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Futuristic Electric Sheep [Always Open] - [Space | Dystopia | Androids]

Incoming File ...
To: ReverseTex ReverseTex KnightSergeant KnightSergeant RiverGamer RiverGamer Mykinkaiser Mykinkaiser

RE: Athena

Location: The Gala
Bureau Notes: Shortpost is short

Athena watched the gala floor with the kind of morbid curiosity; the kind reserved for watching a spider as it caught and devoured a fly. In that moment, it occurred to her that perhaps this was an appropriate metaphor. Perhaps if Jamie had lingered in his slump, the guests would have found themselves a playground of political fancy, but the revitalized Jamie au Olver had embroidered his dear guests an intricate spider web instead. All the same, they'd still come clambering over one another to be the first to entangle themselves.

To be in his place, to have noblus queueing up to be devoured by your machinations ... Athena felt a pang of envy. The boldness, the authority, the sheer audacity of his play. In that moment, the man's power was palpable. Nobody else on the citadel could have committed such an act so shamelessly, so confidently. Perhaps that could have been her. Perhaps.

No. No, she wouldn't have made it this far. She didn't know how to politics - that was a skill set completely foreign to her. Giving the citadel to Jamie had been the right move. This was fate. This was the stars aligning.

Athena had chosen wisely.

She surveyed the attendees through six different lenses as emotional shockwaves swept through them. It was like watching a mortal assault upon a crowded area. A pocket of decadent gentlemen would give a nervous laugh which would travel outward, catching those nearby in the artificial merriment. A gaggle of fine noblewoman would express revulsion, and Athena watched that same facial expression sweep from person to person like an infectious virus. It was an absolute clusterfuck, and it was amazing.

"I gotta admit," Athena murmured, just loud enough for the Emperor to hear, "I didn't expect to enjoy myself here. But there's something satisfying about seeing the noblus put in their place." She swept her gaze across the crowd again. "Nothing suspect so far, but I'll keep my eyes open as always. If anything goes wrong, take one step backwards and crouch down. I'll take care of the rest."

There was more to ask him. There was much more to ask him, but now wasn't the time. Now was time to bask in the moment, and to make sure nothing in the world would ruin it.
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Incoming File ...
To: Mykinkaiser Mykinkaiser ShadowBroker ShadowBroker Collidias Rex Collidias Rex Cosmic_Chaos Cosmic_Chaos SadSnake SadSnake SkyHawk MK III SkyHawk MK III Sir Galahad II Sir Galahad II

Location: K1SMET HQ
Bureau Notes: Exit, pursued by a locking mechanism

Gwen didn't know where to look or what to say first. Kello gave as amazing hugs as ever, and then her speech. Damn. Having come from a similar background to Kello, Gwen herself found it particularly affecting, throat closing up with what threatened to be tears. It didn't help that the voice in the back of her head kept reminding her that the one to give them both a chance away from the hell they'd known from 'birth' had been Wilhelm.

But there wasn't time for her to fret over the past, because the present was in serious danger of becoming a shootout. Not to her surprise, she could sense how disliked Genesis, the leader, was— especially by Seamus. Kello's outburst didn't seem to have done his temper much good either. Touched by his decision as she was Gwen had to focus on making sure he didn't deviate from it because idiots pissed him off. Taking a step back to his side, she took a hold of his hand, the gesture devoid of romantic overtones; they both knew she was stopping that hand from punching anyone (again). "I'll buy you a fucking island of booze if this thing actually works," she said with a wry smirk, looking at him. She couldn't help frowning though. "But Doc, you don't have to do this, you know? You spend you life patching people up." She lowered her voice to avoid being overheard by the K1SMET 'originals'. "For all their drivel about equality, I don't get the impression that these guys are inclined to be pacifists." Tapping her thumb on the back of his hand, her gaze glazed over as she smiled weakly. "But right now, I don't think I have much of an alternative. If they actually have a chance of stopping us from being wiped out and getting that arsehole out of power..." Snapping back to reality, she tried to give him a 'proper' grin. "Punching Jamie in the face would make it pretty worth it."

"It's good to hear so many of you at least claim to be allied. Naturally, there'll be procedures in place to keep everyone protected from traitors," Genesis said, clapping Kello's speech. "Kello has it right. We all should be angry, unless any of you just so happen to be Noblus here? I thought not." He nodded to those who had spoken so far. "Doctor Seamus, I believe? We came across you in tracking down Gwen. You'll be a welcome asset to the team. Thank you for your words, even if they are motivated solely by friendship; perhaps that's an even more noble cause than ours. And you— Luther, was it? I'm afraid more of us will likely die before this is over, but once it really is over, they won't be able to drag people out into the streets and shoot them without consequences. People, androids and humans, will stop disappearing in the night with no trial and no evidence."

He crossed over to Markus and rested a hand upon his shoulder. "As for violence; those who do not wish to participate in certain activities, make it known now. We will adapt to what you can do. But know that regardless of whether or not we strike them, they will strike out at everyone to see us dead. And the genocide will continue uninterrupted. Though we may seem the fantatic radicals bent on violence to you, our goal is to minimize the deaths. Or do you really think that Olver will be satisfied with just the eradication of androids, and then this Secret Police of his will stop? As for you," he turned to Julian, who had handed him a phone blaring a voice familiar to several. "I don't know what this is, and I don't trust it— yet. If what you say is true, then we have an unusual and powerful ally in the both of you. Constructing your own AI in these times is impressive, to say the least, and comforting to hear that just because the Empire decrees one thing, people do not turn against another wholesale. May I keep this?" He asked, holding the phone up in indication. "I will have our people look into your claims regarding Hera. You must understand why believing such a thing does not come easily after that happened here. Especially," he looked to Kello, Gwen, and the other 'old team', "for those who once knew her."

Gwen nodded, slowly, her jaw tight. She hadn't seen this whole Hera thing coming from a kid like Julian even in a million years, but hey, this day have been the epitome of surreal already, so why not throw in yet another ghost from the past? Looking to him, she tried to give him a smile, though her face felt numb from even thinking about the implications of that potential truth. "It is— a little hard to swallow."
"Nonetheless. We'll look into it. As for you, you've been awfully quiet." Genesis nodded to Jeanne. "Perhaps you need time to think about it. Please, do. Time is up for us, but talk to those who have decided to join. If you wish to aid us, let them know how to contact you, and we'll be in touch. If all of you who are new would do us the kindness of remaining here, we shall be departing. Kello? Gwen?"
"I'm going to stay with Seamus, make sure everyone else gets back alright," Gwen said without skipping a beat, still with a tight hold on the doctor's hand. She gave Kello a cockier grin. "Try not to make any more insanely dramatic speeches without me there to be your hype man, alright?"

Opening the door to leave, Glitch gave a rather surly look around at the others. "We'll contact you. Don't try and contact us."
"What Glitch means to say is stay safe everyone, and let us take the risks for now," Genesis corrected, joining her by the door with the other members of the K1SMET. "The ship has been set so that the lock is timed for ten minutes. You're free to come and go as you wish henceforth, but I imagine the police will be crawling all over this place in a matter of hours. You've set the wipe?"
"Yes," Glitch answered.
"Excellent. And good luck to you all."

