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Futuristic Children of EDEN CS



I'm bored
Post your character sheets here~

Birth Date:


Morality: (What divides your character's definition of good and bad?)
Etiquette: (What actions does your character use to demonstrate their morality?)
Attitude: (How does your character act most of the time?)
Outlook on Life: (How does your character see life? Dismal? Happy? Boring?)
Perception: (How do they perceive their situations? Optimistically? Pessimistically? Sadistically? Masochistically? Ideally? Realistically? You might answer by having them tell whether 'the glass is half empty or half full', and each of these perceptions should give a different answer.)
Standpoint: (How do they tend to see the world? From a conqueror's standpoint? From a student's standpoint? From a flea's standpoint? It doesn't necessarily have to correspond with their occupation.)
Philosophy: (What phrase might they use to sum up the world? Think "Hakuna Matata" or "All is well that ends well".))
Taboos: (What would your character personally never do?)

Background: SEEDs are recruited into the EDEN program around age 2-3 though some older exceptions are possible. Your background may include mostly information about their life at EDEN thus far.
Mech Information:
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"Man sieht nur das, was man weiß; You only see what you know"
Name: Wolfgang Glöckner
Age: 17
Appearance: Standing at 6’2”, Wolfgang is a very tall individual and deceptively leaner individual, though he can probably throw most people across the room if need be. The thing most people notice about Wolfgang first, however, is his facial feature. The first word you could use to describe his facial features is sharp, unamused is the second word, as a smile is rare on that face. It tends to give off a intimidating and unfriendly vibe, least on first glance. It’s why most people are afraid to talk to him, that and his loud voice. Though, he occasionally needs glasses.
Glöckner also tends to dress himself in standard army uniform at almost all times, prefer a army fatigue cap, even when he is gearing up for the cockpit. In fact, he tends to operate in the navigator seat without a helmet, wearing all other protective gear, relying on a eyepiece attached to his ear and a set of headphones for communication.

Sexuality: Hetrosexual
Nationality: German
Birth Date: 6/10
Languages: English, German, French, Dutch, Japanese
Personality: Wolfgang...doesn't exactly, how you say, smile...seemingly ever. Least, if he does smile, it’s exceedingly rare, as there are no photos of Wolfgang ever smiling. Fact is, Wolfgang’s default face seems to be amused, almost intimidating and scary so. He would prefer to acknowledging jokes rather than laugh at them. Still, that doesn't mean Wolfgang is emotionally dead, it’s just he tends to be very serious, especially when it comes to his work. Always focus on the tasks at hand, Wolfgang grew up with a strong sense of self discipline and honor for his family heritage. Wolfgang is often hard on himself, always striving to improve, although not crushingly so. In battle, even under the most crushing of circumstances, Wolfgang is capable of remaining calm and level headed in order to find a solution out of the current predicament. That doesn't mean he doesn’t raise his voice, fact is it’s not uncommon to hear Wolfgang’s thundering voice from across the hanger, especially when he’s yelling at people for doing something idiotic. Still, that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t take sense to explain why it’s idiotic, if it means they wouldn’t do it again. Another instance where Wolfgang could be heard raising his voice is in battle, in fact, the few times he does smile is when the enemy is annihilated, especially if it was annihilated by a bfg(Though very little to know one knows about it) Outside of battle he can be a bit different, although he still doesn’t afford to smile, rather his facial expression is softer. In his free time he’s just like a normal teenger, reading books, watching TV, on the internet or even on social media. Again, not emotionally dead, but He uses his appearance of being emotionally dead to his advantage, in all honesty he really cares for people, even loves people, he just never shows it. Wolfgang can be one hell of a wingman, again, not just in combat but in everyday life(He’s seen enough reality television and soap operas to know what to do). And if anyone needs an ear for listening, Wolfgang will be more than willing to make time to listen and give, albeit honest, feedback. Overall, Wolfgang appears to be rather intimidating, but once you get to know
History: Wolfgang was born the youngest of three, to an Austrian officer working under the EU and a German scientist working for the EDEN program, both with a military heritage. His elder brother and elder sister both would go on to serve in the German Bundeswehr as a tank commander and fighter pilot respectively. As a child Wolfgang looked up to both of them, as well as his parents, who would all influence him to want to one day serve himself. He wanted to be an artillerymen when he grew up, least that’s what he told his parents as a child.
From a young age, Wolfgang was exposed to the EDEN program, as his father worked closely with the program, even putting his own son through similar exercises just like his elder siblings, if only take make him stronger as a person, and maybe one more step qualify to serve. No one every thought Wolfgang would be a candidate for the EDEN program, his siblings had shown no signs of compatibility with the mechs, and initially neither did Wolfgang. But as he grew older, Wolfgang did show signs of compatibility, which came as a shock and surprise to his family. Though, even given the choice, Wolfgang wanted to serve, and if was the greater way, he wanted to do it. At the age 5, Wolfgang was inducted into the EDEN program, a bit older than most recruits, but not far behind them in terms of skill.
Didn’t take long for Wolfgang to catch up to his peers, even surpassing them in a few fields. But unlike many of them, Wolfgang’s family stuck close to him. Wolfgang’s father never supervised his training, but he and his wife had many chances to interact with their son given their clearance. So did both Wolfgang’s siblings, whenever they had off time from their posts.
Today, Wolfgang stands tall in his position as a navigator, though it was exactly his childhood dream, some may argue he has surpassed it.
Partner: TBA
Mech: TBA
Morality: There is no definitive answer for what is good for bad, only circumstance. Weather the ends justifies the means or vice versa...comes down to circumstance of the instance.
Etiquette: Generally speaking, Wolfgang isn’t the first person to defend or accuse anyone of anything until he has had enough time to grasp a general sense of the situation. Wolfgang is driven by reason, but that isn’t to say he won’t forgive, if it means moving on and growing stronger.
Attitude: Wolfgang tends to keep focused on the task, keeping composed and professional. That doesn’t mean he’s above yelling at people when they do something incredibly stupid, but he that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to teach if someone doesn’t understand.
Outlook on Life: Life can be a beautiful thing, humanity has hope, he has nothing to lose by giving 110%, and everything to lose by giving none.
Perception: Wolfgang can be described as an emotional anchor. He’s pessimist when everyone’s optimistic, he’s optimistic when everyone is pessimistic. The important thing to him is not to be cautious and not overly cocky, yet hold fast against even the greatest odds.
Standpoint: Wolfgang sees himself as a cog in the greater machine, albeit now a bigger cog more than ever. Wolfgang’s a soldier, meant to his duty, fighting for his family honor, but more importantly, fighting for his family.
Philosophy: “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
-Winston Churchill
Taboos: He never let’s a comrade go into a hairy situation alone.


  • wbw8enc.jpg
    + Name: Miles Fleming
    + Age: 17
    + Gender: Male
    + Sexuality: Heterosexual
    + Birthdate: 02/24

    + Appearance:
    - Height: 5'8 (173cm)
    - Weight: 147lbs (66.7kg)
    - Eyes: Blue
    - Hair: Black
    - Build: Lean
    - Complexion: Fair
    + Skills
    - Prodigious Piloting: Having been raised with EDEN since he was 3, Miles is a pilot who had been relentlessly pushed to excel. During his training, he would have made for an astounding pilot, if it weren't for the fact that he outright refused to cooperate with other mechs, and even his own navigator, if it seemed like his ability or pride would be in question

    - Hand-to-Hand combat: Since most mechs were specialized to utilize some form of melee combat, Miles took to learning one of the most versatile forms of combat, simple hand-to-hand combat. While his form does not derive from any specific teachings of martial arts, it consists of a variety of grapples and blows akin to the Impact archetype.

Achille Charbonneau #326

"My, My. Quite the Cutie"
Teasing They Say
Name (Include Pronunciation):
Achille Charbonneau (Uh-Sheil-Uh Shar-Bo-New)
Birth Date (Month+Day):
December 6th
Known Languages:
English, Japanese
Just my manner of play
Hard To Anger
Achille is a bit of a crazed man, in the extent that people typically think he is extremely daring and will push the bounds as much as he is capable of doing. Though he has methodized madness when it comes down to it, so much so that you might just have to be crazy in order to understand exactly what this crazed idea holds. Besides this he is ironically reasonable to the point he will do what seems to be the best for situations, well as long as it suits his needs, from there he will go about the best procedure and hold his combative style as a considerably bold and forward approach. He is extremely reactive when it comes to fighting combat making him a considerably strong person to be manning the healing mech as it is.

Outside of combat he has a few too many flirty bones in his body and will make an effort to give any girl he sees at least one compliment, but don't take him as a guy who is just looking for his next relationship. Besides that he is clearly a sly individual making his tongue of silver (Expression) one of his most deadly tools that he could manage to utilize, being bold never harmed that either. Overall if you had to sum Achille up into three words they'd be these: Flirty, Erratic, and Slick.

Does it give a thrill?
Is the Outcome good for me and my team?
Attitude: (How does your character act most of the time?)
Lively, and more often than not Flirty
Outlook on Life:
Controllable, Almost like it's a game
The eyes of a thrill-seeker
"Show me what you got, I bet mine is better"
Taboos: (What would your character personally never do?)
Contain his flirtatiousness.
Can't handle all this?
The earliest memories that Achille has are those of his training as a young lad in the confines of EDEN as a SEED, he had an easy enough time given the fact that he had been tested and came across as a high-rating navigator. His scores being something close to perfect but shying it by a few points as if to tease him with that small amount. From here he just remembers up until his current time.

Then just walk away
Monica Cromwell GhastlySquash GhastlySquash
LZ-35 "Charlotte"
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"New way. No meaning. Still looking for that same old feeling."


