Story [>//cultivation.]


now i know how joan of arc felt


Two people are talking on a balcony, the sun is setting far off in the distance and there is a dim yellow light buzzing on the wall behind the two.

-"What do you think of it, Ana?"
-"What? This world?"

The girl responds by waving her hand around as if she was investigating the air around her.

-"It's too...aesthetically pleasing. The air feels soft, the atmosphere is comforting."

The boy who is sitting on the railing of the balcony just nods his head in disappointment. Suddenly out of thin air, a small incision appears above the girl's twirling hand.

-"Scottie. It's cracking."

The boy gives a short sigh before replying.

-"Right. We should leave."

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A woman sits alone in a blinding pale room. She wears a white coat that sports a nametag. 'Dr. Genevive London. - Head Researcher - A.N.I.M.A'
Another woman enters the room, this one is sporting a full black suit and in her hand is a suitcase.

-"Doctor London, I am Ana Neal, it is nice to meet you."

The suit outstretches her hand for a shake, but the doctor responds with an angry glare. Ana Neal clears her throat as she withdraws her hand and takes a seat across from the doctor.

-"Doctor, I believe you know why I am here."
-"I am a scientist, not a mind reader Mrs. Neal."

Ana gives a slight smile as she continues,

-"I want to talk about one of your experiments; Scott Collins."

She places her suitcase on to the table, then pulls several files out.

-"Do you understand the kind of danger you are putting everyone in?"
-"Everyone in the Lab or everyone in New York?"
-"You are smart doctor, choose your words wisely. The world."

Doctor London slumps back in the chair, biting her lip smugly.

-"We don't have the time to hesitate on taking risks Mrs. Neal."
-"If you make a mistake then we don't have time at all Doctor."

The Doctor crosses her arms and asks,

-"Mrs. Neal, do you think that we can survive this without taking these risks.? It's been fifteen years since the first Hero attack, and we are still struggling to rebuild, we need to brave the danger and hope for the best."

Mrs. Neal places the files back into the case and closes it.

-"I'm not here to be given a pep talk on hope from humanity's top scientist, I'm here to investigate whether your experiments are worth running the risk of complete extinction of our universe."

Doctor London bites her lip, drawing a small amount of blood.

-"Well then see for yourself. We are conducting a Cultivation test in ten minutes."
-"Show me."

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The two women stand in an observation room, staring through a one-way mirror. On the opaque side sits a boy at a table, he looks to be no more than fourteen years old. His hair is white and frizzy and his skin is a sickly pale. The Doctor presses a small button on the wall and speaks into a small microphone.

-"Scott Collins, this is Doctor London. Today we will be conducting a Cultivation test. Please place your wrists on the table with your palms facing upwards.


-"Good morning America! This is Robbinson Derek bringing you a weather update. It is a beautiful day here on Myrtle Beach, South Carolina! The sand is hot and the water is refreshing! Now as you can see on the screen behind me, the sun is...the sun is black? What... what the hell is that?"


Scott places his wrists on the cold metal table in front of him and breathes in deeply, his eyes seem sunken and restless.

-"Good. Now, do you remember the safety fundamentals of our tests Scott?

Scott blinks and stutters for several seconds before spitting out his reply.

-"Breathe slowly. Remain Calm. Focus. Stay grounded."

Mrs. Neal takes notes as the boy speaks.

-"Doctor, explain the last fundamental to me."
-"Stay grounded. The process of Cultivation can be very mentally taxing and can cause...confusion for the Cultivator. It is a very delicate procedure."

Ana gives a nod and jots down a few more notes.

-"Alright Scott, at the tone begin your preparations and start Phase I."

A few moments pass before a piercing beep sounds. Scott then closes his eyes and begins to breathe heavily. Doctor London eyes a monitor and begins to type on it.

-"Phase I, Mrs. Neal. Atmosphere. The Cultivator is creating an atmosphere that is much like our own, it is needed to make the World stay in place. This is one of our ways to ensure safety and to keep the anomaly from escaping the artificial environment and affecting our world above."

The air above the boy's palm begins to gain weight, becoming heavy. It then starts to take shape; A sphere. The Sphere begins to falter slightly as Scott lets out a grunt.

-"Focus Scott."

The boy clenches his teeth and grunts again as the air pops back into place. The boy then smiles and says,

-"Phase I is complete Doctor London."