As if they'd all just been meeting for a nice little chat and nothing more, the K1SMET members along with the others joining them departed. Watching them go, Gwen caught herself holding her breath as they exited, only releasing it once the sound of the locking mechanism clicked in.

"Well," she said with a sigh. "That was fun."

Julian almost covered his face in what he could assume to be praise. An Unusual and Powerful Ally? Jeez thats a lot of pressure. At the Question, he sighed. "You can keep it for now, but I want it back eventually. Saia gets Grumpy without knowing where I am and how I'm doing. Hera and Saia can also Leave the phone at Will, but the only other place they'll go is to my computer really." He shrugged. "You'll want this this cable to plug it into my phone and into where ever your don't mind Hera and Saia venturing to. Saia Doesn't trust people easily, and has an attittude, so dont' be shocked if she starts calling you names under the sun." He also warned. Saia can be a bit... unpredictable. "I don't have a wire-less way of doing it yet unless I want to re-program into something which will mess things up." He explained, handing the Android a Cable. "And Really, it's not all that impressive. Yeah I created an AI, but Hera helped out a lot. And I can do basic repairs, but nothing major. I'm unusual, sure, but not powerful." He said almost wanting to hide his face.

He decided to stop ranting and shut up, especially when Genisis decided to move onto the other girl who the Doc was carrying. Once the Androids left, Julian wondered what if they had anything lying around. "Hey, I wanna see if I can find any spare parts. Who knows? I may even find some shocker-replacement parts?" He turned to Marcus and winked. "I won't be long. This'll be fun!" Exhaustion almost gone, but obvious tiredness present, he started to wander off trying to find something. He looked around the areas he went to, almost falling in some areas, but he was doing alright. Eventually he had found some scrap that he could use. Nice. He shoved them into his bag, which was decently durable thankfully, and continued to pick up bits and pieces while making his way back to the group that he had left. He ended up doing a full circle through the maze that was, what he assumed to be a ship. He found his way back to the group eventually and grinned. "I have parts! I dunno if they'll be any use, but Parts I have!" He grinned, lifting his bag up a bit, before wobbling. Shit, he really needed sleep.
Incoming File ...
To: ReverseTex ReverseTex Collidias Rex Collidias Rex (apologies if I've missed anyone!)
RE: Aritafae 'Fate' Alexander

Location: The Gala
Bureau Notes: "How a person masters his fate is more important than what his fate is." -Wilhelm von Humboldt

Fate turned to look at the Emperor as he spoke. He preached about his predecessors and what they had done to bring the Empire to greatness and how he wanted to celebrate the achievements and lives of those individuals.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Man looks brittle as fuck but talk more than anyone in here... and he talks a load of bullshit anyways. He doesn't care about what his predecessors did, he just cares about what he can do to obtain more power " Fate couldn't help but have her eyes droop ever so slightly from boredom and her eyebrows crease from frustration over the speech and as soon as it was over she opted to mingle for a bit and ensure she wouldn't seem out of place.

Talking to people of a higher social class took some effort for Fate to not punch them in the face or fall asleep. They were so full of themselves, acting like they were something they were not and acting like money and looks were the best commodities for getting through life and it sickened her. She wanted to yell that many people who they deemed to be 'sub-human' were just ones trying to survive like any creature would. "Arrogant shit-heads...."

She walked away from the crowd towards a table filled with glasses of some alcoholic beverage that Fate assumed to be something exotic considering the scent it gave off, and the fact she didn't recognise it by sight not that she cared what the drink was in reality, and took two glasses. Her eye scanned the area and she then proceeded to add a few drops of a liquid she kept in a flask to a glass in order to add a special flavour to the drink.

She saw the Emperor stood mostly alone apart from a woman nearby who she was not sure of her purpose or status was. To be safe though, Fate had a plan to not come across as a threat to one of the most powerful men, if not the most powerful man to exist...

The young woman sauntered towards the Emperor and extended a glass to him "Would you like a drink Sir? The crowd around the drinks is large and I thought a drink is the least I could do for you" She smiled whist she said this as Fate thought that to be a polite enough greeting without her movements looking artificial. As much as she wanted to just stab him to death, she didn't fancy rotting in a prison cell or being shot to death so discreet was the way to go.

Fate need to keep clam during the exchange. She couldn't break her cover now that she was so close..
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The Emperor has sauntered off from the podium as the crowd erupted in mixed reactions. Some were thirsty with lust, craving to sink their teeth into his fresh experience. Some were revolted, disliking the wild approach taken to the Gala’s form of entertainment. And some still continued their schemes. Whatever it may be, Jamie was pleased none the less...

As he dissipated into the crowd, he heard Athena’s comment closely behind him. “I’d be amused if something actually interesting happened for once. Everything’s so predictable these days my dear... Frankly quite old. We’ll stay for another thirty minutes or so, then slip out. I don’t fancy these events to much... Go get refreshments, I’ll wait here.” Good. We need some time alone Jamie... That brute you call Athena may be conspiring against you. Be careful with her...

Jamie stood, physically alone in the sea of Noblus’s and whores. His good eye scanned the room, taking in the modern chaos he created. Pleasing enough... Glancing up at the drink request, he noticed a young girl with two beverages in hand. She seemed much younger than him, most likely in her early twenties, and calmly eager to meet her Emperor. Placate her Jamie, just don’t sip the drink. You don’t know if she’s with Athena or possibly rouge...

A pleasure my dear...” Jamie said as he gingerly took the glass, though not sipping it automatically. He glanced at the liquid briefly, then kept it at his side. “I don’t wish to appear rude, but a man in my position must take precaustions.” Studying the girl with his good eye, her dress appeared almost fabricated. She wasn’t a Noblus. Now this is interesting... Expose her Jamie. See what the rat does... Smiling at his observation, he spoke. “Years in politics have taught me one thing dear, and it’s how to pick up the scent of a rat... You’re no Noblus, it’s quite obvious, though I’ll give you props for your effort. I won’t tell my guards you’re a low-life if you tell me why... Why come to this disgusting Gala? To kill me perhaps? To pretend you’re something your not? Perhaps get a taste of my entertainment...? Why...?”
[/div][/div][/div][div class=credit]credits RI.a RI.a [/div][div class=overlay]Emperor Jamie au Olver[/div][div class=tags]Location: Gala
RiverGamer RiverGamer [/div]
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Zayne strolled through the party, his optical sensors surveying and scanning the perimeter. All stable. The Emperor had just finished a speech of sorts, releasing more humans into the room, but with much less of the silk many of the Noblus’s wore. Why is that? No matter. It wasn’t his mission. Survey and pro-.

