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Chapter Seventeen: Taking the Fight to Loviatar!

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Luna smiles. It is nice to work with someone that is able to make a call and go with it. "I can get started right away." She plops herself down in a vacant seat and begins to read, preparing to load her mind with many Disintegrate spells.
Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus Tag!

(Part 1 of 2)

That earns her fellow half-elf a "Thaanks" of his own, but with a wink instead of an eyeroll. She does indeed lean over the pool to check out her reflection. Her once-brown eyes widen in unaccustomed shock as she realizes the rainbow is in eyes and hair as well as skin. "Well," she says finally, "at least it's not boring." Oddly, her first question is not how long will this last? She stares at her reflection longer. "I wonder if I can still hide like this?"

The reflection from the water is telling, but the Grand Pool is just far too large a body of water to remain still even without weather around it. It's a huge pool. Someone in here somewhere has to play with it, even if its your little band of scaly kobolds.

Furthermore, for a true and great reflection, nothing in this Dungeon Master's experience beats a large-enough clean mirror with a good light source. The image that looked back at Kaerri was shaky and hard to draw details from, but - like all moving clear water with enough light - just good enough to give her a basic image of herself. Everyone else in the Grand Pool, of course, knows exactly what she looks like now. =)

It just so happens that the best mirrors in the wagon are at the bar! Who'da thunk it, right? =)

She leads the two of them back through the Wagon to the others, and quickly says, "I have a spell that might just do the trick! It is called Disintegrate, and it is a very powerful and destructive spell that, if successful, will reduce the target item to dust." Her happy expression darkens a touch as she says, "The only problem is that I will have to take a few days of study and casting in order to be able to destroy all the swords, and is assuming that the spell works as intended on them from the first casting. It may even take multiple times to make the spell take effect.

She looks at Oreleth again, saying, "We will need to land and try this outside, though. I won't cast that kind of spell in here unless it is a total emergency."
Now that Luna has replaced all of her 6th-level memorized Spells with Disintegrate, and with the Wayward Wagon in still flying through the air, the time is right to introduce Alisa to what passes for bouncers in the Wayward Wagon. Where was the last place Luna knew the mimics to hang out in? The very place Otiorin and the kobolds just visited - the bar!

Anyone else sensing a thing going here? =)

So... everyone who wants to be involved finds themselves heading toward the Wayward Wagon's bar. The Kobolds of the Silver Sun, beat from a long day of surprises and another day of surviving, are content to hang out in the Grand Pool. Bria and Powerpaw see Kaerri looking at herself in the pool and these two friends of Kaerri exchange a look and a nod.

"Kaerri." Bria says with a stare and a smile. "The water doesn't do it credit. You have to see yourself in a mirror. Your rainbow-hair alone is worth it! The growing seems to have stopped but... um..."

Powerpaw rises and gives Bria a paw up. Warily eying Kaerri's ancient trident, Powerpaw just waves to the multi-colored half-elf. "Dis Kitty-face iz just glad it wuzn't me!"

"Yes! I'm glad it wasn't you too, Fuzzy Goof!" Bria nods eagerly. "You'd look awfully silly!"
(Part 2 of 2 - The Bar)

The infamous trio of Killer Mimics had rightly behaved themselves when Otiorin introduced them to the kobolds. As much as Arfy, Barfy, and Snarfy loooved to scare creatures with their sudden toothy roars (it really is what most Mimics live for!), the Mischievous Three did not play even a single prank but did as told when that one entered the bar.

You know. The one with the kind-of pointed ears, dashing manner, command of language, and cunning of a honey badger?

Yes. That one. Otiorin.

Arfy, Barfy, and Snarfy knew quite well that the male Gray half-elf was the closest of drinking buddies with the one person in all of Sharseya who knew the three of them inside and out - Stewart the Steward of the Wayward Wagon. Stewart had taught the Killer Mimics what to do and knew just how to reward the carnivorous chests when they behaved (oh, how that human polished!), and just how to punish them when they misbehaved and crossed a line (we won't go there just now).

So... the three gave a collective sigh of relief when Otiorin and the Kobolds of the Silver Sun retired back to elsewhere in the Wayward Wagon.

Oh, earlier in Highwind, how they had enjoyed scaring that Lady Beatrice out of her wits! That was, until they had learned Lady Beatrice and the turtle-like Auri were dear to Stewart. Boy, had they paid in angering the only person they would call 'master!' The three of them were no doubt strolling about the Wayward Wagon attending their duties.

But what was this? Footsteps coming toward the bar? Not the Master? Not... wait! These steps didn't sound like a half-elf leading kobolds around! It was...

...another opportunity for fun, fun, fun!