-"This is Doctor Akari, today is October 06, 2005. I am reporting on Event 01 that occurred on September 26, 2005. A being appeared seemingly out of thin air, it looked to be of an alien nature, very inhuman. It towered over the sea and resembled a diseased crow. For the duration of the creature's attack, the sun seemed to turn black. The creature's actions were suspicious however as it seemed to observe the beach-goers for several minutes before attacking. Close to 100 people were killed in the attack before it reportedly vanished into the sky. I was working in Japan at the time but was called in by the American Government to take part in a new project. The Agency I work for now is called ANIMA, and I am keeping this log to document my discoveries here. Oh, and a few of us here have deemed these odd creatures 'Heroes.' It is ironic but that was the chosen title."

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[End of Chapter 1]

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Scott Collins sits at the table, his breath quickens as he struggles to keep a small orb-shaped outline floating above his hands. The orb is transparent yet visible, it looks like a small sphere of reality that is twisting and contorting.

Dr. London - "Good job Scott. Stay focused and proceed to Phase II."

The boy clenches his teeth and gives a nod in response.

Ana Neal - "Explain to me the next Phase, Doctor."

Doctor London begins to type away on the computer, pulling up a small diagram of two planets colliding.

Dr. London - "This is where we get a little more dangerous, it also seems to be one of Scott's more difficult phases. The Bang."

Ana Neal jots down more notes and observes Scott intensely. Suddenly, rising from the palms of his hands, two small planets appear. They are no bigger than a quarter. The two planets begin to orbit each other fastly, growing closer with each rotation.

Scott - "Aah!"

The planet's orbits begin to shift slightly, missing their impact as they fly in different directions. One of the planets hits the far wall and creates a tiny explosion, leaving a large hole. The second planet flies into the mirror, causing it to crack as it continues to spin faster and faster, imbedding itself into the glass. Ana leaps back in surprise and almost loses her balance.

Dr. London - "Stay calm Scott! Release the planets from their gravity!"

Scott begins to scream in pain and his hands are forced against the table, the weight begins to crush his fingers. Blood starts to pool out of them as the bones crack. It is only then that Ana notices several scars and wounds along the boy's arms and hands, this must be an often occurrence.

Scott - "Aah! D-doctor! I can't...I can't control it! Help!"

Doctor London clenches her teeth and yells over to one of her lab assistants that sits at another computer terminal.

Dr. London - "Flood the room! Now!"

The second planet's spin continues to grow faster as the glass begins to bend and crack under the heat and pressure. An alarm sounds as several vents situated at the top of the room release a green smoke, causing the boy to cough as he is obscured from view. After a few moments, the second planet dissolves into ash and blows away. The Doctor walks over to her lab assistant, Ciara, and observes the screen.

Dr. London - "Subject's vitals are fine, the increased heart rate must be from the pain. Send a recovery team in the room and transfer him to the Infirmary."
Ciara - "Yes mam!"

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Holiday Commander - "This is ANIMA Recon team one, HOLIDAY. We have eyes on target, the characteristics and energy readings given off point towards it being another Hero. The date is October 15, 2005 and we are set up on the outskirts of Washington, DC. The Hero is showing no signs of hostility, it is just floating above the city...watching. It resembles a black cross with spiked edges, this looks nothing like the first Hero attack earlier this year."

The Commander of Team Holiday stands by in a tent on a hill, observing the creature. Suddenly a young boy runs out below the creature.

Holiday Commander - "What the hell? Does that kid have a death wish?"

The kid stares up at the Hero, and it tilts slightly as if it is staring back at him. The kid then holds his hand up to the creature and a small glowing orb appears in front of his palm.

Holiday Commander - "What is he doing--"

The orbs in the kid's hand flashes and the dissipates, but only for a moment. A blinding column of light shoots out of his hand and through the Hero. The sound of the explosion comes only seconds later and is almost drowned out by the low screeching of the Hero. The kid is surrounded by light before disappearing and reappearing several feet away from the Holiday Team camp.

Holiday Commander - "Go grab that kid! What the fuck is going on?!"

The Cross-like Hero continues to emit a loud screech as it falls to the ground, causing a large explosion. Several soldiers bring the kid over to the commander, steam is rising off of him. The commander kneels down and looks the kid in the eyes.

Holiday Commander - "What's your name kid...?

The kid smirks at the commander before replying.

"Ethan Calloway."

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Ana Neal and Doctor London once again sit across from each other in the same room they met in.

Ana Neal - "Does that happen often, Doctor?"
Dr. London - "Not often enough to shut down operations."
Ana Neal - "But what of the child's well-being?"
Dr. London - "What of humanity's survival?"

Ana gives a sigh before continuing,

Ana Neal - "What is your end goal? Are these tests amounting to anything?"