A female human threw herself upon Zayne, in which his optical sensors automatically shot down to the woman. “You look worried? I can take that worry away... Would you like that?” SCANNING. TARGET NAME: ROSE. HARMLESS. Umm... I am not worried mamn I assure you. I am a peak performance.” The woman ran a hand along his neck, very slowly, which confused him. “Well that’s good news for me then eh? Why don’t we go find somewhere private...?”

Zayne shifted awkwardly, trying to shrug off the woman as politely as he could. “Rose I do think this is unnecessary... I’ve never dealt with this before, so I don’t wish to be rude about it- ” The target giggled “You’re a first timer eh?! Good thing that’s my speciality! No need to be ashamed boy, we all have to break the bubble eventually.” Zayne raised a brow at her allusion, not computing its meaning. “I don’t quite understand, but I have more important things to do mamn. It was as pleasant chat, and a lovely evening.” Luckily managing to slip into the crowd away from the odd woman, he took a deep breath.

SCANNING. Emperor Jamie au Olver less than 500 feet away. Foreign substance detected. RISK LEVEL: Moderate. Proceed with caution. Zayne blinked away the alerts, and patted his rib to assure his gun was still holstered at his side. It was. Spotting the Emperor’s head of silver hair and murky eye, he began to make his walk over...

[/FONT][/div][/div][/div][div class=credit]credits RI.a RI.a [/div][div class=overlay]Zayne[/div][div class=tags]Location: Gala
RiverGamer RiverGamer
Bang Bang Bang Bang
Collidias Rex Collidias Rex [/div]
Incoming File ...
To: SadSnake SadSnake Rusty Kerman Rusty Kerman Mykinkaiser Mykinkaiser

Location: The Wastes
Bureau Notes: oh woe, a missing arm, how tragic

Getting headbutted was clearly not what the Eye had anticipated. The Tekto guy seemed kinda fucked in the head - though to be fair, a copious amount of drugs were presently flooding his system - what with all the spitting and all, so an actual, effective form of assault was the last thing the Eye was expecting. The knock to the head sent him stumbling back several paces, feeling as if he were the one on drugs, what with the American suddenly trying to escape via doing the worm on the floor.

The commotion summons those on duty, who look at the staggered Eye in disbelief. "The hell is going on in here?"
"I dunno, he suddenly went nuts." They all look at the man wriggling on the floor with vague shock before the guards shake themselves into action. Dragging Tekto by the chair, they yank him away but do not stand him upright.
"We good to cripple these ones?"
"Yeah, they're due for a month's rehab. Nothing on the documents about bodily harm prevention."
"Thank god. I've been missing getting to beat these quacks."

The violence that follows is loud, loud in a way in which everyone present can hear the squelch of arteries rupturing and spilling, of bones audibly snapping. The first Eye averts his gaze, looking instead to Anne, who seems pretty far gone into the dreamscape the drugs induced. He crosses and sets the input of narcotics to a steady rate to keep her in that sweet spot, patting her on the shoulder. "That's good to hear. So long as you obey the Emperor, no harm will come to you. We do this for the good of everyone. Just remember: Obey the Emperor." With that, he dug out the headset with the pre-recorded tapes they used for the first stage of suggestive brainwashing, slipping them over her ears before looking back at Tekto and the guard. The Old Earther was still on the ground, one of his arms so badly mangled it could hardly be called an arm anymore, his left ankle at an odd angle, face bloodied beyond recognition.

The guard straightened and exhaled. "He shouldn't give you anymore problems. If he does, we'll put him into the compression chambers."
"I thought we decommissioned those?"
"Haven't been dismantled yet. Assholes like this piss me off; it's obvious they can't escape, so why try?"

They exchanged brief farewells before the original Agent went and picked Tekto up by the back of his chair, dragging him back to his original spot. "What were you trying to go for there, little guy?" He murmured to himself, looking over to where the prisoner's suit had been hung. Out of curiosity more than anything, he approached, frisking the suit down to see what the hell was of so much interest that it could be worth such a hopeless bid for escape. Finding and withdrawing the plasma cutter, he looked it over, laughing. "Oh my god. You really thought this thing would somehow get you out of here. Even if you could get out this room, what makes you think you could find a way out? The only chance you have of escaping here is if one of us escorted you out, and I'm afraid that just ain't gonna happen."

Crossing back over, he pulled down Anne's earphones, before going to sit on the desk, turning the plasma cutter over in his hands. "I'm curious. What was Old Earth like for you two? I mean we hear stories and all but they're old and distorted. A real life Old Earther's gotta have some good tales."
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Incoming File ...
To: ( Bang Bang Bang Bang )
RE: Nicholas Au Arcon

Location: (Boy's Office)
Bureau Notes: (I hope you appreciate how much Nicholas resisted geeking out)

Nicholas Au Arcon was having a rather pleasant day. This might be surprising to the average onlooker: After all, old (or older) men were not frequently seen traversing the hazards of the Waste, and very few would consider this locale "pleasant" in any sense of the word. Worn-down workers and their "managers" glared with disdain at him as he passed, eyeing his uniform of a Fleet-man (wearing a Counselors garb would be tactless, given the recent actions undertaken by the Emperor). Several different guards and agents checked over his credentials and seemingly random intervals, hassling him for proof of his rank and identity. He simply handed over his ID, which had been handily forged by a couple of techies in his employment, and they would grudgingly let him continue on his way. It was doubtless that a few were aware of his true place and intent: he had anonymously contacted Boy to arrange a meeting, but the sender had almost certainly been deduced by Boy's own techies. This was why he was cheerful: his deception had not been called out - perhaps it meant Boy was interested.

Eventually he arrived at a pair of men who, unlike the rest, did not ask for his ID, they simply nodded in his direction and began walking down an alley. Accordingly, he followed, winding through the daunting Labyrinth of the Wastes and eventually, Boy Industries. Finally, he was taken to Boy's Office, and let in, the two men who'd led him dutifully standing on each side of the door. Entering, he was fascinated by everything that was littered throughout the room: Gadgets and gizmos in various stages of wholeness, computer screens flashing with information that would have been doubtlessly useful, and a whole smorgasbord of color that was rarely seen out of the Techgarden's sims. Scattered among the items were even a few old-Earth relics that he would've quite liked to observe (particularly an Asteroids cabinet that he was quite sure was an original), but he restrained himself. He was here on a matter of business.

Finally, he laid his eyes upon Boy. They fit in rather well with their surroundings: An bright, colorful mix of clothes and styles from a vast array of eras, including old-Earthen. It was odd to think that this person was a criminal mastermind-until Nicholas looked at Boy's face. Their face was gaunt, at odds with the manic chaos of the room around it, and their eyes were an odd combination of a corrupt politicians and a scheming child, blackened with years of world weariness and calculated cruelty.

