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Realistic or Modern (Closed) When it all falls down...


Marco wanted answers and no one was giving them. In walked a black haired girl. No red haired girl. In walked a blonde. Still, no red head. Though, the blonde seemed to recognize him. "Oh, yes, Marco is my name." He gave a small wave to the strangers and he looked around. He had to go find her. Was she safe? "I'm with you buddy, let's get out of here." Quickly Marco stood from the bed and changed into his t-shirt and hoodie. "Lo. That's the red head, right? I'll go find her."

The tall dark haired man slipped out of the room and popped in every room he passed by looking at every bed. After about three awkward room inspections later he walked in and seen a familiar face. His face lit up. "Oh, hello. There you are. We're breaking out of here. You ready to go?" He looked around the room and seen a wheelchair folded up in the corner. "Do you need this?" He pushed the chair up next to the bed and scratched his head curiously. "Can I help you at all?"

As soon as Haru entered his room, Drake went to speak and quickly realized the painful tube down his throat wasn't going to make that possible. It almost hurt more when she started to apologize... she didn't do anything wrong! But leave it to him to make her feel like she did... He turned over his hand that she was holding and made the point to intertwine their fingers before giving her hand a squeeze as well. If anything it was him who messed up, he should have been a man about it and just talked to her about it but instead he hid like a coward. Honestly Drake should have told her how he felt, how much he cared about her and how much he wanted to be with her... in hindsight he almost lost his chance to do so.

God Drake felt like shit for making her cry. Carefully he pulled his hand from hers and reached over to wipe the tear from her cheek before holding up a finger and wagging it no at her. He was sure he looked stupid but that was his only real chance at communication at the moment.

Out in the hallway he could hear the commotion of Gillian's voice and then moments later he watched as Marco went darting past the open door. What was going on? Drake turned to Haru once more and raised a questioning eyebrow before attempting to speak and once again forgetting about the tube down his throat. Wait, Haru. Doctor. He pointed at her and then to the bullshit that was happening on his face before making a dramatic ripping out motion with his hands and then praying to her for assistance.

"Rib. One. No big deal really, they said it will hurt and to stay as still as possible but it will heal on its own, with out without the brace. As will my collarbone." Oof, Ava mentally scolded herself, she hadn't meant to mention more than she had to. When Callie walked in Ava was thankful for the additional person and couldn't help but give her a small smile and welcome as she entered the room. However when she mentioned Marco, Ava stammered for a few moments as she looked at the other bed in the room, feeling embarrassed and kind of terrible that she didn't even notice him laying there.

Gillian questioned them about the others but before she could even comment he was getting out of the hospital bed and leaving her trying to keep up with the conversation and his movement. "Hey hold on! Slow down!" Wanted Slade AND Gillian dead? She understood Slade but what happened with Gillian? Did this have something to do with why he was all beat up this morning when he came into the food court? Then suddenly he was ready to be on the move and changed, leaving Ava there with a scowl.

"Listen I understand we need to get going but SLOW DOWN. You're going to hurt yourself." Ava whined and pleaded with him as he finished pulling on his jacket and gave him another harsh look before continuing. "I mean... oh ow!" Ava bent slightly as she stepped forward and held her side dramatically as she faked a wince. There was no way in hell he would calm down if it was about his own safety. But hers or someone elses? That might make him slow down a bit. She understood the urgency but the last thing they needed was his wound to reopen because he was careless.

Behind them Marco was up and moving and she couldn't help but notice he was acting kind of strange... "See Marco is going to find Lo, let's just go sit with the others and make our plan... please?" Ava walked to the door slowly before reaching out and gently tugging on the sleeve of his good arm and leading him out into the hallway where Slade stood. She faked another wince and wrapped her arm around his good one as they stood... she didn't need him using his good arm to hit anyone.

When Marco walked in, Lo finally decided it was time to choke down her tears and try to shake off the sadness that was starting to take her over. The doctor said it was temporary but... being active was Lo's entire LIFE up until all this BULLSHIT took over. Part of her was sinking into depression but the other part was unbelievably angry. One man. ONE FUCKING DUDE took EVERYTHING from all of these wonderful people she had gotten to know as well as many others. Hell he even ruined his CHILDS life. Callie just wanted to be a good person and that was it! And honestly fuck Gillian for standing by that assholes side.

"W-Well, yeah. I do." Lo pushed herself up on her hands so that she was sitting up on the bed before adjusting until her legs were hanging off the edge limply. They had cut into her clothes for surgery but had placed her back into a pair of really loose sweats and a hospital gown. "Just hold the chair... and grab that hoodie off the hanger please Marco." She struggled but... eventually she fell into the chair with a small groan of discomfort before finally adjusting.

