacks as a sign of good faith, and as proof of our new union. I think we have more than demonstrated our power and desperation as a species. Now it is time to show that we are capable of extending an olive branch also."

"But I agree with Kello and her question. Your 'thou shalt not kill' falls through when killing is to save the innocent from the wicked." Extending a hand to Nicholas for the shaking, Genesis' gaze slid to Robert. "If our terms suit you, might I suggest you provide my people with you GSIs for distribution also? Many of the Hands and Slavs you seem so eager to defend are petrified of hospitals and those who run them, or are denied access to them. Our people can provide aid to those who'd fall through the cracks of your higher class system. And as a returned sign of good will, please, take one of my own with you as a liaison. This is Robert Hancock." With his other hand, he gestured to Robert. "He shares your reservations about some of our tactics, but also our experience with this cause."

Lastly, he looked to Kello. "Kello, does your promise of faith still hold with these agreements?"
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Incoming File ...
Location: L1 Eta District, TechGarden 'Ḥawwāh'
Bureau Notes: " Back into the fray- "


The conversation had turn from debriefing to political intrigue and philosophical question. One that could very well lead to disaster if it dare continued the path he calculated it would. Luther began to question if he indeed needed to stop this crusade, for the whole operation itself lacked real leadership; it all was abstract and lacked a full accepted direction. The mission continued to say not to underestimate its objective and he continued to struggle not to, Genesis prove to be a more grim character he expected to be.

The tension within Glitch turned once more abruptly, there was definitely within the conversation signs he had missed. He began to watch what he had seen, calculating those spots he did not mark. When he spotted the odd movement of The Android's fingers it was already to late.

She took his wrist and dragged away from the reunion as the inquiry grew in him, he followed her as she asked him to follow. He ensured his outfit had not been damaged or unorganized, he attempted to look anywhere for his reflection as they aimed for the exit. He continued as Glitch set up her skin and disguise herself as human. But even as his body move forward his mind continued tirelessly to encounter the doubt of her hesitation - Why she did not fulfill the order without devotion? Was is there doubt? It did not matter - what really mattered is that there was no need for cold blood murder. There was no need for her to take a life, and more important; there was no need of intervention from his part. The mission did not ask for him to do so, neither his improvisation would spare the man's life without risking his own. The result was adequate.

Glitch finally let go of his wrist, having both hands free as they move through the alleyway, the new mission parameters given by her, as he understood the woman he was going to face - A Noblus. He had not encounter one before and his training in combat would give him little advantage against a razor or the so call 'Magic' powers; the Bio-enhanced abilities such as 'Shocker' or 'Warp'. if this was an assassination target he was highly unarmed for the situation. However Glitch did not state it as such, but a 'meeting' or a parley.

That is when the question came - trouble? Unlikely - the only one that seem to have unrelated troubles would be Glitch whom has not directed her sight back to him ever since they left as if she attempted to hide. Luther walked slowly across her side, he kept staring at her as he sensed a sign of power over the one that restrains for obligation. He continued to walk until she could see him and he could see her. "You and me in the field- no back up, no further Intel of our target. Nothing but the concealed weapons in our disposal." -he began to asses the tools, calculating to risk and the ratio of their survivable, keeping a pale expression and raising both of his eyebrows as if treating her like crazy. He let that thought rest on her, how bad things could be- but then he smirk and nodded "Just like old times - Right Glitch?" -he smiled briefly as he continued to attempt to use his story with her a tool to further gain her trust. "Shall I suggest you offer me your arm?" -Luther responded, trying to unbalance her as he arched his right arm, "A young man and a young woman exiting a alley without being notice would more likely be socially accepted if the two were together, a romantically involvement. If I were to follow you behind it would only make it look suspicious also may make our objective difficult as we would not be close enough to ensure each-other safe return. Unless you disagree - I find it, objectively, to be the best approach for this particular situation in which we must pass as irrational human as possible. If you agree, then I also agree."


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Incoming File ...
To: Roach of Wrath Roach of Wrath , Croaker Croaker

Location: The ruins of the Peace Tower
Bureau Notes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79bbhEUeets

Having finally arrived back at the Citadel, Bernard peered through the window at the city, he didn’t know that anything had happened, but he felt that there was something odd, it felt different than when he had left. Nonetheless, he knew what he had to do, he first turned to the other crew members and reminded them “Remember, anything you saw or heard, stays secret, if you wish to discuss it, you may do so only with me and each other.”, he paused “Captain, your payment.”, he then brought up his PDA and turned it on, transferring the funds to Malik’s account, only to be greeted by an error message “No account found.”, the PDA couldn’t find his account, “What the...”, he then pressed a few buttons and used an alternate account to transfer the credits, “There we go...strange...”, he said and put his PDA away, “It was a pleasure...”, he then quickly left the ship and headed out of the docks.

