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all air and no brains.
The bells are ringing...


The world had ended, not with a bang but, with a thousand screams of agony. Multiple earthquakes had struck the Earth, causing demons to flood in with no mercy. A god and a goddess had been watching. Aeon, the goddess of creation, had looked at her Earth, being demolished by her husband, Demitris, who is the god of control. She can only send out a certain power to random people and hope that they will do her justice.

Our story begins in America. Specifically in New York City. Three days had gone by when the earthquakes struck. The Military is searching the city for any survivors. Demons are roaming the streets, searching for humans to feast upon. Will the survivors succeed?

Gitmuny Gitmuny
Nomad_Queen Nomad_Queen
Kethre Kethre
Luckythekobold Luckythekobold
peach moon peach moon
Raven14 Raven14
Shnuydude Shnuydude
Twin Fantasy Twin Fantasy
Storme Storme
nightplains nightplains
Trying to outrun a truck on a pedal bike was madness. His heart racing, sweat pouring from his face, he finally reached the bridge to Manhattan. He could hear the maniacal laughter of something in the cab as it came roaring down the road, slamming into other cars as its grill shot out emerald tongues of flame onto the pavement. Looking back, four men were visible in the cab, all of which possessing some manner of fangs and horns, one even sporting a pair of bat like wings. All smiling, all laughing. And all exacting revenge on one person.

Three days earlier. . .

Mikhail finally reached the home on the address, so far away from the central hub of New York City. It laid on the outskirts, just before entering the city proper. Lights were nothing more than candles placed on the second story windows, like eyes peering out into the empty and abandoned streets below. Mikhail shifted uneasily, still smelling the contents of the unknown package. Whatever it was it paid out 8 grand, so he had no right to truly refuse the order, however disgusted by it he was. He reached out to the door and had hoped the bell would work, but was cut short before ringing it. The door flew wide open and a robed figure shoved a briefcase into his hands, demanding the package.

Exchanging no words, Mikhail complied and handed back the box, looking farther in as he did. He could make out more of the robed people, but one face he saw made him stall in his mind. It was an old tormentor of his. Before the door closed, the man turned to see him, the mans' dull expression now clearly lifting to shocked as he saw an old victim of his. A victim who saw the most compromising position he could ever be in. Mikhail swallowed, running back to his bike and putting his back into the pedals. Not five minutes down the road, the earth began convulsing, spewing rock and flinging buildings aside. Chaos played around Mikhail as he took the moment to breath, and in the silence of the aftermath, a sound pierced his mind. A truck. Missing a piston. Turning over.

Present day . . .

It had taken nearly three days to reach this far, but Mikhail knew he still had a ways to go. Military troops had told him to seek shelter on Manhattan, before being overwhelmed by the demon truck and its possessed passengers. Perhaps overwhelmed was putting it kindly, as the truck grew distracted with killing and eating the military troops in spectacular fashion, burning them alive before violently scooping any unfortunate souls into its grill/maw. Mikhail didnt want to be next, and had been using any distraction he could find to keep ahead of the monsters hot on his tail.

As he figured it, the bike would end up aiding him more once he reached the more closed roads of the main city, but running on near empty stamina and no sleep for three days while being hounded by demonic beings straight from the holy book had him nearly dying of exhaustion right then and there, so close to his goal that he was. He pushed through, breaking the demons' line of sight and ducking into an old looking pub. Stashing his bike behind the counter, he found a cubby big enough to fit him and laid down, hoping he had enough time to get at least a small nap in.
Eli slowly rose to his feet, a powdery carpet of dust and ash blanketing the ground around him.

Splintered wood, upturned furniture, and billowing plumes of smoke outside the window met his bleary gaze. The house they had been staying in was in ruins. A bothersome ringing droned on in his head as he called out - voice sounding distant and foreign to his own ears.

Where are my parents?

The single muddled thought seemed to echo above the ringing noise. Eli called out once more, voice sounding slightly clearer than before.

No response.

Eli stumbled forward through the wreckage and down the hall. A cacophony of sirens blared far off in the distance as he turned the corner. He braced himself against the nearby wall, as a wave of uneasiness swept over his entire body. Facing the front door – or rather, where the front door should have been – Eli gazed numbly out into the shattered and broken streets of New York's suburbs. As he stared at the surrounding carnage, he tried to recall the last moments he remembered before the earthquake.

The shaking had initially begun as a soft rumble. During their brief stay, Eli and his parents had noticed that the house occasionally shuddered every so often. The owner had reassured them by explaining that with a subway line directly below, sometimes the house would feel the tremors of the trains rolling beneath it. Having felt the soft rumble for the past two days and nights had put them at ease. In hindsight, that had been a mistake.

This time around, the shaking intensified rapidly and violently. As the tremors grew stronger and more powerful, Eli recalled losing his footing and falling to the floor. By then, he was unable to move as the house was brutally thrashed about; the living room chairs vigorously dancing to the rhythm of the quake. Books leapt off the shelves and pelted him relentlessly before something large and heavy plowed directly into Eli's face. Whatever it was, it must have been what knocked him out and Eli wiped at a dried blackened trail of blood from his nose – an unpleasant memento of his close encounter.

Looking around cautiously, Eli warily approached the gaping hole that now replaced the entrance. Outside on the streets... not a soul. Not a single living being was in sight. It seemed almost unreal, like some mad dream. The pulsing throb in the back of his head told him otherwise. Eli still wanted to find his parents. He still wanted an actual answer from that stranger on the phone... he wanted to know why and how that man had convinced him and his parents to come here to New York. Most importantly-

How much did they know about this?

How much of this were they responsible for?

The harsh glare of the sun beat at Eli's eyes, momentarily blinding him as he bravely stepped out into the open.
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[div class=screenHeader]MIN-YUNG 'ALICE' KIM[/div]
The air was cold. The snowflakes were falling. Alice had been standing within the middle of the rubble of what remained in her home. The earthquake had ruined her Christmas trip to New York for a concert and other things. Her manager had disappeared, most likely eaten from how the demons that she saw acted. She knew some paths that could lead her out of New York without encountering a demon, or so she thought. She was certain that she will get out of New York alive but, what happened to the world outside New York? Are there any survivors still? Is her family still safe? Her mind was littered with questions that she could'nt answer. She was searching among the rubble for something.

