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in-character coding to match the character sheet.

Eun-Young Ara Delarose

"We must take adventures in order to know where we belong."
Location: The Edge of Town
Scenario: "Unexpected Meetings"
Mood: Surprised and Nervous
It had been at least half a year since the Delarose family stumbled into River Crest. Life in the small town so far was quaint, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, or rather, it depended what one believed was "ordinary". To Eun Young, though she likes to be called Ara since most people butchered her first name often, RiverCrest was what she expected life to be like. Supernaturals were all around her, hiding and lurking, and that was what she was used to. In the eyes of mundanes, they were clueless of the different mystical powers that were at work in the small town. It was far from "normal" and she wondered what would happen if they were to find out.

Ara always spent her time with her nose in books, reading about history to different spellbooks. But when she read stories of past histories of those exposed to the supernatural world, it wasn't pleasant, especially since the evidence wasn't necessarily in your face but in the crevices of the words written in the newspaper or books. Ara tried not to dwell on it but somehow she always became emotional whenever she read personal diaries belonging to those who had already passed. Ara just couldn't fathom exactly why they couldn't all just get along. It wasn't just the supernatural world, but also the mundane. It was a never-ending cycle.

But, she always tried her best to avoid confrontations especially when she didn't have anything to add or say. Nevetheless, as much as Ara kept opinions to herself, she was quite obedient especially when it came to her parents. She honestly just didn't want to disappoint them and further add stress onto them since their coven was now spread apart from each other. It worries her that she and her family can't get in contact with the rest of them to see if they were okay. But perhaps no news means good news.

But it wasn't a surprise when her and her family came into town and their magic lessened slightly. They weren't as powerful especially since they were on foreign lands and grounds. The Delarose coven needed time to situate themselves before rebuilding and restoring their power again which is why they often hated moving and relocating. So, for most of the time that the Delarose family was in town, they stayed under the radar and never came in close contact with many people. They lived on the outskirts of town but close enough to the town that it was a fifteen minute drive to get into the main streets of where the restaurants and shops were located.

Ara loved leisurely walks in the woods, it was something she had gotten used to doing since she was but a wee babe. The scent of fresh pine, the crunch of the leaves that were heard with each footstep she took, and just being surrounded by nature's life all around her. It wasn't just trees to her, no, they were more than that. The plants that grew within the woods were very much alive to her. With each bristle, with each growth, the woods became more alive as animals and plants alike worked in a cycle. If anything, she felt at ease in the woods, following a path by leaving a ribbon with each turn and steps she took. The ribbons glowed in the dark, a spell she was able to cast upon the object of her choice, just in case when night fell, she could find her way back again.

Just like most of her days, Ara found herself exploring, seeing newfound plants that she perhaps can use for one of her newer spells she was working on. At the moment, she was working on tweaking a binding spell as well as medicinal herbs for other illnesses. She had found ginseng in town, but she wanted roots and other items to mix them together into a powder. As Ara followed the trail as she normally did, she found herself immersed in the difference of plant life in RiverCrest than her own home country. It was absolutely astonishing to see the how the soil and how the plants often grew and wilted. Ara never was without her handy journal as she took notes and drew images of the plants she came across.

But, before she knew it, night fell and she began to make her way back home. However, a gun shot as well as other screams echoed in her ears as she froze in her steps. Ara's heart beat quickened as she sensed something was admist in town. The sun had already set and it was dark, too dark for her liking. The trees around her were still as can be so any noise she heard amplified even more. She tried looking for the glowing ribbons she placed but to no avail. All she heard was a truck zooming on the outskirts of the forest and voices.

Ara wasn't scared. . but more so nervous of what was going on. Her head went to thoughts that only spooked her more as she meekly and hesitantly called out, "H-hello . . ? A-anyone o-out there. .?" With small steps, Ara looked around, blindly, as she tried her best to make it through the woods. What happened to her ribbons? And was that iron she smelled? Warning bells rang in her head as she swallowed back a nervous whimper as she shivered in her bones. As a witch, she sensed something afoot within nature, as if the balance of things were starting to tip over and something big was about to happen. A big change was about to happen and it would turn this small town upside down.