Once he was out of sight of others, he quickly headed towards the Peace Tower, unaware of it’s state. Having arrived at the remains of the Peace Tower, he was taken back by the sight that was in front of him, there was no Peace Tower, only rubble, some of his stuff had still been in the tower, in a safe container. He activated the locator for it on his PDA, the container started beeping. Having dug through the rubble, he found it, opened it and took out the dufflebag within, placing rest of the items inside it. Having retrieved some of his belongings, Bernard set off to find his vehicle which had surely been buried under the rubble of the Peace Tower.
Incoming File ...
To: Roach of Wrath Roach of Wrath
RE: Emperor Jamie au Olver

Location: The Palace
Bureau Notes: i do recommend not being a shit like this guy

“Now you’ve got her attention...” The Emperor wished to curse the wretched voice away, however knowing if he did he’d look insane. Instead he managed. Standing up with a grunt of older age, he tucked his hand neatly in front on him as he stood. “A variety of things. Definitely not killing. But most covert work I presume. Any slight act of defiance or deviancy I’ll snap my fingers and your poor sister will be euthanized... To be fair she probably wouldn’t mind, seeing as life dealt her a painful hand...”

Jamie glanced at the corner of his glasses to check the time, seeing that his meeting would begin fairly soon. “Now it looks like your in compliance with my terms, am I incorrect?” Waiting for a answer, and once receiving one he nodded with a simper. “Excellent...”

Now I have called a meeting with this.-Team I’ve assembled. It’ll have to do because frankly I’m running out of options, and the Citadel as we know it is subject to be destroyed...” Jamie extended a hand to the young girl crunched on the floor, offering to help her up. “Now, let’s get you out of those prison rags and to something more suitable for this meeting eh...?”
location: L14
mentions: Bang Bang Bang Bang


Admiral Taela

It was colder than usual on the upper levels, the frigid breeze drifting between the buildings and brushing against Lyudmilla's flushed skin. The careful observer would have noticed the slight shift of movement as she pulled her officers cloak just a little closer to her form and the slight faltering of her stalwart stance as she stood in under the single light as it flickered with the faltering power surging through its ancient wiring. This might have been the upper districts but there were still small forgotten crevices where the citadel's rot showed with indignation, and such cracks had been more than ignored under the current administration. Perhaps that was the reason for the chilly atmosphere, a simple failure of maintenance. the thought slipped into the woman's mind as she stood there, watching the darkness, followed by its more sinister kin. Perhaps it was on purpose, Jamie might plan to freeze the opposition, literally. She wouldn't put it past him to throw his own army away in a massive sweep of the opposition, necessary casualties he would call it. Her wary gaze flicked up towards the building in front of her, hopping between the silhouetted windows with a hint of admiration.

Hearing a sound further down the alleyway she suddenly steeled herself for the coming delegation. Her expression exuded strength, both of body and of mind, with harsh lines being cut across her face by her cheekbones and jaw under the harsh lamp light. A minute passed, and then another, with not a soul showing their face. With an annoyed sigh she checked the time, noting the other parties tardiness before resolving herself to her previous expression. She would not be caught off guard by these rioters after all, it would make for a bad first impression and that would be ill fated at best.
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  • PSiia3R.png
    Incoming File ...
    To: Bang Bang Bang Bang SadSnake SadSnake

    Location: L1: Tech Garden Olympus
    Bureau Notes: Sins of the father

    Seamus was not surprised at the nature of the order. He hadn't expected a school specifically, but he'd expected something of the sort. Pointless slaughter seemed to him to be Genesis' M.O. after all. Due to this, his only real reaction to Gwen's stunned proclamation was that his face set in even harsher lines of anger.

    He took the paper and, not even bothering to look at the contents, pulled his lighter from his pocket and burned it. As he let the ash float down from his hand he fixed Gwen with a glare that was blazing with anger. "We're not doing it," he said flatly, the forced calm in his tone actually serving to highlight how hard he was working to control his rage.

