

Connoisseur of Romance
“Shifters” or “Changers”
Masters of Body Manipulation

Changer Icon.jpg

Color: Green
Animal Symbol: Turtle
Council Position: Verdant Sage

Changers are psions of legend- able to change their body with the power of mind alone. They possess powers of shape shifting and self-healing primarily. Changers can change their appearance, size, physical characteristics (hair color, eye color, gender, etc.), ‘shift’ into animal forms, transform into inanimate objects, and the like. The further the deviation is from their natural body, the more difficult it is to maintain: it is easier to make claws on your hands than become a large boulder. A very select few are able to regenerate and essentially remain ageless though they are not immortal and can be killed. Changers revert to their original form when exhausted or when they are knocked unconscious. Only the most elite masters are able to permanently alter their physical selves and number in the single digits.

Powers on Other Psions:
Changers do not have any abilities that directly affect another psion. They are held responsible for any actions they take while in possession of altered limbs or in ‘alternate forms.’ It is expressly forbidden for a Changer to impersonate another psion and it is considered poor form to impersonate a common person without very good cause to do so.

Relations with Other Schools:
Because most Changers have self-healing abilities, they are longer lived than many psions. Their longer lives have bred a patience and understanding for the differences between their schools and that of others. They maintain excellent relations with all four other schools, especially Travelers.

The stereotypical Changer is passive, slow-moving, adverse to change, and occasionally condescending. With longer lives, Changers are not traditionally in a rush to do anything. Their symbol of the turtle comes from a “take it slow and do it right” sort of attitude; however, this can be taken to an extreme. With less of a sense of mortality they can look down at others who are more aggressive and rash as being “childlike” when those same persons just realize all time is limited. While this can make them difficult to deal with when are time-sensitive issues, their shape-shifting allows them to explore life in all its forms and be very empathetic. Tugging on the heartstrings of a Changer infamously will move from a glacier pace.

Common Professions:
Changers enjoy a wide variety of professions inside and outside Psydrium including espionage, military careers, anthropology, deep water exploration, biology, zoology, modeling, product testing, and research and development.
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Changer Specializations
  • Mender: By far the most popular specialization, menders spend almost all of their time exclusively learning how to physically heal themselves at an accelerated rate, cure themselves of diseases and poisons, and reverse any deformities they might suffer from. This specialization requires quite a bit of anatomical knowledge as well as basic medical learning as not all of the ways to 'fix' a changer's body are simple nor intuitive. This specialization requires intense training but at the uppermost echelons, a few very talented and dedicated changers have learned how to halt or reverse the aging process and an extremely select number have learned how to regenerate sufficiently to become ageless. A lifetime of dedication to this specialization, unfortunately, does not guaranty immortality. Most menders live to an older than average age, however.
  • Improved: An improved changer have learned to push past the physical limitations they were born with. An improved changer can run faster than Olympians, bench press large vehicles without much strain, and scale buildings with a single jump. An improved changer specializes in modifying their body temporarily (or sometimes permanently) to exceed their natural speed, strength, eye sight, etc. to be on the very edge of human capabilities. It is extremely rare to find one of these changers that also have not 'improved' their looks as well as their other attributes. These changers are the most adept at maintaining a 'change' or 'improvement' to one specific part of their body.
  • Rogue: A rogue changer is not, as the name implies, of moral ambiguity. While an improved changer pushes the limitations while staying human, a rogue does not need that restriction. Changers turn their bodies black and 'disappear' into shadows, take on animal forms, imitate other people (usually when in normal society and trying to avoid attention), and are masters of disguise. A rogue usually takes on a career of espionage, anthropology, zoology, or a similar profession that makes use of their uncanny knack for disappearing when it is most convenient. This specialization is the most adept at maintaining a wholly different form for a long period of time.
  • Explorer: An explorer changer is about the experience of being a changer. They share and explorer the sensation of being many bizarre objects, creatures, sizes, and compositions. If you wish to discuss with a changer what it feels like to be a puddle of water, an explorer is the best person to talk to. Many explorers have found a form that they revere so highly they spend years making it permanent whether it be a different gender, a different animal, or an entirely new species. It is rumored that almost all of the beasts of myth (unicorns, dragons, griffins, seelies, etc.) are changers that left to make their own society independent of others.

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