Idea Class Archetypes (not be confused with character archetypes)


Darkness (Favorite Food: Steak)
This is a little thread I wanted to make to explore an interesting... But not too widely talked about subject. That being the class or combat archetype of a character. I'm pretty certain it doesn't have an official name... So I chose to use the term "class" since the idea is similar to classes in rpgs. While a character archetype usually covers a characters personality and backstory... A class archetype covers what the character is capable of and how they fight.

A good General example of this is the Pyromancer. A Pyromancer archetype is self explanatory... A mage who keeps some distance and throws fire spells at the target. However, you can throw in some layers. A Flame Swordsman would have qualities of both Pyromancer and Swordsman archetypes, while something like a Pheonix Knight would be a massive collective of capabilities that compliment one another. Definitely want to hear what you guys think about this or what I should do to better refine the idea.

If you have any cool class archetypes feel free to bring them here too :3
Not sure if this is an archetype buuuuuut;

Ritual Based Wizard! In DnD spells often have material components to cast them, instead of just drawing magic from the air I think it's fun to sometimes use the component method.

"Staring down the goblin horde, his hand dipped into his coat. A small iron rod, unassuming and benign was drawn, placed in the crook of his elbow and drawn through the folds of his cotton cloak. The air warped as he held out his hand, his tounge forming the word and triggering the bolt of arcane lightning which lanced through the ether, burning through armor and flesh alike!"

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