• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Chasing Gold CS


sugar is my wife and morg is the other mistress
PLEASE ONLY POST IF YOU ARE IN THE DISCORD!! Please also post all characters in a single post, I don’t want to see multiple replies for one player!


If you have multiple characters please use this with the form:
form goes here

form goes here

note: the original request specified small-caps! as such, most of the text here has a small-caps applied to it. to remove it, please search up "font-variant:small-caps" and remove it from the code entirely if you want to use normal-sized text! you may need to adjust the "font-size" in the same border tag that you removed small-caps from if the text ends up too big. i recommend dropping it by 2-10px!
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*the one image;
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----* * * quote here----
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three lines

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----* * * info contents here!----
[/comment]Single or pair[/font][/border]
[comment]----copy me too!----[/comment]

[comment]----copy this whole thing to get another tag!----[/comment]
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----* * * info icon here (replace the icon name in "fa-(icon)" with the name of the icon you want!)----
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----* * * info contents here!----
[comment]----copy me too!----[/comment]

[comment]----copy this whole thing to get another tag!----[/comment]
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----* * * info contents here!----
[/comment]specific region in the country that they’re from[/font][/border]
[comment]----copy me too!----[/comment]

[comment]----copy this whole thing to get another tag!----[/comment]
[border=transparent; height:fit-content; width:100%; padding:0; display:flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; align-items:flex-start; margin:5px 0;]
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----* * * info icon here (replace the icon name in "fa-(icon)" with the name of the icon you want!)----
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----* * * info contents here!----
[/comment]team here[/font][/border]
[comment]----copy me too!----[/comment]

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----* * * your character's name here!----
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----* * *pronouns here!----
      [comment]----name box end----[/comment]

      [comment]----music box----
instructions for use!
1. change youtube link at ----song title----
2. change soundcloud link at ----actual media player---- -> ----soundcloud----[/comment]
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----* * *youtube link here!----
[/comment][url='xx'][border=transparent; padding:0; color: var(--color-2); font-size:19px; font-variant:small-caps; line-height:100%; font-weight:bold;][font=Times New Roman][comment]
----* * * song name here!----
[/comment]now playing[/font][/border][/url]

          [border=transparent; height:fit-content; width:fit-content; padding:0; background: var(--color-1); position:relative; margin:4px 0;]
[comment]----fake play button (ignore!)----[/comment]
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[comment]----actual media player----[/comment]
[border=transparent; height:12px; width:30px; padding:0; background-color:red; position:absolute; top:0; left:0; z-index:2; overflow:hidden;][border=transparent; padding:0; margin-left:-25px; margin-top:-35px;][tabs][tab=.]h[/tab]

   [tab=.][border=transparent; height:12px; width:30px; padding:0; overflow:hidden; font-size:0; position:absolute; top:0; left:0;]h
      [comment]----soundcloud (replace the soundcloud link within media tag with your own!)----[/comment]
      [border=transparent; height:80px; width:500px; padding:0; margin-top:-15px; margin-left:-15px;]

[comment]----actual media player end----[/comment]
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----* * *text starts here!----
[border=0px; background: #YOURHEXCODEHERE; width: 100px; height: 1px; font-size: 15px; display: inline; padding: 5px; color: white; font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase;]basic info.[/border]

[b]name.[/b] [i]here[/i]
[b]nickname.[/b] [i]here[/i]
[b]age.[/b] [i]here[/i]
[b]gender.[/b] [i]here[/i]
[b]sexuality.[/b] [i]here[/i]
[b]romantic orientation.[/b] [i]here[/i]

[border=0px; background: #YOURHEXCODEHERE; width: 100px; height: 1px; font-size: 15px; display: inline; padding: 5px; color: white; font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase;]appearance.[/border]

[b]basic description.[/b] [i]keep it short and brief.[/i]
[b]build.[/b] [i]here[/i]
[b]height.[/b] [i]here[/i]

[border=0px; background: #YOURHEXCODEHERE; width: 100px; height: 1px; font-size: 15px; display: inline; padding: 5px; color: white; font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase;]skills.[/border]

