Devious's Other Dude

Devious Dilbert

Double the D, double the fun.
Dezien Romaire


Human   |   Male   |   16


A bit on the shorter side, standing at 5'7 1/2, doesn't hush his foul mouth. And being only around 155 lbs doesn't stop him from being bold.

"You're damn right."

Dezien is one pale boy. He has sunflower blonde hair with a slight wave and chocolate brown eyes.

His clothing style is simply, "I'm trying to trick you into thinking I didn't sometimes sleep on the couch cuz' I didn't have a real bed." He likes to dress up and look presentable- stand out a little. Be a little classy. Show confidence. Radiate intelligence. He pays attention to his appearance more than what his personality would suggest, but it's all subtle.


To be revealed.


"Life isn't fair- get the fuck over it. You can sit there and brood about your life or you can man up and do something productive for yourself. If you think you deserve better, then work for it."

Ah, yes. Spoken by our favorite cynic.

To strangers, Dezien is polite out of general decency, and he shows great manners to authority figures. He's a bit hard to approach for some people once his personality comes out more, but he's not as much as a jerk as he seems to let on. It's not like him to just be rude to people without a reason, and he doesn't exactly intend to be an asshole, but sometimes he just is when you get to know him. He has a rather strong and/or abrasive personality, depending on how you see it, under his layers of introversion.

Dezien is a relatively quiet boy. Sometimes, very few words will come out of his mouth in casual conversation, but what he doesn't speak aloud, he rambles on about within. His extremely curious mind is always buzzing. Ideas, theories, solutions, analyses, worries, daydreams, critiques, judgements- he's never at rest.

"It's a curse and a blessing. ...More of a curse actually..."
Something is always circulating in the back of his mind. Often, he can get lost in thought when silence or isolation permits him to. And because of this, he's a bit of a loner, preferring to think instead of speak as it requires less of his energy. That is- until somebody brings up intellectual topics that intrigue him; or even better, somebody flubs their facts or displays stupidity and/or ignorance.

Shy, Dezien is not. He is easily irritable and annoyed, especially by persistent lack of knowledge. He's quick to correct people on their facts- or lack of them, often not paying attention to whether he offends people or not. He's objective. Logical and rational in his thinking. He believes that everybody should either do their research before they speak, or don't speak at all. Debates, he absolutely loves because he's allowed to be an asshole and lay down the facts. And he can get fired up quickly. He is open-minded though, ready to accept if he's made a genuine mistake in his own arguments and eager to learn and improve from them. To him, intelligence is the strongest asset that anybody could have. And why would anybody want to be dumb? That itself is idiotic!

He also tends to associate himself with like-minded individuals. It's this selectiveness in who he hangs around that's probably why he's such a loner, to be honest.
"I hate idiots. They have brains, but they choose not to use them... It's even worse that there's so many of them..."

Coupled with a high achieving mind, he is a fast thinker and a fast learner. He's pragmatic, always needing a plan for every important decision or event. He's highly adaptable and creative while also cautious and attentive to detail. His focus can be so intensive that he can be a little one-track-minded in working towards his goals. But he works hard at whatever he sets his mind to. This aspect of himself is also apparent in the way he likes to ration, budget, and conserve strategically. But... this is also just a universal trait of those who grew up poor.

As you could likely already tell, Dezien is heavily opinionated. His views are usually right, he thinks. And because of this, he tends to put other people's beliefs down if they're not built from the same train of thought. He can take opposing opinions and genuine criticism, but he's stubborn with his own personal beliefs- but not completely inflexible. It would take a grand philosophical awakening though to get him to change his own outlooks.

Despite Dezien's hardcore logic-praising mindset, he's quite emotional. And often, it can actually be hard to suppress what he feels in order to remain the ideal impassive and stoical figure that he tries to be. Dezien is indeed very sympathetic and sensitive to people's moods. Other people's emotions, especially those close to him, effect him just as heavily as they impact the person feeling them. This can lead to some rather intense confrontations; which he really dislikes, or- on the lighter side of things, sweet and sentimental interactions depending on it all. He has a heart for sure. He just refuses to wear it on his sleeve.
"Enough of the mushy shit!"


"Do I have to answer this one?"

Yes, you little shit.

"Take a wild fucking guess. Where do you think I'm from?"

Dezien grew up poor, worked hard to be as smart and reliable as he is for his family. Life wasn't easy being the man of the house at such a young age and living with three women. He says it's made him who he is today though. He says he thinks everybody should have grown up with as much pressure on their backs as he did. Every man should grow up in the humbling environment of having three women keep you in check. Every man should grow up respecting and loving these three women more than anything else for the things they've done for you. Every man should grow up sensitive to their needs and provide for them, for every man should give back to the women in his life. But no man should allow these three women to become spoiled, dependent, or undisciplined. It's a harsh world we live in. It's unfair, corrupted, and won't ever be otherwise. No man or woman should expect for things to just come easy if you aren't born with a million dollars to each finger.

And with a fifth addition to the family coming, a man's gotta get his shit together.

Magic Systems Learned:


System Affinity:


Casting Method:


Job Title Acquired:


Previously Established Relationships:

Fidel and Lys Vendrick- Friends?

The two sisters only know Dezien through his own two sisters. He prefers Fidel over Lys, but even then he would barely call Fidel a friend. His two sisters are very close with Fidel though. They even know a lot about their family history. "Fidel and Lys...? What about em'?" @Thalia_Neko


Ask him about his opinion on radical LGBT's. I fucking dare you.

Sun sign: Scorpio

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