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Fandom Disturbances (Star Wars: The Old Republic RP)/Open



Resident Cripple
The Republic and the Sith Empire paused their aggressions only to deal with the imminent threat of Zakuul. Now that it is finished, they've gone back to their fight. However, there is a growing wound in the Force, forged from years of pain and anguish, and both Jedi and Sith have their eye on it. Will it be destroyed? Healed? Used? And once it is gone, will another rise?
Nar Shaddaa

Reva touched down at the spaceport early in the morning and spent part of the time getting through security. For a smuggler's paradise it had a bit too much security. Maybe the people with good security experiences paid their way through. But she still managed to get through by midday and grabbed a bite to eat at a restaurant, looking through reports on her datapad. The last known location of D-372 was on the edge of Unknown Regions. Her agents warned that the anomaly was too dangerous to get close to. So, for now, she'd treat herself to a bantha steak and cherry fizzade.
Aksel walked into the restaurant and took a look around. A couple of new faces, and a couple he recognized. He loomed over many of the people here, and was able to see pretty much the whole space from the door. He stretched, still tired after just waking up, and walked over and took a seat at the bar. When the waitress came up for his order, he gave a smile and said "Surprise me, Just some food and a drink." He looked around, seeing if it looked like any one particularly sketchy were looking for someone to do a job. He looked a little further down the bar, and noticed a girl he'd never seen before. "You new around here? Haven't seen you around."
She stepped off the freighter into the hustle and bustle of one of the busiest ports in the sector. Beings from innumerable planets were everywhere, walking and talking (or buzzing, or warbling, or hooting, or in one particularly unusual case flashing its scales in patterns of bioluminescence that its companion, a devaronian in a purple suit, laughed at). There were sellers of strange produce and stranger trinkets, most of them undoubtedly stolen and likely dangerous in one way or another. There was a gamorrean female trying to tempt passers-by with her fine selection of pet morrts. (Rada shook her head at that. She’d had a couple of her own when she had been going through a bit of a rebellious phase as a teenager. What the heck had ever made her think that sporting a pair of fat, furry parasites was a good idea for anyone but a gamorrean?) There were sellers of various beasts, mostly small creatures probably intended as pets or food, but larger ones as well, like one particularly annoyed ronto that was giving its handlers a hard time as they tried to herd it along, likely heading to one of the nearby slaughter houses.

Overhead a floating billboard was loudly declaring the many charms of Kanko the Hutt’s Pleasure Den, as sure a way as any in the galaxy to lose your money- and possibly your life. (But, hey, at least you could leave knowing that you probably had some kind of STD or the like, so that was nice, right?) As she stared up at the sign she felt fingers tug furtively at her pockets, there and gone before she could react. She whipped around to see if she could spot the pickpocket, but that type were masters of disappearing into a crowd and there were plenty of possible candidates around her. Fortunately she knew better than to leave her valuables easily accessible. Her money was in her belt, her pistol was strapped, her staff was in her hand, and everything else was locked up in the duffel on her back.

She smiled and took a deep breath as she soaked it all in, only to break into a coughing fit as she was hit by the miasma of exhaust fumes, spoiling fruits and vegetables, animal flatulence and worse that filled the air like a wet cloud.

Nar Shaddaa… truly a reeking hive of crime and sluggery.

It was good to be back.

Rada liked to eat at Janak’s Fine Comestibles when she was on-planet. The food was reasonably priced and surprisingly good, and the restaurant was quiet, one of those back alley places only the locals tended to know about. Rada had been introduced to the place by a weequay associate of hers a couple of years ago and now it was on her list. Janak himself- (Herslf? Itself? Rada had never been able to figure out the strange alien’s sex, or even its species, and she didn’t feel right just coming out and asking.) Anyway, Janak wasn’t the smartest sentient around, but he knew his way around a kitchen, was always ready with an (unfortunately snaggle toothed) smile, and he gave Rada the impression that she didn’t need to worry that she was going to suddenly find her dinner begging for mercy one day. On a place like Nar Shaddaa that wasn’t always guaranteed.

Her mind wasn’t really on food, though, as she walked up to the restaurant, a rundown but nice place, pleasantly lit and (most importantly) clean. Something had pulled her to this planet. She had been feeling something… wrong in the Force lately. She wasn’t sure what, but it was growing, and it had her concerned. Normally she didn’t worry herself with matters like that. She knew that she was small time as these things went and preferred to let those better equipped to deal with them handle things. Whatever this was, though, it had her on edge, and she had the feeling that it was going to involve her whether she wanted it to or not.

