Cinthia Harbringer (FINISHED)


Weird Bunny Lurker


Given Name:




What is your official DWMA Nickname?

Scrapyard Slayer

Yearbook Photo:








Hair Color:


Eye Color:



Are you an EAT or a NOT student?


Are you a weapon or a meister?


If a weapon, what type of weapon are you?


If in the EAT class and a meister, what is your rank?


How long have you been in attendance at the DWMA?

One Year

How do you fight?

Cynthia's personality almost seems to do a backflip when she engages in battle; she takes a lot of it seriously and is very good at combat. Her soul's wavelength is relatively flexible, which is why she could adjust to Saturn's after many years of training with Cypress. Her attacks tend to be very violent and without any strategies being made beforehand, though; her offense is relatively strong, but her defense techniques are a bit rusty. She isn't the best at performing speed attacks either, mostly depending on brute force to get the job done.

Personal Profile

What would others say are your strengths?

~ Cheerful
~ Energetic
~ Sweet
~ Physically Strong

What would others say are your flaws?

~ Bad-Tempered
~ Reckless
~ A threat to safety procedures
~ Impulsive

Describe your personality in 2 paragraphs or more:

Take any safety procedure in existence and then completely ignore it. That is the basic logic of Miss Cinthia Harbringer, who is generally known for not exactly being the most graceful girl in the world. A fiery redhead who loves to speak her mind, Cinthia hates to consider herself a damsel in distress, very stubbornly saying that she can do fine on her own, and she has even more stubbornly tried to prove that. However, let's face it, at the end of the day, it's clear that Cinthia is faking it. Having lost her boyfriend in such a horrible way, she wants to stay loyal to him, despite the fact that he's already gone. But at heart, Cinthia is hopelessly romantic, wishing for a romance that she shared with Cypress before he disappeared so suddenly.

Cinthia is very energetic and overly hyper at least 95% of the time, a friendly ball of hugs and bad puns. She is very much of a tomboy, even referring to herself with male pronouns by accident sometimes. She's not afraid to get dirty, even enjoying the thrill of getting mud caked on her face and her hair flying out behind her to slap people in the face by accident. She LOVES meeting new people, and usually her introductions can seem a little overwhelming, based not the fact that she immediately bombards new people with questions about their life. She doesn't quite understand people's boundaries either, seeing as she will literally hug someone whose aura practically screams not to frigging hug them if you want to live to see another day. She doesn't have the best temper either, and is especially triggered by petty name-calling and sarcastic comments directed towards her.

When in battle, though, it's almost as though Cinthia is a different person. She's still generally fiery, but rather than her playful yelling at people and chasing them around angrily, she is cold, quiet, and focused. She is also especially protective of her friends, especially her weapon, Saturn. Cinthia has been taught from a young age to take fighting seriously, even if you don't take anything else seriously. So, in other words, the heat of the battle is the only thing that Cinthia has committed herself to. She doesn't care much for anything like she cares for the fight.

What do you like?

• Chocolate Chip Cookies
• Developing Friendship
• Good Ol' Fighting
• Puns

What don't you like?

• Heights
• Flirts
• Fudge (WAYYY too much sugar)
• Broccoli

Give a 3 to 5 paragraph biography:

There were two families that have always been joined together as meister and weapon since they were founded; the Harbringers and the Dell'acquas. These families originated from Alaska, and for generations, it has been the same tradition for the heirs of each family to become partners. Cinthia is the heir to the Harbringer family, and she was originally to be partnered with Cypress. Cypress and Cinthia were constantly practicing their technique every Winter Solstice when the two families met, as was custom, but even outside of that date, the two stuck together like peas in a pod. Cinthia was the always-eager meister, the ball of energy to Cypress's calm demeanor, and they were the best of friends, Cypress's little sister Saturn always tagging along with them on their adventures throughout the town. Usually it was something ridiculous, like "Mission: Race to the Pizza Place" or "Let's Get This Cat Out of a Tree by Running Around Screaming for an Adult".

When Cinthia was twelve, she realized that she maybe had a major crush on Cypress, and, despite never expressing it, she kept giving him wistful glances. Their time together became more enjoyable, and at fourteen, they moved to Death City, Saturn being the second in the pair of dual weapons. However, bad luck struck on the journey. They stopped at a scenic overlook, Cypress telling Cinthia he wanted to tell her something important. He confessed to her as they looked down the chasm just below them, then a gust of wind blew. Cypress' favorite hat fell off, landing a couple feet below them. Without any regard of how dangerous it was, he climbed over the fence to grab his hat....

....And you know the predictable ending. Cypress slipped and fell to the bottom of the chasm, to his death, right before Cinthia's eyes. The loss of Cypress almost made her want to turn back, but she and Saturn remembered that the idea of attending the DWMA was his life's dream. So Cinthia and Saturn traveled to Death City, renting an apartment there; as was tradition, Saturn formally became Cinthia's weapon. The loss of Cypress hit both families relatively hard, though, and Cinthia especially never fully got over it. She began attending the DWMA as a student one year later, and has determinedly worked to keep the dream alive, no matter what.

How do you feel about the DWMA?

"I feel like this is the place I absolutely HAVE to be at. No excuses, no nothin'. It's been my dream to become a DWMA student."

Why have you joined the DWMA?

"Because it's the dream. Cypress, my former partner, always wanted to attend this school with me, and even though he's no longer with us, I will complete his final wishes with his sister, Saturn!"

What motivates you?

"The promise I made to Cypress, of course!"

What are your goals while attending the DWMA?

"Three things; kick butt, make friends, and make my family proud!"


Personal Items:


Cinthia possesses a pendant with the Harbringer seal on it. She wears it on special occasions, but not necessarily on regular days, seeing as she considers it a pain in the butt sometimes.

Other Important Facts:

Theme Song -

Signature -​
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