[b]what are they know for?[/b]
[i]description here.[/i]
[b]what do they struggle with?[/b]
[i]description here. Fully describe at least 3 weaknesses.[/i]

[border=0px; background: #YOURHEXCODEHERE; width: 100px; height: 1px; font-size: 15px; display: inline; padding: 5px; color: white; font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase;]persona.[/border]


[border=0px; background: #YOURHEXCODEHERE; width: 100px; height: 1px; font-size: 15px; display: inline; padding: 5px; color: white; font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase;]headcanons.[/border]

[i]— here
— here
— here
[comment]must have a minimum of 20 hcs[/comment]

      [comment]----body text end----[/comment]
   [comment]----left end----[/comment]

[/border][comment]----signature! (do not remove!)-----
[/comment][bg=transparent; height:fit-content; padding:0; width:100%; position:absolute; left:0; bottom:10px; z-index:7;opacity:0.7;font-size:10px;text-align:center; line-height:130%;][font=Open Sans]♡design by rabbitswarren, coded by uxie♡[/font][/bg][/border]

  • "treat people
    with kindness"
    - harry styles

    pair skater


    new york city, ny

    team usa

    levi burberry


    • h

    (click play twice!)

    basic info.

    name. levi burberry
    nickname. n/a
    age. 21
    gender. female
    sexuality. heterosexual
    romantic orientation. heteromantic


    basic description. levi is a beautiful girl with a curvy figure. she is 5'3 with blonde hair reaching her mid-back. she's got a diamond face shape, with full lips and crystal blue eyes. she's a bit on the fair side when it comes to skintone but she tans easily. not a blemish in sight, she keeps her skin looking great with her extensive skin care routine.
    build. petite and curvy. bodacious. purr.
    height. 5'3


    what are they know for?
    known for her insane axels and various spin moves she has up her sleeve. never gets dizzy so can complete a shit ton of rotations with ease and perfection. she is also great at moving in sync with her partner, being able to read them and anticipate their moves easily.
    what do they struggle with?
    levi struggles a bit with flexibility. she needs to do extensive stretching pre and post-practice/competition. another thing she struggles with is being thrown. lifts she can manage but tosses/throws add an extra layer of anxiety, especially if there is not a lot of trust in her partner. this causes her to land a little wobbly or not move in exactly the right way. she's really trying to work on this seeing as she's a pair skater but it takes a lot to put blind faith into someone like that. Lastly levi had an accident, injuring her left knee and to this day its a little dodgy. this causes her to favor landing on her right leg and landing on her left can give her trouble, including her knee buckling on her. splat goes levi.


    sweet like honey, levi is a girl you love or you hate. she is charismatic, outgoing, and friendly with all she encounters. she is kind and a bit of a pushover, leading her to be easily manipulated. she tries to be rational and graceful in everything she does. a lot tend to dislike her for her sweetness, some calling it fake and others just finding it annoying. she comes from wealth, and its common knowledge her uncle is the current owner of the Burberry company. levi has never wanted for anything and outside of figure skating is known for modeling for Burberry. the designer clothes she wears are one of the few tells she's wealthy. she's the kind of person who would drop everything to help a friend. she really has a passion for skating and gives it her all every time she's in the rink, whether it's practice or not. she's coming into this competition not as a fresh face, she is well-known and loved in the US skating community. however she is treating this as a fresh start, her partner not wanting to take things to the next level like her so she is about to be paired with someone new. not to mention coming out of a serious relationship she is still heartbroken over...