At long last, she found her gun. It was a small pistol. Slightly incorporated with laser technology, along with an automatic reload. She only needs the sun for it to get it's laser bullets to reload. It was a gift from her friend at Chicago, they said it was for some defense purposes whenever she needed it. It was certainly useful. Right as she was about to leave the demolished structure. She heard a man panting, on a bicycle. It seems that he was running away from a group of crazed demons. She got on her bike and proceeded to chase the man. She stopped in front of the man, pointing her gun where the tires of the truck are. She proceeded to shoot, making it spin out of control and fall into the waters below. She got off the bike and greeted the lad, "What is a boy like you doing out here on the streets?" She proceeded to cross her arms, standing still with her black boots and tight blazer. [/div][/div]
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[div class=blockContainer][div class=tagBox]
location: Bridge to Manhattan, New York
mentions: Luckythekobold Luckythekobold
interactions: Luckythekobold Luckythekobold [/div][div class=gaPics]
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code by RI.a

[class=screenContainer] margin:auto;center; min-width:200px; max-width:600px; height:auto; padding:3em; display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap; --colorw:#AAA; --colorb:#707070; --color1:#FF48C4; --color2:#2BD1FC; --color3:#F3EA5F; --img1:url('https://i.pinimg.com/564x/18/5c/a2/185ca2eb5591b562b7227fdd92fe4f96.jpg'); background:var(--colorw); border-radius:20px; [/class] [class=buttonWrap] padding:1em; width:53px; height:auto; display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap; [/class] [class=button] align-self:flex-end; width:50px; height:50px; border-radius:50%; background:var(--colorb); box-shadow:3px 3px 0px var(--color1); [/class] [class=screenPage] min-width:200px; max-width:500px; height:60vh; overflow:hidden; box-shadow:3px 3px 0px var(--color3); border-radius:50px; border:1px solid var(--color3); [/class] [class=screenScroll] width:105%; height:60vh; overflow:scroll; [/class] [class=screenText] width:90%; padding:1em; font-family:Anton; font-size:1em; color:var(--colorb); margin-left:-0.2em; [/class] [class=screenHeader] font-family:Bungee Shade; font-size:3em; color:var(--colorb); text-shadow:2px 2px 0px var(--color2); [/class] [class=mainPic] margin:auto;center; width:300px; height:30vh; background:var(--img1); background-size:cover; background-position:center; border-radius:20px; [/class] [class name=mainPic maxWidth=600px] display:none; [/class] [class=gaPics] width:330px; height:30vh; [/class] [class name=gaPics maxWidth=600px] display:none; [/class] [class=blockContainer] margin:auto;center; min-width:200px; max-width:1000px; height:auto; display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap; justify-content:space-evenly; align-items:center; padding:0.8em; --colorw:#AAA; --colorb:#707070; --color3:#F3EA5F; --color4:#C04DF9; --color5:#FF3F3F; --img2:url('https://i.pinimg.com/564x/8f/7d/da/8f7ddaa0f0e9506110fd4fdd49a94f0f.jpg'); --gif1:url('https://66.media.tumblr.com/1afc0c05d1cf8825c45ed7691a8bf004/tumblr_p9ujs6J3NK1vuefjyo1_540.gif'); background:var(--colorw); border-radius:20px; [/class] [class=tagBox] min-width:200px; max-width:330px; height:auto; font-family:Anton; font-size:0.8em; color:var(--colorb); align-self:flex-end; [/class]
He had to blink for a moment. Of course he wasnt safe. No pub. No hole in the ground. That truck was still coming, its mouth open, the denizens roaring. A tire popped. The demon vehicle spun to the side, whiplashing its occupants. It fell, finally into the river. Mikhail took in a gulp of air, his mind still playing the memories from long ago, as he glanced up at the woman on the motorbike.

"Tryin' to make it to tea time with my da! Lovely time. Biscuits and everythin'! Would ya care ta join meh?" He croaked, finally having a chance to catch what little stamina he could. "What do ya bloody think? I was just barely off a delivery before the earthquakes happened, got stuck getting my rear chewed by a hellhound on wheels, and if ya havent noticed, ive been pedalin' as though hell itself was calling for me. So, if ya don mind, I would love to find a place to sleep for eternity and a night, if we have a spot of time."

As he spoke to the woman, he heard it again, the engine turning over. A missing piston. Looking over both the new woman and the river, he grew noticably more agitated.

"And bloody soon, if i could ask, seeing as how grimy that water is and how pissed they're likely to be once they get out. You know a place or no?"
[class=titleblock] height:50px; width:450px; text-align:right; font-family:Oswald; color:#D1A3CD; text-shadow:2px 2px 0px #111; position:relative; top:-80px; left:-50px; font-size:20px; [/class]
[div class=titleblock]Zion Naoki

Zion was in his deepest sleep when the first quivers shook the bar around him, and he wasn't woken until an empty whisky bottle they used as decoration fell off the ledge and hit him square in the face.

"What the fuc-" Before he could finish his groggy exclamation, the whole room seemed to erupt in a ferocious flurry of vibrations as tables and bottles of expensive liquor clattered about and broke. Zi held on to his table, it being the only thing that was nailed to the ground. An earthquake in New York? Maybe his knowledge of Americas geographics were a bit lacking but he was pretty sure that California was the earthquake state. Damn global warming must've finally caught up to them. He chuckled at his own musings as the quaking began to calm.

When it seemed safe to come out of his little booth in the wall, Zion took a look around at the mess the quake had left in its wake.
"Shiiit, Petes gonna kill me." The old manager of the dingy little bar was known for his bad temper and irrational ability to pin the blame on his workers no matter how impossible it was for them to prevent. He could hear him now:

"You should've been behind the counter to catch the liqour as it fell! What were you thinking?" And then Zion would have to put the old geezer in his place and would no doubt have to find a new place to work/live. He sighed and kicked some debris out of his way as he made his way over to the office beside the bar to grab his bookbag full of all his belongings.

"Hell if I'm gonna be blamed for this..."He muttered as he shouldered his backpack and exitted the bar. Outside there were some people peeking out of their homes and he could hear some cries for help from the buildings nearby that had collapsed and the sound of sirens in the distance. Shrugging off the urge to go help the people in the building, he began walking off at a brisk pace. Something didn't feel right with the whole thing. He felt a tugging in his gut that urged him to get away from there, soon he found himself sprinting away at full speed and it was good thing too since the building had exploded just as he was turning the corner and a chorus of frenzied screams along with an otherworldly screech tore through the air and set off a series of alarms within Zion.

That was 3 days ago. Now he still found himself running, only having had minimal sleep and only a couple bags of chips he'd found in an abandoned car on the side of the road. This shit was crazy man. Where the hell were the rescue teams? He wondered, but at the same time he knew what was happening - they were getting picked off by those....things.

His heart pounded in his ears as he flew down the streets, turning at random with no destination particularly in mind. All around him the city was going to Hell, buildings were on fire, cars were zipping around out of control and people were being attacked by....what the hell were those things? He didn't stop to get a good enough look at them, matter of fact, he didn't stop at all. He just kept running until he felt his lungs were about to burst. Luckily he'd turned down a street that seemed relatively deserted of those creatures and there were only a few people that he could see through the blurred edges of his vision.

Zion collapsed onto his hands and knees, wheezing as his lungs were filled with the much needed air. He was about to talk to the two others on the street, one of them seemed to have a motorcycle that he could hitch a ride on and maybe one of them lived nearby or hell maybe they would know what the hell was going on. Hell, he just needed clarification that this shit was actually happening and he wasn't just having a bad trip on some acid someone might've slipped him the night before.
"He-Hey!"He panted out, just in time to see an oddly glowing truck behind them roar to life and something told him that the people in it weren't part of a rescuing committee. "Fuck."