The Doctor gives a smile as she leans forward on the table.

Dr. London - "Yes, Mrs. Neal. What we are creating here is humanity's only hope."
Ana Neal - "And what exactly is humanity's only hope, Doctor?"

"Collin's Eden."

[End of Chapter 2]



Imagine a perfect world. Our world is flawed and scarred. Collin's Eden. The Goldilocks Principle. A Goldilock's planet is near impossible to find with our current technology, not only that but we are running out of time. We don't have the time. However, if we were able to create our own planet, our own world according to the rules of the Goldilocks Principle, we would theoretically be "saved". The perfect soup of elements and chemicals. An artificial human habitat. But how?

Scott Collins, a fourteen-year-old boy who has an ability... a power. This power allows him to create worlds from his very fingertips. Through the process, we call 'Cultivation', the boy can craft each essential factor for a theoretical Goldilocks planet. Atmosphere, Gravity, Chemicals, Elements, Temperature, Core, hell even the neighboring planets and stars; This boy can create our escape, a new man-made galaxy. This is our only hope for the future. Humanity's time is up, the Heroes have only sped up the process but use your brain, we didn't have much longer anyway. Collin's Eden is our last hope.


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Ana Neal sits across from the Doctor, seemingly finished with their conversation.

Ana Neal - "Doctor, I wish to interview your boys."
Dr. London - "Both of them?"
Ana Neal - "Yes. Scott and Ethan."

The Doctor gives a firm smile and nods her head.

Dr. London - "Very well."

A clock ticks away on the wall behind Ana as she awaits for Scott to enter, to which he does several minutes later. The boy sluggishly takes a seat across from her, bandages cover his arms. His white-haired head is tilted slightly down as he stares at the table.

Ana Neal - "Hello Scott, I am Mrs. Neal."
Scott - "Ana."

Ana neal stares at the boy with a shocked look on her face.

Ana Neal - "How did you--"
Scott - "Deja Vu Ana. I've had this conversation before."
Ana Neal - "I'm not quite sure what you mean by that...?"

Scott continues his blank stare as he replies.

Scott -
"T̶̢̬͇̰̱̮͉̜͈͊͐̔̋̚ͅw̵̢̧̧͚͉͎̝̳̐̆̔͐͑͒͝ö̵͚͎̺̎͐͝ ̶̼̩̭͚̣͈͉̺̤̣̫̇̈́͆̓̎d̵̛̞͍̹̠͈̖̠͉̼̳͖̹̮̗͉̽͊͂͝ạ̶̮̳̩̑͆͂̾̐̎͒͌̽͌̇͠ỷ̶̘̩̽̑s̴̨̢͖̬̪̱̞͎̅̍̈́͊ ̵̡͖̣̟̬͆̐͗̎̑̽͘͘Á̶̢̧̱̣̹̝͈̪̙̪̣̼̃̀̽͝ͅͅṋ̴̜̒͛̔͂̈́̄͐̈̂̂̃̕͝ą̴͎̠̳̬̙̹͘ͅ"

