Other Describe your own personal version of hell?

The good old "I have No Mouth & I must scream"

Seriously, black voids of nothingness are fucked up to a great degree.

But being forced into situation where you only have your thoughts that is fucking horrifying
i'm not gonna make some big rant and drag everything off topic again, but i do want to point out that i don't actually hate pop culture... i hate today's pop culture. there are lots of things that were popular in the 90's and 00's that i love, and i'm sure when the trends change away from the currrent ones, i'll find other stuff i like.

more importantly: my idea of hell isn't pop culture, it's forced conformity and having to be a part of the herd and 'normal'. almost dystopian, no individuality. that's hell to me.
I get that. I even respect that. I just personally think that " individuality" (in the subculture sense) is overrated. I value and appreciate it, but I don't find it essential to my daily life. Anyhow, let's consider this settled so that the mods don't come after us for derailing the thread.
i'm not gonna make some big rant and drag everything off topic again, but i do want to point out that i don't actually hate pop culture... i hate today's pop culture. there are lots of things that were popular in the 90's and 00's that i love, and i'm sure when the trends change away from the currrent ones, i'll find other stuff i like.

Hell is when people who value themselves solely on being Different Unique Individuals™ become so universal that they become more of a herd mentality than the "in-crowd" and begin forcing their ideals onto people who like things they don't like...
...Oh, wait.
(This is not a dig at anyone in particular)
Understood. I was under the i,pression that we were allowed to commentate and share opinions, but I understand that if it's becoming contentious that it should be knocked off. I rest my case.
My personal hell is eternally being forced to do fetch-quest like actions for generic villagers that don't speak and instead write to talk, all in an endless land of primary colors, rainbows, and unicorns.
My personal hell is eternally being forced to do fetch-quest like actions for generic villagers that don't speak and instead write to talk, all in an endless land of primary colors, rainbows, and unicorns.

Ooh god, i also hate primary colors. Especially together. They hurt my eyes and remind me of kindergarten, which was not a good time in my life.
Oh how about being perpetually waterboarded by cat piss, liquor, and cheap men's perfume, unable to die and never having your smell, the only sense you have other than touch, fading?

Satan should hire me, I'm fucking good at this, actually
How about being eternally covered in a slick of rubbing alcohol and hand sanitizer? Skin growing cold and dehydrated, the sharp acrid smell burning in my nose and lungs, and the gross stinging slipperiness that never wears off. If I so much as blink, it's in my eyes.
How about being eternally covered in a slick of rubbing alcohol and hand sanitizer? Skin growing cold and dehydrated, the sharp acrid smell burning in my nose and lungs, and the gross stinging slipperiness that never wears off. If I so much as blink, it's in my eyes.
... I'm allergic to most hand sanitizers....

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