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Fandom Death Note in our Reality: Death Awakens (SL) [OPEN&ACCEPTING]

Death Note in our Reality: Death awakens - Characters
Death Note in our Reality: Death Awakens - OOC
Death Note in our Reality: Death Awakens - Group RP - Interest check [OPEN]
Death Note in our Reality: Death Awakens - Rules

Death Note in our Reality: Death Awakens

The Shinigami Realm

The Shinigami realm is as dreary, murky and dark as it has always been.
A Shinigami stands in front of the hole in the Realm, where one can look down upon Earth. They are clutching a plain, black Death Note with their long, claw-like, gray fingers.
”This better be worth it…” Shi mumbles to themself.
They hesitate for a second before tossing it into the hole.
”I hope you’ll entertain me, humans.” they hiss with their wheezy voice and moves away from the hole, wanting to wait a bit before they follow the book into the human world.

17/10/2017 - 16:07 - Odensdalen, Sweden

Heidi hurriedly puts her school material into her bag, swings it over her shoulder and rushes out to her bike.
’Why did we have to finish late? Now I have less than an hour until my part-time job starts and I have to check on Aslan and Lassie. Lassie probably needs a walk too…’
She thinks this while she leads her bike towards the road beside the school. But her thoughts are suddenly interrupted when she slips on something. Breaking her fall by supporting herself against the wall beside her she looks down to see what made her slip. It’s a notebook.
’I don’t have time for this.’ Heidi thinks, ready to keep moving, but for some reason she hesitates.
”I do not have time for this.” She mumbles accusingly to herself when she bends down to pick it up. Without looking at it further she tells herself firmly ”I gotta go.” and shoves the book into her already packed-to-the-brim bag before biking off. ’I’ll hand it in to the Lost’n’Found tomorrow…'

22:03 the same evening

The manager locks the store’s door, they wish each other good night and head off in different directions. When Heidi reaches her bike she breathes a sigh of relief as she unlocks it. ’Finally this long day is over.’
The chilling cold and heavy darkness of October follow her on her way home. Once home however Aslan and Lassie happily greets her and her mood brightens somewhat.
”Hi guys. Have you had a nice day?”
All three of them head into the kitchen, where Heidi feeds them and then begins to cook dinner for herself.
’Aslan’s leg looks better, that’s good.’
She thinks of the time when she found him. Three teenage boys had been poking him with sticks and throwing stones at him. The more uncomfortable the poor cat got the more the idiot boys had seemed to been enjoying it. The thought sends a shiver down her spine. ’Humans.’

When the food is done she sits down at the dining table. Lassie lies down beside her feet and Aslan jumps up on the nearby couch, contently purring. Heidi smiles at her dear companions, before digging in on the food. God, she was hungry! When her hunger has been satisfied enough to be endurable she turns on the tv. It starts alive and shows a common sight, the disheartening, large, ordinary letters of the opening sequence to the late evening news. While eating the rest of her food she listens halfheartedly to the catastrophes and deaths that has occurred in the world today, as well as the stupid decisions a certain golden-haired president has made.
When the news fade out she turns to her companions with a sigh.
”The world sure is a broken, crazy place.”
Aslan slightly open his eyes and Lassie lifts her head in question.
”Never mind.”

She stands up and walks over to the sink, washing the dishes. When she’s done she turns around again and claps her hands against her knees.
”Come on, Lassie. Let’s go out.”
The dog happily jumps up and follows Heidi outside.

23:45 the same evening

Heidi sits at her desk, which is riddled with books, notebooks, loose papers, pens and her school-computer.
”That’s all for tonight.” She says with a yawn ’Time to sleep.’
As she stands up she knocks some books over. With a sigh she bends down and picks them up. Among the knocked down books lies the notebook she picked up earlier this day.
’Oh. I almost forgot this.’
Heidi picks it up and inspects it. ’”Death Note”, huh?’ she makes a noise that is half a snort and half a laugh ’Nice to see there are some fellow nerds at my school. I wonder…’
She opens it "to check whose it is” she tell herself, but in reality to find out who the note’s owner dislikes, or even hates. But to her disappointment it’s empty. She looks through the rest of it, but she can’t find the owner’s name anywhere. However, while looking through it, she notices that the rules look a little bit different. Almost as if they were newly written and not in the same style as the original.
’Weird… Maybe it’s a special edition?’
With a shrug of her shoulders she opens it up to its first page and grabs a pen. ’I’ll turn it in tomorrow, but… I’d like to leave a little souvenir first. I hope they won’t mind too much...’
The action of putting the pen to the paper had an odd domesday-feel to it. Hesitating a second she then writes three names. One of a golden-haired leader in the west, another with ice-cold eyes in the east and yet another one, of a rising nuclear-power in the middle east. After their names she writes; ”death by fire”, ”freezing to death” and lastly ”death by explosion”, but she doesn’t add any time of death.
When the last stroke of her pen has been written she sits there on the floor and simply stares at her work.
’Why does it feel… like I just signed a contract with the devil?…’
She scoffs at her own thought ’So cliché.’ and puts the notebook in her bag before heading off to sleep.