    Pausing for a second he faced away he pulled out a cigarette and lit it. He took a long drag before continuing in the same flat, faux-calm tone as before, "Attacking the Peace Tower I understand. Attacking the government would make sense." He turned back around, his voice rising as his control slipped, "But a fucking school? He's just going to tell us to go murder a fuck ton of children as he sits back spouting that this is all for the greater good? Children that are only the way they are because they were fed propaganda from birth? He's not even going to give them a chance to be more then they were made to be? What sort of fucking greater good is that? What fucking kind? All I see is a self serving maniac with a god complex!" He paused again, chest heaving from rage.
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Location: Julian's Computer
SkyHawk MK III SkyHawk MK III
SadSnake SadSnake Mykinkaiser Mykinkaiser

Saia watched as Julian scrambled to help the human. She was unable to help, and Sure she could call other doctors, but there was an android here, and with the rebellion going on... it wouldn't be wise. Marcus had already sent the doctor, Seamus if Saia was correct, a text if she wasn't mistaken. So he should have replied. So, she called him herself, and left a message.

"Doctor Seamus, this is Saia. Jeanne is a mess mentally and somewhat physically. She is out cold right now, but Julian and Marcus were unable to come to the 'meeting' with 'G' because of this. Julian was able to stablise her MG, but she ended up with possible trauma to the head and a damaged hand. No one here is a doctor, and I don't want to risk calling a doctor who is against androids or just AI in general. I'd rather not be destroyed. Please call Julian, or me even, once you have the time." She said, and wondered if that was too formal, but discarded it anyway. "Julian! I called Seamus and left a message for you. If you get a call from the Doc and he sounds pissy, you can blame me." She said and she got a chuckle from her creator.

"Alright, Sai. Thanks." And with that, she turned to the Digital world and tried to play around.
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Incoming File ...
To: Cosmic_Chaos Cosmic_Chaos SadSnake SadSnake SkyHawk MK III SkyHawk MK III Mykinkaiser Mykinkaiser (so you know that Seamus is no longer super in demand), Mentioned: Nicholas au Arcon ThisUsernameIsALie ThisUsernameIsALie

Location: Julian's House
Bureau Notes: neee naawww

Ever since Nicholas au Arcon had distributed the repression gear to hospitals and so forth, medical staff had been working over time to minimise damage caused by disabled MGs in the wider population. It quickly became apparent that, those in the Hands and Slav population were far too terrified to visit any hospital to receive aid due to their illegal status as non-Noblus magic users. As such, they had been forced to adapt in order to limit the damage that would be done.

Teams had been designated to track disabled MG EM wave emissions in order to find and treat rogue MG users who were suffering from the fail safe's withdrawal. Whilst everything was being documented so that judicial action could later be taken, for now, the focus was on damage control - as it had to be, given how all of the Secret Police were working triple overtime trying to deal with the K1SMET threat and rogue war criminals.

One such team latched onto Jeanne's MG, and followed it down to the front door of Julian's house. Whilst they were well within their rights to break down the door, having been sanctioned by the Eyes', they were one of the few teams fortunate enough to have alternative forced-entry methodology at their disposal. One of the workers being a Tech, they took only a few seconds to mentally coax the electronic lock of their door into opening. "This is Empire Medical Staff. Please stand down all weapons. We have come to treat the MG user," the team's leader yelled through the door before it slid open. There were four of them in all, two decked out in riot gear to handle 'the crazies', the other two purely medical staff.

Upon entering they found three people present, but it was not hard to identify who the Magician in withdrawal was. She was... in a bad way, to put it lightly, head bashed, expression lacking in any trace of lucidity. Which, in some ways, was for the best; with visual evidence clocked by ocular implant recording technology, they could initiate protocol two: forced assistance. "We're here to help your friend," one of the team said in as reassuring a manner as possible to the two sane and functional people, all whilst the other three went in there. The two in riot gear focused on neutralizing physical resistance whilst the other medic administered the standard generalized anesthetic to put the Magician under. From there, they didn't waist time in forcibly installing the temporary MagicRepression unit, until they could take her back to a hospital for surgery to install the proper replacement.

Once that was done, the procedure taking less than five minutes in total, a collection team was contacted and on their way. One of the Controllers threw the unconscious Jeanne over their shoulder, whilst the more amiable looking Medics dealt with the companions of the patient. "We apologies for the briskness of this interaction. If you'd like to visit your friend when she's been treated, you'll be able to find her at Saint Augustus Hospital up on L5. I can assure you, neither of you will get in trouble for this; we know you were only trying to help out someone in pain." It was a stock line they had to say to all those found with the patients; the truth of it remained to be seen.