Nicholas sat down in the chair opposite Boy (first clearing a few stray bottles and gadgets from its surface), and looked at Boy with a genuine smile. "Boy. What a pleasure to finally see your collection first hand - you had mentioned it to me prior, if you recall, at one of those dull Empirical meetings a few months ago, and I must say I'm quite envious. I'd ask for a more thorough look, but I'm afraid I have business to discuss." He stopped for a moment before continuing, "And might I add, thank you for allowing my little...dishonesty. You, of all people, must understand the lengths one must go to at times like these."
Incoming File ...
To: ReverseTex ReverseTex , RiverGamer RiverGamer , Collidias Rex Collidias Rex , KnightSergeant KnightSergeant
RE: Riley au Olver

Location: The Gala
Bureau Notes: The Queen Bitch

Riley was not at all by any stretch of the word a feminine person. She was not the one to play dress up, or princess growing up. While other little girls were learning make up, and how to fix their hair. I was learning how to interrogate a man, or machine of information. How to shoot, field strip, and maintain my weapons, and how to do so while surviving in harsh conditions. I was thought to be flexible a Councilwoman one moment a deadly weapon the next. All in all I think I got the better education, and I owe it all to my father Jamie au Olver the one who saved me.

Dressed in her formal blue suit that she usually wears in Council meetings, as she made her way into The Gala hall. Riley really hated these stupid parties all the did was serve as a distraction, and to show how many credit we can blow for a pointless waste of time. Most people just come here to stick their nose so far up my fathers ass that it turns brown. She couldn’t really blame them Emperor Jamie was a great man, and leader.

Surveying the large room, after noticing all the ‘workers’ father brought, it didn’t take long to spot the man of the hour. It seemed most were giving him a wide berth except for a woman who just handed him a drink. Stealth fully pulling out a silver tube keeping it out of sight, but at the ready. Riley subtly kept walking till she was a good 5 feet behind the woman doing her best to not be noticed by the woman while also giving Jamie a view of her.
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Incoming File ...
To: Gmyza Gmyza , Croaker Croaker
RE: Captain Malik Harkness

Location: Ace in the Hole
Bureau Notes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSR6ZzjDZ94

Mal nodded while chuckling a little a that. “Please discretion is a main part of my job description. You don’t have to worry my lips are sealed, but you will have to be the one looking for others to join this secret merry trip to the far rim yourself.” Laughing a little at her own joke, before pulling out her Datapad, and tapping it a few times before replying.

”I just sent you directions to my ships docking platform. So I suggest you grab whatever, and whoever you need, and make your way over there. I’m heading there now to start on take off procedures, and make sure we have enough food, and water for the trip.” Before getting up she whispers to Dove. “If you do think there is a spy tailing you give me a heads up, so that way I can set up a little surprise for them. Good luck oh, and try not to be such a Debbie downer the whole trip” Giving another small laugh as she leaves.

Outside the streets of level 17 were chock full of people. While making her way down the street Mal sent the job details to Senni, and told her to inform the Nova Company that she will be unable to take jobs for a few weeks as she had just picked up a contract, and asks her to do a quick search on any military personnel named Dove. On her way Mal spotted a shop selling model starships. Smiling to herself she went inside, and purchased a scale model of a large battleship. Smiling as she walked out, and made her way back to her ship.
Incoming File ...
To: Roach of Wrath Roach of Wrath , Croaker Croaker

Location: Ace in the Hole
Bureau Notes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79bbhEUeets

Having looked up "Dove", she found that there wasn't much information on this "Dove", but nonetheless, she still found some information about him. There were no official military personnel files about Dove, but there were a few news articles that featured his face and short interviews with him, she found that his full name was "Bernard Dove", he had participated in several successful military operations, one of the articles shown, he had a tiny tattoo of an angel with six wings on his wrist.

Dove stood there till Mal had left, he then said in a rather quiet voice to himself, “I am no downer, nobody is more fun than me.”, his tone serious and stone-cold. Dove slowly, yet confidently left Ace in the Hole. He then walked out and smelled the air, muttering to himself, “Ugh, disgusting.”, he began walking through the streets, noticing a small store and walking inside it. Dove began wandering around the store, through the different aisles, he stopped at a stand of newspapers and magazines, he took a newspaper and began reading it, glancing once in a while around the store, he put the newspaper back and walked out of the store into the street. Dove continued walking and heading towards the docks, where the spaceship was located.

As he walked through the streets, he kept cautious, being aware of his surroundings as to not get jumped in such a shady area. He kept walking and eventually reached the docks, he entered an office, he removed his jacket and put it on a hanger, he walked over to the desk and sat down in the chair, he placed his feet on the table and took out his datapad, opening it up and looking over the mission files, after looking at mission files for a little while, he entered The Database and searched “Captain Malik Harkness” on it.

(EDIT: Added information that Malik would have found)
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  • PSiia3R.png
    Incoming File ...
    To: Bang Bang Bang Bang Cosmic_Chaos Cosmic_Chaos SadSnake SadSnake SkyHawk MK III SkyHawk MK III NUSKI NUSKI ShadowBroker ShadowBroker

    Location: K1SMET HQ
    Bureau Notes: A N G E R E Y B O Y E

    Seamus managed to hold himself back until after Genesis and co. had left, a feat that could almost entirely be attributed to Gwen noticing the warning signs and stepping in to calm him down. The promise to go drinking certainly didn't hurt either. However, that was all he could manage. Almost as soon as the door closed behind the resistance members, Seamus all but dropped Jeanne who he'd been holding up to that point, and strode over to a wall.

    "SELF RIGHTEOUS. ARSEHOLE. PRICK. MOTHERFUCKER." he roared abruptly, punctuating each work with a blow that dented the wall. Once finished he let out a long breath before pulling a flask from his pocket and taking a long drink. "Want some? he asked Gwen as he turned back around and held out the flask, his tone now closer to his normal level of irritation now that he'd been able to vent at least some of his pent up anger. "And I know that I don't have to, but I've got my reasons for wanting to," he continued, addressing her earlier question and sitting down with his back against the now damaged wall, "And you know I ain't no saint either, despite my job." He sighed and pulled a battered box of cigarettes from his pocket, lighting one up and exhaling a cloud of smoke before continuing. "I may not have as much reason to hate the guy as you do from what I've heard, but I wouldn't turn down a chance to fuck that entitled prick over either. Plus, I gotta make sure your rusty ass stays alive so that I don't have to drink alone, among other things.
Incoming File ...
To: CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt
RE: Junis Faar

Location: Shadow Districts, Junis' Repair Shop
Bureau Notes:

Rash ideas, the nerve of this walkin-

Junis' rather hateful thoughts abruptly halted as her eyes drank in the scene before her.

He wants me to fix that? Oh joy.

She stood there, half-heatedly listening to the man. The nearly beyond repair mechanical creature enraptured all of her mind's attention. It was barely recognizable, barely recoverable. She had the tools and the know-how to prove that opinion wrong, however. She just needed the proper time.

"Yeah yeah, secrecy 'n all dat. Problem is dat dis ain' no easy fix, ain' easy at all. I need time, money, and parts." she stated, her voice barely reaching across the room. She crouched down to further assess the android's condition. "A new eye, servo actuators, valves, tubes, a heap of skin, platin', electronic suites, micro-chips, the works. I need e'rytin'." She stood, addressing the mystery man with her eyes, taking in his posture. His eyes constantly shifted from place to place, never landing in the same place twice; yet, she knew he was digesting every word.