"Thanks... I'm assuming you're still kind of foggy right...." Lo turned to eye him out of the corner of her eyes with a sad smile on her lips. "I'm Lo, or Lorna but I really prefer Lo, we were friends. We had a bunch of us- Oh! Shit! Have you seen any of the others? I mean you probably don't recognize them but did they recognize you?"

Slade pulled out the ring box from his jacket while he waited outside the door and shoved it into the pocket of his pants before leaning against the wall with a heavy sigh. Would there ever not be hell in their lives? Even just for an hour or two? Inside he could faintly hear the discussion and gave a soft smile to the empty hallway when he heard Callie mention Gillian's good health... that was good. Slade and Gil might have had their differences but they both cared for Callie and Slade knew if anything too terrible happened to Gil it would have hurt her very deeply.

After a few more moments Slade was hit with shock as Marco went moving past him and down the hallway, moments later Ava and Gillain joined. "W-Was that just Marco? Oh he must be going to find Lo right? That's good. I was just thinking about going and checking on her...."

Slade pushed away from the wall and looked Gillian and Ava over for a moment before running a hand through his hair. "It's good to see that both of you are relatively ok given the situation. I'm glad." Slade turned his attention back to the waiting room and realized that suddenly... no one was left. Staff or otherwise. It must be getting worse and worse outside by the minute. "Haru went to check on Drake. He was uh-really bad... I don't know how much moving he will be able to do but... we need to figure something out. I can only assume it's minutes until this place gets raided."

His dark eyes turned back to Gillian... Gillian was a victim of what happened but it didn't mean he was clueless. "I don't want you to take this the wrong way but Gillian is there anything you know that could help up right now? I just- it's not like you weren't around them up until this point."

Everything went to Hell. From Drake taking out his breathing tube to the fire alarm blaring. Haru kicked the brake to Drakes bed after she made sure he was okay and began to push the bed out of the room. She found Lo and Marco, Lo was in bad shape too. Her and Drake wouldn't go far on the run...they had to hide out at the hospital. Haru told the others to go, that they'd find them when the others could travel, and proceeded to the mega elevator. It was the only elevator to the basement and they could block the stairs and elevator from anyone trying to get in. It was their best bet to keep Lo and Drake safe.


A month had gone by and the basement had become their new home. The basement was stocked with food that could last the hospital for months, a stockpile of medical supplies, therapy and medical equipment linen to keep them warm as the snow started to fall, and spare beds. When the power went out they were able to find the generators to turn on to heat the basement up and charge their lights. They had blocked the elevator with chairs and tables. The staircase was blocked save for the few times Marco went upstairs. He had found books, board games, and magazines for them to pass the time. In addition he found them a CB radio in the security office.

"There." Haru stood with a small sigh and dusted off the hospital scrubs she wore. She had finished tightening a few loose screws on Drake's wheelchair, something she found for him in the basement. In addition to cooking, physical therapy, and making sure everyone was taken care of she found time to improve the wheelchairs. Drakes chair would make sure his broken leg was stabilized, Lo's made sure to keep her stabilized.

Thin fingers ran through her long black bangs, her raven locks tied up in a loose bun at the top of her head. She sat down the screwdriver on the table and sat down on her hospital bed. "How long has Marco been gone this time?"

Getting separated was the last thing Callie wanted. They were finally all together and now they were being torn apart again! But, as the alarms blared, she knew they didn't have a choice. As Callie, Slade, Gillian, and Ava ran into the stairwell she looked back and watched their friends safely enter the elevator. They'd be safer here in hiding than being out and about during this.

The group managed to sneak out through the ground floor exit and run into the woods. They traveled all night before they came to a small farm. It had a green house, a small barn, and a decent sized plot of land. It was November, they wouldn't be able to use the land but they could at least use the green house. The house was dead silent. They had gotten inside the house and looked around. There was a basement full of canned, jarred, and preserved food. There was also two dead bodies of an elderly couple in front of the TV...they killed themselves.


The group held up in the house after they buried the couple. The barn had stacks of wood, and full gas cans to run the generator attached to the farm house, so when the power cut off after a few days they still had light. Though, no one could have prepared Callie for the snow they had started to get. She was used to a little snow here and there since she was raised in D.C. but not the amount Canada got.

Thankfully the home was stocked with blankets and clothes. There were clothes in the basement in bins, clothes that looked to be like the children of the elderly couple. There were boy clothes and girl clothes, and most of the clothes fit them. More importantly the the coats fit them. So when Callie wasn't in the greenhouse tending to the vegetables she was bundled in jackets and coats near the wood stove that heated the house.

