Color Wars


Bardbarian, the Divine Chordia of Concordia
Hello nation!  Meet your colors:





Each color will begin the game with an equal amount of points.  For now, we'll begin with 20.

Red: 20

Blue: 20

Yellow: 20

Green: 20

There.  Now we have a total of 80 points.  The goal of the game is to distribute all of the points to the color of your choosing by subtracting points from another color.  How?  Here's an example: 

Red: 21

Blue: 20

Yellow: 20

Green: 19

+1 Red

-1 Green


See how easy that was?  Now the Red team is ahead and the Green team is behind.  Blue and Yellow are tied for the middle.

Ground Rules:

To redistribute points, copy and paste the previous user's response.  Add one point to the color of your choosing and subtract one point from another color of your choosing.  In case it wasn't obvious, the colors you choose must be different from one another.  You may only re-assign one point per post.  DO NOT make double posts.  Double posting will be considered cheating.  All scores must add up to 80.  If the scores to not equal 80, the score resets to the most recent correct scoring.  The game will end and reset when one color officially has all 80 points.

The score has been reset:

Red: 20

Blue: 20

Yellow: 20

Green: 20
(Has no idea whats going on here and is working off a hunch)

Red 25

Blue 29

Yellow 17

Green 9

+1 Green

-1 Blue
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