    — yes she is related to the man who started and who’s lineage continues to own the Burberry company
    — really sweet, to the point she can be used/manipulated easily
    — in the process of growing a backbone? i mean gunner is trying his best
    — grew up extremely wealthy and never wanted for anything
    — owns *a lot* of designer clothes
    — has modeled for burberry quite often in magazines and runway shows (even tho she is short) only because her uncle runs the company now
    — her mother married into the Burberry family
    — loves pastel colors
    — will drop everything to help a friend
    — subtly affectionate: little taps and contacts to let you know she’s listening and she cares, holding hands under the table etc
    — not a big fan of PDA
    — loves to sing in the car
    — won’t start driving until music is playing
    — speaking of driving is not the best driver but isn’t necessarily *bad*…
    — can backflip on the ice
    — growing up did gymnastics alongside skating before dropping it sophomore year to focus solely on her skating
    — dated theo
    — very friendly and outgoing
    — people often stereotype her as the “dumb rich bitch” who is only where she is because of money and power
    — they second guess themselves once they meet her and see her on the ice
    — literally could spin forever, she never gets dizzy
    — loves arts and crafts
    — will hand make you things for special occasions
    — really into fashion
    — not one to raise her voice in an argument
    — emotional girly tho so she probably will cry during any altercation
    — sees the best in people and always gives second chances ~~even when she shouldn’t~~
    — levi is very good at picking up social cues, she’s extremely observant in that regard so not a lot goes unnoticed by her
    — will do your hair for you before a competition
    — known to have a contagious smile
    — really loves skincare and has an extensive routine she follows every night
    — loves to accessorize
    — also a big fan of hair clips. owns a bunch in different colors and styles so she can match any outfit
    — about 4 years ago, levi was practicing with an old partner. she lept and they were supposed to catch her but they lost their footing and she landed very awkwardly on her left leg. she ended up injuring her left knee and was out of commission for a few months
    — this led to her favoring her right leg bc her left has become dodgy and also instilling a new fear in her about trust in partners
    — if she sees you eyeing something in a store she will secretly come back, but it for you, and leave it for you as a surprise in your dorm room. and no she wont ever own up to it
    — HUGE harry styles fan
    — will quote him
    — would die to use one of his songs in a figure skating routine
    — also loves the band lany
    — just basically super into music, avid concert goer
    — doesnt like country though
    — shit at video games but still tries her best :'))

    ♡design by rabbitswarren, coded by uxie♡

Last edited:

"saddest people
smile the

pair skater


nova scotia

team canada

artem hughes


  • h

(click play twice!)

basic info.

name. artem elyse hughes
nickname. n/a
age. eighteen
gender. female
sexuality. heterosexual
romantic orientation. heteroromantic


basic description. Artem is a tiny girl who most would call beautiful due to her natural wavy blonde hair and button nose. She has golden curls down to the middle of her back with a few shorter face framing pieces as well as bright blue eyes that illuminate her face. She is 5’1 and known for being petite and Canada’s Sweetheart!
build. petite
height. 5'0


what are they know for?
extremely difficult lifts and really quick skating and spins.
what do they struggle with?

Flexibility; having shorter legs, Artem isn't the most flexible skater. Even though she stretches daily and pushes her body to the limit, her little legs can only push so far. She has the basics, but overstretches are hard for her.

Partner Compatibility; due to her height, as well as her overbearingly bubbly personality to some extent, Artem has had trouble finding long-term partners. Because she's so short it's hard to get in sync with someone so much bigger than her, but once she's used to the person, they usually make it work and then some

Mental Health(tw); Artem struggles with anxiety, but has always been open about her struggles which has surprisingly earned her much support from her country. What she isn't open about is her bulimia that she's been struggling with for the past three years due to her ex coach putting ideas into her head about how she would lose all of her fans and talent if she got any bigger.


She’s Canada’s pride and joy and is known for being too nice for her own good. Though, to her, there’s no such thing. She’s truly a sweetheart and just wants to win for her country, she thinks they deserve everything, especially with how kind everyone is to her. She thinks the best of everyone and it takes a lot for her to dislike people, but once you’ve crossed her it’s hard for her to trust you again. Artem has a bubbly personality, even if some of it has been trained for the cameras and used to cover up any hardships she’s had to face. Struggling with an eating disorder, for example, is something no one would ever expect from the perfect little blonde, and yet her coach has gotten it stuck in her head that she has to stay the exact size she is, otherwise she won’t be as easy to throw around and thus won’t be as good. She’s struggled with this idea for the past three years and continues to struggle under the guise of just having anxiety before performing.


