Clover Hills


Matthew hadn't seen hide nor hair of Vince and Marie for some time now but he knew the pair were alive for his gamma had informed him by the sire-cub bond of them being within the gamma cabin of the village. He stood outside within the snow-covered landscape, his hands stuffed into his pockets as he surveyed the ruined village. The alpha shook his head as snow fell lightly down, causing flakes of white to dot his black hair as he searched the forest, waiting for signs of the hunters he'd sent out to look for food to return. Unexpectedly, famine had struck Phantasm and he wouldn't be surprised if it had hit Haven as well. Oddly it had not struck Glaswin...perhaps that pack had suffered enough. Nikolaus brought food when he could for the alpha and his pups but had taken over as Alpha Male of Glaswin. Something that Jasper and Ice found amusing as the pair's teasing was often higher now then before. It was embarrassing to Niko and he would stay some nights to watch his pups like he was doing now. In fact said wolf was outside right now and playing with his pups in the light snowfall.

Matthew had thought over the two useless toys of his and given his son his blessing to kill them. As for his niece, she seemed to be fairing well. He had gained at least one sentinel and guardian, a custodian and at least two pups. Both elder wolves remained alive and were taken care of by Ice and any other omegas the pack had gained. The alpha said nothing to the pups as they enjoyed time with their father nor did Matthew say anything to Nikolaus. It would soon be time to move but he was waiting for his patrol and for Aria, whom he had yet to mark, and Fern to wake up. Fern would be living with him of course and not with the other pups within the citizen cabin, something he had kept from Aria as he wanted to surprise the female. Mentioned: ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion (Fern and Aria)

Angelica & Triplets
Angelica had given herself a week to mourn the loss of her mate and try to figure out what she would do now. She had three children who depended on her to take care of them but she wasn't sure the money Tobias had saved up from work would be enough for a deposit on an apartment, a house being out of the question. She would need to get a job, that much she knew but could not be sure of leaving her children with a stranger to raise, for the woman wanted nothing to do with werewolves anymore or their politics and customs. All werewolves had done, except for Tobias, was use and abuse the woman...only it wasn't much different from when she had been human either. With it now being daylight, the woman packed up the children's clothing and her own. She left behind her books and the lotions Tobias had purchased for her, she couldn't carry them all as much as she wanted to. She only had two hands and carrying the clothing, bottles and formula as well as her children was enough.

On a whim she stuffed in the notebook and journal as well as the pens though she wasn't sure she would ever write again with nothing to keep her going, regardless she could no longer live on dreams anymore and had to face reality. She was alone and a single mother, had unintentionally killed her mate and intentionally killed Neera which would likely result in her soul being cast to the fires of Hell for the crime of murder. Well, I always knew I was destined for Hell upon death. My crimes just confirm it, she thought to herself as she began packing the infants up into some clothing and then placing them one-by-one into the bag that she slung around her shoulders. Maybe she would be lucky and Two Souls would be in Hell with well as every member of the council. The bird had left after it had seen the blood on the woman, gone home to tell Klinge who wasn't pleased at all, which only made him hate Andrew more though he had no clue how Tobias had died but there was the end of another house. The bag with the three infants in it was slung around her neck and hung against her chest as she walked throughout the room, making sure she had everything necessary. Of course, if she ended up caught by Matthew, he would likely destroy all her clothing and may possibly try to kill her children again so she had to be careful not to be caught, the woman shuddering at having to deal with the man who'd raped and marked her as his own.

There was hardly any food in the house with it being winter now and a famine sweeping over the pack after Tobias's death. The woman took what formula she had for the pups and the bottles as well, stuffing them into another bag and swinging it over her shoulders. Gazing around the room at the furniture, she knew there was no way she could even hope to take such things with her. She took what she could find, a few canned foods, before leaving the house and heading off into the light snowfall that had begun as she was packing things up. Snagging a spare can opener for the cans as they were the kind that didn't have the pull-up lids, she walked out the door and headed outside, the woman having done her best to help out even though she couldn't do much with having to take care of her children who weren't sure what to make of Tobias's disappearance. Angelica had no idea where she would go from here or where she would take her children, how she would support herself but this place had good memories and she didn't honestly believe she could remain here when everything reminded her of Tobias. Would it have been better if he had never interfered when Bella had been punishing her? It was hard to say but she didn't regret saving Tobias nor did she regret her time with him, she cherished it, so how could it have been better if he had never interfered and stepped in to save her? In the bag Hekate whimpered and Angelica looked briefly down at the green eyes staring at her. "We'll...we'll be fine. We'll....somehow I'll find..." the woman's voice trailed off as she breathed in sharply and headed for the edge of the yard, her feet crunching over snow....Angelica did not look back.

Despite the fact that werewolves could not get drunk, Gabriel was sitting in the living room with a bottle of brandy on the coffee table, the fire in the hearth crackling merrily. Tobias was dead and with it another pureblood house, killed by Angelica's wolf. Said woman had stayed and helped out for a week but she had seen the woman disappearing with her pups outside and watched as the woman walked away...Gabriel had a feeling her omega would not be back. While she may not have found Tobias's body, she had found Azrael's. Poor Azrael who had been out hunting and gotten caught by lycans by surprise and from the looks of the wounds on her omega, he had fought well but ultimately been torn apart. Lycans...the word made the woman shudder despite the warmth of the fire filling the house. An abomination that was forbidden to be bred by the council and a crime punishable by death. The woman had buried Azrael's ripped apart body where he had the span of a week she had lost three good wolves and three future pack members in Angelica's pups.

Gabriel's eyes closed and she leaned her head back against the sofa, the heat washing over her but she took no notice of it for the time being. Angelica had left her books and lotions behind as well as Tobias's clothing...well she didn't need Tobias's clothing but the alpha knew how important the omega's books were to her. Why had it come to this? Honestly, she would be surprised if she had a pack come top matters off something or someone was killing all their small prey and the few deer were getting less and less within the territory. The woman was highly worried they would starve to death and there would be no more Haven to bother managing. If things continued, she just knew there would be fights and it just had to happen during breeding season as well, making things more complicated for the alpha female. Gabriel could ask the adults to sacrifice their own meals for the pups' but if they had weak adults then they had no defenses in case they were attacked and now that there was proof of lycans, something none of these wolves in her pack understood...things would get more troublesome.
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Zayne walked in in his mate drinking, a wary look on the males face. "You need anything love?" He asked her, stepping closer. He was approaching the female cautiously, knowing that she could snap at any moment. Two of their wolves were dead, putting the pack with less numbers. He knew it was stressing her out, seeing the bottle of Brandy in the woman's hand. "Anything I can help with?" He asked her, walking a little closer to her. He sat down in front of her with a sigh and looked at her, looking for any signs of hostility or just sadness in general. It was the second week of December, they were finally in winter and in the breeding season. They needed to keep their guard up now to keep loners out of their Territory and away from the pack females. Maybe that was what was also stressing her out? The male wasn't for sure, but he was there for her and whatever she needed.
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Marie was working on dominance skills with Vince recently. She was confused as to why the male wanted to work on them with her, why he had so much interest in her than the other females in the pack. Why her, a disaster of a pureblooded werewolf, out of All the other females that were out there. Right now, she was resting on the couch inside the Gamma house, the female curled up with a blanket and outside of her wolf form. She liked being in her human form around Vince, she felt comfortable in it around him, and her wolf wasn't fighting to get out all the time. She was enjoying the company from him, actually having someone around her that she wasn't trying to kill or trying to kill her. For once, she was truly enjoying herself and being around him.
She didn't know where he was at the moment, the house quiet for once. It made her a little uncomfortable with the silence, but she didn't want to go out into the cold, especially without her wolf form and the white warm fur. The woman pulled the blanket closer around her at the thought of the cold from outside, the fire crackling in the corner in the fireplace. There was no TV in the house, the want already read all the books in the house. Vince would bring her more books from the town, Marie being too scared to go into town while that Hunter was around. She hasn't gaine dthe courage to go, Vince always asking her and trying to coax her to go, but she says no every time he asks. She was getting there, but she was still scared of the hunter.
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Miley moved the pack into the new house not to long ago. A beautiful new age mansion for the whole pack. It expanded the Territory to the new house, a little pond right by the house, the living room over looking it. The pack settled in well at this new house, finally being out of the house where horrible things were at. They enjoyed this new house and new land that the house was on. They obeyed well to her commands, along with Niko's. Niko has decided to take over as Alpha male with her, to help her run the pack a little better. It was still new to her, running a giant pack. The wolves didn't take too kindly to her taking over at first, but the few wolved who disobeyed a few times got punished into submission. She didn't take kindly to loners, especially with breeding season. The males in the pack would try to woo their alpha when Niko wasn't around. Miley not having a mate yet gave the males the thought that they could try and breed with their alpha. All they got though was teeth snapping at them, the males backing off with with whines every time. They all thought they had a chance with her, which she was really waiting for Niko to say something.
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon

