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Colosseum Dons Pan Dimensional Diner

"Hi Don!" A cheery voice said in his ear. Already standing next to him was a raven haired young lady, wearing dark, studded clothing, black lipstick, torn fishnet stockings on a single arm, and a large witch's hat that was covered in pins and baubles on her head. To top it all off she was holding a banana to her her ear as if it were a phone as she grinned like a maniac at Don.

Now put a witch's hat on her head.


Don nearly jumped through the roof. 

"GAH! Geeze, chick! How do you do that?" Popping up out of nowhere was a mages parlor trick, but anticipating a phone call?
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Right. Ask a stupid question, get party flavor in your face. When would he learn.  

"Yeah. No $#%&." Don said humorlessly. "Just wear a bell, will ya? Aright here's the deal, I-"

Don stopped, his mouth still open.  He had just noticed her 'phone.'

"...You were talking to me on a banana?"
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"Don't be silly, Donnie. You can't use fruit to talk to people." Medea snarked. "Besides, this isn't a banana... This is my cat!" As she said this she slipped the banana under her arm and when she pulled her hand back out she had a small, traumatized, black cat.

"Medea," the feline shuddered, his voice unnaturally deep for a creature his size, "Never do that again."

Laughing, the witch set him down and turned back to Don. "So, what'cha need?"
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Don stared, fish eyed. He was starting to wonder if this was a good idea. Oh well, here we go. 

"Besides aspirin?" Don said,  "I need a someone to babysit my bar for a bit. Im gonna be occupied for a few hours, but if I turn my head for a second, a knife fight breaks out." He motioned towards the mess from the brawl. "Think you'd be up for it, Whimsy?"
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... He was straddling the building, wasn't he?

 Don could see the giants big, flabby legs through the windows on either side. No doubt the folks at the back we're getting the worst of it.

Don rubbed his temples. Ooog what a pest. Aright, Don could see that the BFG had no intention of going away, so he might as well head up to the steeple and see what the heck he wanted.   

On the contrary the view probably would have been worse if the bat was less tubby so thus the windows in the back only... or at least from his calculations based on his perspective and experiences should mostly see gut and belly button with some speedo on the very bottom with the rest of the bulge out of sight unless someone were to look down from standing with their faces planted right on the windows.

As he sits there he knows the owner is likely busy so he decides to say nothing and lounge about idly. Who knows maybe someone would get curious about him and join him outside?
Rose jumped back forceing down a half formed scream. "Oh my god, someone help!" Then she started swating the balloons around her to see better but when they just kept coming back she pulled out two short swords from her back  and quickly shaved away at the tiding balloons being careful not to harm the injured beast at her feet or accidentally cut anyone else that could being coming close by. "Alright,  much better! She looked over  where she had heard the others and shook her head as they where trying to break down a seemingly wooden door. "Don't bother it's inforced with magic, is Anyone, alive, here a healer?" 
Joshua stifled a chuckle when the big wolf broke a claw. He decided to wait until the thing was human again before rubbing it in.

After sighing once again, Joshua had a thought. Maybe if he learned what the room was used for, an escape route would make itself apparent.

"Does anyone in here have a light?"
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Yahlie had apearently been spooked bad enough by her ballon popping that she had jumped straight up and  was clinging to the ceiling somehow "Yahlie have phone!" She offered 

 Something small dropped into the balloons. 

"Oop. Never mind."

The balloons next to Josh and Mathias receded as Trina shrunk back to human, examining her poor, bleeding finger nail with mortification. "Oh-h-h gosh." She moaned. "Right through the pith. That is a hangnail from Hell."
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Mathais rose an eyebrow, uncertain on how to deal with such....high energy.... (chough* drama *chough) from someone who had the ability to shapeshift into a beast of several times the size of himself "Vell then....are you, alright?" He asked "Of course she is! It's just a nail for Christ's sake! Besides, look at ze beast she turned into!" Mathais thought as he picked up Yahlie's phone of the ground. It was unharmed as far as he could tell...

Mathais looked up "Iz zat Yahlie? I believe ve met at ze bar earlier, yes? I have your phone for you vhen you come down" the man said with an offset voice before walking back to Joshua to ask him about the woman who had tried her best at the door "Either I am seeing things, or ze dark is playing tricks on ze mind....but...are they both naked?" Mathais whispered to Joshua, certain he was quiet enough as he was only trying to be polite about it and even more so in wonder on how to tell the young woman of her current situation though it was obvious that if one were to turn into something multiple time larger than their original form, they wouldnt have clothes either...
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Don stared, fish eyed. He was starting to wonder if this was a good idea. Oh well, here we go. 

"Besides aspirin?" Don said,  "I need a someone to babysit my bar for a bit. Im gonna be occupied for a few hours, but if I turn my head for a second, a knife fight breaks out." He motioned towards the mess from the brawl. "Think you'd be up for it, Whimsy?"

