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Suggestion @ coders who create real small things


this is more of a discussion rather than a suggestion btw sorry for misleading prefix

just curious, but why is your posts so small? i just have to assume your eyes are just so much better than mine, or you have the smallest (or largest? ideka) screens ever, or something like that. i just don't see how compacting everything into a small little text box is all that great.

i literally have to move my face closer to the screen and squint or zoom my browser in real big to actually be able to read anything you write. and i wear glasses too, it's just so straining y'all. tbh, go bigger or go simple. (or do whatever, i don't mean to force you into doing anything you want, but i guess this could be counted as a suggestion, i'm just thinking maybe y'all should try and make it a little more accessible for other readers.)

i don't mean to be a debby-downer, but man if i ever see that in an rp i just... can't take it seriously. don't get me wrong, y'all code is 10/10 and it's aesthetic-y and cute, but for the purpose of rps where walls of text are required? aka really detailed posts and i gotta zoom into 200% and scroll 10 million miles just to read everything? it gets a little tiring lmfao.
i don't mind it so much for little info but if your entire post is in tiny text i just don't want to read :^)
As someone who sits far away from his monitor and has to increase the text size on every game, I agree.
I used to think small text was all the rage until my eye sight got worse and I had to squint. The smallest I'll go is 12px. c':
I have a love/hate when it comes to smaller text. I only go as small as 12px for text and only go smaller for things like minimal credits for my codes to try and keep them from being invasive. Most of my designs don't change the set font size except for the headers. X3

As far as perhaps why there are such tiny designs, mobile resolutions. It's easier to just create a small design that works in mobile vs. trying to create a flex design.
I have terrible eye sight and I'm almost legally blind but I still do it... I think I do... I don't know how small you mean so idkkkk. It's either the font is just small in general or it just fits better with the code. I guess it really comes down to the creators choice. They just want it to look that way.
It really depends on the resolution/size of the screen for me. My laptop is 13.3 inches so a size 3 looks a lot bigger than a size 3 on a screen that's 15 inches +. Mobile is a completely different story though
If I want small text I will use the font-size:small declaration on a div and let the end user's device decide what small means.

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