(Not moving forward with Brexly)

Brexly coward back when she saw a cat ran up to her with excitement. Her wolf didn't know these two, but her human side flashed as she remembered the smell of Zephyr and Emma. These two? How did they find her? How did they recognize her? A low growl rose in her wolves throat, her wolf mind taking over once more as she backed away from the two. Her wolf was not used to being in this world yet, and only a slight glimpse of remembering these two were there in her wolf mind along with her human mind. She didn't want to hurt these two, but her wolf would protect itself if needed.
CZDoubleU CZDoubleU
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When Gabriel's eyes opened they were the aqua blue of the Haven bloodline, the woman's gaze resting on Zayne as he sat down in front of her with a sigh and asked if he could get her anything. The alpha female sighed as she took another drink from the bottle of brandy in her hand, only speaking when she'd swallowed the alcohol in her mouth. Gabriel's face was awash with tiredness and sadness, the woman feeling like there was a weight on her shoulders. "Lycans Zayne. We don't need those abominations running around and yet they are....on top of that with the famine striking our pack thanks to Goldback's pup getting loose and destroying half our land last least there's one good thing about this. I don't have to watch Azrael and Tobias starve to death like the others...with breeding season and the famine striking us, things are going to be more tense and fights will break out over both. I would not be surprised to see cannibalism and hoarding of whatever food a wolf catches while hunting before spring...I would be very much surprised if we would have a pack at all come spring."

The woman sighed and set the brandy on the coffee table before raising a hand to her eyes and rubbing at them tiredly. "We should be okay...hopefully. The council wired money over for the next six months...this has to be for bills, maintenance of the house and food/medical expenses as needed. If anyone in the pack wants fun time, clothes or leisure pursuits, they have to pay for it themselves. Parents are expected to pay for their pups' needs out of their own pockets. Still...if the famine spreads to the town as well, I'm not sure how we'll survive's possible the pack may need to split up and become loners until spring comes and hopefully the return of the herds and small prey...but with those illegal abominations running around....hunting and patrolling will be a risky business." Gabriel frowned at Zayne and exhaled. "Everyone will be forced to be on alert to keep loners out of the territory from bothering the females who will be going into heat and trying to take any resources we have left within the territory. I don't want to do this, it will just make matters worse for us...but we may have to prevent breedings and cull pregnancies or any births this winter to stretch our resources if things get out of hand."

Gabriel's eyes closed with a pained grimace appearing on her face at her latter words. She could just imagine the chaos that would ensue within the pack. Nobody would like the threat of their pups being killed or pregnancies forcefully terminated or delivered and then killed...nobody would like punishments of breeding when there was a famine and Gabriel was forced to order such a thing. It might cause wolves to leave the pack at worst it would lead to the pair being ousted or attacks on the alpha pair's own pups. "Perhaps you could get me some hot chocolate or something sweet from the cafe...inquire around and see if Clover Hills is as bad as the packs," she spoke. "Or maybe it's better I get out of the house for a while...I feel trapped and winter's only just started."

Thus far, Vince and Marie were the only wolves within the village the alpha had built. The gamma had been slowly working on the future community building the alpha wanted built, though it was difficult with just himself doing the building but the alpha had restored the bathroom Angelica had broken in Winslow and had done the building of the garage on his own in Winslow as it kept away Vince's thoughts concerning his sister and the alpha. He hadn't seen the rest of the pack and thus had no idea how his sister was faring, his job being to patrol the sector he and Marie were currently in and keep out lone wolves. The gamma male was currently out hunting and patrolling, though had found nothing edible within the vicinity of the village. Breathing out through his nose, the platinum-colored wolf paused as he scented a lone wolf nearby. was food and they needed food or they wouldn't last...worse the alpha would add their bodies to the pack's meal if they starved. Moving to circle behind the wolf, Vince set off into a run over the snow and pounced on the black beast, snapping his fangs down over its skull and crushing it. There was a startled yelp and the wolf fell to the ground, the gamma letting go and then dragging the carcass back to the village to be prepared and cooked into a stew with a few vegetables that were on hand. When he got back to the village, he dropped the carcass on the ground and entered the house to find Marie resting on the couch. "I found food though it'll be wolf stew tonight for dinner. Food's scarce around here and there's no food to be had for miles...the alpha won't be happy about it." Comet Comet

Angelica & Triplets
Angelica stumbled through the snowy landscape, the bag containing the triplets on a blanket around her neck while the other still hung over her shoulders which contained her notebook, journal and pens as well as her own clothing, formula and bottles and a few canned foods she had found in Haven that she'd nicked from the shelves. Tied up in one of Tobias's shirts was the money that her mate had collected throughout his time working for William and all the extra shifts he'd picked up to be able to support her and the children, yet that security was now gone. She kept the bag the infants were in open so they could have air, though they seemed to be shivering despite the blanket they were lying on top of to provide some cushioning, she couldn't very well smother the children after all by piling too many clothes in the bag they were in. The woman's steps were slow and cautious over the snow, she had not the desire to run into anybody, wolf or human who might be out and about in this mess...though she couldn't imagine humans willingly being out here. Perhaps loners or pack wolves, in which case she would have to be careful. Not only for herself with being female, but that hadn't seemed to work once she'd been bitten, and for her children who might be seen as easy prey.

Soon all three children were crying and the ex-omega closed her eyes in exasperation at the cries of the children. Slipping the bag off her shoulders and letting it drop to the ground behind her, Angelica cast her eyes around her. She didn't recognize where she was nor did she pick up any sign of Haven werewolves in the area or on any trees that she could smell. It looked like, in the span of a few hours or so, she had made it out of Haven. Now she was stuck in unclaimed territory most likely but as long as it was away from all three packs at the moment, the woman didn't care much. She just hoped the light snowfall wouldn't get worse. Carefully slipping off the bag dangling in front of her, Angelica set it down and then removed her coat, setting that down on the ground before seating herself on it.

Pulling the infants out of the bag, she set them down on her coat in front of her. Having been ignoring Oracle for the past week, Angelica was attempting to focus on the children that needed her and she hadn't killed. Casting her eyes over the children in turn, meeting two sets of green of varying hues and a set of sapphires, the single mother sighed to herself. Perhaps if she was careful with the few cans of food she had, only eating one can a day, she could survive for at least a week before having to figure out what to do next. Shelter was a necessity she knew...preferably near a source of water but could she even go near a river again when she had nearly lost her life in it at least three times?

How could she possibly do this? Raising three infants on her own...Angelica could only imagine the costs of daycare and add onto that rent for at least a three-bedroom apartment a month. Perhaps she could rent out a room at the inn again she'd stayed at when first coming to Montana but how was she to do that when the children didn't have birth certificates and social security numbers? She could not prove who the children were or that she was their mother...perhaps through a DNA test but if she wanted to go on the government's dole, then she would likely have to put in who the father or fathers were of the children and the only father she knew was Phyllis's father. She did not need to give Matthew another reason to try to track her down, so asking the government for help was simply out of the question. Which probably meant living in town was out of the option as well, not only because she would have no child care but because she wouldn't know where to look for a job though it was likely something she would need unless they were to starve.

Speaking of starving...Angelica was hungry and no doubt the children were as well. It had been a few hours since they had eaten after all...she should feed them and change them. How was she supposed to numb the pain when she had no access to alcohol and werewolves supposedly couldn't get drunk? Then again, she was an other odd werewolf...what with Oracle being able to phase in and out, take corporeal form or spirit form apparently alongside her...being able to shift into a wolf while retaining her clothing for...eight months of first becoming a werewolf until that rapid shifting when she had... Angelica's breath hitched in her throat as she fought to push the memory of saving Tobias and of meeting him away into her subconscious. Would it not be so surprising if she was able to get drunk and pass out most likely as alcohol had never sat well with her even while human? Not really surprising at all, she thought to herself. Angelica grabbed some water and poured some formula into the bottle, then poured some water into it and shook the bottle until it had mixed together before picking up Apollo and putting the bottle to his mouth, the child hungrily sucking from it. His forest green eyes stared up at her as a hand wrapped around one of her fingers, again that uncanny intelligence in the infant's all their eyes really...unnerving her. She did her best to use her body heat to warm the infants up as she fed and changed them before placing them back into the bag and looking for some place to hide for a few hours so they could all get some sleep, though Angelica just knew she wouldn't be getting much sleep as she had to remain alert to protect the children who couldn't even defend themselves or run away.
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Zephyr’s heart was torn in two, she smelled so foreign. Not like Brexly normally smelled what was wrong with her? He dropped down whimpering his deep red eyes pained and sad. He bowed to her and then rolled over on his back showing his belly. How ever so he wanted to love this girl again. She had to be his, his one. The wolf’s heart beat quickly and erratically he also began to wag his tail. What was she doing in someone else’s territory? On top of that she smelled like the neighbouring pack. The whole world slowed to a crawl for this wolf who had watched her leave begged her to stay and where was her son. He wondered if he might be able to talk to her in this form given their connection before. He doubted it and rose to his feet taking several steps back he changed into his human form and sat in the snow unable to walk.