gives skating lessons to less privileged kids

- learning to speak french to connect with more of her country

- grew up in a loving family who always supported her

- loves the costumes in figure skating and sometimes helps design her own

- has her own line of skating clothes with her initials as the brand logo

- really sweet and outgoing

- is oblivious when it comes to romance and/or if someone likes her

- keeps a good face on at all times because she knows people are watching her

- loves baking, but is really bad at it

- has a huge sweet tooth

- is secretly a really good singer, but tends to keep that to herself

- has a big social media following and multiple brand deals

- has to have custom costumes due to her height

- always puts a green heart on her skates before comps to represent mental health awareness

- binges all of the cringey teen shows and loves every second of it

- singing in her car is her escape

- big rom-com fan

- lots of anxiety but therapy and meds help

- big disney fan, take her to the parks and she'll love you forever

- also loves the marvel films, she's a scarlet witch stan

- avid reader and writer

♡design by rabbitswarren, coded by uxie♡
Last edited:

"share. obsess. delete."

Pair Skater



Team USA

Juliette Wolff


akasaka sad

  • h

(click play twice!)

basic info.

name. Juliette Zlata Wolff
— born Zlata Andreev

nickname. Jules, Julie, Lee/Leah, Angel
age. 21
gender. Cisgendered female
sexuality. Demisexual
romantic orientation. Demiromantic


basic description. Yellow-blonde hair that is just a couple inches passed her shoulders, square-shaped face, plump lips, green eyes, wider nose, thick brows, warm skin tone, small-medium sized chest, straight hair.
build. thin, athletic build. rectangular body type.
height. 5'6"


what are they know for?
Technically speaking, she's known for the speed she approaches her jumps with and the speed and smoothness of her transitions. In the general public's eyes, she was formerly known for her poise and grace. Now she's known as a meme who had a viral meltdown.
what do they struggle with?
— New to pair skating. She's brand new to pair skating and has a lot of difficulty regarding new moves, especially throws and lifts. Throws and lifts are the main source of difficulty fo her, since they're not in her wheelhouse and aren't secondhand nature to her like jumps are. This also includes issues with synchronization, since she's not used to needing to sync her movements up with another person's instead of just the music. Hates pair skating and is struggling to find a love for it.
— Anxiety. Juliette is a very anxious person. She can be a bit obsessive over every detail, and has a bit of an addiction to her phone and social media. It can prove to be a distraction and be the source of a meltdown or panic attack.
— Perfectionism. Everything must be perfect. She's a bit of a diva with things needing to be perfect. If not, skating becomes a large source of anxiety in her. She'd do everything herself if she could. She expects perfection from her partner like she expects it from herself.
— Trust. She's having a hard time trusting her partner. Part of it is newness to pair skating, but part of it is her high standards and expectations. Not only is she struggling to trust him to safely catch and throw her, she's also struggling to trust him to pull his weight and meet her need for perfection.


Juliette was born as Zlata Andreev in Lviv, Ukraine. Her mother, Mila, formerly figure skated but was never brave enough to pursue it as a career, so she's spent her entire motherhood pushing it on to her daughter, pushing her to "make it big". It was clear that she showed much promise from a young age and she enjoyed it anyways. When Juliette was about eleven, she and her mother emigrated from Ukraine to America so that she would have a better shot at making an ice skating career. Worried about fitting in, her mother Americanized her child's name from Zlata to Juliette and gave her what was apparently the surname of Juliette's father. Mila also pressured Juliette to loose her accent, and try to be as American as possible. Under guidance of a new coach in America, Juliette rocketed to stardom becoming a frequent favorite in her junior competitions. By the time she made seniors, she had amassed a large following and maintained a significant social media presence. She became known for having immense grace and poise, almost princess-like and very mature and thoughtful in her actions. A couple of years ago, in what was probably the peak of media attention on her, she was having a particularly rough go with her mental health at the time and at Nationals she famously had a terrible free skate. She fell on most of her jumps and left the ice early in tears. Video footage leaked of her having a meltdown behind the scenes afterwards, turning her into a huge meme and leading her to become a victim of extreme cyberbullying. Afterwards, she went dark. All social media of hers had been disabled and she stayed out of the public eye for about a year. She resurfaced in the last year with a new coach as a pair skater instead of a single. She's been working to rebrand herself and separate her name from the tags that were formerly trending on twitter.