The farm house was small. It was an older ranch style home with three bedrooms and one bathroom, but one of the rooms seemed to be a sewing room. Gillian wouldn't stand to room with Slade, and since the two were married it made sense for them to room together. That left Gillian and Ava to share the other room.

"Brr it's freezing out there!" Callie shivered as she shut the door behind her. The wind howled as the blizzard worsened outside and the house sounded like it was going to fall apart. She kicked off her snowy boots and slung up her coat up on the coat rack, shaking the snow out of her hair. Quickly she walked over to the wood stove and sat down, shivering as she held out her hands.

The last few days had been tense. No contact with the outside, no contact with the others, and Gillian didn't seem to want to talk about what happened with their father. She understood but Slade didn't seem too happy about it.

It was as soon as Lo got into the chair when the alarm sounded. He panicked; he wheeled Lo in the chair and hurried into the hallway. A girl pushing a bed ordered him to follow her and, with Lorna's nod of approval, he followed her to the giant elevator. He watched as the others ran to the staircase and, with a small frown, he entered the elevator with the others. Why did it hurt to watch those strangers leave?

Over the next month Marco did as much as he could to help. He learned the others were Haru and Drake. He learned the names of the four that ran away. He worried if they had gotten taken at all, but most of all he worried if they were going to be found. Marco took it upon himself to barricade the hospital entrances and exits and do daily inspections. He picked up items around the hospital and did inspections; Haru seemed to have everything else under control. She was a doctor, right? She was smart. Marco? He didn't know shit! He was basically useless.

Today Marco was doing his rounds and he suddenly felt a chill as he entered the lobby. He pulled his blue surgical scrub jacket shut and walked further into the lobby to see glass on the door had been broken. It was only broken a little, like someone just wanted to look inside. None of the furniture had been moved but he still felt goosebumps form on his arm. Someone had tried to get inside. What would have happened if they got inside?

He looked down at his watch and seen the time. "Crap." He should have been back a few minutes ago. Quickly he moved towards the staircase and ran all the way down to the basement. "Hey guys. Found some more books up on the third floor. Anything interesting happen?" He decided to keep the broken glass to himself for now. Maybe he'd address it later, but right now he knew they had bigger things to worry about. Getting well so they can regroup with the others was their top priority.

When Ava winced Gillian found himself frozen in his tracks. It was his fault she was in this state, he felt awful. He felt a sense of responsibility for her and he kept failing her. "I'm sorry. I'll slow down." He gave her a sad smile and stood by her side to help her walk to the others. Unfortunately when they got to the others it was just them. And, of course, Slade was instantly questioning Gillian. He had never been more thankful for an alarm blaring in his ears.

When the alarm sounded Gillian instantly went into guard mode. He went to look for the others but Haru was already wheeling the bed with Drake in it into the waiting room, saying how they were going to hide out here. Splitting up wasn't something he wanted to do, but with Drake and Lo's condition they wouldn't be able to move far. Did they have much of a choice at this point? They'd come back for them when they could, hopefully they wouldn't have been foolish enough to leave in their condition.

Gillian helped Ava down the staircase as they made their way to the ground floor. They slipped through an exit and ran into the dark woods. It felt surreal, like the day they had all met. What was that? A year ago? How time flew by. How were they going to survive this? This time his father wasn't on his side. He would kill all of them given the chance.

When the sun began to come up, just as Gillian began to lose hope, they found a small house. There was a dead couple in it that killed themselves with a shotgun, presumably while watching the news. If his father got hold of older people they usually sent them to work camps...the couple must have been afraid of that. With what Ava went through, survivor stories of work campers and torture survivors, he understood the couples fear.


Gillian felt useless. He only had one arm and Ava scolded him every time he tried to use his other one. For crying out loud his sister was more useful than he was! She was growing food and cooking and all he could do was put wood into the fire with his good arm. And don't even get him started on sleeping arrangements! He would rather die than have shared a room with Slade, but he also wasn't a fan of his sister sharing a bed with him. He didn't care that they were married. Thankfully the room him and Ava shared had a couch with a pullout bed. He gave Ava the nice comfortable queen sized bed and he took the couch as his; he wasn't going to share a bed with her. He felt guilty enough, but sharing a room with her made sure he could help her out.

Seconds after putting some more wood into the wood stove Callie came in whining about the cold. He couldn't help but chuckle. "Callie winters last twice as long as they did back home. Buckle up." Gillian adjusted the sling that held his arm in place before he sat back on the couch. "What board game do you guys want to play today?" Thankfully the old couple had pretty much every board game out there. They must have been good parents. He wished they knew what that was like.