“Brexly,” his eyes welled up with tears and he reached for the wolf. His hair had changed some getting longer than from when he saw her last. He hadn’t managed to get it trimmed since moving here and now it had cascaded down his back stopping just at the small of it. He was also more trim than before having a six pack and defined upper muscles. Emma approached him nuzzling against him. His heart lept to his chest and he was struck with her scent his blood boiling uncontrollably in the snow.

“I love you, I have always loved you, be mine...” he whispered like someone was ripping his lungs out. He knew what he was risking he knew what he was saying. If he left this pack and went to the other pack he might be able to stay with her without it being harmful to his pack. Would his alpha let him leave for love? Would she understand? He hoped a small part of her would and she would bare him no ill will. Would she understand the risk he took in the first place to come back and tell her? “I need you in my life without you it has been....” a hole was all he could describe it but he felt like he was just speaking inssecently without end.

Her scent was pushing him forward more than he was expecting if ever he saw her again. Something about it burned at his nose and rugged certain muscles into play. He sucked in a breath letting the tears fall from his face as the wind drew her scent closer. Ah. That was what it was Brexly was in heat. She was ready to bare more children.... could she....?
Blood, it was everywhere. She saw it in the trees in the dirt and at last all over her. One moment she was having the time of her life planning to take over the pack and having some special times with Jackson and the next he was ripped from her torn apart in a massacure as bloody as watching a woman give birth. She was frozen in the snow but her anger seethed through her. He tore away her mate. She snarled attacking the man. His dark eyes, matching hair.

“You shouldn’t have run away,” he snarled at her.

“You shouldn’t have beat me,” she rebuttlwd. They were both now in their wolf forms and they unleashed all they had at each other snapping and clawing he bit her around the neck tossing her against a tree. She rebuttlwd and grabbed his hind leg as she slipped under him pulling him out. Her fur tangled and matted from blood he hooked one of his teeth on her fur pulling her down she struggled. There entire pack consisted of direwolves each as large as the last and this Male was very large.

“I should have mated with you the soonest moment I could,” he snapped in her head. Not needing to talk considering their bond from before. She still feeling the pain of loosing Jackson as he laid dead in the snow. This large wolf took her. And had his way with her.

It was rough, he bit her a lot and did it several times until he was sure there was not to be any doubt. After this he knocked her out and that was the last thing the wolf remembered before waking up in a hotel room. Her wrists bound by silver shackles the only blood around her being her own. He must of had his way with her while she was out. He was never this violent before. She wondered what had changed him. It came as no surprise he came after her though. Perhaps this was what it was.

He entered the room. His smile intoxicating. He walked in brining a red headed female who was as beautiful as any of the girls he normally picked but something about this one was off. Her scent. She smelled just like the packs at home. Wondering briefly where they had been she sat up feeling her head. It was raw and bruised. The female looked at her a brief moment of shock floating in her green eyes.

“What is this?” She demanded.

“Shh Viserys. She’s my mate.

“No she’s not she’s the beta female for Haven pack,” hissed the redhead. “You want haven menebers slithering all over this place when you just killed one of the council members?” She was displeased with him. And walked over to Coyoty offering her water. She pushed it away. The girl looked her over. “You raped her,” she deduced from the blood.

“She’s my mate Viserys I may do with her what I please,” Said the Male scoffing gently. Viserys flashed a brief face of concern and offered the water again along with some pain killers. This time Coyoty took them.

“The council wants a pure blooded first born and since I am a pureblood and so is she the council will be pleased of our mating.”

Viserys shook her head slowly but sat on the bed. “Well have to go to Paris to tell them what has become of Andrew and his minions. They were not easy to kill.”

“Already have the tickets.” He smiled slightly. And they packed. The silver cut against her wrists as she was guided to the car and then shoved into the backseat of the bmw. A near constant reminder of her families wealth and power. They rode all the au to the airport in silence and when they got there her old alpha exited the vehicle.

“I recommend if you want to go home you do as he says. Don’t run away don’t do anything that will get you killed. I’ll try and get you home.” Her smile though cold was somewhat comforting. She unlocked her shackles then and was tossed some clothes. Once she was dressed in a pair of long pants cut to fit a pair ofnheals which she was offered, a tank top and a sports coat fit for females she was also given a winter coat. They went into the airport and made it to the privet plane. There they sat on board for Paris where Coyoty’s life would surely end.

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By now Adolf and Sky were aware that Andrew had been the one to betray the council and kill Amelia. As for Tobias, none of the council had any idea, nor did Gabriel when Sky had called her daughter to question the female. The council did get word that lycans had murdered Adolf's exiled son Azrael while the blind wolf had been hunting though Adolf spared no tears for his son, Rome was heartbroken to hear of his brother's death and had passed it on to the rest of the Marshadow family. The storm Klinge had unleashed with the discovery of Amelia's body had finally relented and eased up, now there was just rain in place of snow covering the land but even that was beginning to disappear, Klinge's anger dissipating to grief and sadness that one of the good houses, Altman that was, had vanished into extinction as far as the council was aware. By now the packs in France at least knew to watch for and not approach Ross...the man having disappeared at the same as Amelia had been kidnapped. As Klinge had said..."Ross is a traitor to our way of life and dangerous. He is not to be approached but alert us if he steps foot back in this country...slaughter any children from any unions as well as any females Ross may have taken. If his private plane shows up...inform me."