She reached for the door and started to open it only to hesitate for a second. Rada wasn’t the most powerful of Force users. She couldn’t do any of the really fancy tricks or what have you. Her sense of it was extremely good, though, and she was sensing it now. As she pulled the plexisteel panel open she instantly scanned the restaurant, her eyes darting about as she looked the diners over. There was the usual sort there, the motley mix that places like the smuggler’s moon tended to attract. There was nothing one could point to say “these people are residents” aside from the fact that they were all eating at Janak’s in the first place, and certainly she wasn;t familiar enough with the place to know any of them on sight, anyway. But, when you traveled as much as Rada did and spent enough time in port towns you tended to develop a certain feel for who lived in a place and who didn't. Most of these people belonged.

There were two that didn’t, though, and she didn’t need the Force to reveal them to her. The first was a woman. She looked human; young, tall, dark hair, lithe, fit, and beautiful, but there was a hint of pink to her skin and her eyes were golden, telling Rada that she probably came from one of the many, many offshoots. People did love to tinker with the human genome. (Not that Rada could talk, given that her father had had his own DNA modified so that he and her mother could have children.)

The woman also had the air of a hunter, and Rada could feel the twistings of the dark side coming off of her, probably one of those “passion equals power” types. It was a popular philosophy with the Sith, although Rada had come across a few other traditions that espoused it, as well. She didn’t think the woman had lost all control to it, yet, but she did wonder just how much longer the woman had.

As for the second one… Rada couldn’t help but raise a brow as she took him in. Apparently someone had shaved a wookie and stuffed him into human clothes. The man was positively huge. Even sitting on a stool at the bar he topped her. He was also fairly good looking, with the powerful build of a professional warrior, but it was hard to properly appreciate that when your brain was going “Holy…!”

Like the woman, Rada could tell that he was connected to the Force. He felt more controlled and contained, though. He was no bastion of the light, but she didn’t feel any real dark side taint in him, either. That was good. A man like that, his rage feeding and being fed by the force, would be terrible to behold. He would probably burn out quickly. That type usually did. Far more dangerous in the long run were the ones that could tap their passions while still remaining cold. The destruction rendered before he died would be immense, though.

Nodding slowly to both of them, Rada bellied up to the bar as well and ordered the ewok fricassee. The last trip had been a profitable one and she was currently flush, so she decided to treat herself. Then, as the barback sent her order off and poured her a glass of ubese mescahol, she looked at the both of them and said, “This can’t be a coincidence."
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Janak’s Fine Comestibles

Is what the sign above the entry read. A rundown-back-alley place that should have been in a holo-drama of some sort.

The female Cathar stood outside the entrance and off to the side, in one of the many convenient concealing shadows. Not that she was trying to hide from anyone in particular, but she was not sure of her reasons for being on this planet. The Force had called to her and guided her to this swampy rancid Hutt controlled moon. Landing in a out of the way pad was not difficult, 'paying' the docking fee was also not hard, finding her way to this establishment had been a trial. The pungent sea of mixing of decay, industrial fumes, and the pungent waves of alien pheromones was almost overwhelming.

"Ravish you have to do this." She said to herself, in a not convincing herself way, but a stating of facts. Her stomach grumbled a bit to add to the list of facts. With a nod and tug at the cowl, glad she has left her flight suit in her ship, she stepped into the light to catch the door as a patron exited.

Normally she would have noted the species and gender and other identifying facets about the being. The fact that the Force presence of not one but three others all grouped together have the Cathar pause. The group was not hard to spot even without the Force. The male was a giant of a brute and the two smaller, by comparison, females with him both seemed to be predators in their own right. Her ear twitched slightly as her head tilted to the side and lifted her chin, sizing the group up.

A small grin creased her lips as she stepped towards them then. Trusting the Force that they are the reason she came here. Stepping up to the bar not far from the red/pink skinned female. Signaling the bar keep for a drink.
A couple more women sat down at the bar, and Aksel had spotted them looking him and the woman he'd been talking to, over. He'd looked them each over as well. They were both rather fit and petite, the small yellow girl looking human enough, but Aksel, as a human himself, knew there was something else there, but she looked friendly enough. The gray one, whom he could tell after a second of digging through his knowledge of species, was a Cathar. She was an interesting one, as she seemed like she had a purpose when she sat down at the bar, staring at the group that has now formed. He noted to himself that the air now reeked of the Force because of him and these women.