0̶̼̟̙̻̰̖̯͓͍̹̮̘̌͐̌́͐ͅ1̸͈͍͚̯̊̉̽͒̊͗͛̕ͅ1̸̹̺͕̯̱̼͇̯̘̬̍̊̽̂͐͗͌͊̋͘͝͠0̶̡͇͙̲̿̔̋̿̈́̃̌̇̾̾̔͐̕̚͜͠0̴̟͖̤̤̳̏̌̈́̀͑̑͊0̵̝̙̱̟̥͇̲̖̠̻͋̀̓͒̆̔̆̄̌̅1̵̧̧̛̤̯̹̼͕͚͕̪̥͍̀͌̿̊̑͂͑͂͘ͅ0̸͔̪͈͙͉̹̜̅ͅͅ ̸̨̻͚̹͖͕̐͊̆̔͑͑̓̉0̸̙̪̟͎̘̬̰̰̅̈́̾̂̓̕͜1̸͚͔̬̱̙̖̬͚͉͚̟̺̟̎̍̔̏͛̄̾͒̆̐͝1̷͓̳͈̦͓̥̺̱̦̣͎́͑̍͊́͌̇̿̉͝0̶̧̡̦̱̞̠͇̼̺̘̭̄̿̉́͌̄͒0̶̡̢̛̥͙̦̱̮̗̜̙͈̞̇̌̿̃͋͌̈́̚͘͝ͅͅ1̷̡̤̲̲̿͒͐̀̌̕͝0̷̛̖̦͉̬̗̬̼͊̅̀̽̾̋̓̌̿͂̀͘͝͠1̸̜̙̹̩̟̜͈̦̲̪̹͖̲̈́̀͂̋͗́̽͋̃̏̿͘͠ ̵̟̭̳̥̖̠̹̈́͌̿̅̈̂̃̂̐͜͠0̸͎̬̙̳̗̺̮͐̎̒͊̔̂̅̍̏͂̆͌͘͝1̶̧̡̛̣̫̫̮̳͖̻̩͎̋͗̏̋1̷̛͚͎̹̦̫̣̙̼̗̮̣̭ͅͅ0̴̗̥͕̪̈́̉̇͒̐̂͑̾̈͆̽̎͘͝ͅ0̸̢̢̞̜̝̠̻͖͎͖̥̮̣̾ͅ1̵̢̱̫̱̹͉̲͍̰͎̻͖̟̈́́́͆͊̌ͅ1̸̢̧͖̤͉͇̟̹̯̱̝̹̪͇͖͐̍͊̂͑̀̇͒̆͒͠0̶̤͖̜̺͔͍̩́̈́̾̂̽̏̇́ ̵̨̛̼̪͈̟̝̻͇̟̲̺̽͗̅̔̀͆̀̉͠͠0̸̥͉̂͗̒́̑̌̾́͒͐̈́1̴̡̖̻̙̙̤̩̬̤͕̩̋̇͝1̴͉͙̼͙̗͎͍̊̊́͂̀̎̀0̶̢̛̲͉̇͗͝͝1̷̟̠̳̖̖͖̗̦̦̱̳̈̃͜1̴̗̊̌1̷̱̫̩̤̠̬͈̼͓͙̿̊̈̌̊͒̅͛̈́ͅ1̵̛͕̮̮̽̽̀̄̆̔̔͠ ̷̨̛̛̀̽͊́͌͆̅̉̒̀̓͂̕0̴̭͔͉͕̹̿͝1̵͙͔̙͋͒̇̇̈͗̊̉̚͠͝1̷̨̙͖̬̺̱̼̲̗̗̈1̴̙̝̠̙̙̬̪̦̰̈́̌̉̃̈́͑͗͊̔͋̚͜͠0̵̯́̈́͋͑̈́͗͒͒̐͑̀͐̕̕0̶͔̠͉̰͑1̵̱͎͚̣̹̱͓̙̗̺̦̤͂̈́̎̾̈́͑̽̓͆̈̉̄̆͘0̵̲̲̙͖̖̞͙̰͚̳̊͛̓̍̅̍̀͆͝ ̸̧̣͚̪͓̺̀̓̓͑0̵̨̨͉̲̜͍͙͓̼͚̻̑͐͒͐̌̔́͊̈́̈́͂̍1̶̹̬͍̣̦̟͖̪̬͇̘͇̙͓̃̓͂̓̀̓́̌̽͛̍͋1̶̡͕̻̯̀͗ͅ0̴̡̨̛̛̛̰͎̜̦̖͆̐͋̓͒͐̚͘0̵̼̰̥̫͌1̷͉̝̊̀̿͆͝0̵̡̢͙̱͚́͂̑̉̓͊̈́1̸̨̟͉͇͍̖̭̺̿


A clock ticks away on the wall behind Ana as she awaits for Scott to enter, to which he does several minutes later. The boy sluggishly takes a seat across from her, bandages cover his arms. His white-haired head is tilted slightly down as he stares at the table.

Ana Neal - "Hello Scott, I am Mrs. Neal."
Scott - "Hello."

Ana Neal leans forward just a tiny bit before continuing.

Ana Neal - "I'd like to ask you a few questions if you don't mind."

Scott replies with a simple nod.

Ana Neal - "For starters, how do you like it here? Is the treatment nice?"
Scott - "This place"
Ana Neal - "Off? What do you mean by that?"
Scott - "The entire atmosphere of this place, it feels off. My presence here, it feels off. Everything feels off...except for you, Mrs. Neal. What is your first name?"

Ana scribbles in her notes as she responds cheerfully.

Ana Neal - "Ana!"
Scott - "That's a very nice name, Ana."

Scott looks up slightly and has a small smile on his face.

Ana Neal - "Why thank you. Now back to the questions. When did you first realize your...abilities?"
Scott - "When I was twelve, so about two years ago now..."
Ana Neal - "I see. And what do you think of them?"

Scott flinches at the question.

Ana Neal - "Ah, we can move on to the next question if you like."
Scott - "No, its... fine. I hate it."
Ana Neal - "And why is that?"