"Ten million credits: five for keepin' my mouth shut, 'tree for the parts, and two for services rendered. Seem fair? Good, 'cause it ain' gon' be any oder way. Job should be done 'n 'bout twelve hours once I 'ave what I need, ten if I get paid extra to work through lunch."
Incoming File ...
To: KnightSergeant KnightSergeant Mykinkaiser Mykinkaiser

Location: Palace
Bureau Notes: Isaac leave we need to make out and u need to go save some kidz k?

Quite happy to leave the control in Admiral Taela's more than capable hands, Katherine stood back, watching the gun and the man as he sat. He certainly sounded genuine, which was exactly as anticipated; after all, she'd only 'invited' him here so that he might provide her (and Lyudamilla) with the power within the Secret Police that they needed. She knew well that the Seraphim were, whilst not being the Captain, right up at the top of the power structure. That one of them had shown signs of wavering was perfect timing for her, too perfect to neglect exploiting.

Looking to Lyud, Katherine bowed her head to show that, in all her opinions, she would defer to Taela's final judgement call. However, that did not stop her from voicing her conclusions in an attempt to lead the other's train of thought. "I agree– he has no benefit in revealing himself like this if he's to expose us. He could be executed for just removing his scrambler." She hoped the tension of the situation would deter either from inquiring as to why she knew this. Explaining would be... difficult, to say the least. "From what I understand of the Seraphim, anyway. I confess, I'm not surprised to hear it though." Looking back to Isaac, whose identity had indeed been confirmed by the stripping of the scrambler, she gave him a dry grimace. "I'd heard that even the Secret Police was rife with dissatisfaction with Jamie. You understand that it is Admiral Taela I seek to put upon the throne? If–" She flushed, dipping her head once more in Taela's direction. "If the Admiral considers that arrangement agreeable. If not, I know that Victoria au Saara is a likely candidate. I can organise for her to contend the position with our backing."

Straightening, Kat checked her wristwatch. The whores ought to be departing now. "We ought to hurry this along, I'm afraid. All three of us missing– the absence will be noted if we leave it much longer. That or we shall get a reputation as very passionate lovers." She avoided looking at the Admiral as she said that, not wanting to make herself anymore flustered than she already was. "Admiral, if you've made your decision, I believe I have a method of contacting this man in the future. I would suggest he leaves first, and we follow. Assuming you are allowing him to leave."
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Incoming File ...
To: ( NUSKI NUSKI Collidias Rex Collidias Rex Mykinkaiser Mykinkaiser Cosmic_Chaos Cosmic_Chaos SadSnake SadSnake SkyHawk MK III SkyHawk MK III Sir Galahad II Sir Galahad II Bang Bang Bang Bang )

Location: K1SMET HQ
Bureau Notes: "We do not change - that is our failing."

The meeting was coming to an end, and the mission parameters had yet to be fulfilled. He could not allow that Genesis and Glitch left without him - abandoning the human group with the new recruits seemed like a sounded idea as he began to impose his presence and advancing to them to finally add himself to their ranks. Though the idea of pushing his luck also could jeopardize the mission entirely, or maybe delay it. He knew little of Genesis, but he knew Glitch - more importantly 'she' 'knew' 'him'.

Poor android could not realize the depth on which the lies had grown, to structure an entire personality fit for her and her only. Reckless passion yet pragmatic thinking, one that does not stands idle at the face of the inevitable, ready to stand against the end. Too much code of a Gallant Knight only to let his true intentions covered in the veil of his interest. Although human's social interaction are no different, all has a level of interest - an exchange.

"I am going with you." Luther spoke as he caught with her, his smooth skin and untouched hair seem as if nothing actually happened in the past years. His clothes only remarked how well he took care of his own attire... or perhaps there was more to it, "-I left my hideout for this chance, I can no longer return without having a moderate risk of being track." his eyes rested on Glitch like a dead weight, his facial expression showing not despair, but as if he was emulating the answer he wanted to hear from her, holding onto more words in order to persuade her, "Glitch-" he added once more,
"Let me help you. What else is there? What other purpose would I have?"
Incoming File ...
To: Mykinkaiser Mykinkaiser (RE 'runaway noblus') Collidias Rex Collidias Rex ShadowBroker ShadowBroker Sir Galahad II Sir Galahad II

Location: KISMET HQ > L1, Beta District
Bureau Notes: really gutted, I was gonna put Gwen in here too and call it 'TRIPLE G' but it got too long to justify it. my shit wit, lost! wasted! WOE!

ClassifiedAs the K1SMET left, Luther, one of Glitch's 'acquaintances' chased after them, successfully getting on the wrong side of the locked air lock when it shut. It wasn't as if they had a choice now to actually leave him behind, since the door's timer was deadlocked, but nonetheless, Glitch still managed to give him a scowl worth cowering at. "Couldn't you have said this before we left? Now they'll think we're lenient." Sighing, she shook her head, stepping back to put a hand upon his back and guide him forward. "But fine, come. It's not as if it matters if you see this anyway; the whole Citadel will know about it tomorrow."
"You two know one another?" Genesis asked as he let his maidens exit the abandoned space shuttle first, Glitch bringing up the rear with her unknown companion.
"Sadly. This bastard is annoyingly persuasive. I swear he must have been a joybot in a past life." Despite her words, she gave the aforementioned 'joybot' a rueful smile, a rare action from K1SMET's combat ace. "He's not completely awful though."
"High praise, coming from Glitch," Genesis said, truth in his words. "Well then, if you've lost your home, you are welcome to consider us your new one. If Glitch approves of you–"
"Approves is a strong word."
"–Then you must be quite the asset. Come. You'll see just what we have in store for the population."

Accompanied by those permitted exit before the ten minute delay, K1SMET navigated the murky routes of L20, bypassing several vac platforms until they came to one with a specific desired location. "You'll pass as human, so there's no concern about disguises for you," Genesis said to Luther, whilst the rest of his people were pulling out varies cloaks, hoods, masks, and mod-tissue. Plastering the mod-tissue over their heads like thin bandanas, the grey tissue sat unresponsive for a moment before glittering to life, a flash of uncoordinated colour spreading across it, before it took form and bestowed its wearers with the facial features and textures and colours of humans.

"A little present from our benefactors. Rather handy, though less suited to close inspection. The Emperor's Gala should have directed most of the L1 attention to the palace regions though, so, so long as we avoid the Alpha district, we ought to be undisturbed. Come," Genesis stepped onto the vac platform, his maidens flanking him, "not long now until the revolution."