Aksel gave them nods, as they were pretty easy on the eyes. The bartender served him up his food and drink. It looked like a bantha platter, and some thick, dark green juice. It didn't look very appetizing, and even Aksel gave it a strange look, but ultimately he shrugged and took a sip. He looked rather pleased and gave the bartender a thumbs up. Listening to the small yellow girl speak to him and the other woman, he placed his elbow on the bar, rested his head on his knuckles and turned to her. "What now, cannot be a coincidence, girl?" His voice was deep and strong, and he spoke slowly and clearly, dragging on certain syllables in the sentence, giving his voice a rather unique sound. His accent sounded almost Cajun, speaking of his time in the poor slums of his youth.
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Reva shook her head. "Hm?" Oh, he'd moved on. Well, she didn't particularly mind the time alone. Wait. She blinked, realizing there were more people at the bar now. Mother would have her head if she were alive. Back to work, then. Of course, she'd be careful of who could see her screen, instantly glad she'd chosen to read in a fairly unknown language. At least these others weren't bothering her too much.

The bartender served her steak and fizzade and she carefully cut into the meat and savoured the taste of the nearly raw meat.
Mkirshnikov Mkirshnikov

Just as Rada finished speaking another woman walked into the restaurant. She studied the newcomer, a cathar female with black hair, grey fur, and dark accents marking her face. At least she thought it was a cathar. The new woman was fairly human-like in appearance ignoring the fur. Weren’t cathar more feline in the face?​

She thought about it for a second and then gave a mental shrug. There were so many species in the galaxy it was impossible to keep them all straight. Cathar or not, what really caught Rada’s attention was the fact that the newbie was pretty steeped in the force, just like the rest of them. She had that particular flavor of a jedi, if Rada’s senses weren’t deceiving her, which made Radar instinctively want to roll her eyes. Good people, she supposed, but man they could be full of themselves.

She resisted the urge to sigh and turned back to the big man. He had a pretty distinctive accent. Most core world humans had similar accents since they learned basic from the same sources. His didn’t sound like core, though. (Neither did she, actually, a result of growing up on a planet hopping trader vessel. Where he had a very specific accent, though, she had none at all.) Well, she was no linguist. She filed the idea away for a minute and indicated the four of them as she said, “Don’t pretend you don’t know what I mean. Four of us, all from different traditions from the feel of it, all meeting unplanned in the same place at the same time…? I’m not one of those that thinks it speaks to me or whatever. I’ve never had any feeling that it’s intelligent or acts of its own will, despite what some claim. Something drew us all here, though.”

She paused for a drink and said, “I’m Rada. Any idea what’s going on or why we’re all here?”
Darth Bambi Darth Bambi

Aksel chuckled to himself, purposefully neglecting to give her his name. "Yes, I think you're right, girl. We were all drawn here for a reason. My reason, is breakfast." He took a sip of his green goop. "Now, if you're trying to say, what I think you're trying to say, well, I should stop ya in your tracks right there." He looked to the other girls, looked back to Rada, then pointed his thumb back at the other girls. "There's some pretty girls, right there. You're a pretty girl, yourself." He offhandedly pointed to himself, then to the rest of the restaurant. "I'm no pretty girl. Person you're lookin' for is prob'ly another pretty girl 'round here."

Aksel knew what Rada was talking about. He knew what she was suggesting, and he had a feeling she was probably right. It sounded almost like the start of a joke, four force users walk into a bar. The chances that four random force users all just so happen to meet up at the same exact time, by accident, are so astronomically low, that it might be more likely that it was planned. He thought for a moment. This actually might have been planned. These women might be working for the Academy, trying to take me in. Aksel started eating his food before it got cold. If they try, they'll have a helluva time trying to get me back. He shrugged slightly. Well, it's been a long time since then. Maybe they aren't. Can't hurt to listen.


This one definitely had something of an attitude. Rada was used to that sort of thing, of course. You found his type all over and in just about every species. Usually force users didn’t fall into that mindset, though, if only because they knew that the Force tended to level the playing field.

Maybe he was intentionally trying to provoke something?

Not willing to play along either way, Rada said, “Got it. You don’t want to admit that you don’t know any more than I do, and you feel like you need to put on a show to try and hide that fact. No problem.” She gave a faint smile. “I would disagree that you’re not a pretty girl, though. I’m sure the other wookies find you quite fetching when you let your pelt grow out.”