Wandering around aimlessly, Ara managed to trip over air, branches, and leaves to the point she was covered in dirt and had twigs stuck in her light, blonde hair. Deciding that walking around aimlessly and trying to retrace her steps was a blow, Ara decided perhaps using the night sky and the moon as a compass would be better. Her light hazel eyes glanced at the sky as she tried to encompass her surrounding, guesstimating her cardinal directions. Soon enough, after more time passed or so, she managed to find herself walking out of the woods towards a street unfamiliar to her.

Her heart felt as if it was about to leap out of her chest when cars swiftly passed by her, zooming off as she couldn't help but sense someone was in trouble. But, before she could ponder what was going on, she heard voice to the left of her as saw a girl looking over a boy, perhaps someone close to her, in concern. Ara wondered if she should go and talk to her. . but she was hesitant. It wasn't any of her business and whatever was going on could not be good.

She shouldn't get involved. But, seeing the girl and the unconscious male, Ara tilted her head,
sensing the girl's aura. It was strong, too strong and mystique to be a human's but not so much of an undead or shifter. Ara felt almost connected and familiar with her, but not bonded as she was with her coven. A slight breeze passed through as she felt it, her energy. The girl before her was not only a hereditary witch like she was, but she must have descended from a long and powerful bloodline of the witches who lived in RiverCrest. This only cause Ara to feel more cautious and worried. It wasn't every day that she was faced to face with another witch, much less one who seemed more vulnerable than usual.

Furrowing her brows, Ara couldn't help but scold herself at the thought of just leaving the girl behind and acting as if she didn't see it. It was obvious to her that the girl needed some sort of well . . help, perhaps? With a deep breathe, Ara quietly stepped a little closer towards the two strangers. "A-are you . . I mean . ., " she cleared her throat a bit, "i-is h-he okay? Are you. . okay?" Her voice was soft and gentle, almost melodic-like, yet a slight hoarse-ness filled her tone, as if she hadn't spoken in forever.

coding; allrightsreserved deer deer
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simple and clean character sheet and matching in character code

Name: Charlotte Rivers
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 21
Appearance: Standing at 5 feet and 2 inches, Charlotte is of average height and has feminine and soft features. Due to her love for running, she is quite well-toned and can produce a mean punch, despite her fragile appearance. Her warm, long, wavy, mocha brown hair falls mid-way to her back. Charlotte has crystal, emerald green eyes that shine best during the sunlight but gives off a slight overtone tint of yellow during the moonlight.
Personality: Despite Charlotte's fragile appearance, Charlotte has a voice as loud as a lion's. She speaks her mind and will not back down from a fight. Charlotte can be protective of those closest to her, always looking out for her friend's best interest, even if she has a different opinion than them. She's quite observant, always looking at things two steps ahead before making a move. Charlotte isn't one to act on rash decisions, carefully planning and never going through things head first. She's quick-witted and quite clever, especially in tight situations, using everything around her as her "playground". Sometimes, without meaning to, her words can be as sharp as knives, being honestly blunt to where she disregards other people's feeling, especially when she's angry. However, when the words have been said and she slowly calms down, she immediately regrets saying the words that have been spoken.