Riding the platform up to L1's Beta district, the group entered into the thick of SP territory. Despite this, the ground floors were relatively empty; not only had the gala drawn numbers away, but the escaped war prisoners had agents scouring all levels of the district save the one they assumed that any fugitive with half a piece of sense would avoid. Good; Genesis had been counting on this. "Now folks, I'll leave you all in Glitch's capable hands. I've a meeting with a little runaway Noblus friend of mine to help spread the word. Glitch?"
"We'll start heading over shortly."
"Wonderful. Now, before I leave you," Genesis stepped away so that he could face them all, his uncanny human face assuming an expression of calm serenity, "are there any questions?"

Incoming File ...
To: Mykinkaiser Mykinkaiser Cosmic_Chaos Cosmic_Chaos SadSnake SadSnake SkyHawk MK III SkyHawk MK III KnightSergeant KnightSergeant (as we are now in Ace and, if Julian comes along, might be a good way for Gaius to find him)

Location: KISMET HQ > Ace in the Hole

The tech whizz kid seemed to go a little manic, cavorting around the place looking for 'spare parts' apparently, and Gwen couldn't help but get the impression that he was severely overtired. She had bigger, more able to punch people in half things to worry about though, all in the form of the good Doctor. On the plus side, he took things out on the wall, but on the down side, why the hell was he going along with this if it made him like this? Gwen was grateful for his decision, but in no universe did she want him to get himself into a state like this for her sake. Perhaps thinking so was arrogant or self-centred, especially when he claimed he had his reasons, but seeing him so riled up, she couldn't help fretting like some kind of pedantic mother hen. Which, quite frankly, was not what she was about, and so she gladly took the flask–

And then stopped. "No, not here. Not for you either; they weren't wrong, this place is too risky to turn into your new favourite saloon." With him punching the walls and Julian going mad on collecting bloody scrap, she hadn't really paid attention to time passing, but as she spoke she heard the unclicking of the lock. "Come on." Bending over, she checked that Jeanne was alright and with it enough to stand, helping her to her feet, before she let her be and went to haul the Doc and his chain-smoking ass up. "Today has been too much of a day not to end it passed out at a bar top. Ace's is calling our names." Looking about at the others, she deliberated a little awkwardly, before adding, "Of course... you guys are welcome to join, if you want. Drinks are on me since, by the sound it it, you guys only got dragged into it because they were looking for yours truly."

Accompanied by whoever could stay awake long enough to make it, Gwen made sure Doc got to the fine institution without murdering someone and then took a seat up at the bar in one of those swanky high swivel chairs. 'Ace in the Hole' wasn't the most salubrious of institutions, a known joint run by the S3RVs, and for all those reasons, Gwen kinda liked it. It had a kind of anti-institute vibe to it, with androids stripping at various locations and tacky old-timey music playing, a kind of poor knock-off of Underworld if it had married a retro JoyBar and found its wife imposed all of her stylistic tastes upon it. She loved it.

"Round of shots for everyone, please," she told the bartender, gesturing to her company for the numbers. Filching a cigarette from Doc, she used one of the free matches in a dish at the bar and lit it; no matter how many times she did it, she always coughed, her internal filtering systems unable to adapt the way a humans could. "Right," she said, knocking on the bar and looking at Seamus, giving him a steely kind of 'no nonsense' glare, "you're telling me why you're doing this, and you're telling me it properly." The shots arrived, and she knocked one his way. "Drink whatever you need to drink till you feel loose enough to tell me. I've got all night and morning if need be."
Incoming File ...
To: Bang Bang Bang Bang Cosmic_Chaos Cosmic_Chaos SadSnake SadSnake SkyHawk MK III SkyHawk MK III NUSKI NUSKI ShadowBroker ShadowBroker

Location: K1SMET HQ --> The Ace in the Hole
Bureau Notes: Who wants some E M O T I O N S?

As dense and emotionally stunted as he was, Seamus could tell that Gwen was worried about him. Not that he could blame her however, the wall being severely dented from his outburst over something relatively minor all things considered. Thus, he made no objection to going to the Ace with her, though in all fairness he rarely declined anyways. On the way there, he could tell that she was being extra careful with him, so that he wouldn't punch someone, or worse, on the way. Normally this would have aggravated him further, but with her he accepted it, even if he was pretty much back to his normal state.

The doctor didn't share his companion's view of the Ace. To him it was one shitty bar in the ocean of such establishments in the Shadow Districts. But that being said, he didn't dislike it either. If nothing else, the alcohol was tolerable and it wasn't too far away from his clinic, making it convenient to get to. It was this convenience that had made him a regular, even before he'd met Gwen there and started drinking with her. So actually, thinking about it, he did have some fond memories of the place.

"Bottle o whiskey to go along with that barkeep,"He ordered just in time for Gwen to ask to bum a cigarette off of him. He fished out his battered box again and, seeing that there were two remaining, gave her one while taking the last for himself. A small, wry smile crept onto his face at her coughing despite having been stealing cigarettes from him for pretty much as long as he'd known her. The smile left his face as she turned to him and asked about his reasons for joining her, her gaze booking no argument and demanding an answer.

Seamus sighed and took the bottle the barkeep had set on the counter in front of him, popping the cork out and taking a long drink before setting it down. "I'll spare you the whole sob story," He started, gazing straight ahead at the lines of bottles behind the bar rather than at Gwen, "But it comes down to the fact that you're about the only person I know who treats me decently. I know better than anyone that I ain't and easy man to get along with, so even if it is just as drinking buddies it means a lot to me." He paused there and took another drink before continuing slowly, "I've had people who cared in the past disappear for whatever reason but it's never easy. So I'm gonna stick with you to keep you around. Call me selfish, but I managed to make friends with you despite how I was made to be, so I don't want to let you go and be alone again."
Incoming File ...
To: Mykinkaiser Mykinkaiser
RE: Anne

Location: The wastes
Bureau notes: I'm so fucking hot, and not in a good way

ClassifiedAnne's fever started to waver, before turning pitch black. The only thing she could feel was something steadily entering her system. And.. a distant scream. It made her shiver. She maybe was full of drugs and reay to obey, at any cost- But it didn't mean she couldn't be scared. At least, that side effect didn't kick in yet, if it was one of the drugs. She tried to move- Only making a clunck as her cuffs kept her still.

"I'm curious. What was Old Earth like for you two? I mean we hear stories and all but they're old and distorted. A real life Old Earther's gotta have some good tales." Her mind registered the info. Her vision seemed to clear.. prehaps the drugs starter to wear on her- Although she was still seeing things heavily modified, she was sitting in a chair.. in a game show? Her will to obey wasn't modfiied- It probably wouldn't be for a long, long time. They were asking her how her life was like, so she answered as quickly as she could.