As Luna, Sparkle, and Alisa enter the fine bar, they are met by another extravagant, even royal display, of incredible style and class in the form of the Wayward Wagon's bar! Polished oak chairs, hand-engraved designs on the immaculate woodwork of the bar itself, that spotless mirror behind the bar, and every chair, bottle, and glass a thing to behold! "This is why we can't have nice things" did not apply to anywhere in the Wayward Wagon, for itself it was a nice thing that held a heck of a lot of other nice things!

Including three humongous, extravagant, and gleaming wooden chests that did absolutely nothing when Luna, Alisa, and Sparkle entered the equally extravagant bar.

Everyone is welcome to say their Characters are thirsty-enough to be here if you like? If your Character is NOT here - for whatever reason - please let me know in the Adventurers' Table. Otherwise, of the Wayward Wanderers, only Mamapaw is absent.

What do the Wayward Wanderers + Alisa do?

Art by Peritwinkle
Character sheet
Hit Points: 99/99
Armor Class: 27
Touch Armor Class: 17
Shadow Illusion: 3/3
Shadow Call: 2/2
Shadow Jump distance: 80/80 feet
Defensive Roll: 1/1
Rogue Talent Resiliency: 1/1
Stinger -- uses of Slow remaining: 3/3
Charm of Bastet -- uses of Cat's Grace remaining: 1/1
Action Points: 14
"Kaerri." Bria says with a stare and a smile. "The water doesn't do it credit. You have to see yourself in a mirror. Your rainbow-hair alone is worth it! The growing seems to have stopped but... um..."
Kaerri laughs. "I wish the rainbow-hair was alone! I wouldn't mind keeping that. Though I'd have to find a way to hide or disguise it for times when I want to be not so noticeable. This is too weird, though." She holds up her left hand in front of her face, watching the ever-changing colors of skin. "Well, all right then. Though I've no doubt the water would do it justice if I asked just right, I could use something to drink, and the bar's got nice mirrors." While following the others down the hallway, a previous thought occurred to her, and rather than say anything (and risk tainting the experiment), she just followed her thought -- and used her Shadowdancer skills to hide into Powerpaw's shadow.
"Well, all right then. Though I've no doubt the water would do it justice if I asked just right, I could use something to drink, and the bar's got nice mirrors."
From Kaerri's hand, a soft golden-green glow emanates as the trident between her fingers radiates in a grand fashion. "Indeed it does, mine wielder," sayeth the trident. ""Tis a view never-before-seen upon these poor landlocked realms, of this I am certain. I, for one, cannot wait until you see this with your own now-bejeweled eyes. Methinks you will not be quite the same when you peer closely."

Powerpaw pads along towering over the party, his feline fur bristling a little. "Uhh, wut's dat supposed ta mean?" But, as is true with many of his mysterious comments, Wave does not answer some queries - especially from those who do not wield him.

"Heeey," comes a smooth female voice from Kaerri's own shadow as those night-black fingers begin to play with the now-lengthened hair. "I don't know about you, Kaeritha, but I could get used to having hair this long. Never had it in life."

Bria turns briefly to the shadow and replies, "Silly Shadow, is that because you're only one color and not many?"

"I wouldn't be a shadow if I came in more than one color, holy chick."

Bria nods, unable to argue, even with Kaerri's shadow.

While following the others down the hallway, a previous thought occurred to her, and rather than say anything (and risk tainting the experiment), she just followed her thought -- and used her Shadowdancer skills to hide into Powerpaw's shadow.
Kaerri calls upon her ghostlike supernatural skills to become something ghostlike herself. Her Felane friend's shadow is more than enough to disappear into and disappear she does! Luna, Alisa, and anyone else near Kaerri see her - and then you don't see her! Rainbow-Kaerri simply vanishes before your eyes leaving an empty spot where she once was!
Kaerri Kaerri

"I've always wanted ta see if dis works! Hay, Kaerri-face! Heads up!" Powerpaw takes a moment to jump away from Kaerri and take his shadow with him! "Hay, Alisa! Guess wut happens ta Kaerri if I run off wif my shadow?" Powerpaw, however, is no match for a half-elven Shadowdancer in speed and Kaerri can stay with him with relative ease.

"Kaerri," Bria points as you enter the parlor of the bar, "maybe you don't want to be... um... spookified when we see Snarfy, Arfy, and Barfy?"

Everyone who is here enters the bar and sees the trio of massive chests all placed strategically near the entrance and even mildly decorated. But yes, there are chests here. In one corner, there are a few odds and ends and carpenter tools along with a new nice things to hang upon the few rare and unseemly bare spots on the wooden walls. The chests appear to be placed in such a manner as to guard these things.