The month that passed had been surreal. It was insane to be in this situation AGAIN, thankfully this time their hiding out lasted longer than the last. Lo spent her time either working on her PT with Haru or tinkering with the broken machines she found in the basement. Nothing about technology used to interest her but after about a week sitting and doing literally nothing she was ready to kill herself. It didn't help that one of the people she used to talk to about everything didn't even remember who she was...

"Fuck!" Lo let out a small squeal when the small motor she was pulling apart sparked slightly. She had been trying to rebuild a motor for her chair that would be strong enough to assist her in turning the wheels while not overpowering it and turning the damn wheels like it was a car. "Why do these things hate me?" She dropped the tools and turned her attention back to the user manual for the small machine and read it over once more.

A few minutes later she heard Marco join them once more in the basement and turned her chair to be facing the rest of the room. "Nothing interesting for sure." Lo reached up and let her hair down from the wild bun it had been in and slipped the ribbon around her wrist again before rolling forward and closer to the others, gently taking the books from Marco and looking through the titles. These were all much more Haru's speed than hers. Lo turned in her chair and placed them on a box before turning back to Marco. "Any chance you found any left behind cell phones yet?" Lo had been HOPING to find one, they had the radio yeah but she had an idea if they could find some phones, maybe she could find a way to turn them into a tracking system for each other. It would be hard and difficult to keep them charged but it would be a great help if they ever found the others again.

Slade felt for the poor couple that had taken their own lives... he couldn't help but wonder how many other people felt this was their only option in this fucked up world. If only they had gotten here a little sooner, maybe they could have helped them a little bit at least. They took their time and respectfully buried the two on their land before they started their own lives living in the small farm house. The month that went by was harsh, Slade was thankful for once that he was used to winters like this. Being from Michigans Upper Peninsula was pretty close to this area of Canada and thus had similar winters, though he had to admit they had more snow.

Slade spent the month doing what he did best, surviving. He took inventory, planned out their meals, went out and made some trip wires so they would hear if anyone was approaching the house from all four sides. Honestly it seemed like nothing was around this place except the hospital that was nearly a days walk away. Hopefully that meant they were fairly safe here. The next goal of his was to make a scouting trip back to the hospital at some point but he wasn't confident enough to leave the house alone or with any of the others as of right now. Gillian might actually kill him if they were alone and he wasn't at full strength yet, neither was Ava. Plus he was wary to leave Callie here with the others... it was a worrisome all around.

Speaking of Callie, he was amazed with her every day. For a girl who grew up fairly sheltered she was doing her best to pull her weight and help everyone. Even now she was out in the greenhouse despite the blizzard raging outside. "Oh it's not that bad." Slade chuckled as he watched Callie come in and sit at the fire before taking a blanket off the chair and wrapping it around her shoulders before returning to the kitchen to grab them all some coffee. Thankfully the stove was gas. "Here." He handed her a cup before holding out out to Gillian on the couch and setting down his own and Ava's on the table. It had been tense between him and Gillian.... which was to be expected but all Slade wanted was some information. Their group was the best chance anyone had at taking down the siblings father and here they were... hiding and weak. At least while they recovered they could be making a plan!

"I picked the game last time and it was... boring. Ava can choose. Wherever she is." Slade took a seat on a wooden chair and pulled it over to the coffee table before yelling through the house, "Ava! Coffee!"

Over the past month Ava searched the whole damn farmhouse like Nancy Drew twice over. As sad as it was... the couple had killed themselves with a shotgun and if Ava knew ANYTHING about people with guns, it's that they usually had more than one. She was right, they had a safe in the closet of the room her and Gillian were sharing, the next problem was the safe combination. They were an eldery couple right? Old people usually had to write down passwords and stuff so she could only assume there had to be some sort of notepad somewhere! At first she felt really terrible about looking through their belongings.... it felt invasive and rude. Ava had prayed on it a lot over the past few weeks but... eventually she had the idea to start collecting things that seemed like family heirlooms and memories and had been placing them in a box. Once she opened the safe she would put these things in there in case their children ever returned home. Then all these things would be safe! Win win! Only she still hadn't found any clue of how to get into the damn thing.

The other part of her month had been spent trying to get better quickly. As well as scolding Gillian when he pushed himself too far... Which was all day every day. Thankfully sharing a room made it easy to yell at him. It also made her incredibly self conscious every single night and caused her to toss and turn but she wouldn't mention it. She knew Callie and Slade were happy and she was happy for them! How amazing was it to find someone during all this? Honestly she was envious... it was a lot to watch them. They weren't gross and extra they were just normal and simple. It was sweet but enviable. Hell Ava had never had that... not even a date.