Thus there were werewolves working for the council that were on the lookout for any private planes entering and leaving the country. The packs in France knew the council's orders, or rather Klinge's orders since he was now its head. "Nobody is allowed in or out of the council." Anybody who tried to get into the council wouldn't like getting on their bad side, regardless of what line they came from. Thus the packs took turns watching the airports, not sure where such a private plane would land with runners in wolf and in human form on horse back prepared to deliver information as needed to one of the council members, the heirs kept locked inside the walls of the estate. At the moment Bill was being trained by Adolf in geography while Klinge was in a conversation over Skype and had ordered the guards not to disturb him. He wasn't sure where Sky was, probably on the phone with her mate since it was breeding season. Not that she would be allowed out for breeding season, she would just have to confine herself or mate with someone else if she wanted children...the same with Adolf.
Marie jumped when Vince came back, the female looking at the male with a scared look until she realized who it was. She relaxed, watching him as he drug in the carcass of a wolf. She made a face, but she didn't complain. Food was food, and it wouldn't be the first time she ate another wolf. She didn't like eating wolves, but she had no choice at the moment. She pulled the blanket off of her lap and stood up, stretching. The house was warm enough for the female to wear black Sophie shorts and a grey long-sleeved dry-fit t-shirt that had the local clover Hills football team name on it. She scooted over to Vince in her black fuzzy socks, crossing her arms over her chest as she looked at him. "Do you need any help?" She asked him, a wary tone in her voice. She couldn't see Vince as a equal now, the female still counted as a Omega and Vince a Gamma. She was living in his house with him, which gave her resented looks from the other females in the pack aiming for the Gamma. Most of the other females, who had higher ranks than the white wolf, tried to pick fights with her. At the moment, Marie had a bandage around her ankle from a recent fight. She won, thankfully, but didn't leave without wounds. She had bandages wrapped around her waist and chest, two broken ribs and a sprained ankle.
Even if the female was injured, she didn't let that stop her from trying or asking Vince for help. The male always helped her or came to her rescue with the jealous females in the pack, but she didn't want to be thought of as useless to the male. She moved closer to each down and grab the carcass, wincing a bit but didn't let up. She needed to be tough, to get over the pain. Not like it would be new to the female, getting beat countless times by the hunter, her old Owner. She wanted to show Vince that she wasn't weak, that she could make it and she would be okay without his help. She didn't know what his intentions were with her, but she didn't have the courage to ask the male yet.
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Zayne listened to his mate as she talked about Lycans, the famine and the death of Tobias and Azreal. He could sense her worry that they wouldn't have a pack anymore. "We need to train our wolves better. We need to train, or.. recruit. The famine could push the wolves harder to keep the Lycans out of the territory and away from the prey that is left on the territory. Recruiting would mean more mouths to feed, but Lycans are a threat. Unless.. you want to ask the pack that isn't affected by the famine for help.." He knew his mate wouldn't like that suggestion, and hopefully she wouldnt try to break the males neck just for suggesting. "It would be up to you though, my love. I will be glad to go get you some hot chocolate. I'll go to town here in a minute, I'll set some wolves up for patrol or send them to town with me." He said before standing up and leaning over to kiss her forehead.
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Brexly growled at the male as he shifted in front of her and started speaking to her. Telling her that he loved her and wanted to be with her. She pinned her black ears to her head as she listened to the male. She kept her mouth shut, she didn't want to snarl at the male who had such a kind tone towards her. She pressed her body down into the snow with her ears still pinned to her head. She laid into the ground in submission, not wanting to hurt the male in front of her. Deep down her wolf didn't want to injure the kind male in front of her. She knew she couldn't defeat him even if he tried. She rolled onto her back, also showing her stomach in submission to the male. She wanted to show him that she meant no harm, wanted to mean no harm to him. Her wolf was too terrified and new to the world it wouldn't let her shift into her human form to speak back, so she would just have to use her wolf body language to show the male that she meant no harm. She understood what the male wanted, but her wolf mind was in more control at this point and was overall confused and scared.
CZDoubleU CZDoubleU
Vince watched, as even injured, Marie seemed to want to help, the gamma turning towards the carcass and dragging it inside with his hands until Marie came over and helped to bring it in. "That would be nice...thankfully this one has some actual meat on it which means it's getting food somewhere but it was weak enough for a surprise attack to its skull," said Vince, the male slamming the door shut as soon as the wolf was inside the cabin. The male walked over to the fire and tossed a skinning knife at Marie. "You could skin the hide off...try not to damage it as it will be a useful blanket or rug...though whether it will remain here or go the alpha or the pack, I don't know." He didn't particularly care where it went. "We'll boil the bones though it will take eight hours to three days to get the marrow out once we've scraped all meat and fat from them. I think there's some stock somewhere around here...won't taste very good with the wolf meat since it's beef I believe but it will do."

He looked the female over, noting her injuries. "I see you've got some more injuries from fighting off some of the pack females. Why the alpha has sent some of them here without males for protection....he probably wants to see how I manage since I'm the...speaker for the pack with being the closest rank to them." Vince frowned. More than likely the alpha wanted the females out of the way as Matthew bred his sister. "They can fight all they want...they aren't friendly enough to be my mate and gamma female." Well, now he'd gone and made his intentions clear with the woman. It didn't help that his wolf saw her as a better candidate for pups either and was interested in at least finding a mate. The females had arrived a couple days ago and already they were giving issues for Vince.

Gabriel listened and stared at Zayne as he spoke in turn, saying they could try to recruit more wolves to the pack which would require more mouths to feed but also might help force the pack to fight the lycans. "They're fierce wolves...the council banned them being bred for a reason...I don't know the details...we would lose a lot of lives fighting them off..." She knew if something wasn't done then they would starve which was what the woman did not want. Not the least because it would create issues for her as the one in charge of the pack. Too many failures would like get her another trip to France, one she intended to avoid at all costs.

When he mentioned that another option was seeking help from Glaswin, a frown appeared on her face as she heard that suggestion. "Contact Miley and ask her for help with food resources?" she questioned. Gabriel was silent for several moments as she considered. She did still have the new alpha's, he frown turned into a scowl at that, number within her phone. Lifting a hand to her face, the woman sighed as she rubbed at her forehead. Gabriel didn't like that option, even if Angelica were no longer here she'd prefer not to have anything to do with a pack that was by all natures insane and had people that willingly did unspeakable crimes towards females...and if the rumors of what she had heard from Angelica were true...possibly pups as well.

If the famine spread to Glaswin...then there would be fights across all packs for territory and food resources, what little there were. Perhaps Gabriel wasn't giving Miley enough of a chance but any pack that followed Bellatrix, that allowed such unspeakable crimes which would be rightful crimes in her own pack as wolves blindly turned away...she didn't want to deal with or look at. Eventually she would need to swallow her pride and work with Glaswin if necessary. This line of thinking only caused her to worry more. "Everyone will have to pull their weight around here, barring the pups who can't do anything. If it comes to it, we will speak to Miley...but I'm not working with any of those wolves that allowed those things to happen to Angelica.

"Those wolves can starve. I owe that much to her and Tobias both." Her frown was back before it was replaced by tiredness. "How do you know about Glaswin not being affected by the famine exactly Zayne? Does that mean that...other also suffering?" She would not be helping that pack either. As he leaned over to kiss her forehead, he would be met with tired eyes. "Be safe Zayne...and take as many or little wolves as you need into town. I can't lose you as well." Her voice cracked at the end, showing her vulnerability towards the idea of Zayne leaving or even dying. She'd already lost her two trusted omegas and a good friend in both Tobias and Azrael...about the only two wolves that had believed she could manage the pack outside of Zayne. Comet Comet
Coyoty woke up about a day later. Her alpha had his way with her several times while Viserys waited outside the cabin room unsure of what to do. The woman had sent a bird with a letter to the council informing them of Andrews death and the large and long fight they had with the hunters. She felt ill from the silver the hunters had. Throwing up a few times she felt slightly better and laid down. The Male with dark hair and green eyes returned to the room naked. Visery’s eyes went wide and she turned away from him.

“Alexander you are bong impropur.” She muttered under her breath.

“I will look however I want, go tend to the weeping mess in the room.” He snapped at her and begrudgingly she grabbed some liquor from the fridge along with a bottle of cold water and some ice.

“You have to be more gentle with her Alex. She will die if you aren’t careful.”

“We come from a line of direwolves Viserys. Do you know what they are?”

“Yeah big wolves big deal,” she responded.

“Well. A direwolf is said to handle things better and I know my mate I have known her since she was four years old when I killed her father. She will take it and she will take it however I see fit until I tell her to stop. You should be more careful yourself I don’t take you. You would make some desirable offspring given your line.”

“I wouldn’t join your pack,” Said the redhead.

“Without me you would not have survived those hunters. Don’t you think you don’t owe me. Joining my pack is the last of your worries all things considered you should be doing way more than just joining my pack.” Viserys rolled her eyes and stepped away he grabbed her arm.

“You watch it Viserys or I will not hesitate to kill you. You have no idea what the council is capable od and I’m sure they will be willing to shoot us down the second we enter their airspace. This is why I have us landing in a nearby country.” Viserys eyes went wide and she felt her breath catch. Then she narrowed her eyes and yanked her arm back.

“You are going down a dangerous path Alexander,” mumbled the girl, leaving the Male to stand in his own nakedness in the airplane’s main area. I’m a huff the Male sat down on his chair taking a newspaper up to read it. His phone rang shortly after and he fished around in his pants picking it up. The conversation and what happened was unknown to the girl as she came into the room in the back of the plane.

There coyoty laid a weeping mess as Alexander had so diligently pointed out to her earlier. Viserys quickly went to work cleaning the girl of the blood he had caused her. She placed her hand on the woman. “You have to get me free, please,” she pleased half out of breath. “I don’t think that wise,” Said Viserys offering a glass of the bottled liquor. Coyoty took the bottle and drank some but Viserys prevented her from drinking more. “If death is what you wish I would not drink too much of this. I don’t think he would let you live unless you conceive his children.” She threw away the bloodied towels and rinsed the rag bringing it back. She placed the cool rag Along the girl’s hairline.

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Zephyr felt his heart begin to melt. He reached for but did not touch the female wolf. He wondered how long she’d been a wolf, it could not have been long she smelled too fresh, too new. “Uh, just breathe love, sit up and be calm, breathe. You will soon find your human side taking over. After that you just simply have to think about your human self, you will shift promptly after... I know you are scared I..... I wanted to be with you through this....” he pushed Emma off him in this moment and moved through the snow during this time to touch her. “I will not hurt you, please, let me.....” he felt his body his heart beating and then he slid back ever so slightly back into his spot in the clearing.