Juliette was once a very prim and proper kind of girl. She had a reputation for being graceful, poised, and professional, but was very sweet off the ice, especially with young fans. She had a bright smile that could light up the room. Now, she's a bit of a shadow of the woman she once was. Her smiles are now forced, and while she tries to maintain the same image she had before her meltdown. She seems very high-strung and stressed out. She has always been ambitious and a perfectionist, which were once good traits now terrorizing her and making her miserable. She's obsessive over every detail, over how people will perceive her, and especially over her phone. She checks it constantly. Physically and mentally exhausted. Goes home and cries most nights. She's become so overwhelmed by what she's seen and heard about herself on social media that she's not sure who she is anymore. The fall of her career so soon has made her a bit of a bitch, to be honest. She frequently snaps at people and has become a bit of a diva regarding every minute detail. She has walls up now, expecting everyone to see the primadonna who lost her mind on the ice. It's caused her to become a little cold and steely, and resistant to help and friends. But, a friend is something she could really use.


— smells like white jasmine and sweet but light note of apple
— fluent in Ukrainian, Russian, English
— can read, write, and to an extent understand spoken Romanian, but is nowhere near fluent can struggles to speak it
— when she and her mother moved to the US they were primarily training out of southern Idaho
— has since relocated to Boston, Massachusetts where her new coach is at
— while it has never been publicly discussed, the week of nationals: she learned she's infertile and will never have her own children; it's not like she necessarily wanted any, but she never had the chance to think about it / she had been in a year long relationship under the radar with one of her former training partners at her rink, who broke up with her days before she took to the ice / her mother fell very ill(but has now recovered)
— loves to eat, though she still sticks to a diet recommended to her by her current coach
— can't cook, though, and usually orders in if no one's there to help her/meal prep for her
— under times of high stress or emotional strain, she does break her diet(catch her at McDonalds crying into her fries)
— bathes twice a day; shower in the morning, bath before bed
— relies on routine for her mental health
— has a very extensive skincare routine that she commits to nightly
— HUGE perfectionist
— never leaves home without her makeup and hair perfectly done, even if she's just going out to training
— perfectionism makes it hard for her to transition into pair skating
— doesn't trust her partner to not screw up
— would do everything herself if she could
— super high maintenance
— lowkey actually terrified of monkeys
— she thinks they're so scary, has the hashtag blocked on insta
— super obsessive about her phone
— it's always on her
— freaks out if she can't find it
— always on social media
— you can find her constantly refreshing her timeline and cycling through the same four apps
— has developed some moderate to severe anxiety
— will have a panic attack over her skating, probably more than once
— will snap at you over the smallest thing
— likelihood of her snapping at you is dependent on how mean her socials are that day
— can actually be a really sweet person, she's just in a point in her life where she is incredibly self-absorbed
— as of right now, it has not crossed her mind that the everyday people she sees could be suffering too
— her mother made her super insecure about her Ukrainian accent
— has really good control over her American accent, her Ukrainian one only comes out when she's been around her mother a lot
— avoids speaking in any Slavic languages in public, or within earshot of anyone who isn't her mom or coach
— still sometimes draws a blank for words, no matter what language she's speaking, because she can only think of the right word in the wrong language
— gave her a reputation for being a dumb blonde, tbh
— loves asmr
— can't sleep without some sort of white noise
— typically has a playlist on loop of thunderstorms and rain sounds
— you can can tell when she's having a rough time
— no make up, lazy hairstyles, getting more upset than usual
— she won't be wearing concealer so you can see the dark circles under her eyes
— will be less responsive
— loves period dramas
— Pride & Prejudice is her favorite movie
— only child
— super uptight
— constantly listening to music
— always trying to come up with ideas for new programs
— probably really needs a friend
— has a snack-sized Hershey's bar every day after practice
— has the same coffee every morning
— a magnet for bad decisions rn
— always tired
— gets uncomfortable around kids bc they're a reminder of her infertility
— her water is typically infused with some sort of fruit
— typically cucumber, lemon, or strawberry
— really needs to let loose
— her coach encouraged her to move away from single skating and into pairs
— his thought process was that'd it would remove some of the pressure off of her and get her to love skating in a new facet
— still new at pairs, so she's very unused to a lot of the tricks
— finds this to be very frustrating and this is the source of many breakdowns later at home
— when she can't practice in the rink, she likes to skate on frozen ponds
— not necessarily rich, but grew up very comfortable
— really wants to recover her image
— misses being the beloved, sweet princess of the skating world
— trying to rebrand, but she hates every new direction bc she wants to be the old her even tho it's not an option
— feels very wary of everyone
— has no interest of making friends
— really needs one though
— doesn't have a back up plan if her skating career doesn't recover