Charlotte can be quite a guarded individual, never letting others get to close to comfort. Nevertheless, she allows people to be at arm's length to her, in a sense, she is friendly and approachable with most, but she won't let others go beyond what she allows them to see, unless she's close to them. Despite that, Charlotte's always seem with a soft smile on her face, ready to lend a helping hand to those who needs it. Usually, Charlotte can be seen mixing in with the crowd, never one to stand out, despite her natural beauty. She hates attention and would rather not be the center of it. All in all, Charlotte is a well-rounded and grounded person. She's quite down-to-earth, always up for an adventure and always up for some fun challenge. Charlotte loves spontaneous events as she doesn't like going through the same routine over and over again. She can be quite willful and rebellious, always wanting to cause some sort of trouble for entertainment. (Who likes being a good girl all the time?)
Brief History: Life for Charlotte wasn't good, but it wasn't bad either. The Rivers family were well-known through the town as her father was a realtor and her mother was an owner of one of the cafes in Aleria. She was close to her parents, but of course, they were busy with their jobs that she mostly took care of herself or her neighbors would invite her over for dinner. But, for as long as she could remember, she was always a resident in the town of Aleria. The town, to her, always felt. . too claustrophic at times, since everyone knew each other and everyone knew each other's business. Privacy was definitely not something she had known her whole life, at least, she tried to keep some secrets, but somehow, they always have a way of getting out. But, one incident that caused her to go astray happened when she was around fifteen years old. She was with a bunch of close friends, goofing off in an abandon warehouse they had found. It was always their hangout spot, so it was just one of those nights where they just sat inside telling ghost stories, making smores, and just. . . imagining a life outside of Aleria. Everyone were neighbors and most of the people were friendly people, but of course, there were a few little mishaps here and there, nothing big. However, who would have thought that night would have turned into a disaster?

That night, Charlotte and her friends were playing around, seeing who could go the furthest into the forest. There were 5 of them, including herself. One by one, they went into the forest, placing rags on the trees. The town always had some sort of small little ghost stories or even legends of wolves or creatures of the forest that children were often told so that they wouldn't wander off into the forest so late at night. Nevertheless, being the rebels they were, they wanted to test out that theory. However, before Charlotte knew it, she and two of the girls Laura, Stella, and the male Danny, heard a loud scream coming from inside the forest. It was Michael! As scared and nervous as they were, the group raced inside the forest, trying to find their friend. But, before they knew it, their friend was massacred beneath the tree trunk of where his flag was tied.

To say the least, the police had covered up the incident to make it look like there had been an accident, to not scare the townspeople. However, only she, Laura, Stella, and Danny knew of what had happened that night. Her parents were very comforting, but the incident only caused them to become a little more strict on Charlotte's curfew and time spent away from home and where she went. She and her friends became "spectacles" in a sense, as all of the kids their age walked on egg shells around them or even started rumors of what "actually" happened. But, as time passed on, her friends couldn't take it anymore, including their parents, so one by one Laura, Stella, and Danny ended up moving out of Aleria, leaving her by herself with others. After two years passed, things started dying down and the incident was just now a faded memory.

Charlotte hung out often with many different friend groups, never sticking to one. She wasn't close to most of the kids her age, but most of them were nice enough to talk to. However, that memory of her deformed friend hurted and haunted her the most as she believed it was her fault since she dared all of them to such a dangerous game.
Wolf Form Description: When and if she is turned, her wolf form will consist of a wolf with sleek, snow, white fur. Her coat is quite puffy, making her look "bigger" than how she truly looks. She's quite an average size for a wolf. She has her human eyes that will make her distinguishable from the others. Eyes filled with mixed emotion.
Other Details: Charlotte loves running, especially in the early mornings. She finds herself at ease when she runs, especially since it allows her to escape from the world at present. Charlotte absolutely loves drawing, especially pictures of scenaries, but that means her room has paper everywhere and her room is just a slight mess due to it. But, if she's not drawing, she tends to like writing novels, sometimes even short stories of something more than the town she lives in. Charlotte frequently wakes up from nightmares and suffers from insomnia.

coding; allrightsreserved deer deer



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ac purus a sem consectetur accumsan id rutrum tortor. In in auctor sem. Aenean lacinia arcu vitae orci luctus, eget blandit nisi tristique. Duis id tellus eu justo aliquet iaculis. Curabitur laoreet convallis mi vel porttitor. Nulla et libero sed sem euismod posuere. Fusce tristique enim a vehicula ultricies.

Donec posuere, sapien gravida faucibus lacinia, libero diam porta risus, dignissim fermentum ligula est vestibulum orci. Phasellus sagittis sapien augue. Mauris id leo sed mauris tempor placerat. Pellentesque tristique, mi sit amet auctor aliquam, mi justo aliquet sapien, quis tristique elit nisi non urna. Nunc a libero erat. Fusce id lacus nec ante commodo gravida in vitae ex. Pellentesque dapibus ligula eros, nec pretium dolor rutrum quis. Suspendisse ornare efficitur arcu quis semper. Maecenas mollis odio et pulvinar commodo. Aenean consectetur consequat mollis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam ligula dui, elementum faucibus leo eu, ornare iaculis nisl. Vivamus sit amet lectus at nulla pharetra sodales.