"Oh yeah, I can do that! No problem!" Medea chirped, materializing an apron from thin air and walking over to the bar counter. The black cat hopped up onto the counter next to her. "Medea," he chided, "don't you already have a job you're supposed to be doing?"

The witch simply brushed it off. "Don't worry about it, Shor! I already told Harley that she was in charge of the shop for the rest of the day." Shor sighed in defeat and paced in a circle on the counter top before laying down and getting comfortable.
@Gradous13Joshua whispered a response back to man next to him,

"Yes, but the one has fur, so it's OK. The other one insulted us, so I'm going to let her figure it out on her own."

He addressed the the girl with the mortally wounded finger,

"Welcome to the Pansy Club!"

He had a grin on his face, though he doubted she could see it.

Joshua then shouted at the ceiling,

"Hey, Yahlie, is it? Can I borrow your phone? I'd like to call the diner's landline, if it has one. Also, do you know what that number would be?"

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(chough* drama *chough) 

(Cough* teenager *cough)

"Vell then....are you, alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She mumbled indignantly, applying pressure to her nail. 

"Iz zat Yahlie? I believe ve met at ze bar earlier, yes? I have your phone for you vhen you come down"

"Oh thankyou!" Said Yahlie, "you lifesaver!" She let go of the ceiling, splashing into the balloons, and making her way over to retrieve her phone.

Joshua then shouted at the ceiling,

"Hey, Yahlie, is it? Can I borrow your phone? I'd like to call the diner's landline, if it has one. Also, do you know what that number would be?"

Whilst Josh shouted at the ceiling, Yahlie was popping up beside him like a gopher. "Ok!" She said "Just go to contacts. Look for 'Work'"

Of course, there were bajillion names in Yahlies contact list, and before Josh would scroll allllllllll the way down to the W's, something would happen. A text message from an 'Unknown Number' would pop up on the screen. 

Try the lite swich 2 ur rite.
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Joshua stepped back a little when Yahlie popped up suddenly. He took the phone from the guy close to him and starting scrolling through the contacts.

"Try the lite swich 2 ur rite."

An odd text message, but he thought it worth trying. He found the light switch and flicked it up.

Well, that was a big help. He went back to scrolling through the contacts....


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 (Brace yourselves, folks)


The lights went on  and the whole scene changed for everyone's eyes.

  In an instant, the room went from a dim dungeon with stone walls  to a full-sized, stadium locker room. The balloons at all disappeared

 Which was unfortunate for Trina,  who is now keenly aware of how visible she was.

"WOAH GEEZ!"  She tried to fall back into the balloons to cover her nakedness,  but discovered their absence too late as she fell onto the hard, hard floor and banged her head against a locker. "Ow!"

Wait a minuet. She looked down at herself. She was clothed! How did that-

@LishaRose Meanwhile with the balloons gone and the lights on, the other minotaurs could see their one-eyed comrades, moaning in his native tongue, "<my legs... I can't feel my legs!>

Of course, the also saw Rose standing over him with a sword and drew the obvious conclusion.  

The Green one came up behind Rose and yanked her up by her hair while the others tended to One-Eye. "WUT U DO TO GORGON?!" He demanded.
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Joshua was busy looking at Yahlie's phone, so he didn't notice what was going on with the minotaurs. He finally found the contact labeled 'Work' and pressed it.

The phone started ringing and he held it up to his ear.

Mathias had had enough of this as it was growing very tiresome. He drew his luger, it was long for a pistol which Mathias had custom made to fire .45 ammo. He squeezed the trigger and fired a well placed shot into the the green guys elbow with a loud BANG, then another BANG , Mathias put a round into the beasts right knee. "I really have no problem painting ze valls and ze floor vith your blood and brains, killing is second nature, its all too easy... so touch ze woman again and you vill find how good a marksman I really am" Mathias said coldly with a deepened voice, his aim pointed on the  minotaurs eye while keeping track of the other beasts with his periphrial vision
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"Oh yeah, I can do that! No problem!" Medea chirped, materializing an apron from thin air and walking over to the bar counter. The black cat hopped up onto the counter next to her. "Medea," he chided, "don't you already have a job you're supposed to be doing?"

The witch simply brushed it off. "Don't worry about it, Shor! I already told Harley that she was in charge of the shop for the rest of the day." Shor sighed in defeat and paced in a circle on the counter top before laying down and getting comfortable.

"Aright, thanks" said Don. "See you in an hour or two".  And with that, he went over to a door labeled "steeple" and went in.

Time to deal with Captain Underpants.


@Ian Temero

@Macrofurry_Writings you're next.
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Rose was breathing hard by the time the lights flicked on to her release the seemingly endless balloons dissapered as well "oh thank goodness" She sighed not yet noticing the others as she sheathed her swords while looking over the minotaur at her feet. "Oh, she really did a number on you." Roses voice quitely sounded like she was on the verge of tears as she extended her hand to him wishing just wishingthere was something anything she could do. Rose felt an overwelming wave of her need to help swell in her chest like magic but lighter. It slowly kept raising and building reach out to the fingers.