Scott looks down at his bandaged hands, it seems that blood has already started to stain on them.

Scott - "Creating worlds means creating life."
Ana Neal - "Ah, so you can create the life on your planets? Isn't that a good thing?"
Scott - "None of my words have ever been successful. All those lives... all the people I've killed because of my fuck ups..."

Ana Neal chokes up at this, and sets her notebook down. The two sit in deafening silence for several moments.

Ana Neal - "Ah. Well, I think we can end it here for now, you need some more rest after today."

Scott nods and stands up silently before walking out of the door.

Ana Neal - "Send in Ethan."

[End of Chapter 3]

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Ḻ̷̢̧̢͎̬͙̪̣̳͇̤̻̪̱̹̰̞̲̗̹͍̩͕̫̝͈͙͈̦͖̹̞͈̳̻̘̠̖͉̙̩̝͇̹̱͎̃͗̃̈̋̓̋̀̌͋̊̈́̅́͑͊̾͐̀͌̎̿̈́̓̂̈͗̐̀͂̎̈̈́͆͜͜͠ͅȨ̸̡̢̢̢̧̡̛̱̲͈̺̲͈̥̫̼̭̤̫̜̜̜̞̫̭͕̹̬̳͓͍̫̙̤̪̮̤͎͉̝͎̫͖̞̞̹̲͈̥͔̳̳͚͗́̌̋̾͗̿̏̒̊̎̎̋̒̔̈́̃̍̏̽̕͝͝͝ͅͅV̸̡̨̨̢̨̡̛̛͖͈̱͕̜̳̳͎̼͓͕̤̳͚͍̬͈̳͍͙̱̹͙̻̙̙̦̭̝̣͎̫̳͔͙͇̫̺̞͔͙̣̱͚̳̯̤̱͈͈̥͓̫̈́̊͊͌͌̋́͋̀̍̔̓̏̈́̒̂̀͗̽̈̋̀̈́̈́̐͋̎̂͂͌̍̆̃̐̑͒̈́̀̈́̈́̓̓̌̂̅͑͒̐̂͊̃͂̎͊͆̇̂̈́͆̍̓͑̈̃̂̉̅̌́̑͐̀̾̉̿͌̽̚̚̚̕͘͜͜͝͠͝͠͠ͅͅͅI̴̡̢̢̛̻̮̥͔̟͚̬͎͙̩̲͙̳̤̣̳͎̫̹͙̮͖̪͉͈͎͛̉̊̍̅͑̓̾͊̋̌̇́̏̔̏̂̂͗͐̑̌̽̔̽̌̉͐̄̃͛̑̆̃̊́̓̽