Name : Luka Hinderson

Age: 16

Appearance: He stands at a staggering 6'5, and and typically holds a neutral expression on his face. Owns a pair of circular rimmed glasses that he uses to read, and will wear them most of the time.

Sexuality: Has shown little interest in relationships with others, but it's believed he's heterosexual or asexual.

Nationality: American

Birth Date (Month+Day): April 16th

Position: Pilot

Deeper Info

Personality: Whoever can understand why Luka unsettles people would be the candidate for a Nobel prize. Truthfully there's nothing 'wrong' with Luka. Just 'off'. He may look at you for just a few seconds too long. He may end his sentences in a way that just sounds 'weird'. Perhaps the strange dreamy look in his eye simply unsettles you. The various psychological tests during his training showed nothing and he never showed any symptoms of mental illness. He's simply..strange. Off. Though if one were to look past the odd quirks and traits, they'd find he's quite kind and caring, if a bit self-depreciating.

Morality: "Good and bad are just a matter of perspective. Shades of grey is all it is."

Etiquette: He's never been one to express how he feels about a matter, often expecting others to speak their minds so he doesn't have to.

Attitude: Luka is a tad asocial, preferring to stay out of everyone's way and spend his time reading.

Outlook on Life: Luka goes with the flow of situations he's put in. He's never been seen to object about the hand he's been dealt or the job he's been subjected to do.

Perception: He's rather optimistic about bad situations, expecting things to simply working themselves out with time.

Standpoint: He sees himself as nothing more than a speck in the grand scheme of things.

Philosophy: "People are like jellyfish to me. I don't understand."

Taboos: He's quite against making fun of others. He knows what it's like, being the stooge of a community.


History: Luka is from the midwestern part of the United States, a town nestled in the deepest part of the Rocky Mountains. A town smothered in fog and smoke. The kind of place where horror stories are born, and where no matter where you go you get the sensation of being watched. A place where the people just seem a tad 'off'. Luca wasn't in the town long enough to truly remember it, but he certainly doesn't give that impression. Throughout his training he was often seen as a subject of ridicule and teasing for his strangeness.



Partner: WIP

Mech: WIP


"No. That's a stupid idea."


Name : Rudolph Wright [Roo-dolf Rite]

Age: 18

Appearance: Rudolph is not the tallest of individuals, a hair below six feet. He cuts a somewhat lean figure despite the healthy presence of muscle. While he may not win the iron man competitions of yesteryear, his time at EDEN has filled him out adequately enough.

A short mess of wavy brown hair crowns his face, and his brown eyes betray the cynicism through the prominent skeptical stare coupled with his notorious frown. While not the kindest looking chap in town, he is not so intimidating that people would avoid him on the street.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Nationality: USA

Languages: English, Russian, Spanish

Birth Date: February 4

Positon: Navigator

Deeper Info

Personality: Rudolph is a fairly cynical young man. Coupled with a slight temper, he normally comes off as not very friendly. He is often quick to criticize and has little patience for drama and stupidity. Arguing with him without good reason is a good way to get on his bad side. That said, Rudolph truly is a reasonable fellow, and is not a butthole because it is fun. No, his criticisms come from a desire to understand and make things better. While he may sound mean spirited, he really does care about the world and the people in it.

Despite his assertive personality, Rudolph is perfectly sociable, and can be just as friendly and sociable as anyone else (so long as no one is pushing his buttons). He likes to discuss ideas and is supporting of peoples dreams and ambitions. Yeah, he might criticize them sometimes, but it is also to get you to think. A bit of devil's advocacy can go a long way. That he he does find it somewhat amusing.

Rudy is independent and self reliant, and while he has no problem following a competent leader that has earned his respect, he is not afraid to speak out against bad ideas. Should the need arise, he has no problem bringing out a take charge attitude. He encourages people to think and better themselves, and won't think twice about helping his companions. (Unless it is something stupid.)

Morality: Rudolph is a man who believes in evil. There are evil people in the world, just as there are good. Sure as there is varying shades of everything in between. When it comes to morality, he is the type of person to follow his gut. If something feels like its bad… that's probably because it is.

Motivation: Rudolph is a practical man, and tries to have practical dreams. Who would not be motivated by survival? Beyond that... it is hard to say. I suppose it boils down to he wants things to thrive. For all here to live a peaceful and happy and productive life. Too common of a dream? Too simple? Too boring? Well if you want to get down deeper, to the an answer that he would not even admit to himself... He wants to be people can look up to or lean on. He really does have a desire to lift people up, even if his personality doesn't make this evident.

Etiquette: Morality is not be the defining force of his character. Mostly because there are bigger issues to handle. Namely, the monsters. While he could argue about philosophy, one of his main priorities is protecting those he is trusted to protect. Not just the civilians, but his teammates too.

With others, he tends to act with level-headedness and reason, though he gets snippy when stupidity arises.

Attitude: A very determined young man, one who has never had any problems taking the initiative. While he isn't always the most sensitive, you can generally count on him to follow protocol. And though he doesn't mind breaking it out of necessity, he is well aware that some of the rules on the books are there for a reason.

Outlook on Life: Understanding. While he wishes things could be more peaceful for himself, and he hopes he can have it someday. Rudolph is the kind of guy who can make due. Sometimes making the best of things is all that you can do. But that doesn't mean he won't complain about it.

Perception: Rudy is by all means a realist. “The glass is there, it has water in it. Now what should I do with it?”

Standpoint: Sonder. An odd word. Meaning the feeling of being aware that those around you are living lives just like you. Just as vivid and real to them as your life is to you. In this sense, Rudolph does not believe that he is anything important. With such a grand scale of the things that are at stake, he knows he is only a small facet of the collective, yet responsible for many. It's daunting, at times. To think about. But someone needs to be there to do the job that needs to be done.

Philosophy: “Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way. ” - General George S. Patton

Taboos: Suicide.


History: Born to a blue collar family in the state of Rhode Island, USA, Rudolph was discovered by EDEN and taken to their facilities at the age of 3.

Rudolph proved to be a smart and adaptable lad, all the better that he was determined compatible as a navigator. It became quickly apparent that he was a tough lad. With a sense of wisdom that was beyond his years. He did well in his training, and took seriously the role that was expected of him. And while he did not always just roll over to everything EDEN officials demanded of him, he was turning out to be a very promising candidate. Especially given his sharp mind and a desire to get the job done.

He met his eventual partner years later, though it wasn't until he was just passing 17 that they were paired together by EDEN as partners. While they did not seem to get along well, in training and exercises they did exceedingly well. Once their compatibility was confirmed, they were assigned the XM-25 Patriot, an American engineered bruiser.


Partner: Abigail Carlyle

Mech: XM-25 Patriot, a.k.a. “Duke”

Here you'll detail your mech type after conferring with your partner. Remember that though your mech is unique and special it's still apart of a squad.

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"I don't know, I'll have to run that past Navigator Wright."


Name: Abigail Carlyle
/æbəˌgeɪl ˈkɑrˌlaɪl/

ID#: 314

Age: 17

Appearance: Abby is 5'3 and of average build for a girl her age. She's nearsighted but doesn't like wearing her glasses so she'll only have them when necessary. Her wardrobe lacks color as much as it lacks anything form fitting. Having, for the most part, had this pilot gig fall into her lap, she isn't obviously the pilot of a high octane brawler like XM-25 Patriot. Her mien doesn't scream athlete or fighter, though her proficiency behind the figurative wheel would imply otherwise.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Nationality: USA

Birth Date: October 3rd

Deeper Info

Personality: Abby is a calm, timid and yielding by nature making her prone to socially fall out of focus. She'll generally cede leadership to others when able and put just about anyone before herself, staying in the background by choice. Being a bit lazy and preferring to have things handled rather than handle them personally gives her a tendency to give under pressure. She's not used to it but has proven often that just a little support is all it takes to get her through. Predictably humble, Abby isn't clueless to her flaws and shortcomings and is constantly striving to be better. She takes criticisms to heart and tries to find value in struggle and sacrifice rather than unrest. The obvious skepticism of her by peers and trainers alike did well to lower her confidence, however. All this being said, she's not made of stone or depressing and is actually quite easily moved emotionally, fluid, for the better or the worse. She can be brought to a peak of joy or a pit of despair. This makes her prone to be introverted despite her desire to find comfort with others.

Morality: The high road is littered with graves. Though Abby believes there's always another way, she looks at situations objectively. She will always rationalize the validity of making the right decision and acting with moral fortitude, but might lean towards a bit of practical coldness in certain scenarios. The duality of her morality makes most difficult decisions a deep internal conflict for her. She prefers to stay distant from it all and just do as she's told.

Etiquette: Courteous and polite, Abby is about as agreeable as they come. Or at least tries to be. And, luckily for the leadership and her team, she can always be counted on for obedience.

Attitude: Kind and easy going with a hint of what can seem like diffidence or assured reticence depending on the situation. Abby is easily overpowered in conversation or interaction making her involvement in company somewhat fleeting unless you address her directly. She's more of a person that will throw in 2 cents than one who will be actively participating. That doesn't mean she isn't enjoying herself or is boring. Occasionally, she'll feel the need to fill the air with words but is normally content with looking and listening. When it comes to action and reaction she can be slow to choose a course, the lingering feeling she isn't the best equipped just the best suited, doesn't help. There's an obvious uncertainty in herself that manifests as a tendency to rely heavily on people she's close to. Rudolph makes this easy for her doing the large majority of the talking and decision making. She's relatively new to the program and lifestyle when compared to some on her team and that fact is made obvious now and again.