Mentioned/Interactions: Luckythekobold Luckythekobold thefinalgirl thefinalgirl
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[div class=screenHeader]MIN-YUNG 'ALICE' KIM[/div]
"I see, ho-", just as she was about to let the person ride with her. Another man ran for his life and stopped where they were. Alice proceeded to point her gun at the man while trying to eye the truck that was about to reach them. She rolled her eyes and proceeded to shoot it's driver and it's tires, making it spin out of control and fall to the icy waters below. "What's a man doing out here in the streets? I thought everyone went batshit crazy because of those things. Now, tell me why I shouldn't shoot you.", Alice was pressuring the man, making sure that he wasn't a demon in disguise, who knows what forms they take and what things they can do? "Tell me your name. Now.", she was still pointing her gun at the man, being cautious that he could kill the man and herself when she looked away for a split second. As the tension in the air was rising, the flakes of snow were falling

The time was 12:30 in the afternoon, Alice was performing in a park, singing her heart out to the crowd. As she was performing, the girl felt a rumble. The buildings around her were shaking and her bodyguards led her out the stage. They hid inside a bunker, waiting for the disaster to end. When it was over, her guards got out of the bunker and was instantly killed by a demon. His flesh was ripped from his body and his bones were crushed by it's teeth. Alice ran away from the bunker and hopped on a motor bike that she owned. She felt sorry for the men that defended her but, the world has gone to shit anyways, it's only a matter of time before she gets killed by one of them.[/div][/div]
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[div class=blockContainer][div class=tagBox]
location: Bridge to Manhattan, New York
mentions: Luckythekobold Luckythekobold Storme Storme
interactions: Storme Storme [/div][div class=gaPics]
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code by RI.a

[class=screenContainer] margin:auto;center; min-width:200px; max-width:600px; height:auto; padding:3em; display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap; --colorw:#AAA; --colorb:#707070; --color1:#FF48C4; --color2:#2BD1FC; --color3:#F3EA5F; --img1:url('https://i.pinimg.com/564x/18/5c/a2/185ca2eb5591b562b7227fdd92fe4f96.jpg'); background:var(--colorw); border-radius:20px; [/class] [class=buttonWrap] padding:1em; width:53px; height:auto; display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap; [/class] [class=button] align-self:flex-end; width:50px; height:50px; border-radius:50%; background:var(--colorb); box-shadow:3px 3px 0px var(--color1); [/class] [class=screenPage] min-width:200px; max-width:500px; height:60vh; overflow:hidden; box-shadow:3px 3px 0px var(--color3); border-radius:50px; border:1px solid var(--color3); [/class] [class=screenScroll] width:105%; height:60vh; overflow:scroll; [/class] [class=screenText] width:90%; padding:1em; font-family:Anton; font-size:1em; color:var(--colorb); margin-left:-0.2em; [/class] [class=screenHeader] font-family:Bungee Shade; font-size:3em; color:var(--colorb); text-shadow:2px 2px 0px var(--color2); [/class] [class=mainPic] margin:auto;center; width:300px; height:30vh; background:var(--img1); background-size:cover; background-position:center; border-radius:20px; [/class] [class name=mainPic maxWidth=600px] display:none; [/class] [class=gaPics] width:330px; height:30vh; [/class] [class name=gaPics maxWidth=600px] display:none; [/class] [class=blockContainer] margin:auto;center; min-width:200px; max-width:1000px; height:auto; display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap; justify-content:space-evenly; align-items:center; padding:0.8em; --colorw:#AAA; --colorb:#707070; --color3:#F3EA5F; --color4:#C04DF9; --color5:#FF3F3F; --img2:url('https://i.pinimg.com/564x/8f/7d/da/8f7ddaa0f0e9506110fd4fdd49a94f0f.jpg'); --gif1:url('https://66.media.tumblr.com/1afc0c05d1cf8825c45ed7691a8bf004/tumblr_p9ujs6J3NK1vuefjyo1_540.gif'); background:var(--colorw); border-radius:20px; [/class] [class=tagBox] min-width:200px; max-width:330px; height:auto; font-family:Anton; font-size:0.8em; color:var(--colorb); align-self:flex-end; [/class]
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[class=titleblock] height:50px; width:450px; text-align:right; font-family:Oswald; color:#FFFFFF; text-shadow:2px 2px 0px #111; position:relative; top:-90px; left:-50px; font-size:20px; [/class]
[div class=titleblock]Zion Naoki

Zion stared at the woman, first in awe and then in something kind of like contempt but with some respect mixed in their. The chicks got some balls. "I believe introductions are done the other way around, lady."He said, picking himself up off the ground and dusting himself off. Normally, his remark would've contain 10x more sarcasm, but he was so gosh darned happy to see another human being that wasn't possessed, dead or in the process of being killed. "But just this once I'll make an exception. You can call me Zi, who are you?"He asked, walking up to them until the gun rested firmly against his chest. He didn't waiver, his blue eyes never leaving hers and a small daring smirk on his lips. "Also, if you're going to shoot, you should go ahead and shoot before the sound of your gunshots from earlier alerts more of those creatures, but I wouldn't waste the bullets on quieting your paranoia. You don't want my blood on your hands. "He said with a small shrug, the only indicator of how nervous he was was the thickening of his Irish accent. Good thing they were strangers, or else his bluff would've been called.

Mentioned/Interactions: thefinalgirl thefinalgirl

Sorry for the short post guys!
Another demon truck spun out into the drink. Mikhail took a long hard look at it before shaking his head. His was still alive, down in the frozen water, but from the looks of things it wouldn't be coming back up anytime soon. With a shudder, he looked back to see the lady swinging the gun around at another individual, this time putting in a very serious tone of voice. After her would be victim proclaimed his name, Zi, the two stared one another down. Mikhail decided to break the silence, as long as it got him off the streets.

"Look, if its a place to stay, I'll follow behind. Just get us out of here!" Mikhail glanced at the other man, noticing the thickening accent. So a bit farther from his own home, but he couldn't care less at this point. "I'll be on my bike. Motors and I don't mix." His own Scottish tones were finally disappearing as he hopped back onto his cycle, ready to tear down the streets should he need to. He gave one worried glance back at the river, taking in hurried gulps of air.

Hyperventilating with: thefinalgirl thefinalgirl Storme Storme


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location: abandoned building | tags: n/a
Maddy Moreau
Maddy had been on one of her walks when it happened. Washington Square Park, just before nightfall. Her favorite place to be when the weather was alright. It was cold, but not unbearably so. Maddy could stand to be outside for a little while, at least. She had brought a book with her and had her headphones on -- reading with music, that was her favorite. She situated herself near the fountain and the soft glow coming from the streetlamps combined with the waning light of sunset would be just enough to read by for a bit. Her plan after that was to grab a late dinner (she had snacks in her backpack, but real food was preferable) and then head back to her room and relax for the rest of the night. She was on winter break now, so she luckily didn't have work or studying to do. Maddy had only just opened her book to where she left off when she felt an unfamiliar rumbling. That's odd... she thought, placing her book beside her. There's no subway that runs under this park... And then the rumbling intensified. And intensified some more. Certainly no subway could do this. It felt like only seconds passed before fissures were opening up on the ground near her and she knew she had to get out of there. She reached for the book, but a falling lamppost crushed it, toppling down right where she had been sitting only moments earlier. She already felt a few tears rolling down her cheeks -- stressful situations were not her strong point. Her last few thoughts were: The library is definitely going to charge me for that. Followed by: If there even is a library left after all this. Finally, her legs moved seemingly independently from her petrified brain and she took off running.