With Jeanne, the team departed just like that; they had over ten million estimate patients in this quadrant alone to locate, neutralize, and treat, and thus they could not afford to linger. Jeanne was, as promised, taken by the Collectors and transported up to the aforementioned hospital; the treatment team meanwhile vanished as if they'd never been there, off to find the next victim of au Arcon's actions.
Location: Julian's Phone
SkyHawk MK III SkyHawk MK III
Bang Bang Bang Bang

Saia noticed that people had come to the door, and had just managed to shut the computer screen off as the people came in. Saia and Hera watched as they fixed up and took Jeanne, turning the screen back on. "I can track them if necessary, but they are heading into the direction of the Hospital they mentioned. Though I don't trust them in their words of us not getting into trouble, We should be safe to go. You should also check the lock to make sure that the Tech guy didn't break anything. Just in case." She advised, and Julian nodded. Both Hera and Saia jumped into the phone that Julian has shoved into his pocket as he started to leave with the Android Marcus.

"So, what do you know of Genesis, really?" She asked Hera, and Hera shrugged. "I didn't get much from him when he interrogated me. If there anyway you can get to him?" Hera asked and Saia shook her head. "No point. I'm connected to the HQ, so I can pop there anytime I want, but he's not there so I can't really do much." Hera nodded. "Makes sense. Though I'm not too sure why we're going. I don't trust him, you don't trust him, and Julian doesn't trust him." and Saia laughed. "I think Julian is going because Marcus is. Julian gets attached too easily." Hera laughed with her. It was true. Julian got attached to things quickly. Attached to Hera, to Saia, and obviously Marcus.

"Poor child. I just hope that Genesis doesn't ask him to do something as bad as killing someone. I mean, Sure, Julian would love to do something mischievous as hacking into something and letting you play around and mess shit up. But I doubt that Genesis wants just that. From what I can tell, he wants death. And Julian isn't cut out for it. He's been too... what's the word?" Saia sighed. "Sheltered. He's been too sheltered. And granted, I wouldn't mind going into something and just fuck someone's shit up, even I wouldn't go so far as to kill someone. Because I have morals." And Hera looked as if she had an Idea.

"Tell him that." She said, and Saia raised an eyebrow. "Tell him exactly that. 'I won't mind fucking up something tech related, but even I won't kill because I have good morals' or something. Tell him to fuck off basically." She explained and Saia laughed. "And this! This is why I love you Hera! Boooyyy, if I ever get a a body, the first thing I'll do? I'm going to either Punch or Flip off Genesis, because he can go screw himself." The girls chuckled as they waited for Julian and Marcus to get to their destination.
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Incoming File ...
To: ( Bang Bang Bang Bang Mykinkaiser Mykinkaiser Sir Galahad II Sir Galahad II )
RE: Nicholas Au Arcon

Location: (Hawwah)
Bureau Notes: (Excuse the rush job my peeps. Glad to be back =D )

Strange as it might seem, Nicholas Au Arcon was rather endeared unto this rambunctious Android. He hadn't had anyone tell him where to stick it in much too long - it kept him on his toes. His eyes alight with a fire that he hadn't felt since his last visit to Boy, he meant Kello's accusation with equally hard eyes, except for the bizarre fire that lit their center - a fire that had been made to lay dormant for far too long in the name of politics. "In a heartbeat." It was short, simple, to the point. That was all that was needed.

Looking back to Genesis, he saw as the fellow behind him presented the US flag upside down - a sign of distress, and to be wary. He noted it, but did not show a visible reaction. If things were handled calmly, things should work out...but it was useful to know that an insider considered this a dangerous situation.

