Showcase Codex Entries: A Compendium of Characters


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These entries are for roleplay/writing purposes. The characters listed here are not meant to be confused with any other person- real or imagined. Please note that while most characters are for a modern-fantasy setting, one character is exclusively for fantasy and cannot/will not be altered. As well, a few of the characters can be altered/reworked for certain other settings including strictly fantasy as well as a few fandoms. More information will be provided for these characters. As of the moment, the majority of the characters listed here are going to be male, with a couple female characters that are to be played together (they are twins, after all). If you have any questions about my characters, please do not hesitate to reach out. Otherwise, enjoy!

  • He stood there, his hands behind his back, a hint of a smile crossing his face. Those that surrounded him had him pegged as easy prey, perhaps because he was blind. And he was, in a way. Sure, he couldn't see as most people did, but that didn't mean he was completely without his sight. No, he saw wavelengths, echoes, or what most people considered auras. Colors and subtle shifts in the air around them that alerted him to their presence. He tipped his head to one side, a subtle movement that allowed him to hear their approach all the better. When the first one attacked, they went down quick, with a grab of the wrist and a twist of the arm, forcing them to their knees. His hand pressed against the shoulder joint, a faint scowl crossing his face. "I'm not the easy prey you might think I am," he stated in a low, rasping voice. His attention shifted to another that tried to approach. Tried and froze, as his eyes seemed to look right through them.
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  • There were whispered rumors, about the mage. No one was quite sure what to believe and no one was quite sure what to make of him. He had arrived in their village about four or five years ago, making himself right at home at the very edges of the village. He kept mostly to himself, only conversing with the inhabitants of the village when it was needed. He was their healer, the one that created the potions and poultices they took to keep well. He was the voice of reason, often mediating when cooler heads were needed. And, in times of need, he was their guardian: he was a mage, after all, built for fighting and protecting those that he considered his friends and his family.
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  • "Never take that course with Professor Rousseau. It's the worst. Like, I almost failed because I forgot one little thing."

    "Professor Rousseau? He's tough, but he expects you to follow along easily enough. Take the notes and study and you'll be just fine."

    "I hated that class, but I have enough respect for the man to know that it wasn't his fault. Just a difference in opinions. Outside of class? He was actually willing to help."

    You'll hear different stories, about Professor Rousseau. That he's a hard ass, that he's tough but fair, that he's always willing to offer assistance. But there is one thing that everyone can agree on and it's the little nickname that puts a smirk on his face:

    The Demonic Professor from Hell


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