Suspendisse ut dictum ex, sed pretium ligula. Praesent nec ligula nec lacus tempor malesuada eget in neque. Praesent ac hendrerit est, at congue erat. Etiam efficitur augue dui, condimentum varius sem suscipit sed. Sed vel ultricies diam. Nam odio justo, suscipit a sapien in, fringilla pulvinar ipsum. Maecenas nec odio elit. Etiam ultrices ex et magna pharetra, nec pretium nibh sagittis. Maecenas egestas dui vel arcu imperdiet viverra. Nulla facilisi. Proin sed neque sed quam maximus rhoncus.

Aenean sodales augue nec ante porta convallis. Integer accumsan imperdiet magna, quis iaculis quam mollis id. Vestibulum ante lectus, tempor id vehicula a, placerat laoreet magna. Ut sodales lorem tellus, vel pretium arcu egestas ornare. Phasellus urna mauris, mollis ac hendrerit id, hendrerit quis ligula. Ut tincidunt pretium felis, id tincidunt nisi eleifend ac. Sed mollis nibh vitae tristique efficitur.

In dictum gravida ligula. Vivamus consectetur mauris eu elit mattis vulputate a in lectus. Ut dictum, turpis at imperdiet dignissim, diam diam aliquet felis, non egestas ex risus pulvinar sapien. Sed sodales blandit urna. Quisque sed ligula id felis fringilla cursus vel non mauris. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam egestas odio purus, et ullamcorper orci egestas in. Fusce tincidunt mi sit amet lorem tristique, vel tempor eros molestie. In id risus mauris. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent in neque lacinia, volutpat mauris eget, elementum tortor. Nam sed ante et ligula bibendum tempor. Donec dapibus leo sem, id fermentum ipsum ornare sit amet. Aliquam imperdiet vel purus in efficitur. Vivamus mi dui, pellentesque et eros non, pretium bibendum nisi. Donec in interdum turpis.
mood: calm and serene | location: art shop [edge of town] | scenario: "aimlessly wandering" | with: n/a [open]
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character sheet code - right side scrolls
"I'm not an object you can use and throw away when I'm no longer needed"


about her:

Name: Calla Oliveira
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Sexuality: Heterosexual


Blood Type:

underneath the surface:

Rank In Affiliation:
Likes: (3+)
Dislikes: (3+)


Strengths: (3+)
Weaknesses: (3+)
Power: Invisibility [info needed]
Mastery of Power:
Skills: [Human skills]
Limits: [Power's Limits]
Weaknesses: [Character's kryptonite]



coding; allrightsreserved deer deer
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location: | mood: | scenario: | with:

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation by H. Rackham.

coding; allrightsreserved deer deer
note: not mobile friendly.
- trial run and not available to use

location: crucial's coding studiodo not touch this part herewith: me&me&me | tags: deer deer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, magna evertitur definitionem has an. At etiam insolens aliquando pro, no mea nostrud denique percipitur. Vel minim offendit ut, ornatus qualisque nec in. Illud liber homero eos at.

Ex tollit vocibus tincidunt sit, ius unum tacimates ex, cu cibo ancillae eum. Suas justo alterum in pro, dolore deterruisset ad nam. Vix ornatus intellegam an. Ne sit labitur efficiendi, in ferri sanctus indoctum qui.

Ne adolescens expetendis est, fastidii constituam id pri. Sed quod noluisse explicari an. No molestiae pertinacia ius, pri altera eripuit apeirian id, audire civibus mei cu. Case aliquip numquam an vim, ne duis omnis apeirian per. Et eam euripidis deterruisset, ea vocent insolens vel.