What, specifically, does Kaerri do? =)
Kaerri steps out of Powerpaw's shadow, grinning. "Eh, fair point. I just wanted to make sure it worked when I'm all rainbow-fied." She walks up to the bar and leans on it, checking herself out in the mirror.
Kaerri Kaerri =)
(Part 1 of 2)

She walks up to the bar and leans on it, checking herself out in the mirror.
That's all I needed/I was hoping you'd do that. Thanks, Kaerri-darlin'! 8D

But what was this? Footsteps coming toward the bar? Not the Master? Not... wait! These steps didn't sound like a half-elf leading kobolds around! It was...

...another opportunity for fun, fun, fun!

Upon becoming visible, all three chests suddenly split open into eyeless masses of teeth, tongues, and massive attitude!

Minus the eyes! Killer Mimics (like their 1st Edition pictures have no discernable eye sockets.

Mimics from Quora dot com.jpg
(Image credit: "VSBattles Wiki - Fandom"

And this:
(Image credit: Imgur.com)

They gasp in surprise at the sight of Kaerri - or rather, what she has become! They rear back, gasp in terror, inhaling deeply!

Right then, Bria says to everyone, "Uh, guys? I think they're about to--"

All three Killer Mimics make this sound!

Yes, Gang, it's that time again! It has been far too long - faaar tooooo long - since we have had this sound effect in our game (thank our good Cap'n, everyone!)!

"Screaming Goat"

Now for those of you super-nerd weirdos out there, to get the full, stereo version of this, here are three more of said videos. Just turn your sound up (or down?) and click all three videos at once to hear all three. Or just imagine all three at slightly different tones aaand there you have Arfy, Snarfy, and Barfy's chorus of surprise. You Nerds. =)


Immediately following this, the shrieking, barking, whining, canine-like trio of heavy, massive monsters begin bouncing around (it appears they lack legs or do this when they are very excited?). They turn and "look" at each other, nod, and then they "glare" at Luna as if they are wondering what part your Wayward Wizardess has played in the transformation of the female half-elf in the party! If Otiorin is in the room, they do the same toward him - but not toward anyone else!

Powerpaw halts in his tracks, his fur a bit out of whack. "What's wrong wif you guys? It's Kaerri-face!"

In response, all three chests bounce, clamber, push, and clatter their way toward Kaerri and "look" with her at her reflection in the bar-mirror!

(Part 2 coming sooooon!)
(Part 2 of 2)

Enjoy an OOC moment in IC with your Dungeon Master!

Heya Gang! Dann here! There are times that being the wife of a Dannigan while gaming with him has its benefits! She and I can chat face-to-face instead of wait hours or days for responses. She and I know each other better than anyone else on Earth and enjoy the many wonderful benefits that level of love, friendship, married life (teamwork) create! There are more, but you have your own imaginations (and hopefully, examples of this sort of relationship)!


...there are times Kaerri's Man doesn't always tell her what's going on (okay, when it comes to my games, that's as often as the rest of you). This means Dannigans can do special little things she's not aware of, see, and often to smile-producing effect.

Including right now!

See... Your Friendly Neighborhood Dannigan has... kind of... railroaded you into the bar where Kaerri Rainshadow can get a really gooood look at herself.

And that's so all of us - especially her Player, my dear and wonderful Kaerri - can enjoy... this!

Ranbow Kaerri courtesy of Peritwinkle (Laura Naval)!.png
(Image credit: The one, the only, peritwinkle peritwinkle (really, could it be anyone else?) Everyone go to Adventurers' Table and thank Peri now! Heh!
Kaerri stares at her reflection in wonder and unusual speechlessness. Rainbow eyes widen in surprise, narrow as she inspected herself, and widen again as she leaned in to look at them better. "Well," she said finally, "wouldn't mind the eyes staying either, if it came to that." The ruckus of three mimic-chests bouncing and bustling at her draws her attention away from the mirror, and she laughs. "It's OK, guys, just an accident. Looks odd --" she can't resist another glance at the mirror, then back down to the mimics "-- but I'm fine." Memory replayed their behavior a few seconds earlier, and she adds, "And it isn't Luna's fault, nor anyone else's. Potion mishap, y'know?"
Oreleth adds her own reassurances to calm the three mimics down. "Its ok, guys. Really. Its still the same Kaerri, just a bit more - colorful."
(I'm back, and I'm feeling obligated to set my character up for a pratfall here.)

Alisa looked around the bar, taking note of the high-end decoration - as if she needed more visual proof that the Wayward Wanderers were doing well for themselves - while looking out for any signs of the individuals known as Snarfy, Barfy and Arfy. However, aside from furniture typical of a bar, she saw nothing besides three large and ornate treasure chests.

It became somewhat more clear when the three chests began howling, barking, bouncing around and showing off their teeth. The paladin actually yelped and jumped back in surprise when it happened.

