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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Crystal Cove

Mentions: Leo and Vivian
Interactions: Elaine
Luci put on a plain black T-shirt dress and black lacy boots. She tended to dress plain to avoid attention. She decided to go to the beach so she could help with the decorations. She passed through the house noticing Morgan asleep. Luci wondered where she had been but was relieved to see her as there had been an air of stress in the house over her whereabouts. She sneaked quietly past her and out the door where Leo and Vivian were outside looking intensely at a painting that she assumed Vivian had done. She was incredibly artistic and didn’t seem to know how talented she really was. Maybe no one had ever told her.
Luci walked into town and found a middle-aged lady with a clipboard who looked particularly stressed.
Can I help? Luci asked. The woman who’s name she didn’t catch, (Carrie? Cara? Karen?) told her to hang a large banner across some of the lamp posts that read “Crystal Cove’s March of The Mermaids,” that ended in a mermaid tail. Luci struggled for a moment trying to do it on her own before she noticed a kind-looking girl who was wrapping the lampposts with green and blue ribbons.
“Excuse me, do you have an extra hand?”
Lilliana2 Lilliana2 Elaine
Dennis kept his finger guns pointed at both Irwin and Pat until he had backed up some distance away, enough to deter any further conversation. "Anyway, I'd love to stay and chat about any other terrifying inventions you might be testing, but I really do gotta go. See you guys at the March!" He gave both men a short wave before turning 180 degrees and taking off at a full sprint once more. Another distraction, more lost time. He hoped Dad wouldn't be too disappointed.

A short while later, Dennis had made his way from the board over to Town Square where he saw his father hard at work on decorations. Gabe Redding was wearing an over-sized pirate hat and an Alestorm t-shirt, getting into the March of the Mermaids spirit as he stuck big mermaid stickers on the windows of various shops. Dennis stopped near him, putting his hands on his knees as he huffed and puffed to catch his breath. His father just just raised his eyebrow as he glanced at him, still continuing to put up stickers. "You said you'd be here before ten to help out."

Dennis looked up from his gasping with an apologetic look on his face. "I know, I know...I'm sorry. I just lost track of time. But I'm here now!"

"Lost track of time, huh? Because you were up late playing video games again? Don't try to deny it, I can see how bloodshot your eyes are. That's not healthy, you know, you've gotta stop doing that." Dennis looked at the window next to him. His reflection did indeed show two very red eyes staring back at him. "And where's your pirate hat? I'm not sure that pizza shirt will strike as much fear into helpless mermaids as the Jolly Roger. Us business owners have to show extra town spirit for these events..."

Dennis just looked down and scratched his head. "I know, I know, I...I did get caught up in a game. It was a hell of a run, Dad! And I... guess I forgot all about the time. And the hat. I'm...I'm sorry."

Gabe's expression softened, giving the boy a slight smile. "Ach...don't worry about it too much, I'm just busting your chops. This is for fun, after all. There's still some clam ornaments that need put up around the street lights, you can handle those. Also," His hand waved towards a nearby box. "There's an extra eye patch and bandanna on that crate over there. Those'll have you lookin' like a big bad pirate for sure."

Dennis gave a wary smile back as he lumbered over to the crate, quickly tying the bandanna over his head and strapping on the eye patch. "Alright, I can do that! I'll get right on it. Sorry, again."

As Dennis grabbed a bag of clam decorations and took off, his dad cried after him. "Hey, your buddy Elaine is decorating just up the street!" Dennis threw up a thumbs-up as he continued dashing away. His father only smiled and shook his head as he went back to smoothing out his mermaid sticker.

Dennis didn't have to run too far up the street before he saw Elaine hanging up blue and green ribbons on different street lamps. He was about to shout out a greeting to her when he saw a pretty blonde girl dressed all in black walk up to Elaine, asking if she would be willing to lend a hand. It took him just a moment to recognize her, but then his face lit up with recognition. It was that girl that always waved to him when she saw him on his runs! Those moments always made him a bit nervous. Was it just a friendly passing wave? Did she want him to stop and talk to her? He never really knew what to do. He would always just wave and smile back, and that didn't seem to upset her. But all those little run-ins (or run-pasts?) and he had never caught her name. Maybe it was time to ask.

He strolled up just as Elaine and the blonde girl were starting to speak. He waved with a sheepish grin, rudely interrupting whatever Elaine might have been going to say. "Hello, don't mean to interrupt! I just saw that, uh, you were asking for help putting that thing up, and I, uh, wanted to help too. Should be easier with three people, right? I swear, Kara should know that putting up the banner isn't a one person job." He put a hand on Elaine's shoulder while keeping eye contact with the blonde girl. "Me and my good buddy Elaine would be happy to help you! Right?" He smiled a bit wider as he looked to Elaine with expectant eyes.

Interactions: Talking to Lilliana2 Lilliana2 and ParallelMary ParallelMary , Spoke to Killerclown Killerclown
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Atalanta walked through town, not particularly interested in decoration but looking for just something to clear her head. As she jogged down the street she saw Elaine, Luci, and someone she didn't know. Elaine was probably the only human she'd call kind of a friend. Despite being one of her clients she found the girl enjoyable to be around.