♡design by rabbitswarren, coded by uxie♡
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"talk shit
get hit"

Pair Skater



Team Canada

Aleksandr Romanov


  • h

(click play twice!)

basic info.

name. aleksandr romanov
nickname. sasha
age. 22
gender. male
sexuality. asexual
romantic orientation. demi-romantic


basic description. Tall and solid, with shaggy blond hair and a crooked nose.
build. Sasha has a dancer's body, all lean and flexible muscle, well-defined but not bulky. Everyday is leg day.
height. 6'2"


what are they know for?
Rather contradictorily, he's known for being graceful in the rink and aggressive out of it. He's strong enough to do difficult lifts, but has a ballet dancer's way of moving that makes it all looks effortless.
what do they struggle with?
—Sasha's always been naturally good enough that he's never really had to try. Similar to the straight A student who never studies, Sasha has really mostly just been skating by, as it were. Despite being reasonably competitive and practicing religiously, there's always the sense that he's just not taking this quite as seriously as everyone else, and infuriatingly he hasn't had to. If he did have to push himself, he's not sure if he'd find more, or if this is just the best he's got.
—Perhaps related, he's something of a jack of all trades, master of none. He can do most any move and do it well, but there's nothing he's really mastered or made his own. Signature move? What's a signature move?
—Anger issues. Typically a long fuse big explosion kind of guy, Sasha gets absolutely stupid when he'd properly pissed off, and sometimes says or does things that he later regrets.


Born in Moscow, Sasha’s family immigrated to Canada when he was four years old. His mother was a noted ballet dancer, and Sasha got involved in figure skating fairly late compared to others: he was more involved with ballet and hockey as a young child, and it wasn’t until he was nearly ten that the idea of doing ballet on ice seemed interesting enough to try. For most of his early career he did singles routines, but as he got older and bigger his coach encouraged him to try pairs skating. He prefers it, as it reminds him of the camaraderie of being on a hockey team.
Brusque and aloof, Sasha is hard to get to know but an excellent friend once you crack him open. A fun mix of wholesome 'boys will be boys' joie de vivre and brotherly concern, Sasha is slow to make friends but good at keeping them. Difficult to insult on his own behalf, he's very aggressive in defending anyone he cares about .


—Speaks Russian, Québécois, and English, with his family primarily speaking Russian at home
—His mom speaks Parisian French and they cannot understand each other in French even a little
—Still has a little bit of a Russian accent
—Grew up in Nova Scotia and it shows
—Currently lives in Montréal
—Smokes like a chimney and has since he was sixteen
—Has an older brother and a younger sister, neither of whom dance or skate anymore
—Was more interested in ballet and hockey until he was about ten or so, still practices ballet
—Also does a lot of martial arts for fun, mostly dabbles in MMA, sambo, and krav maga
—Was suspended for most of a season when he was eighteen for breaking the nose of another skater who made an off-color comment to his then partner. He has no regrets about this
—His previous partner, Victoria, was considered “too tall” to skate in pairs, and everyone said Sasha made her look good. He absolutely hates this, and insists that other male skaters just need to get good
—Victoria stopped skating to go to school, but she and Sasha are still very close friends and talk frequently
—His mom, a former ballerina with the Bolshoi company, has always been involved and supportive of his skating career, giving him a reputation as a mama’s boy
—The first time a coach made a comment about Sasha’s weight his mom fired them immediately
—He’s never been put on a diet, and instead his mom has been extremely careful to teach him to have a good relationship with food instead of letting him winding up with an ED like she did
—Has a stoic, rather sour personality on first meeting. He’s simply autistic as shit and it will take him 2-3 business months to figure out how to grok a new person
—Absolute goof easily flustered by physical affection when he's not expecting it
—Scooping and twirling somebody does not count he loves to do this. Also likes to dance with people. He's very good at the waltz.
—Stands in various ballet positions when he’s not paying attention
—Has a little spitz mix named Jellybean and brings her almost everywhere with him
—He’s not a particularly popular skater except in Nova Scotia and Quebec. Both provinces are proud to declare that Sasha is their asshole, thank you!
—His favorite book is War and Peace
—His star sign is Tarus

♡design by rabbitswarren, coded by uxie♡

  • "Skating should be about skating, not winning.."