"It was rather boring.. I just bumbled around, did whatever I wanted... people took care of me. I liked it that way.." She interrupted herself, looking at the presentator- They had a certainly weird hat, covering their whole face... mhm... "I.. didn't care much about voting.. all the canditates advertised things I didn't want to, at all.." an akward silence lingered for a few seconds. "Anything.. more specific?"
location: The Palace
mentions: Bang Bang Bang Bang
ooc: *guzzles whiskey*


Admiral Taela

Still wary of the newcomer she kept her weapon trained on him as he sat down in the seat provided, listening to him as he attempted to coax her into relaxation. The sudden paranoia that had leap into her throat at his arrival slowly subsided, slinking down into the cavity of her chest before easing into a dull wariness as he removed what she could only assume was the scrambler Katherine was talking about. Glancing at the girl that had taken it upon herself to take a step back she wondered silently how exactly she knew so much about the secret police and found herself equally annoyed as the she laid out her plan for the man, even if it was meant to signal her disposable nature in the grand scheme of things. With a sternly raised hand and a cold glare she hoped to silence the woman, though she was quietly undermined by the light blush that danced across her cheeks at the mention of their lateness.

"Let them think what they want." There was a pause as she took a slight breath, thinking over what she would say in the next second. "Passionate lovers make a better headline than the Emperor's Orgy anyhow, the people do love a romance." her voice carried a slight lightness to it that implied a joking intent that was almost completely undone by the soft smile that tugged at the edges of her lips as she drank in the other for a few more seconds before looking back to her original target, lowering her gun from his head to his knees in case he decided the water was too hot and attempted to bolt. Taking a step forward she lowered herself onto the arm of a lounge chair sitting close by, her deep eyes seeming to swallow the man as she held him in her gaze.

"Dont mind the gun - or do the choice hardly matters - its simply a measurement in safety." Her words were deliberate, sliding along her smooth voice as she thought over what to do with him. As trusting as she was she did not want him leaving here without a measure of insurance of her safety, after all it was easy to play a friend to desperate rebels. "What is your real name." Her words came heavy, hard and to the point like she would imagine a punch to the gut would sound if it could be replicated in the human language. Hopefully she would be able to get her insurance and get out so she could get another class of that whiskey, even the shittiest whiskey can grow on you she noticed, and perhaps talk more with this lovely lady she seemed to have attracted somehow, in the friendliest of terms of course.
Incoming File ...
To: ReverseTex ReverseTex Collidias Rex Collidias Rex
RE: Aritafae 'Fate' Alexander

Location: The Gala
Bureau Notes: "I like characters that make choices and try to drive their own fate." - Cary Fukunaga

Her heart stopped for a mere instant..

"Fuck, that was quick. But he has a point, anyone in his position knows this kind of thing and how to spot it. Well, let's keep going"

"My family aren't one of the richest I won't lie but I swear I mean you no harm and I am no low-life I promise you. Why would I be here if that was the case? I would have been snuffed out be your guards immediately without a doubt. I thought handing you a drink would be a good way of doing so. I apologise if I came across as ill-intentioned Sir." Fate kept her words clear and concise, not wanting to give away her commoner origins.

She would not admit that the prospect of getting caught terrified her, but she needed to push on and retrieve what she sought from the Emperor...

"I merely thought that, because of the amount of people about, that it would be good to retrieve a drink for you myself and show you the respect you deserve. If I didn't, then my family wouldn't forgive me"

Taking note of his shaken expression, Fate continued.

"Is everything ok Sir? You're looking a bit pale. I imagine that you work an awful lot, maybe you should sit down and take a breather? I wouldn't want you to over-exert yourself, as would no one else for that matter. Please, sit and have a drink, you look like you could use it to unwind"

She smiled whilst saying this, hoping that it would calm his nerves and she could get her mission over and done with. She was sure that she sounded genuine in her words as she had been given many years to hone her skills in deception thanks to his actions. "I can do this. The old bastard has crazy written all over him, just like those shitheads back home. If I can deal with them at half the age I am now, he shouldn't be much harder to manipulate"

She just had to have faith her act was good enough to fool one of the most powerful men ever to exist... but would it truly work?

And what would she do if it all went to shit?
Incoming File ...
To: ( Roach of Wrath Roach of Wrath , um RiverGamer RiverGamer , ReverseTex ReverseTex , and Collidias Rex Collidias Rex , I suppose?)
RE: Nicholas Au Arcon

Location: (The Gala)
Bureau Notes: (K, so Bang and I are finishing Nicholas and Boy's shady b'ness over PMs, to be posted later as a flashback. Also, sorry for the random delving into the history between the two characters, I was bored and it was fun xD)

There were few times in his life where Nicholas had felt more disgust than he did now, as he witnessed the Gala descend into the depraved sensuality the Emperor had arranged. Indeed, he had little doubt that things had worked out exactly as the Emperor planned: The revulsion of some Noblus, reminded of their powerlessness by their inability to stop it, and the delighted indulgence of others distracting them from all that the Emperor had done. It was ingenious, really. But hopefully, Nicholas' plan would be attention grabbing enough on its own, though it was not quite time to begin it yet.

Managing to mask his disgust behind a well-practiced politician's smile, he decided to make his way to the Emperor. He wanted to be sure he was making the right decision-and a discussion with the man himself might help assuage his doubts. But as he made his way over (Jamie was quite hard to miss), he found that he was otherwise engaged, with a rather wet-behind-the-ears seeming young lady. Nearby however, he noticed someone else - Riley Au Olver, his fellow Counselor and the daughter of the Emperor. He had long harbored a soft spot for Riley, ever since he had taught her several years ago. He had worked to refine her mind-to spot when a person was lying, to discern what a person's motive might be, to create a plan by which to accomplish her goals. He taught her history as well, so that she might know of the past as she shaped the future. He had been all too happy to do it, at first. Teaching was what he loved, and his role as a Councilman left plenty of free time on the Citadel in which he might teach her.

But he watched as she was molded into what her father desired: a cold-hearted pawn of the Empire, who, for all her fire and skill, was tantamount to a combat drone. A clever one, to be sure, but misapplied. How much more good could she have accomplished? At any rate, he did all he could to encourage her to think independently, in her latter years of education he taught her of the great thinkers of old - Lotte, Voltaire, Jefferson, Lincoln, King. She seemed to find it compelling, amazingly-he thought all trace of free thought had been taken from her by then. But it was to no avail-the Emperor caught wind of his teachings, and swiftly dismissed him from the post. Officially, it was because his role had been filled-she could manipulate and discern like few others, and she knew all the history she needed, but the truth was obvious. He did not see her for a few years (he knew it would be risky to visit her, even "unofficially"), until she became a Councilwoman. Now, they were colleagues-he could teach her no more. Nevertheless, he could now talk to her without risk of Empirical interference, and he could not get rid of the hope that he might one day sway her.