̃͒̔̑͋̑̒͌̔́̓̆̽͆̃̿̀́̏̄̾̉͐̓̔̅̆̍̅̀̾͐̚̚̕͘̚̕͘̕̚͜͜͝͝͝͝͠͝͝ͅT̷͇̦̬̰͓̣̰̥̫̫̘͇̓̇͜͝͠ͅͅI̵̢͖͚͙̟̺̝̙̠̲̦͚̳̖̼̰̝͇̲̙͓̥̪͓̘̣͉̲̬̫̻͈̩̙̻̘̝̲̤̤̮̺̖͙̠̫͓͙̺͔̳̦̺͚̣̠̻̭̜̬̻̲̰̙͕̳͙̠͉͉̣̯̠͐̚͜͜͜Ç̴̧̨̙͍̱̙̳̤̲̙̭̠̮̬͚̠͙̣̳͎̬͖̭̙̲̳̉̓͋̈́̌̓͌͐͊̇̈̒̊̓́̒͑͘̚͝ͅU̵̡̨̦̝̥̳͍͙͍̲̼̞̭̭̰̬͕̳̰̤̬̞̯̹̳̠̰̰̯̘̞͍̘͓͕̘̘̞͈̪͙̝̜͖̝̱͇̥͔̩̦̾͊̇̊́͑̊̋͐̈́̐̂͆̀̃͂͂̾͑̆̊̀͛͊͌̓̚͜͜͠͝S̸̢̨̛̛̫̖͈̲͔͙͇̪͓̜̱̙͈̫̯͖͉̹̰͈̺͔̱̼̟͚͈͖̟̜̗̔̌͗̀̏̀̈͛͋̈́̿͋́͑̽̏̊̓̏͗̆͊̋̕̚͜͜͠͝͝͝ͅ LEVITICUS
LEVITICUS Ḻ̷̢̧̢͎̬͙̪̣̳͇̤̻̪̱̹̰̞̲̗̹͍̩͕̫̝͈͙͈̦͖̹̞͈̳̻̘̠̖͉̙̩̝͇̹̱͎̃͗̃̈̋̓̋̀̌͋̊̈́̅́͑͊̾͐̀͌̎̿̈́̓̂̈͗̐̀͂̎̈̈́͆͜͜͠ͅȨ̸̡̢̢̢̧̡̛̱̲͈̺̲͈̥̫̼̭̤̫̜̜̜̞̫̭͕̹̬̳͓͍̫̙̤̪̮̤͎͉̝͎̫͖̞̞̹̲͈̥͔̳̳͚͗́̌̋̾͗̿̏̒̊̎̎̋̒̔̈́̃̍̏̽̕͝͝͝ͅͅV̸̡̨̨̢̨̡̛̛͖͈̱͕̜̳̳͎̼͓͕̤̳͚͍̬͈̳͍͙̱̹͙̻̙̙̦̭̝̣͎̫̳͔͙͇̫̺̞͔͙̣̱͚̳̯̤̱͈͈̥͓̫̈́̊͊͌͌̋́͋̀̍̔̓̏̈́̒̂̀͗̽̈̋̀̈́̈́̐͋̎̂͂͌̍̆̃̐̑͒̈́̀̈́̈́̓̓̌̂̅͑͒̐̂͊̃͂̎͊͆̇̂̈́͆̍̓͑̈̃̂̉̅̌́̑͐̀̾̉̿͌̽̚̚̚̕͘͜͜͝͠͝͠͠ͅͅͅI̴̡̢̢̛̻̮̥͔̟͚̬͎͙̩̲͙̳̤̣̳͎̫̹͙̮͖̪͉͈͎͛̉̊̍̅͑̓̾͊̋̌̇́̏̔̏̂̂͗͐̑̌̽̔̽̌̉͐̄̃͛̑̆̃̊́̓̽̃͒̔̑͋̑̒͌̔́̓̆̽͆̃̿̀́̏̄̾̉͐̓̔̅̆̍̅̀̾͐̚̚̕͘̚̕͘̕̚͜͜͝͝͝͝͠͝͝ͅT̷͇̦̬̰͓̣̰̥̫̫̘͇̓̇͜͝͠ͅͅI̵̢͖͚͙̟̺̝̙̠̲̦͚̳̖̼̰̝͇̲̙͓̥̪͓̘̣͉̲̬̫̻͈̩̙̻̘̝̲̤̤̮̺̖͙̠̫͓͙̺͔̳̦̺͚̣̠̻̭̜̬̻̲̰̙͕̳͙̠͉͉̣̯̠͐̚͜͜͜Ç̴̧̨̙͍̱̙̳̤̲̙̭̠̮̬͚̠͙̣̳͎̬͖̭̙̲̳̉̓͋̈́̌̓͌͐͊̇̈̒̊̓́̒͑͘̚͝ͅU̵̡̨̦̝̥̳͍͙͍̲̼̞̭̭̰̬͕̳̰̤̬̞̯̹̳̠̰̰̯̘̞͍̘͓͕̘̘̞͈̪͙̝̜͖̝̱͇̥͔̩̦̾͊̇̊́͑̊̋͐̈́̐̂͆̀̃͂͂̾͑̆̊̀͛͊͌̓̚͜͜͠͝S̸̢̨̛̛̫̖͈̲͔͙͇̪͓̜̱̙͈̫̯͖͉̹̰͈̺͔̱̼̟͚͈͖̟̜̗̔̌͗̀̏̀̈͛͋̈́̿͋́͑̽̏̊̓̏͗̆͊̋̕̚͜͜͠͝͝͝ͅ