“Will you let me walk you through this.... I need to be the one here for you.” In this moment he would have killed to see her human form. How ever so beautiful she had been. He remembered her snow coloured hair, her eyes, he had dreams about her eyes. His heart throbbed. Her scent was so enticing and he wanted it.
Comet Comet
"Ded! Ded! YA nashel ptitsu! Grandfather! Grandfather! I found a bird!" The meeting room doors were pushed up for the six-year-old child as William ran into the main room, clutching a goshawk to his chest carefully, or as much as the child could secure a large adult raptor against his small body. Behind the child, guards came into the room following the bird, the three council heads lifting their gazes towards the child that came rushing in and over to his grandfather, turning to beam at Nana who just shook her head at in him in disappointment, causing the smile to slide off the young one's face.

"William, what are you doing in here?" Klinge questioned.

"YA nashel ptitsu!" The child repeated, holding the bird out to his grandfather. "U nego yest' zapiska. It have a note."

"It has a note," corrected Adolf gently, the child flushing pink in embarrassment.

His grandson's French and Russian had gotten slightly better but it was a long process. His Latin was sorely lacking but the child was still dealing with his own native tongue plus two other languages on top of that so it was understandable that he sometimes mixed his languages or fell into speaking all four when really excited, causing his uncle and the guards to have to pick through what the child was saying. As of yet the child's power had yet to awaken, though Rome had a wonderful little power in Energy Drain and David....David could read auras. Quinn's own power, before it had been sealed, had been Aura Manipulation.

"A bird with a note?" Klinge questioned. "William, where did you find this bird?"

"Uncle David was outside, letting me pet the birds when this bird flew into...into...mew," the child said as he strained his mind for the word. "It hurt grandfather?"

Klinge frowned and leaned forward to take the bird in his hands, removing the note and then running his hands over the bird, then pulling out its wings to test them. "It seems fine...perhaps you may take it to your room and give it some water and fish. This is a goshawk but we will have this lesson later. You may request a perch be made or use one of your dresser drawers for a nest for it but you are to clean up after it," said Klinge as he handed the bird back, motioning the guards to escort his heir to the boy's room.

Bill smiled and waved at the three adults. "Thank you!" he shouted as he took the bird and the guards moved on either side of the child, escorting him from the room, the doors shutting behind him. When their footsteps had faded down the hall and new guards had taken post at the doors, Klinge looked at the letter.

Klinge unfolded the letter and began reading it, the elderly man's eyebrows furrowing with each sentence before passing it down to Adolf who allowed Sky to read it...both adults jumping as outside a tree caught fire with a sudden winter thunderstorm that rolled in over the estate. A few guards outside jumped and hurried to put the tree out as well as keep the fire from spreading, Adolf folding the letter up as they finished reading it and Klinge sat back in his throne with a sigh.

"The Winslow chit is coming here?"

"With what sounds like lesser purebloods as well," said Adolf in disgust.

"What I am interested in learning is how Andrew got werewolf hunters to work for him," said Klinge thoughtfully. "As well as being able to question Ross for killing Amelia..." Sky and Adolf looked warily at each other, Klinge hardly brought up the woman without grief or anger striking his voice. Klinge gave a tired sigh and sat back. "It seems we will never get those answers with him being dead...though how the Winslow child and this lesser pureblood male seemed to be able to kill not only the hunters but also lycans..."

"No wolf can kill a lycan," said Sky. "They were banned for a reason, they're about as strong as the council."

"Indeed," said Klinge thoughtfully, his mind going towards his legions which nobody outside of himself and his grandson knew about. "No normal werewolves can," Klinge said. "Not pureblood or took all our might the last time to kill them when they were first bred and ran loose." His eyes closed and he removed his glasses, holding them in a hand as he rubbed at his eyes tiredly, both Adolf and Sky remaining respectfully silent for the elder council member who they still carried much respect for.

"It looks like the packs failed at noticing the lycan threat and dealing with it. What will be done about that?" questioned Adolf.

"We will question the Winslow girl and her companions on how they dealt with the lycans and if the packs of Clover Hills were aware of the lycan threat. It is possible Andrew did not release them yet in which case they will go without punishment. If they knowingly knew about the lycans and did nothing to prevent them from moving about, we will need to take action against Clover Hills. As it is their pathetic antics within that town continue to interfere with council business," spoke Klinge.

"Lycans are also massive are they not?" questioned Sky.

Klinge nodded. "Lycans are purebloods...they are massive compared to other wolves...yes even larger than dire wolves and normal pureloods...they are slightly smaller than council wolves," said Klinge. "Azarias himself was a pureblood lycan and a failed experiment of the council. Therefore, I very much doubt the Winslow girl's claims that Andrew's lycans and his pureblood army was destroyed just from this letter." He handed the letter to a guard who set it on fire and the elder excused himself to retire to his study, silence stretching in his wake. "Seclude the heirs," Klinge ordered as he passed a servant who bowed and went to retrieve the three heirs and the girlfriend of Rome. Once within the safety and security of his study, guards posted outside all the council members' rooms, Klinge opened his laptop and began typing, slipping his headphones image of a middle-aged man appearing on Skype within a forest.

"Audemus jura nostra defendere sire," spoke the heavy Russian bass voice on the screen.

"Report General Reaper."

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Since that day in November when Synthania and Veridius had come to check out Kagore they had discovered the house had moved from where it had been as well the fact that it was under new leadership for a fourth time since Winslow had come into conception. A surprise, an amusing surprise in Synthania's mind as she had learned that Tor had been executed after cheating on Styx....the fool...and run away, only to come back and meet her end along with her bastard child. What was interesting is that Styx got his ass handed to him by a female and had been kicked out of the alpha position in the pack which Synthania found even more amusing than Tor's death and the change in leadership. They had gone back to retrieve her pups, the female spending the next couple of days with Veridius before taking her pups to...Glaswin as it was now known and retaking her position of hunter, the woman doing her best to stay away from anyone in the pack that had been there before when she had been part of it. She discovered that Pariah, Caspian and the two pups with them had disappeared some time ago and that there were more wolves than she remembered there being. didn't matter. People were free to leave as they wished it least when the pack wasn't run by a psychopath. Synthania was in her new room with her children, currently making some new arrows as the pups slept in the dog bed on the floor. Since splitting up from Veridius she hadn't heard from him at all and wondered if he had ended up joining Phantasm like he had spoken of with that wolf Zero. Mentioned: Devious Dilbert Devious Dilbert

Alistair had been careful whenever he had gone out to work within town or patrolling. The pack didn't have any luck with healers and so the alpha female was often left trying to manage the pack and heal injuries, plus being there to take care of her pups. They'd lost a good warrior in Tobias and then the two omegas...of course Ash had been thrown out last month for not doing anything along with her pet loner that thought she was a man or something, Alistair didn't understand that or homosexual relationships at all. How could you be attracted to someone you couldn't breed with and make pups with? As it was now breeding season upon the pack, it just created more confusion for Alistair who wasn't sure if he would attempt to breed or ignore his instincts again like last winter. Though he would hate to have to lock himself or leave until breeding season was over...with the prey thinning out for some reason he couldn't place...he was concerned the pack might end up having to split up into couples or loners and then rejoin together come spring....those that survived the ultimate starvation of this season. The wolf was currently passed out in his wolf form sleeping, though twitched in his sleep as he ran after another wolf, his legs moving and paws pawing at the air, interspersed with growls and whines.

Zero was awake, his stomach rumbling with hunger. There wasn't a lot to eat which was why the alpha had sent out hunting parties and if he was feeling the hunger, then he knew that the pups, omegas and elders would be feeling it as well, possibly worse than the other wolves within the pack. He turned his head to see little Zenith curled up against his pelt, the pup shivering despite the thickness of it and reached over with his neck to grasp a deerskin within his jaws and drape it over them. Zenith was the youngest of the pups or so he assumed, the youngster only now beginning to transition to meat though was still fed puppy formula to substitute nutrition. The Knowledge Keeper sighed as the pup twitched in his sleep yet Zenith did not wake or cry out, the pup knew now that making a fuss was a sign of weakness and the alpha didn't like weakness. Frankly, Zero was amazed that the alpha hadn't killed the youngster or those other submissive pups in the pack that were always left in the basement of whatever house they happened to be living in. Perhaps it had something to do with Aria's influence. Zero sighed and laid his head back down, prepared to go back to sleep unless he was needed for something else.
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Styx was currently sat outside the new Pack house, thinking. The Beta, as he’d been placed as, stared up at the sky quietly. He’d been quiet and less insane since Tor’s death, less prone to being violent. Instead, he followed his new Alphas orders, helped the pack, and made sure everyone was happy. But for now, whilst he was sure that everyone else was busy or asleep, he could take some time to think, and mourn. He didn’t dare show that he was mourning in front of anyone else, for it was a show of weakness that the Beta has decided he couldn’t show.