Outlook on Life: She believes life will be harder than it is easier and you'll lose more than you win. The whole point is to enjoy it and live for each other while we can. Obstacles are a constant and all we can do is our best to overcome. In the end everything we've gained up until that point is taken away, so to live well and with few regrets is the only smart thing you can do.

Perception: A realistic pessimist. Expects the worst but knows in the end, everything is just a cocktail of things she can and can't control. The glass has water in it, we'll make the most of it.

Standpoint: Understands the universe at it's core is nihilist, but refuses to live that way. Purpose comes from within. It'd be easy to say nothing matters in the end, too easy, almost as easy as it is to over complicate everything with overflowing empathy. Again, she's somewhere in the middle and constantly talking with the devil and angel on her shoulders.

Philosophy: Life as an idealist trapped in a realist's head.

Taboos: Being malicious, being indifferent to the condition of others and taking the easy way out. There's a cowardice to those things that makes her detest them most.



Abby was integrated young, like all candidates. However, she still holds a few random memories from before EDEN took her. For example, being swinging on a baby swing in doorway hallway behind her and table of people talking casually, in front of her.
She'd always had a love for music. It was found that she performed much better with it than without it. Attempts to decondition her proved to be inefficient and ineffective.
Abigail never excelled in any one field of study or kind of training. The only thing she had going for her was a exceptional compatibility with the mech. As a result, she was always in always in the background, often only brought into the spotlight to be berated for having such wasted potential. Other candidates who were agreed to be more qualified but less compatible began to resent her. She began to develop feelings of guilt and mediocrity; succeeding where better people failed simply out of circumstance. These feelings, however, manifested as a strive to be better. Abby still isn't entirely convinced of her worth as a pilot or if she's capable of rising to the occasion, but she's willing to try.
It's an ongoing process.
While uncharacteristically unimpressive on paper and perhaps even in person for a mech pilot; when she enters he XM-25 Patriot, you very easily see there's a reason she made it this far.
Luckily, Duke is a very forgiving mech, relying more heavily on a competent navigator for function and benefitting from exceptionally high durability, strength and fluidity in movement, as well as the use of throw-away weaponry. The nigh impregnable hull of the Patriot and it's inclination towards savage attack lend well to Abby's style. Nothing flashy, nothing complicated, just earth shattering might and the ability to take a beating. Her time as an active duty pilot, while short, has been anticipated and received somewhat positively.


Partner: Rudolph Wright

Mech: XM-25 Patriot A.K.A "Duke"

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Candidate #X342
Evaluator: Junior Human Resources Manager Michael Salvador

  • GENERAL NAME: Corey Chilong Chang (KOH-ree CHEE-lonhg CHAHNG)
    GENDER: Male
    AGE: 18
    HEIGHT: 5'10"
    WEIGHT: 167 lbs
    NATIONALITY: Chinese American
    SEXUALITY: Heterosexual
    LANGUAGES: English, Korean, Japanese, Cantonese, Mandarin

    A taller-than-average Asian American teenager. He is quite muscular and physically fit despite the amount of junk food and MSG he consumes on a daily basis. He constantly wears glasses and refuses contacts prescribed by our optometrists. His hair is jet black and he refuses to comb it, much to the frustration of the dress code enforcers. He generally wears his “pro gaming” hoodie and cargo pants, unless he’s in the cockpit, during which he insists that he wear his custom helmet. Out engineers have not had the opportunity to conduct proper tests, but it appears to protect Chang quite well, as proven by the “flying toilet incident.”
    -Junior Human Resources Manager Michael Salvador

    Corey Chang is quite the "specimen." Very attractive for a kid his age. It is quite a wonder how he maintains his physique based on the records left by Junior Manager Salvador. However, his health statistics easily pass the required standards. I would still recommend that he abandon his daily diet of strictly instant noodles and soft drinks, no telling what that would do to his body later on in his life. Notably, he has scars along his spine. Medical records show that this was part of early EDEN Program testing on direct input with the mechs. Poor kid, at the very least he didn't have the adapter actually implanted, only the prerequisite spinal column platform. Still shudder to think of the projects EDEN was testing on.
    -Candidate Health Specialist Jessica Alco (Sent to HR for "Inappropriate Behavior" Entry Pending Approval)

    Evaluator Note: Corey Chang is an unique individual. Personally, I do not think he is a very good candidate, despite his high compatibility and "skill." His personality is atrocious and I will not tolerate working with him. No amount of cognitive ability and "promise" can compensate for such rudeness. Perhaps if I am promoted to Senior Manager, I might deal with Chang.

    -Junior Human Resources Manager Michael Salvador

Junior Human Resources Manager Michael Salvador is currently in therapy for abnormal stress levels at monthly Psych Evaluation following Chang's official induction as a Navigator

Template By ElectricPizza
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Minty Hibiki

"Hmmm, I'm tired....going to go to sleep."


Name (Include Pronunciation):
(Me-int-teee) (Hee-bee-key)
Minty Hibiki

Minty Fresh, Extra Mint Gum, Cartoon Girl




English, Japanese, Korean, Latin, French


Birth Date:
July 4th

Deeper Info

A single word to discribe Minty would be....imaginative. She has the mind of a child, stuck in a teenager's body (or rather in this case, a loli body). She is rather friendly however shy when it comes to meeting people for the first time, often hiding behind things to avoid their gaze. Minty does like to pull small, harmless pranks on the others, though she probably would get in trouble if pranked the wrong person. The girl does have her mature moments, only when during fighting or she is asked for certain things regarding advice. On the battlefield, however she is very calm and collected when knowing that not only her life but her partner's life depended on her.

Simple, anyone or anything who is trying to disrupt their daily life is considered bad. Anyone that is either kind to her or the people she considers friends, are trustworthy and good in her eyes.

Minty try to be friendly towards everyone, not discriminate based on race or religious standpoints. Offering food or listening to people's problems is one such occasion where she is very friendly.

Minty is most likely either the "little trouble maker" or "little sister" out of everyone at EDEN. Every once in while, she disappears to who knows where and ends up causing trouble. Other than times such as this, Minty is a very good girl with an active imagination.

Outlook on Life:
Minty sees the world as a bundle of joy. Literally, all cartoony with flowers popping up in her mind.


Minty has an imaginative mind, she does not see the world as a place of hardship. She views the world as a place where people can coexist and live in peace, she strives her very best each day for what she believes in.

"Life is always about fun, no matter how hard it gets. As long as you picture the end of the rainbow, you're safe."

Minty would never eat another person's food, nor would she kill a person out of cold blood. However if provoked, then that's a different story.



The sunny shores of the beach and smell of the salty ocean sea is only what Minty remembers about her past. She does not remember her parents, or even the sound of their voices, for that is too far in the past. When Minty was just a baby, she was inducted into the EDEN From what she has been told, her parents didn't care for her too much so that was why she was placed in the EDEN program...to be of use to people. So she trained in the program to be of use to people, pushing herself past her own breaking points to the point of exhaustion in some cases.

Each test she took her scores were above average, however her mental state quickly deteriorated. Perhaps it was because she was pushing herself too hard that her mind just couldn't catch up? Whatever the reason maybe behind her brain's weakness, Minty now has the mind of a kindergartner but the body is far from being "weak" and fragile.


Here you'll detail your mech type after conferring with your partner. Remember that though your mech is unique and special it's still apart of a squad.


  • I0LImfk.png
    Anna de Witt



    Spoken Languages:
    Dutch, English, a bit of German and French.


    Birth Date:
    August 23rd




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: Anastasia Senaviev

ID Number: #312

Age: 17

Nationality: Russian

Gender: Female

Birth Date: 3/1

Appearance: Anastasia is a rather tall girl, standing at 5’10. Her body is nice and well developed in shape and form. Although she isn’t super skinny, yet not chubby either, instead having a more fit build. Her thighs are very nice as well. Anya’s hair is a dark black color and falls down to her lower back with two locks falling over her shoulders. Her eyes are a dark blue.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Languages: Russian, English, a little Japanese.

Position: Navigator

Anastasia is quite a risk taker and often thinks outside of the box. She loves to push things as far as they can go, always looking for some way to make something exciting, especially in battle. She'll often weigh the two options This is both a strength and weakness of hers. It could pay off in a tremendous way, or get herself or someone else hurt. The girl is sort of a brinksmanship addict.
Even though Anastasia is a navigator in EDEN she strongly dislikes the organization. She hates that she was taken away at a young age to partake in this program and would much rather be living a normal girl's life back in Russia. However despite her outspoken disapproval of the system she is eager and motivated to fight with her partner. It brings her a great sense of pride to take down abominations that nothing has ever matched. Well, except her pride of her heritage. Anya is very proud of her home country and isn't afraid to say it. She loves representing her country on missions, and often teases or tries to compete with the American SEED's.
One thing about Anya is that she loves to question things. She's gotten a bit of criticism from all of the conspiracy theories she has about EDEN and the monsters. She'll often spew things like "the monsters were created by humans in an attempt to take control of 3rd world countries" or "". These absurd theories always pop up, and she constantly changes which one is true, often contradicting the last one she believed. If you get her started it'll take her a while to stop. She gets very lively when talking about her thoughts.
Loyalty is a key virtue to Anastasia. She'd do anything for her friends, and she expects that same treatment in return. Knowing that there are others who'd go to great lengths for her is a great motivation, and only pushes her to do better not for herself but for the sake of others. She's not one to throw someone under the bus and will own up to her actions.

Morality: She believes that good and evil is determined by society. One person might think that killing someone is just and good, however because of the society they live in and the influence it has over its people, that act is seen as evil by the majority.