Ignoring him, she leaned back and nodded at the other two. “How about you guys? Any idea what’s going on or why we’ve been brought together? I can’t imagine a group as eclectic as this is very common. Normally you two would be trying to kill each other, I’d be trying to mind my own business, and wookie-boy here would be back home hunting game and looking for a mate or something. So, why were we all lured here?” She raised a brow, adding, “I hope it’s not that wound or whatever it is that I’ve been feeling in the Force these last eight or nine months. I don’t know about you, but I can’t imagine that I’m powerful enough to do anything about that.”
Mkirshnikov Mkirshnikov folclor folclor Darth Bambi Darth Bambi

Ravish listened to the conversation as it naturally progressed. The big brute and the traveller. They both seemed to have the same idea about what was going on, but seemed unsure of what was happening with the group as it had formed.

Her drink arrived and she was taking the first sip when she was directly questioned by Rada without being addressed. Her head canted back and to the left slightly, showing a bit of curiosity and confusion, as she swallowed the drink, turning to face Rada. "Well.... I mean..." Ravish looked at the women next to her, her ear twitching again as she gave the other women a look over, trying to get a feel for her. Ravish was not the strongest in the Force and had struggled with being able to sense individuals through the Force. Looking back to Rada, looking through her as her eyes never fixed on one point for long, she shrugged. "I try to avoiding killing others when possible." Her accent was mild for her race, but it was very obvious that she had spent many years on Core Worlds.

Her right hand held her drink lightly, as her left draped over her legs. "But as to a 'wound' I know not about this." To anyone who was observing her, whether they picked on the subtle body language of her species or not, she would seem to be comfortably at ease. In truth Ravish did not know anything a wound in the Force. Only that she had been called to this location and time. She trusted in the Force, it had guided her through very dangerous situations so far, so why stop trusting in it now?
Grim Wraithe Stjerna Grim Wraithe Stjerna folclor folclor Darth Bambi Darth Bambi

Upon hearing Rada's Wookie jokes, Aksel gave out a hearty chuckle and smacked the bar. "Ha! You fuckin smartass..." He held a smile on his face, continuing his meal. He took a bite of the Bantha meat, then a sip of his goop, before swallowing and clearing his throat. "Alright, I'll bite... You're right. I don't got the faintest clue what's goin' on, but I felt it. I won't lie and say it ain't worryin', but I hadn't planned on doin' nothing about it." He looked around at the small group. "I also wasn't plannin' on leaving with anyone today." He shuffled around a bit in his seat. "Buuuut.... If this is what we're doin' now, we should probably head on somewhere private and keep this below-the-bar. Don't need anyone buttin' their head where it don't belong, or callin' up the wrong folks." Aksel turned to his other side and looked to Reva. "You, Pink girl, what do you think about this?"

Aksel would start calmly looking all around the establishment, keeping an eye out for any prying eyes. Some bystander calling in a decent-sized group of what-seem-to-be-Jedi to the Sith or the Empire for some quick cash wasn't exactly an impossibility at the moment, and it is a situation Aksel had been hoping to avoid.

Rada looked to the pink skinned woman as well, bemused by the big man’s apparent paranoia. She had met a few guys like him in her travels, always looking over their shoulder and trusting no one. Usually it was a sign that they had gone through some bad things in their lives, although sometimes it could be a sign of mental imbalance instead.
Rada snorted in silent amusement. An insane, Force using wookie with the worst case of male pattern baldness she had ever seen, that was just what the universe needed.
It looked like the pink skinned woman was about to say something when there was this sudden, powerful sense of pressure that seemed to emanate from everywhere and nowhere. It was like nothing Rada had ever experienced, and she found herself clutching her head and moaning in pain as the feeling got stronger and stronger. The other three were affected as well she noticed as she tried to get to her feet, tears of pain forming in her eyes. No one else in the diner seemed to even notice it, though.
Then she saw it, a faint, glowing blue figure that danced just at the edge of her vision no matter how she turned to try and look at it. It was cowled and robed and translucent, and it beckoned to her- to all of them. Then it vanished without warning, taking the pressure with it as if they had never been and leaving Rada to look around wildly as the others all got up as well.
It had left something behind, though, a single phrase that rang in their minds as she tried to figure out what the hell had just happened; Find what’s needed in the Tiure vaults.