"Snarfy, Barfy and Arfy, huh? I can certainly see how they might deter thieves." she said once she'd gotten over the shock.
Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus Psychie Psychie jaydude jaydude Tag!

It became somewhat more clear when the three chests began howling, barking, bouncing around and showing off their teeth. The paladin actually yelped and jumped back in surprise when it happened.
This immediately gains a bit of mischievous-but-not-mean-hearted laughter from the three toothy chests. Little do they know that Paladins and Fear have a special relationship that most other Classes never know, but the three seem to revel in Alisa's show of surprise.

"It's OK, guys, just an accident. Looks odd --" she can't resist another glance at the mirror, then back down to the mimics "-- but I'm fine." Memory replayed their behavior a few seconds earlier, and she adds, "And it isn't Luna's fault, nor anyone else's. Potion mishap, y'know?"
The moment Kaerri says this, Barfy, Snarfy, and Arfy immediately whirl upon Oreleth, perhaps to see if the leader of the Wayward Wanderers holds the same opinion as the party's latest rogue.

Oreleth adds her own reassurances to calm the three mimics down. "Its ok, guys. Really. Its still the same Kaerri, just a bit more - colorful."
This produces a touch of whimpering between the three chests as they "look" to each other and then to Luna and Otiorin whom they appear to have been sure the magic-users (or at the very least, Otiorin!) had something to do with this somehow! Now that Oreleth (a magic-user too, but also the party leader! That counts for something in their wooden brains!) reassures them, the three chests boldly clamber up to Alisa.

Like canines, they proceed to sniff and sniff curiously. Suddenly, Barfy (you can tell which is which by the golden plates with their initials on them placed just above their lids) lets out a terrific... well... squeal! Snarfy and Arfy exchange surprised "looks (it is hard to tell exactly what they are doing since they appear to lack eyes but act as if they have them)." Barfy sniffs Alisa again and lets out a longer, even cute-sounding, squeal of utter happiness!

The other two sniff and they too (two?) start up with the squeaking until all three of them sound like this, just bigger!

"Litter of happy puppies squeal in excitement"

Bria sees this and with a tilt of her chin, she just flatly declares, "I have never seen them do this!"

Barfy begins to carefully bump and poke Alisa, or rather, Alisa's choice of armor. The other two chests nod wordlessly and continue to make these squealing sounds. It is then that each of you notice (if you haven't read her character sheet and taken this into account) that Alisa is adorned in smart leather armor with assorted rose vines. Sharp rose vines.

Kind of like Psychie's signature come to think of it. =)

While each of your characters may or may not know what this is, those of Wood Elven blood do indeed know as the Wood Elves of the Forest Eternal make use of it too.

Powerpaw comes around the corner, his feline ears perked to the strange sounds. "Uhhh, yeah! Hey Orelef!" He thumbs one claw in the direction of the Wayward Wagon's front door. "Mom sez it's gettin' late and we've been at it all day! Do we wanna keep on keepin' on or do we wanna land da wagon somewheres an' start off fresh in da late mornin'?"

How does Oreleth reply?
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Oreleth doesn't need to think long before she answers with, "We land. It will give Luna a chance to try out the Disintegrate spell on the swords outside of the Wagon so we don't risk damaging the Wagon itself. Once we have tried our experiment with the spells on the swords, we then will set in for the night with an evening watch in pairs. Luna? Are you ready to give this a try?"
Attacks per Round:
1st - Manyshot (firing two arrows). "To Hit:" +18 (+20 First Attack, -2 Rapid Shot). Damage: 2d8+12 (+6 Base damage).
2nd - Improved Vital Strike. "To Hit:" +13 (+15 Second Attack, -2 Rapid Shot). Damage: 3d8+6 (Improved Vital Strike, +6 Base damage).
3rd - Normal Attack. "To Hit:" +8 (+10 Third Attack, -2 Rapid Shot). Damage: 1d8+6
4th - Rapid Shot Bonus Attack. "To Hit:" +18 (+20 First Attack, -2 Rapid Shot). Damage: 1d8+6
+1d6 per arrow of either Cold, Fire or Electrical from Arcane Archer class.
-3 to hit/+6 Damage from Deadly Aim

Hit Points: 91 +d10 per level
Action Points: 11 / 11
Bonus Action Point: 1 / 1
Diamond of Fate: 1

Armor Class: 24
CMD: 26
Fort Save: +9
Reflex Save: +13
Will Save: +6 (+11 vs Fear)
Perception: +15