"Hey," she called out to the two with a wave. She smiled at Luci and Elaine but seemingly ignored Dennis. Turning her attention to Elaine she asked, "so how are the fish doing? Any of them get better yet?"
SpectrumCrow SpectrumCrow

"That'll be helpful, thank you very much," James said as he left the register. That was only partially true. While the description was, helpful, it only served to make him more confused. At least he knew to shut his mouth if he didn't want to see ravenous hordes of drunks attack him, for some reason.

"Have a nice day!" he said as he exited the door and went back to the street. Well, he now knew he had to find a pirate costumes. He didn't really dress up much, hell, not even for Halloween, but he figured a little bit of culture shock was to be accepted. After all, he'd look less stupid with everyone else dressed up. But he'd still be pretty stupid looking.

(Interactions: Finishes with Marisol/open)
[div class=container][div class=header][div class=hbox][div class=namebox][div class=gif][/div][div class=name]poecilia
[div class=extra]gatherer[/div][/div][/div][div class=icon][/div][div class=info]mood: panicked --> elated
outfit: sneakers
location: the bungalow living room
music: go go
with: morgan
tags: Morrighan Morrighan

[/div][div class=body][div class=scroll][div class=dialogue]"WAY DOWN IN LOUISIANA CLOSE TO NEW ORLEANS!!,"[/div]

"Oh no! Oh no no no no!" From under her purple sheets, Poe released a cry of alarm. She threw herself up and in doing so her phone clattered onto the wooden boards beside her bed. "Shit!" She paid it little attention as she kicked the rest of her sheets off and tumbled out of bed. The screen was lit up, still playing music and displaying the time. Poe should have been out of bed hours ago.
Her rush continued as she threw her clothes on, all the while muttering herself about her tardiness.
She took a quick moment in front of her full-length mirror, just to take her glowing self in. Her salty ivory hair was still in its nightly plait, so she worked on that while turning her torso and appreciating what she saw. A white strapless top paired with denim jeans and white and orange sneakers to finish it off. Plus, of course, her gold necklace.
The clothes were casual, but she felt she could still emulate her better self for today's March of the Mermaids.
She wore flared jeans every year. Every. Year. Then again, she almost wore them every other day anyways.
When her hair was free her gaze wandered to the opposite side of the room. Morgan's space. She tilted her head, finally slowing down for a moment to think. Her best friend hadn't been seen for so long she wasn't sure she was ever going to find what she was searching for. If she were honest, she didn't think she'd forgive her if she didn't return. At least Morgan had confided her leave in her. Not that anyone needed to know. Erik had pestered her enough in the first few days of Morgan's disappearance for him to have stopped completely for days. It had annoyed her so much she almost slipped up. A lot. It was no secret Poe didn't know what a secret truly was. In the end the sadness in her eyes at the end of every day was enough to convince the clan Poe was as unknowing as them. Surely Moon knew exactly what was going on. Poe didn't know. The pale goddess hadn't said much at all about it.
In all the time Morgan had been gone, Poe really came to realize just how much she loved the rebel. She prayed every day to have her back. If only to worry about her.

"Ohhh my, that little country boy coul- You've got to be kidding me~."
Now dressed and searching for her pre-packed tote [containing her change of clothes, as well as her essentials], Poe messed with items around the room. Even picking up a screwdriver from her dresser, in hopes the child-sized bag would be underneath it.
Her face was turned up in disappointment and she found herself staring at Morgan's neatly made bed, when it occurred to her she'd played herself. "Of course."
She had left it in the living room, all packed and ready. She wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry.
Nevertheless, she was satisfied her shared room had played enough part. She despised her comfortable bed and didn't bother to make it as she rushed out with her phone in hand, sneakers thumping loud against the wood. The technology still played its song, so she began to sing and dance along appropriately. Right now, she hadn't a care for anyone else that may have still been resting. She just needed to get the hell out, and keep her good mood.

Her first stop was the kitchen. She could immediately tell a couple or so of her other clan mates had passed through or spent some time in here, in particular Leo and Vivian. In fact, she could swear she just heard Vivian's voice outside. She smiled lightly knowing she must be with Leo, perhaps admiring a new painting, and glanced about for something to take on the road.
The first thing to catch her eyes, and her nose, was Leo's green concoction on the counter. She beamed, placed her phone down and made for the blender when she realised he made for one. And the green was long gone.
She tsked, figured it would only take up more time to call for Leo, and made a beeline for the fridge.
Had she not taken a moment to sing along, she'd have missed the note stuck to the silver.
Poe read it over with a light laugh at his insistence of not flirting with the humans. There was little chance.
As for the alcohol, he certainly wouldn't have to worry. Poe was never one to drink heavily.
She made a mental note to message Erik while "emptying" the fridge. A couple of tubs of yoghurt and a bottle of water ended up on the kitchen table, as well as a banana and apple out of their impressive fruit basket. Stocked by her's truly.

Poe picked up one of her stray remodeled [and recycled] fishnet bags and quickly stuffed her food in. With a shrug she collected a green apple and whisked her phone off the counter.
Once again, her sneakers made thud's against wood, and now, carpet, as she made her way for the living room.
First things first was to locate her bag. She stumbled in, the song on her phone almost at its end, and scanned the room as she moved further in.
"Go Johnny, go, go.......johnny be goood....."
Television....coffee table.....pillow on the floor....stray cup....Morgan. Oh she looked adorable asleep there. So peaceful. The corner of Poe's mouth turned up. She was almost smiling sadly when her eyes grew wide and her food and phone went straight for the floor. Morgan?! MORGAN. Now she was awake.

