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Um.......I kind of was experitminting with in rp everyone being equal ground and only guiding choices of objectives when required like Movie Shadow v Infintius Shadow and the others having to fight past an enemy to assist their ally. But besides required times I tried to let the rp be guided by everyone.
But they still gotta close that rift
Completely forgetting about his previous worry upon Lance’s mention of a giant red lion, Pit gave a glance back at Bay, connecting the dots in his brain. “Huh, that makes it the second large red kitty I’ve learned about today. Man, makes me wish I brought my paw pad orbitars with me…” More weapons in general would be nice. Sure, the Palutena’s Bow was fun and having a variety of weapons depending on the situation was more of the angel’s memo. Maybe he could convince Palutena to send some over at a later point. Pushing that thought aside Pit realize that Bay and Lance hadn’t given proper introductions “Oh! Bay, meet Lance. Lance, meet Bay.” He’d gesture to the cheetah and boy, giving the former a quick thumbs up to show that he wasn’t stressed or worried anymore.​
Completely forgetting about his previous worry upon Lance’s mention of a giant red lion, Pit gave a glance back at Bay, connecting the dots in his brain. “Huh, that makes it the second large red kitty I’ve learned about today. Man, makes me wish I brought my paw pad orbitars with me…” More weapons in general would be nice. Sure, the Palutena’s Bow was fun and having a variety of weapons depending on the situation was more of the angel’s memo. Maybe he could convince Palutena to send some over at a later point. Pushing that thought aside Pit realize that Bay and Lance hadn’t given proper introductions “Oh! Bay, meet Lance. Lance, meet Bay.” He’d gesture to the cheetah and boy, giving the former a quick thumbs up to show that he wasn’t stressed or worried anymore.​
Lance chuckled a little ”Oh yeh? Well my giant red kitty is the coolest around! It is part of a team that can form a giant space robot, that defends the universe!” He smirked “And I’m the coolest on the team” He added then sighed, boasting about this didn’t change the fact that the team probably needed him right now, and he wasn't There. He turned his attention back to the cheetah however. “Hey there“ He said offering a warm smile.Trying to hide his worry
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- Assassin Cheetah -
Corrupted: ~

"So there are other large felines around, eh?" Bay chuckled lightly. Bay was the only one where she was from to become in the Possessions form; knowing that others were also red, but not the same completely made her feel less alone. Bay saw Pit's thumbs up and slightly nodded to him. Bay gave a light purr to Pit's ear for comfort and turned her attention to Lance. "Hello," she responded with a soft blink at Lance.​
“Woah!! That’s so awesome! Man, you should meet Samus and Fox, I’m sure you guys would have a lot to talk about when it comes to space stuff” A fond smile drifted onto his face upon reminiscing of his friends back in smash brothers. Hopefully they were holding up well without him. “Though not to toot my own horn but…I used to have a giant mech made by the god of the forge himself” He’d proudly add, electing to not mention that it got immediately destroyed by Hades upon its first use. He’d laugh a little as Bay’s snout tickled his ear. “Hey, stop that!” Though by the obvious grin on his cheeks it was clear he didn’t mind all that much.​

“Well not Where I’m from, they are one of a kind“ He told Bay with a cockney smile then turned back to Pit. “I guess so, but I hope to be out of here before that can happen.” He told Pit. Then tilted his head as he mentioned the mech “Oh really? We’ll that sounds pretty neat” He told him then thought for a moment “So, where are you all from anyway?” He asked, Lance had met plenty of odd aliens and people on his travels. So none of this exactly surprised him. “I mean, I’m from Earth but travel in space” He told them, it was the easiest way to explain it.
- Assassin Cheetah -
Form: Possession
Corrupted: ~

Bay nods slightly, "my planet is full of cheetahs and dragons. But I'm the only one who can look like this." She referred to the red pigment of her fur and the large red star beneath her paws. As Lance asked a question, Bay yawns before replying, "Earth, huh? Mine is The Planet of Sandstorms. You probably hadn't heard of it." Bay purrs again, much louder. it was satisfying to the ears and calming.​
”Earth huh? You could consider me the neighbor upstairs then” He’d wink and flutter his wings while continuing. “I’m from Skyworld, but I head down to the mortal realm pretty often for missions and occasionally the underworld if somethings going on down there. Though it’s been pretty quiet recently so I haven’t been in a while. There’s also Smash Brothers but I don’t really know how to categorize that so…” Pit shrugged. In regards to Bay, the angel thought Cheetahs lived in the savanna, not the desert but decided not to nitpick on that fact. Instead he’d ask, “What’s the Planet of Sandstorms like? You must be pretty sand-imental, about it” putting emphasis on the pun.​
- Assassin Cheetah -
Form: Possession
Corrupted: ~

Bay's red gaze flickered to Pit, she then slowly lied down to get more comfortable, her head held pretty high even so. Bay listened to Pit and let out another yawn. She had been pretty tired recently. Bay wasn't sure how she'd be able to sleep here. It wasn't like her old home; not at all. She usually slept up in a tree, as a leopard would.