Spells Memorized
Cantrips: Mage Hand, Detect Magic, Ray of Frost, Message
1: Shield x2, Shocking Grasp x2, Burning Hands
2: Flaming Sphere, Glitterdust x2, Web
3: Fireball x2
+3 damage to Evoker spells.
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Luna nods. "I am ready with three of the Disintegrate spells prepared. If this works, I can hopefully destroy three of these blades now, and three more in the morning."
Level: 13
Class: Wizard
Hit Points: 74 +1d6
Action Points: 11 / 10
Diamond of Fate: 1

Armor Class: 18 - 24 Mage Armor II. +2 from Ring of Force Shield
Touch AC: 14 Flat Footed: 22

Initiative Bonus: 2
Fortitude Save: +6
Reflex Save: +7
Will Save: +16

Base Attack: +6 / +1
Melee: +4 / -1
Ranged: +8 / +3

Mage Armor II and Protection From Arrows active; duration of 13 hours, ends at the start of the new day.

Spells memorized:
Cantrips (4): Mage Hand, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
1 (7): Magic Missile x4, Shield x2, Unseen Servant
2 (7): Web x2, Protection From Arrows x2, Glitterdust x2, Scorching Ray
3 (6): Haste x2, Fireball x2, Slow, Lightning Bolt
4 (5): Empowered Scorching Ray x3, Ball Lightning x2
5 (5): Cone of Cold x2, Empowered Fireball x2, Extended Mage Armor II
6 (4): Chain Lightning, Disintegrate x3
7 (2): Prismatic Spray, Mage Sword

+7 damage to all Evoker spells
Having gotten over the initial surprise - for all she knew about mimics, she wouldn't necessarily have expected this kind of behaviour from them - Alisa reached out and hesitantly patted the front of Barfy's lid. Assuming this didn't get her hand bitten off, she turned to observe the discussion on the swords, content in the knowledge that they would hopefully be disposed of.
Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus jaydude jaydude Tag!

(Part 1 of 2)

Having gotten over the initial surprise - for all she knew about mimics, she wouldn't necessarily have expected this kind of behaviour from them - Alisa reached out and hesitantly patted the front of Barfy's lid. Assuming this didn't get her hand bitten off, she turned to observe the discussion on the swords, content in the knowledge that they would hopefully be disposed of.
Barfy, in reply, lets out another happy squeal and bends it's "head" toward Alisa's patting hand. "Seeing" this, Snarfy and Arfy start up with envious whining and try to get closer to that lone petting hand.

Powerpaw face-palms and stomps toward the mewling pair. "Aw, now ya gone an' done, Alisa-face!" In moments, the terrifically-muscled armored cat is between Arfy and Snarfy petting their heads while rolling his eyes. "If ya start it wif one, ya gotta give to da others or yer gonna hear 'em all night!"

Soon, the huge wooden chests are all making happy sounds. Barfy "looks" toward Powerpaw and excitedly nudges Alisa as if pointing something out.

"Yeah, yeah!" Powerpaw nods, his chain-linked armor rustling. "Her Rosewood armor's gotcha all excited, ain't it, face?" The Felane winks at Alisa. "Leave it to guys made'a wood ta take a fondness fer wood armor like yers, huh?"

Without warning, Barfy closes his mouth, taking back in all but an arm-sized length of his purplish tongue. Suddenly, the wooden creature begins to lurch and stagger, making horrible digestive noises while Arfy and Snarfy squeal in horror. Quickly, the latter two move in between you and Barfy when...

"Vomiting Sound Effect" that I am sure our male Players will take an interest in (if only for curiosity concerning the sound's accuracy and quality as many guys do). Our female Players have better... "taste?" Heh! And no, I did not go after the worst sound I could find! =)

"Metal Hit Sound Effect"

...Barfy looses a disgusting sound that echoes mightily through the Bar and Lounge. A single item ejects itself from his gaping toothy maw and fully-extended tongue. Nothing else, no liquids or gastrointestinal contents as it appears the chests lack these things.

Instead, a metal item lands at Alisa's feet. All three mimics happily nudge Alisa towards the item.

Clean and shiny, this small silver chalice appears to be hardly used at all, but from whence it came? Alisa cannot say.

Jaydude, if Alisa wishes to keep this, please write "Small Silver Chalice" on her Character Sheet along with any other notes you wish to supply. =)
(Image credit: Ken Welsh at FineArtAmerica.com)

"Haaay!" Powerpaw complains. "Howcum you guys don't gives me nuffin', huh?"

In answer, Arfy, Barfy, and Snarfy turn to Powerpaw and all at once, stick out their purple tongues at him and make canine laughing sounds before returning to their original positions in the Bar and Lounge.

Powerpaw chuckles. "Heh! Looks like ya made some friends, Alisa-face!"
Sherwood Sherwood

(Part 2 of 2)

It takes some time - as nearly all things worth doing - but it happens.