“Did… Did I just see a Force ghost?”
Aksel raised an eyebrow at Rada's expression of amusement to his words of caution. "What's so fu-..." He stopped and looked around for a second, seeing a glowing, robed figure in his periphery. He scrunched his brow, being unable to follow it before he fell into the worst migraine he'd ever felt in his entire life. Aksel growled a string of curses, giving himself a charley horse to cope with the pain throughout the figure's message. Once the pain was over, Aksel just sat still for a moment, contemplating what the fuck just happened, before shaking his head. "Fucking... damn it..." And now... I'm locked into this shit. He looked around, and upon seeing that nobody else had noticed the group's situation, or the glowing, translucent figure that just gave them all extreme migraines, He looked to the others. Rada looked... fine? She looked like that hurt her about as much as it hurt him. "Everyone good?" Aksel asked, getting off his stool. Before they could answer, he replied. "Good, it's time to leave." He slapped a bunch of credits on the counter, probably more than what he owed, especially considering he didn't finish his meal. Aksel walked to the door of the bar, opened it and looked around before taking a step outside, waiting for the rest of the group.

Well... No avoiding this one, now. Just want a simple life, all I want to do is some simple oddjobs and to take some bad guys in, and live relatively peacefully, not too boring, not too hectic. Noooo, I gotta round up all the crazies. Noooo, I gotta guard the people that got assassins watchin' their every move. Noooo, I gotta watch my back over every corner because the damn Jedi can't let just one guy go. Noooo, I gotta get the fuckin' headaches that talk to me. Now we gotta get away from people in case that happens again. Don't need anyone callin' 'em up with an opportunity to net a few loose fish. He shook his head again and crossed his arms, regretting a few of his less intelligent life choices.

The wookie hurried outside as Rada tried to regain her balance. He tried to make it look casual as he tossed some creds on the counter to pay for his meal, but she imagined she saw real tension in his shoulders as he pushed open the door. She thought that the other two looked rather shaken as well, although the pink woman’s face remained impassive.

For herself, Rada climbed back onto the barstool and slugged down some more of her drink, trying to get her head to stop pounding. “I thought they were just stories”, she said to herself as she finished the alcohol.

As she waited for her head to clear she glanced outside to see the wookie was standing there. He seemed to be waiting on something, maybe for them, although he didn’t or wouldn’t look back. That made Rada smile faintly despite what that had just happened. Big bad loner didn’t want to face any of this crap on his own, hm? Not that she blamed him. It was just amusing.

She thought about joining him, but her natural stubborn streak kept her planted on the stool. She had come here for the ewok fricassee, and by god she was going to get it before she left. Force ghost or no, she wasn't going to leave with her meal.

Besides, it would probably do some good to go ahead and set some boundaries now. She wasn’t going to just follow the wookie’s lead while they were together. She had dealt with his type in the past and knew that just going along with them only lead to headaches in the long run.

Nice ass, though, she had to admit. The man kept himself in shape.

As she waited for her food the lights flickered for just a moment, making her tense up in expectation of another event. The barback just hammered his fist on the wall next to the light switch, though, apparently well familiar with the short that was causing the problem, and the light came back on and stayed on. Relaxing again, she finished off her glass and looked up at the blernsball game that was showing on the holo above the bar. The Hutta Hurlers were playing against some team she didn't recognize and the score was nearly tied. Leaning back to get a better view, she forced herself to relax while she waited for her meal.

Force ghosts be damned. There was a game on. The universe could wait a few minutes.
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Darth Bambi Darth Bambi folclor folclor Mkirshnikov Mkirshnikov

Ravish watched the banter and listened, casually sipping on her drink. Unlike most other Jedi, even the other Aces, she enjoyed the occasional intoxicating beverage. Once she had become a full fledged knight and allowed the freedom they comes with that title, the Cathar had associated more with the common fighter pilots and picked up their habits and mannerisms.

As the brute and the traveller shared ideas and banter, he ears perked up and swindled around like radars tracking something. As the pressure increased, her posture shrunk and stiffened just a bit and her ears laid flat back. Her eyes shifted between dilated and squinting. She was very clearly not comfortable with this mental intrusion, a soft strangled squawk escaped her lips. If she had a tail it would have been flicking.

Find what’s needed in the Tiure vaults.
The voice echoed in her mind and slowly faded to the background.

The feeling passed quickly, taking a few deep breaths to help relax, it was not dissimilar to a high G turn in atmosphere. 'What is needed? Where are the vaults?'