Ash was cold. Cuddled up to Amora, she shivered. Part of her longed for the warmth of her pack, but she knew she could no longer return. She’d probably be killed. And she didn’t want to leave Amora either. Burying her nose in the others side, her small wolf form dwarfed by the other, she trembled. Her heat would be coming soon, she knew, and it scared her. She’d go after a Male, she knew, but any of the packs could kill her now, and she wanted to be with Amora.

Artemis was once again busy looking after the pups. She’d been hesitantly talking to Michi again, but was still wary of showing the other her new pups, Nyx and Draco. They were young, and she didn’t want to remind Michi of what she’d lost. At least this new home wasn’t filled with old, horrible memories. At least she knew they were safe here, even if she did tend to avoid everyone else, scared of what they may do.

Astiel for once was out hunting. With the shortage of food, he’d been forced into helping, not that he would complain. He just hated fighting and killing, but this had to be done for the pack to survive. For his pups future. For his mate. He shuddered in the cold, paws freezing, as he slipped through the territory. He’d been worried, since Gabriel had kicked Ash out, that he’d be next. So lately he’d been trying to impress her, hunting and patrolling frequently, though usually alone whilst he left the pups with Eliza.

Comet Comet Cosmos Cosmos scorpiodragon scorpiodragon ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion
Angelica & Triplets
After feeding and changing the triplets, which took a half hour, Angelica had finally found somewhere to shelter in for a few hours. By chance, Angelica had come across a small cave which she took the children in first and after placing them on the blanket, had gone back out to retrieve her bags and removed the formula cans and bottles with the water that was leftover. She pulled out a can of chef boyardee and the can opener, beginning to open it as she sat on the hard ground next to the blanket which she wrapped around the children to keep them warm. Although it was warm here with there being a slight slope downwards, Angelica wasn't sure just how warm the triplets would be with being in human form. It looked like she would have to shift into her wolf and curl up around the three to keep them warm. Not having thought to steal utensils with her, Angelica sighed and began digging into the spaghetti and meatballs with some fingers, pulling them out and slowly eating them as she listened to the few birds outside chirp in the trees. Knowing they were too small to even provide a proper meal, she would have to catch most of them and they could fly, the female doubted her own abilities to truly live on her own as a wolf, let alone with children who for some reason weren't shifting back to wolf with the death of Tobias. It would be easier if they shifted into wolf form but then their clothing Tobias had bought them would go to waste since it would be unlikely they would shift back. Then again...the infants had shifted, or so Tobias had said, when Matthew had attacked them into their wolf forms, then shifted back upon returning to Haven house. It seemed her children had inherited her oddness as a wolf so she supposed it might be possible. The chef boyardee was not very filling and not really satisfying with it being cold but she had never really tried making a fire before though she was pretty sure she knew how to make one. Even if she could have made a fire, she had nothing to heat the chef boyardee with so it wouldn't have made a difference but for providing warmth. When she was done with her meal for the day, Angelica took out an extra water and took a gulp of that before going outside and leaving the cave, burying the cave several feet away in the snow before heading back to her pups. Stripping, the woman shivered at the cold and then shifted into Oracle who then curled around the infants, resting her head on her paws as she watched the cave entrance.

Matthew was bored. He woke up Jasper and told him to watch the pack until Aria woke up, the male then heading out and informing Niko to take the pups inside when it got too cold to which his cub, who was now alpha male of Glaswin, nodded in response. He ignored the three pups though as he went to the makeshift lean to where his SUV was packed along with a pick up truck and got his SUV out before sliding into it and turning the engine on. Once the car hard warmed up a bit, he backed out and headed for Clover Hills, heading through the forest on some dirt roads. The alpha drove for some time on the dirt roads, eventually turning onto the gravel road near the barn sector and taking that down to the main road. Unaware of what had happened to Angelica and thus his daughter and the woman's bastard children, though he would likely find it amusing if he knew, Matthew drove with the heater Clover Hills. He was bored and planning on looking for food and maybe a pickup in the Twin Pines, unaware that he would find something much more enjoyable. Cosmosis Cosmosis
Michi was within the new house, her injuries and trauma to her body still kept her weak, useless in terms of hunting and even child care with mental scarring though she tried to do her best, and it really showed, she got up early to prepare what food they had during the winter season and practiced everyday to get onto crutches from the wheelchair, though her legs had still made little progress and it mostly resulted in a hard fall to the cold ground time and time again, though her usual optimistic nature had returned her aura had saddened as this time of year arrived, sure she was usually an off season heat wolf but she knew the others would be going off now. A hand slipped to her stomach slowly, it felt like there was an empty space inside her, and it couldn't be repaired- she'd never go into heat again, and if she did her wolf would do little more than get sexually frustrated knowing it's limits. She currently sat downstairs in the kitchen, peeling some potatoes with bandaged up fingers from the accidental cuts occurred with her latest cooking practicing, focusing so hard her tongue poked out just a little in a rather adorable manner. She's been able to control the shift a little better but her wolf form was still reluctant, struggling far more to move with it's four legged reliance.

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Amora's large form lay breathing heavily next to the small one of Ash's, the size difference was at times rather comical, mostly the unfazed larger wild went into town begging the streets for food from humans like some stray dog, in fact the townspeople weren't unfound of the oversized hound to be honest, most suspected her having wolf heritage but her behaviour caused none to assume the 'almost' pure wolf that she was. Her injuries had healed well after Gabriel thanks to the kindness of that human stranger so long ago though on occasion her left leg still carried a light limp when overstrained, even the mention of Haven or the giant scent of the territory seemed to gather an aggressive response from the female, though she kept could care of her mate, regularly laying down and grooming the small wolfs fur and bringing back scraps, finding shelter and so on, currently she'd found a small abandoned burrow she'd expanded for them to snuggle in, though it was clearly becoming heat season, for the confused wild her body still strongly yearned for her mate, though was aware the other small wolf couldn't control her own feelings for the loner males, it was clear the larger wolf longed for a pup like they'd had before.

WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys
Sukudo and Saiuri were bundled together shivering in the basement of the ruined building, the small tufts of fur on the pups barley keeping them warm and their sunken back starved stomachs growled and gurgled, their small whimpers echoed and carried quietly through the building, the small female's eyes closed tightly as her tail tried to wrap around her more as the brother stayed guarding his sister to the best he could whilst wrapped around, eyes open sleepily as they waited.

Raito and Chikari were bouncing around Artemis, pawing at her legs and knowing at anything exposed as they frolicked, both dominants now having developed a rather troublesome tendency to chew on things when hungry or bored like ill behaved puppies.

WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys
Jasper grumbled as he was woken up from his sleep to watch the pack, earning a sharp bite to his neck scruff as Matthew heard that before the wolf sat up and yawned. As soon as he heard the alpha's SUV start up and leave, the beta shifted and rubbed at his neck which wasn't bleeding thankfully. Jasper sighed as he found he wasn't the only one awake, Nikolaus was awake with his children who were currently wrestling in the snow with Erik looking on. The beta rubbed at his neck again as he stood there watching, only for one of the new pups to barrel into him and he looked down to see Sadie, a two-month-old pup. Behind her came Birch, the adolescent having scarred over with the attack by that lone wolf that killed his twin and injured him but otherwise looking none worse for wear. Jasper was forced to move out of the way to avoid being knocked down by the Custodian who seemed to be adapting to his role well. "Birch, where are the other pups?" he questioned.

The ivory wolf whined and lowered his ears. "Sukodo and Sanda are in the basement where the alpha left them, Zenith is with Zero, Sebastian and Tranquil are sleeping in the room with Fern and I think Aria, Ice and Fiona," spoke Birch.

"I see," said Jasper. "What about Rowan and Andromeda?"

The adolescent furrowed his brows. "I think they are in a different room because the pups' kept whining for food and they were tired." He paused as he heard the echoing sounds of barks from the basement. "Beta...may I feed Sanda and Sukodo? They won't last long without food."

"They don't pull their weight, therefore they don't get fed," said Jasper. "That is Matthew's would do well to follow them."

"But..." He whined and stepped back as Jasper growled in answer at him.