    Single Skater



    Team Italy

    armani sortino


    basic info.

    name. armani sortino
    nickname. mani, open to more
    age. 19
    gender. female
    sexuality. homosexual
    romantic orientation. homoromantic


    basic description. Armani is a pretty thin girl. From close up you can see the slight muscle tone she has begun to gain from her year of training. Her light brown hair falls just above her shoulders.
    build. Thin with slight muscular toning | neat hourglass shape
    height. 5'7"


    what are they known for?
    Known for being a newcomer who appeared out of nowhere this year and being the underdog.
    what do they struggle with?
    — Needs constant reminders to keep her moves clean. If she isn't fully focused on that some of her moves get very sloppy since she taught herself most of her advanced skills and didn't care too much about the technical aspects of it.

    — Has a problem with stamina as she only just began doing long routines since before she was just skating for fun, not a score. Although Armani is fit she isn't as well trained as the others in keeping her energy high throughout her routine. She sometimes ends them completely out of breath or can't end them at all.

    — Needs to work on her expressions when performing as she forgets she needs to give a performance as well as skate well.


    Freshly into the competitive skating world; she grew up ice skating in a small local rink and until a yr ago she was all self-taught. She never competed and only did it for leisure until a skating coach happened to stop in one day and see her skating. They saw her raw talent and begged to train her for triumph rink boot camp in a year for the Olympics. Armani laughed it off and denied them but for the next two weeks, the coach kept begging her. It wasn't until she brought it up to her family and her brother laughed at the idea of her going pro that she finally agreed. Armani and her brother never got along and Armani wasn't one to turn down a challenge that would prove her dick of an older brother wrong. So for the next year, she has been training and doing small competitions to build her resume for the 6-month boot camp. Slowly she gained a small fan base of fans calling her the underdog and newbie.



    — not competitive in the sense that placing at all is what she is okay with
    — however, if someone says she can’t do something she’s gonna prove them wrong
    — that’s exactly why she said yes to being trained her older cocky brother said she’d never make it and she did it to prove him wrong
    — animal lover gets distracted easily if one is around at all
    “halfway through the sentence” sees dog “ooh doggy gotta go pet it”
    — not the type to sit there and trash talk all day she’s more about doing than talking
    — “why can’t I just do it the way I’ve been doing it works”
    — has a huge problem with forgetting what she taught herself and doing it properly
    — disaster off the ice girl trips over her own feet constantly
    — no filter
    — “weren't you the skater who ate it last week?” But like not in a mean way she just speaks whatever pops in her head without thinking how it can sound
    — seems to be running on energy drinks and pop
    — needs to be reminded to drink water often
    — gets overwhelmed sometimes by how much she feels like she has to prove herself to the other skaters
    — very friendly type
    — not that knowledged in the world of popular ice skaters
    — knows just the Italian/team Italy skaters since her coach made her get well versed with the possible competition to get to the Olympics
    — lovesss thrifting
    — grew up in a poorer family
    — pretty good at sewing and made her first few competition costumes
    — very environmentally friendly; therefore she is constantly recycling
    — will get on you if she catches you not recycling or littering
    — "do you just want to leave the next generation with a world that is unhabitable!!"
    — her love language is gifts and touches, like hugs and whatnot
    — loves messing with people's hair and hugs
    — meets someone for the first time and instantly goes in for a hug
    — disdain for her food to be touching, won't even eat a bite of it
    — her area of living; room, locker, etc; is a disaster
    — her just running around her room throwing things around "I know I saw it here somewhere"
    — cannot help but be nice to everyone, but that doesn't mean she doesn't want to still prove them wrong when they dismiss her
    — meditates/zones out before going on the ice so she can be fully focused on her routine and moves
    — horrible time management
    — "Sorry I'm late I couldn't find my practice bag"
    — can speak italian and english
    — when she gets overwhelmed she can sometimes cry but that's just from being so overly frustrated not like bawling just tears slipping out kind of way
    — her mother is very supportive of her, but her brother cant wait to see her fail
    — grew up on the ice from going to the local ice rink every weekend
    — learned her skills from seeing someone do it in a movie and just watching the video over and over again and then practicing over and over again
    — hyper focuses on certain tasks sometimes