"Everyone good? Good, time to leave." Aksel more stated then actually asked. As he slammed the credits down and me l stomped out of the bar, something nagged at the back of Ravish's mind. 'Were you a Jedi? Are you Jedi undercover?'

“I thought they were just stories”

Looking back at the traveller the Cathar shook her head. "They are real. I have...not seen them before, but I have heard of them." She held her drink to get lips, not drinking but giving the appearance of doing so. "And shouldn't be taken lightly." Looking back to the door and the brute standing outside, as if waiting. "We shouldn't linger too long." The Cathar women inclined her head forward and smiled, as if encouraging the other women to touch it. It was an informal greeting of her race, and something about Rada seemed to be of similar descent. "My name is Ravish."

“Hi”, Rada said as she followed suit and nodded as well. This must be how the cathar greeted each other. She wondered if it was just a truncated bow or if the gesture came from something else. There were so very many different customs throughout the galaxy. It was impossible to know even a single percent of them. Still, it was always fun learning new ones.

Rada set her now empty cup on the counter and broke out her wallet to pay for everything. Motioning to the sullustan who had taken her order she asked for the bill. “We probably should get going”, she admitted while the short, joweled sentient rang her up. “I want to get my food first, though. Ewok is expensive. I’m not about to just leave it if I don’t have to.”

The price came up and Rada paid, handing the sullustan her cred chip to scan. Her nerves still on edge after the visitation, she found herself looking around for trouble while he ran it. She didn’t have any feeling of danger, but then she hadn’t had one before the ghost showed up, either.

“I’d read of force ghosts too, by the way. There are lots of stories of them. I always figured they were just that, though. I mean you also have stories of space dragons and hyperspace vampires and sarlacc force users and weirder stuff still. But, stories don’t make them true. It just means that there’s stories.” She rubbed her temple, trying to will the headache away. Outside she noticed that the wookie was still waiting. From the set of his shoulders he seemed to be having some kind of argument with himself. “That said, I think I’m going to have to admit that this time there’s more to it than just the whispers of superstitious people.”

She picked up her duffel and slung it over her shoulder, ready to go just as soon as her meal arrived. “Nice to meet you, by the way. I hope we don’t both come to regret it. Any idea what the vaults of Tiure are?”
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In the back corner of the bar there was some yelling. A tall Rodian in a black vest and red shirt was shouting at a Duros. The language was not galactic basic but it sounded as if the Rodian was highly upset. He slammed his fists onto the table and held up three fingers while shouting. The Duros yelled back at the Rodian and immediately held up his index finger. The Rodian threw his hands up and sighed before sipping his drink. The Duros then responded with something before chuckling. The Rodian glared at him before pulling out his blaster pistol and fired a shot at him, only to miss and hit the wall by his head. "Consider this a warning." The Rodian said in basic as he sat down "Now get out of my sight." He said as he continued drinking. In fear, the Duros immediately stood up and rushed out of the bar.
Grim Wraithe Stjerna Grim Wraithe Stjerna

Mkirshnikov Mkirshnikov folclor folclor Darth Bambi Darth Bambi
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Darth Bambi Darth Bambi folclor folclor Mkirshnikov Mkirshnikov Dragunov Dragunov

Ravish sat upright again when the other women did not reach out to touch or stroke her head. 'Perhaps she doesn't have a strong connection to her felinoid ancestry.' The Cathar did reach out to gently touch the other women's offered head quickly and smiled. Jedi nodded, listening to Rada talkand gave her drink one more taste before setting the half finished glass on the counter. It seemed almost like the traveler was nervous and on edge by the way she was chattering and glancing about. "By all means get your food. You paid for it after all." Sliding a credit chip onto the counter Ravish looked about the bar and made a note that the Brute was still outside, a good sign.

"If anyone else saw that apparition it'll certainly become a local story," The shouts of a growing argument could be heard welling up from a back corner. "But hopefully we're not mentioned in it." She smiled and tilted her head to the right slightly as she closed her eyes in a disarming and comfortable way. "And almost all stories and myth's have some grain of truth in them, or so my teachers have always said."

“Nice to meet you, by the way. I hope we don’t both come to regret it. Any idea what the vaults of Tiure are?”

