'Click' Johnson


Akin to a Fool
[name] Christopher 'Click' Johnson

[age] 23

[gender] Male

[kin] Mother- His mother is his only living relative. They have not been in contact since he was admitted.

[status] Insane

[time served] 7 years

[handicap] Panic attacks, Generalized anxiety disorder, Avoidant personality disorder, possible minor bipolar disorder



[personality] Click is a bit childlike in many ways. He will often become attached to random items and show massive amounts of stress and violence if he is separated from that object. He also shows an incredible amount of naivety in every-day conversations. He seems to be attracted to pain and has multiple self-harm scars. He doesn't talk unless spoken to and never speaks much louder than a whisper. It takes a long time for him to fully trust someone, although if they are kind from the start he will likely be more comfortable and talk more than usual.

On a very rare occasion, Click will randomly start talking and he can be very fun and engaging. In this mood, he can be rather quick to anger, but he is equally quick to calm down and apologize. These spells can last for quite a while, until some unknown trigger returns him to his usual self.

[profile] Click was raised by his single mother after his father died in a car accident a few months after he was born. She was the sort of women who cared a little too much about appearances, physical and otherwise. In public, she wanted him to look like the perfect son while she was the loving, caring mother. But Click was a little too rowdy and rebellious to meet her expectations. Although she kept up appearances in public, at home it started out with just verbal abuse as she let out her anger over her unfair life. It wasn't long before she started physically beating Click, amongst other things. He was 'homeschooled' his whole life and never had much of a chance to make friends. In fact, by the time he was fifteen, his mother had taken to locking him in his room whenever it wasn't time to eat. When he was eighteen, one of his mother's friends found out what she had been doing to Click and told the authorities. His mother left the next morning and when Click refused to talk to anyone, he was given a psych evaluation and it was decided that he should be taken to Blackwell.

[fears/dislikes] Physical restraints, dark rooms, fears women with short hair

[interests/likes] Prefers standing in the corners of rooms, likes reading and food

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