Pit broke her of her thoughts and turned to him. Bay lightly purred in amusement of being asked of her own planet. "Your's sounds cool, Pit," she began and had a small brick of happiness come over her to think of home but a stab of sadness of her missing home. "My home isn't how it sounds. It is well-populated and it's like a rainforest, honestly. We rarely get sandstorms. I control the sand there. I know it may sound odd, but I can make tornadoes of sand or hurricanes even. But I don't have that kind of power here. We also have huge trees and mountains." The emotion was well visible in her eyes now and purred still. But strangely she felt a small feel of butterflies in her belly that made hers shift uneasily where she lie.​

Lance listened to Bay as she spoke about her home “Well, that sounds pretty Interesting. A lot must happen there huh? With dragons and all” He said as he glanced at the red pigment then raised a brow as she mentioned her planets name. “Well no, but I’ve been to pretty Sandy planets before” He explained then looked back to Pit as he begun to talk about his home “Well, I’ve never seen you around “ He lightly joked as Pit mentioned how he traveled to earth on occasions. Though then listened quietly and nodded as he talked about smash brothers. Lance didn’t really get that part so remained quiet.

After Pit asked Bay about her home he turned back to Bay as she begun to explain. Lance sat down after Bay did, he pulled his knees to his chest then placed his head on top of them. As Bay started to talk about her home, it sounded rather cool but he nodded as she mentioned her power. “My connection with my Lion is faint, like something is blocking it. A power overwhelming It.” He explained. “I guess it’s got something to do with that Weerling guy.” He pointed out.
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- Assassin Cheetah -
Form: Possession
Corrupted: ~

Bay purrs again and speaks to Lance, "yes, much happens there. Though, I wish sometimes there'd be peace." Bay listens to Lance again when he spoke of his companion Lion. "Maybe... I'm sure Weerlig would know..." Bay flexes her claws and shifts her red eyes to Frank. She dips her head in acknowledgment.​
- Assassin Cheetah -
Form: Possession
Corrupted: ~

Bay chuckles a bit, "you'd like it there. It's somewhat peaceful, but not fully. But the dragons are not friendly there. There's also like... no humans there. I didn't know what they were until I was sent here." Embarrassment flashed in her eyes for a moment.​
- Assassin Cheetah -
Form: Possession
Corrupted: ~

Bay nods, "but aside from that, I'd be more than happy for you to visit my planet anytime." But now-- Bay could feel her Possession form leaving her. Then she wouldn't be able to speak anymore. Her original color was now taking over the red colors and she was shrinking in size. Her eyes then switched to blue again.​
Regarding Lance’s faint connection with his Lion, Pit could somewhat relate. “It’s sorta the same for me. Usually Lady Palutena’s way more chatty but ever since I’ve gotten here it’s been more difficult for her to contact me, I assumed it was just the distance making our connection spotty but…” He shrugged to end off that thought, unsure of any other potential reason but open to the possibility of one. He’d passiveness listen as Frank expressed interest in going to Bay’s world, finding himself to agree with the boy. However Put would look on in disappointment as Bay returned to her original state. Back to her being unable to talk, their level of communication with one another was certainly going to considerably drop. “Aw man…I guess it’s back to playing the world’s hardest game of charades”​
- Assassin Cheetah -
Corrupted: 8%

Bay lowered her eyes when Pit noticed. She missed being able to talk already. Barely anyone even spoke to her at her home-- but she liked those who could share things with her she had never even heard of. Bay whined quietly and rested her head on her near Pit boredly.​


Lance watched as Bay turned back to her normal form. He raised a brow, but he didn’t say anything. Although, the others seemed to know what was going on. However, they had been here longer then him so they all kinda knew each other more. He turned back to Pit and nodded “Oh? “ He said as Pit explained “Well, whatever it is...” He sighed he was not going to give up hope. He turned to Frank as he mentioned playing a harder game. He must have missed something Pit had said then clicked on it was about Bay. He looked back to Frank however, this was the first time he met the guy. It felt like he just came out of nowhere.
Pit would notice Lance’s confusion regarding The eight year old genius. Thus He’d helpfully supply the boys’ name. “Hm? Oh, that’s Frank”​

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