Etiquette: Anastasia tries to stay out of moral issues as she doesn't like dealing with that stuff. However some subjects she can get fired up about. She often treats people, even strangers, as if they've been friends for years.

Attitude: Outside of battle Anastasia is much more loosened up, her mind not racing at a thousand miles an hour. She tends to tease other pilots and navigators, or compliment them on their accomplishments on or off the field. She's rather sociable and isn't one to lose her temper around people. However she is ready to argue about conspiracies or how her nation is better than another.

Outlook on Life: Anastasia doesn’t exactly like her current position. She’d much rather be living a normal life with her family in Russia. However despite not liking EDEN she’s still motivated to do her best in battle. She’s also a bit of a conspiracy theorist, and feels like there’s ulterior motives to everything.

Standpoint: She feels like she's just a pawn in some bigger game she cant quite understand.

Philosophy: “It's lies. It's all lies. Some of them are just prettier than others, that's all. People see what they think is there.”

Taboos: Anya has 2 big taboos, one is that she'd never throw someone under the bus, always owning up to her mistakes. Another is that she'd never admit that the US is better than Russia.

Theme Song:
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Name: Reina Yokoyama
ID: #339
Age: 16
Nationality: Japanese
Gender: Female
Birth Date: April 11th
Sexuality: While she has an attraction to both the male and the female form it's very specific things she likes in a person.
Position: Navigator
Known Languages: English & Japanese
SEED Entry Year: Age 7

Appearance: Reina is around average height (5'6") Her figure is slim and willowy except for her hips which are rather wide. They curve into a nice, round firm bottom that extends to two long legs. Her arms and fingers are long as well with narrow shoulders. She doesn't have much by the way of breasts, only filling about a BB cup which makes her look younger than she is. Her hair is long and thick with a natural straightness to it. She takes pride in her hair and thus cares for it attentively. It is currently pale blonde in color and extends down to the middle of her back. Her eyes are a striking blue color that throws one off guard when first meeting her. Odd as they are, there is a inherent warmth to them and they light up when she smiles.


Personality: Reina is self-centered and self-assured which often leads her to believe she's capable of anything she chooses to pursue. Because of this belief she acts completely without caution. Reina doesn't always think her decisions through but she will at least take the time to discern whether the risk is worth the reward. One would think this sort of nature is counter-intuitive to the pilot position but her quick thinking, confidence and trust in her instincts actually help her to overwhelm her targets on the field. Reina's willingness to take risks doesn't always sit well with Nico but they haven't died yet right?

She's brash and outspoken, never afraid to speak her mind on a subject. Reina is very prideful and does not take direction well from others, especially people she thinks she's better than. Due to her nature, Reina can be quite trouble maker as she doesn't always play nice in group situations. She is not very sensitive to the feelings of others and often fails to pick up on social cues such as a persons uncomfortableness - but she doesn't really care most times.

Her ambitions know no bounds. She is a very determined individual and knows her desires well. Reina understands that the best things in life come to those who work for them and has no qualms about putting forth the effort necessary. She places great importance upon status and position, so much to the point that she desperately wants to be acknowledged for her skill as a navigator. She feeds off of praise and compliments and can be very bratty when she doesn't get them. As such she's a very vain person.

When Reina has her heart set on something it's best not to get in her way as she is quite stubborn and pushy. Reina is the kind of person that can be difficult to like or get along with as she's rather self assured and full of herself but when you get to know her you realize she's very charismatic, caring and places a lot of value on the people she loves. When she does love someone she falls hard, often forsaking everything else for the simply joy of making that one happy.

It's pretty clear that she's trying entirely too hard and overcompensating for what she feels are her shortcomings. Her mood can swing at the drop of a dime making her even more unpredictable and hard to understand. She uses her tough exterior to shield herself from shame, hurt and disappointment.

Morality: She very much believes in good and evil and that everyone is capable of either. There isn't much of a grey area to her. She sees things in black and white when it comes to morality - you're either right or you're wrong.
Etiquette: She'll say what she thinks of a situation whether she was asked or not. Unless she's feeling petty/spiteful at the moment then she'll keep her mouth shut.
Attitude: Most of the time Reina acts as if she's too good for everyone around her, talking down to others and outright insulting them if the mood strikes her. She holds her head up high and doesn't seem to need anyone.
Outlook on Life: Overall she feels things are at a standstill. She's not very happy but knows there's no use in moping around about it as she can't change her current situation. So she tries to make things better for herself, regardless of what it costs others.
Perception: She's an idealist, always believing the impossible to be possible because of the overconfidence in herself. She very much believes in making a way out of no way. There's always options, you just have to be smart and creative enough to see them.
Standpoint: She sees herself as poised to take on the world with little standing in her way. Compared to fighting big ass monsters, everything else seems pretty easy. There are times where she wonders if anything even really matters but pushes those thoughts aside as she believes there's something more to life than her current existence.
She'd never kill herself. She's afraid to trust others too deeply or to rely on them (but it's not something she would never do, she just thinks she wouldn't)


Biography: Due to her father being one of the chief engineers at EDEN she was more or less born into the project. She didn't show early signs of promise however, being a third rate SEED for most of her life until around the age of ten. From there she progressed rapidly, her unique skill set and way of thinking proving to be useful as a navigator.
Her father never really had time for her and her mother wasn't allowed anywhere near EDEN facilitates as common protocol so Reina's been pretty much on her own - not unlike all the other children though. Her rough exterior made it difficult to connect and make friends so she's even more lonely as a result. She automatically assumes people won't like her at this point and doesn't put too much effort into relationships. Now that she's 16 and finishing up the training program Reina's looking forward to get the attention and recognition she feels she deserves.


Partner is Nico
Mech stuff will be added
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  • Kadoc FC.pngName: Diogeno "Dio" Vaga

    ID: #373

    Age: 18

    Nationality: Unknown

    Gender: Male

    Birth Date: April 7

    Height: 5'11''

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Languages: English, Esperanto

    Position: Pilot

    Appearance: A slim, forlorn looking man with eyes that look as if they haven't experience a good night's rest in years. Dio's skin is incredibly pale, though it doesn't seem as if he suffers from albinism - not that he's the sort to go outside and enjoy the sunlight anyways. It also seems that his hair isn't dyed, perhaps suggesting that it has simply grayed prematurely. Has a habit of clutching his head and tousling his hair.
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Alicia Choquet

"Children Settle, I don't want to yell"
Basic stuff again?
Name (Include Pronunciation):
Alicia Choquet (Alley-Shah Show-K)
Birth Date (Month+Day):
June 22nd
Known Languages:
English, Japanese, French
Navigator Handler
Emotional Condition
Personality: Try to give us a decent understanding of who your character is here.
Alicia is a dependable woman, being very capable and extremely industrious when it comes to her work load. Her job is to keep up with the SEEDs who in her eyes are just children who are out there risking their lives. She holds a few too many empathetic bones in her body for the kids, since she's seen the second generation of them and the injuries that they went through. Though regardless of this all she withholds information as she doesn't wish to see any of the children have injury brought to them and if they are harmed she typically blames herself for not being a good enough handler to keep them safe.

Because of this she runs their evaluations with an extreme precaution, if they even seem slightly out of wack then she will attempt to try and keep the SEED back so that they don't have harm brought to them. Due to her rather keen eye she can tell when someones emotional state is off or even if something is wrong with the Mech's, which is why she was arguably the most promising navigator in her generation. Despite being a rather motherly figure with her compassion and care for those she takes under her wing she is a very mysterious woman, she seems to show off her true self with this nurturing self that is presented.

When she is in a debriefing or a mission control room she can come to be fierce and even what some would define as a bitch. This is of course as long as the children can't hear her, she has an oddly childish way to her in the fact that she will pick back at the SEEDs if they pick around with her. She does know when to say they need to focus though and will ensure that everyone is doing their studies as the stern and yet loving woman she is.

Alicia was a member of the first generation, one at the top of the possibility for being a navigator. As in she was the worlds best navigator in testing and scores, this was of course until her carer came to her and he had explained that she was going to be part of a special program. This was an early operation by EDEN which has since been covered up. The experiment itself had been a rigorous one and modified Alicia by REDACTED this knocked her out of being a pilot and she was instead sat on the sidelines to watch her friends move on without her. The program didn't offer her anything as compensation for ruining her only function in life and she was left around the SEEDs who grew without her and became famous. The opportunity was robbed from her and the handler who had signed her up for the program hadn't spoken to her since that day.

She was brought into EDEN's infrastructure as a core member at the crisp age of 23 and became a handler for the second generation of SEEDs and a critical part of the EDEN group as a whole. She worked under multiple experiments and made numerous boundary pushes for the SEEDs themselves being an advocator for more in their lives as she knew the things they lived through. She had spread herself to the point that she let one mission slip through, she hadn't gotten to preform her evaluations of four SEEDs and they slipped through the cracks before getting deployed. One mech had been destroyed by the foe they fought but thankfully the pilot and navigator came out with only injuries but she still felt an overwhelming amount of guilt over it.

Now with the third generation which she has given the name "Stars of Aquila" to represent her wishes for them to soar through the air as the eagles she believes each pairing could come to be. Though she still is a bit reclusive when it comes to giving some information she ensures her SEEDs are well informed and as prepared as she can get them before sending them out on their expeditions.




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Name: Monica Cromwell

Age: 17

Nationality: American

Gender: Female

Birth Date: April 1st

Sexuality: Bisexual

Position: Pilot

Personality: Monica appears to be a cheerful, hardworking girl who can go out of her way to help people. Although at times she can be gullible, she seems to be quite adapt at observing others and trying her best to help them out. Sometimes, she can be a bit nosy.