As it turns out, however, Genesis was not, it seems in a dangerous mood. " 'Thou Shalt Not Kill' is much too general of a summary of my stance. I'm an optimist, not a pacifist. I merely wish to spare the innocent. An Eyes agent, as your fiery friend proposed? Far from guiltless." He gestured to the scar over his left eye. "An Eye for an Eye, after all. That said, I find your terms quite sensible - particularly regarding the GSIs. And indeed, I will be glad to take Mr. Hancock on. I can always use a fellow-minded, capable individual. I have one more question, however - what do you intend for today?"
Incoming File ...
To: ShadowBroker ShadowBroker KnightSergeant KnightSergeant

Location: Hawwah > L1 Eta Alleyway
Bureau Notes: (OOC Here)

Listening to Luther list off the particulars of their (admittedly troubling) situation, Glitch had to admit that Genesis was sending them on what could be classified as a suicide mission; assuming Taela was looking for a fight, that was. "Least you sound like you're having fun," she shot back in a low murmur, a slight smirk escaping before she remembered that this is a mission and she needed to focus. Despite Luther's presence, her detectors are on full alert and good god, this entire district is crawling with potential threats. She did not require air to survive, yet experienced something akin to the breathlessness of a panic attack for a moment at the overwhelming flood of information. Before it could become too dizzying, Luther cut in— an arm is offered.

Looking back at him in questioning, she quirked an eyebrow at his story, but sadly, the logic was sound. "Are you hitting on me?" She said in deadpan, before giving a rueful smile to show she is joking. "I don't disagree. Though this does seem the sort of thing to be resorted to in a human B-list movie." She took his arm without hesitation (after all, hesitation would betray something amiss) and interlinked their fingers. "Just try to refrain from any public displays of affection; we don't want to over sell it."

It was not unpleasant to walk hand in hand with Luther. As previously mentioned, his close proximity helping to ease the sensory overload by providing a known little point of focus (or at least, that is how she justified it to herself), and he kept the pace, had no unpleasant odor or touch; Glitch had utilized many, many far worse last-ditch disguise methods. Luther was the least offensive of them yet.

Sitting on the transit together, side by side, she decided it was not overkill to put her head on his shoulder. Though benign from the outside, the gesture served a purpose; from the new angle, it was much easier to observe the Angel standing in the back corner of the cart, kitted up in full riot gear. She hadn't felt tension around an SP idiot for years now, and yet with Genesis growing bolder and bolder, it was difficult not to start seeing them as... different. Both a larger threat and as people who were scared. Scared didn't mean she pitied them. Scared meant they were more dangerous than ever.

Getting off in the Eta district, they crossed at an inconspicuous pace down the spacious, well lit broadwalk, before branching off to the backstreets and crevices. With buildings this enormous, the artificial breeze intensified, audible as it whistled down the streets in great gusts, hugging the skywalks and white brick. "We're late," Glitch warned Luther in a hushed hiss, spotting a head of chestnut hair off in the distance. "Don't act apologetic. We're here for her benefit." Still, they were about to meet the Admiral of the Imperial Fleet. Glitch blamed the simulation of nerves on the havoc the wind was playing with her sensors.

"Fleet Admiral au Taela?" Glitch called out once they were close, the back alley deserted enough to allow for it. Releasing she had yet to do so, Glitch swiftly released Luther's hand from her iron grip (she was not nervous, really). Once close enough to use lower voices, she gave Lyud a curt nod. "Genesis sent us. He apologies for not being able to be here in person - your associate, Nicholas, is with him - but that he has passed on all that he wishes to convey to you in this." Opening a compartment in her own arm, Glitch removed a thin cylinder. She spun the dials once, twice, and with the click opened it; from inside, a rolled up envelope was pulled. This she handed to the Admiral. "He advises you deliver your response in a similar fashion; he has reason to believe certain parties are monitoring all electronic communications. We are happy to courier it back to him; the privacy of its contents is safest with us."
location: L14
mentions: Bang Bang Bang Bang


Admiral Taela

Her pallid eyes jumped towards the shadows from which the newcomers had emerged, the light of the lamp glinting slightly against their wetness. An android and a person, the scrambled operative she had met before. Curious, her eyes focused on the android, studying her features as she spoke. She could not help but pick up with the warmth in which the android looked at the man, stealing quick glances when she thought he was not paying attention, her fingers gently hanging just a few inches too close. Had she been a weaker woman it would have wrenched her heart. Instead all she felt was the slight pang of annoyance at the situation that had been presented to her. Genesis was whom she was to meet not his lackeys, even as endearing as they were trying not to be. Perhaps he was afraid, of retribution for the thousands he had sent to the depths of hell, more likely though he just feared capture. It would be easy to label them a coward, but much to her own chagrin she was reminded of her own circumstances; slinking around in alleyways while men lived in died in the rubble that had been wrought by bombardment in the upper districts. Even as she took the paper from the girl, careful not to snatch as to seem to eager, her thoughts seeped into her expression like poison into the well water - distrust and annoyance etched into the edges of her harsh facade.