Three days later...

Maddy honestly had no idea how she ended up here. The time between the earthquakes and her finding this building were entirely a blur. She felt like she had been panicking and crying for three straight days if that was even possible -- her face seemed to have reached a permanent state of redness, and her eyes were ridiculously swollen from incessantly rubbing tears away. Staying in the lobby of the building seemed to make Maddy way too much of an easy target, so she climbed up to the highest floor she could before the stairs became too broken and dangerous to go any further (this happened to be the third floor). She only had access to a few rooms before collapsed ceilings and rubble prevented her from walking any more down the hallway, but luckily those few abandoned rooms had some necessities that Maddy had taken advantage of to aid her survival for the past three days. One of them had a big case of bottled water, which had been invaluable. She fortunately had snacks in her backpack and raided a few pantries, so her food supply was okay for now too. Her only problem was those... those things. She had no idea what they were or where they had come from, but strange creatures roamed around from time to time and they didn't seem all too friendly. They looked like nothing she had ever seen before and she certainly wasn't about to try to interact with them. However, Maddy had begun hiding from them pretty successfully (they were noisy, so she could often hear them coming), to the point where she felt confident enough to sneak around some other floors and see if there was anyone else around. Her mission for herself that day was to take on the second floor, so she silently walked a floor down and began searching.

Maddy had been on one of her walks when it happened. Washington Square Park, just before nightfall. Her favorite place to be when the weather was alright. It was cold, but sunny. Maddy could stand to be outside for a little while, at least. She had brought a book with her and had her headphones on -- reading with music, that was her favorite. She situated herself near the fountain and the soft glow coming from the streetlamps combined with the waning light of sunset would be just enough to read by for a bit. Her plan after that was to grab a late dinner (she had snacks in her backpack, but real food was preferable) and then head back to her room and relax for the rest of the night. She was on winter break now, so she luckily didn't have work or studying to do. Maddy had only just opened her book to where she left off when she felt an unfamiliar rumbling. That's odd... she thought, placing her book beside her. There's no subway that runs under this park... And then the rumbling intensified. And intensified some more. Certainly no subway could do this. It felt like only seconds passed before fissures were opening up on the ground near her and she knew she had to get out of there. She reached for the book, but a falling lamppost crushed it, toppling down right where she had been sitting only moments earlier. She already felt a few tears rolling down her cheeks -- stressful situations were not her strong point. Her last few thoughts were: The library is definitely going to charge me for that. Followed by: If there even is a library left after all this. Finally, her legs moved seemingly independently from her petrified brain and she took off running.

Three days later...

Maddy honestly had no idea how she ended up here. The time between the earthquakes and her finding this building were entirely a blur. She felt like she had been panicking and crying for three straight days if that was even possible -- her face seemed to have reached a permanent state of redness, and her eyes were ridiculously swollen from rubbing tears away. Staying on the first floor of the building seemed to make Maddy way too much of an easy target, so she climbed up to the highest floor she could before the stairs became too broken and dangerous to go any further (this happened to be the third floor). She only had access to a few rooms before collapsed ceilings and rubble prevented her from walking any more down the hallway, but luckily those few abandoned rooms had some necessities that Maddy had taken advantage of to aid her survival for the past three days. One of them had a big case of bottled water, which had been invaluable. She fortunately had snacks in her backpack and raided a few pantries, so her food supply was okay for now too. Her only problem was those... those things. She had no idea what they were or where they had come from, but strange creatures roamed around from time to time and they didn't seem all too friendly. They looked like nothing she had ever seen before and she certainly wasn't about to try to interact with them. However, Maddy had begun hiding from them pretty successfully (they were noisy, so she could often hear them coming), to the point where she felt confident enough to sneak around some other floors and see if there was anyone else around. Her mission for herself that day was to take on the second floor, so she quietly walked a floor down and began searching.
Eli took his time as he tread in between jagged fissures and flipped cars on the street. After going back into the house and scrounging up a small backpack containing a few of his belongings from the wreckage, the young man had finally set out in search of help. The atmosphere felt... wrong. The complete lack of any sign of life put his senses on high alert. Scanning his surroundings with his eyes, Eli considered calling out once more before he hesitated. He realized then that he still had his smartphone with him. Shoving a hand into his pockets, he briefly searched for his phone before producing the flat, silver device. Turning on the display, the young man noticed an alarming detail.

The signal strength was at a meager one bar, and even that level of connection was unstable. Calling for help on his phone would be a slim gamble at best. In a disaster this wide-spread, emergency lines would also no doubt be overwhelmed by countless panicked calls for assistance. However, there was something else that had caught his attention. The date on the phone said December 22nd, which meant that a full three days had passed since the earthquake. I was out for that long? Eli in shock, put a hand to his head as he processed this bit of information, silently taking note of a protruding lump forming on the top. It started to make a little more sense why this neighborhood might have been abandoned and was eerily quiet. Many of the houses on the street had been demolished by the magnitude of the quake. Most people would have left and sought safety after gathering up their personal items by now.

Eli tightly clutched the strap of his lean bag, the knuckles on his hand a pale colorless white. He hoped that his parents had found help and were safe. But the fact that they had not taken their own son with them regardless of his unconscious state was deeply concerning. Nevertheless, he told himself that rescuers must have gotten them out. Having systematically gone through the rooms of the house they had stayed in while he had gathered his supplies, it had been a small relief that he hadn't found their bodies.


There was always the chance, but... Eli knew he couldn't dwell too long on that thought. Right now, his own survival was at stake. He needed to find necessities. He needed to find help. And he needed to get a better idea of what was happening in New York City. With little phone service, he decided that the best place to see the larger picture was up. No doubt there would also be plentiful supplies to work with in the city center if he could find them. Looking toward the towering skyline in the distance, the young man began heading toward the heart of the metropolis.
Lance Monteberde D. Rosas

Location: Abandoned Apartment Building, New York | Interactions: Open. | Mentions: peach moon peach moon

Lance was preparing for his field-trip from his highschool. They were going to visit a museum that housed artifacts about the technology in the past. His teacher paired him with other students, he wasn't too fond of company as the people that he was paired with didn't like him. For the whole trip, he was walking a distance far from his assigned group, following them but not getting too near them. As they were exploring the museum, Lance went out to the park for a small walk, he figured that no one would notice them as he was ignored most of the time. His idea wasn't too unique as some students was also at the park, either smoking, texting, or just making out. The government had really fucked up when they changed the age of consent to 17, it was a very bad move on the government. He proceeded to sit at a bench and observed his surroundings.