The truth however, is Monica is a psychopath, often demonstrating a lack of empathy both to others and her situation. She finds little care in holding a deep relationship, and at times can act cold and almost ruthless on the battlefield. Still, outside of combat, she does her best to appear friendly, and will go out of her way to secure alliances and friendships, however light they may be.

Her friendliness is an act to get her comrades on her side, as she finds it very annoying to deal with individuals that don't want to work with her. Still, she can at times be very risky and sometimes this plays off as her just being gullible and clueless.

She has an alpha predator complex with her enemies, often citing that her job is to simply "prove that their evolutionary tracts were mistaken".

Morality: Monica believes the world, much like everything in the universe, has no good or bad. There are simply sides that are chosen and lines drawn to guarantee one species' survival over the other. Humans naturally oppose the monsters because there is a conflict of interest when they meet. For Monica, she only sees "evil" as those that are inherently against her and cannot be controlled.

Etiquette: Monica usually prefers to "get to know" someone before she suggests a decision. Learning what leverage she can gain over a person or how to manipulate a variable so that someone stays on her side. On the battlefield, she studies the monsters patterns, ascertaining which spots would be the best insertion point and preferring to handle them when they are weakened by her other comrades.

Attitude: Monica is usually quite cheerful, and extremely friendly to any stranger that happens to come along. She doesn't necessarily have an ulterior motive either. Most of the time she simply acts friendly because it "makes things easier" when she has to fit in with a group.

Outlook on Life: Most of the time, Monica finds life to be boring. She enjoys the combat though, and likes to think that it is as evolution intended for the strong to devour the weak. As a result, she sees her work as a competition that natural selection will inevitably decide.

Perception: Monica enjoys her work with an almost sadistic euphoria. For her, the entire scenario has an almost "meditation-like" quality in which she enjoys seeing what would normally be a dominant foe squirm under her mech's power. The feeling of helplessness, as she likes to explain, is "addicting" and often she hates killing the monsters too quickly.

Standpoint: Monica sees the world from the standpoint of a predator. The monsters and any opponent is a challenge to overcome for her but much like any good predator, she aims to trap her competition and prey.

Philosophy: "A plan is like a good web. They shouldn't see it."

Taboos: Monica would rarely, if ever, show her true nature to anyone outside of the battlefield. She tries to disguise it or excuse her behavior as


Monica didn't mind being taken to a new home. Training at EDEN as part of the American SEEDs was not only a better environment, but was much better than the depressing life of her family, with the constant in-fighting and struggle to appear normal.

Monica understood normal. It made people comfortable. Made them more gullible. Made them easier to ask for things and get things. Monica understood that more than anything, humans were prey that wanted all the freedoms and none of the responsibilities. She'd learned from an early age she wasn't like other kids. She didn't cry when other kids wanted to cry. She didn't feel sorrow when other kids felt guilty.

By the time she was connected with her mech, she couldn't help but understand why finding candidates for it might be difficult. The mech in itself was a parasite. Stealing a host's power to power itself. In a way, they designed a monster to fight monsters and thankfully, Monica was a monster herself.

She understood that distractions were opportunities. Her mech couldn't survive head-on confrontations, but with careful planning, she could latch her mech on and suck the monster try. It required careful precision and planning, but once she nailed it, the monster's screams as the nanobots swarmed its head, draining its energy before its eyes brought her great elation.

She began to study in great detail how the monsters worked. They weren't uniform, but it just meant an additional challenge. Her web was being able to distract the monster long enough for her to get a clear hit. Her navigator would handle most of the actual logistics and planning, but Monica was happy to be controlling the mech. It was so addicting she could sleep in her mech.

In the academy, she did her best to hide it and explain her role as a "healer" of sorts. Someone that needed to stay behind, but offered repairs in return for protection and distraction. She found it a fair price to pay in order to secure victory.

(this section to be filled in later)
Partner: Achilles Charbonneau
Mech Information: LZ-35 "Charlotte"



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Candidate #R121
Evaluator: Senior Human Resources Manager James Aldo

  • GENERAL NAME: Michael Salvador (Mahy-kuh l Sal-vuh-dawr)
    NICKNAMES: “Mikey” (Only by Corey); Sal
    GENDER: Male
    AGE: 36
    HEIGHT: 6'0"
    WEIGHT: 167 lbs
    NATIONALITY: Spanish
    SEXUALITY: Heterosexual
    LANGUAGES: English, Spanish, Portugese

    APPEARANCE: A tall and quite handsome Spanish man who has quite a rebellious hairstyle: shaved sides and spiked on the top. He has a short black beard that is rarely shaven. (Not that I mind). He has several tattoos from his days as a pilot, most of which he claims to regret. His physique is quite athletic and toned. He has many scars on his forearm and abdomen. (He claims it’s from an accident, but James suspects otherwise) He generally wears his standard EDEN Personnel uniform on duty.

    -Candidate Health Specialist Jessica Alco (Sent to HR for "Inappropriate Behavior" Entry Pending Approval)

    Evaluator Note: I am starting to regret allowing my sister perform physical examinations and interviews for the male candidates, but there’s no room in the HR budget to hire a separate Health Specialist for the males. If Jessica continues her inappropriate behavior, I will have to suspend her duties. Hopefully, Sal will fill her role as the male examiner, as well as the opening of Pilot Handler.
    -Senior Human Resources Manager James Aldo

Candidate Health Specialist Jessica Aldo has been suspended from duty after multiple violations of “Inappropriate Behavior.” Most recent offences have been cited from Junior Human Resources Manager Michael Salvador and Navigator Corey Chang.

Junior Human Resources Manager Michael Salvador has been released from stress therapy after resolving family issues and assigned as the Pilot Handler of Generation 3

Template By ElectricPizza
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[Doc- SEED #353]
Name: SEED #353, or "Timmy".
Age: 16 Year(s)
Nationality: Originating from the UK, although he was transferred to the US and later to the EDEN program only 1 year after his birth.
Gender: Male
Birth Date: April 1st
Sexuality: Subject may flirt with people regardless of gender, however, the subject is Straight.
Position: Pilot of the "Sovereign"

Appearance/Special Additions

General Appearance:
Holding a pale and lanky figure, The subject is a generally unassuming -if not, generally melancholy- character. His hair is long unkempt, dropping beneath his eyes which, despite his energy, seem to hold a rather idle and weary hollow in their sockets. A slightly pale color covers the length of his lanky body, as he stands uneven and slouched. With habits of inappropriate behavior regarding his tongue -being as it will often rest outside his mouth- and his teeth, which is little more than an unaware idle habit. He seems unaware of these behavioral abnormalities.

His apparel is relatively normal without many notable remarks. However, he seems mostly unaware of -or is confused by- the concepts of style and fashion regarding clothing. Many times, the subject will grab at anything that he is able to wear, which results in various mismatched styles mostly hidden under a dark grey hoodie.


The subject wears a similar jump-suit to his Nav- a thin, white and red tight suit that holds small portions of pieces that are placed in various places along the body. Originally, the subject seemed to enjoy the design of the suit, loudly stating that the suit was painted in his "favorite color". However, problems seemed to arise soon after the subject tried on the suit. He complained that the suit was too tight and did not fit him- despite having the suit custom made for his size. He seems to show a level of embarrassment whilst wearing the suit and will try to avoid wearing it in the presence of others, despite the lack of incentive to do so.

Abnormal behaviors
Abnormal behaviors
  • Jittery and unstable Movements.
  • Feral and inappropriate posture.
  • "Shut-downs" when overloaded.
  • Tounge will often hang outside the mouth.

Physical Stats
5'6 Tall
Around 115LBS
Strength: Average.

Speed: Proficient

Agility: Excels

<-----Timmy's suit

Personal Data

Personality: Brimming with the giddy excitement of a youthful teen, despite the angst of his image and his dreary world-view, Timmy is a mixed bag, to say the least.

Blissful Outcast From an early age, Timmy was quick to learn ways to preoccupy his mind with joyous thoughts, curious observations, and imaginary stories, which gives him this constant glow that everyone knows to expect from him. As a result of his abnormal behavior, his peers will often get this eerie feeling of sick or twisted intentions behind his distant looks, despite his rather harmless nature. This strange trait quickly led to further distortions, as he developed a sick pleasure from being titled as something other than normal- an outcast was a title that gave him pride and freedom.

Obsessive and Determined A valiant trait of an uncontrolled flame; drilled into him by instructors and staff, Hardened by the failures and distraction which he has grown accustomed to, Timmy shows his worth through grueling and almost automaton-based determination which is usually combined with his lack of understanding based on boundaries and limits of a sain soul. If there is a way that he can do it/get it (presumably a way in which nobody else is directly harmed) he will ensure that his objective is obtained. unfortunately, among the left-overs of his emotional angst phase, Timmy had obtained a habit of complete isolation which completely separated his own desires and dreams from his reason.

Open-minded, Always learning, but stubborn to change. Timmy's reality is yet to be completed- like a puzzle without all of its pieces. The world around him is seemingly disconnected, almost an undecipherable image. Things which- while they may be common knowledge to his peers- completely escape his mind. Timmy will find himself in a constant search for answers- struggling to piece together his world so that he may eliminate that nagging feeling of inferiority which constantly bites at his heart. He constantly finds something new about his world, seeking to finally make something from his confusing life and to show off as his achievement.
Open-minded, Always learning, but stubborn to change.

This separation between himself and his reality also fueled his somewhat brief rebellious phase of angst. His observations of the world are usually equated to the same value as a child's view

Weary of the opinions of others yet Carefree and Impulsive.