Poe could barely contain herself, she was in too much of a shock to comprehend her actions when she launched herself at the sleeping moray. Eager to wake her, demand a proper explanation, hit her over the head and tell her how much she missed her. "Morgan! Oh my Gods!" She was sure she meant to crouch beside her, but the young woman was now basically on top of her, beaming from head to toe and with hands on her shoulders to "gently" shake Morgan awake.

♡coded by uxie♡


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"Morgan! Oh my Gods!"

The words, coupled with the sudden weight of a body atop her, jolted Morgan awake. At first, her body reacted on pure instinct, her teeth shifting into long, deadly fangs as she hissed up at...at -

"Holy shit!"

Morgan flew from the sofa and into her best friend's arms, sending both of them tumbling onto the living room floor in a heap of tears of laughter. Everything came flooding back to the Moray ; the loneliness that had been both a refuge and an agony the last week without her friend, how much she'd missed home, and the pain she'd felt at knowing that Poe would never forgive her should she fail to return.

The Guppy's scent consumed her, filling her senses with the warm smell of home. It was so much better than the little wisps she'd run across in the Reef, and it brought tears to her eyes despite her best efforts.

She was finally home.

"Gods be drowned I missed you!" Morgan exclaimed, pulling back to take in her beautiful, perfect friend.

Her sister, in every way that mattered.
[div class=container][div class=header][div class=hbox][div class=namebox][div class=gif][/div][div class=name]poecilia
[div class=extra]gatherer[/div][/div][/div][div class=icon][/div][div class=info]mood: elated, thankful
outfit: sneakers
location: the bungalow living room
music: won't let go again
with: morgan
tags: Morrighan Morrighan

[/div][div class=body][div class=scroll][div class=dialogue]"It's you! You're back!,"[/div]

She began to freely cry, the happiness she felt, overwhelming. "You're back."
Poe didn't even register Morgan's immediate response, she was too elated to. She was really truly hugging Morgan.

She released a joyous laugh as they went tumbling back onto the floor in a heap. She cared not about their position, instead just resolving to bring Morgan close and stuff her head into the crook of the taller girl's neck.

As Morgan pulled back, Poe did so too. Half-heartedly of course. Her eyes flickered across Morgan's face, just to make sure it was her; take her in again. She really didn't want to have to miss this face again.
"Uh- I missed you too!" She shook her head in disbelief at the events unfolding and propped herself up on one arm to stabilize her place on the floor, her eyes never leaving her sister. She didn't bother to wipe her tears as she spoke, or fix her deeply furrowed brows, though she was smiling wide.

"You- you're~ A week! A whole week! No word! Gods, i thought maybe- maybe you weren't coming back at all~ I was so afraid something could have happened- that- that-." She was just going to keep rambling. Her smile was just going to turn into a frown. "Anything could've happened Morgan! What if you got eaten- what if you got captured-." She visibly shuddered and closed her mouth at the hellish thought, before tilting her head at Morgan with a sigh. "You have no idea how happy I am right now that you're safe." She gave her a genuine, but tight-lipped, smile while another tear escaped her.
Her eyes were so lit up, you could probably shove her ass on one of todays floats and call her a decoration.

♡coded by uxie♡


[class=container] --t-color: #1c7575; --color-1: #471209; --color-3: #bc7f3e; --color-2: #2C0E02; --color-4: #ffffff; --img-1: url('https://i.pinimg.com/564x/3b/50/df/3b50df51f02d62dd1bff11f4aaac7fd2.jpg'); --gif: url('https://www.nicepng.com/png/full/10-104452_aquarium-plants-png-fluval-marbled-anubias-plant-for.png'); [/class] [class name=container] height:415px; width:300px; margin:auto; display:flex; flex-flow:row wrap; [/class] [class name=header] height:117px; width:100%; border:4px solid var(--color-3); box-sizing:border-box; overflow:hidden; background-color: var(--color-1); padding:5px; border-top-left-radius:2px; border-top-right-radius:2px; [/class] [class name=icon] height:90px; width:90px; border:3px solid var(--color-4); border-radius:50%; background: var(--img-1); background-size:100%; display:inline-block; margin-left:13px; margin-right:13px; margin-bottom:5px; [/class] [class name=hbox] height:100%; width:465px; display:flex; flex-flow:row nowrap; flex-shrink: 0; min-width:451px; transition:1.5s; [/class] [class name=hbox state=hover] transform: translate(-180px); transition:1.5s; [/class] [class name=namebox] height:100%; width:170px; display:inline-block; box-sizing:border-box; padding:4px; [/class] [class name=name] font-size:20px; color: var(--color-3); font-weight:bold; letter-spacing:1px; text-shadow:1.5px 1.5px var(--color-4); text-align:right; line-height:115%; [/class] [class name=extra] height:15px; font-size:10px; text-align:left; text-transform:uppercase; text-shadow:0px 0px; font-weight:normal; margin-top:5px; [/class] [class name=info] height:100%; width:160px; font-size:10px; color: var(--color-4); font-weight:bold; letter-spacing:0.3px; margin-left: 3px; box-sizing:border-box; padding:5px; text-transform:uppercase; overflow:hidden; line-height:150%; [/class] [class name=gif] height:70px; width:80px; background: var(--gif); background-size:99%; float:left; background-repeat:none; margin-left:1px; margin-top:6px; [/class] [class name=body] height:296px; width:100%; box-sizing:border-box; padding:15px; font-size:10px; overflow:hidden; text-align:justify; background-color: var(--color-2); color: var(--t-color); border-bottom-right-radius:2px; border-bottom-left-radius:2px; [/class] [class name=scroll minWidth="300px"] height:100%; width:100%; padding-right: 50px; overflow-y:scroll; margin-left:9px; [/class] [class name=scroll maxWidth="299px"] height:100%; width:100%; padding-right: 50px; overflow-y:scroll; [/class] [class=dialogue] font-weight:bold; color: var(--color-4); display:inline; [/class]
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Leo drank the rest of his smoothie before placing it in the sink and following Vivian to her painting. Other clan members were trickling in and out of the kitchen and he flashed a smile and friendly nod to those he passed.

