Other conspiracies


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i'm p much kneedeep into the world of conspiracies right now and am really curious: what are some of the strangest, most interesting, lesser known conspiracies you have in your stash ? 👀

i'll go first: homeopathy actually works and the only reason there hasn't been any proper scientific research done on it ( taking every factor into consideration for example, does the medicine survive the enzymes in our mouth? our stomach? ) is because the government wants to destroy us with allopathic drugs. why ? no idea but it's a conspiracy right, haha

so yes ! please share !! i'm like dying here right now, tiktok isn't enough for me anymore lol
The moon isn't real, and is a projection cast into the sky to distract us all from the imminent collision of Nibiru with Earth.

Although none of that matters, because the world actually ended in 2012 thanks to CERN and the LHC. We just haven't noticed because it created a black hole which slowed our perception of time, so we think that years have passed even though it's just been a few seconds. That's why nothing makes sense: it's a mass hallucination.

Rocks are actually soft and squishy, but tense up when we touch them.

Also, Finland doesn't exist, light bulbs don't emit light but absorb dark, and Paul is dead.
The moon isn't real, and is a projection cast into the sky to distract us all from the imminent collision of Nibiru with Earth.
ooo i haven't heard this one before

the rocks & paul one might actually be believable dskhds also ! michael jackson is alive 🙄✋🏽 the lightbulb one is interesting af

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Most conspiracies are made up, or at least spread, by the government to make the few legitimate ones seems worse by association.
I’m not big into conspiracy theories, but the most interesting one that I’ve heard was the McMillion$ from the McDonald’s Monopoly game.
Bread is a conspiracy made by bread companies to sell more bread.

Vaccines are all a ploy to force you to update your Windows.

Mark Zuckerberg is secretly a shapeshifting reptile alien from the ninth planet in the Solar System.

UFOs are giant frisbees used by massive interdimensional aliens.

Plateaus are the petrified remains of massive trees.

The moon is haunted.
i don't remember the policy on links, but i have seen a lot of articles recently that have fully convinced me that alex jones is a prophet.
links on request, and site approval:

- the pentagon has actually unveiled a microchip designed to detect and report the presence of covid in your body.

- scientists are seriously considering the use of young people's blood as a way to combat the effects of aging.

- estrogenic compounds in suburban waste was responsible for turning a significant portion of the male frog population there female. in other words, there actually were chemicals in the water that turned the freakin frogs gay.

how many levels of dystopia are we on?
I've heard that Alex Jones is crazy but he isn't wrong. I don't listen to him, he's way out there. We have a name for this ideology that does not care for the individual, his rights, his country, his beliefs and all that that person is. We call it Communism and it is ruining America!
ANYWAY one of my favorite (kind of? imo it's super believable) conspiracy theories has to do with the hiv/aids pandemic in the 80's. people wondered for a long time why it was so widespread and bad in the african continent in comparison to the rest of the world, and one theory states that mass vaccination campaigns in the 20th century before sterile tools were used helped spread it. i think it's got some validity to it! especially since hiv+ people can go decades without showing any symptoms and often only do when they get old/sick with something else. wild stuff
the pentagon has actually unveiled a microchip designed to detect and report the presence of covid in your body
That's not really true.

What the Pentagon did unveil was a sensor that can indicate if someone is getting sick.

Hower, it's inert, does not have any electrical components and is of similar material to a contact lens or corneal implant so it's not a microchip.

It's also unable to detect Covid or any other disease directly in a person, but what it can do is identify and keep track of oxygen, glucose, lactate and other biomolecules in the body via light-emitting fluorescent molecules.

It's also been in development since 2016 and is meant to monitor a combat soldier's health in real-time in active combat zones in general, so it wasn't specifically made with Covid in mind.
-Google Doesn't Spy on us

-FBI agents are actually watching me type this

-History is a lie created by the government

-The moon is the first cheese

-I can astral project myself into Bakugo

-You're actually believing this crap
Let's not get too far astray with debates. We had a current events section on the site once -- and it went so poorly we decided we'd never have one again, much less politics. Misinformation is harmful, yes, but this is not the place to correct each other, particularly when ideology is dragged into the mix. If people want to have a private discussion of it, that's between them, but here and now, let's return to, and stick with, the purpose of this thread, OK?

what are some of the strangest, most interesting, lesser known conspiracies you have in your stash ?
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i'm p much kneedeep into the world of conspiracies right now and am really curious: what are some of the strangest, most interesting, lesser known conspiracies you have in your stash ? 👀

i'll go first: homeopathy actually works and the only reason there hasn't been any proper scientific research done on it ( taking every factor into consideration for example, does the medicine survive the enzymes in our mouth? our stomach? ) is because the government wants to destroy us with allopathic drugs. why ? no idea but it's a conspiracy right, haha

so yes ! please share !! i'm like dying here right now, tiktok isn't enough for me anymore lol

I went through a phase where I loved silly and goofy conspiracies, particularly ones that are related to the mandala effect:

Disclaimer: I haven't listened to this particular video on the subject, I'm about half way and it seems okay, I've seen better ones on youtube about the bears.
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