Waiting- the bain of his childhood. In his secluded little cell that he called a bunk, that's all he had ever done. He'd wait until briefing- until training- until lunch- and then just disappeared from the world like a phantom. The constant drone of silence both frightened and deceived him. He had been caught in a very difficult spot, as the world became more or less undecipherable. He wanted to go out there- he wanted something to do, he wanted to see things, hear things besides the dark corner of his bunk. At the same time, he became frightened by the thought of being looked upon as something different than the rest. Should he be worried? This part of him constantly struggles against itself on a quest for an answer. He didn't want to be held down by the paranoia that he had created- often going to the extremes to show that he does not care for his own image in any way, but the constant nagging fears drive him to clash with it in the back of his mind. He may seem carefree, yet he seems to jump at any opportunity to change his image, as the judgments of others will often reveal that he was doing something incorrectly. It was a question that he always put into the back of his mind, yet he was too fearful to seek its truth.

Grim, Ill -Gallows- Humor
He always looked at a darker theme as a cute and fashionable thing, as themes of "Spookiness" rang with more comedy than actual horror. He quickly adapted a little style revolving these darker - more Gothic- themes. Of course, this style did prompt weird looks, but he still felt a bit of pride in his appearance. He looked to these staples as cute styles that weren't too mainstream for his environment, a way to highlight a darker tone of comedy for his life.

Along the same time as this darker appearance developed, He also picked up a slightly darker sense of humor. Things that both shock and concern those folks who are keen to pick up on the punch-line. It was also encouraged by the general grim environment- as many were claimed by the Kaijus, Timmy could take solace to know that he could make comedy from tragedy. He would quickly learn the definition of "Too soon" as well.


built in the small confines of his propaganda-lined room and hardened through the lessons of old stories and movies; For Timmy, there is only black and white- no matter the subject. Things seem to be based on a simple definition: Helpful and happy things are Morally superior to that of their contracts, no matter the subject, he will often choose choices that make people happy.

However, recently he has been developing a more mature sense of right and wrong as he began to see the other side of the coin, one which favors the cause and the intent rather than the outcome.

Of course, He mostly uses this new-found system in combat scenarios, often to justify his poorly thought-out and reckless actions. If he didn't mean do it, it's not his problem...

He is a big believer in redemption, as such he will try to right his wrong-doings shortly after they have occurred -no matter the justification- and expects the same from everybody else, lest he believes that they did -in fact- have an evil intent to fulfill.


A very forgiving and almost gullible character, Timmy seems to have this sense of child-like innocence surrounding him, with his social naivety being a strange mix of open-minded curiosity and the lack of foresight to predict deceit despite his knack for such a trick. In scenarios of a tense nature, Timmy would become silent and reclusive in hopes to avoid the situation entirely. In situations where this evasion is not possible, Timmy would seem to numb his emotions, sinking behind his eyes to hide away. This will usually leave behind an empty husk of a person, who seems far from coherent thought. Instead, the husk will carry out any objectives and completely shut down soon after- like a robot.


With a curved smile of play and mischief and a star-struck gaze of a dreamer, The boy is usually off into the vast lands of his mind, enjoying the little light in his dim life.

Outlook on Life:
The boy sees life in a rather dim light, despite his usually enthusiastic and happy nature. The environment surrounding him has always been this serious-toned and desperately sad drag of existence, which gave him a simple choice: he could choose to be a sad and miserable husk, or, he could rebel against it, to find the joyous parts of its dark glow. This adaptation to his world was what gave him a sensitivity to joy and comedy; Making him the easily entertained and energetic boy.

For many situations, he will usually in-act a form of occhiolism, as he is usually somewhat aware of his lacking knowledge regarding his world. Instead of hastily jumping to conclusions, he may simply accept the situation for what it is, piecing it together later down the line. As an example, He would probably spill the glass of water after his attempts to investigate it further for an answer...

The world around him is almost incomprehensible, yet strangely normal. Almost like a visitor from an unknown universe, he seems unable to fully grasp the reality that surrounds him.

"Well, What would you say your Philosophy was? How would you personally sum up the world?"

He doesn't really have a set list of taboos for him, as he seems open to anything given if it was morally justified. Of course, this would exclude horrific crimes, but of course, this list is to be added on down the road to add his learnings...​

Subject #353 Was found in a homestead in the outskirts of Birmingham on the 1st of Nov at the age of 2, (XXXX), along with his Mother -who wishes to remain anonymous- who had insisted on the recruitment of the child. Records show that Subject #353 was greenlit for compatibility of Mechanical units/functions, and staff relocated the child the next day to another facility in the US for further analysis and then transferred to Canada to prepare for the relocation to the EDEN program's main facility. To compensate for her child, his mother was offered assistance with her financial and marital troubles the following year and was promised the assistance in psychological treatments for the husband.

During the early years of enrollment into the EDEN educational program, Subject #353 was noted to be proficient in learning and recalling information, as he has shown the ability for prediction and calculation on-par with many other excelling students at his age. He adapted to concepts quickly and was regarded highly amid the ranks. He held his head up high, never faltering or lowering himself into the average rift-raft of the others. Being Britain's only recruit from the area, he took it upon himself to represent himself as well as the country in his strife to become an elite pilot- an ace, if you will. He also had quite the imaginative mind, one that would often stray far away from him, a mind which he didn't really trust. His mind hadn't really hindered him thus far, but at the age of 8, He reported to have a tendency to veer his focus away from the lesson- which reflected in his overall performance. The subject was noticeably stressed during these few years as he became quiet and hidden, often fighting with his thoughts which presented in constant interruption. He was examined by On-site therapists, but the subject seemed unwilling to cooperate as he insisted that everything was fine, and promised that he could solve it on his own. At the age of 11, he seemingly vanished; He became silent, still and stiff like a shadow against the wall. He hid behind his peers, evaded the eyes of others, and shambled aimlessly about his bunk. He rarely ate, slept, and cut all social interaction with his peers and staff. His performance scores dropped noticeably to something average, as he began to struggle on all fronts. His health began to decay, as did his scores. He grew into an angsty and defensive about phase, often showing intensely hostile or emotional swings that constantly sizzled into violent twitching anger and silent melancholy. No one wanted to approach him...

"Timmy" would reemerge at the age of 16, his character heavily contrasting that which he once was; Instead of an angered punk, he wore his bright smile. Years of solitude after his vanish from reality began to show- as his mind seems to have broken down, leaving much of his memory and functions to decay away from him at the gain of more recent ventures and delusions. This seems to have only affected his Social interactions and Behaviors, as he still shows an average score- not truly dropping below anything undesired. However, despite his sudden out-going and warm disposition, the subject seems to still practice his previous reclusive behaviors, often with a far-off imaginative gaze that places him elsewhere in the universe.

While these recent changes have brought about a concern, a lack of general harm brought upon by his behavior doesn't affect the program or his own piloting ability, which leaves Subject 353 at a strange crossroad of predicted paths. Mental analysis has shown to be rather normal -as in, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong- and a suspension from the program has been debated and refused. The sudden trial - as it occurred during the time of Timmy's graduation- then Delayed his deployment.

Stemming from his disconnect, each day, Timmy began to see the world in a much different light. As he continued to dwell and calculate his current situations, and as delusions slowly took form, Timmy began to ponder his own existence, as well as his own body. He could tell that he was different from the crowd, a feeling which gave him warmth and a feeling which he also feared.

One day, amid his thoughts, he soon began to sympathize with these Kaijus, as they were creatures brought into an unfamiliar world, not of their own, which -in his mind- mimicked his situation.

This sympathy blossomed into an obsession, as he became intent on learning all that he can about these creatures- not so much out of malice, but out of genuine curiosity. He holds a respect for these unknown creatures rarely seen in other recruits, In fact, it's become rather disturbing. Rather recently, he simply seemed to dismiss his own abnormal behavior, as he disregarded normal etiquette as he did not see himself as a normal human. It was a feeling that had lingered in his mind for a while... In fact, he seems to cherish this extra freedom of behavior, dawning movements which seem unusual for a human to preform-while not out of the bounds of actual possibility for a human to accomplish- while in public places or social situations. For example, there was an incident in which the subject purposefully began to hiss at another peer after an argument broke out between them. When confronted with this atypical conduct, the subject seemed keen to avoid the confrontation, instead insisting that he could not recall what they were talking about. of course, Timmy has gone to great lengths to ensure that his abnormal behavior doesn't attract the attention of the Program's staff, although he is rather eager to share his interest with his peers.

Obsession 2: Sugar

The sweet nectar of everyone's childhood, Timmy refused to grow out of his sugar-craze. In -fact, his restricted access to such a resource made it all the more enticing to him, to the point of obsession. Now, with free reign over his diet, he chooses to relish in the substance, adding it wherever he chooses. This ultimately led to one of his recipes:

A canteen full of Sugar-infused water, which often requires a heap of sugar to make. It tastes horrible for others, but it'll give anybody a sugar-induced buzz. He holds this drink close to his heart like an alcoholic holds his whiskey, in which he may become extremely irritable and aggressive without the stuff.


A Picture on subject #353, including the described details.
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Name: Joelle Ancel
Age: 16
Nationality: Acadian
Gender: Female
Birth Date: May. 23d
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Position: Pilot

Personality: Joelle is a person who overall, doesn’t care. She puts little effort into things she does, not bothering to study for tests and just sleeping. She is lazy and sarcastic, joking about things instead of taking the problem head on. She enjoys annoying her Partner Sierra to no ends as entertainment whenever they are doing work and leaves the work up to her whenever she can. Joelle is chill about things, and doesn’t really care who you are or where you came from, your all the same to her. She finds conversations dull and would rather be sleeping or playing video games than participating in social interaction.