"Y-Yeah! I'll be right down." Ava hopped down from where she was teetering awkwardly on a chair to check the top of a cabinet in the sewing room. As she got down she caused a few things to tumble as well but she decided she would clean them up later. She skipped down the steps quickly and into the front room with the wood stove and inhaled happily at the new warmth. "Oh thank you Slade!' She reached over and grabbed her cup before sitting beside Gillian on the couch and tucking her legs under herself and nodding at Slade giving her the choice of board game. "Oh okay! I'm picking my favorite then." She set down her cup after taking a long sip and reached over to grab Clue, setting the board up on the table before stealing the Mrs. Peacock piece with a grin.

Drake felt awful for being the reason everyone had to split up again... sure Lo was in rough shape too but he was still in the woods! The doctors were fairly confident he would be okay but he also only spoke to them for minutes before they vanished all they were left with was his chart and the hope that he could be taken off all the machines hooked to him.


Over the past month Drake still hadn't fully said anything to Haru about what happened in the hotel... he was a coward and this basement and chair gave him no hope of running away. That was all he was used to, running away. Before all this happened that was what he did, who he was. He didnt have friends or relationships, he had himself and that was all he needed. So it was so strange and uncomfortable to him to actually care for someone this much. How devoted she was to making him feel better was only worsening his mental state... he felt like human trash.

"Thanks doc." Drake said with a sheepish smirk before continuing, "He's been gone longer than usual. Though I'm not surprised. Maybe he got lost and forgot how to get back down." Drake mentally scolded himself for the dark humor but it was his love language. Behind them he heard the small spark of yet another one of Lo's experiments. Would she just give up already? "Oh there you are Marco."

Drake watched him carefully for a minute as Lo came up to him and filled him in slightly about the day and shrugged. "What are we supposed to do down here? Theres a lot of canned vegetables and two in chairs. Not that exciting." He once again scolded himself and shook his head before turning to Haru with a raised brow. "Why don't you let me help you cook? You deserve a rest Haru, dealing with my stupid ass this whole time."

“You know you’re an asshole, right?” Haru scolded Drake then proceeded to kick his good leg. When Marco made his entrance she gave him a small smile. “Hey. Thanks.” She reached over and grabbed a few of the books before adding them to the stack on the nightstand. Most nights she struggled with sleeping. What with the nightmares of her finding Drake in the bathroom and the fear someone would break in while they slept she couldn’t sleep more than two or three hours at a time.

When Drake offered to help cook she couldn’t help but smile slightly. Things had been awkward between the two since they were stuck in the basement together. He was his usual sarcastic asshole self but they didn’t talk about what happened. Haru summed it up to him not wanting to continue anything with her. Did it hurt her? More than anything, but his recovery came before everything. He was still her best friend. “You could help me cook, though I don’t think I trust you alone with the hot plate. Don’t want you burning down the place down.”

With that said Haru stood from the bed and walked over to the makeshift kitchen. In reality it was an empty office with cans she gathered, a hot plate, some of the large things of seasoning, a pot and pan to cook with, and several bowls and plates. Today she planned on making enough chili to last them all day. “So are you feeling any stronger?” Haru glanced back at Drake before she started to open all the cans of chili ingredients.

Despite everyone doing their best and making an effort to making this work things were still tense. The board games eased things for an hour or so but eventually they were left with the big elephant in the room; why did this happen? Gillian knew why, Callie knew him and she knew he was hiding something. It was something that was growing harder and harder to ignore.

“Thank you Slade, you’re the best.” Callie smiled sweetly up at him as he wrapped the blanket around her and handed her some coffee. He had been the rock they needed through all of this. He was their go to survival guide and he didn’t get frustrated or mad when they needed help. He was always there for them with a smile on his face. That was probably the reason she fell for him. That and a million other reasons.

When Slade called for Ava she heard something fall upstairs. As Callie stood to go help Ava came skipping down the stairs grabbing her coffee and picking out a board game. “Clue? I love Clue.” Callie made her way to the table with the around her while she sipped her coffee, sitting down next on the love seat while grabbing Miss Scarlet. She sipped on her coffee happily and placed her character on the board. “Gillie if you one of us beat you you’ve gotta fess up to what happened with father.” It May have been out of the blue but Callie knew the others wanted answers as well.
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"Your winters were bad growing up? Oh, you're from the north. Right." Gillian gave a small nod and grabbed the mug with his good hand. "Thanks." You know, at least he was being cordial...not that they had any other choice right now. Slade, Callie, and even Ava were doing things to help the cause. What could Gillian do? He scoped out the property but, with the tight leash Ava had him on, he couldn't adventure much farther or set up traps. So that left him virtually useless.