    ♡design by rabbitswarren, coded by uxie♡

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  • "As if I care of an American's opinion"




    Team Italy

    Elena Ferrari


    • h

    (click play twice!)

    basic info.

    name. elena ferrari
    nickname. lena, open to more
    age. 18
    gender. Cis-Female
    sexuality. Bisexual
    romantic orientation. Biromantic


    basic description. Elena possesses an average build, with a slowly growing muscle mass. An above average height, paired wit heels she often towers over others. This combined with her fiery hair makes her a bit of an intimidating sight
    build. Skinny on top with a bit of weight gain on the bottom arena/Pear Shape
    height. 5'7


    what are they know for?
    Known for having a quick temper, and for impressive jumps. Her ability to catch herself while thinking/moving quickly is certainly something to write home about, and some of her best performances had been when something went wrong and she needed to cover it with an impressive spin or axel.
    what do they struggle with?

    — Struggles with the presentation aspect ie looking graceful or effortless

    — Struggles with communicating to her partner, often falling into the unfortunate habit of only caring for her own performance or making last minute changes to the routine without informing him

    —Reckless and impulsive on the ice. She was once yelled at by a coach for showcasing a move she had never rehearsed during a competition and injuring her leg.


    At 14, Elena Ferrari began her formal training in the world of figure skating . Previously she'd been taught to skate by her father, a hockey player where she had learned to skate aggressively and quickly. This habit of hers had never dissipated, even after she took up figure skating because the hockey team in her town had shut down due to lack of interest. Upon her joining of tournaments where she was able to impress the judges with her quick stunts, despite her lack of grace. Perhaps she could've learned, improved in the four years. But she never wanted to quite frankly. She wanted to skate like her father, and she wanted to win like him. A little after starting figure skating her father had gotten diagnosed with cancer. Since then, skating had in a way been a tribute to him. She would keep skating in her own way no matter how inefficient. The results were a mixed bag, but when it was bad it was dangerous and when it was good it was incredible. Incredible enough to earn her a spot in the olympic bootcamp at least. The fact that she wears her heart on her sleeve in the rink has led to some amusing facials while skating, making her a bit of an internet doll in regards to how memeable she is.



    — will always win
    — if the scores said she lost then she don't care, she knows she won against you
    — easily agitated by americans
    — vegan
    — not for any virtue reason, she just wants to hurt plants
    — if she likes you then you're perfect, if she doesn't then you're the devil
    — daredevil
    — loves a good death spiral
    — she's not good at death spirals but she loves the,
    — unbothered jk she's very bothered
    —does not like sports other than hockey but she does enjoy yelling at the screen
    — lactose intolerant
    — it's why she doesn't eat dairy anymore
    — has let out a massive fart on the field multiple times
    — dairy induced diarrhea is her enemy
    — obsessed with pop culture
    — her pop culture is not your pop culture though
    — it's mainly soap stars and hockey players
    — has a huge family
    — like 3 siblings and a couple dozen cousins
    — cat allergies
    —dog allergies
    —swears she has fish allergies
    — falls in love quickly
    — awful at flirting
    — will pretend not to speak english
    — but it's like an organized mess
    —in a particular order with rhyme and reason
    — it's just that nobody else knows what the reason is
    —only really likes other italians
    —no we don't talk about how she's basically exclusively dated american tourists
    — if she can carry it she will
    —bags are for weaklings
    — daddy's girl
    —freaks out if she hasn't heard from him within the day
    —has a hobby of candle-making
    —loves inventing moves
    — has a pet rock

    ♡design by rabbitswarren, coded by uxie♡


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