Someone tells Mamapaw that Oreleth would like a nice (and safe!) landing spot somewhere in the deep emerald and gray regions of the night-cloaked woods of Shandra's Evergreen. Mamapaw being the able-minded Druidess that she is, guides the Jade Hippogriffs pulling the Wayward Wagon across the sky until she finds just such a place. Or at least it seems to be. For the moment, it appears to be enough - a rocky knoll (that's "knoll" not "gnoll" you strange people! There's always a player who wants to be a "knoll-it-all" in every game we play!).

The knoll stands atop a leafy series of sheer bare mounds - a difficult place to have to climb up to from below, but a fantastic spot for any flying creature (or wagon of adventurers) wishing for a spot where they can likely detect anything coming before it can stealthily ambush them. Inside the Wayward Wagon, the outside world is a dream. It is only when Mamapaw the motherly Felane, her normally smooth brownish fur and red leather-armor blasted by the wind, enters the Grand Pool that you know that no one is guiding the four Jade Hippogriffs outside.

Mamapaw's long whiskers and brow droop. She drags her feet slightly under slumped shoulders. Still, she lets out a happy-sounding, "Come along, everyone! We are back on firm ground!" before slipping outside once again.

The Wayward Wanderers make their way outside and soon, all of you including your kobold guests are on the windy hilltop with the mighty golem-hippogriffs and wagon between you and the chill wind. All about you, the wind whistles and tugs at your clothing and loose items. All below you, the branches of many an oak and yew tree creak and wave as if with time-worn wooden fingers. The creatures of the forest only make their occasional sounds - the hooting of an owl and the creaking of many insects. Mamapaw the Druidess's voice is low as she looks out to the moonlit skyline, her large red eyes luminous.

"The forest is at peace here. So we can be too."

"Hay, mawm!" Powerpaw pats Alisa on the shoulder. "Meet Alisa! She's a Pawadin, jus' like Bren! An' she worships 'Likki-face too!"

"Son!" Mamapaw growls, her paws on her hips. "Her name is MIELIKKI!"

"Yeah, yeah! An' dat means you'se twos gots lots in common, right?"

Mamapaw looks to Alisa, her stormy demeanor calming, and replies. "Beautiful Bastet be praised! So we do! Peace be upon you, Paladin Alisa!" Mamapaw clasps her paws and bows in a way no Highwindian to Alisa's knowledge ever has.
Powerpaw then turns to Luna and uses the word slowly and carefully so that his speech impediment impedes a little less. "So, uhh, Luna-face? What's 'disintegrate' mean anyway? I mean, I know I done a lotta bad tings to my enemies as a gladiator in da arenas of Rhumia, but I don't tink I've ever made one... 'da-sin-ta-great!"

All six of not-so-great Ogre Greatswords and sheaths are brought out and collected before the Wayward Wanderers.

Mamapaw hands Bria a small object, her large furry paw looking even bigger compared to Bria's human hands. "Thank you for the use of your Ring of Warmth, Bria! I may be furry, but no Felane I know has seen the kind of cold Highwind's skies can produce!"

Bria admires the ruby-tipped ring briefly before replacing it. "You needed it more than I, Mamapaw! Besides," Bria gives Otiorin an affectionate squeeze, "I have my rascally scoundrel here if I get chilly!" Bria's soft and warm brown eyes look up into Otiorin's with a combination of trust and admiration.

Nitwit and his kobold companions make a semi-circle around the Ogre blades. "So, uhh, we're gonna... blow dese up sky-high or somethin'?"

And with that, many eyes turn toward the Wizardly Pyromancer from Summerset among you.
Luna looks around the area, summing up the locale that would be best for her spellcasting. She says, "First off, a disintegrate spell, if successful, will reduce the swords to nothing but dust, rendering them harmless. I do hope that this works. The ogres having these weapons is a source of anxiety for me. If there is any way we can end the evil of these weapons, it must be done. Now for the next order of business. Lets set the swords over there and have everyone move away from them. I don't believe that the swords will explode or anything like that, but lets not take any chances."

Once everyone has shifted off away from the swords, she eyes the one that she plans on targeting first. With a moment to focus herself, she asks, "Is everyone ready?" Then, with a deep breath, Luna points her finger at the sword and makes her first attempt at destroying the weapon. "Disintegrate!"
Level: 13
Class: Wizard
Hit Points: 74 +1d6
Action Points: 11 / 10
Diamond of Fate: 1

Armor Class: 18 - 24 Mage Armor II. +2 from Ring of Force Shield
Touch AC: 14 Flat Footed: 22

Initiative Bonus: 2
Fortitude Save: +6
Reflex Save: +7
Will Save: +16

Base Attack: +6 / +1
Melee: +4 / -1
Ranged: +8 / +3

Mage Armor II and Protection From Arrows active; duration of 13 hours, ends at the start of the new day.