'Don't touch it! What the hell are you doing!' Anna's voice yelled in head haulting her hand. 'What am I? What did you do? look at this guy you started this...' 'Look out!' 

The argument in side her head completely left Rose unawares so Anna's warning of the looming  threat towering over her was to late. The sharp pull left her screaming as she was suddenly yanked "Ahh fuck! I didn't do Anything. Get off me!"

Two loud bangs from a gun and Rose quickly found herself on the ground and scrambled to get out of arms reach from her attacker. "It wasnt me that attacked your friend...." she tried explaining again hopefully s bit calmer now, "I'm merely the vessel. I can't control what happend, it's  out of my power," she hissed and rubbed her pained scalp. 
Joshua was busy looking at Yahlie's phone, so he didn't notice what was going on with the minotaurs. He finally found the contact labeled 'Work' and pressed it.

The phone started ringing and he held it up to his ear.


The phone behind Medea began to ring as she waved after Don. Spinning on one heal, she skipped over, picked up the receiver and placed it to her ear. "Don's Pandimensional Diner!" she practicly sang, "Serving from the depths of Hell to the far reaches of the galaxy, and now the realm of the old gods too! How may I help you today?"
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"Don's Pandimensional Diner! Serving from the depths of Hell to the far reaches of the galaxy, and now the realm of the old gods too! How may I help you today?"

Joshua was about to respond when two gunshots rang out. He ducked instinctively.

"Uh, hi. We're trapped in a locker room and someone has started shooting. Is there anyway someone can unlock the door?"

@Ian Temero
"A locker room? Oh! You must be talking about... Hang on, did you say shooting? I'll be right there." Dropping the phone with a scowl, Medea turned to the fox sleeping on the pie heater. "Come on, Greycoat." She said, rapping her knuckles on the metal surface a few times, "Someone started shooting a gun. There might be injured." Spinning heal-toe the goth-girl marched off down a hall leading to the back, the bits and baubles on her hat jingling, and the Catholic cross and Wiccan star hanging around her neck clinking together with each step.

"Wait, Medea!" Shor called out, "You're supposed to be watching the-" but the witch was long gone.

"Fine." The familiar grumbled, "I guess I'm watching the counter..."

(@MrMopp@Flip Jester Boy because you're the only one I actually know is in the main room)


The door to the locker room slammed open and a very annoyed witch stormed in. "ENOUGH!" Medea roared , thrusting her right palm out and sending a ripple of purple energy through the room. The spell was indiscriminate, targeting every weapon, drawn or not, and turning them into something else. Daggers became rubber chickens; swords became leaks; and guns became dildos. Why dildos? Perhaps it was it was a statement on her opinion of gun users. Or maybe she simply thought it would be funny. One could never tell with the Witch of Whims. (Any weapon type I missed is turned into something equally appropriate. And no, your weapon cannot be unaffected. CO-DM POWERS, ACTIVATE!)

Medea looked around the room and took a deep breath. "WHAT THE HELL!" she shouted, "You DO NOT draw weapons in Don's Dinner! That is like rule number two, guys! And now people are actually injured? WHAT THE HELL! You're lucky it's me here and not Don! Seriously guys! What the hell were you thinking? Now everyone who's not injured get your asses against the walls before I start turning you into reptiles!"

(@KAmber @Talus @Yumi tenshi @Gradous13 @LishaRose @Shmuel @KRONOS @Aardwolf @Macrofurry_Writings, because I don't know who all is in this room I just tagged everyone.)
"C"'s stomach grumbled. Using his healing trick burned up a lot of his energy, so he got up and took a seat at the counter. "Hey, you mind getting me some food? I'm kinda hungry here and didn't have a chance to make an order."
The only part of the diners exterior most people saw were the front and back doors, the threshold of which existed in many universes at once. But the actual building belonged to a world of its own. 

The Great Nowhere. The space that lay between dimensions. It was a back ally for mages and dimension travelers, and for beings like Don, it was home. Not a highly recommended vacation spot, though. Even if you could get here, all you would find is an endless ocean of sky and occasional floating islands. 

Sitting on its own 3 acres of floating earth was The Diner. It was originally an old fashion church building, complete with a bell tower and all, that Don had found. Not sure HOW it got here, in the middle of nowhere (literally), but he didn't care. Junk from other dimension pop up here now and then, it wasn't that unusual. 

Granted anything bigger than  keys, wallets and Tv remotes was pretty unusual. 

Anyway, Don was at the top of the steeple now. Addressing the invader on his lawn with a megaphone. 

"DO YOU WANT SOMETHING?" He asked the giant.  Don had had it up to here and was making no effort to conceal the annoyance in his voice. 

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