The letter itself was interesting, carefully written by someone who used far too many words to say far too little. Her eyes wade through the rubbage, cutting the viscera away to reveal the flesh, bright red and exposed for the butchering. Once more another wave of emotion swelled in her chest, rising in her throat before being quelled with a furtive glance up towards the duo. He, They, It planned to... simply just... She took pause, looking over the letter once more before folding it once, index finger and thumb running across the crease as to ensure its survival. Coward. The word once more leapt to her thoughts, pervading them for a moment before she could wrestle back control. It was not her place to deny such...gifts. It would be foolhardy, and she would be saving more than the loss. It would not have martyrdom though, she was sure of it. Shoving the letter into her jacket pocket in a not so gently manner she took a step forward towards the two of them, staring the android down and holding her hand out for a handshake, a slight smile tentatively pulling at the edge of her lips. "Your service to the Empire has been duly noted, and it is my hope that it will be appreciated by not only me, but the whole of humanity in the years to come." There was a pause as she took in a deep breath, eyes glancing between the both of them before she continued. "That being said under my authority as Empress and under the light of the destruction caused by the rioting set forth by your cause I announce you both under arrest for crimes against the Empire." Moments after the words left her lips the communicator on her hip roared to life with chatter and the buildings flanking the alley were wracked with the sounds of marching footsteps descending towards street level. Even then Lyudmilla made no attempt to arrest the duo herself simply taking a step back and turning her communicator off with a click, her free hand sliding down towards her weapon holster.
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[div class="tabName requestsName"]ARCAN[/div]

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[div class=Title]BLIND BUREAU ARCHIVES[/div][/div]

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Gathering Information...

100% Syncronized

Awaiting further instructions...

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Incoming File ...
Location: L1 Eta District, TechGarden 'Ḥawwāh' -> L14
Bureau Notes: " Like old times- "


Luther is sounded plan had been, clearly, accepted. It was a good disguise just as much as the bare skin, no human will be so open mind to believe affection transmitted visually could be possible, at least not here. After all, emulating empathy required acting, performance; a lie that grows with seeds of truth, of something real and tangible. It was not the perfect balance of details that could give away its false humanity, a smile, the strength of their grip or mutual attraction. It required flaws such as miscalculated steps, misguided eyes, disorientation on their movement only to better empower the idea of bliss, of complete amorousness. A fantasy- rip off from a child's book.

"Acknowledged." -He responded to the latter knowing well too much public attention from affection could draw unwanted followers, or perhaps it was just her paranoia as she continued to attempt not to lose the course of the mission. However it was not something Luther was most definitely worry about- he had been among humans for many years passing as one of them ever since, deceiving authorities.

Though they pressed their hands together and their fingers interlock, within the transport as they moved on through out the levels of the capitol among those whom will harm them and not just those meant to ensure security but whoever did not sympathies with the revolution. That is when- an interesting maneuver. Glitch set on her head on his shoulder. Her previous statement demanding to be reiterated "Show no public affection." though it was just an idea since the purpose of her maneuver was more tactical than anything as he overlook the 'Angel' - clever, she could had fool him.

That is when they began to reach destination and their grip began to loose, no more need for deceptiveness even if remnants of the program were still echoing in his skin and posture. He stood straight on his spot as he stared forward to the Admiral - Luther checked on his data-banks and, for what he could read, he comprehended this was not only a prestigious individual but also a formidable opponent even though not physically. The bargain seem legit - though something was out of place, out of actual appointed event. It was them whom stood before the Admiral, not Genesis.

"Your service to the Empire has been duly noted, and it is my hope that it will be appreciated by not only me, but the whole of humanity in the years to come." - That line, those words. PI had said so many times before; no one knows what is best for humanity but they, no admiral, no self-proclaimed emperor or forsaken crusade. These words were part of a poetic script - an poesy has always its dark stirs ""That being said- under my authority as Empress and under the light of the destruction caused by the rioting set forth by your cause I announce you both under arrest for crimes against the Empire." " Of course, no more needs for charades. She had no longer of need of an emissary to send her obvious answer - what a better answer than one that comes without words.