Just as he was about to stand, the Earth rumbled. 'Was this normal?', He thought as the buildings proceeded to shake violently. He got cover underneath the bench that he sat on and waited for it to stop. The buildings around him seemed to fall to the ground, he was lucky to think of the bench as cover, most of his peers had been crushed by falling debris, the museum was violently shaking as well. A minute had passed, the museum had collapsed and cracks on the road were apparent. Lance proceeded to stand, trying to clear his glasses. What he saw next terrified him, a large horde of demons coming out of the cracks and killing people left and right. He ran, panicky, trying to avoid the demons. He wished that he'd live longer and not get eaten by those demons.

That was three days ago, Lance was already staying inside an abandoned apartment building in order to survive, he didn't want to face a demon since he could get demolished by it. He was crying, all curled up in a corner. His glasses slightly fogged and his shirt soaked with his sweat and tears. Right as he was about to leave the room, he heard footsteps, could the demons have possibly learned to open a door? That was his thought as he tried to peek out the lock, it was a girl. Lance stood back as he couldn't trust anyone easily. His previous companions were slaughtered by a demon that shapeshifted into a thing that seemed harmless. Lance tried to hide, under the table, waiting for the moment when the girl leaves.
code by Ri.a
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[div class=screenHeader]MIN-YUNG 'ALICE' KIM[/div]
Alice rolled her eyes when he was trying to intimidate her, she became surprised when he put his chest at the tip of her gun. If the man was trying to make Alice not shoot him, he is succeeding. The woman was slightly dying inside, it was because he was her type. His charms had latched on to the woman and slightly clouded her thought. As she was contemplating whether or not he was a demon, he introduced himself as Zi. Alice was confused on a name like that, she had never encountered a name quite like what he had but, she was from another country so what she can't really judge. Alice proceeded to put down her gun and go near her motorbike, "Okay, Zi. Would you like to have a ride on my motorbike?" The woman asked, as she crossed her arms and extended a hand to the man, "I'll do the driving, you do the shooting, if there are any demons running amok." She didn't wait for his reply as she proceeded to hop on the motorbike, "Hop in."

They were in the streets, looking for shelter. Zi was in the back of the motorbike, looking for demons, while Alice drove, searching for an apartment that could provide shelter. The man on the bike was following them, just hoping that he would get a good rest. Alice spotted a lone demon in the road, she proceeded to signal Zi, "Shoot it."[/div][/div]
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[div class=blockContainer][div class=tagBox]
location: Bridge to Manhattan, New York
mentions: Luckythekobold Luckythekobold Storme Storme
interactions: Storme Storme Luckythekobold Luckythekobold [/div][div class=gaPics]
[/div][div class=gaPics]
code by RI.a

[class=screenContainer] margin:auto;center; min-width:200px; max-width:600px; height:auto; padding:3em; display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap; --colorw:#AAA; --colorb:#707070; --color1:#FF48C4; --color2:#2BD1FC; --color3:#F3EA5F; --img1:url('https://i.pinimg.com/564x/18/5c/a2/185ca2eb5591b562b7227fdd92fe4f96.jpg'); background:var(--colorw); border-radius:20px; [/class] [class=buttonWrap] padding:1em; width:53px; height:auto; display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap; [/class] [class=button] align-self:flex-end; width:50px; height:50px; border-radius:50%; background:var(--colorb); box-shadow:3px 3px 0px var(--color1); [/class] [class=screenPage] min-width:200px; max-width:500px; height:60vh; overflow:hidden; box-shadow:3px 3px 0px var(--color3); border-radius:50px; border:1px solid var(--color3); [/class] [class=screenScroll] width:105%; height:60vh; overflow:scroll; [/class] [class=screenText] width:90%; padding:1em; font-family:Anton; font-size:1em; color:var(--colorb); margin-left:-0.2em; [/class] [class=screenHeader] font-family:Bungee Shade; font-size:3em; color:var(--colorb); text-shadow:2px 2px 0px var(--color2); [/class] [class=mainPic] margin:auto;center; width:300px; height:30vh; background:var(--img1); background-size:cover; background-position:center; border-radius:20px; [/class] [class name=mainPic maxWidth=600px] display:none; [/class] [class=gaPics] width:330px; height:30vh; [/class] [class name=gaPics maxWidth=600px] display:none; [/class] [class=blockContainer] margin:auto;center; min-width:200px; max-width:1000px; height:auto; display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap; justify-content:space-evenly; align-items:center; padding:0.8em; --colorw:#AAA; --colorb:#707070; --color3:#F3EA5F; --color4:#C04DF9; --color5:#FF3F3F; --img2:url('https://i.pinimg.com/564x/8f/7d/da/8f7ddaa0f0e9506110fd4fdd49a94f0f.jpg'); --gif1:url('https://66.media.tumblr.com/1afc0c05d1cf8825c45ed7691a8bf004/tumblr_p9ujs6J3NK1vuefjyo1_540.gif'); background:var(--colorw); border-radius:20px; [/class] [class=tagBox] min-width:200px; max-width:330px; height:auto; font-family:Anton; font-size:0.8em; color:var(--colorb); align-self:flex-end; [/class]
[class=titleblock] height:50px; width:450px; text-align:right; font-family:Oswald; color:#FFFFFF; text-shadow:2px 2px 0px #111; position:relative; top:-90px; left:-50px; font-size:20px; [/class]
[div class=titleblock]Zion Naoki

Holy shit that actually worked. Zion chuckled darkly to himself, climbing on to the back of the motorcycle. He'd never actually rode one of these before so the little kid in him grew giddy as it roared to life underneath him. He took the gun from her, and wrapped one arm around her waist. "We've just met and you're letting me use your gun. At least buy a man dinner first."He said, leaning closer to her ear so she could hear him.

The wind whipped at his hair as they rode through the wrecked streets of New York. He'd almost forgotten that he was supposed the be on lookout when a lone demon drifted into view causing his heart to jump into his throat.
Okay, okay deep breaths now. You're the king of darts at the pub, so you know you have accuracy. Don't think of that fact that you're moving towards it and chances are when you get close enough you're going to be with in its strike range. Zion prepared to shoot during his inner monologue but couldn't get a good enough shot with Alice in the way so he did the only logical thing to do(to him) - he stood up.

Not fully of course, that'd be impossible. What he did do, however, was balance himself into a half crouch on the back of the motorbike so his arms rested on Alices shoulders, the gun right above her forehead so she could still see to drive.
"Hold still,"He said, pulling the trigger as he inhaled, smirking as the bullet hit the damned thing right in between the eyes."Bulls eye." Zion settled back down so he was straddling the bike again behind Alice.
thefinalgirl thefinalgirl

"Pariah -1, this is Pariah-actual, how copy? Over." ... "Solid copy Pariah-actual. Ready for orders" Replied Mirko. He looked out of the window of the helicopter, confused. The vast amounts of water didn't help him identify where he was, or where he was headed , but he was sure it was off the continent at this point.