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A different boy sits across from Ana now, he is considerably older than Scott, stubble prickles out along his chin. His hair is disheveled and his attire is much different than Scotts; He chooses to definitely wear his own clothes as opposed to the lab tunics that each of the experiments were assigned.

Ana - "Good evening Ethan, my name is Ana Neal."

Ethan leans forward on the table and rests his cheek on his fist.

Ethan - "Nice to finally meet you Mrs. Neal."

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Ana tilts her head to the side slightly.

Ana - "So you've heard of me?"
Ethan - "Not really, there were just some rumors that Government higher-ups were gonna send in an agent to make sure everything is all... peachy!"

As Ethan says this he leans back in his chair, propping his feet up on the table.

Ana - "And is everything here 'peachy' Ethan...?"

Ethan scoffs as he replies.

Ethan - "Well we're definitely not served cocktails after each Cultivation and Daemon experiment if that's what you're asking."

Ana scratches some notes down reading: 'Smart-Ass'

Ethan - "Let me tell you something Mrs. Neal..."

The boy leans in closely and places his chin on his hands.

Ethan - "I really respect what you're doing here, and I get it! The Government is just oh-so worried about their precious little plaything's living conditions, right? "

Ana scoots her chair back as she responds calmly.

Ana - "I don't understand what you're trying to say Ethan but I'm here on Humanity's behalf. I care about the treatment of you and Scott, and I care about the fate of humanity...the fate that rests in both of your hands respectively."

Ethan pauses for a moment and ponders.

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Ethan - "So you're not really inspecting our well being, you're psychoanalyzing us. I understand, I mean you'd wanna make sure that the Key's to Humanity aren't losing their mind in this rat-cage."

Ana clears her throat and writes down more notes.

Ana - "I'm just ensuring that the risk of the experiments here isn't outweighing the reward, Ethan. Now that's not for you to worry about, and I think we're done for today."

Ana begins to stand up but she is stopped by Ethan, who is grabbing her wrists.

Ethan - "Oh Scott's lovely Ana, that is not for you to worry about. The risk has already greatly paid off, just pay attention. Look at that mirror over there."

Ethan releases Ana and she takes a few steps back. She hesitantly looks over at a mirror that she doesn't remember being on the wall before. Her reflection looks back at her and a faint ringing can be heard. She feels hands being placed on her shoulders by an unknown presence. She quickly shakes her head causing the mirror to disappear along with the strange presence.
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Ana - "That is enough for today Ethan."
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Ethan slumps back in his chair with a smirk on his face as Ana storms out of the room.

[End of Chapter 4]


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Ana closes the door behind her and pauses for a moment in the hallway, her stomach begins to churn. After her moment of rest, she quickly begins to walk down the hallway and into an office. Inside the office sits Doctor London and Ciara.

Dr. London - "And I do hope you join us for drinks tonight--"

The Doctor is interrupted by Ana barging into the room. She looks up at Ana with a disapproving glare, motioning Ciara to leave them; to which she hastily does.

Ana - "Doctor, I need to talk to you."
Dr. London - "If it is about Ethan, I do apologize. He has a bit of an attitude."

Ana shakes her head, her skin is growing pale.

Ana - "No, it's not that..."

The Doctor motions towards a chair in front of her desk, and Ana takes a seat.

Dr. London - "Then what is this about?"
Ana - "Doctor, I've felt very weird since I arrived here, it's only been a few hours but everything has started to feel strange."
Dr. London - "Ah, so you feel it too?"

Ana has a confused look on her face as Doctor London takes a sip of coffee from her mug.

Ana - "...What do you mean?"
Dr. London - "Do you remember why you're here?"
Ana - "Of course, I'm an Inspector sent by the government! You already know about my case on A.N.I.M.A"

The Doctor nonchalantly nods her head.

Dr. London - "Yes. Now, do you remember how you got here...?"
Ana - "I....I..."
Dr. London - "Do you remember when?"

Ana begins to stutter and look around the room, panic spreads across her face.

Dr. London - "Do you even remember who hired you? Who told you to come here? What Inspection Agency do you work for?"

The Doctor leans forward on her desk and continuously bombards Ana with questions until she cracks.

Ana - "Alright! Enough! What is this? Why can't I remember? Did you drug me?"

The Doctor cracks a smile and leans back in her chair.

Dr. London - "Quite the imagination. No, I didn't drug you. However, I am happy that someone else"
Ana - "Well Scott Collins! He said everything feels off, Ethan did some creepy shit--"

The Doctor reaches into her desk and pulls out a file.

Dr. London - "Yes I know but of course they would feel off, they are stuck in a strange lab all day while we run countless tests on them constantly. Plus it is hard for young minds to cope with such great power."
Ana - "And what are their powers? How did they obtain them?"

The Doctor opens up the file and scans the pages.

Dr. London - "We call it the Daemon Disease. After the Heroes appeared, they seemed to...inherit these powers."
Ana - "What is Ethan's power?"

Doctor London looks up from the file and says;

Dr. London - "So, Ethan's power is very different from Scott's. Scott can create life, planets, and entire universes from his fingertips. He is a cultivator."

She places the file on the desk.

Dr. London - "Ethan is a weapon. He can harness energy. We don't know the source or why he can, but he can. However, after running collaborative tests with both of the boys, we found that if any of Ethan's energy comes into contact with Scott's can cause an undesirable effect."

