

That One Fear In My Enemy's Eyes
Here is where we will post our characters.

Before I post my own, I will provide you with a series of questions which you can use to fulfill the lengthy writing requirements for the Personality and Biography sections. And if you can answer these questions with more than a single sentence, you'll do just fine.


- Who is your character, boiled down to their most simple elements?
- How do they view this world and their place in it?
- Who in their lives, or what experiences in their lives helped shape these views?
- Where do they come from, and how did their respective race's culture and history affect these views?
- How do they view other people of various races?
- Why do they view other people of various races this way?

- What drives them forward?
- What are they afraid of?
- What do they like?
- What do they dislike?
- Why do they like and dislike the above?
- Who in their lives are important?
- Who in their lives could they live without, or have they eliminated them already?

Biography (Humanoid)

- Who are your character's parents?
- When did they meet?
- Where did they meet?
- How did their relationship develop?
- What obstacles did they face to their relationship?
- Was it actually a relationship, or was it an affair?
- Was their union an accident or tragic event?
- What led them to decide on their future?

- Your character's birth; was it a happy event?
- Were they the first born?
- If so, are they an only child or do they have siblings?
- If they have siblings, what was their relationship with each one?
- What pros and cons came from their relationship with their siblings and parents as they grew?
- What sorts of friends did your character make growing up?
- Who stayed friends with them and who slowly faded to obscurity?

- During your character's adolescence and early-adult years, how did their lives change?
- What did they see in themselves and their chosen future?
- What obstacles to that future did they face?
- What setbacks did they encounter?
- Who spurred them on?
- Who tried to stop them?
- Who had the greatest impact on their lives leading up until this point?

- During their adult years, how have their lives changed?
- Who is now still a part of their lives from their earlier years?
- What new peoples have become important to their lives, future, and profession?
- What is their profession?
- How did they arrive at the point where they are at now?
- Are they happy where they are at now, or do they want to improve their lives even further?
- How will they accomplish this?

Biography (Dragon)

- What age was your character born? (reference the "Timeline" forum's thread)
- What breeds were their parents? (size and color)
- How did the species of their parents affect their own upbringing and status?
- How has their own species affected their status?
- Have they earned the respect of anyone of importance?
- Has your character ever challenged or been challenged to combat by another Dragon?
- Has your character ever encountered any amongst the humanoid races?

- Where in the Dragon's Domain does your character live?
- Does your character have a mate?
- Do they have children?
- How strongly have they felt the influence of Maglissos' evil influence?
- Have they seen the effect it has on humanoids?
- What does your character intend to do about the mysterious power that is building from the Dragon's Maw?

And now, on to my characters!!


Sex: Female
Race: Divine Dragon
Birthplace: The Higher Plane
Body Type: Mesomorph
Voice Type: Soprano (Example begins at 0:27)

Personality: Sil'Eph Niir is the living incarnation of the word: Benevolent. There isn't a being, Divine or otherwise, who can compete with her sense of compassion, empathy, or kindness. As a Goddess she naturally exudes power and authority, but she doesn't put any thought into it nor does she consider her standing as a Goddess as grounds to stand above anyone else. She is humble, soft spoken, and easily trusting though she doesn't let this blindside her. She remains guarded at all times, having witnessed the horrors of mortal wars in ages past and knowing that there are those who would take advantage of such things. She is silently intelligent and very cunning when she has to be. But since she hasn't a single malicious bone in her body her cunning nature will never be used to cause harm except against the forces of Darkness.

Sil'Eph Niir does have a darker side as no being, Divine or otherwise, is 100% pure. Sil's darker side emerges when her heart aches and burns, typically due to the weight of tremendous tragedies unfolding around her. In such situations she cannot help but letting her anger or sorrow come out in destructive bursts as a means of coping with and releasing those feelings. A single scream of sadness from Sil'Eph Niir's lungs can cause hurricane force winds which can rip trees straight out of the ground no matter how deep their roots may lie. When Sil'Eph Niir is driven to true anger, she takes to her Dragon form on instinct in order to deal with the source of her ire. And finally when Sil'Eph Niir is saddened, the world seems to respond to it. For instance whenever she cries, clouds will gather and it will start raining. The happier she is, the more sunny the day seems to become.