"Then is your job to take care of the pups...and my cub would insist on everyone being fed at the same time. You can take them a chunk of meat. They're old enough to be able to eat it without you watching them," said Jasper with a sigh. It would likely get him in trouble with Matthew but he could blame it on Birch and have the Custodian take the fall. The wolf nodded and dashed off to get some type of food, a large hunk of wolf meat from one of the wolves that had died and headed back into the building and down into the basement, the Custodian stumbling down the rubble stairs until he got to the pair of eleven-month-old pups and dropped the large hunk of wolf meat in front of the submissive pups before stepping back. Cosmos Cosmos

Matthew tapped his fingers on the steering wheel as the radio blared The Lost Boys Soundtrack.

The black haired man leaned over to skip the CD to Power Play, the seventh song in the ten song track. It wasn't like he could die in a car crash and the worst that would happen was he would skid off the road and into a tree. Nobody had told Matthew a werewolf could die from blunt force trauma or severe blood loss. The fifteen and a half miles on the gravel road took him about a couple hours to get through but the black SUV soon arrived at the entrance to Clover Hills and he began winding past farm fields and unknowingly the horse place where his former property had gone. He drove past the cabin that had been given to Miley by the council, not that he knew that of course, the alpha rolling his window down as he ended up at a stop light, turning the volume down on the radio. The cold air blew into the vehicle, even with the heat on, so he turned the heater off. A little cold wasn't going to kill him.

Speaking of finding food...Matthew happened to glance out the window sitting a short distance away from him to his left. Nestled in a small grove of trees, the male turned off the main road and drove along a side road until he got to a house that seemed abandoned though the thought that it might be a vacation house that currently wasn't in use at the moment crossed his mind. Either way, the house might have food for his moonbeam, Aria and his son. Therefore it was worth a shot at securing their food before bothering to look out for the rest of the pack as he saw it. Pulling up to the front of the house, he killed the engine and got out, shutting the door behind him with a bang as he looked around the property. Inhaling the air, he could detect the scents of car exhaust or humans in the area, nor any sign of dogs which he could easily kill and add to the food pile...but if he found a dog he would have to snap its neck to avoid getting blood on his seats. And if someone did leave an animal here...well that was irresponsible and he would be doing the creature a favor.

Matthew sniffed the air as he walked towards the house, finding it locked. Huffing, the alpha twisted the handle until it snapped off and walked in, tossing the knob to the side and looked around for a kitchen, taking in the furniture that looked lived in. Squatters perhaps then...well there was food then if squatters lived here. Nobody ever missed humans that were homeless or runaways. Shrugging and glad for the heat despite a werewolf's higher body heat, the male strode through the house like he owned the place until he found the kitchen and began opening the cupboards, searching for anything that didn't look expired and edible. Cosmosis Cosmosis
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Miley walked through the house to check on the pack and make sure everyone was doing okay. The alpha walked into the kitchen to see Michi, trying to cook and pull her weight around. Of course the female wasn't well enough to resume her position, but Miley was grateful that the woman was trying. Miley moved outside to see the beta, Styx sitting outside. The male was still mourning over his lost mate. Miley felt for the male, but she knew he needed to get out of this mood and run the pack like a betam she stretched on the porch for a minute before looking towards the male. "Styx, get up. We're going to go look at the territory." She said to the male. Today was the day he was going to get out of this slump, out of this mood. She started walking down the giant porch, hoping that the male would follow without hesitation.
WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys

Marie watched as Vince drug in the carcass before helping him. She looked at the skinning knife with curiosity as she was handed it. She was skinning it? She never skinned a animal before. "Vince, I don't know how." She didn't hesitate to tell the male that. She didn't want to act like she knew then screw it up.
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Styx was up on his feet the instant he noticed Miley. He nodded his head, slightly sheepish that he’d been caught mourning as he had been. He’d been trying, really, and whilst his insane personality had died down, so had any other form of joy he had. He knew others had noticed, and he knew he had to stop himself, get back to being the Beta he needed to be. He followed after her quickly, staying a step behind her and to her right, “Yes Alpha.” He replied rather emotionlessly, willing to obey orders and do his duty.

Ash was glad for their small den. Without it, they’d be frozen already, though Ash was definately feeling the chill regardless. She wanted to help Amora find food, wanted to care for her mate, but she felt useless. She stuck to her partners side like glue now, never leaving, always the shy one when they went into the human town to look for food. She quietly licked at her mates fur, grooming Amora was the only way she knew how to make herself useful.

Artemis smiled at the pups that came over to her. Michi should be there for them, but Artemis knew she couldn’t be right now. So Artemis had taken up the mothering role of the pups, watching as Levi interacted with the others. She watched as her oldest son leapt at Michis children, barking gleefully. She herself kept an eye on Nyx and Draco. The former was trying to join in with the older pups, whilst the other stayed curled with Artemis herself.

Comet Comet Cosmos Cosmos

Vince turned his head to look at Marie as she spoke of not knowing how to skin an animal. The gamma sighed and took the skinning knife from Marie and picking up the wolf. Carrying it it outside, he strung up in a tree nearby and poked his head back in to get Marie to follow him. "It's easier if you hang it up," said Vince. "If I had some omegas here I would get them to do, unfortunately these females don't seem to want to do much outside of their ranks with winter upon us." Once he had the wolf up, he told Marie to brace the wolf and began showing her how to skin the wolf, walking her through the entire process as he did so. Vince had already gutted the wolf and dressed it halfway to the house and left the organs out for scavengers. Cutting rings around the wolf's knees and ankles to make the skin slide down easier, cutting away any fat and tendons from the skin, rolling the hide back so the hair didn't get into the meat as he skinned it. "Come spring we'll start you off with something easy...a squirrel or rabbit, then work your way up though you won't need much of this as once Ice and our other omegas get here, they'll be taking over such duties as skinning food. Do you know how to cook or boil bones? You may do that once I get this....skinned," he said as began pulling the skin down over the animal. Comet Comet
The plane ride took hours and once Coyoty was passed out again Viserys sat along the floor. Her head pressed to the bed on the back of her neck. The contents of the battle she had just fought with Alexander playing in her head. She. Coughed. The hunters had silver. The wolves as large as buildings were strong yet somehow they were stronger. It took a whole day to ween them out and they could still only handle one Of the giant wolves together. They kept coming and coming. She unwrapped her arm pulling the first aid kit out from beside the bed finding a makeshift stitches kit. She pulled the thread out and began to sew the long split down her arm. She had never used anything like what she had to kill each giant wolf. It was as if their thoughts their feelings their weaknesses were pointed out to her plain as day. Using this she guided the largest direwolf to help attack and kill.

They worked pretty well together and if he wasn’t so he’ll-bent on making children out of Coyoty she might see something there. But direwolves as she was beginning to realise were very power hungry. They enjoyed breading with other direwolves and didn’t like breeding outside. She’d never seen a wolf as large as Alexander who stood at or just shy of it. He was seven or so inches taller than Coyoty. They were large. These wolves larger. As she pulled the last thread through her arm Alexander burst into the room rising Coyoty.

“I just got her to sleep Alexander,” she snarled this time looking at the turned scared girl and finishing her task.

“You didn’t tell me you got injured.”Said the man approaching the bed. Coyoty slipped up the bed clinging to the wall for dear life tears fast going down her face. “No,” she whispered. “Not again....”

“Superficial wounds. I’ll be okay.” Said the girl closing the kit and rising. Alexander sat on the bed reaching for Coyoty. She whimpered and he grabbed her by the hair. “Cut This timid crap Coyoty. That isn’t what I trained you to do. Now calm down and act he way I taught you!” He snapped at her almost throwing her at the wall.

“I don’t need to tell you that you repeatedly hurt her and now you are forcing her to not act scared. Your backasswords Alexander. Give her time and quit having your way with her and she’ll warm up a little.”

“Get out,” Said the Male to which the redhead obliged. She bowed out and could hear him already dominating the girl. She didn’t understand what this repition would do but she only had a few more hours before they landed and lots to do. She pulled a parchment from the cabinet and found a suitable felt pen and sat down. She began to write to both her alpha and the alpha of Haven to which beta they had stolen.


I am assuming this letter finds you well. I do not have a stockpile of birds but I hope that this one knows where to go and it is not stupid. It appears your Beta has been kidnapped and I k ow the whereabouts of her. Jackson Northwind has been killed and I’m not sure how may other pack members you have that had also been killed or injured. All I know is he lies dead. It is to my believe that Coyoty had come to you seeking shelter and safety from her old pack. They apparently are a pack of noble direwolves from Germany. Strong they are. I will do my best to make sure that they, He more specifically does not kill her. Please do not find me in ill will. I’m just trying to inform you of the events that have occurred.