Usu te rebum offendit, no sea saepe forensibus omittantur, sed ne novum copiosae aliquando. Ad rationibus appellantur eum, at sumo maiorum vel. Hinc elit qui id, denique commune nam an. Nulla viris qui eu, esse maiorum ut sit. Et mea nibh inani legimus, te aliquam consetetur sea, movet salutatus sadipscing quo ei.

Sed ad quis euismod, eirmod consequuntur in eos. Mei te mandamus maluisset vituperata, pri nostrum liberavisse in. Id putent verear mediocrem mel, per in adipisci consulatu, in pri labore similique. An reprimique percipitur duo. Soleat copiosae ius ei, eam ex iusto dolorum voluptua, eos ei definiebas accommodare.
coding; allrightsreserved deer deer
Last edited:
character sheet; special thanks to: Fable Fable and Lyro Lyro

  • .
    about her:
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ex putent mollis est. Vel atomorum molestiae an. Ex minimum efficiendi persequeris cum. Has an primis tibique contentiones, omittam phaedrum sed ex. Eos ex posse nulla. Ut quidam putant volumus pro, pro ut quas quaerendum.

    Mei te sale novum utinam, ea mollis ornatus vis. Agam dicit legere ad duo, nostrud admodum mel ad, et inani tacimates dissentiunt pri. Zril repudiandae id ius. Modo timeam accumsan nam et.

    Vel labitur facilisi ne, ne novum eloquentiam vim, vis tollit senserit philosophia cu. Sumo movet detracto id mei, ad pro ridens scripserit. Ornatus tibique mea cu, in cibo consectetuer cum. Ut viderer fabellas sea, everti repudiare patrioque pri ex. Mel no tritani saperet menandri, quo virtute patrioque ei.

    Meliore nominavi usu an, eos falli quodsi abhorreant an. Mel ad elit prima altera, eam te error explicari comprehensam, tamquam impedit est id. Mei corpora intellegam ei, qui ut quis vivendo, vix ceteros vivendum cu. An graeci noster interesset pri, at dicunt electram imperdiet eos.

    Pro ei nostro moderatius instructior. Vim hinc scribentur no, mucius vivendo posidonium cu usu. At maiorum scriptorem qui, impedit conclusionemque id sea. Dolor maiestatis comprehensam mea no, eam exerci efficiantur eu. Modus insolens ex has, delicata iracundia an nec. Et pro erat vocent, ne nostrum imperdiet maiestatis sea, pro eu veri malorum.

    Nam ut delenit volumus maiestatis, mel vidisse facilisi indoctum ea. Tempor eirmod ceteros te usu. Id voluptaria temporibus nam. Illum fabulas invenire in vim. Facer nominavi mel an.

    Ea stet minim temporibus mel, vix eu feugait singulis argumentum. Nec ea graece quaerendum, cu antiopam imperdiet vim. Eum ullum minimum interesset ne. Ut pro ferri ornatus. Mutat rebum reprehendunt et pro.

    In albucius copiosae ius, pro te saepe dolore. Solum eleifend signiferumque ne vis. Ea suas justo sapientem per. Utamur meliore cum et. In usu mundi constituto.

    Elit appareat id vix, te sumo dicit qualisque usu. Pri nulla fastidii torquatos cu, mei deleniti iracundia conceptam te, mea et sint stet exerci. An erat apeirian his, atqui audiam no cum, quando singulis sea et. Eam at veritus denique contentiones, nonumes oporteat ne eum.

    Id consequat efficiantur per. Vis vidit ubique te. Id ius saepe reformidans. Decore animal probatus ea cum. Sea delectus consulatu ut, eos semper persequeris no.

coding; allrightsreserved deer deer
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very simple character sheet [or it can be used as a in character code]

name: _____ o'brien
age: sixteen years old
sexuality: heterosexual
role: sister four - all a's student

appearance: (2+ paragraphs)
distinguishing marks:

vices: (4+)
virtues: (4+)
personality: (vices and virtues explained)
biggest fear:
dearest dream:

faceclaim: merle bergers
coding; allrightsreserved deer deer
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as stated above, the character sheet could be used as an in character code.
but, here's how it would look like if it was revamped for such use
Eun-Young Ara Delarose
location: outskirts - near the wishing glass | scenario: "an imbalance of nature"
with: addison JokerValentine JokerValentine | mentions: @Gee Dee , Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow

Hesitating to walk closer towards the female that was holding the male's head in her arms, Ara swallowed back her nervousness as she frantically scourged through her thoughts for any ideas that could perhaps help them. It wasn't as if she was nervous to meet a fellow witch, however, the truth of the matter was that Ara was nervous to practically meet anyone. Nevertheless, Ara's worries began again as her eyebrows furrowed and her forehead creased in concentration. Were they running away from something? Did they almost get hit by that car she heard earlier? Shaking her head, Ara realized time was ticking away the more she didn't do something. Taking another deep breathe, a surge of courage coursed through her small frame as she analyzed the situation at hand. Deciding that it was better to not make a big deal out of something that could be minor and cause trouble for the female witch before her, Ara spoke up, raising her voice slightly higher so that she could be heard clearer, "I. .I'll go and see if I can find. . some water and a first aid kit. It'll . . it'll be okay."

With those words, Ara hurriedly walked away towards the opposite direction in which she came from. Someone in town would be able to help, right? Maybe. . she could do a locating spell? But, that would require using something of the female witch and Ara doubted the former witch would let Ara take a strand of her hair or give any of her belongings to find someone who was in her coven, be it acquaintance or family member. Ara knew the consequences of being found out as a witch, especially if she didn't know if the witch she encountered was an ally or foe. However, as Ara walked ahead aimlessly, searching and looking around the area for some sort of life form aside from the plant life and the still buildings around her, she heard voices coming nearer as she walked closer and closer towards that area of town. Once she managed to approach the voices, Ara stood still in her spot, as her eyes widened at the sight before her. Two humans and. . a werewolf?

Her breathing hitched as she remained frozen in her spot. Ara's eyes were still wide-opened as her face began to turn ghostly pale. She couldn't believe what she encountered. Just. . what. .? How could they do this in such a big open area?
Weren't they afraid of being seen?
Whatever was going on between the three of them, Ara had no part in it nor did she want to know. However, she was worried, would they be able to tell who and what she is? They couldn't, could they? Despite being a young Delarose witch, it was still fresh in her mind the encounter she had with the monster that forced her coven to flee their home. Shaking her head, Ara noticed one of the humans leaving while the werewolf seemed to be quiet and still. Hesitantly making herself known, if she wasn't seen or heard yet, Ara let out a small squeak.

"I. . I. . hope I. . didn't i-intrude. . ? Y-you see. . I. .I got lost and and. . I saw a girl. . on the side of the road. . with a boy and I. . they might be hurt. .do you. . by chance have a first aid kit?" Ara managed to let out, the hesitation and nervousness in her tone was evident as Ara couldn't stop her hands from shaking nervously. But, if the man were to spar a glance or have heard Ara, he would have seen her disheveled looked with dirt on her face, her hair an absolute bird's nest with twigs and leaves sticking out of it, and dirt on her pants. Ara was utterly a mess but she could only hope the man had some sort of answers and could help and at the same time, Ara's eyes kept glancing over at the werewolf, wondering what was going on.
coding; allrightsreserved deer deer
Aukanai Aukanai & constellation constellation : omfg you two are absolutely amazing! thank you so much but nooooo really, let's all cry together because y'all are amazing friends for supporting me!
as stated above, the character sheet could be used as an in character code.
but, here's how it would look like if it was revamped for such use

Eun-Young Ara Delarose

location: outskirts - near the wishing glass | scenario: "an imbalance of nature"
with: addison JokerValentine JokerValentine | mentions: @Gee Dee , Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow

Hesitating to walk closer towards the female that was holding the male's head in her arms, Ara swallowed back her nervousness as she frantically scourged through her thoughts for any ideas that could perhaps help them. It wasn't as if she was nervous to meet a fellow witch, however, the truth of the matter was that Ara was nervous to practically meet anyone. Nevertheless, Ara's worries began again as her eyebrows furrowed and her forehead creased in concentration. Were they running away from something? Did they almost get hit by that car she heard earlier? Shaking her head, Ara realized time was ticking away the more she didn't do something. Taking another deep breathe, a surge of courage coursed through her small frame as she analyzed the situation at hand. Deciding that it was better to not make a big deal out of something that could be minor and cause trouble for the female witch before her, Ara spoke up, raising her voice slightly higher so that she could be heard clearer, "I. .I'll go and see if I can find. . some water and a first aid kit. It'll . . it'll be okay."