Morality: Joelle believes that everyone can do the right thing if they just try.
Etiquette: Joelle treats everyone the same. She believes that no one is more important or special than another, and that everyone deserves everything that someone else gets.
Attitude: Lazy, and overall not caring about most things. She doesn’t put effort into things she does, and would prefer being in bed over doing things.
Outlook on Life: Joelle sees life as to much work in trying to enjoy things like romance and good grades. She’d rather get her enjoyment from long naps, and video games.-
Perception: Joelle sees situations from every point of view. They could die, or they could live. Either way, it will happen and if she expects both than there is no way of her being let down, or being surprised.
Standpoint: Joelle sees herself as just another face in the crowd. She believes that herself in all is not more important than others. However she also sees others the same way. Just humans on Earth, no one more important than the next.
Philosophy: “Why do something today when you can do it tomorrow?”
Taboos: Working on Sundays

Background: Joelle was raised along with her peers at the EDEN facility. [wip]

Partner: Sierra Reed
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Name: Sierra Reed
Age: 16
Nationality: Inuit-Canadian
Gender: Female
Birth Date: February 24
Sexuality: Asexual
Position: Navigator

Personality: Sierra could be described as someone who doesn't know when to stop working. She's completely dedicated to her role as a navigator and sees her fate not as a curse forced upon her but an honorable duty she must uphold. Some peers may find her utter devotion to the cause as annoying, but she tries to ignore them.
  • Dull: When it comes to anything other than monster hunting or job-related topics in a conversation she almost seems to deflate a little.
  • Worrier: In her aspiration to be the best she can be, Sierra often worries too much and overthinks things to the point of getting all stressed out. This leaves to indecisiveness and a need for control.
  • Calm under pressure: When she is in combat, Sierra almost becomes a completely different person. No matter how dire the situation becomes, comrades can always rely on her to stay cool and level headed. It's like the worries that usually stress her out melt away. It is easy to confuse this with bravery, but the secret is that it has nothing to do with a lion’s heart. Sierra has a habit of mentally removing herself from the situation and is overcome by a numb state where she doesn’t think about danger or the future. If she did, she would likely panic.
  • Try-Hard Dedicated to a fault: Sierra always seems to throw herself at her work, becoming so absorbed that she loses track of where she is going. If she’s not at the top of the class she is surly trying her hardest to get there. She’s the type of person you would find staying up late to memorize the newest entry of the “Monster Compendium” or visiting the training facility to hone her aim. She’s dedicated to her duty and loyal to her cause... almost as if nothing else mattered to her.
  • Obedient: Sierra is a stickler for rules and protocol and takes every command seriously. She always studys for tests and has completely memorized the Monster Compendium. Peers may find her utter devotion as annoying, but she doesn't care (much).

Morality: There is no such thing as correct morals for any situation, but you should always base decisions on the well-being of the majority. Favour the mission over the man, the whole over the individual. Sometimes there is need for an necessary evil, just as the EDEN project must take young children and mold them into soldiers. Sacrifice is needed.

Etiquette: Sierra knows that she cannot save everyone and will attempt to let go of sentimentality for the good of the mission (prioritize who to save based on the benefit of the greater good). She carries the protocols and rules of EDEN as gospel so if she is told to disengage from battle, even if it means leaving behind a mech, she will do it. Sierra may not like it, but it is what needs to be done.

Attitude: Pretty intense; dedicated to her cause to the point where she takes it way too seriously. She worries a lot and is prone to overthinking things.

Outlook on Life: Sierra views life as being cruel and chaotic, nothing short of survival of the fittest. Life is not a fairytale; the good guys usually die while the slimy ones get away. If you want justice, you’ve got to make your own.

Perception: she believes in the phrase “expect the worst and you will never be surprised.” She doesn’t think of the best situation or the worst, she thinks of all possibilities as of equal chance under the right conditions.

Standpoint: As individuals we may not be significant, but everything is connected in life and death. What happens in someone’s life sends ripples into another. Together we create something that is greater than what we could ever be alone. That is what's worth fighting for. She realizes that she and her peers have been forced into the service of a soldier, but understands that she is humanity's last stand. She takes comfort in the fact that her unwilling sacrifice has saved others from living this life and hopes that someday there will never be a need for pilots and navigators.

Philosophy: “The world's counting on us."

Taboos: sleeping in.

Sierra was raised along with her peers at the EDEN facility. [wip]

Partner: Joelle Ancel ( seasonedcat seasonedcat )

Mech Information:


Class: Support (aerial)
--> Provides ranged cover for allies and keeps a watchful eye on the battle.
  • Bird’s Eye: flight allows for a lay of the battlefield, allowing THUNDERBIRD to provide surveillance even in the middle of battle. It is also equipped with electron sonar capabilities to provide accurate ‘vision’ above and below ground no matter the vision level.
  • Plasma Blasters: THUNDERBIRD’s primary mode of attack is ranged blasts of energized plasma. If allowed to charge up, THUNDERBIRD can unleash a flurry of electrical bolts from its wings to strike multiple enemies.
  • Shock Blast a.k.a. “Hero Landing”: dives to an area while wreathed in electricity. Creates a blast of physical damage followed by an eruption of energy that can stun most monsters
  • Lightning Strike: After taking time to charge up, THUNDERBIRD produces a powerful and extremely long ranged beam of electricity. Can only be used once per battle and only when absolutely necessary as it takes up a lot of energy and is dangerous to other mechs.
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Nicholai Juren Levitsky
Nico, Jura, Levi, (Probably various pet names from Reina)
Lithuanian, Latvian, Polish, French, Irish: A European Mutt
Birth Date:
August 15th
Nico stands at 5'11", an average height to match what he considers average features. The body adjoining this height is slightly tan from its consistent hours outside, as well as holding a large degree of muscle due to the time working there. While not a fan of working out, toiling over manual labor comes natural and fluidly for Nico. The well toned muscles allow his frame to hold more weight to him, but has been condensed over years of weight training. Besides his body, Nico's face has a mat of dark hair on top of it; which is usually loosely falling to all sides. During any exercises or training Nico usually has the unusually soft hair pulled back into a pony tail; or if any of the younger ones decide to braid it for amusement. Lastly, Nico's facial features are angular to leave a defined chin, with only a little fat to curve the dimples in his face. The only feature Nicholai gets comments on besides his soft hair are the piercing blue eyes that are often the icing on the cake for his soft smile that he usually wears.

Nico is a very simple person to describe. As an individual Nico believes in the best for most things, and this guides him most of the time. Relaxed, assured, and, as long as his environment is pleasant, then Nico is content as well. With not many worries in the world and little in his career as a navigator, Nico seeks to move through life with a smile as often as possible.

While the passive man avoids conflicts, Nico will jump head first to help those in need or hinder those looking to harm. Often this means he's seen as an older brother figure or a nuisance in the program, depending on your perception of him. Tutoring, working out, discussing strategies, fixing mechs, anything, even mundane task like dancing, reading, a tv show marathon partner; ask Nico and he'll most likely accept without hesistation.

Nico is a largely stable being, with only few things able to change his constant contempt. The temper on the man is something that has only surfaced a few times. Starting as tantrums when he was younger and quelled later in life by the staff of EDEN, extreme scenarios can breach the calm surface of Nico. If someone or something does get him that far into anger they can expect to hear his opinion with full context and then a shutdown shortly after.

If Nico isn't smiling or helping then his mindset can be very plain. Life and thoughts beyond EDEN are hard to imagine, and thus his life revolves around it. Sometimes this manifest in calm appreciation of his career or it means an internal questioning of th future. In the end, Nico seems to live for others before himself.

All in all Nico is a jolly guy willing to put hand and foot into the program. Feeling grateful for the change it did to him and it continues to do for the world; Nico is a generally happy person. Compassionate to a fault, Nico cares for all unless given a reason not to. And, sadly Nico comes with a temper, the fuse is long enough not to blow too often.

"I think everything is capable of good, but some choose not to be. It's something I struggle with often."
-Nico finds good in most things, which can be dangerous in his line of work. It takes extreme examples of conflict, violence, or antagonistic natures to prove to him of evil.
"At least ask for their name before you fight, Reina."
-Often the kinder hand of the program, Nico takes the time to show compassion to any that will have. A great listener, soft speaker, and gentler hand; Nico is an epitome of understanding.
"Alright, I think everyone's earned a pat on the back and a nap. Anyone else agree?"
-Relaxed in most situations, Nico finds time to motivate his partners and fellow crew alike. If not calm or roping in Reina's comments, Nico can be a curious conversationalist; willing to listen to most if they have something to say.
Outlook on Life:
"Living is a blessing for the most part, therefore I no reason to not be happy."
-Nico is a generally content person.
"Life is never going to be perfect, but everyone should strive to get as close as possible."
-A very "glass half full" type of person, Nico finds the best in the worst situations.
"I'm a small part of this world, but I want to leave a big mark for the people around me."
-Nico doesn't see himself as a hero or great prodigal son for his ability with the mechs. Instead Nico finds the same amount of happiness with helping his partner, saving a village, or saving a capitol. All differences for 'good' are meaningful to him.
"Everything works out, one way or the other. Hakuna Matata."
-Nico believes most problems can be solved with determination or help from those around him.
"I don't want to harm those around me, emotionally or physically. I could never leave someone behind, especially my partner."
-Selfless, Nico would rather face the most painful torture than allow those around him to in his stead.
Born in rural Poland to a small farming family, Nico was the youngest brother to five siblings. The family worked the fields together and were sent to school during the days without work. It was this dull life for some time, Nico only have slight memories over the days in the field. From what he was told it was an average family, nothing out of the ordinary. However some scars that remain on Nico's body say otherwise. He doesn't dwell on the memories.

