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Fandom Claymore: Warmongers ~Lore~



The Chocobo Champion

The continent of Sichra is an isolated continent, surrounded by merciless oceans who refuse spare even a single ship, and sitting above an unstable earth. Despite the dangerous around and below, the the continent itself has never been the one to blame for the issues its people faced.

Three centuries ago, numerous clans ruled over various parts of Sichra. They were constantly at war with one another over the continent’s natural resources. There was more than enough for everyone, historians say, but greed had corrupted these ancient peoples’ hearts. Two whole centuries later, this war officially ended. There were only three clans left remaining, and they all chose peace. This war is now known as the Ancient War, and each region in Sichra has its own unique opinion of its outcome. These three clans eventually became the four regions present today.

Fifty years ago, Sichra’s peace was interrupted by turmoil within the third region. The lord of the region who had recently inherited the throne, had a dispute with his younger brother on how to rule, and in turn who should rule the region. The younger brother began a rebellion against his sibling, resulting in a civil war. This war resulted in the northern half of the country splitting off, forming the fourth and newest region, Ikar. Ikar sister region however, refused to acknowledge Ikar, despite being unable to retake the region. To this day, Chetvertia constantly threatens Ikar’s borders, tipping the continent’s peace near the edge.

At the same time, demonic creatures that came to be known as Yoma began to appear throughout Sichra. No one knew what they were or where they came from. The only thing that certain was a Yoma’s hunger for human flesh. The people seemed helpless, serving simply as cattle to the Yoma, but one day, the silver-eyed warriors arrived. With ease, they slayed Yoma, In exchange or their services, the villages would give their payment to a mysterious man that arrived after the silver-eyed warriors departed. The people began to call these warriors Claymores, because of the large swords they wielded. However, despite the protection the Claymores provided, people feared them. It became known that these Silver-Eyed Witches were half Yoma. Fear of the Claymores became a common theme across the continent, as the people saw the very warriors who protected them as monsters. The large cities in most regions will not even allow a Claymore to enter their city. However one views a Claymore, there is no denying that the warriors are the only thing keeping humanity safe from the Yoma.

Grimillin - The region often referred to simply as ‘Grim’ is covered in dense thorny forests and vast dangerous swamps. The trees here block out the sun, giving the region a unnerving dark and gloomy aura. Those with any knowledge of the land know not to travel into the forest alone, for the only thing more dangerous than the swamps, are the yoma hidden within. To the average human, the swamps are just another hazard the land has cursed them with, but to the Syndicate, the swamps radiate pure Yoki. Where the Yoki is coming from is unknown, and a large portion of the Syndicate’s funding goes into researching these swamps. There have been reports from Claymore in the past that the Yoki radiating from these swamps interferes with their Yoki sensing.

Grimillin is said to have the highest concentration of Yoma within its borders, but only a misinformed human, or a brand new Claymore would think that to be true. In reality, Grimillin has the lowest concentration Yoma. The monsters simply gather in these swamps and forests having been attracted to the Yoki swamps.

The lord of Grimillin, Don Gelruchbi has three sons and a daughter. All of said children are adults, and the youngest daughter is expected to marry soon. Lord Gelruchbi and his family reside in the city of Bachemal, situated on the western coast of the region. The city makes most of its money off of fishing near the coast.

Because of its isolated location, and bad reputation, the entire region of Grimillin rarely trades with the other regions. The only way to get into Vigallo is either by conquering the enormous mountain range, or through the swamps. Both are dangerous in their own right. Because of these disadvantages added on to the yoma threat, Grimillin is a very poor region, save for the city of Bachemal, the single city of wealth in the region. Grimillin manages to scrape by, even while the rest of the continent ignores their struggle.

Population - 200K

Vigallo - Without much cover from the relentless sun, and with little to no rain, Vigallo is a rather desolate region for the most part. The only areas suitable for life in the region are the two vast mountain ranges and the fertile valley area between them. The desolate area is dry, and the dirt is hard and worthless to the farmers. The land between the mountain ranges is a beautiful grassland, and is home to the shining city Retalli.

The majority of Vigallo’s population lives in the mountain ranges, where a multitude of cities and villages are located. These wealthy villages and cities survive off of hunting and trading with the farm villages in the fertile strip. In return, these mountain cities give the farmers more than enough money to get by. As a result of this system, Vigallo is the wealthiest region in Sichra.

As the desolate land nears the sea, one would come across a vast beautiful beach, where another city lies, Herrin, making its living off of fishing. This city is ramshackle refuge to many travelers looking to cross the desolate lands or avoid the law in the heavily populated fertile land. However, it’s ripe with crime and struggles to retain order.
Capital, Retalli
Population - ~1 Million

Ikar - Ikar is a land of vast windy plains and small patches of forest. The many rivers and streams that run through the land help wildlife thrive. It’s a beautiful region, relatively untouched by human hands. The people of Ikar respect nature, and live either in small farming villages, or in nomadic tribes. This way of life is a result of Ikar having no real from of government. The only authority coming from city of O’Dellek, named after the first lord of Ikar. O’Dellek is less of a city, and more of a large village compared to the cities in the other regions, but it is impressive nonetheless. A wide river runs through the city, allowing for easy travel in and out of the city.

Ikar survives off of farming, hunting, and trading with Vigallo. Ikar has trouble producing enough of thier own food, forcing them to heavily rely on Vigallo’s farmers and their superior crop yields. Yoma aren’t the only fear for the Ikarvians. Their sister region, Chetvertia, constantly threatens their borders, occasionally hiring mercenaries and bandits to raid the villages near the border. Because of this, the villages near Chevertia are either abandoned, or fortified like a fort. The people here believe that another war with Chetvertia is inevitable, and that their only hope of winning this time around would be if Vigallo were to help them.

The earth beneath Ikar is very unstable, and an lava geyser will occasionally emerge from the earth, before settling back down, leaving a dangerous lava pit in its wake. Everyone knows to avoid these lava pits. Absolutely nothing can survive falling into one of these pits

Capital - O’Dellek
Population - 150k

Chetvertia - WIP Just like Ikar, Chetvertia is a flat land with prairies and patches of small forest. Lava pits will also open up here, on occasion, but here the people believe that Ikar should still be apart of Chetvertia, and don’t appreciate anyone entering from their border. They are the second richest region, with the third highest population. No one here likes Claymores. Chetvertia doesn’t like any outsiders much, because of they way they had their asses handed to them by Ikar despite having the advantage in every way. Because of this, Chetvertia likes to brag about their mighty fighting force and show off their massive army as often as possible even though there hasn’t been a single war on the continent in a hundred years.

Capital, Alexangri
Population - 600 K

End Land - The End Land is an unmarked landmass sitting above Grimillin. Officially it has no name, but the continent has taken to calling it the End Land. It’s a frozen land desolate of all life. The only people that live there are those that have fled from society. Even they don’t last long. This where the Syndicate Headquarters is hidden, and where new claymore are trained. Nothing is above ground, however. The headquarters is hidden beneath the ground, in a vast tunnel system. All claymores know that they are never to return to headquarters unless ordered to. Doing so without permission is said to result in execution.

Population - ???
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