"Listen good; command has special instructions for you. We need you in America at the moment and quite frankly, for the remainder of the foreseeable future until we get... this...sorted out. You'll meet up with a contact once you land; they'll brief you on what needs to be accomplished once you arrive. How copy?"

"Solid copy Pariah-actual. Sir, may I ask for a little more detail as to what's going on? What in the hell was that back there?"
There was a moment of radio silence before the faint buzz of a reply incoming clicked in Mirko's ear. "Honestly soldier, we're still trying to establish exact details on what happened after that earthquake; but we need you off the continent to keep you safe. We can't risk keeping you here in case the Russians saw you. If what we're hearing so far is true, and you're the only surviving member of your squad, what you know and what you saw is vital information that needs to remain in our hands."

He looked over at the crew chief, who was manning a gun mounted on the window, land was starting to appear in the distance for the first time in what seemed like hours. Mirko was still trying to process the events of the night before. "And what exactly is it that you're hearing, sir?" ".....Godspeed soldier, Pariah-actual out." Mirko stomped on the floor in anger and threw his earpiece into the empty seat across from where he sat. Great. He thought to himself.

More time had passed. The vast amounts of ocean sweeping underneath the helicopter was soon replaced by a mixture of urban and uninhabited areas rich with nature. Mirko heard some chatter coming from the crew chief's headset; the man turned around shortly after the chatter stopped and looked at Mirko. "Roger." He must have been replying to whoever he was listening to. "Just got word that America's got similar shit going down all over the country too, y'know, earthquakes and shit... Just thought I'd let you know what you're getting into; especially being on your own and such." Memories of his once living squad mates flashed through Mirko's mind, he shuttered at the thought that they were all together just a day prior to this - and now he was all that remained.

Before he had much more time to think, he was interrupted by the loud alarm that was sounding within the helicopter, accompanied by a flashing red light that drowned out everything else inside. "What's going on?" Mirko yelled towards the pilot's cockpit. "Don't know, hang on!" The pilot frantically replied. This was not good. The vehicle lost control and it was certain that there was no time to recover; the crew chief was ripped out of the door before he could fasten himself down to a chair. Mirko luckily was already secured into his seat. Amidst the confusion and constant spinning of the vehicle, Mirko had passed out.


Mirko gasped for air; his eyes opened sensitive to the light. Sparks were coming out from random places scattered around him, and the door to his left was completely gone. Aside from that, the helicopter managed to stay mostly intact; on the interior at least. It was, however, never going to fly again. Upon looking out one of the windows, it seemed as if the helicopter crash-landed into a park. The pilot's body was mangled and crushed in between the seat and the front end of the helicopter, which was embedded partly into the ground. The co-pilot must have been ejected from his seat as there was a giant hole where his window was, and no sign of him anywhere inside.

Mirko slowly unbuckled himself from the seat. He attempted to stand up but that was to no avail. I'm all sorts of fucked up, huh? He decided to wait; either for himself to gain enough energy to try again or for someone to notice the crash and help him. Either sounded unlikely to be successful but it was all he could manage at this point. A sudden pain shot through his right arm; he passed back out.
It'd been a few days since Mika had any desire to go outside.

She hadn't felt this low in years. It happened all too fast, her and Yuki were walking along Amsterdam, hitting up thrift store after thrift store. Yuki had a thing for collecting little doo-dads that people had left behind at those stores, even though she could've bought the most expensive shoes in the world, she liked them better when they "had a history". They'd just left the Goodwill on 72nd and were off to get some hot chocolate when a tremor shook the earth. At first, Mika thought she was imagining it. But no, it was most certainly real. The tremor became a shake, and the quickly increasing magnitude dislodged benches from their bolts, knocked over lampposts, and snapped off street signs.

Mika took Yuki's hand and they began to run. Most likely taking the subway for the moment was a poor decision, so she was more focused on finding a place to hide for the time being. They remained safe for about one day in a strange apartment building, where many others were taking shelter. The next day, it was time to go.

The two wandered, occasionally knocked off their shoes by sudden world-shaking shudders, trying to at least get back to their house. But that would be all too easy.

The creatures, which Mika had titled "trash bugs", began to wander very early on. They were ugly little things that scraped their way out of cracks in the ground and seemed to devour and destroy everything in sight. All that the two could do was hide and hope they weren't noticed.

It was when they returned home that tragedy struck. In the lobby of their apartment building, bodies lay dead and dying across the smooth-tile floor. In the center of it all, a trash bug, seeming awfully proud of itself. Mika was always the martyr of the two, insisting Yuki go ahead and leave Mika behind, as the bug noticed them both very quickly. However, Yuki grabbed her by the wrist and pushed her through the door of the stairwell. Mika attempted to go back and save her friend, but clearly Yuki had barred the door with something.

She could hear the screams. And the grinding sounds.

Many of the lower apartments were destroyed, with hung-open doors and dead owners. Mika ransacked any home she could get into -- at least, any of the ones without a little trash bug in it -- before finally holing herself up in apartment 8A, her home. It wasn't fair that Yuki had to die.

Mika felt like scum, like she deserved no better than to rot. Suddenly eating, and vaguely washing herself, it all just became so difficult without that one glint of motivation she had. The world may very well have been overtaken by these murderous creatures, so it'd be better to just die, right? It'd be so much easier, much more comfortable, much safer. For once, God could stop robbing her of everything.

That was how it was, for a day or two, just constant despairing on her living room floor. Why eat? Why sleep? Why even bother? Yuki was the only lifeline she had, the only one she'd ever really wanted.

That was when the voice happened.

It was a delusion, obviously. The first serious one she'd had in quite some time. A tulpa, if you will. Yuki's voice, and all it said was to come out with me. That was how she sounded, whenever she wanted Mika to leave the house and maybe go do something fun. Come out with me, Micchan! It'll be fun! She felt ill, as the noise looped from brain to ear and back. It's fake, it's all fake!

Mika grimaced, finding her bottle of antipsychotics empty.

Shoving as much of her clothing as she could in a suitcase, as well as a fair amount of necessities, she shuffled back to the stairs. All clear, still. And then she descended, in a silent prayer. With all the earthquakes, most likely the lobby was on its last legs, and the rest of the building would go down with it. Fake or not, the Yuki voice was right: She needed to get the fuck out of here, absolutely needed to.

Come on, you know I don't want you to die. C'mere.

And down she went.

Location: Stairway
Interaction: N/A​
Eli had been steadily making his way through the jammed city blocks when the helicopter had come down. As the roar of the propeller screamed closer, he glanced up to spot the source of the noise. In the narrow space between the skyscrapers, a single chopper helplessly spun erratically down to earth. The descent seemed to happen in slow-motion as dark smoke billowed out from one of the air intakes. Through some miracle, the helicopter managed to avoid smashing into any of the large buildings now surrounding it on all sides. Eli's gaze followed it down before he finally lost sight of it behind a wide tower sitting in front of a park.