they entered Vivians room and she asked what he thought of it. She had a very focused, but excited expression as she waited for his review. She was all business based on how she asked him, and he alwayus remembered to take his time examining her pieces. "Well first impression is that it is absolutely gorgeous Vivian, now what it makes me think of.....hmmm." He stood back from the painting at first, taking in its appearance from afar, the blues and greens and turbulence of the water. He walked closer to a few feet away, his right hand reaching his face and stroking his short facial hair. "It makes me think of freedom and exploration. The waves look inviting and friendly, and the further the perspective is the more mysterious it seems. The little mermaid tail is a nice touch." he glanced back at her "Tell me what do you want this painting to evoke in the viewer?"

Claud/Erik Mentions Dennis, Pat, and Irwan
Claud knew as soon as Erik chuckled he would regret the question. He pointed out a modest cosyume, and then a....less modest one "Oh..I see." He knew which option Emillia would want to wear, and he disliked it, but his job would be to see what she wanted, not try to dictate it for her.

He nodded when Erik said they had somewhere to be and got in the truck, "Disturbances? Any idea what kind of disturbances we're dealing with?" he asked. He figured it wouldn't be anything dangerous, but he preferred to know before he went into a situation. They drove away from the town center and soon arrived at the beach. He could see three men on the beach from where they stopped, they looked like they weren't doing anything dangerous as far as he could tell. "Should I assume you know these guys?" he asked glancing over to his partner.
"You have no idea how happy I am right now that you're safe," Poe said, her big, beautiful eyes still shedding tears.

Morgan decided right then that she'd rip the world apart to never have to see her sister weep like this again.

"I know," Sighed the Moray, "and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left for so long, but I'm home now Guppy. Forgive me?"

But before her friend could open her mouth to respond, a familiar voice filled the room - as ancient and unknowable as the sea itself.

Kai Hurley

Today was the day. It had been exactly one year since he lost his legs. And exactly one year since he saw her. The angel that had saved his life.
Maybe she was migratory. Like a bird or something. So, even if he hadn't seen her since, he was certain he would see her today. Probably. Most likely. Maybe.
At least, that was what Kai told himself as he paddled himself out to sea as the sun rose over the waves, just like he did every morning.
He was out there for maybe two, maybe even three, hours before his waterproof watch beeped at him that it was time to come in. With a sigh, he rode the waves back to the shore, toward the spot where he had seen the angel disappear. He pulled himself onto the sand, dragging his board with him. Stowing his surfboard in the rack on the back of his matching wheelchair, he pulled himself into the seat, and wheeled himself toward the boardwalk.
As if warned by motherly premonition, Ms. Hurley waited for him outside the Siren's Surf. He flashed her a wide smile and rang the bicycle bell in greeting. His mother shook her head with a matching smile, took his surfboard from the rack, opened the door for him, and tossed a absurdly tacky pirate-themed Hawaiian shirt into his lap.
"What is this for? Did I lose a bet?" Kai joked, wheeling himself into the shop.
"It's for you to wear tonight for the festival," His mom replied as she stowed away his surfboard.
"Oh, yeah, I can't let Pat have all the fun for himself," Kai laughed, remembering the ridiculous costume his best friend had bought. He slipped the loud shirt on, though he did not bother to button it up. "But, I thought I could stay and help you with the shop. It will probably be busy today."
His mother sighed softly, gently shaking her head. "No, Kai. I can handle the shop by myself. Besides, even the Siren's Surf will be closing early tonight. Go have fun and do whatever it is kids your age do." She smiled sadly at him, and he pretended not to notice. They both knew very well that in the last year he hadn't participated in any of the town's festivities or events. He just spent most of his time at the shop or out looking for the angel.
"You can go help decorate. I know Kara would really appreciate the help," Ms. Hurley added, but then paused. "Actually, before that, would you mind running a few errands for me?" She moved behind the counter and quickly jotted a few things onto a scrap piece of paper. "I want to make sure we can get everything before the stores close for the parade."
"Sure, Mom,"
Kai agreed, taking the paper from her and looking it over.
Potting soil
Peanut Butter
Paper Towels

