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[DB Exalted] The Sea of Mind - IC


Red Shadow Claws

Six Thousand Club
To an outsider, the forest was silent, and brooding. But to those who lived in it, it was a vibrant place, that fulfilled their desires, and showed them the best in life.

And yet, in that perfection, a ripple occurred.There are those who claim it's been there for a while now, but nobody seemed to mind till now, and the number of those experiencing it, was growing. Something was restless within the Sea of Mind, or maybe, as some theorized, something was trying to break into it, and disturb its bliss.

The lot of you were summoned to the presence of Proseria, the First among Equals in Atsiluth Eternal's Council. The woman was strong and vibrant, but even in that facade, you could tell that something bothered her. mostly because unlike usual, this meeting wasn't held in the Council chambers, but on the shore of the pool that birthed the Sea of Mind. Her steely gaze passes over you before she speaks:
"i have summoned you here, because I need a fresh view. Something is happening in the Sea of Mind, and I need you to get to the bottom of this. I am sending you together to enter the nation of Halta. it has come to my attention that an Artifact called The Guardian Host, a weapon that might help appease the Sea of Mind, and allow things to go back to normal."

EbonChevalier EbonChevalier
Random Word Random Word
Psychie Psychie
D. Rex D. Rex
Sherwood Sherwood
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Baagh wore blue-green trouser and a long shirt. In his right hand he had his flute while the notes to an unfinished song was in his left hasty scrawled on a large leaf. While a summons from the council was not to be ignored neither could the song in his head. He was only able to jot down down a few lines before coming to the pool. He bowed his head in reverence of head council woman. "It shall be done."

One the outside his face is neutral but his heart dances for joy within! Halta! I had been years since he'd traveled to the forested kingdom with his brother! He wondered if the pretty green haired woman who could play the sitar with her feet was still lived in chalta. But as he thought about the pleasures of Halta his mind wandered to the potential to bring in more converts. Many gods were worshiped in Halta but no one cult ruled supreme there. It would take time but he could start a following there.
Denaris stands quietly, absorbed in thought. This will be the first time in years that she would be leaving the home of the Forrest Witches, and she is filled with a combination of excitement and anxiety. With a nod, she joins Baagh in making her statement of, "Understood, M'Lady. You can count on us."
Elmirinda listens to the First with interest. "What can you tell us about this Guardian Host? Are there any texts on the subject that I can research?"
From atop the neck of her steed, she leaned forward. If it wasnt for the difference of color, the fur she wore almost made her look like the simhata had a second head. "We shall retrieve it even if we must sever the hands of those who hold it." She declared.

"But... do we know who has it? Or must we track it down?" She asked. To her, she intended to treat this like a hunt. Tracking to kill was her wheelhouse, but this wouldnt be too far off. And Halta would prove a worthy ground for the hunt.
Proseria nods lightly at Baagh and Denaris. She clearly expected no less. "We do not have much lore about such ancient items, but it is what the Sea of Mind told me it required. As for who holds it, all I know is that it lies somewhere in Halta. I have not been able to divine who, if anyone, holds it. It could likely be buried in a tomb there, or maybe even in the vaults of the Fair Folk, for all I know. This is the task you've been given." And it's clear that she doesn't have more knowledge to share about it, or doesn't see fit to share it.
Elmirinda feels a bit of disappointment at the lack of information about this artifact, but doesn't let it show. "Very well. When we discover this Guardian Host, I will be able to study it as we bring it back to the Sea of Mind to restore its tranquility as required." She looks to the others that have been called here. "I have a spell that will allow us to travel quickly, but it is limited in the amount of people I can carry with it. Unfortunately, Briar, I cannot carry your Simhata, but I can control the speed of which I travel to match the pace set by your friend there. Is this mode of travel acceptable to all of us? It will eliminate the need for any horses or other riding beasts."
Denaris shrugs. "However you want to go is fine with me. It sounds like this spell of yours will at least save my feet from aching."
Briar most certainly would not leave her companion behind just for the sake of expediency. So the option of them slowing down was considerate.

"Bramble is as the wind, Elmirinda. We shall be swift enough to make good time."
Hadrian kneels before Proseria, Jade reinforced ironwood helm under one arm, and listens attentively in silence. He nods once when the task is assigned, rising and donning his helm. "Denaris. Always a pleasure. Elmirinda. The Stormwind Rider is the chariot of true royalty," he nods approvingly. "I must also decline."