6:52 the next morning

Sluggishly she pours herself a cup of coffee and sits down at the dining-table to eat breakfast. She hits the on-botton and her tv turns on. Greeting her are covering-the-screen-large letters, seeking attention with the words ”Important News”. Next a seemingly newly awakened news reporter appears on the screen. His usually monotone voice breaks slightly as he tells the ”important" news. USA, Russia and North Korea suddenly lost their (most prominent) leaders during the night.

Heidi’s jaw drops and all of a sudden she’s completely awake.
”No way…”

The reporter continues, stating that the reasons for their deaths are as of now still unclear, but that he will tell as much of the events as is currently known:
In USA’s White House a sudden fire broke out in the President Office, where only the president was at the time, burning the room and the President to ashes quickly.
As for Russia, the President was visiting some kind of… factory yesterday evening when he unnoticed where locked in, in the factory’s cooler. The search for the President began as soon as his disappearance was noticed, but no one found him until early this morning, when it was already too late.
And North Korea’s leader, he was out at a nuclear testing site, observing a test run when something went wrong. Many were hurt, but no one except the leader was killed in the blast.

The reporter continues, talking about some theories to the cause of this. But Heidi can’t hear him, she looks over at her school bag in disbelief. 'It’s… real...'
Slowly, an uncertain smiles spreads across her lips and she whispers, as if to confirm her thought, ”It is real."
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//So I wrote this at like 4pm today and left the tab open, completely forgetting about it, for nine hours before I remembered to hit the post button//

Isabel woke up early Sunday morning- the 17th- and she thought it would be a perfectly normal day. She had her usual morning routine; the main points of which were showering and eating breakfast while waiting for coffee to be made. After that, she always went for a walk down to the church her parents went to, and she was almost always early to help set up. This morning, however, the traffic was oddly thick, and she arrived barely before the session began. Other than that, everything was the same as every other Sunday. The children went to their "Sunday School", and teens separated from the main group for some kind of youth group- Isabel hadn't enjoyed going to that, she preferred to be a part of the main service.

There was something different about today, however. It didn't occur until much later in the day, after she finished her daily workout, and after she had lunch with her parents, even. There was a whisper among the crowds of the city- something happened. She ignored it, but curiosity got the best of her and she turned on the news when she got home. "...Shortly before 6:00 PM tonight, a fire broke out inside of the White House." This caught Isabel's attention, and sat on the small couch in front of the television. "There aren't much details as of now, but we have been assured this is not an act of terrorism." "No way... this has got to be some sick joke from our excuse of a president." Keeping her eyes on the television, she went to grab a glass of water, and as she stood up, the man on the television seemed to be getting some new information.

"The fire has been extinguished, but there is no sign of the president: everything has been burned to ashes. We're getting some more information from around the world, as well. There seems to have been a nuclear accident in North Korea, with rumors of the death of their leader, and the president of Russia has gone missing." Now, the only thing going through her head was "why don't I feel anything about this? I mean, three major world leaders are missing or dead. This could lead to disaster, and I feel like nothing has happened."

Heidi had reported in to the school and her afternoon job herself that she was sick (one of the perks of being 18). It wouldn't matter too much if she missed just one day. Besides, it was much more likely that people would talking about the unexpected deaths of the three countries' leaders than working.

Now she's binge watching Death Note. She thought it would be good to get some inspiration and examples of what kind of consequences her actions would have, especially since the anime and manga might be banned after some of the actions she intends to make next.

As much as she enjoys Light and L's cat-and-mouse game of intelligens she knows she wouldn't last long in that kind of game.
'I will have to avoid that kind of senario for as long as I can...'


Heidi goes to bed with her head full of Death Note.
"It's so good..." She mumbles half asleep "I won't be able to recreate it though..."
'But maybe, that's a good thing... At least now I have plenty of ideas and guidelines for how to progress with my work. Watch out mankind, tomorrow-'
she glances at the clock on the table beside her bed
'-oh well, today when I wake up again, will be a new day for you.' And so, with a satisfied smirk on her lips, she falls asleep.

((Sorry for the delay!))
Isabel decided to go to sleep early that night, since most of the popular television stations were broadcasting their own versions of today's events, leaving her without any of her shows she'd normally watch on a Sunday night.

After waking up especially early, and immediately falling back asleep for extra sleep she wouldn't normally get, Isabel was off to school by seven in the morning. The thought never occurred to her that school might have been canceled, and coincidentally, it wasn't. There was at least a quarter to a third of the students not showing up, however. The day went on, and the eminent questions about the events of Sunday came, and she was not prepared to answer them. "Was this the work of some God?" was a common one; of course, Isabel believed it was, due to her beliefs. She simply allowed each class to discuss their ideas and childish conspiracies, as most of the other teachers wanted to keep teaching their subjects. More than once, the story known as "Death Note" was brought up as some sort of joke. In her last class of the day, Isabel allowed the students to elaborate on that idea, which involved mostly those who knew what it was explaining the concept to those who didn't. "Do you believe in this Death Note?" She asked them at one point, and of course the kids took it as a joke. She did too, because there was no way just any person could wield the power of a God.

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