Spells memorized:
Cantrips (4): Mage Hand, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
1 (7): Magic Missile x4, Shield x2, Unseen Servant
2 (7): Web x2, Protection From Arrows x2, Glitterdust x2, Scorching Ray
3 (6): Haste x2, Fireball x2, Slow, Lightning Bolt
4 (5): Empowered Scorching Ray x3, Ball Lightning x2
5 (5): Cone of Cold x2, Empowered Fireball x2, Extended Mage Armor II
6 (4): Chain Lightning, Disintegrate x2
7 (2): Prismatic Spray, Mage Sword

+7 damage to all Evoker spells
Oreleth does her best to make sure that everyone is well out of the potential danger zone for Luna's spellcasting, putting herself in a good position to be able to watch the casting and the results of the Disintegrate spell. "Go for it, Luna. Lets strike a blow against the evil of these weapons."
Powerpaw face-palms and stomps toward the mewling pair. "Aw, now ya gone an' done, Alisa-face!" In moments, the terrifically-muscled armored cat is between Arfy and Snarfy petting their heads while rolling his eyes. "If ya start it wif one, ya gotta give to da others or yer gonna hear 'em all night!"

Soon, the huge wooden chests are all making happy sounds. Barfy "looks" toward Powerpaw and excitedly nudges Alisa as if pointing something out.

"Yeah, yeah!" Powerpaw nods, his chain-linked armor rustling. "Her Rosewood armor's gotcha all excited, ain't it, face?" The Felane winks at Alisa. "Leave it to guys made'a wood ta take a fondness fer wood armor like yers, huh?"
"I have to say, I didn't consider such...implications when I obtained this armor." Alisa replied, petting the dog-like mimics with just a little trepidation.

...Barfy looses a disgusting sound that echoes mightily through the Bar and Lounge. A single item ejects itself from his gaping toothy maw and fully-extended tongue. Nothing else, no liquids or gastrointestinal contents as it appears the chests lack these things.

Instead, a metal item lands at Alisa's feet. All three mimics happily nudge Alisa towards the item.
"Er, thank you." said Alisa, as she crouched down and picked up the chalice, examining it for a moment before she turned to see what was happening with regards to the greatswords.

Yeah, for the moment I'm going to keep the chalice. Will edit Alisa's character sheet now.

Art by Peritwinkle
Character sheet
Hit Points: 99/99
Armor Class: 27
Touch Armor Class: 17
Shadow Illusion: 3/3
Shadow Call: 2/2
Shadow Jump distance: 80/80 feet
Defensive Roll: 1/1
Rogue Talent Resiliency: 1/1
Stinger -- uses of Slow remaining: 3/3
Charm of Bastet -- uses of Cat's Grace remaining: 1/1
Action Points: 14
While the others focus on Luna and the show that's about to start, Kaerri shimmies up to the top of the wagon and sits a foot or so back from the edge, keeping her eyes on their surroundings. She's as interested in the effects of the Disintegrate spell as anyone, especially if it works like they hope it will, but Mamapaw's words about the peaceful forest notwithstanding, the shadowdancer feels that someone oughta be watching out for any sort of incoming, and that someone might as well be her.
Sherwood Sherwood Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus Tag!

Once everyone has shifted off away from the swords, she eyes the one that she plans on targeting first. With a moment to focus herself, she asks, "Is everyone ready?" Then, with a deep breath, Luna points her finger at the sword and makes her first attempt at destroying the weapon. "Disintegrate!"
Because of Luna's training, she does not require the lodestone and pinch of dust that this difficult spell otherwise needs. Performing the necessary and exact incantation combined and perfectly-timed with the intricate somatic gestures required Luna casts this - one of her most-difficult spells - with all of the majesty and mastery of a true Wizard. All who behold here know for certain that no mage or initiate can properly wield magic like this!

At the grand finale of Luna's magic-working, a thin green energy illuminates the night, quickly forming down her wrist and through her fingertip until it unleashes its wrath at the object she has indicated - the six-foot-long heavy-edged greatsword crafted to end Goodness and all who uphold it.

There is a tremendous flash as the creepy green light strikes the blade and then - the entire thing is gone - vaporized - replaced by the smallest and most-humble piles of ash upon which a single tendril of smoke writhes upward to die out atop the weathered trees of Shandra's Evergreen.

"Whooooa..." Bria sits and gawks. The Ko Healer turns to Luna with a grin. "I've... seen things burned before, but... that? That takes the cake, Luna!"

