Columbus Ferren


Lost and Confused...I think

Columbus Ferren

'Hi, my name's Columbus and I'm like the coolest guy here, if you don't count the thirteen other people I'm around!'


Columbus stands at about 6'3 and is rather lanky.

Has yellow-blonde hair that falls down to his shoulder blades, tied into a braided ponytail. Has chocolate brown eyes and is of Cherokee decent.

Has a very animated and easy to read face.

'I like to think I have a pretty nice looking body, I have a torso, and a head, and that's really all you need!'


'Oh nicknames? I have lots of nicknames! Like C-Dog! And uh... C-Town! And...and third thing? Yeah, third thing! Everyone who's anyone calls me third thing!"

Has no nicknames he hasn't given himself



'I'm old enough to drive! But uh, don't make me please, I prefer to stay away from cars for...reasons...'



'Don't know how you couldn't tell, but there's no shame in asking I guess."



'I have no idea what this means, but my aunt says it's the closest thing to what I described, so I just go with it.'


Columbus is like the stupid little brother that you never wanted, but somehow ended up with anyways. When you first meet him, he'll more than likely follow you around for long periods of time, bother you with topics you don't care much about, and proceed to lie to you about things he had never actually experienced. You could probably tell him jumping off the Empire State building without a parachute was cool, and he'd say he's already done it five times (He'd probably take you seriously if you said this as well, he's hella gullible)

If you can somehow get over these initial stages and somehow form a friendship with the guy, he drops the lying and instead shows himself to be above all else, fiercely loyal, protective, and patient. He doesn't get angry with people easily, and even if you hate him, he doesn't show hatred towards you in return, he'll just accept it and wish you the best. He listens well, and can actually read people very well if he focuses on it. He's willing to be a shoulder for you to cry on, and a hand to help get you off the ground, even if you've already wronged him, he's willing to believe that you've changed.

However, he also lacks focus, and the ability to communicate his own feelings effectively, a combination that has resulted in him not having passing grades in many classes despite his potential to do so easily, and it also causes him to bottle up his own feelings and opt to instead cover them up with a smile as not to worry others.

'Would it be okay if for personality I just wrote, 'really cool guy'?'


Born to one Percy and Kenny Ferren along with his younger sister Joji, Columbus lived a rather normal life in suburbia. In fact, nothing of note really happened for the first eleven years of his life. He got decent grades, made a few friends, and spent his days atop hills watching clouds go by. It wasn't until on a trip during the winter to his Aunt's house, that his life took a turn for the bad. His father had been driving, and despite the cold, the family were in relativity high spirits while on the long drive to his Aunt's house for the holidays. It was pure dumb luck that screwed his life up that night, as his father didn't realize the ice on the road, and the car spun out of control and into a ditch.

They had spent hours in that ditch, the snowstorm outside the car pelting the metal of the car. Columbus passed out early on, sure that they would never make out of the situation alive, but by some miracle, somebody spotted their car through the snow. The ambulance took a long time to come, and during that time, Joji and Columbus' mother both died due to their injuries, with his father passing on the way to the hospital.

Columbus was the only survivor by some miracle, but it was quickly discovered the boy had taken serious blows to the head, causing long term memory problems. He forgot almost everything about his mother, father and sister, which only made him feel worse. After a few months, he was sent to live with his aunt, who to her credit, did attempt to make the boy feel comfortable. But it just didn't work, pulled away from his friends, and without much family to turn to anymore, for a time he shut himself in. After two years however, something changed. There was this sudden change in attitude, this feeling of being fed up of being lonely that caused Columbus to FORCE happiness upon himself.

He attempted to talk to his fellow students, but it was difficult, any confidence he once had was gone, replaced by pure desperation for some kind of human contact, and although it was difficult, he did eventually warm on some people over the years. That's where he is now, going to a school he's just barley skating by in, desperately trying to keep the smiles on the faces of the people he cares for.

'I don't really like talking about my past, mainly because I can't remember allot of it...'

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Green Magic

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