Well, besides watching over Ava. She had a broken rib and broken collar bone, he had to make sure she didn't push her too far. She kept looking over the elderly couple's personal effects to look up the code to the gun safe. She kept moving heavy boxes, she was going to cause further damage. He scolded her whenever she got into something. It was the least he could do for her after what he had put her through.

But when he heard the thump above his head he gave a loud sigh. The next thing he could hear was the pitter patter of feet skipping down the stairs. "What pray tell were you doing up there, Ava?" He took a long sip of his coffee before picking up professor Plum. Just as he placed his character on the board he arched his brows at Callie's proposal. "Well I suppose I should actually play the game, shouldn't I? The only real challenge here would be Ava, I'm not too concerned about you or Slade." Truthfully Gillian didn't want to talk about it. It was embarrassing, shameful, and he felt like he failed as a son, brother, and friend. How could he sit there and tell Ava this was his fault?

The tall 6'2" man arched a brow curiously as he watched Lo move about, his hand smoothing out his dark hair in a small bun. He couldn't remember who she used to be, who any of them used to be. All he knew was that Lo was damn well determined to make something happen with this electrical equipment. He tried to find things she could tinker with and always tried to find what she asked of him. "Oh, cellphone? I found a few in a room with lockers." He pulled out two cracked iphones, a hospital phone, and an android before setting them in front of her. "These thing right?"

Marco watched as Haru and Drake went into the kitchen area and he furrowed his brows slightly. "So, what are you working on today?" Marco reached onto the table and grabbed the dead android and looked it over. "People were attached to these once upon a time ago, right? It's crazy to think about." He sat the phone back down and leaned on his elbow as he looked over at Lo, his lips turning up into a smile. "Can you really track all of us with those?"

"Sick!" Lo let out a smirk as Marco placed the cellphones down on her little work station. "I was working on my chair a little but out of fear of killing us all, I think I'll switch gears for a little bit." She chuckled a bit and re-positioned herself at the table better before locking the wheels of her chair. The once very active female was slowly coming to terms with her situation, she was making small strides in her PT, at this point she was able to stand for maybe a minute before her legs gave out, it wasn't much but it was progress. Plus her upper body strength was the best it had been in years. The only real thing she was struggling with was Marco's memory... she felt terrible about it. Part of her found it a blessing.... he had been through some truly terrible shit and honestly somethings are better forgotten but... not remembering your family? No matter the circumstance seemed brutal.

"People were attached to these days ago Marco my dear." Lo rolled her eyes with a smile as she watched him observe the phone, picking it up as soon as he set it down. "I think so. Electricity is down but I can't imagine Sullivan and his people wouldn't have some sort of tower still up and running, that and the internet. I'm not some evil genius hacker but neither is he, I can assume he just kept the same systems up and running and assumed lack of electricity would phase out anyone he didn't want using it. If I can get these up and running and shut down everything but GPS on a closed circut it should be safe." Lo smiled sheepishly as she realized she had been rambling on.... to many tech books at this point.

"I'm sorry- I didn't mean to ramble." The red head finally raised her eyes from the phone to look over at Marco and found him leaning over smiling at her. A month ago she would have made some sarcastic comment about his smolder but now she was afraid to hurt his feelings... "Hey, I know we've told you that you used to be a pilot right? I know this isn't the same at all but you had to have some sort of idea about electronics right? Want to pull up a seat and help me out? Hell I'll even just take the company of a handsome man at this point." Lo winked and mentally scolded herself for not avoiding the comment but oh well, "There's a desk chair in the corner. "

"Oh yeah, terrible. Unless you loved them. I always preferred winter I suppose. I was ready to melt down in New Orleans." Slade answered Gillian's comment casually before jumping slightly at the thump from upstairs. "Doesn't she have a broken rib? At this pace she's going to break another..." He shook his head and took another long drink of his coffee, waiting patiently for their full little family to group up and have their small distraction from the outside world.

As soon as Ava joined them Gillian was scolding her and Slade held in a chuckle while giving Callie THAT look.