Ana looks down at the file but doesn't pick it up.

Ana - "What kind of undesirable effect?"
Dr. London - "The end of the world kind. A Supernova."

Ana breathes in slowly to calm herself down.

Dr. London - "We call this instance a 'Collapse.' Please take a look at my findings."

Ana picks up the file and begins reading through it.

Ana - "What does all of this mean...?"
Dr. London - "It means I believe we have already failed."

Ana responds by closing the file and giving the Doctor a bewildered look.

Dr. London - "I believe the Collapse has already taken place. I don't know why we're here or when it did but..."

Ana places the file back down on the table and slides it to the Doctor.

Ana - "This doesn't make sense to me Doctor."
Dr. London - "Nor I, Mrs. Neal. However, I find that it is in both of our best interests to keep this quiet and try to investigate it ourselves."

Ana responds by giving a nod and standing up.

Dr. London - "The team is going out for drinks tonight if you'd like to join us Ana."
Ana - "No thank you Doctor, I need some rest. I'll be in my quarters if you need me."

With that, Ana takes her leave and the Doctor begins to pack up for the day.


[End of Chapter 5]

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Scott Collin's Quarters
0:00 Hours

Scott Collins sits at his desk with headphones playing music into his ears. Although the music drowns out all sound around him, he swears he could hear something banging, so he takes the headphones off. Scott's assumptions were right; there were thee short knocks at his door. He makes his way over to the entrance and creaks the door open; Ethan Calloway stares down at him.

Scott - "It's late Ethan."
Ethan - "I know damn well you don't sleep, Scottie."

Ethan holds up a six-pack of beer and rattles it. Scott sidesteps out of the way, allowing Ethan's entry. Ethan then takes a seat on Scott's bed and sighs deeply.

Ethan - "Don't you get tired of this place?"
Scott - "I like my room just fine E."
Ethan - "Jeez you sound upset, what's the matter?"

Ethan looks up at Scott with pitiful puppy dog eyes.

Scott - "Hard day. Another Cultivation failure."
Ethan - "Ah. Well, I have an idea..."

Scott gives Ethan a disapproving glare.

Scott - "Don't even--"
Ethan - "Shush shush, look let's just have a good night. We got some relaxers here!"

Ethan taps the six-pack once more.

Scott - "Look, we shouldn't be doing this..."
Ethan - "I know, but think of it as... practice!"

Scott rolls his eyes and with a huff, he gives in.

Scott - "Fine. But only for a few minutes."

With that, Scott sits on the bed next to Ethan and holds his palms outwards. After a groan and a few moments, Scott begins to Cultivate a world. The sphere floating above his hands is much smaller than the one in his official test, he seems to be holding back slightly.

Scott - "Alright it's almost ready, I've gotten used to making this one for us."

Ethan gives Scott a small clap before closing his eyes.

Ethan - "Alright, I'm ready whenever you are."

Scott breathes in before Ethan is sucked into the sphere, followed by Scott himself.

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The two boys appear sitting on a log in front of a fire.

Ethan - "Ah. You know I love this place."

Ethan cracks open a beer and takes a drink as he leans towards the campfire.

Ethan - "If only I could make other worlds as good as this one."

Ethan gives Scott a sad look.

Ethan - "Look man, I can't begin to understand what it's like but I know you're gonna get it one day bro, I mean just look at this place!"

Ethan throws his arms out, motioning to the forest that they're sitting in.

Ethan - "Perfect air, perfect atmosphere. It's sustainable for humans!"
Scott - "Yeah but this is only one mile. One mile is nothing, I need to create an entire universe."

Ethan frowns and offers a beer to Scott, to which he shakes his head.

Ethan - "Well let's talk about something lighter; Whaddya think of this new girl, Ana?"

Scott perks up slightly before responding.

Scott - "I-I... I think shes..."

Ethan leans in towards Scott.

Ethan - "Nice? Funny? ...Pretty?"

Scott's face goes a bright red before stuttering;

Scott - "I think she's




Ethan - "Huh...?"
Scott - "I said I think she is interesting."

A worried look flows over Ethan's face as he looks at his bottle.

Ethan - "Ah, thought I heard something else..."

Scott gives a deep sigh before standing up.

Scott - "I think I'm gonna head to bed."

Ethan nods to him and stands up, leaving the unfinished beer on the ground.

Ethan - "Alright man, I'll see ya tomorrow."

Scott pulls them back to the real world and waves goodbye to Ethan as he leaves.

[End of Chapter 5]

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