"Wow, this is a little bit more than a few, I think," Kai laughed, but his mother did not return the laughter. She wringed her hands anxiously.
"Is it too much? I can get it later. It's not a big deal. I-"
"No, Mom, don't worry about it. I got it. I will see you later. I love you!"
He called as he quickly made his retreat before she could stop him. He was already halfway down the boardwalk when he heard her call out to him that she loved him too and to be careful.
Looking over the list again, Kai decided that the gardening store was the best place to start. He had never really had reason to go in there before, but he did enjoy looking at their plants and garden decorations through the window whenever he passed.
The door chime jingled as he wheeled himself in, his stormy eyes darting around the cluttered shop. He felt a little out of his element in the very earthly store. He might need some help.
SpectrumCrow SpectrumCrow
Marisol - Shame Shame
After the previous gentleman had left, Marisol began to simply take care of some of the plants in the shop, allowing herself to zone out and think about nothing for a while. Her long blue hair flowing behind her back, lighted by the sun, her blue eyes focused intensely on the plants...only changing focus when she heard the little bell of the door ring.

Her heart jumped into her throat for a second...that guy...from before. The human she saved about a year ago...there...in her shop. Marisol, get it together. You've got a customer to help. She thought to herself, shaking her head ever so slightly as to bring herself back to reality.

"Hello, sir. Can I help you?" She asked, putting on a totally calm and polite smile. In reality, she was freaking out internally.

Finley - No technical interactions, but they approached Dennis, Elaine, Luci, and Atalanta
As Finley made her way down the street, music blasting through earbuds. Seeing a group of people talking in town, they grinned a bit. That's...probably where Dennis was? Plus, if not, they could just stroll by like they weren't intending to talk to the group.

Finley cracked his neck as he made his way over to the group. With hands in pockets, their short blonde hair curling and framing their face, they spotted Dennis. A devilish grin grew on his lips as he quickened his pace towards the group.

  • 434E4778-E07E-4597-93F7-DD3C4A630594.jpeg
    Claud, Irwin

    “Just some weird lights and noises at the beach.” Erik told Claud as they approached Irwin and of Pat into view he sighed as he parked the car. “The older gentleman is Irwin, and that’s Pat. His nephew and partner in crime.” Erik mused he always enjoyed seeing them and their antics. Erik got out of the truck and headed there way.

    Nice to see you again Irwin! Look I have a new partner, Claud!” Erik announced motioning to the other police officer. He could barely contain a laugh as he approached to investigate the strange machine. “What on earth are you working on now? You scared some nosey Nancy with it early but it doesn’t look very threatening.” He looked at the old man raising a single eyebrow and smirking “it’s not a bomb is it?” Another joke but he was actually kind of concerned about the contraption, he needed to know if the other mermaids would need to keep and eye out for it...whatever this thing is.

    Whirlawind23 Whirlawind23 Killerclown Killerclown

The moment Moon opened her eyes, she knew that Morgan had returned. It was easy to sense the Moray's aura, though the old mermaid had known for days when the girl would return to the clan. Of course, that did not mean she was any less pleased to have her wild child home once more.

The ocean was a sanctuary, a cradle for its children, and it had not surprised Moonscale in the least when Morgan had fled into its embrace. Though their family was a precious treasure in her heart, even Moon herself felt the call of the sea at times. For centuries she had lived a solitary existence, hidden beneath the waves. She did not regret abandoning her former life, but there were moments when the woman craved the silent wisdom of the Tides.

In a way, she almost envied Morgan.

As the serpent rose to prepare herself for the evening ahead, she found herself humming an old sailor's tune she'd once heard a crew of human men singing some centuries ago. It was a sad, beautiful tale of lost lovers and drowned men. It soothed her, that familiar melody, and brought her memories of the sea during her youth.

It made her smile.

Moon's quarters were nothing extravagant, which was perfectly fine as far as she concerned herself. It was a cozy little space, done up in lilac and cream. Shelves lined the walls which contained several hundred books collected over the centuries, as well as a few bits and pieces from her various stays in other human territories. A tall wardrobe stood proudly at one end of the room, opposite a large reading nook nestled beside the room's only window.

It was to that wardrobe that Moonscale strode, opening it to reveal a myriad of handmade clothes that often drew the stares of passing humans. To be quite honest, Moon had grown to discover that she simply did not care what other thought of her manner of dress and appearance. Her clothes brought her joy, as did her appearance, and so she had adopted Morgan's policy of "not giving a shit".

"What a silly expression," Chuckled the mermaid, who had always preferred the vocabulary of the 18th century. Things had been far easier to understand in those decades.

Shaking her head with a grin, Moon selected her attire for the day. She understood there was to be a Festival for the humans this night, and so chose her favorite dress.

Of course, before dressing, a lady must see to her hair and other such things, and so she seated herself at the simple vanity near her wardrobe.

As an Albino, Moon had been born with hair like ivory, a trait that she had come to pride herself on. It hung to her waist and fell in thick waves that she loved to braid and twist into fashions that reminded her of fairy tales. Over the years, she'd grown quite adept at weaving incredibly complex braids, and often incorporated beads, pearls, flowers, or exquisitely made pins fashioned into the likeness of living creatures.

Today she decided to use shells, bits of coral, and a long thread of pale gold that she wove throughout the entirety of it all.

When her hair was to her liking, the mermaid moved on to her cosmetics, the modern methods of such she had grown to appreciate. Despite how dearly she had adored the 1800's, she really did not think it would be possible for her to go back to a life without Urban Decay or tone-matching concealer.

keeping with the theme of the day, Moon decided that her makeup should be done up in blues and glitter, a style she was known for. After all, who doesn't enjoy a bit of sparkle?