"Riley," he said, managing a genuinely pleasant smile as he greeted her, forgoing the typical last-names-only practice of politics,"A pleasure to see you outside of a council meeting again. Though one might hope we meet in more...restrained circumstances." He looked around at the depraved decadence that surrounded the pair. "Perhaps I have become more prudish as an old man. Perhaps too, it might be easier to judge others given my own lack of the...desire necessary to find this all appealing." He cut himself short before he went on- "But excuse me, I'm at risk of rambling. How are you, Riley? What have you been doing as of late?"
Incoming File ...
To: Bang Bang Bang Bang Nadja Kramer Nadja Kramer

Location: On the way to the Gala/ Junis' shop
Bureau Notes: REEEEEE


  • "Impassioned is one thing. Unprofessional is a whole thing entirely." The two had finished their poor attempts at spiteful retorts, an eyebrow raising as Mr. Hand almost spoke a bit too much; fortunately Mr. White had the sense to cut the fool off. Mr. Eye rose from his chair, a small smile forming on his mouth as his two 'coworkers' adjusted their attire and allowed him to finally leave. "You two have a wonderful evening." He stepped past the two, making his way to the door that had been previously locked. A simple codeword unlocked the door once more with the door opening back up once more after a few moments. "White, I understand that you're not used to what I used to do, but you could make the pistol underneath your coat less obvious; the grip is outlined against it." He turned to face the two once more, his smile still on his face. "Same goes for you, Hand. When you mention just how many lives that we've taken; don't forget the two that were responsible for the majority of it."

    With that, Eye turned back around and calmly exited. Time to meet with Mr. Rib and hope they would be willing to set the two straight later on. It's not as if Eye had to change attire; he wore pure white already. May as well be pragmatic and keep it on. His trip to the palace was silent, a small walk as he observed the architecture around him. Wherever his..'partner' was, he hadn't a clue. They hadn't spoken much in the past few weeks with the other having decided to do a bit of digging of his own into internal affairs. The dead streets around him eventually turned busy; the various Noblus clad in white were on their way to the gala, the small chatter among the various groups turning into a cacophony of voices as he became closer to the palace.

    Mr. Rib was only a few meters a way at this point, having already spotted him. He held a hand out of his own before pausing and observing his companion's digits. "Your finger is missing." His tone was neutral, more of observation. He took the others hand soon after, eyes focusing on the impenetrable visor that rested on their eyes. "It has been quite some time, hasn't it Rib? As for the other two..I was not bothered by their words, but I can't say the same for their unprofessional attitude. How they've been able to get away with such..gross defiance for our internal rules is distasteful." Perhaps the same could be said for himself, he had to admit. "Shall we go in, Rib?" He'd let go of her hand at this point, holding his arm out for her to grasp.

    His right arm; his dominant arm.
Incoming File ...
To: ReverseTex ReverseTex RiverGamer RiverGamer

RE: Athena

Location: The Gala
Bureau Notes: tfw you need to leave daddy emperor's side for more than 2 seconds

“I’d be amused if something actually interesting happened for once. Everything’s so predictable these days my dear... Frankly quite old. We’ll stay for another thirty minutes or so, then slip out. I don’t fancy these events to much... Go get refreshments, I’ll wait here.”

God, Athena couldn't imagine how many people would suffer a heart attack at what the Emperor had just said. Au Anhad at the notion that the Emperor wasn't enjoying the gala and that perhaps it was somehow her fault, the boys back in security at the thought that he'd have Athena leave his side to fetch him drinks like a common servant.

In all honesty, she didn't like it either. Jesus Christ Jamie, you have people for that.

She stared at him for a moment. The six slit-like camera lenses in the front of her helmet betrayed nothing, but the short sigh as she relented may have.


Was he overconfident? Did he overestimate his ability to defend himself? He was hardly a feeble old man, but any assassin sent after the emperor would hardly be an amateur.

Then best to make haste. Athena doubted Jamie would be receptive to her protests today.

She pinpointed the nearest table and made a beeline. Naturally one couldn't show panic or too much urgency in a crowd like this, that would only ask for trouble, but Athena in her armor cut a large figure, and that meant she could sell a long gait without drawing too much attention. It was a relief to see the crowd shift around her as she approached; she'd wondered if her exposed face might 'soften' her presence somehow. It was nice to know she still had some kind of intimidation factor.

She didn't shoulder aside the queue at the refreshments table - fortunately she didn't have to, since the white sea continued to part around her. A man behind the table promptly poured her a champagne flute - two when she raised two fingers - and sat each at the edge of the table. She'd seen him handing glasses to guests previously, so it seemed he was afraid that he might touch her hand. But that didn't matter. He'd poured the drinks from the same bottle other guests had been drinking from, which meant she could likely trust it since the other guests weren't keeling over and dying at her feet. She managed to fit both glasses in one hand.

Through the singular camera lens mounted at the back of her vizor, she watched a figure approach Jamie. She turned around quickly, perhaps a bit quicker than she intended. She moved her arm as the champagne sloshed about, compensating for the turn and catching it before any spilled. Her free hand tensed, but she restrained herself from grabbing her gun. Of course people were going to parley with the emperor - it was his Gala.

Nevertheless, vigilance was her job - not making assumptions. She marched back as the woman handed him a glass, muttering a bitter complaint. Dammit, she'd just left to get a drink for Jamie, and now someone else had swooped in and made her redundant. She could have just stayed by his side.

"Shall I put the champagne back, your eminence?" She asked as she returned to his side. She glanced the woman up and down. She looked young. Probably pushed into attending by her house's head. Maybe aiming to seduce the Emperor? Sure, seduce the ex-joybar owner with a young, pretty face. Seemed like that should be a joybar owner's vice ... at least on the surface. A good joybar owner wouldn't be swayed by just a smile and a pretty dress. They had enough of that already.

Julian looked up and smiled. "I'm not sure if I should go. I'll go if Marcus is going. But Hera and Saia would kick my ass if I don't get home soon-" He was cut off by a yawn. He dug into his bag, ignoring, or not even noticing the scratches the scrap metal causes him, before pulling out a sheet of paper and a pen. He noted down his address and gave it to Marcus. "Here. I doubt I'll be awake enough to get home safely anymore. But since you were planning on coming over, it's not a huge problem." He smiled, a bit sleepily. His logical brain said that he really shouldn't go to the bar. But, it was a chance to hang out with friends. As long as he got home at a good time, he should be fine. "I say we go! I'll probably pass out, but whatever!" He laughed and followed Gwen and the mad-looking doctor.

Once they got to the bar he smiled as he sat down with everyone who joined, and took the small shot glass he was given. He wasn't a light weight, but this might just put him out. So, he sipped on it, ignoring the weird taste. He wasn't used to alcohol, and he preferred it slightly sweet. But the bitterness woke him up slightly. "Who knew that Alcohol would be helpful?" He chuckled. He started to feel more awake, and didn't want to risk it by having any more. His stomach grumbled and he sighed, and asked for something light to eat. He was lucky they served food. Then again it wasn't late.

The Bar was nice. Homey. Something he didn't live in, since he lived in a small-almost unknown area. It was cheap, and wasn't found easily. Though if Androids are so common, maybe he could open up a shop in the shadow district for androids. It'd be nice to help out. He was already doing so for one person. Oh, he wondered. "Hey, Doc!" He called over to the doc who was sitting next to Gwen. "If you need your arm fixed, I can help you out." He smiled. He may as well offer his services. Well, 'Services' more like 'I'm here if you need help'. The least he could do for Doc patching him up.

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