Dragon Form:
Divine Dragon

Dragon Roar:

- Height: 5' 8" in human form, ~ 600 to 1,400 feet in Dragon form (depending on posture)
- Wingspan: ~ 4,500 feet
- Length: ~ 12,500 feet


Sil'Eph Niir was born before Time. She does not remember when She awoke, nor why. She remembers only that She awoke and knew instinctually that Her task as a Goddess was to wait for the creation of the Mortal Realm before populating it with Her Children, the Dragon Race. When the Mortal Realm was created, Sil'Eph Niir wasted no time in giving life to the Dragon Race. It used up much of Her power at the time to do so and forced Her into a ten thousand year hibernation within the Mortal Realm itself before She had regained enough power to awaken and return to the Higher Plane. During the time of Her hibernation Her body was protected by Her Children who kept a faithful vigil over Her until Her time to awaken had come once again. When She awoke, She thanked her Children for their protection and returned to the Higher Plane.

Sil'Eph Niir's time of Slumber came to be known amongst the Dragon Race as The All Mother's Respite. It was a time of prosperity and unity for the Dragon Race the likes of which they had never seen before, nor have ever seen since Her departure. After Her return to the Higher Plane, in fighting became commonplace amongst the Dragons until the now King of Dragons took action and created a system based on the All Mother's own qualities to unify them once again. Her kindness and love for Her Children led him to create the system of respect they use amongst one another based on their size and age, and it has worked wonders for them in creating a harmonious culture which is the envy of the Mortal Realm. Sil'Eph Niir's name, as well as her likeness in human form, were captured in a massive statue that was erected near the Dragon's Maw, the empty Gateway sitting in the center of the World. The Dragons have since come to isolate themselves from the rest of the mortal races and keep to their own. It's more simple this way, but recently there have been surges of power emanating from the Dragon's Maw and it has them on high alert.

What is happening there?...



Age: 19
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Birthplace: Sehrehn
Current Residence: Sehrehn
Body Type: Mesomorph
Voice Type: Soprano

Special Trait: Anomaly.

Personality: Cecelia is beautiful personified. She is humble, compassionate, maternal, and kind hearted. She is soft spoken and enjoys maintaining a positive atmosphere. She knows how to talk to just about anyone and instinctually avoids touchy subjects. If she accidentally brings up something she can sense is painful or something the other individual wants to avoid, she immediately changes the subject to avoid bringing unnecessary pain. Most of her personal values and motivations were given to her by her mother who was her sole caretaker when she was young. Her father sadly passed away when she was three and she doesn't remember him very well save the fact that he loved both her and her mother very much.

Cecelia has a very positive outlook on life and remains optimistic about life and her future despite what she has been told by Elven doctors and mages about her condition. Given her status as an Anomaly it was determined to have a shortened life span and that she would not live to see her 30th birthday due to the strain her body undergoes on a constant basis containing all the magic within. However she doesn't let this keep her down. She is happy with her life thus far and is determined to make the most of what time she has. She wants to find love and become a mother, as she loves children and wishes for nothing more than to have a family before she passes from this world. She has all the love in the world to give and she does so unconditionally to those whom she grows close to. Even if you aren't family by blood, if you treat her well she will treat you as family.

Profession: Mage

Biography: Cecelia was born nineteen summers ago to Chloe and Nathan Leingod. The two of them met when they were young and it was love at first sight. Even as children they recognized a special connection and desire to be together, and they had agreed to marry by the time they turned ten. Their families were generally supportive of this choice given how happy they were when they were together, but as Chloe grew into womanhood she began gaining the attention of many young noblemen in the region. Her beauty was known throughout the land as well as her domestic skills, and this attention began driving her parents to push her towards choosing one of her more noble suitors. Chloe was having none of it, but the constant pressure from her family to do so led her to elope with Nathan in the dead of night when the were seventeen. And they never looked back.