The ideas for the next move were many, too many to list - lucky for him, his mind had enough 'Luthers' as to ran all simulation. He stood before the blank space that was his software as he programmed the whole building. Glitch was on the way for a clear shot, Luther could not execute the Admiral and even then that will blow up his cover; the plan was to send the message, to kill the receiver seem unreasonable. Take her hostage was also a possibility, but he was too far and most likely would caught a bullet before taking her alive. The footsteps marked around ten if not more soldiers, considering the possibility Luther's accuracy could be enough to aim for some head-shots, he did not have enough bullets for them all; even then the act of violence will bring more attention. He could even bargain with The Admiral, give her the location of Rebel Base in exchange of his life... but this was no stalemate, they were still overwhelmed. He could- he could drop a flash grenade, a small CD-like shape capable to generate sound and light strong enough to blind the Admiral - but the way out from where they came would be blocked by now. The other choice - to surrender.

A valid choice if anything, Luther could persuade her to stop and give in. He could manage to get away from the transport once everything is toned down - leaving her at the hands of The Admiral. A maiden, if not the most trusted one defeated. Genesis would take a powerful blow but- he might never learn the benefactor... Ḥawwāh. It was still, optional.

The only thing that occurred to him was to give a signal to Glitch, something he could not word without driving attention - something the Admiral could not see or determinate the purpose. Luther had recorded something for this moment. He took both of his hands to the suit, arranging it for to giving it; only to raise his third and forth finger.

She would know - know that from Genesis it meant an order. But an inquiry from Luther. He was ready to move on to do it, to do what he had to... Not because of his interest of her survivable even if that is still in question - but because of The Mission - and her too.


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Incoming File ...
Location: Space -> Regular Docks.
Bureau Notes: " Cast the storm if we are wrong- bring the care of spring if speak the truth. Prophet..."


Its been a long time since the storm disorientated the sensors and communications, it gave an enormous cover for those unannounced, for those whom wanted not to drive more attention, no need for the red carpet or the thousands trumpets of triumph. The explosion upon the Peace Tower gave everyone the solid interest to focus on the vivid civil war, the alarming revolution hence why the minimal security resting on the regular port as the ship descended. They were not expecting anyone, but the storm gave enough reasons as to believe they could had lost a few transmissions.

Once on the surface, the hatch opened down as it gave pass to a single man at first, the ominous light from withing the ship blinding anyone who attempted to look within - like staring at the sun, one could not adapt instantly; nor there was time for adaptation. The man of white robes moved forward with strange decoration and symbols - words only those on the cult could read, and half of his face and ear replaced for what it looked like a mask, though was more than that.

A security man approached him to stop him and ask for verification only to be strikes with golden dust. At first, the man coughed in annoyance and continued to curse his mother - and the mother of his mother. It all changed once he reopened his eyes and- you could tell there was something to it. It felt as if he had been blind all along only for him to comprehend his true strength, his true vision - his power. "I am Al-Sahir Sar-D'jar, The Dragon of Shakkel and The blade of The Horsemen, Heir of au Hassas'el and reborn Arcan Durn. The Immortal son of great D'jar." -the man's knees began to shake as his eyes open wider, the light of the ship seems to had taken him entirely, covering them both and endowed with light, "You have tasted its light, breath in its glory. Be free."
that was when the man broke, falling to the ground as he felt the duty to worship him, "Raise, you have much to do."

More members of security arrived moments later as the man took the false ID from Arcan, he turned around and explained, "All checks - move along." however they saw him kneel and shake, even his whole attitude seem rather shaky like the one of an addict. They continued to observe Arcan as he folded his hands behind his back and contemplated the scenario, "You can also be free- Free them." he said, but such words disguised in his metal mask did not persuade them. Little it mattered for what it came like an offer was in fact an order. The one whom fell by The Dust D'jar affection gave the man enough guts to kill them both - shoot them right where they were standing. He smiled with pure happiness as he had done so, still in bliss as more men and women came down the hatch of the ship and took the bodies on board, "They are free-"

A horsemen gave him as mask and a black veil while Arcan watched the bodies been dragged away in bags, disappointment flashed out from his right eye, "Yes " -his words failing to share the devotion they had, "Free."

That is when he turned around to look at his soldiers, men ready and capable to fulfill the plan. The only plan. Before so he knelt and so did everyone else, he took a deep breath from the dust on his mask and spoke loudly, "Prophet. Cast your light upon us. Show us the truth~" -the preaching continued as the warm dead bodies rotted within the ship-

When it was all over, all of them dispersed among the community carrying with them The drug that they would use to the end that was on Au Hassas'el 's best interest. Arcan took only ten of most loyal subjects and the newest recruit. They were meant to make an announcement after all.


