Other Dresden Files and similar books

I just finished the Dresden Files series and am on the lookout for series like it.

Does Anyone have a favorite?
I actually do know of one. The Alex Verus series by Benedict Jacka, starting with Fated.

The main character is very Dresden-like...maybe almost too Dresden-like. Yeah, the writer ain't exactly subtle.

Anyway, it's the same sort of urban fantasy magic underworld set-up with this light and dark magic dichotomy (but not as in good versus evil; rather, order/law versus nihilism/hedonism). The main character has a pretty cool ability; he can see every possible outcome of any action and what he needs to do to get the best one possible.

I actually only got through Fated because
Verus's personality grated on my nerves, but I think that's a personal thing, lol.
great, thanks. I'll check them out. I just found another series not exactly like Dresden Files but in the modern supernatural genre

The Felix Caster Series by Mike Carey.
I would say Rivers over London by Ben Aaronovitch is very similar, got the same sort of procedural set up mixed with magical shenanigans. The main characters are actual cops that investigate magical phenomena.

So if Murphy was in SI and also a Wizard.

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