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Fantasy dungeons and dragons. need help making it

um in Britain which the original books were published JK Rowling titled it thee philosophers stone they only edited it for Americans
I know of a D&D CS that can be filled out on the computer and calculates some totals itself, will attach it if you still need one.

You guys need help, And I will do so. I play the game on a regular basis so we will go through this and get it started.
cool so we ot the charicter sheets all we need is the dice ifmfo and we can create a story im still in the process of creating my own
i would suggest the first edition because i have everything that is needed for it and the first edition is way better then the fourth in my opinion
Drummer, for the first game, I believe it would be better for us to use a premade campaign, so everyone knows what their doing when we do yours. If Devon wants 5e then we do 5e, it's her Thread after all. For everyone else, I can find PDFs for everyone. And the dice problem will be solved if you make your character properly.
Ooh, a dnd roleplay? As I already have a character rolled up, may I join? (A 4e character though...)

Oh hey, Godsnake.
Am I the one who needs a new character? Because I have quite a few options at my disposal. Otherwise, the character I have is Crabathiniel, or Brenna, a Revenant Drow Sorceress. (Ranged Striker/Controller) What character positions are open?
true and if you see your reply it says rolldice you do what sided die you need and how many dice you roll

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