Nathan and Chloe Leingod married at eighteen years of age and they immediately began their family as soon Nathan was able to achieve his dream of working as a banker. He had established good credit as a banker not affiliated with the nobility, and thus he was able to do business honestly and avoided the pressure of the noble banks to push greater taxes on those who did business with him. This separation from the nobility and honesty behind how he conducted his business helped him earn a small fortune by the time Chloe gave birth to their first child, a boy they named Aaron. Not more than two years later Chloe gave birth to their second child, another boy named Gregory. They had initially planned to stop there, however one night Nathan came home from work and found that the house had been broken into and Chloe had been injured trying to fight off the invader. Their boys were fine, but Chloe was raced to the local clinic where the doctors worked tirelessly to dress her wounds and apply Healing Magic to reverse the damage which otherwise could have ended with her death.

Chloe's near death experience brought the two closer than ever, and they conceived a third and unexpected child in Cecelia who was born one year after Gregory. However the moment Cecelia was born the family noticed something strange about her. She was silent upon birth which was usually a sign of being still born. When she finally coughed and cried, it was weak, and the doctors had to rack their brains to find out what was wrong. A High Elf was brought in to analyze the child and she found that Cecelia's body contained abnormally high concentrations of Mana. It didn't take long to also diagnose that she was an Anomaly which brought forth a whirlwind of emotions. Her parents were both shocked, horrified, terrified, and strangely proud all at the same time.

Cecelia was left in the care of the High Elf who diagnosed her condition for almost a full month before she was returned to her parents, and when she was they were greatly concerned by what they saw. Cecelia's face was now adorned with three glowing runes, one on her forehead and one on either cheek just below and outside her eyes. These runes shone with a soft blue light and a subtle amount of heat could be felt emanating from each one. The High Elf explained that these runes were helping her body to process the high concentrations of Mana and expelling what excess Mana it could out into the air to return it to the world. However the runes by themselves were not enough to completely save her life. The High Elf also relayed the news that Cecelia's body was under a great amount of stress and that as a result her life expectancy had taken a significant drop. When her parents received the news that she likely wouldn't live to see her thirtieth birthday, they wept bitterly for their child's grim fate.

Despite the tragic fate awaiting her, Cecelia enjoyed her first several years of life with her family endured their first major tragedy since the news of her own condition. Her father was the victim of a violent robbery at his bank in which he and several of his employees were murdered and several thousand gold pieces were stolen from the premises. The culprits were eventually apprehended and brought to justice and the money returned to the bank which was now under the leadership of Nathan's long time friend Richard Almna. Richard did his best to ensure that Nathan's rightful earnings continued going to Chloe and the children, but growing pressures from the nobility eventually forced him to cease this practice or risk having the bank shut down entirely. Chloe understood and accepted one final payment from him before taking her children and moving to a new home. Their saved family fortune would last them for many, many years to come. And ultimately their happiness was more important than the comfort of their old life style.

Cecelia grew up wanting for nothing. She learned of her own fate from her mother when she ten years old. The news was shocking to her, but otherwise didn't deter her from being happy. She grew up on good terms with her older brothers and the neighbors, and due to the fact that she had begun training in magic with the High Elf who had diagnosed her condition as an Anomaly she became known as the "Girl With Runes In Her Face". The runes became her identifying trait, and she is very proud of them. Her practice with various forms of magic have led her to becoming a powerful mage in her own right even as a child. Being an Anomaly meant her body held a natural affinity for all forms of magic available to humanoids. By the age of sixteen she had already mastered the elements of water and air, Illusion Magic, and Summoning Magic. Her choice of familiar with respect to her Summoning Magic was rather unusual as well. Most summoning mages chose predatory animals like eagles, wolves, bears, etc. Cecelia chose something altogether different, difficult, and grand... A Dragon.