Ava picked their game and everyone chose their pieces fairly quickly, leaving Slade the last to put his Colonel Mustard piece on the board after choosing one at random. However when Callie spoke up, Slade nearly spilled his coffee all over the damn board. He wasn't opposed to the idea but when had she gotten so bold? Slade couldn't help but let a small smirk of pride breakthrough... back in New Orleans she had been so helpful and sweet but she wasn't quite confident enough to speak up much. It was good to see she was getting more comfortable... he always knew she was strong she just needed time to show it. "Well that's just offensive Gil, I know I was shit at Monopoly but damn man."

Slade reached over and gave Callies hand a gentle squeeze before they started the game, "Ok well Callie since we have such a handicap I think you can go first."

"None of your business!" Ava smirked over at Gillian as he questioned her before letting out a small chuckle and continuing, "Just kidding. I'm still looking for that damn safe combination. I was hoping it would be hidden on top of the cabinet in the sewing room. All I found was dust." She frowned slightly before pulling a blanket from the stack and wrapping herself in it before getting comfy on the couch.

"Okay! So-" Ava's voice was cut off by Callie's declaration to Gillian and Ava nearly choked on the tense air. "I mean that's a little dramatic isn't it? I'm sure we can all talk about it when the time is right?" Ava spoke nervously, looking at Gillian out of the corner of her eye. She had to admit she was as curious as anyone but was forcing it out of him because of a game of Clue really the best route? Things were already kind of tense and awkward in the house anyways! When Gillian's voice joined the conversation she turned to him with wide eyes, shocked he would even agree to this, though he didn't miss the chance to lightly insult the others across the table.

Ava reached over and punched him lightly in the leg, "Don't be a jerk Gil." As they started the game.... Ava could see the emotion clouding Gillians face. He looked so upset already and he hadn't even actually said anything yet. "Hey Gil, don't worry about it okay?" The hand the punched him instead gently rested on his knee as she gave him a sweet smile, "We're your family no matter what now! Don't worry about it and let's just have fun okay?"

Drake winced as he was kicked and scratched the back of his head with a scowl, "I've heard once or twice." He followed her to the kitchen in his chair awkwardly before rolling her eyes at her comment and looking up at her where she stood in front of her makeshift cooking station. "Oh how did I LIVE before I met you all? The answer, so much take out. Heaven knows I couldn't handle" Drake stopped to gasp dramatically, "a STOVE."

"Give me that. If I cant use hot things I can at least do this." Drake reached over and carefully took the can opener from her before sliding all of the cans over to his side of the table and taking over her job. Once a can was opened he slid it back over to her and tossed the lid aside into a trash can. "I'm feeling a lot better." For once the sarcastic ass of a man chose to answer honestly. "I mean my throat doesn't hurt anymore and the shoulders are working properly again thank god. The left one hurts sometimes but that's fine.... I just wish we could tell whats going on under the cast. And I would fucking kill someone to be able to scratch my leg."

Drake finished up the cans with a sigh and looked back over at her, "How about you, how're you holding up? You're taking on way too much... I know Lo and are are in chairs but our hands still work. I could start doing more you know? I would gladly... You deserve a break."

Chocolate brown eyes rolled slightly when he made his dramatic gasp. Such an asshole. She couldn't help but smirk and shake her head. He was a funny asshole at least. "Yeah yeah yeah, run your mouth. Too bad I took my 'do no harm' oath or I'd be pushing you down some stairs." When Drake pulled the can opener from her hand she couldn't help but chuckle. They quickly put together the chili in the pot before she added the chili powder and other spices. "Well, it's possible people can recover from breaks sooner than predicted. After lunch we can flip the generator on and get you upstairs to x-ray you're leg."

So that's what they did. After the chili was done the group came to the consensus to turn on the generator for a half hour. Lo and Marco wanted to go to the roof and test out her new gadget, Haru and Drake would go to the third floor to get the x-ray and, god willing, they'd find a healed leg.

"Alright guys. Stay safe." Haru gave Marco and Lo a small wave as she pushed Drake and his chair out of the elevator. She stayed and watched the doors close before she began to walk down the empty corridor. It was completely empty and chilling. She just bit her lip and tried to remain focus on the task at hand.

Once they got to the x-ray hallway she opened the door so he could wheel inside. As soon as he was laid down on the machine she set his leg up with the plates. "Alright, hold still or I'll strap you down. 'Kay?" She smirked slightly before running in the room with the computer. Thankfully everything was pretty self explanatory and, soon enough, the machine started to snap a few pictures that appeared on the screen.

After another few pictures of his leg while he laid on his side she couldn't help but smile brightly. Quickly she moved back into the room with him and helped him move the plates away so he could sit up. "Drake your leg isn't showing any sign of a break anymore. I think we can take off that cast. We just need to find a saw."