He turns from the Sea and claps once, "Maps." An ornate cartographer's table assembles itself from the boughs of a dozen freshly sprouted saplings nearby, and upon it their leaves form a dozen large rolls of rich perfumed parchment with detailed maps of the Northeast. He draws a feather quill from a conveniently placed inkpot as well as a ruler marked with accurate scaled distances and begins to annotate one of the maps, "We shall meet here, here, and... here along our journey, with a final destination... here. And should any of these meeting points be compromised or unsuitable, we will use the following fallback meeting points..." he stares intently at the map for several seconds before quickly marking a series of locations and nodding to himself, satisfied. "Copy these annotations to all of the other -" He nods again, pleased, as he observes the annotations have already been replicated on all of the other maps.

Hadrian rolls one of the maps and slides it smoothly into a map case that obligingly sprouts from the side of the table and caps it. "Standard passphrases and markers apply. May the Anathema dread our coming, and the Sea claim them all." He snaps a smart salute to Proseria, right fist to left shoulder, then nods to Briar, "You know where to find me if you wish to travel together," before turning sharply on his heel and striding purposefully out of the clearing, pausing only momentarily to gently caress the map table and regard it fondly before continuing on his way.
Briar looked on dumbly as Hadrian made his markings on the map. Nodding as if she understood. She didn't. She couldnt even read, let alone read a proper map. She kept her maps in her head. Much easier to read that way. But she at least knew the general area she was heading. Landmarks were easy. Tracking down the rest of her companions when getting close would be very easy.

"Together, yes. But we do not fly. We do not take kindly to being in the claws of another" she told him.

"We shall go on ahead." Briar said to the others, referring to her and Bramble. "Will save you time. I have everything I need already." Which wasnt saying much given she didnt really have anything. But she also was one to sleep on leaves and dirt, eat mice raw, and other such things. All she needed was Bramble, her spear, her fur, and a waterskin. Anything else she could fashion from the land itself.

With barely a pat from Briar as she shift to his back, Bramble leapt into a run. Heading towards Halta.
Elmirinda shrugs. If only Denaris wishes to join her in the whirlwind, that is fine with her. She nods, saying, "As you wish. I have little that I have to prepare before leaving, so I can be on the road in less than an hour if need be."
Hearing they were about to leave in a while Baagh called out to the forest for his things. His buff jacket, songbook, and the other essentials he'll need for this mission. He walks out of clearing to change and minutes later he's back. "I'm ready."
Denaris heads off to gather up a few items and strap on her armor, and returns a short time later. Looking over at the sorceress, she says, "Well Ms. Elmirinda, I am set. Lets conjure up your whirlwind and get a move on."
For her part, Elmirinda goes to home and gathers up a few things that she may need on the road and packs them into a bag that she tosses over her shoulder. Anything else she needs can be acquired once they reach Halta.

With Denaris and Baagh ready to go and waiting on her, El says, "Last chance to gather anything you may need before we leave." She gives the other two a moment to make the call, then, if neither one need to gather any gear, she begins the process of drawing in enough energies to cast the spell.
Hadrian, Denaris, Baagh, and Elmirinda make a quick journey, as the whirlwind sweeps them across the landscape. In about three hours, you reach the rendevouz point, knowing you still have less than three days until Briat gets here on her steed.

where do you want to stop? and what would you like to do during those three days?

Random Word Random Word Sherwood Sherwood Psychie Psychie EbonChevalier EbonChevalier

Is Briar doing anything on her journey? is she taking the fastest route? a more scenic route?

D. Rex D. Rex
Hadrian, Denaris, Baagh, and Elmirinda make a quick journey, as the whirlwind sweeps them across the landscape. In about three hours, you reach the rendevouz point, knowing you still have less than three days until Briat gets here on her steed.

where do you want to stop? and what would you like to do during those three days?

Random Word Random Word Sherwood Sherwood Psychie Psychie EbonChevalier EbonChevalier

Is Briar doing anything on her journey? is she taking the fastest route? a more scenic route?

D. Rex D. Rex
Briar would make haste. The only reason she would stop is for them to eat, sleep, and rest.
During the three days of downtime, Elmirinda will perform the ritual spell Demon of the First Circle twice, trying to summon a pair of Red Monks to serve her as bodyguards and escorts.
Since Denaris is just the passenger, she will spend the time alternating in meditation, practicing her sword katas, and watching Elmirinda perform her spells, ready to jump into the fight if things go badly for her.
Ah, is it bad form to bring his wood elemental dragon? Hadrian intended to ride it and travel with Briar, but if it would risk war then he'll take the tornado, practice with Denaris, and otherwise push for making all possible haste.
Baagh will wander about the general area and get a feel of the places Familiarize himself with the customs along with the current social and political state of the area. Almost every night he's at a tavern charming the locals with his musical skill.
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