Feeling suitably beautiful, Moon got dressed and threw on her usual pair of leather sandels. The moment she opened her bedroom door, the knew that Poe had discovered Morgan, though not from any supernatural gifts or visions.

She could hear the two girls crying and laughing with joy, a sound that elated her so much that she quickly made her way To the living room to see the reunion for herself.

The sight was a beautiful one, a perfect example of sisterly love. The two mermaids were holding one another close, tears streaming down their lovely faces.

"Welcome home, Morgan."
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  • View attachment 657888
    Claud, Irwin

    “Just some weird lights and noises at the beach.” Erik told Claud as they approached Irwin and of Pat into view he sighed as he parked the car. “The older gentleman is Irwin, and that’s Pat. His nephew and partner in crime.” Erik mused he always enjoyed seeing them and their antics. Erik got out of the truck and headed there way.

    Nice to see you again Irwin! Look I have a new partner, Claud!” Erik announced motioning to the other police officer. He could barely contain a laugh as he approached to investigate the strange machine. “What on earth are you working on now? You scared some nosey Nancy with it early but it doesn’t look very threatening.” He looked at the old man raising a single eyebrow and smirking “it’s not a bomb is it?” Another joke but he was actually kind of concerned about the contraption, he needed to know if the other mermaids would need to keep and eye out for it...whatever this thing is.

    Whirlawind23 Whirlawind23 Killerclown Killerclown
As Irwin and Pat watched Dennis leave the beach, Irwin made a mental note to himself to perhaps turn down the volume on his motion detector. Dennis was right, it wouldn't be of much use to help track a monster if the loud noises scared it away. He was about to have Pat haul it to his truck, but was interrupted by the timely arrival of Erik, the town sheriff. Despite a rather painful encounter with one of them a few years ago, Irwin had nothing but respect for the Cove's PD, especially Erik. So, when Erik questioned him about his device, Irwin cracked a smile and said,
" Hello, Erik. No, this is not a bomb. This is simply my new tracking device. Once I get this thing on the ocean, it should alert me to any significant motion near it. If it works on the water as well as it does on land, I will make more."

Meanwhile, Pat is obviously spaced out on this conversation, his eyes drifted into a blank stare as he imagines himself tonight at the festival, especially the Mermaid's Mayhem event. For years, he heard stories about the event and he wanted to join in.
Atalanta smiled a bit more hearing about the fish. Elaine, despite being a human, truly had a gift when caring for the ocean's life. Her previous stress seem to have melted away as she listened. Something about hearing someone talk about their passion just makes you happy.

"That's good, I'm sure they're happy to be back home and that you did such a good job taking care of them. Of course, maybe I'll stop by tomorrow," she responded happily.
Lottie | Interacting with: Emillia Whirlawind23 Whirlawind23

The necklaces look lovely? If anything, they looked tacky, but she wasn't going to say anything. Lottie assumed by the stick that Emillia was blind, but supposedly not? She was officially confused. “Um... Hiya Emillia, welcome to Crystal Cove, where everyone’s obsessed with mermaids,” Lottie said with a chuckle as she placed the beads over the girl's neck. “You can call me Lottie, I'm pretty new too. Moved in a few weeks ago” Lottie’s voice was going a hundred miles a minute, and it was so hyper, she forgot to breathe sometimes.

I actually… I have no idea when the festival starts. I was just gonna start heading over there and, um, start drinking really. After, I blow up the rest of these balloons of course. If you're not doing anything, you should come help!” Lottie was heading into town anyway and thought it would be a good idea to bring in more people.

She tossed the rest of the beads in the box and pulled out her semi-charged phone. “Sugarsnaps, we should head over now before the festival starts without us,” Lottie said with a chuckle.

  • A cellphone called out in a pitch black room. The song that accompanied it was What's New Pussycat by Tom Jones.
    Claws appeared beneath the mountain of blankets that covered the bed and found the phone, shutting off the alarm.
    Another alarm began shortly after the other one was cut short. This time the song was Devil's Dance Floor by the Irish rock band Flogging Molly.
    This alarm, too, was quickly silenced.
    A third alarm began, bleating out Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepson. Blake's discovery of human music was definitely non-linear and varied. She loved all of it (well, most of it) so the songs she kept were all over the place. If someone were to say what her favorite genre of music was, it would be "yes".
    It was this third alarm that finally got the nocturnal Anglerfish out of her bed and moving to get ready for the day. Her room was in complete darkness (helped by the blackout curtains on the windows and the door snake shoved in the gap of the door) but Blake moved around as easily as if it were lighted. Though really, it was easy to navigate her room as it was rather lacking in decor, only consisting of a bed and a dresser for furniture.
    After shrugging on a white sundress and a black leather jacket, she sat down in front of the mirror on the back of her door to do her makeup. There was a joke to be said here about her doing her makeup in the dark, but with the help of Pinterest and Youtube, Blake had gotten pretty good with it since her arrival less than a year ago and the dark was never an issue for her.
    Grabbing her sunglasses from on top of the dresser, Blake opened the door and squinted into the light of the hallway before she put them on. Instantly, she could hear Poe and Morgan, and she almost turned around to go back into her room.
    It was very clear that Morgan did not trust her and did not like her, so she tried to avoid the Eel as much as she could.
    Taking a deep breath, Blake sneaked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple for breakfast. Reading the note on the fridge, she pulled out her phone and composed a message for Erik.
    Thank you. Stay safe. Sharks Rule 🦈
    Blake paused, her thumb over the send button, before she deleted her message.
    sharks rule
    Biting down on her apple, Blake slipped out of the backdoor and made her way into town to see what the March of the Mermaids was all about. She had been told about it, but this would be the first time she would get to see it. Well, the first time she would get to see any human festivity, really.
    Though her face did not show it in the slightest, she was excited.
    (Text to Erik Lilliana2 Lilliana2 )
Marisol - Shame Shame
Marisol looked at him with gentle eyes, she seemed...at peace. Her hand met his for the handshake, feeling the smallest rush of panic as she pulled her hand back afterwards. What if he recognized her? No...no way he would...she had a veil on when she saved him...even then he probably couldn't remember that day very well.