'don't worry about it' she said. 'Just have fun' she said. How could he? Just her hand on him made him heart beat nervously, a heavy weight hanging on his heart. He stayed quiet most of the game so he could focus, and try to study everyone. Unfortunately he was an interrogator, not an investigator. Callie was good at investigating and scholarly but she had no poker face. Before he could figure out who did it Ava figured out who it was.

With a loud sigh he ran his good hand through his blonde hair in frustration. "I'm a sore loser but I suppose it's time to confess. With Ava's testimony father finally put the pieces together that I was the one that saved her. He was livid and fuming that I saved her. We, uh." Gillian cleared his throat loudly before leaning back and looking at everyone in the room. "We fought. He hadn't put his hands on me since I became bigger than him. I don't know why I fought back, I just automatically reacted. He got a few good hits in and then he tried strangling me. I pushed him off and I, uh, ended up chopping his hand off."

Gillian downed the rest of his coffee and swallowed his shame along with it. "He talked about getting Callie back. China won't convert until they get her. He had been talking about a global conversion campaign but I didn't think this was what he meant." With that said there was a loud knock on the door. He quickly turned the lanterns off and grabbed the shotgun. Just as he motioned for the girls to go hide in the basement he heard a loud muffled female voice. Slade? It's Hannah, are you in there?

Speaking out against Gillian's wishes took a lot for Callie, and honestly she didn't know if she could have done it if Slade hadn't been there. With him she felt so much more confident and sure of herself. So while they played the Clue she gave it her all. Board games were not her specialty. Thankfully Ava ended up guessing right and the game ended with Gillian being a loser.

The next thing she knew Gillian was explaining what happened that morning. It turned her stomach. Growing up she never seen her father hit Gillian but she had her suspicious, though she wasn't allowed to ask questions about what happened in their fathers office. Maybe she should have. Could she have saved him? Probably not but it was better than doing nothing! "Gillie, I'm sorry." He cut off their fathers hand...he deserved it. Truly and honestly. And the fact that her father was STILL hunting her made her sick. "If he'd stop all this I'd go back but I know he won't. Things will only become worse if they get hold on china's nuclear weapons."

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and she froze. Gillian was standing and trying to corral her and Ava down the stairs and Callie was looking looking up at Slade in a panic. She wasn't ready to run out in the snow or get separated from them if things went sour. A female voice came from beyond the door and spoke over the wind. "H-Hannah?" Callie's long lashes bat curiously as she walked towards the door. Slade's friend Hannah?

Callie stood on her tip toes and peered out of the small hole in the door to see the taller female bundled in winter clothing. No one was with her from the looks of it. "She'll freeze out there..." With that said she opened the door and motioned for her to come inside. "Sit by the fire and I'll get you something warm to drink." Callie scrambled to the kitchen and poured a mug full of coffee before running it back to the brunette girl.

Seeing Hannah stirred up a fear in Callie she didn't like, but the heart of gold Callie had argued that they needed to take care of her.

"Don't apologize! It's crazy that all those chips and wires can help you communicate with each other from all around the world. If you can get this to work that'd be mega impressive." Marco couldn't quit smiling, he loved her enthusiasm. He didn't expect her to ask him for help so when he did he couldn't help but grin from ear to ear. "Yeah, sure, I'll help out as much as I can. A handsome lad makes good company for a beautiful lass." Marco couldn't help but chuckle and shoot her a wink. Lo was a beautiful, smart, intelligent girl. He knew she was one of a kind and naturally gravitated towards her.

Not too long later Marco and Lo put together the equipment. By instinct, guesses, and Lo's advice Marco was able to help with the wiring of the electronic. After a few trials they found that the signal was too weak in the basement. There was always the roof, but to get Lo up there they needed the elevator. Haru and Drake brought out dinner and they ate at the table and he brought up the topic of getting to the roof. Haru and Drake needed the elevator and x-ray machine, they all needed the generator on for a short while. Hopefully whoever had been around earlier wasn't around...he didn't want anyone seeing them turn on the electricity and knowing they were there.

"Don't take too long guys." Marco gave a small wave to Haru and Drake as the doors closed. "You ready to see if this is going to work?" He smiled down at Lo as he stood behind her chair. The elevator hummed as it took them to the 10th floor of the trauma hospital. The doors opened to the ramp leading to the helicopter landing strip. He pushed Lo up the ramp and through the double doors, the freezing cold air of the blizzard smacking them in the face. "Oh, shit." Marco took off the coat he had on to cover Lo's head. "I'll cover you while you try it out!" Silently he hoped and prayed that it worked.

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