When she turned eighteen Cecelia met a young High Elf named Elena who had come to practice Healing Magic with the same High Elf who was teaching Cecelia. The two began studying Healing Magic together and discovered a special connection to one another which seemed to transcend both race and traditional emotional connections. The two grew incredibly close. So much so that it was rumored they were secret lovers. The two never paid any mind to these rumors as only they knew the truth about their relationship. Their studies in Healing Magic culminated in their mastery of the art at the same time. And today they remain inseparable and are closer than even most blood siblings.


Age: 188
Race: High Elf
Sex: Female
Birthplace: Sehrehn
Current Residence: Sehrehn
Body Type: Mesomorph
Voice Type: Mezzo-Soprano

Special Trait: Anomaly.

Personality: Elena, as a High Elf, is naturally a beautiful woman inside and out due to the fact that High Elven society prizes humility, respect, and honor. Despite her beauty and popularity in Elven society she remains polite, kind hearted, generous, and very devoted to her people. She is proud of her Elven heritage and her place amongst the High Elves as the most powerful magic users in the world. Using her gifts of magic she has taken it upon herself to teach others the magic arts and help spread the knowledge and understanding of magic to other races. Magic is central to High Elven culture and existence, so her pride in her own magic skills runs quite deep. If anyone were to insult her magic skills she would answer immediately, and violently. It is the one subject she will never just let roll off her shoulders.

As a High Elf she is naturally quiet, soft spoken, and reserved. She enjoys being around other people of various races and enjoys being a teacher of magic. However her quiet nature often conflicts with her chosen profession, choosing often to let her students fail and discover their own weakness and correct their own mistakes without giving verbal guidance. She learned via this method and, unfortunately, it doesn't work well with most of the other humanoid races since they're more verbal in their communication than the High Elves are. But never the less she enjoys what she does very much and is always delighted when her students overcome their limits and obstacles to better themselves as mages and as people. Elena's favorite form of magic is Summoning Magic as each time a student creates a familiar it is slightly different than the last. But by far her favorite student has been Cecelia Leingod, the "Girl with Runes in her face".

Profession: Magic Teacher, Mentor to Cecelia Leingod

Biography: Elena was born one hundred and eighty eight summers ago. Her parents, Leanna and Hrutha, had met during their young adult years (roughly when they were 80-100 years old). At the time of their meeting Hrutha was a scholar researching the source of all magic known as Mana. Leanna was interested in the subject as well though she hadn't taken to studying it specifically. She began visiting Hrutha in the library where he would allow her to read beside him and study under him about what was known of Mana. Where did it come from? Why does it fuel the use of magic in the humanoid races? What makes it different between humanoids and Dragons? So many questions without answers which drove Hrutha forward, and it was a source of great attraction to Leanna.

Against the norm, it was Leanna who pursued Hrutha's affections. Hrutha was engaged to be married in five years time to another High Elf, Crisca, but held no love for her nor she him due to the fact that it was political between their families. Leanna saw this as an opportunity to pursue Hrutha, but she discovered quickly what the human women meant when they called their men "thick headed". Hrutha missed every sign she gave him and didn't respond to her liking when she tried using more flirtatious behaviors. She even tried breathing into his ear and gently brushing her lips along his cheek when she spoke, but he thought she was just being silly and shrugged it all off. Leanna began to lose heart when she had failed to earn his affection after two full years of trying. She'd never met someone so blind to romance than Hrutha in her life but she didn't give up. And her persistence paid off... Unfortunately it took tragic circumstances to make it happen.

One night when Hrutha stayed late at the library, Leanna had stayed with him until they decided to walk home. He said he would escort her, which he did, but on their return they came under assault by a pair of thieves who had infiltrated the city in search of valuables such as the books Hrutha was carrying. Historical documents fetched a high price among the Elven black market, and the books on Mana's origins were about as valuable as they came. The thieves branded knives and a sword respectively and began attacking the pair. Despite being a scholar Hrutha was capable as a street fighter and able to hold his own, but Leanna was not a fighter in the least and was stabbed eight times in the mid section before Hrutha drove the attacking thieves off. He picked her up and rushed her to the local Healer's establishment nearly breaking the door down on his way in. Thankfully the Healer was able to save her life, but just barely. Her heart stopped twice during the process and she needed to be revived with controlled Lightning Magic shocks to her chest.