Powerpaw looks around to see if the blade were simply knocked aside or relocated, but no. The sword is no more and his senses verify this without fail. "Dat wuz great, Luna! Why didn't you do dat ta dem ogres when we wuz freein' Mom when da ogres had her?"

"Mom" leans forward and sniffs the air, her feline whiskers gently rising and falling in the night breeze. "Is your father aware you can do that?"

From around Luna's neck and shoulder, Sparkle the Pseudo-dragon comes visible, her beautiful purple-hued scales coming alive from her camouflaged state and into visibility. "Well done, Pyri," Sparkle grins with pride at Luna. "As both your familiar and your father's, I can tell you with certainty that you have cast upon a magic never accomplished by him or his mastery in illusory sorceries."
Oreleth raises up an eyebrow as she watches the Pyromancer cast her spell, waiting anxiously for the results. This is a level of magic that is far beyond her limited means, and it is an impressive sight to see. As the sword vanishes in a puff of smoke, she grins widely and applauds. "Well done, Luna! Well done indeed! That blade will no longer threaten anyone ever again. I am glad to have such powerful magic on our side!"

"We just have . . . what? Seven more to go? If those spells work as well as this one did, we will have rid the world of the threat that these swords forever."
Luna lets out a 'woosh' of air that she had been holding in, hoping that the spell would work. This was, after all, the first time she's actually had the opportunity to cast it, and it is a real relief to see the sword vanish into dust. "Yes! It worked!" She does a short little happy dance, but quickly stops when Sparkle has to hold onto her shoulder tighter with those sharp claws! Ouch! Luna reaches up and rubs the neck ridges of the spunky pseudodragon as an apology for nearly knocking her loose from her perch.
Powerpaw looks around to see if the blade were simply knocked aside or relocated, but no. The sword is no more and his senses verify this without fail. "Dat wuz great, Luna! Why didn't you do dat ta dem ogres when we wuz freein' Mom when da ogres had her?"
Composing herself once more in her cloak of dignity, she looks over at Powerpaw. "To be honest, this was a very recent spell that I was able to learn. Back then, it was beyond my abilities."
"Mom" leans forward and sniffs the air, her feline whiskers gently rising and falling in the night breeze. "Is your father aware you can do that?"
Luna looks over at Mamapaw and says, "To be honest, I don't believe so. This is a spell that my father has never been able to cast, but to be fair, his focus has been away from Evoker spells and more on Illusion spells. I would hazard a guess that dad would be quite impressed with this, though!"
From around Luna's neck and shoulder, Sparkle the Pseudo-dragon comes visible, her beautiful purple-hued scales coming alive from her camouflaged state and into visibility. "Well done, Pyri," Sparkle grins with pride at Luna. "As both your familiar and your father's, I can tell you with certainty that you have cast upon a magic never accomplished by him or his mastery in illusory sorceries."
"Thank you, dear one." She bows her face down a bit, feeling the blush coming to her cheeks.
Oreleth raises up an eyebrow as she watches the Pyromancer cast her spell, waiting anxiously for the results. This is a level of magic that is far beyond her limited means, and it is an impressive sight to see. As the sword vanishes in a puff of smoke, she grins widely and applauds. "Well done, Luna! Well done indeed! That blade will no longer threaten anyone ever again. I am glad to have such powerful magic on our side!"

"We just have . . . what? Seven more to go? If those spells work as well as this one did, we will have rid the world of the threat that these swords forever."
With a nod at Oreleth, she says, "Thank you, too, my friend. I can cast the spell twice more tonight before having to wait until the morning to prepare more. Let me give this another go of it, and we can see what happens."
Level: 13
Class: Wizard
Hit Points: 74 +1d6
Action Points: 11 / 10
Diamond of Fate: 1

Armor Class: 18 - 24 Mage Armor II. +2 from Ring of Force Shield
Touch AC: 14 Flat Footed: 22

Initiative Bonus: 2
Fortitude Save: +6
Reflex Save: +7
Will Save: +16

Base Attack: +6 / +1
Melee: +4 / -1
Ranged: +8 / +3

Mage Armor II and Protection From Arrows active; duration of 13 hours, ends at the start of the new day.

Spells memorized:
Cantrips (4): Mage Hand, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
1 (7): Magic Missile x4, Shield x2, Unseen Servant
2 (7): Web x2, Protection From Arrows x2, Glitterdust x2, Scorching Ray
3 (6): Haste x2, Fireball x2, Slow, Lightning Bolt
4 (5): Empowered Scorching Ray x3, Ball Lightning x2
5 (5): Cone of Cold x2, Empowered Fireball x2, Extended Mage Armor II
6 (4): Chain Lightning, Disintegrate x2
7 (2): Prismatic Spray, Mage Sword

+7 damage to all Evoker spells
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