"Marisol. It's a pleasure to meet you, Kai." She gave him a small, warm smile. Marisol didn't bother adding anything else about herself, she knew of the rumors swirling around her clan. The chance that he hadn't been at least somewhat aware of her was slim.

So his name was Kai...Marisol had seen him around here and there, but...never this close before. It was strange, filling her with so many different emotions! Anxiety, relief, happiness, sadness, it was all there. She wanted to tell him that she was glad to see him okay but...that would be a dead giveaway.

She bit back a sigh, turning around to fetch the things he needed. She got the three best, affordable items from the shelves, putting them on the counter for Kai to see. "I would recommend these. They're some of the best types of soil I've found...and as for the pesticide, it's pretty safe compared to some others. We also grow aloe that you could buy, unless you meant just a pot with an aloe vera plant in it..." She explained, gesturing to the different items as she spoke.

Finley - thats a lot of ppl to ping so im just gonna...not sdlkjflsdk
Hearing the chatter ahead, Finley elected to NOT shout "DENNY" from across the street and interrupt the conversation. Instead, they just walked over to the group, giving them a small peace sign as they approached. Once a break in the conversation was present, they made their own presence known with a simple "Yo."
[div class=container][div class=header][div class=hbox][div class=namebox][div class=gif][/div][div class=name]poecilia
[div class=extra]gatherer[/div][/div][/div][div class=icon][/div][div class=info]mood: elated, cheeky
outfit: sneakers
location: the bungalow living room
music: won't let go again
with: morgan, moon
tags: Morrighan Morrighan

[/div][div class=body][div class=scroll][div class=dialogue]"Forgive me?,"[/div]

The use of the name "Guppy" made her laugh for a second. Not because she found it humorous, but because she hadn't heard it in so long. Not from Morgan anyways.
Poe looked between Morgan's eyes, certain of the honesty in her words. She could practically feel the guilt radiating off of her. As much as she hated it, she was glad for it.
Morgan could do anything she'd like, and Poe would never try to control her, but it brought her some peace knowing Morgan knew the impact she made on Poe, and maybe even their fellow clan members.

She gave her another teary smile, already nodding and opened her mouth to speak only for a new presence [a great one] to make itself known.

Poe's attention was immediately pulled towards Moon, standing above them at the entrance to the living room. She beamed at the ancient, ethereal woman. "Moon, good morning." Then she looked back to Morgan. "Of course I forgive your Mor~ Just- send a seagull next time? Moon can interpret," she teased, biting her tongue and looked back up at Moon.
"Right Moon?", she chuckled.

♡coded by uxie♡


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"Right Moon?"

The Immortal couldn't help but chuckle, her pale eyes (the faintest shade of lilac) glimmerimg with joy and amusement as she observed the happy reunion. Poe had always been a source of light and joy for Moon.

"A seagull? I'm not entirely sure such a creature would have the mental aptitude for such a thing. As for whether I could 'translate', darling girl, I am afraid birds do not fall under the jurisdiction of The Tides."

Her words were colored with joy and the elation of the moment, as both of the girls' auras were simply incandescent with their jubilence. It was a joyous moment, this, and she felt her ancient heart swell with affection for the both of them.

But a glance at the clock on the wall reminded her that she had engagements to attend to.

"Forgive me, girls, but I'm afraid I must leave you. I made arrangements to provide my services in aiding the humans in the preparations for tonight's festivities. I hope to see the the both of you there," she said with a smile before departing.
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Emillia accepted the bead necklace from the talkative girl. Lottie quickly ended up suggesting Emillia come with her to the festival, which was a pleasant surprise,. She asked her to help decorate and a spark of excitement flickered in her. She was rarely asked to do anything, and having someone request her help was hugely rewarding for her.
“Oh yeah, I’d be happy to help! How far is it from here? I’ll need you to lead.”

Leo noticed Vivian staring at her own painting for a minute and wondered if she was contemplating something he’d missed. He raised an eyebrow as she verified that it wasn’t done yet and needed a rainbow “A rainbow huh? I’ll come with, I need to get some craft supplies to, shall I give us a lift?” He agreed. He had an old Jeep outside he used to get around the city and often car pooled with everyone who needed a ride.

