Deal Breakers. What makes you "walk" away?

Howdy, group/dice rp main here. I figure this page is flooded in replies, so i might as well put my two drops of urine in this sea of piss :)

I kinda realized recently that this was a dealbreaker for me, but RPs where the GM (Host? Showrunner? Referee?) and/or their friends are playing characters OP to the point of warping reality, or otherwise being unopposable self inserts. I understand sometimes a host will have to have a few overpowered characters under their control at least back-pocketed as an end-game threat or a means of reigning in in-universe fuckery, but if they clearly have no intention of letting their character be opposed and have no intention of using the character extremely sparingly, I can't jive with it. I don't want to play a background extra in the story of the OC (pls dont steal) of the GM.

Having friends roleplaying with similar power levels makes the problem even worse, because it means that an RP is going to start with a very clear "class" divide of the GMs inner circle and the people he deigns to let gawk at them. A strength rift between characters in-roleplay can be interesting, especially if the rift can be closed over the course of RP and/or the stronger characters serve as mentors to the weaker ones, but if it's obvious certain people are getting gimmies and are intentionally being elevated above other players due to nepotism, I can't roll with that. I understand that this can be the result of longstanding participation in the RP, but this state of affairs becomes an impassible barrier for me when I'm guaranteed to start the roleplay as either a simp bowing down to his/her overlords or a jobber that will get fed his/her own teeth regularly if he/she tries anything to distinguish themself that goes against the grain of one of the aforementioned OP characters.

Sorry, that got a little ranty. I've just seen this so many times, even from RPers I respect.
See when someone has three or four interest checks on the first page of the section I just think... Really, Karen? I don't know how much free time you have but if you say you're working on a detailed, literate RP you won't convince me if you said it on four different threads vastly different themes and as much content as a bag of Lays.
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See when someone has three or four interest checks on the first page of the section I just think... Really, Karen? I don't know how much free time you have but if you say you're working on a detailed, literate RP you won't convince me if you said it on four different threads vastly different themes and as much content as a bag of lays.

I think that’s spam. Your only supposed to have one interest check going at a time in each section

So like you could do one in fandom and one in fantasy OR one in group and one in 1x1 but you can’t do two in the 1x1 section at once.

So if they have three or four going at once I would report one and let the Staff handle it. I think they just move them to a different section or contact the person to be like - yo you can’t have this many.
Haven't seen passive gms mentioned yet. It might be on me because I expect the gm to play top gun on everything related to the game. However, I've also been in games where the gm will rise from the dead for neurotic things... like if you've purposefully created a super broad sandbox, if you don't plot, if you barely world-build, why does it matter what happens to Forgettable NPC #24? Why does that one detail in another player's sign-up bother you? Why does this bit of world-building I introduced bother you? Gms like that, and those who seem as bewildered as their players are -- i.e. go through making a discord and never use it for anything -- break my heart, they really do.

Speaking of neuroticism, oh my god-- if a GM "doesn't like my face claim" or wants me to change it, I'm dropping the game. I don't know why it irks me so bad, but it's also literally just a picture, I probably pulled it from Pinterest or something. It's the absolutely smallest thing to pop off about.

Shipping also bothers me a lot, and I'm uncomfortable writing a vicarious romance with a stranger online... to put it pretty nihilistically, haha. I almost exclusively give my characters NPC love interests or exploit a gender imbalance or make it complicated, and if none of that applies, they're ace or a slime monster. So "balanced gender" casts are a deal breaker in group games as well, like, it's so transparent, guys... I also hate emphasis on character gender/sexuality in-general, personally.

Last thing would be the length of rules. I've been tentatively looking at 1x1 and peoples' checks are either very vague or go on for eternity with these little passive-aggressive asides like, "Make sure you read this :)))" or, "If you don't do x, I won't respond uwu". I understand people online can be frustrating, but you don't have to take it out on me. I'm just passing through!
See when someone has three or four interest checks on the first page of the section I just think... Really, Karen? I don't know how much free time you have but if you say you're working on a detailed, literate RP you won't convince me if you said it on four different threads vastly different themes and as much content as a bag of Lays.
I think that’s spam. Your only supposed to have one interest check going at a time in each section

So like you could do one in fandom and one in fantasy OR one in group and one in 1x1 but you can’t do two in the 1x1 section at once.

So if they have three or four going at once I would report one and let the Staff handle it. I think they just move them to a different section or contact the person to be like - yo you can’t have this many.
Rae is right! Please report threads like this whenever you see them!
Honestly, with 1x1s, there's a few things:

1. Exhausting Characters: Now, I'm all about OCs, really, I am- but, there are times where you run into OCs where you feel tired just from reading their CS and I know it won't work out.

2. People who won't double and insist on playing the main focus of the plot. I don't mind making an OC a central point of a plot, but, if there's no room for others to shine then I want no part of it. Write a fan fiction if that's the case.

3. Energy. I do well people who I connect with energy-wise. I'm high energy and enthusiastic, and if I don't get that, I tend to lose interest. It's much easier to roleplay with friends, in my personal opinion.

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