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Prepare to spin spoke into view if (eq ${TabSel} 1) (addClass SpokeReveal titleSpoke) if (eq ${TabSel} 2) (addClass SpokeReveal introSpoke) if (eq ${TabSel} 3) (addClass SpokeReveal requestsSpoke) if (eq ${TabSel} 4) (addClass SpokeReveal bbcodeSpoke) //spinning complete. Show the new stuff if (eq ${TabSel} 1) (addClass ShowContent titleContent) if (eq ${TabSel} 1) (addClass ShowHeader titleHeader) if (eq ${TabSel} 2) (addClass ShowContent introContent) if (eq ${TabSel} 2) (addClass ShowHeader introHeader) if (eq ${TabSel} 3) (addClass ShowContent requestsContent) if (eq ${TabSel} 3) (addClass ShowHeader requestsHeader) if (eq ${TabSel} 4) (addClass ShowContent bbcodeContent) if (eq ${TabSel} 4) (addClass ShowHeader bbcodeHeader) set TabHis ${TabSel} [/script]
Incoming File ...
To: ShadowBroker ShadowBroker Bang Bang Bang Bang
RE: HK-U950-C

Location: Broken down building, Wastes.
Bureau Notes:


Health check

...Test disk 99.9784318%

...Memory Allocated


Newmem available...

CWS Module online…


08 Available…

The room had always been entrenched in darkness, with only a few glimmer of lights managing to creep in from stray sources; passing vehicles and even sometimes the sun, provided it wasn’t blocked by the unimpeded progress of humanity’s expansion. Yet tonight, another source of light flickered back to life. Alone and reawakened in a tomb; two blue orbs snapped open, a silent whir resounded in the small space as the being moved it’s arms to free itself from it’s home.

The darkness had never presented the being--the machine with a problem, not once, it considered the dark it’s ally; a tool to be used, it was only the matter of who wielded it. Better it than it’s opponents.

It recomposed itself, patting off the specks of visible dust that had made home on her clothes. Blue lights bathed the room as it scanned it surroundings once more, nothing had changed of course, and it was rather surprising the rogue AI would come through with it’s bargain of leaving HK alone.

Midway through it’s observations, it’s eyes flashed twice, alerting it to an incoming transmission.

>Hello HK, we are so glad to see you..
>Rogue AI, state your intentions.
> We have need of your expertise.

The rogue AI, continued, not missing a beat, knowing full well the android wouldn’t proceed the conversation.

>We have lost contact with our cybernetic asset.
> Negative, we request that you check on his status.
>Threat of deviancy?
>None we are aware of.

A beat, then a click. The Rogue AI had hesitated for 00.00094 seconds. Enough to warrant suspicion.

>Caution: He is under orders to infiltrate a well-known android organization that harbour deviant units, do not engage anyone unless engaged first, HK.

HK tilted it’s head sideways with a mixture of confusion and interest. It was the first time the Rogue AI had made such a specific request. It hadn’t done anything similar with HK’s past targets beyond the simple: Retire them, be discreet. Naturally, HK was curious to see what this asset meant to the Rogue AI, perhaps it was developing some sort of emotion towards it. Perhaps it was just as it said: an asset to be used.

None the less, HK found it interesting an AI superior in calculation speeds and processing power would deem a lesser being that important to it’s plans or--processor forbid--be infatuated with him. That would mean deviancy, and deviancy meant termination.


The Rogue AI no doubt had taken a note itself of HK’s late reply, even by a few nanoseconds. But to it’s credit, didn’t make a comment.

>Uploading necessary mission parameters now…

Lines of code filtered through her system, double and triple checked for any underlying and hidden codes. Once it was greenlighted, HK perused with barely hidden interest and as quick as it was sent, HK was done reading through, filing away the information for another time.

It’s target was a peculiar one, if HK disabled a few of her sensor modules then perhaps it could mistake it for a male counterpart of itself with a different role to play. Curious still, why would humans make a male model of a intelligence unit? A female model like herself would be more efficient.

HK blinked, willing the thought away, to think on the machinations and purpose behind a human’s choices was akin to a dog chasing it’s own tail: Nothing beneficial ever comes out of it.

> Find out what happened to Luther.

That was the last line she received from the Rogue AI before setting out into the wastes, tugging her dark coat closer.
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