Claud followed Erik down to the beach and to an older gentleman and a younger man. Erik introduced them and he flashed a small wave at them as Erik did. Claud circled the device curiously, a motion device for the ocean? “What exactly are you looking for out there?” He asked curiously. It seemed like a big waste of time unless it was something significant like an endangered or thought to be extinct animal.

  • Erik


    A device that notices movement could be dangerous for the clan...I’ll have to talk to moon about this. Erik felt a knot in his stomach forming. He knew the old man had no intention of tracking or even finding mermaids but he was always a looming, even if not dangerous, threat. Humans always reacted differently when they discovered mermaids and they were usually quickly shut down by other humans but no one had any actual proof of their existence yet. He was closely investigating the device when he noticed Pat staring off as if thinking about something.

    “Where do you plan on putting this thing?” Erik asked Irwin as he approached Pat he put his hand on the young mans shoulder “Thinking about the festival? If you have too much fun I won’t rat you out.” He mused, although he was also completely serious about not ratting him out. Pat was a good guy and there was never any danger in letting loose and having fun on occasion. He smiled at Claud as if to let him know that Pat was to be off the hook for the rest of the day. He also wanted to see his reaction when Irwin told him exactly what it was he was looking for.

    Whirlawind23 Whirlawind23 Killerclown Killerclown
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[div class=container][div class=header][div class=hbox][div class=namebox][div class=gif][/div][div class=name]poecilia
[div class=extra]gatherer[/div][/div][/div][div class=icon][/div][div class=info]mood: cheeky
outfit: sneakers
location: the bungalow living room
music: won't let go again
with: morgan, /moon
tags: Morrighan Morrighan

[/div][div class=body][div class=scroll][div class=dialogue]Poe bit her lip with a tiny chuckle.[/div] The sincerity in moon's reply was enough to make her forget she was truly teasing her. She knew very well Moon was unlikely to perform such a feat, but clearly asking it of her anyways was completely worth it.
With a nod, as if she were in some sort of knowing loop, Poe quoted. "Mmhmm, that's what I thought~ Seagull's do not have the mental aptitude."

Her eyes flit cheekily across to Morgan when she finished speaking, before redirecting her attention back to Moon as the woman spoke again.

"Forgive me, girls, but I'm afraid I must leave you. I made arrangements to provide my services in aiding the humans in the preparations for tonight's festivities. I hope to see the both of you there."

Poe's eyes furrowed in disappointment to lose Moon so quickly, but she gave Moon a smile and a nod a she made her leave from the girls. "As did i......"
Her eyes widened and she whipped her head around in search of her fallen phone. The tech came right up to her face and she cursed.

In all the panic and excitement, she forgot why she'd entered the living room in the first place.
Pow whipped back around to Morgan with a look of panic. Again.

"Uh~ damnit-." The young woman pulled herself to her feet quickly and kept her hands out for Morgan to join her. "I should've been at The Attic hours ago now~ I can't imagine how many people might've already needed to get in. But- we need to get you cleaned, dressed, and out with me first. You're far more important."
She gave Morgan a look that said "you with me?"

♡coded by uxie♡


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Morgan was still reeling from Moon's appearance as her bestie gave her an all too familiar look. She wasn't exactly surprised to find that Poe was, to her chagrin, extraordinarily correct.

She smelled like shit, and would bet money that she wasn't exactly party quality at the moment.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll go get ready for the stupid human thing. Let me go rinse off and throw on some clothes, and we can go."
Interactions: Elaine, Dennis, Atalanta
Mentions: Erik

“Yes, I have hands” The girl answered. Luci smiled at her. She could tell that she was making the girl nervous. A lot of humans were nervous around the clan. Luci suspected it was because they thought the clan was up to some weird stuff, which couldn’t exactly be dispelled. She had seen this girl on the beach some days working with the injured animals and could sense the comfort that she brought to them. Luci decided that she must be a special type of human. She looked like she was about to say something else when she was interrupted suddenly by Dennis.

"Hello, don't mean to interrupt! I just saw that, uh, you were asking for help putting that thing up, and I, uh, wanted to help too. Should be easier with three people, right? I swear, Kara should know that putting up the banner isn't a one-person job." He said. Luci was grateful for the help as she had been thinking the same thing. Dennis’s charming smile made her blush.

Dennis is actually just the guy for this job, he is literally a professional at hanging stuff up.” she made an up and down gesture to point out his height. “Honestly the best way to hang the banner is to have one person hold it still, and the other person tie it on. Dennis can just reach over you and tie it there and I can make sure it looks straight. Right Dennis?” The girl who she now knew as Elaine was giving Dennis a funny look.

“I really appreciate the help,” she said to both of them. “I’m Luci, by the way.”

She began to center the banner on the first lamppost when Atalanta came over and began chatting with Elaine. Atalanta was a really cool girl. She was very fierce but also very caring.

Dennis grabbed the top and wrapped it tightly around the post. His shoulder bumped against hers as he tightened the bow. Usually, she would have been iffy about having someone in her space like that, but Dennis had a calming aura. Plus he was cute. She almost slapped herself for thinking about that, as she knew what Erik would say.

I think I’ve seen you before, blurring past me on the beach,” Luci said to Dennis. Luci began holding up the other side and Elaine and Atalanta both gave a thumbs up that it seemed to be even.
Lilliana2 Lilliana2 wereplatypus3 wereplatypus3

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