Signed, Viserys Winslow of the former Winslow, now Glasgow pack.

Pleased with her letter she signed it and folded it rolling it into a small roll tying it with a ribbon and slipping it into a tube. She also pulled a piece of Coyoty’s blood-soaked precious clothing. It was mixed with Jackson’s but it would have to do. They were a long way from home. Wrapping the roll up in it she tied it in a secure knot and set it to the side. She decided she would tell her pack later about her departure. Provided that he would even see she’d decided to leave. Eventually she would have to go back handle her responsibilities she couldn’t be expected to try and take her pack back on the notion that she attempted. She rapped her felt pen on the table quickly Alexander retuning from the room holding his face.

“Remind yourself please you were the one who told her to quit. Then he struck her and Viserys had it. She grabbed him by the throat slamming him against the cock pit and then to the floor. She pushed into his trecke not needing much strength to do so and shortly after the man began to choke. He lashed about not having enough strength to push this angry wolf off him especially after his repetitive exercise. Viserys eyed him and took a breath in realising it quickly.

“You are being stupid little wolf. I took a class that taught me all the atonomy of the body. How in the hell do you think you got those wolves? Huh? Without me you’d be a dead little wolf! You strike me again and I will give a reason for the families at home to call me crazy. You do not strike a woman you do not rape her you pride yourself and every day you are in her presence you tank your lucky stars. She strikes you you tank her. You deserve as many beatings as you’ve felt to her if I have to heal one more of her Brussels I will give each one somewhere on your body do you here me!?” The wolf glommed over the Male snarling at him. He choked out something other than a yes and Viserys doubles back elbowing him in the face.

“What?!” She snapped at him. His nose bleeding but thankfully not broken.

“You-“ she pushed into his trechnia.
“Keep at it Alexander. Keep going. You won’t have a pack to run home to because once I land that’s where I’ll go. I’ll take over your precious little pack and do with what I want with them do you want that? You took her pack you KILLED HER FATHER YOU ARE NO BETTER THAN ME!” She pointed at the trnbling and scared Coyoty who mustered enough will to watch the fight from the room door. “That doesn’t make you a man. It makes you a traitor. You killed her father when she was four and took her as your bride, then you didn’t touch her and had your way with other girls you sick fuck!”

“Where are you learning this?” He demanded half out of breath.

Viserys didn’t know. She was just feeling it. She could sense the events that had already occurred and she blinked perhaps a dozen times. “That doesn’t matter!” She snapped. “Coyoty is beta of the Haven pack. A pack as old as time itself I trust you understand that and if you continue to have your way her I will have to snap your little neck and you won’t get to see your children be born and if I do let you live” she leaned in close to the Male. “You will be pleased to see her birth your children. You will be there for it and if you are not I will. And then I will kill you.” She smacked him again this time enough to render him unconscious.

She rose up from the Male realising she had snapped her stitches and sighed angrily. "You are safe for now what was it you did to him to piss him off soe much?"

Coyoty held her elbows and dropped one away from her shocked face and then covered herself again. She'd never been violated so many times. "I... .I guess that Leaving the pack was not exaclty on his agenda but it could not have anything to do with the council I had never even heard him speak of the council not once...." she shook her head and dropped down to the floor. Her long tail flipping out and around her.

"Ah so you purebloods can do that too, show your tail and ears I mean"
"Hmm? Oh, yeah my father taught me how... What... what is going to happen to me once he wakes up?" Viserys offered her nothing and shook her head partly because she did not know.

"All i know is we land and once I am in the head council you will not be my problem," It had been days since they'd been gone but Coyoty was feeling sick and just wanted to go home morn her mate. She blinked slowly and then opened her mouth.

"He will want to stay fir the birth.... he will kill whichever of my children do not look like dire wolves...."

"You lot are fucked up," she rose and passed the bottle of liquor over to Coyoty. "Just a little if he finds out you miscarried or whatever and it's because I gave you that," She whistled and Cooty too k that and a shot of the liquor but Alexander hopped up and she tossed the bottle at Viserys who took it managing somehow to not spill a drop, shortly after that they appeared to land.

Alexander had everyone take their wolf forms and Viserys felt like a plant in a forest of oak trees. She lowered her head and they continued from the airport and before they did just before they left she found a hawk tied the note to his leg and took her pace after the two long-legged dark wolves.
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Amora had been enjoying the gentle groom, licking back softly at the others face before pulling to her feet and nudging the other up with a playful smile and bark, nuzzling into her fur, indicating they needed to go get more food, she slowly began to pace through the snow, tail limply wagging behind her as her thick coat got white specks stuck within from the softly dripping sky of flakes.

WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys

Michi continued to sit in her wheelchair peeling the potatoes when she noticed Miley slowly come down, giving a timid bow of her head the young sixteen year old hadn't told a sole about her upcoming birthday, in fact it was the next day, she doubted anyone even knew, after all it very likely wasn't her real one with her old guardian from winslow having made it up when she was still a young toddler. "Alpha" she muttered quietly with respect, she finished up the vegetables and placed them in a bowl in the fridge for water when she'd boil it and make the pack a small stew, it wasn't the best tasting but it was hearty and warm. Moving onwards she scooted forwards to the clear glass window leading the outside, watching through the still open door to the patio where Styx stood sadly staring into the distance and listened in as Miley spoke. Her windows grasped lightly onto the doorframe as her innocent greenish blue eyes contrasted with her orange hair, at the phrase she watched desperately, she felt so useless. "I-Is there…. anything I can do A-Alpha?…." she stuttered out in a quiet almost whispered voice, "I-I could-…. come w-with you two maybe?…." she continued, it was an empty offer but a small smile made it seem so determined, she could wander a little in wolf form, but she'd only slow them down.

WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys Comet Comet
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The man had appeared in the doorway silently. He had an odd husky odor to him that made Peach’s hair stand on edge. There was nothing she could do to run and she knew better then to even object when the unknown man caressed her gaunting cheek.

With unneccasary force the man grabbed both of her tiny wrists and put them against the headboard of her bed, his pants tossed onto the windowsill and his shirt lazily laying on the lamphade on her bedside table.There wasn’t a fight because her fight had been broken long ago as he defiled the last thing she would ever call her own.

“You’re mine now. I own you and I’m taking anything you’ve got.” The man whispered in her ear before he gave it an unwelcomed nibble.

The only response Peach gave was a quiet sob. It was the only sound she made. Anything else would have angered the man into beating her like her boyfriend did. She always deserved those anyways. Once he had done what he wished to the pinkette’s body he re-dressed himself and showered in her shower. He came out smelling of Mangos and Guavas and he just looked at her. Had she actually looked at him with a clear head, maybe she’d have seen the primal amber flash in his eyes or his doggy-like ears adorning his oil black hair and that she had seen him years prior to this, back in the one vacation she’d ever been on in the cuty.

Peach just sat on her bed, tears drying on her F sized breasts as she lay them over her knees. They were bruising up from that man’s iron grip and her eyes were duller then ever. After the man left her room she knew she’d never see a soul again while she lived.
Sitting on her bed a mere 2 or so hours after her defilement, Peach hadn’t even moved. Her small kitten had been ontop of her head tring to comfort her owner to no avail.

Peach was shivering despite not feeling cold. Unknown to the busty girl, her door had been taken off of it’s hinges and loosely leaned back into the doorway by the mysterious guy and her food was completely raided.

The memory of finding all of the bills hidden in her parent’s closet flashed in her shattered mind and her chest tightened even further. The papers dated months back. Not a single one paid in all that time, the house was going to be in the bank’s hands in a few days. Peach would be homeless in the developing winter with not a soul to help her.

She once had someone who’d been like a mother to her. A mother Peach herself had to keep secret from her queer folks lest they take the woman away. It had been Brexley who had shown her hat not every human was going to have her submit to the whims they had. And the lady’s son Caden was such a sweet little tyke. He was well behaved and albit troublesome from time to time, he had been like a younger sibling to her over the years. Unfortunatly Brexley and her son had gone just as her parents had recently. No trace had been left of Peach’s kind friend and she had to cope with that on her own just as she was now with this incident.
It pained Peach knowing she’d end up a withered corpse by time the bank came to assess the property but she was slowly shutting her mind down. it was the only way she knew how to cope with everything she was faced with now. The pinkette just hoped her kitten Mittens would save herself and survive winter without her owner. Suddenly something came into the 17 year old’s mind. It was the last thought she had before her mind shut out time completly.

This wasn’t An incident. It was The Incident.

Direct Interactions: scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Mentions: Comet Comet

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