A horrific crash abruptly silenced the rhythmic beat of rotor blades. While Eli had not heard any explosion go off, the heavy sound from the impact had managed to carry itself throughout the abandoned city. He rushed toward the park as the smoke plume climbed high into the air above. Though he still found himself alone among the rows upon rows of empty automobiles, a sense of urgency now gripped him as he began to quicken his pace. Perhaps he was paranoid but, he felt as though someone or rather something was watching him intently from afar. Whatever the case was, the young man didn't want to be traveling in such an exposed manner any longer than he needed to.

It took a couple more minutes of walking before Eli finally could see the crash site directly. Cautiously, he approached the mangled wreck and took care to avoid the debris that the vehicle had left strewn about behind it. The helicopter had managed to plant itself nose-first, burying the cockpit a respectable distance into the ground. The shattered remains of the main rotor had been scattered about the lawn and several fragments of the blades had embedded themselves deep into nearby trees. The leg of a man protruded out from the standing brush a fair distance away – the limb nauseatingly twisted into a grotesque shape. Eli looked away, finding himself grow a little queasy from the sight. There was no guarantee that any sort of proper emergency response would be on the way and so, the young man nervously stepped toward the chassis of the aircraft.

“Hello-? Is... is anyone still alive in there?” Eli did his best to mask the tremble in his voice as he called out.

No immediate response. Eli hesitated as he imagined what he might possibly find within the wreckage.

Eventually, a soft groan came from the within the helicopter. Realizing someone had managed to survive this awful crash, Eli peeked into the interior of the cabin. Inside was the crumpled form of a rather tall-looking soldier, completely unresponsive but still alive based on the slight rise and fall of his chest. Casting his backpack aside, the young man crawled inside to get a closer look at the other man's condition. He looked pretty beat up from the rough landing but he was at least certainly in far better shape than his comrades.

After confirming the man's well-being, Eli realized he had another problem to deal with. How was he to move this unconscious man by himself? Just from a glance, the young man could easily tell that the soldier in full military gear was much heavier than he was. It also did not help matters that Eli was not in great physical shape.

Still, it wasn't like Eli could just leave the man in the helicopter. With the wreckage still smoking, it was possible that it could catch fire at any time. With a grunt, the young man barely managed to hoist the soldier over his shoulder in an awkward fireman's carry. Reaching the side of the helicopter, Eli unceremoniously rolled the limp form of the man over and out of the aircraft. While he wasn't being particularly gentle, he figured that since the man was knocked out they wouldn't mind all that much.

After dragging the soldier a good distance away, the young man propped the unconscious man up against a tree to rest. Chest pounding, he took a good long look back at the remains of the chopper. Exhausted, Eli could only really think of one thing at that moment.

Hell... I really should have worked out more...
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Mikhail was lost in his own thoughts for a time, watching the streets and having to keep up with a motorcycle, but he was glad for it. It gave him enough time to think things through. Given, there wasn't much to think through to begin with, but it was nice all the same to try and rationalize what had just happened over the course of three days. His head snapped up once he heard the sound of the gun again, wondering if his demonized past was trailing behind again. No, just another random demon. "Swear to god these demons are getting too numerous for our safety." He muttered, still trying to keep up. His only good leg was burning from the physical torment it had been going through.

Somewhere in the distance, a helicopter was torn from the sky by something. It made a loud bang, sending shivers down Mikhails spine. It sounded bad. And he was still lagging behind the motorbike with Zi and Alice. Giving it some thought, he decided to not go gallivanting across the broken city that once was his home. He was already demon fodder once, he was not going to be demon fodder again. Besides, he had no weapon. At least, he didn't yet. Hoping to find a gap to shout to the two up ahead, he was going to suggest finding his workplace.

"Hey! If it aint too much, could we try and find my work? Or at least keep an eye out! It's Gimbles Shipping!" He shouted, hoping the two would hear him over the wind whipping by.
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[div class=screenHeader]MIN-YUNG 'ALICE' KIM[/div]
Alice was reading her bike, cruising the streets of New York before the disaster happened. She had arrived days earlier than her Christmas concert at the park. She was driving down the streets of New York when, she saw a hooded figure walking down the street with some sort of thing on his hands. She parked her bike and stealthily walked behind the man, trying to see what his deal was. He entered a building, Alice followed as well. She took a peek in the room he entered, it was filled with odd sigils and stains. She waited further to see what happens.

As minutes went by, she saw what the man was holding clearly. It was a crystal, blue as the oceam and clear as glass. He put it in the middle of a pentagram, in which a figure appeared. The thing had horns but, had wings and seemed to be transparent. He had marks on his eyes and an oddly shaped torso. He was bone-like in appearance but, could move like a smooth liquid. He was conversing to him about an event, some ending to a world. Alice looked at them both in curiosity, what was he saying? Was the ending of humanity near? Have we done something wrong? Whatever the answer was, she went outside and hopped on her bike, trying to forget those thoughts.

Alice was impressed by Zi's aim, he managed to put a demon down. "Impressive. I expected less but, did you already have knowledge with pistols?" Although, it seems that they may be dead, they still haven't truly died. She learned this the hard way. It only paralyzes them, making them unable to move for a lengthy period of time. What she heard next was a crash, the man in the bycicle said that he wanted to see what it was. "Ugh, fine. It better not be some kind of demon hive that popped out of the ground.", she said as she spun her bike around and went towards where the sound was.

She saw a helicopter with what appears to be a person tending to a man that was leaning against a tree. She proceeded to go to the ma who was exhausted and near the tree, "Sir, are you alright?" She spotted a man who was near him as well, he seemed to be Asian. Not fit but, not too bad. She called Zi and the man on the bike to help them. "Don't worry, everything's going to be fine.", she tried to keep the man awake, she knows some basic fiest aid and remembers that you need to let the patient be awake or when they shut their eye, they can potentially not wake up from it at all. "What's your name?"[/div][/div]
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[div class=blockContainer][div class=tagBox]
location: Streets, New York
mentions: Luckythekobold Luckythekobold Storme Storme Mirabilis Mirabilis Gitmuny Gitmuny
interactions: Storme Storme Luckythekobold Luckythekobold Mirabilis Mirabilis Gitmuny Gitmuny [/div][div class=gaPics]
[/div][div class=gaPics]
code by RI.a