Several weeks passed with Leanna bedridden from her injuries. During this time Hrutha began to realize how much he missed having her around and how quiet the library truly was without someone there to talk to or even just sit next to you to remind you that they were there. It was during this period of time he began to seriously think about what she meant to him and he came to a startling realization. But before he could do anything about that he had to find out what had happened to her. The Healer had done what they could to protect and restore her vital organs, but something inside was still stealing bits of her life energy away. The Healer had come to the conclusion that Blood Magic had been used the moment it had been drawn from her body by one of the thieves, and a brief test confirmed the theory. She was dying and without a special and highly experimental treatment she would not survive past another month. Hrutha, coming from a wealthy family, used his share of his family fortune to pay for the treatment which ultimately saved her life.

It was after this point that Hrutha revealed his understanding of his feelings for Leanna and returned home to his family to announce the annulment of his engagement to Crisca. Though initially against it, his family relented and he asked Leanna to marry him. She eagerly accepted, literally jumping into his arms and nearly choking him to death out of happiness. The two were wed and had a single child together. Elena. Elena's birth was the happiest moment of both of their lives and they both put their research on hold to raise her. Once Elena was old enough they brought her with them to help research Mana and that sparked Elena's own curiosity about the world and Mana's place in it.

As she grew Elena remained single, avoiding romantic attachment by choice. She was too focused on studying magic to worry about romance. She also began studying how to teach magic to others and became a licensed magic instructor. At first her business of being a magic instructor came slowly with very few students. What made it even harder is that her own studies in magic had been a tougher method of learning where she made mistakes and was left on her own to figure them out. She used this same method with her own students which drove many of them away out of frustration for not being able to accomplish the tasks she set for them. However... There came a day when a very special girl walked through her front door asking about learning magic. Cecelia Leingod.

Elena's relationship with Cecelia began as teacher and student, but slowly evolved into one of pure friendship. Cecelia's natural curiosity and aptitude for magic was a breath of fresh air for Elena as a teacher and it became clear that Cecelia was no ordinary girl even without the runes on her face. Cecelia was a natural. Plain and simple. Maybe it was her being an Anomaly. Maybe it wasn't. But there was something about her which was just naturally inclined to Magic which eventually brought Cecelia to a level where she could compete with Elena in several forms of magic. This kind of friendly competition between teacher and student developed into the friendship they now share. A friendship closer than most blood sisters.

Age: 1,200
Race: Dragon
Sex: Male
Birthplace: The World's Wing
Current Residence: Sehrehn
Body Type: Mesomorph
Voice Type: Baritone (Example begins at 0:57 with Raleigh asking Mako about her facial gesture)

Personality: The Red-Eyed Demon is a dark and stoic figure who is highly feared the world over... And that fear is warranted. He is silent, highly aggressive, and very, very powerful. He doesn't speak to his targets, nor to anyone save his clients. Those who have been his clients tell stories amongst themselves and amongst the underground world of his lack of conversation. When he speaks, it's in very short sentences which are often one or two words long. He will respond with a definitive "yes", or "no" when asked a question. He will never elaborate or give excess explanation or conversation. He says as little as possible. Why? Who knows. He's an Assassin, and nobody need understand him.

Behind the legends of the Red-Eyed Demon lies a lonely and tragic figure. He is a Dragon. And a rare breed at that. He is what's known as a Black Scaled Crimson Gem Dragon, a breed not seen in this world since well before the ascent of humanoids. This alone makes him unique, but this unique breed was last associated with a wicked Dragon who caused much grief to the Dragon Race. As such he is generally shunned by his fellow Dragons which is what compelled him to leave The World's Wing and seek a life elsewhere. This led him to Sehrehn where he encountered a young human woman named Josephine who became his first real friend. Josephine, though only human, had a huge impact on his life and was the only positive influence he's ever known.