Waiting with Rada until her food arrived, the Jedi Ace was about to answer the question the blaster was fired. She spun quickly, he hand reaching for the lightsaber she had left in her ship, a small almost imperceptible cringe as she tried to cover for the reaction by placing her hand on her hip instead. Her eye's narrowed and her ears laid flat on her head as she stepped between Rada and the trigger happy Rodian in the far back corner. As if she was trying to shield her new acquaintance, but also getting into a better line for the door. "I hope the same, but lets get out of here before we find out shall we?"
Grim Wraithe Stjerna Grim Wraithe Stjerna Darth Bambi Darth Bambi folclor folclor Mkirshnikov Mkirshnikov

Ryo sipped his drink as he stood with his blaster in hand. Chugging the drink until the very last drop. He placed the cup down on the table as he breathed out a sigh of discomfort. Placing the cup onto the table, he holstered his sidearm on his hip and left some credits on the table. Turning his head with a glare towards the other patrons, he rolled his eyes and lifted his hands to his shoulders to calm the crowd "Settle down everyone. It was just a small... situation regarding me and a client. I have no intention of doing any harm to any of you... simply because it would ruin my already ruined evening" He put his hands down and looked at Ravish while tilting his head

"Is that person a force user? I mean she was reaching for her hip as if to grab a lightsaber instead of a blaster. No... maybe I'm just seeing things." Ryo cleared his throat and looked at Ravish "I take it you were extra disturbed by my actions, my apologies for interrupting your meal." He pulled on his collar in a downward motion to adjust it "I wonder though... maybe I could use a Jedi on my jobs. It would make things easier with the mind trick and help me bypass certain security checkpoints. But then again I don't have a vibroblade to defend against their lightsabers. Guess I'll play my cards and see if it's worth it." He took a step towards Ravish's table and relaxed his posture "Is it alright if I pay for your meal? I feel it is only fair seeing as how my actions have caused quite a stir." He took another step towards the table.

Before Ravish could answer Rada’s question she was interrupted by the sound of blaster fire. Rada instinctively reached for her jo but didn’t activate it. She wasn’t detecting any danger to herself as she looked for the source, although given that this was Nal Hutta that wasn’t a guarantee. This place attracted psychotics, sociopaths and worse, and you could get shot just for sitting quietly and minding your own business if you weren’t careful. The only law was the hutts’ law, and they went with “might makes right” every time.

In a back corner she saw a rodian and a duros. The rodian had a pistol in his hand and the duros, having wet himself in terror, was fleeing for his life as the rodian said “Consider this a warning”. Rada had to back up against the counter to let the duros through, the blue skinned sentient shoving past Ravish and herself as he scrambled for the door. Outside she could see the wookie who had turned to look inside the moment the blaster went off. He was blocking the door as the duros tried to run through it, and the duros wound up bouncing off of the transpari-steel as it hit the wookie and was stopped dead.

Damn, but the man was big.

Seeing that the duros was no threat, she quickly turned her attention back to the rodian who was now approaching Ravish. He seemed like he was trying to put her at ease as he apologized for the noise and offered to pay for Ravish’s meal, but something about his attitude had Rada’s hackles on end. Rodians tended to be harder to read than most sentients due to their odd facial structures., but she got the feeling that he was trying to be ingratiating rather than genuinely apologetic.

Of course, that could have just been her natural distrust speaking, too. She never did have much luck with rodians, especially not the one that she had dated, the cheating bastard.

Either way, she didn’t let go of her staff as he crept closer and closer while he talked to the cathar woman.
Darth Bambi Darth Bambi Dragunov Dragunov Mkirshnikov Mkirshnikov

Ravish's ears were flat back on her head, her shoulder and body were tense as she watched the Rodian moved towards them. As he got closer her breathing was slow and consistent as she kept her emotions in check. Normally she would have avoided making prolonged eye contact, as it would be considered a challenge and disrespectful, but given where she was and who controlled the area, the Cathar kept her eyes locked on the Rodians.

"I take it you were extra disturbed by my actions, my apologies for interrupting your meal. Is it alright if I pay for your meal? I feel it is only fair seeing as how my actions have caused quite a stir."