[class=screenContainer] margin:auto;center; min-width:200px; max-width:600px; height:auto; padding:3em; display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap; --colorw:#AAA; --colorb:#707070; --color1:#FF48C4; --color2:#2BD1FC; --color3:#F3EA5F; --img1:url('https://i.pinimg.com/564x/18/5c/a2/185ca2eb5591b562b7227fdd92fe4f96.jpg'); background:var(--colorw); border-radius:20px; [/class] [class=buttonWrap] padding:1em; width:53px; height:auto; display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap; [/class] [class=button] align-self:flex-end; width:50px; height:50px; border-radius:50%; background:var(--colorb); box-shadow:3px 3px 0px var(--color1); [/class] [class=screenPage] min-width:200px; max-width:500px; height:60vh; overflow:hidden; box-shadow:3px 3px 0px var(--color3); border-radius:50px; border:1px solid var(--color3); [/class] [class=screenScroll] width:105%; height:60vh; overflow:scroll; [/class] [class=screenText] width:90%; padding:1em; font-family:Anton; font-size:1em; color:var(--colorb); margin-left:-0.2em; [/class] [class=screenHeader] font-family:Bungee Shade; font-size:3em; color:var(--colorb); text-shadow:2px 2px 0px var(--color2); [/class] [class=mainPic] margin:auto;center; width:300px; height:30vh; background:var(--img1); background-size:cover; background-position:center; border-radius:20px; [/class] [class name=mainPic maxWidth=600px] display:none; [/class] [class=gaPics] width:330px; height:30vh; [/class] [class name=gaPics maxWidth=600px] display:none; [/class] [class=blockContainer] margin:auto;center; min-width:200px; max-width:1000px; height:auto; display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap; justify-content:space-evenly; align-items:center; padding:0.8em; --colorw:#AAA; --colorb:#707070; --color3:#F3EA5F; --color4:#C04DF9; --color5:#FF3F3F; --img2:url('https://i.pinimg.com/564x/8f/7d/da/8f7ddaa0f0e9506110fd4fdd49a94f0f.jpg'); --gif1:url('https://66.media.tumblr.com/1afc0c05d1cf8825c45ed7691a8bf004/tumblr_p9ujs6J3NK1vuefjyo1_540.gif'); background:var(--colorw); border-radius:20px; [/class] [class=tagBox] min-width:200px; max-width:330px; height:auto; font-family:Anton; font-size:0.8em; color:var(--colorb); align-self:flex-end; [/class]
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[class=titleblock] height:50px; width:450px; text-align:right; font-family:Oswald; color:#FFFFFF; text-shadow:2px 2px 0px #111; position:relative; top:-90px; left:-50px; font-size:20px; [/class]
[div class=titleblock]Zion Naoki

He was soaking up his praise in those brief moments that it lasted before the saw the helicopter fall out of the sky some ways away. Great, this day just keeps getting better and better. Zion looked at the guy on the bike who had said something about his job."Maybe after we go running head first into an unknown danger. You know, safety first. "He said sarcastically, an uneasy feeling growing in his stomach as he had no choice but to cling on to Alice as she sped off in the direction of the crash.

Upon arrival, Zion felt like he'd been dropped smack dab in the middle of an action film. Shit like this just doesn't happen in real life. He stood back when they got to the scene, not really knowing what to do in situations like that but at the sight of Alice doing her best Zion couldn’t just stand there like a wimp. He sighed and cautiously made his way over to the tree, his eyes constantly flicking between their spot and the flaming wreckage
.”I don’t think we should stay here for long. That things gonna blow and this crash was seen all over the city. We gotta move. “ He said, accent thick with unease. His fingers were drumming an erratic beat on his leg as he crouched down to assess the man himself. He was no doctor, but he’d seen his fair amount of flesh wounds so he could at least help there.
thefinalgirl thefinalgirl Luckythekobold Luckythekobold Mirabilis Mirabilis Twin Fantasy Twin Fantasy

Watching his two acquaintances journey towards the crash site, Mikahil couldn't help but groan. At least Zion was a bit helpful. Under his breath, however, he was having doubts. "Sure, lets just move on towards a crash site prolly riddled with demons. It'll be a great time!." Reluctanly, he followed suit, hoping beyond hope that his panic would finally disapparate and he could just make his own way back to his job. He was tired of sitting, at any rate.

At the crash site were two individuals, one of which was out cold. The other was trying to rouse him. Looking at the helicopter, he noted the same military tags, along with a new one. Whoever these guys were, they had recently joined in the rescue of New York. The one out cold was straight military, but his savior was more a ghost than anything, with ghastly pale skin. Shaking his head, he hopped off his bike and stood, not wanting to lay down lest he fall asleep in an instant. Making his way over to Zion, he nicked a pack of cigarettes off of a corpse in the park, grabbing the lighter in its' hand as he did, and lit up a cig. He wasnt used to them, by far he still coughed from time to time, but he had smoked occasionally enough that it felt right to do.

Distractedly, he tried to remember the streets they had traveled, in hopes that he would figure out where they are and where his work is. His boss made sure all employees could defend themselves, but Mikhail himself had gone non-lethal, instead choosing a knightstick in favor of a pistol. But he knew that his boss had at least one shotgun behind the counter, for problematic customers. And his inline skates were there as well, which would do a mite better than his bike in the middle of the city.

Taking a long drag, he held out the cigarette for Zion, silently asking if he also wanted a puff.
[class=titleblock] height:50px; width:450px; text-align:right; font-family:Oswald; color:#FFFFFF; text-shadow:2px 2px 0px #111; position:relative; top:-90px; left:-50px; font-size:20px; [/class]
[div class=titleblock]Zion Naoki

Zion looked at the lit cigarette in the other mans hand, weighing the options in his mind. He wasn’t much into nicotine buzzes, his high times were of the THC variety. Shrugging his thoughts off, Zion took up his offer and inhaled deeply till his lungs were full and tingly. On the exhale he blew the smoke out the side of his mouth away from the injured man and others.

Oi, what was your name again?”He asked, handing the cigarette back. Zion was only slightly creeped out to be smoking a dead mans cigarettes, but hey - finders keepers.

thefinalgirl thefinalgirl Luckythekobold Luckythekobold
Looking back, Mikahil had never properly introduced himself. Probably the whole 'I'm gonna die' mentality constantly degrading his usual quiet and calm demeanor. Taking back the cig, he thought for a moment before replying. "Mikhail. Sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier." He looked back at the others, fussing over the unconscious man.

"So, judging by your accent, you from Ireland?" He asked, hoping that some semblance of normalcy would make things easier. And perhaps keep himself awake. And not thinking about snagging a dead mans nicotine.

Having a cig with: Storme Storme

He nodded,”Born and raised, just don’t ask where specifically. Parents were always on the move. You?” Zion chuckled bitterly, the darkening of his expression suddenly brightening as he remembered he had a pack of cigarettes he’d meant to give to Petey the bar owner (since he’d accidentally smoked the last of the old mans pack) in his book bag - along with a few bottles he’d managed to snag from the bar before it was destroyed and a grinder full of weed.

Pulling out the pack and pulling out a cancer stick, Zion lit up, his spirits lifted by the weight of his book bag pressed against his back. There might not have been anything helpful to the situation or anything that would aid to their survival in there but in the very least it was filled with enough liquor and pot to numb his mind from the hell that was unfolding around them.

Luckythekobold Luckythekobold
Thinking for a moment, Mikhail took another long drag, seeing Zion pull out his own pack. "Scotland. More raised here in the states but that does little to hide my accent when the world decides to go to crap." He looked back at the others. The cloud cover and the recent snowfall seemed out of place where they were now. It almost seemed sureal, with the amoubt of carnage and fire contrasting the glistening white snow.

He was jolted out of his thoughts by a flash of pain. His right leg stump flared, along with a ting of phantom pain on his right foot. The three day marathon of riding had probably left him sore. He stooped down, rolling his right pant leg up and showing his prosthetic. "Gimmie a hand real quick. Right leg is really killing me."

Bonding with: Storme Storme

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