Dragon Form:


Dragon Roar:

Height: ~ 50'
Length: ~ 120'
Wingspan: ~120'

Biography: The Red-Eyed Demon was born approximately 1,200 summers ago to a Black Dragon mother. At first his birth seemed to mark him as another Black Dragon, but by the time he had reached five years of age the signs of his being a different breed began to surface with small red protrusions on his wings, legs, and chest. This concerned his mother who consulted the King of Dragons to figure out what her infant was. The King delved into the ancient texts to discover the origin of this breed and uncovered the story of the last Black Scaled Crimson Gem Dragon. He relayed this to the mother who was initially skeptical that she could have given birth to such a breed given the history behind it. But as he continued growing it became clear that the King was not mistaken. By his tenth summer the Red-Eyed Demon had been abandoned by his mother earlier than his siblings and forced to fend for himself. In The World's Wing, survival for a young Dragon is hard enough as it is. To be forced to survive when he hadn't even learned to fly yet made it infinitely harder.

As he grew he was shunned by his fellow Dragons and turned away wherever he went. This led him to seek a life elsewhere in the world. He did so by daring to swim across the vast ocean full of deadly predators to the shores of Fehras. Upon his arrival he had used up all of his energy and reverted to human form for the first time. He was discovered by a band of thieves and taken in as one of their own. Raised and trained to steal in order to survive, he learned of the feeling of desperation and the heart pounding thrill of not getting caught. However as time went on he realized that his lack of aging compared to the humans would lead to his discovery and he fled into the night. He took up the life of a thief on his own traveling from town to town, never staying in one place, stealing in order to survive. If and when he was caught, he learned from it before escaping and teaching himself how never to get caught again.

Later on, by his five hundredth summer he had grown into a fine specimen in both human and Dragon form. He kept his Dragon form hidden and largely sealed away due to it not being necessary to his life. But it was during this time that the Red-Eyed Demon began looking for a change in life style. But before he could figure that out he was bumped into, literally, by a beautiful young human woman named Josephine who immediately drew his attention. There was something about her he could not explain. Something that went deeper than physical looks or personality. Something truly special. He allowed her into his life and his heart where he discovered what all other Dragons had lived without: love.

Because of his instinctual knowledge that he was genetically incompatible with Josephine, he could never have children with her. But that did not stop them from coming together. She knew of his Dragon form before they realized their love and she didn't care. He was the love of her life and she wouldn't give him up for anything. Even though he'd led a lonesome and desperate life before this living as a thief, she saw the good in his heart and did her best to bring that side out. While she succeeded in doing so she also opened him up to something else which he'd never experienced before: emotional turmoil...

Josephine was killed in a brutal attack on the city in which the pair lived in by a large group of orcs. Much of the city was burned to the ground and the Red-Eyed Demon was away when it happened. He had not been there to stop it, and because of that the first love of his life was dead. When he found her lifeless body in their home his grief drove him into a deep and uncontrollable rage which lasted for several days. He took immediately to Dragon form and hunted the Orcs down destroying their entire population in one fell swoop when he discovered the location of their colony. But even that didn't satisfy him. He turned his attention to the rest of the Orc population across the continent and slaughtered tens of thousands of them wiping out over two dozen of their colonies over the next few days. But eventually his rage settled and returned to grief which drove him to return home and give his love a proper burial.

Despite his rage during the rampage, he had been clear minded in his goal. The feeling of seeking a target drove him to become an Assassin, which is exactly what he did after that point. For the last seven hundred years he has operated as The Red-Eyed Demon. An assassin clad in black and eyes aglow with crimson light in the darkness. All humanoids who know of him believe that it's a job which has been occupied by generation after generation as nobody could occupy that role for so long. But then again that's because they never suspected a Dragon might be behind all of it.

Today he too feels the surge of power at The World's Wing and the Dragon's Maw, but he chooses to avoid it staying instead on the shores of Sehrehn where he watches the rolling waves waiting for the Gateway to activate and reveal what is causing the disturbance.

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