Without looking back Ravish could feel the traveler shifting behind her and sense the tension rolling off her like waves crashing on the beach. She shifted her weight and kept her right hand on her right hips as her left hand hung at her side and subtly waved to Rada to keep calm. "It's not that we were extra disturbed, but you did make an awful lot of noise for a simple dispute." The way he moved made her think of the other criminals she's had to deal with in the past. Her eye's darted to the blaster still in his hand as he got closer. "Thanks, but my drink's been paid for already, and we are about to leave." She smiled kindly at the Rodian and looked to the bartender and nodded once, leaning forward just slightly her weight shifted again to the balls of her feet and flexed her fingers stretching her claws out in case the Rodian tried anthing, winking in a provocative fashion as she had seen done plenty of times before by her fellow Republic pilots on shore leave and by the people who blew them off. "Besides you're not my type."
Dragunov Dragunov Grim Wraithe Stjerna Grim Wraithe Stjerna Darth Bambi Darth Bambi folclor folclor

Aksel heard a blaster shot go off inside the bar and lifted his head. Aw, shit. He rushed to the door and looked inside to see the Duros run away from some green guy, try to get outside, bouncing off the door as Aksel was blocking it. Aksel opened the door and walked inside and pushed the Duros out of the way. "Damn it, get the hell out." Aksel said, noticeably irritated, now. He looked across the clientele to see if any of his new "group" had just been killed, soon spotting the green guy holstering his blaster pistol and start calming people down. He started talking to the grey girl as he slowly made his way towards her and Rada. Aksel started walking to them, shaking his head. "The hell was that? Was that you?" He asked, with a serious expression on his face. He approached the green man to be within arms reach, but no closer. "The hell you shootin' in the bar for?" He noticed that Rada had a hand on her staff and Ravish had said they were about to leave, and he nodded. "Yes, we were about to leave. Before the Hutt's dogs show up to start throwing people behind bars."
Grim Wraithe Stjerna Grim Wraithe Stjerna Darth Bambi Darth Bambi folclor folclor Mkirshnikov Mkirshnikov
"Besides you're not my type" The Rodian rolled his eyes to her response as he crossed his arms and stopped approaching her. He looked at Ravish with a pissed off stare, as if he had just been ripped off on a dinner he finished before seeing the bill. "I wasn't aiming to make friends, rather just to dampen any fears in the bar. That Duros owed my client money and I came here to shake it out of him. I was only aiming for the wall so as to make sure he gets the idea." Ryo opened his mouth to speak before being interrupted by Aksel "I was simply doing my job. Now why don't you get out of my face before I-" The Rodian then looked towards the window as the sound of a freighter blasted off into the sky. Ryo clenched his fist and bumped into Aksel as he went to the door. He raised his fist into the air "That's my ship!" He shouted in pure anger, his hand ready to grip his blaster an begin firing at his own freighter. He sighed and turned back to the group. He looked at Aksel, Ravish and Rada "Well... you all were on your way out to avoid the Hutt's... mind if I join you? I'll pay for fuel. I'll also throw in 40,000 credits if you help me get my ship back." He crossed his arms and made eye contact with each of them. It was beyond difficult to tell if his eyes carried any sort of deception, his promise seemed almost entirely genuine, albeit somewhat aggressive.

The building was still vibrating from the sound of the rodian’s ship’s engines as he offered to pay for their help. The thing sounded like it was on its last legs going by the roar it produced as it fled the atmosphere. That, or it had some absolutely insane after market engine modifications to make them produce that much noise, and at a weird enough frequency that the rodian could tell it was his ship just by the sound.

Her instincts were telling her that there was a good chance it was the second option.

The rodian might be useful, whatever was going on. She got the sense that he had the kind of legally questionable skills one usually only got from growing up on the streets. There was just that feel to him. And, they might need that sort of thing in the end. The problem was that there was something about him she didn’t quite trust. Certainly she wasn’t buying the “friendly and sincere” act he was trying to pull off. She wasn’t that naïve. Still, that didn’t make him a threat, either, leaving her unsure what to do.

Wondering if the Force had a hand in this guy suddenly appearing she reached out to it in question… and predictably got nothing. As she looked at Ravish to see if the cathar had any opinion on the subject she found herself wondering why she had even bothered. She had never had that kind of relationship with the Force. The only time it had ever spoken to her was when it sent her here, and that had been more of an urging rather than any kind of direct communication.

Not having any other idea what to do, she shrugged and said, “I’ve got no problem with that, I guess. What’s one more person? But, I have to warn you that we don’t actually know where we’re going. The Force brought us all here for some reason. What that reason is, is still a mystery, though. Whatever the case it’s probably going to be dangerous and dirty, and there’s probably no pay in it. The Force doesn’t call on people for simple stuff. And we probably won’t be going after your ship any time soon. I think we may have bigger ichthyoids to roast." She gave a shrug. "That said, if you want in, then I guess welcome aboard.”

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