[Closed] Crafter's Haven

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Senior Member
Title: Crafter's Haven
Game: 5e (in the loosest sense), preferably forum but I'm open to Discord as well
Player Count: At most 3-4 to a party, but depending on interest / ideas I may run up to two parties.

"Blessed be the artists, those who take reality and mold it as they see fit...
Blessed be the dreamers, those who turn away from reality in favor of their own...
For all is truth, and truth is in all."

- Book of the Pale, holy word of Sorres​
What is this?
Welcome to Aeyvis, a world of my own creation. Taking inspiration from all over it's home to a number of diverse regions, including but not limited to:

- Lucresci, also known as the "Bard's Capital" and traditionally considered the cultural center of the human-dominated Western Lands;
- the Republic of Vustor along the Cremir Coast, a solitary nation mostly detached from the outside world, but seeing a revival of diplomatic success through its rebranding as an eccentric bastion for alchemical sciences and innovation;
- the Kingdom of Straece within Central Ostenhor, a loose coalition of smaller provinces tied together by kingdom-wide religious decree, struggling against feudalism and heretical beliefs;
- the Vanderlands of North Ostenhor, a frigid hinterlands region of formerly nomadic tribes turned settlements that struggle against raids, beasts and the unforgiving frost;
- Toraya, another human-dominated continent with oriental roots and strict tradition where caste is dictated by (sorcerous) bloodline;
- Achar'ii, a generally arid and dry region primarily known as the melting pot for beastfolk and other monstrous races;
- Izera, a relatively newly colonized continent housing the fastest growing and most volatile of the civilized nations, welcoming radically new schools of thought such as the invention of the spellbook;
- the Siwa Isles, a large shifting tropical archipelago that is starting to see growing traffic and commerce as the midway point between the east and west;
- Altones, the small home continent of the elves whose traditionally simple and nature-based cultural roots are now at odds with their sprawling urban cities and persistent diplomatic presence;
- the Bolgrund States, a scattered collection of mountainous cities throughout the known world where dwarves have only recently emerged from beneath the surface;
- new outer planes such as the Pelagic, the Empyrean, the Igneous and the Eorthe which are just starting to be documented and explored.

Every day people are making new discoveries, seeking lost mysteries, or simply furthering their own goals within the complex web of a newly global society. For Aeyvis is the world of ambition, and anyone could rise up and forge their destiny out of nothing.

"Want and Strive and thou shalt Have."
- Affirmations III, Golden Testament, holy word of Oen​

Who are you?

Do you want to slay dragons? Delve into ancient dungeons and seek treasure? Save the world from eternal darkness and reap eternal glory?
Then this isn't the game for you.

I'm looking for some brave adventurers really nice and pleasant people who just want to, y'know... live life. Start a small business, refurbish an old inherited manor, travel the world -- not in search of gold or treasure or forbidden knowledge, but the perfect ingredient or the fabled prize catch of Salten Peak. Adventuring is fun and all, but we could all use a slice of life, wouldn't you say?

You can be from any of the above places or perhaps somewhere else, just let me know -- I'm constantly trying to flesh out the world, and would love to fill it with player ideas. I have a couple ideas for general campaign skeletons (one in an urban environment, another in a more rural island place) but I'm open to suggestions.

Character Creation:

- Roll stats, rerolling the entire set if the total is below 70. Allocate them as you wish. Likely starting at level 3 though that is flexible.
- To encourage strengths and weaknesses you're allowed to pick two ability scores from your set and move points between them (for example if you have a 14 in STR and a 14 in DEX you can pump points into STR so you now have a 20 in STR and an 8 in DEX). This is done after applying racial bonuses, and you can't go past 20 as normal.
- Online character sheets (the gsheet is preferred) and I'll probably ask for stat blocks to easily reference during the game.
- This campaign in particular will also include crafting rules and trade classes, which I have rules for and will work out with people once I decide who's in.

Class Options / Restrictions:

- Most regions have their own opinion on things such as religion, magic, and nature; as such depending on the region certain classes may be restricted, or at least heavily biased against. For example, the spellbook is a very recent invention in Izera and has not yet been adopted by other regions, and sorcerers are normally very rare but are common enough in Toraya that they have a caste system based on sorcerous bloodlines.
- In their place I have some alternatives I might suggest that would better fit the lore, and you can also try to sell me on homebrew that would fit. I'm a big believer in Rule of Cool -- don't give me something OP.
- In most cases it's better to be safe than sorry and start a discussion with me about how to work with a certain character. My DMs are always open.

House Rules/Game Style:

- This is gonna be low-stress, RP-heavy and as casual as you can get. I'm juggling a lot of other campaigns so it probably won't go too fast either, it's just something chill to do in between all the other adventuring.

I am not planning to start this up straight away, I have a week of vacation and then the start of my fall semester. I want to hear people's ideas first of what/where/who they want to play, and then I'll try to build some sort of campaign around that. If you're interested post down below, and feel free to shoot me lore questions, character ideas, etc. in DMs. It'll be a week at the earliest before I get this started, probably two or more depending on how busy I get. Cheers and happy crafting!
hello i would love to play somebody who makes magic candles for all ailments but i get it if you want people with less games
This sounds like so much fun, like stuff I would love to do in a regular campaign except I'm always too busy saving the world.
!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have an idea for a halfling warlock (probably, but could end up as a cleric) who's perfect for this (Though knowing me Ill change that idea about five times before the game starts lol)
If it goes the discord route I'm all for it, It's incredibly difficult for me to post on my phone on forums and that's where I do most of my posting
I know you've got a lot of interest here already. I'd love to be considered though. I have several ideas and would be more than happy to discuss more in depth.

Though I'd be very happy to step back for other people. No stress here.
If there's any room remaining, I would absolutely love to do this. The idea of being a merchant from the Vanderlands trying to find ways to help them 'civlize' while remain Vanderlandese sounds like a real joy to play.
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Sounds interesting. A break from the rest of my adventures thirsty characters. Kinda thinking of a hybird between a writer and a herbalist.
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