As it seems to always be the case, EDEN found a way to his small home in Poland. The testers rushed through the country and picked out a few candidates. Nico, was one of them. At the age of six Nico's life was dominated by farmland, and thus felt little chance he'd have any compatibility. After each of his siblings went through the test not many expected the runt of the family to have any chance. Surprising himself and his family alike, EDEN was quick to take the boy under their wings. It was a happy memory, but Nico doesn't have much memory of things before then.

From that day forward Nico joined the program, each day melding into the same routine of training. At first Nico was going to train as a pilot, his aptitude for labor prompting an idea of him taking the physical side of the partnership. However as more time going through the program, bullying from his late joining and his lack of proficiency for most basic fighting methods; Nico was moved to navigators. The mental area fit him better, feeling more comfortable. Nico succeeded, not excelled. It was a surprise he moved on, as he spent more time helping those around him over his own studies.

That possibly helped solidify his position as a good navigator, but a great older brother figure for many in the program.

Reina Yokoyama
Mech Information:
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Name: Romeo Langford

Age: 18 y/o

Nationality: Western European + African-American

Appearance: Many consider Romeo attractive in a sort of exotic way. His skin is set in a deep, smooth caramel like color. His eyes are slightly rounded, with long eyelashes, that cover gorgeous blue-green eyes. His nose is small, and thin, while his lips are pink, and full. His headshape is slightly round due to small signs of baby fat, but his jaw is otherwise square and defined.
He has curly messy brown hair, that he almost always hides behind his helmet. He is pretty tall (6'3") has broad shoulders, big feet, and a thin to lean frame.

Gender: Male

Birth Date: 11/16

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Position: Pilot

Personality: Romeo is a pretty easy-going lad. Ninety-nine percent of the time he is laid back and chill. He can get passionate when he is really into something, but most of the time he is a go with the flow type of person.
Although he does have his faults, Romeo really does struggle to do the right thing. When he makes mistakes he beats himself up over it, and takes all of the blame. He is a courageous dude, and will fly into the face of dangerous (when needed). Not necessarily book smart, he relies on instincts (and his partners level headedness). He does have a habit of being impulsive, and can get vengeful.

Morality: Romeo defines something 'Good' as something that will affect people positively, and is fair and equal to all who choose to go for it. 'Bad' is the complete opposite.

Etiquette: He really tries to be polite and respectful, but sometimes he does come off as aloof or distant.

Attitude: Laid-back

Outlook on Life: He sees life as something to overcome.

Perception: He is realistic, but likes to look at the bright side of things.

Standpoint: Life is an ocean, and he is just riding out the waves.

Philosophy: Go with the flow

Taboos: Betray a partner, cross the line, murder another human


Born to a young couple in a small town in Ohio, Romeo's childhood was pretty average. Although his parents were extremely overprotective of their first kid, they provided him with lots of love and spoiled him with everything he wanted. Life was bliss up until his 3rd birthday, when his father died in a tragic car accident which killed six people. Now, without the income of two working parents, his mother moved back in with her parents who lived eleven hours away in Boston, MA for support. Not only did young Romeo have to deal with the loss of his father, now he had to move away from his neighborhood, hometown, and fathers grave to a new state. Around this time he was selected to take part in the program. Much to his mothers dismay. Now she had to cope with the loss of her husband as long as only child to the S.E.E.D.
He was selected to become a Pilot, and partnered with fellow American, James Wood.

Partner: James Wood

Mech Information:
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Name: James Wood
Age: 17
Nationality: All American, Baby!
Gender: Male
Birth Date: 13/08/2115
Sexuality: Straight as an arrow!
Position: Navigator

Personality: James is often accused of living his life like a Hollywood celebrity. He is very laid back when it come to important matters and he acts as if the world is never at stake. James has sometimes taken things to far and gotten people close to him in trouble because of his arrogance.

Morality: James is a gentleman. He does not steal, he does not harm and he does not lie, unless he really really needs to, of course.
Etiquette: James treats others the way he’d want to be treated. Unfortunately for others, James is indiffeeent to how they treat him.
Attitude: Arrogant
Outlook on Life: Life is a game. And what’s the fun in playing a game if you don’t brake a few rules?
Perception: Optimistic
Standpoint: James sees the world as something to be conquered. Much like the monsters he fights probably see it.
Philosophy: “The point is there ain’t no point.”
Taboos: Killing innocent people

Background: During his time as a SEED, James knew nothing but a lavish life. His food was always ready to eat, his clothes where always clean and dry and all he had to do was memorize some basic combat movements and practice in the simulator every once in a while. His life was a piece of cake. From the moment he first stepped onto the battlefield for the first time with his pilot, James was a celebrity. He officially had everything he could dream of, besides a family that is. Most say that this is the cause of James’s “Hollywood Syndrome”. All the excitement getting to his ego. but in reality it has a lot more to do with what he doesn’t have rather than what he does.

Sometimes James wonders were he really came from, were his family was. Are they still alive? Are they safe? Do they dream about him at night too? These are questions that James can only look forward into the future in hopes of finding an answer. For now, he’s a just a boy on a mission from God.

(this section to be filled in later)
Partner: Romeo Langford
Mech Information:
Stela Rosetti

"When your fears come back, Stand Tall"
Name (Include Pronunciation):
Stela Rosetti (Stel-La, Ros-Et-Ti)
Birth Date (Month+Day):
24th September
Known Languages:
English, Romanian
Deeper Info
Mid-tier, she see's herself as equal to her comrades.
Stela holds a decent bit of self control but can be pushed over edge extremely easily if the right buttons are pressed, making her a slight hot-head.
Personality: Try to give us a decent understanding of who your character is here.
Stela is a woman of initiative, in her mind the world can be divided into choices. This makes her a rather decisive person, one who holds a fearlessness if she has to stray into dangerous waters for the better of the group, in those cases she doesn't hesitate for a moment. Being the pilot of the mecha gives her a commanding position, but she's a woman of action not a strategist. She can make those split-second decisions when the scenario is in place before her but long-thought out plans are not her forte. She is known to be a bit cold though when she comes up front about things, going so far as to seemingly discard peoples emotions though this isn't the case, she just knows that the mission has to come first.

Despite her rather combative nature she is a confident woman in what she decides to go about doing in her life, making her a very self-directed person. Not everything can come with positivity though as these have some drawbacks as well. Due to her rather snappy nature she can come to be sarcastic with things or even to the point when she comes across as quite demanding, though her sarcasm can make her seem to be rather witty all the same. Her social skills are, not the greatest but they're decent enough, despite her rather sharp personality and silver-tongue she is a kind person deep down who doesn't wish for her friends to be harmed.

Things in the world are either good or bad, there's no neutral.
Her morality is demonstrated by an almost judgmental period where she tests which side things are on.
Attitude: (How does your character act most of the time?)
More often than not she just acts humble and yet cold
Outlook on Life:
Combative, and Apathetically
Standpoint of a Challenger
"Life is a coin flip, Heads you're golden. Tails.. well you spent your coin"
Taboos: (What would your character personally never do?)
Very little is known to Stela about her past before the EDEN program as it was something past where her memory could remember for the most part. But she does have memory of some things in her past, she remembers her mothers wide-brimmed sun hat that defended her from sunnburn, and her papa's words of "Just remember, you're our angel". This was all the memory she had of her past, is the image of that hat and those words that resonate in her mind even at her ripe age of sixteen. Beyond this she holds very few memories about her past beyond getting brought into the program and getting trained up.






System Name:

Brute (Destructive force)

Artillery/Assault Hybrid

66.6 ft



Very Powerful
Close-quarters and Ranged
Quick and Fairly Nimble

Massive damage is easy to fix, however one small component could be very difficult to find and may shut down functions in the mech.
May be confused as a monster if one isn’t paying attention.

From first glance one can make note of the large jaws which Fălci holds on it’s head. The head size being about 14 feet long, with teeth each showing up to be about 2.5ft long. They can be toggled and energized with a plasma allowing for them to easily bite through most of any metal along with armor plating. It holds a ‘bite force’ that rivals all earthly levels, holding the ability to clamp down and either tear away or stay rooted in it’s target. Though fangs aren’t the only thing that comes from the jaws.

From a valve within the throat Fălci is capable of producing flame, this is created by Dicyanoacetylene being exposed to nitrogen gas and carbon powder. The flame is streamed from the jaws of Fălci and can be aimed for a target or simply to burn areas down. The jaws have been created with a metal capable of maintaining ten straight minutes of flame burst before its own composition is put at risk. The flames can be cancelled at any time if any of these three components runs out or is shut away from the others. Refilling this is required in order for such combat to be used.

Spine-Mounted Artillery-
Along the back of Fălci there are dual-mounted cannons, each capable of two firing modes. One a rapid firing mode, in which an almost machine-gun like barrage is produced and fired towards whatever the pilot chooses to aim towards. The other firing mode is a bursting form, in which one larger shell is fired towards the target. This one tends to deal massive bursts of damage but results in longer reloading periods before it’s capable of being released again.

Tail Blade-
Though not typically the idea of a weapon, a large blade rests at the end of Fălci’s tail. Giving the pilot an ability to fight what’s behind them as well, or to use tactically as a wedge.
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{No_Return} Error code 0000004e, parameter1 00000099, parameter2 000fffff, parameter3 00000007, parameter4 00000000 , Please contact Eden IT if the problem persists.

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Subject 353 {COMING SOON}

This article is incomplete, please come back later once the information has been adequetly filled out.


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