With those words, Ara hurriedly walked away towards the opposite direction in which she came from. Someone in town would be able to help, right? Maybe. . she could do a locating spell? But, that would require using something of the female witch and Ara doubted the former witch would let Ara take a strand of her hair or give any of her belongings to find someone who was in her coven, be it acquaintance or family member. Ara knew the consequences of being found out as a witch, especially if she didn't know if the witch she encountered was an ally or foe. However, as Ara walked ahead aimlessly, searching and looking around the area for some sort of life form aside from the plant life and the still buildings around her, she heard voices coming nearer as she walked closer and closer towards that area of town. Once she managed to approach the voices, Ara stood still in her spot, as her eyes widened at the sight before her. Two humans and. . a werewolf?

Her breathing hitched as she remained frozen in her spot. Ara's eyes were still wide-opened as her face began to turn ghostly pale. She couldn't believe what she encountered. Just. . what. .? How could they do this in such a big open area?
Weren't they afraid of being seen? Whatever was going on between the three of them, Ara had no part in it nor did she want to know. However, she was worried, would they be able to tell who and what she is? They couldn't, could they? Despite being a young Delarose witch, it was still fresh in her mind the encounter she had with the monster that forced her coven to flee their home. Shaking her head, Ara noticed one of the humans leaving while the werewolf seemed to be quiet and still. Hesitantly making herself known, if she wasn't seen or heard yet, Ara let out a small squeak.

"I. . I. . hope I. . didn't i-intrude. . ? Y-you see. . I. .I got lost and and. . I saw a girl. . on the side of the road. . with a boy and I. . they might be hurt. .do you. . by chance have a first aid kit?" Ara managed to let out, the hesitation and nervousness in her tone was evident as Ara couldn't stop her hands from shaking nervously. But, if the man were to spar a glance or have heard Ara, he would have seen her disheveled looked with dirt on her face, her hair an absolute bird's nest with twigs and leaves sticking out of it, and dirt on her pants. Ara was utterly a mess but she could only hope the man had some sort of answers and could help and at the same time, Ara's eyes kept glancing over at the werewolf, wondering what was going on.
coding; allrightsreserved deer deer

Is there any way I can use this code for these type of pictures
I have a feeling im going to mess it up if its doesn't have a rectangle shape
Is there any way I can use this code for these type of pictures
View attachment 308969
I have a feeling im going to mess it up if its doesn't have a rectangle shape
hello dearie! For the one the code you specifically reblogged and the character sheet that does with that one, I used the scroll code! That picture can definitely be used as a photo for the left side! You'll just have to change the px for the scroll code so that way the scroll box and the picture are at the same lengths!

It won't break but it would work better if the picture was rectangular shaped. But! I can always make you an in character code using your picture if you'd like if the picture and the resizing of the scroll bar doesn't work! I'm on mobile right now so I haven't tested it out yet
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hello dearie! For the one the code you specifically reblogged and the character sheet that does with that one, I used the scroll code! That picture can definitely be used as a photo for the left side! You'll just have to change the px for the scroll code so that way the scroll box and the picture are at the same lengths!

It won't break but it would work better if the picture was rectangular shaped. But! I can always make you an in character code using your picture if you'd like if the picture and the resizing of the scroll bar doesn't work! I'm on mobile right now so I haven't tested it out yet
Oh that would be great! Do you mind making one for me? Preferably one code for two different in character post because i have two characters in the same roleplay.
Oh that would be great! Do you mind making one for me? Preferably one code for two different in character post because i have two characters in the same roleplay.
sure dearie! I can make one for you! and of course! no worries! is there anything specific about the code you'd like?

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